§ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 28, 1961 OSHAWA LIONS CLUB HOLDS OUTDOOR MEETING | is seen at extreme right as More than 65 members of the Oshawa Lions Club at- tended for the final meeting of the club for the 1960-61 term As a closing meeting, the club membership was entertained at an outdoor buffet dinner on | the back lawn of Mr. and Mrs Ernie Wilson of Courtice. Mr | Wilson, a director of the club, ! he chats with other guests at the dinner. They are from | leit Harold Philips, president- elect; Brent Rickard, Gover- WHITBY And DISTRICT Louis Rispolie, 35 Davidson, drive, Pickering Township, manager of a ..este. group, was Tuesday fined $25 and costs for providing | day evening musical perform-| ance for which an admission] was charged, contrary to the Lord's Day Act. He appeared | before Magistrate R. B. Dnieper in Whitby police court on Tues-| day. Chris Antonopulos and _his| Fine Group Manager For Sunday Performance Inside, he said, he found a western type show in progress with about 115 persons watch- ing. He said it was an orderly event and was, in fact, quite en- tertaining. Later in the evening, he said, coffee and sandwiches were provided, all covered by the admission fee. On a return visit later the same evening, he said, he re- covered his marked bill from Rispolie. brother Fred Ant los, co! owners of the Rainbow Room, a restaurant in the West Rouge, | where the performance was| staged, were found not guilty by His Worship who ruled there was no evidence that they had ito the accused Rispolie. | PC David Fleming, of the {Pickering Township Police De-| |partment, said that on Feb. 19, la Sunday, he and a lady friend | had visited the Rainbow room at 9:35 p.m. and had been ad-| {vised that the admission was $1 {per person. He said that he paid] which he later recovered. WHITBY PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. George Archi- bald spent the weekend in Georgetown as the guests of their son and daughter-in-law, > THO Mr. and Mrs. George W. Archi- nor; Bob Brown, president; | { Bob Garden, deputy district governor and Ernie Wilson, host. | --Oshawa Times Photo Ajax Council Gets Data Via "bald. Their granddaughter, | Karen, will accompany them for etc es the summer months at their cot-| tage on Georgian Bay A surprise birthday party was held on Saturday in honor of Mrs. Greta McDonough at the 3 |was planned and had been told {done more than rent the room'ipere was no harm in it. the fee with a marked $2 bill| ___ Rispolie told the court that there were seven in the western group and he was their man- ager. He said that he had ad- vised the Pickering Township Police Chief that such a show Magistrate Dnieper told Ris- polie that he saw nothing wrong with it either, but according to the strict reading of the law he was guilty of an offence and would be fined $25. He ad- Fourth Guides Final Meeting On Tuesday evening, June 20, the Fourth Company Girl Guides held its final meeting at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church hall. In the absence f Captain Ruby Partington, Mrs. Gloria Rints, Second Lieuten- ant, was in charge. Brownies from the First Pack under Brown Owl Mrs. R. Read formed their Fairy Ring and the following Brownies flew up and were received in the Horse Shoe formed by the Fourth Company Guides: Lorna Hawkins, Janice La Trobe and Pamela Rowland. Linda Armstrong and Kathe- rine Robertson walked up to Guides. Following this, Brownies from the Fourth Pack formed their Fairy Ring under Brown Owl Mrs. D. MacNaughton and Tawny Owl Mrs. Ireland, and the Brownies who walked un to Guides were Sandra Scero, Don- na Pindar and Nancy Kirk. The Patrol Leaders who re- ceived the Brownies were: vised Rispolie to consult a law- ser and find out if he could] carry on the show legally Karen Dolmage, Marlaine Par- tington, Lee Anne Souter and Mary Miller. Some of the moth-| attended. the Phyllis ers and Mrs. ceremonies, Tompkins . 