The Oshawa Times, 4 Jul 1961, p. 13

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Coll the Direct | Classified Number 723-3492 Rind dott aude at oid a A er mp THE GSMAWA TIMES, Tueedey, July 4, 1961 13 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS: 8 \.M. to 5 P.M. Sorardey 8 v0 13 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Accountants |Lawn Mowers IRug--Upholstery Service "Ta- mos. CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting DRESSMAKING » and alterations on rvice. Complete bookkeeping service. [di oH Bond Street West. RA 5-0397. Re 723.7605. WILSON "and BURROWS, Chartered Accountants, 3's Simege Strget . Ronald ¥ x son, imo nd Bi s, CA. T 728-2571. Co., Chartered Accountants, 135 Simcoe Street North, Ajax, YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER and Co., Accountants and Auditors. Licens- | od rustee in Bankruptcy, 64 Kin g! Street East, Oshawa; B. L. Yale, CA; ¥. Friedlander, B-Comm., CPA. &. T. HOPKINS and Company, C fied Public Acciuntants, 172 Street East, Oshawa, Ontario CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less Cash Charge 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 225 248 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 37% 4.12 it not paid within 7 days the rge rate will apply. Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive insert POWER lawn mowers sharpened and also motors. 'Rosedale Marine, 725-8065. Money to Loan | CLIENTS' money do loan on first "mort. lare and led. Free Sstimates. fon Op our mate- Driving Schoo) LEARN TO DRIVE CHESTERFIELDS re-built, like new. Why pay more? or WA] Accountants and Auditors, Cedar Bg Bidg., 11 on- | | tario Street, Oshawa. Ontario. 728-2221. MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, OSHAWA DRIVING SCHOOL Stendard -- automatic cars. WHY TAKE CHANCES WITH YOUR VALUABLE RUGS AND FURNITURE When you can have professionally cleaned by a member of the National In- stitute of Rug Cleaners. MORTGAGE Money Available Police Commission. MERCURY SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING Modern dual equipped cars. ALLIED INVESTMENTS buto Parts RENTS WESTERN TIRE -- Guaran- automotive pa rts and accesso iy 145 King Street West, ts. Day or Evening appointments ie to SA REN Re Member Ontario Mortgage 216 Adelaide Avenue | Brokers Association Evan AND FLEISCHMAN, On "Five bays to serve you.' tarfo Land Surveyor, commercial blue- MERCURY TAXI Barristers RUSSELL J. MURPHY. BA, Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub- lic, The Commercial Building, 286 West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking available CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and MURDOCH, Barristers. Solicitors, tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bldg. : coe Street North, 723.3446; ; hton, QC; N Fraser Qc Drynan, G. L. Murdoch. NHA s arranged SEPH P. MANGAN, QC Residence, RA 5-3405 MANNING F. SWARTZ and RONALD 1. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, ! taries. Money (o loan, Henry 26'2 King Street East. RA 3.4697 dence, Dial RA 3-4029 NONALD BLAKE DODDS. and Solicitor, 261% King Street Telephone: Business RA 3-220] 73. dence, RA 8-5 7. T. SALMERS. BA, barrister, Simcoe Street Residence, 725-5542 ROWMAN, DAVID L.. Barrister, citar, 3's Simcoe South, 725.9592 tor, etc., Office 7 dence 728-0264 MeGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, Solicitors. Clients' funds available for fist mortgages. 20 Simcoe Street North. | Charles CC. MeGibbon, 566 125350 F. Bastedo, QC HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and nl MAN, Barristers, Solicitors: hreys, QC; G. §. Boychyn, wr Hillman, LLB: 361% King Street East, Phones: Office725-1177; 725-6404 or Whitby MO 8-2761 loan, LOUIS 8. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Soll- eitor, Notary. Alger Building, 37 King Street East, RA 3.4943. Morigage mon- eys available. Barriste JOBN 2269. NHA and ages arranged THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, | vil citor and Notary Public. 