150 F {voiced appreciation for the in- nn or | vitation to attend this meeting. Careless Driving Ernest Tomchysken of {Gibb street, Oshawa, was fined $150 or 10 days in jail by Mag- istrate C. W. Guest in Whitby Magistrate's Court, Tuesday, when he was found guilty of|pg careless driving. The charge arose from a two- car accident on Highway 2 just west of the Lynde Creek bridge on May 23 at 11.20 p.m. Ontario Provincial Police Constable A. Breward stated that the accused had struck a; ANIMAL ROUNDUP ROME (AP) -- Italian film producer Dino de Laurentis is buying all the spare lions, ti- gers, bears and elephants he can get from European zoos for use in the biblical film '"Barab- 5." jb Theft Of Kenneth Orris, 29, formerly of 213 Montrave Ave., Oshawa, and Robert Dermo, 24, of Lon- don, were both sent to jail on Tuesday for their part in the theft of a Whitby man's car which was later found burned beyond repair in an East Whit- by Township field. A General Sessions jury at Whitby, under Judge Arthur Willmott, of Co- bourg, found the pair guilty of stealing a car owned by Arthur Cavers, Harriet St., Whitby, and not guilty of mischief in the burning of the car. months and Dermo to four months. Both have been in cus- tody since Jan. 10 awaiting trial. Before sentence was passed, Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck LABOR LOST VANCOUVER (CP)---Because examination papers were stolen 350 University of British Colum- bia engineering students will have to write them again in September. Convict Pair Of Auto read their records to the court. Orris' record dated back to 1950 with five convictions. Dermo's record dated back to 1953 am included two pages of a eft along Shargss uttering, retaining false pretences. 3 Mr. Affleck told the court that Dermo was married with four children, the youngest of which was born since Dermo went to jail and had never been by its father. He said that did not think Dermo was th prime mover in the theft Orris was sentenced to six|Was therefore entitled to some leniency. He sald Sia h Orrig was probably the stronger pers sonality in the car theft, the af fair was originally staged to se- cure tires for a car owned by Robert Cornforth, of Woodstock, now serving six months for his part in the theft. While sentencing the pair, His Honor advised them that he was taking into account the fact that they had been in jail nearly six months awaiting trial. CLOSED EVERY DAY at McLaughlin Public Library ® ADULT DEPARTMENT eo CLOSED 6 P.M. SATURDAYS 9 P.M. MONDAYS, TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, FRIDAYS ; DURING THE SUMMER MONTHS ® CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT eo 5 P.M. through the | | Your Dollar Buys More At A On Room Annex For School Insvected AJAX (Staff) -- Board which outlining the pro-|future years struction and costs of a general A > purpose room to be added to| PLANNING SOLUTION " the St. Andrew's Senior School.| The addition completed some} aj The total cost of the building| four, youl ago anticipated | project .is..$79,000. and the let. [urther extension of the schooil ter seeking approval to council, |2t the South East of the new was in the form of a complete building, Mechanica) and Elec: reporf and reads as follows Tica) Services were cappe x |and double glazing incorporat-| "In 1960 the Board consid-leq to minimize the amount of| et for tamer aorctice| ditional heating plant requir- n e and manual training in St An The. work at this time com- drew's Senior School. Accord- prises an Auditorium, Home ng 4 2 subluission Was nade Economics Room and General 0 the Departme 0 "{Shop. The Auditorium is plann- tion and final approval was re-| ed D a Tt a oh Dam ceived on March 7, 1960 for al Apart from regular physical ex- grant of $10,000. However, the|ercise, the room is laid out to board decided to defer action|provide one basket-ball court, on this proposal for a year. |one volley-ball court and two "Inasmuch as 'the Depart- badminton courts, all slightly ment of Education indicated under regulation size but per- hat 3 gram would be yaiiavle, fently adsquate for the demand, in the amount oi ) r e stage will accommodate all purpose room, the board|a choir oF at least 90. students therefore submitted to the de- and is suitable for other pre- partment, through its inspector, | sentations normal to the pro- on June 16, 1961, a proposal to|gram provide manual training and do-| The auditorium will accom- mestic science facilities togeth-|modate in excess of 300 in a er with an all purpose room. |seated audience, and storage ito council for final decision. Conservation | The board has received