26% King] . Phone 728-1763. Street E: RALPH JONES, BA and THOMAS W, siiry Associate Barristers and Soli. eitors, 130 King Street East, 728- 6248. | Mortgage loans available. BRUCE V. MACKEY, Solicitor, Notary Public, ys t t East. 728-2381. GREER and Kelly, | Re tors, etc, 7% Simcoe Street Dial 723-2278 Residence J. M. Greer, BA, Sc., 725-3368; ence V. Kelly, PA, BCL, 728-5832 RICHARD HW. DONALD, BA. Barrister, Rolicitor, Notary Public, 51% North. 728.2801. Res., 728.2768 12 Bloor Street East. MONIES FOR MORTGAGES Mortgages at 7% per annum Gardening and Suppli J d Solicitor, & King Street GARDENS and awna ro , Oshawa, Ontario. RA 8-2971 JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, LEN PULLAN (ENGLISH TAILOR) FOR THE BEST Second Mortgages Sub: t insertions ordered at o late: date constitute a new original Professional and Business listings $7.50 per month for 3 lines oly Eoch additional line $1.60 month, Each Initial letter abbreviation, $ and c sign, figure counts as © word. Box charge 15¢ 9~--Summer Properties |Y3--Business Opportunities| 24--Houses for Rent 25-shpts, 3 flea for Rem . for Sale or Rent LAKE | DALRYMPLE--cottage for or rent, five i indy be: good fishing, dy ou, 725-16) in Price includes inventory F 'ment, Present owner will gd a good SMALL fouproom | house oe, , outside o con- lease Si all HAT 8) in! Mil- ple, I J po on call: 5 Smith, Harry a tollet, jen Real Estate. 728-167 = gig Pan Peterborough, hydro and SIXROOM : base : olny concern: OO ie. | ment occupied. $100 monthly, heat, north end Tesbaanil area, hydro included. Immediate occu, Near south GM. Bus at door. 3002, 725- FouR TILTING boat trailer, heavy duty, 16. condition. DALRYMPLE -- house! fishing and swim Available July 15322, August 725 LAKE Simcoe, two-bedroom co cotiage for RESTAURANT [East why * SEVEN-ROOM two storey house, yey Adults, FOR SALE : Erin vey 35 mony. Avail: | TWO on able Aug. 1 725.7295, Lange on Lansdowne aves weailabie Aug. 1 stove, frig., washer ad dryer. THREE-ROOM apartment nt rent, heal 250 tr need 36 Sur tion, close to oe rea, WWallabic ad. for" Hebi hom Nousekeey including 26 5 Street i use of washing machine and dryer, cons tral to downtown and. sh centre. en oars completely furnished I Seating capacity ' thirty-nine, |SIX-ROOM house, oil rrr hot water, best location in Oshawa. For |garage, near bus, and and. aehools, lease further information, call [July 3. Telephone 7 725-9442 after 6 p.m. | THREE. ieee Ey new house, ATTRACTIVE | Lakeshore All Classified Advertisements must be in by 5 p.m. the day be- fore publication except Births, Memoriams Cards of Thanks which will be accepted untii 9 am. Deadline for Lost end Found and Cancellations am, Office Hours: Daily 8-5, Soturday 8-12. REGULA TIONS The Oshowo Times will not be responsible for errors In advertise- ments submitted otherwise thon in writing, nor for more than one incorrect insertion of any adver: tisement, nor beyond the price chorged for o single insertion of the odvertisement in which error occurs. And also reserve the right to classify advertising according to its own classification In the case of display advertise. ments The Times will not be held responsible for more spoce than that in which the actual error occupies. Tha publishers endeavour to reproduce oll cZ artising matter correctly but assumes no liability of advertisement ore contained It any waccurocles in ory form therein, serrate ies. and 1 SH 14--Employment Wanted mont terms. Mrs, ater, oa 77 LAKE Simcoe lakeshore cottage avail. able, first and third week in July, all Phone Orillia Fairview ey 723-4130, TT [EXPERIENCED | variety A reasonal ie, on in different line, Are, 36, single, 10/5 years ton Place. Ont. Stone, Box "ui IX occupied. $100 brie ane ce, : prbvnhiststecllidlitud Sedona {hydro occupancy, | DANCE hall, with modern equipment CLERK-TYP | facilities, picnic grounds, dance pavilio: 1 R =r diversified experience, Near South GM. RA 333 land recreation area | back lot, close to lal Telephone RA. we | Carlef desires. steady position, RA 20 miles from Algonquin 'Par sandy beach, hydro, $35 weekly, includ- . Available anytime after Aug. 714 |Oshawa Times, |SIX-ROOM house for Real no small ----_ |TEACHER would ike fo" "school after | children. Apply 641 Merritt Street, eor- on! Will sell furnished, 73. tonoe) Age children, No housework. | f ot lake "front ie. Terms. Mostly cash. SIX-ROOM "furnished house, available * brig ng m Y fash. [Telephone 728-3076, [July 15. Phone 723-4882 evenings, 7 tof boats, 530, a water, vacancies up| cottage, interior completely lined and insulated, floor tiled, kitchen cupboards IN STONE WORK for Sale purchased. dress repairs ond alterations. M. F. SWARTZ, Short trm ond Builder' (next to Bus Station) NEW BUSINESS Unlisted Numbers good fishing, double lot, access ihe oh water at present, road nearly 50 miles from Oshawa, $3,900, with terms. Phone RA 5-0140 after six. with g; , beautiful lawn, $125 per fults only. Telephone 725-1953. heat lights, ater J cided, ue of leaning, washing and ironing, refer-|h shaw: |S] 00M hou ably ager, desires managing sales position |Apply 42 Bloor East. RA |FOUR-ROOM lower duplex, lights, EXPERIENCED woman desires house heat, war supplied, os den -room . heated, hot rent to small family, at doo y _Dositie 82008, SIMCOE STREE NORTH--better res- OFFICE wor work (preferably) or house. |idential district, two-storey brick, |work wanted by 45-year-old single fe-|and one-half rooms, plus rec, room and - male. Can supply excellent references, [sunroom, ki |W ould be interested in small town or churches, bus stop, Si per month, convenient to schools and o {country position, Please write Box 42|Vacant July 1. 725-4521 i FIVERGOM a apartment, relriger Mor, hot ales washer a ol oon ated, al 3 Apply' 413 a raet No Li! T floor, i top oor, MR ig HE SUORROON Wtrian a cos, lau 3 h Hin, TeV RE WE THREE-ROOM apart apartment, self-contain- od, heav: NE PRIVATE, riment, thi Iva pL parts ment, three le mother ner of Bloor. works, or would tutor. 723-9012 after 6. BOOKKEEPER [bese mh sti at ote tase 201 HE ATED ~ Five-room lower duplex TYPIST with recreation room, lovely grounds, |s East End, garage optional, RAE 8-883 Experience in tria! balance. Afr 6 pm Can do complete set of books, SEVEN ROO Sots oa" Bes Ke has good reference. 725-8785. washer, dryer, aundry tubs. 239 Mone traye Avenue. enue. Al artment 1. 725.0001. STORE for rent rent, basement and main floor, 1,500 sq. ft. n THREE newly d Tooms, part- ly y fumed, private" bath Must be 10 Je a ciated. Adults '. RA 86115. hl only THREE ment built-in rn EN outlet, wash! facilities, monthly, 29 Thomas Street, => 723-4376 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent THREE-BEDROOM cottage for | 25 1201. rent, 16--Female Help Wanted it GARDEN SERVICE a I od Byiider fox: [TV - Redio Repoins Solicitor. Money to loan. Office y King Street East, Oshawa, RA 8-8232 [makes Thombs th loci WANT a better job? It may be waiting under "Help Wanted" in the Classified ACME HAULAGE SSIONAL TECHNICIANS Godites of Ryerson | WILLIAMS ELECTRONICS xx xx xx 3 XX BS x x xx xx xx 23 23 3 2M xx x 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 VALLEY CREEK FURNITURE 145 KING W Next to Western Tire 728-4401 We buy, sell, exchange used furniture, washers, TV, radios and so forth at prices to top anyone in the city, 1218 SIMCOE STREET N provide you with the finest TV & RADIO SERVICE 2-- Personal A DAIL Y ad in "Money to Loan" reach your best loan prospects. Dial 13-3492 today to find out how inexpen- sive and easy it is to start your Classi- ___ fied Ad SPRAYING Large Selection of PERENNIALS VAN BELLE GARDENS ""GHWAY NO. 2 PRESCRIPTION FOR PAYING BILLS PAY "EM OFF WITH A LOW.COST, LIFE- INSURED Authorized Zenith Dealer SPECIALIZING IN | SAMSON TOWERS | ANTENNA INSULATION LEN &LOUS TV. sengers. Telephone 728-0003 x x x x x x x x x dx xX Xx XXX x 2X x x OX XMM XMM KR x X¥X x x x BOWMANVILLE OSHAWA LANDSCAPING Landscaped designing, d ding, seeding, weed killing. Complete garden service, x HMM x x x MRR XX x x HKEXM x HIN 18% King Street 3M XX ? 