tenta- tive approval for a grant in the amount of $30,000 "Based on this, the board au- thorized the construction of an facilities are provided in the stage. | "The Home Econocics room includes two regular domes- tic type kitchens, planned ad- jacent to the Auditorium for ease of service during Home and School or similar func- tions. This room also incorpor- School at a proposed cost of|ates a laundry area, living room $79.000 and dining room area, study "Data in connection with the/and sewing areas and a fit- proposed construction and al-|ting room together with accom- terations are as follows modation for the teachers. "The general shop is divided PROGRAM DEMAND to provide a separate paint shop "With the present school en-|and storage area. Eight wood- rolment the general purpose|working benches and two metal- room would be constantly in{work tables are planned, with use for purposes of physicalia cutoff saw, grinder, drill education, visual education, mu-|press, jigsaw and two lathes, sic, assembly, etc. The room completing the equipment wandd ha used wall over 30l um. aoiar. mart af the hours per week for Physical Education alone. isting structure, the kitchen The present facilities for Phy-| and laundry areas of the Home sical Education are woefully in-| Economics Room, however, be- adequate in relation to the De-|jno an extension southwards all purpose room and altera- tions to provide facilities for manual training and domestic science in St. Andrew's Senior two | special rooms is within "the ex-| partmental requirement The provision of manual train- ing and domestic science rooms would furnish essential and material benefits to Grades 7 and 8 enrolment These facilities APPOINTEE Appointed by Ajax Council on Monday to the rank of Temporary Acting Sergeant was Constable Frederick Gal- livan of the Ajax Police De- partment, The police commit- tee requested the appointment in view of the fact that over a six-week period the Police Chief and NCOs of the depart- ment would be on their vaca- tions, The promotion will be in effect from July 1 to Aug 15, of the building CONSTRUCTION AND SERVICES "Generally the addition require will | {ed concrete roofing slabs over the Auditorium and Stage. The| part of the Home Economics| room to be added will be fram-| ed in a similar manner to the| existing building, with the sub- stitution of steel faced with lum- ber in lieu of the solid tim-| bers now in place The floor finish in the Shop will be changed to tile or wood block, the latter to be also in- stalled in the Auditorium. A study is warranted in the pos- sible use of electric heating in the Auditorium, an item which is desirable and is subject only to the basic economics being satisfactory "Incandescent lighting will] be incorporated on high ceilings to simplify relamping, and the balance will be fluorescent to match the existing installations COST | "The $79,000 cost of the build- ing is broken down as follows: $69.500 -- construction, altera- tions and architects fees; $7,500 furniture and equipment; $500 -- legal and administration fees; $1,500 -- Contingency "The board requests Coun-| cil's approval for the financing/ of the proposed construction Ajax council would be in fulltime use, not, either of the foregoing alterna-|on Monday on Monday received a letter|only at the present time, butitives, the Board is prepared to|sketches of the new Stienberg's|powmanville. from the Ajax Public School for the pupil enrolment of many|proceed with the construction Supermarket that will replace|jack Connor, of the all purpose room and provide facilities for manual] training and domestic science by raising the required funds by capital levy in the generallrov who said that construction|and family spent the weekend in| cause of oncoming traffic. Then| of the new store would com- Hamilton visiting Mr. and Mrs.|the accused's car tried to pass| thim but couldn't make it be-| lcause of the oncoming traffic! budget of 1962." "The Board wishes to ar- range a meeting with Council, ience, in St. Andrew's Senior| School, where the Board's Ar- chitect would be in a position to point out exactly the location] of the proposed new construc- tion and alteration." i Following the reading of the letter the subject was initial ly turned over to the Finance Committee for study. From| there the subject will go before the second for administration. |Spencley and Mrs. Alice Wors- a committee of the whole and| finally will be presented back! 