2 2 WHY Becauns we give real service 723.7633. THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ~ a HOLLAND NURSERIES | and LANDSCAPING MORTGAGE loans, | Bowmanville, Osh. | ,» Ajax, Pickering and vicin- A TOWER? Sage Brokers Association, Summerland landscape designing, Bookkeeping L. SCHAPELHOUMAN| COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE RETU 686 OSLER STREET 725-9953 3 sodding, spraying. sn "FIRST mortgage (commerciai 199 'GARRARD RD HARDSAND - LANDSCAPING A complete garden service, TRIO TELEVISION FIRST and 1 second "mortgages, 3 ed, W Schatsmann; Mortzage Broker, 8:33 |agreements purchased a nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King rolling, Now is the time te crab grass and chick- weed Sesding. sodding, nur- T.V. TOWERS Building Trades v vsED puilding material 2 x 4's, 2 x ys ., 0's. Oil burner a's, 2 1 or "728 6437 FREE estimate on digging, basements and grading by bull dozer. MO 8 5612, CHIMNEYS., new. and rebuilt walks, stoops, and roofing. Work guar. anteed. 655-3061 after 6 p.m PLASTERING, stucco, palching 723-4871 = CERAMIC, plastic wall tile working, all floor coverings. Free esti mates, Work guaranteed. 728.0850 ALL types "building repairs, savestroughing, chimnevs, fireplaces, sidewalks stoops 728.0394 May IL. and H. ROOFING, tar and gravel, No j too big or too small. Estimates i asphalt shingles and repairs. MO 8-8003 or 725-6937 YOUR local chimney cleaner. neys built and repaired, gas linings in- stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti mates. 723-2997 CLIFF BROWN GRAVEL & SAND BLACK LOAM Prompt Delivery 728-8951 DON'T MOVE, IMPROVE MODERNIZE . REDECORATE ISIDE OR ouT YOU WIL! BE GLAD YOU CALLED 723.5103 110 King St. East, Oshowa AJAX REPAIR and CONSTRUCTION LTD Payment terms arranged, if you require an economical Home, Summer Cottage, Garage we cdn supply: Fac 'ory Engineered Stylemaster Buildings. Many plans choose from. Move in next month ~| Bank or 74 Burk Street. CAR leaving for Moncton by way of 723-8105 John, July 12 or 13. Room for pas- SPECIAL!!! HOLIDAY PERMS $5 offered exclusively ot Edwards Beauty Parlor, 5 Celina St., Oshawa. Open all day Mon. to Fri., Sat. until 1 p.m. For on appointment please call to specification on Reasonable, Expert workman. | 'W. Cox, Fenelon Falls 90. fully equipped, safe beach, | 5-2314 SHORT order cook for midnight shift ma o| APBly_Genasha Hotel i |THREE - room basement apartment, ~ew | modern kitchen, private bi Ci GIRL w: wanted for "shirt p pressing, ex. (725-1188, Available , Au. ; 4 in li E-ROOM modern, 1f-contained apartment, centrally located, with re. frigerator, stove, venetian blinds, laun- ND Camp, voya, girls, 5 - | . Swimming pool, crafts, Go-Kart driving. Peterborough area. Write Mrs. perience not necessary. Apply in J. Burns. 220 Johnston Avenue, Willow- son, no phone calls. Radiant Cleaner: Ontario or phone BA 1.0536 JSEKEEPING cottages on Beaver SINGLE girl, 18 or over, reliable, f; Lake, slectrigity, running water, refrig-| | Bowmanville or Oshawa area, ER, Ns with facilities, all on same steady job in store, outside city. No students, 725-5011, |Sreat Oshawa Shopping Centre. swimming and Hashing. | [unfurnished a WOMAN fo keep house for elderly |In8, TV outl ee | 128-5282. APPLE HILL distriel, modern spacious ment, heavy duty wir. + private bath, use of hot couple. modern conveniences. Phone Washer, dryer, bus service. 725.7789, 1985-7745, Port Perry rt Pe | "MONTHLY, modern one or two: UPPER ite five rooms and bath, very central, newly decorated, oll heat. ing, garage. Available July 1. RA 5-5278 RENT, $50, five rooms and bath, nd cold water, garage, school i door, references. Hampton. CO | WAITRESS for dining room and bedroom apartment, new apartment SIX.-ROOM and four-room apartments, GOG -- lakefront, gen: eral housework. Appl 5 (Dedrom all conveniences, beautifully (newly decorated, location Bowman. cottage for rent, August, modern con- Times. work. Apply Box 3, Oshawa decorated, centrally located, 728.4211 or ville Fa akefront y housekeepin; ins | 17--Male Help Wanted ry reasonable. A. | |FIRET class » |eavestroughers, must be first el "wil camping. Jers ve RA scott WEST RE Weington, two bedroom $35 weekly. All con. in, perienced in repair of automatic wash- ap - [located Lake Simcoe, five tiles from loys, dryers, wringer washers, electric So ASE for fishing. Oshawa, Haliburton County, $2,500 a0 4190 we weekly and lots or Street, Chicago 2, , Tiiinois, erator, washer and | TWO experienced food ™M salesmen, to represent Frigidaire Schneider Food plan. Part or full tim Leads supplied. MO 8.5381. apartment, two bedrooms, washer. 1 [Arast shady lawn, near shopping cen- HU NTSVILLE area, , private, hydro, inside modern Available July 8 on. Phone 725-8585. eel meial m: L] men. Apply Campbell Bros., te WO ROOHED apartment, with private [ahd Shut etal Harwood Avenue, |bathroom, newly decorated, h pe to x, WH_ 2:3 |bus. Telephone 733-3088 or apply 275 E So "organization in Oshawa|Othawa Blvd. South. 5 monthly. Apply 272 Kin g|RA ast, | FOUR- ROOM avartment" with private in {south General Motors, includes neat, hot eater; parking. Apply 254 Malaga 2 central, conveniences, parking, heat, Nehts. Children wel onthly, RA 8.4386. RA 0 mu UNFURNISHED basement aparim . hving ; room om with Murphy Bognoii bi Wind close item chia ieee balun bre Windsor st AIA pods AN basement apartment, thre plece bath, separate entrance, one block {rom ahobving centre. Immediate pos. session. ring couple. No small chile dren. RA 5.4582. $80 MONTHLY, new, wo-bed- room apartment in new apartment buil s tor, tove, washer, ryes. paved parking ! rtment -|requires appliance service man. Ex. TWO.BEDROOM apartment, in modern ved {and gas ranges. Must have gr ero stating previous experience, d | fu apartment, | {Sian expected to: Box 35. gentrally located, bus at door. Park. c-- ing and laundry Jacilities, Neay school bedroom, on Times. nd RA floor, unfurnis! outlet, h Parking IB, age child wel THREE RpoN unfurnished apartient, , newly decors $6608, ig ae quie EE Or ag 735-3777, | up. | No Write John Radin Co., 22 West Madison |FOUR-ROOM parking space, near Shoppl | Available July' 1. RA 8.8681. ELECTROLYSIS Remove! of superfluous hair, Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, July 18th - 19th Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment LADIES Avoid embarrassment! All cotton. sanitary napkins used in leading hospitals (not aveilable in stores), mailed to you every four weeks (plain wrapper) One yeor (13 boxes) $600 Sample box 50¢ FREE ~~ quality SANITARY BELT if you SUBSCRIBE TO DAY PO-NI Distributors, Box 52, Adelaide Street P.O TORONTO, Ont OSHAWA T.V. 361 'GIBBONS ST. ER KNOWLTON LANDSCAPING SERVICE |F. RICHARD BLAC contact lenses 136 Simcoe North at Col (Painting and Decorating NG. Free estimates, clean work, ELECTRONICS Free estimates GRANDVIEW SOD SUPPLIES lized field sod. Prompt de- liveries for Oshawa and Dis- DODD & SOUTER PAINTING & DECORATING VACATION 'Rent - Rent - Rent 2 Why have a domp bas sement or recreation room? DAYS MQ 8.5231 CROSS TOWN Personal Service 3--Pets & Livestock BOARDING, pickup and delivery ser vice. White Hart Kennels, WH 2-4953 LABRADOR garg rievers, registered MURCHISON and i: Phone RA 8-6 ONE Cocker Spaniel for sale. Apply Dr Webster's Animal Hospital between 9.5 pm | CHESTNUT gelding, riding horse, white face and stocking, friendly and man ageahle. $150. Telephone 725.115. BOARDING kennels, new modern #ire - proof kennels, spacious LL