'Area Ready PICKERING (Staff) | 400-acre Claremont Conservation area in Pickering will be offi- cially opened by Metropolitan Council Chairman Frederick Gardner on June 29 { The area is located 14 miles| north of Highway 7 and is the| ninth to ne developed by the Metropolitan Toronto and Re- gion Conservation Authority for flood control, water conserva- tion, and recreational use. There are picnic facilities, group camping, swimming, na- ture trails and fishing in the area. Land acquisition for the con- servation area began in 1958; deelopment was started last year. Plans include parking for 1,500 cars, a fishing pond, fish- ing trails along Duffin's Creek, a nature trail, and 80 acres of AJAX (Staff) -- Ajax Council {car driven by Frank Bell of home of Mr. and Mrs. Vernonipp ; 'whithy causing minor saw preliminary| yi. "anq Mrs. James Quinton, o Mr. and Mrs. the store that was destroyed by|anq Mr. fire in January of this year. |Qshawa Representing Stienbergs Lim- ited was Architect Henry Pet-! Jack Blanchard of | Mr. and Mrs. Real Robitaille| mence July 24. Fern Gadoury The new supermarket revolutionary design and 18 8 pest wishes are offered to abeth crescent, who celebrated the first to house the new type her birthday on Tuesday of store Basically the store will be Recent guests at the home deeper than its predecessor and| Mr. and Mrs. John Sawdon, 108 an added attraction will be alEuclid street, were: Mr. and towering pre-cast concrete or-|Mrs. Neil Duncan, Mr. and namental canopy. The glass|Mrs. Howard Fitzgerald, of} building will have two stories,|Scarboro, Mr. and Mrs. John | I! 1 A surprise 25th wedding in The ornamental canopy willlley, of Toronto. overhang the sidewalk of the| shopping centre by 12 feet, which is four feet longer than the existing canopies of the other stores Members of council express- ed doubt as to whether the canopy was safe enough and versary party was held in | honor of Mr, and Mrs. S. Purko| of Thornton's road, - Oshawa. | Attending were: Mr. and Mrs. | | Frank Povinsky, Mr. and Mrs. | Pete Povinsky, Mr. and Mrs. | wl - Sis ps | {Moore Out-of-town guests Were: | damage to his own car and an |estimated $200 damage to the Mrs. Elsie Little the Evnast:P 2liz- | Ajax Shopping Centre will be | MIS. Ernest Pegutter, 130 Eliz-| Bell vehicle Frank Bell testified that he {had been driving west on High-} way 2 when a car passed him and he had to slow down be- and struck him. Tomchysken told the court he {was on his way to Ajax at the |time the accident occurred. He of|said he saw no oncoming traf-| fic when he attempted to pass the Bell vehicle. DOWNTOWN STORE | Shop Early This Week! ALL DOWNTOWN STORES WILL BE CLOSED SATURDAY, JULY 1 DOMINION DAY HOLIDAY NO WHERE WHOLESALE TO THE PUBLIC OSHAWA'S ORIGINAL AND ONLY TRUE DISCOUNT HOUSE DISCOUNTS ON EVERY ITEM! questioned town engineer George The| Robinson on his opinion of the| safety of the structure. Mr. Robinson replied that the| fact that the sketches carried the seal of the Ontario Associa- tion of Professional Engineers was adequate evidence that the canopy was safe Donald Roter of Oshawa, Mr.| and Mrs. Bill Dragomotz, Mr. land Mrs. M. Povinsky, Mrs. {Louis Povinsky, Whitby, Mrs Purko and son, Larry, | Apsley, and many other friends who attended. The party was {arranged by Mrs. S. Johnson of | |Niagara Falls, and Mrs. Wm. | rko of Thessalon. At the re-| {Paul OPEN Thurs. Till 6 P.M. Fri. Till 9 P.M. Sat. Till 6 P.M. NEW STOCK! h P Council passed a resolution rio following the dinner, permitting the company to con-| Master George Dragomotz of] struct the store. Whitby entertained the guests] ~~ | with selections on his accordion. | Weed Cuttin {Many beautiful gifts were pre-| g sented to the couple. The wed-| - |ding cake was made by Carol] Discussed By | Dragomotz of Whitby. Townshi |F. M. Parrinder, is celebrating | Pp his birthday today. His com-| Township of Whitby Council|panions of Sinclair school and was Monday urged to put their|friends wish him many happy Peter, son of Mr. and Mrs. | own house in order before they|returns of the day. take action against somebody | | reforested