Telephone Pickering WHitehall 2-1237 BATHING, trimming, de. nein, | board. Waubena Kennels, 725.632 BEAUTIFUL, baby budgies 1 ET for |training, talking strain. Apply Mrs Board, 114 Elgin Street East GE MAN Shepherd puppies for 1 sale, registered, at White Hart Kennels, Pick. ering, WH 2 TWO Cocker | paniel male p pups, two months old, blond and red. Telephone 985-2726. | PETER PAN Nursery. all or half SOD SUPPLY cut fresh daily, sod for truck- ers in the field. Special con- (Well Drilling -Digging TED VEENHOF LITTLE BUCKAROO Swim Pool open 2 ta 9 p.m 4--Market Basket FRESH picked strawberries. Telephone Blackstock 110. Apply Mr. Fred Trewin, -- | Blackstock, Ontario. E buy fresh, good quality straw- |berries. Good prices paid. = Stroud's {Food Market, 54 Simcoe North, Osh awa WELL DIGGING Clean-outs and deepening, COMPRESSOR WORK, LOAM - GRAVEL SAND, FILL, TOP SOIL LOTS LEVELLED TRACTOR, OADER WORK BAR. B-QUED CHICK EN ET six months tn pay. For| Trenching, Sewers and Mains, GEORGE HARDING PHONE MO 8-3566 WE DELIVER---725-3887 AUTO i save $10, $15 or $25 on your car insurance or [Plumbing Heating [ALL TYPES of repairs and remodel new and used materials able rates. Estimates free. Dial 728-6931 SHORT'S PHARMACY! BROOKLIN -- OPEN 12--Articles Wanted Monday--Wed --Fri. evening drivers enjoy the lowest rate Ontario through this of- plumbing, Seating and engineer- SPECIALIZING IN Cartage JOHN'S Moving and Storage. Oshawa Whitby. Reasonable, rates. Fully equip ped and insured. 728-3661 WHITBY, ONTARIO today ond campare MO 8 2563 ---- MO 8.3809 ample free parking SCHOFIELD BEATTY APPLIANCES 5--Farmers Column TOP MONEY for "acad and disabled farm stock. R. Vivian, Markham, 1160J collect. 24-hour, service DEAD farm stock picked up promptly Phone collect, Hampton, COMax 3.2721 TT [Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone, Lie. 15 SEPTIC TANK ACRES standing hay free, also quantity of 3 by 8 metal roofing at [1 1--Articles for Rent reasonable offer, used Apply at Osh EER . Sie Driving Range, King Street SICKROOM EQUIPMENT FOR RENT OR FOR SALE FARMER! S NEEDS Treatment for Foot rot, Calf scours, Mastitis, Pig anemia, Now. Available ot | | LITTLE BUCKEROO DAY CAMP 5 DAYS WEEKLY | July end August |door work. Average $3 per hour, f ex Dept. G-310-VV, 4005 Richelieu, Mont -- TT TI | real. | 133 ACRES: 100 workable; rest wood wood 100K WEEK could be your and pasture; big river runs through; {can work 20 hours a week, h, and' can follow directions, {40 Oshawa Times. [MEN and women wanted fo pick | worms at night, no experience neces |sary. Apply Oshawa Bait Co., 843 [Buildings in A-1 Soudition, Apply owner, Information 725.2737 MARJACK LODGE 18--Male or Female Help ney ren welsume. Phone 74 : (APARTMENTS, #75 monthly, stove, he ore, Teng: refrigerator, washer and a and dryer, broad. loom, dra drapes, parking, downtown. Cal asin BL J ISA | KS Br a TA Rl [TASTEFULLY decorated, five-room NOW RENTING One and two bedroom apartments, Colborne East, possession. August 1, self eumtained, Many extra's, 728-5690 | 389 3 $109. Call Gower Realtor. Wanted FIVE-ROOM brick bungalow, 3 years me so unfurnished old, paved driveway, fenced ya [MEN AND WOMEN -- Pleasant out: | | storms and screens, Will arrange down |I No pons lence necessary, Write Rawleigh's, | yen In suit rey ible" party, \ 125. 3894 after U| brick house with JSuphoards, TV aerial, ghar cluding heat and hydro. Suit ante wi" small baby, RA 8.1029 TWO Taras" To Sd apart. pe i 730 Simeoe South, ain eds: 2 brooder houses; wherries, some apple trees. All 7 TWO-ROOM furnished Spariment, Renan, UE BR or 115 Agnes Street, Two sEDRoON apartment, all con. STURGEON LAKE home cooked meals. minutes walk from downtown, parking (space. home privileges. 'Telephone | |office, See Mr. Kozak a Po s, | 723. 9589. North. {ROOM 'and board for "gentlemen, sin. we beds Lunches packed. 353 Adelaide iret North, fully | West 90, | gentleman, willing to , "beds, $16 per week, clean home, TV and laundry. 725-9087. Iwo. R vy ROOM and board in private home, per ane eh and dryer, $75 mo close to South GM. Telephone 723-3022, Large housekeeping cottages , inside conveniences, hot and cold running water, sandy beach, good fish- IROOM and board for {wo "gentlem {home cooked meals, lunches packed, | rorrige home privileges, parking facilities, close to downtown, Telephone RA 8.2795 | East or call RA 5 good home cooked meals, close gentlemen, single and double beds. ! THREE-ROOM unfurnishe Pwo blocks to North GM, parking, rea- bl sonable. 798-6607 apartment, near south GM Abstainers only. 1213 Sun Valley Court FENELON FALLS nt a HALIBURTON |23--Wanted to Rent At Miner's Bay. A family re- 4 |wouLp 1 like to rent t five or six. organized activities, Special children rates. J). Wood, phone Coboconk ooms, bath, kitchenette, stove and re. SINGLE room -- board op optional, 10 |migerator, heat and ater. ® guitable |for mecoe TWO-BEDROOM apartment on Simcoe | Ritson Road South. §. Hussel, RR 3 ces, OB, Cromwell Avenue, near |FOUR Corners area. aa July 1,|Child wel x - |20--Room and Board |1961, self-contained first floor suite, two Ten welcome. T2470), .|THREE room flat in y vate bath, TV aerial, po hg only. 31_Afbany Street. 723.700. FURNISHED and unfurnished apart. ment, from $85; lau ary mom. paved 8-8386. 1725-6343. 9 a.m, to 5 p.m. ROOM a single | land el ROOM a |Telegnone RA 5.6134 or RA 3.3905. a SIMCOE ROOM and board for two gentlemen, | $85 MONTHLY, two-bed- t0 room apartment in apartment building, refrigerator and stove, modern kitchen, ROOM and board for gentleman, nice four-piece bathroom, near North GM. clean quiet home, first class food, close Call RA 81904. to Sveywhere, parking. 81 Park R Sout. 1. Apply Ld King Street Ea board available, for "two | |THREE-KO ROOM i apartment, 1 private bath sh ce. Apply 767 Simcoe South. ment, ground nd Bloor, four-room oT ment, near South GM plant, stove and rator, laundry facilities, newly! decorated, $75 por Donen: Apply 5 Bloor | 03d |FOUR-ROOM apartment, ceniral loca: |tion, spacious yard, heat, light, water, {ROOMS with "or without board for ($65 per month. Phone MO 8-434. two rooms, Bs pry J Bidet 75. t. 725.8106. : n FivEROoN deluxe apartment, first floor, Slectrieity, arking facilities, three rooms, second floor apaviment private entrance: heavy wiring. 725-4000, NEWLY d self |three-room apartment, private en. {trance and bathroom. 309. Colborm: st (corner of Osh Boulevard). $15 FOUR-ROOM » self-contained apart: ment, new stove and refrigerator, ii to downtown, Available August 1. Tele. phone RA 3-436 FOUR-ROOM ev private en. trance, and bath, available July 1. Can see any time. 112 Stevenson Road North, One e block from om King, unfurnished Fi apartment, NEW, | , ta iy d a (TWO. furnished room apartment, suit: | THREE - BEDROOM house in Rossland able for lady pensioner or one |Road district, east of Simcoe Street. |APPly 204 Bond Street West or tele- {Please reply to Box 100, Oshawa Post phone RA 3.3089. 0] person. NOVA SCOTIA CHAS MIDDLETON (Late HAVEN LODGE PORT MOU- TAN, NOVA SEMI-DETACHED house, five rooms Apt (and bath, three bedrooms. Phone 723. | 8107. | RIX WOOM brick ase for Tent, double] BRAND NEW | garage, ofl heated, on paved street, west end of city, near achools and T.V.5 HOUSEKEEPING UNITS | churches. Phone 725.6383 ONE AND TWO BEDROOM PORT PERRY -- Four room I conveniences. Lovely large lot. Clean APARTMENTS and attractive. Reasonable, Telephone | 985 2468 |70 HARRIS AVENUE -- new modern ¢ rinse, attached garage, newly deco $90 and $75 per month {rated, suit executive type. Apply 76 Quiet street, close to trans slenderizing machines, Phone Aid Sickroom Rentals, for your convenience. Parking ¢ at rear INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD. | Dressmaking Dres ca-- --|Lawn Mowers _ FURRIER and DRESSMAKER New, Alterations, Remodelling Low