land Fae DEAR 0 & Creek and four other streams] are located in the area | The opening coincides with the 150th anniversary celebra- tions by Pickering Township| {during the Dominion Day week- end load-be ; : R | require loadbearinz masonry Music Results Whitby Pupils | The following is a list of | successful candidates in exam- inations held recently by . the Royal Conservatory of Music of _|Toronto in Whitby. The names are arranged in order of merit. GRADE V THEORY Harmony, Counterpoint and Form Pass--Kathryn K. Sarjeant GRADE III THEORY Harmony Honors -- Marian A. Mc- Clement GRADE II THEORY First Class Honors -- Mary L. Pritchard, Victoria Rowe (equal); Edward Taras; Mary Elms, Diane Falby (equal); Terry Anderson, Kathryn Cuddy, Wendy Piper (equal); Patricia J. Price; Donna Dow- den, David Pike (equal); Molly McQuarrie, Marlaine Parting- ton (equal); Lynda J. Hall, Beatrice L. Pogson (equal); Larry J. Pogson; Marsha L. Col-| lins; Jan Bailey | Honors -- Janet Coventry WIVES PENSIONED I PARIS (AP) -- The wives of | else strictly away from built-up Nenuty-reeve John Goodwin! areas with week - killing spray. | urged council to have "ail our The fuines wiki kil i own weeds cut before stacting|plants," he said. | cutting somebody else's." |" Deputy-reeve Goodwin said he | "We are going to have weeds thought the by-law enforcement on some of the roads as long officer should make a survey of | as we live," retorted Re ev e|the areas where township weeds | Heber Down. "1 am pleased |must be cut. | with the progress of weed cut-| "I don't think we should be ting along our roads," he said. caught with not having our| M. Ross, township roads sup-| weeds cut before the July 15 erintendent, said he had to stay'deadline," he said. i Loma | HE CONSOLIDATED AT ALLIED WITH A MORTGAGE LOAN 5 H.P. CLINTON OUTBOARD MOTORS Complete with Gey Vaan Weighs only 30 Ibs. Air Cooled Aircraft styled Control Panel Easy-Pull Recoil Start Motor Swivels 360° for Reverse Silent Clintone Muffler Full 1-year Warranty eo Remote Fuel Tank 3 gal. "APACHE" Retails at $195. Sold some places es o bergain ot $166. NO WHERE ELSE BUT "THE DISCOUNT HOUSE" 1 44.88 MODEL J9 WHOLESALE "Rocket" GOLF BALLS Extra durable, long flight balls with heavy-duty vulcan- ized cover. For all 2 99 1] golfers. DOZ. WE CANNOT REPEAT ON THIS! * Swimming Pools * Beach Balls * Plastic Swim Aids * Plastic Floaters Just arrived this week -- To be sold to the public ot 35 mm. HAKING'S mana an, BEsuNMsat ER Model 101 with speeds to 200th/second, 3.5 lens open- and alterations, and suggests|former generals Maurice Challe the following alternatives: {and Andre Zeller will receive (1) Issuance of Debenture widow's pensions while their! over a 20-year perid husbands are serving the 15-| 2) Borrowing over a three/year prison sentences imposed | year period. {for their part in the unsuccess-| p =-Photo by John Mills The letter continues: "'If|ful army revolt in Algiers last cannot see fit to adopt|April. g ALLIED INVESTMENTS CALL ZE 7-6540 (GUELPH) NO TOLL CHARGE FOR A DAY OR EVEN of the Ontario M, Member ING APPOINTMENT Berek A Tati 290 ALBERT ST. ings, and Auto-Stop Complete in leather case with 20 exposure film. ONLY... Universal Flash Shoe, roll counter, 14.90 This Week Only ! G. E. FRY PANS Model S5, complete with thermostat, cord and venti- lated lid. Retails nationally 24.50. WHOLESALE 17.15. Only ot OSHAWA 14.70 DISCOUNT HOUSE ONLY AT "THE DISCOUNT HOUSE" WESTINGHOUSE FLOOR POLISHERS New model Twin Brush. Retails 51.00. Whelesales 34.94. OSHAWA DISCOUNT (Between Gibb and Olive) 1 AIR CONDITIONERS DEHUMIDIFIERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES 7.8-03110r 725-1343 by FEDDERS home use. Wholesale 5-position 12.95. Only ot "The Discount House" 8.97 ADULT SLEEPING BAGS 72" x: 72". "X66" Mt. Himalaya Model. List price 16.95. Only at "The Discount House" 6.97 i, BURGESS RADAR LITE Battery and Hand Lantern with Red Flasher, for camping, boat- ing, household, hunting or .. 486 ® COLEMAN C20 ICE JELLY In plastic bag. Can be frozen 12° colder than ice and lasts 5 times longer. You can also heat the package to keep things hot longer. NO WHERE ELSE This Week view .. 49° ® LOUNGE COTS models. Retails by FEDDERS CALL "AUER" LIGHTER FLUID 4.07, OUSE PHONE 728-0311 ---- Bie sae os me re a.