Prices 22 ROWE STREET 728-6706 | GERALD oh WELL DRILLING AND DIGGING forced air furnaces, SHARPEN AND RENT Give Us A Call-- STAN'S PLUMBING AND Rug and Upholstery obtain water or there will be no chargé. Phone Hampton CO 3-27%90 Get the best for les Call 725.6451 for a fres esti] 7--Trailers 10° x 48 four rooms and baih, living Soom carpeted, $4000. Telephones MQ 70 CABIN - - "camping and utility trailers *- for Reserve your trailer now for t economical holiday. Bar ew and used trailers. Monty's A Service, Simcoe South at Gibb, 725 a STURDY luggage trailer, converts to camper, sleeps four. Apply 845 Grier son Street. 723.4007 HOME made cabin trailer, all a ET Toe 'RAS. 2311 8% BLOOR E. ase windows. $175. Call 728-8059. AND FEATHER TICKS RA 3-2043 RA 3-3374 AUTO WRECKING CO. {650 Lowrence Avenue West, Op en Saturday oll day. Phone |after six. Nashe!, dryer. Close to shopping centre. ee | RA 8.9161 {URGENT Seven-room house in the re NRE {country with reasonable rent. Write VU RO pars {Box 45 Osh Ti jew » | x Slava mes. | stove, parking facilities, adults, Ps |24--Houses for Rent Sentral. 72000: es | SIX-ROOM new bungalow, three bed- ADELAIDE TERRACE (rooms, fully furnished, with TV, auto- matic washer, (etc.), close to bus, 723 9876 after 5 p.m. New modern 2 - bedroom | HOUSE -- five rooms, three blocks to| apartment. Stove, frig, TV wn, modern kitchen, oil heated, ga-| outlet, broadloom floor, park- age. Souple with one child. Call after) ing space, laundry facilities. Apply 329 Adelaide Ave., room | room apartment (in apartment build. {house for July 15 or 17. Phone 728.0765 |In%) equipped with stove, refrigerator, 1 age, reason. ar able for voung working couple. Rosa. land Road East, Telephone 725-8977. TRALEE vous: wali-contaid ad)" or fre ate priv very central. Apply 38 Arthur Street. NORTHWAY APARTMENTS 630 SIMCOE NORTH Modem 2-bedroom epart- ments, stove, 'frig, fully auto matic. Parking area. For informe ve 8 ORTOP | Harris Avenue for information. portation, lots of parking, [212 BLOOR STREET Last - double shade trees and play area. | house for rent, Apply 639 Drew Stree! for telephone 723.0417. Includes stove, fridge, washer and dryer. -For full particu- --~ # Di WHITBY HOMES | Young of RA 5.6388 FOR RENT | WILSON REALTOR a HN OSHAWA SHOPPING Centr ortgage and Hous- ie oR have avail« CENTRE LARGE APARTMENTS Available in Modern Building Stove, refrigerator, T.V., parking, laundry, locker, hardwood floors, painted to your liking. Call ot 101 Craydon Rd. Apts, or Dial MO 8-3092. FOR RENT -- Large tworoomed apartment very central, suit business pe ouple or a bachelor. Phone MO §-2398. APARTMENT threes rooms, built-in cupboards, heavy duty wiring, three. Béce bath, insulated, Three blocks goat hopping Centre. Adults, $50, RA THREE . room apartment, unfurnis ed, parking and laundry facilities. A ply 234 Dearborn Aven RA 5.2251 after 4 p.m. or phone 1 & 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS able several modern 3-bed- Cri room, semi-detached homes | for early occupancy. Monthly { NORTH EN D 1% | | | rental of $80.00 with a lease TWO-BEDROOM term of | year. You are in vited to contact this office | to arrange for on appoint- | APARTMENT ment to inspect, Office hours { Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. - Available July 1st, 4:15 pm Very large living room, stove frig, close to hospital, OCVI CENTRAL MORTGAGE AND | gid {ose to hospital, OC HOUSING CORPORATION, Property Management Section, CALL MR. BRADLEY HYMAN REALTOR 728-6286 Toronto 19, Ontario } Telephone RUssell 1-2451 LA SALLE COURT TELEPHONE 725-3815 or 728-6485 LOOKING FOR SOMETHING BETTER ? Then here is your answer ---- 5-room modern apartment in nearly-new Tri-Plex -- all large rooms, stove 'frig, paved parking, washer ond dryer $100.00 monthly Coll RA 8-4678 or ofter J 5:30 RA 5-6983 -- --a (Continued on Page 14) Ee] 4 N--

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