New Church Head Quiet Family Man height, the grey-haired 51-year- old clergyman observes the world through a pair of keen eyes framed by spectacles. TORONTO (CP) -- The new moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Canada is a. family man from the Prairies who be- lieves that ministers "must come down off their pedestals." Rev. Robert Leishman Tay- lor, for 18 years minister of St. John's Presbyterian church in Medicine Hat, Alta, was elected for a one-year term at the 87th general assembly in Toronto June 7. Meeting reporters in the richly furnished room set aside in Knox Presbyterian church here for the use of the modera- tor during the assembly, Mr. Taylor doffed his clerical coat. In shirt-sleeves and suspenders, he still had the quiet dignity with which he presided over as-|t sembly deliberations. Skipping quickly from one subject to another in a discus-|¢ sion of matters of interest to the church, he said it is essen- tial that clergymen '"'come down to earth" in their relations with the public. "We must present the Chris- tian faith to people in words they can understand." He defended the teaching of religion in schools--a reference to the current controversy in Ontario--and expressed oncern about the pressure for. a more open Sunday. NOT SEEKING UNION "The use for which Sunday was intended is being for- gotten." ing organic union." A slim, erect man of medium and he uses pictures of birds to illustrate the children's sermons da a us. Sumi from the banks. Now the banks are borrowing from the farm- children leave him little time for golf and curling. date on the world," he says, and tion paid for a six-week trip to |deal to my understanding of the {Scriptures, which come alive when one sees the places where Biblical events took place." church." His hobby is bird-watching A soccer player at the Uni- versity of Toronto where he ® played for Knox College, win- ner of the inter-faculty cham- pionship several years, he finds little time now for athletic ac- tivity. His church duties and five "A minister must keep up to o this end he reads avidly. Nine years ago his congrega- he Holy Land. "The trip contributed a great What Not To Say To Any Farmer an American farmer gets tired of hearing: it can't pay you next year for not growing corn. Is it okay, in- stead, if we pay you for not growing soybeans?" magazine in the attic full of jokes about the farmer's daugh- ter and the hired hand. Ju what is a hired hand?" ' hollering abot something. You'd complain if they gave you the whole country on a silver push-button plow. There's an old-fashioned hand plow in the back lot we can lend you--that is, if you know where to find a couple of horses to pull it. I haven't seen a horse in this neighborhood in years." put the harness over his head, Good Old and strung it along his back--I think. Then we bent down and tightened a cinch here--or was it on the other side?. To tell you the truth, it's been so long I kinda forget." "I'm afraid you'll have to use the Volkswagen, Jed. Junior and Sis took the Cadillac to drive over to the dance in Green- ville." rs." "I just saw a farmer down the "Daddy, I found an old comic|road wearing overalls. What's going on? Are they making a movie about how life was in the old days?" "I don't care how much bet- By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Topics this week -- Picnic meals, useless coughs and first ald for stings. THE HOT DOG SEASON For summer picnics one of the safest foods you can take along is hot dogs. In fact, with hot dogs, here is an ideal hot weather picnic lunch: Soft drinks, iced tea or lemonade; fresh fruit; relishes such as carrots, rad- ishes, celery, suggest Univer- sity of Michigan dieticians. NEW YORK (AP)--Remarks "The government has decided the "The farmers used to borrow all sac. Safest Picnic that kind of coughing is use- less and harmful, it should be stopped. THE STINGER LINGERS When the honey bee stings, from the bee often remain im- bedded after the bee has been brushed away. Since it would take the bee two or three minutes to inject poison is left in the venom move the venom sack and the stinger. Of course this isn't so with Dog stinger and the venom sack its venom, much of the k. First thing to do: Re- hornets, wasps, yellow jackets THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 28, 1961 1} and bumble bees which don't have barbs on their stingers. If they get caught in your clothing, they may sting you once, and still live to sting you again: STARTLED SALESMAN MOOSE JAW, Sask. (CP)--A taking a farmer and his wife for a drive persuaded the out. After a slow, careful tour she returned safely to say "I before driven a car, although she had watched her husband drive. used-car salesman here after| ing domestic Great Lakes trade for Canadian ships was announced after the United farmer's wife to take the car|Kingdom govermment said it could do nothing about compe- tition from vessels carrying never realized it was so easy." og te Biinsh Solonies, She explained she had never Tyesday. (L -- Montreal Laurier) who asked in the Commons whether Lake Boats Will Get All Domestic Trade OTTAWA (CP) -- Policy re- the minister was aw; British House of ply on the matter. This said Britain wasn't consulted before the new Canadian Great Lakes policy was announced. of a re- Mr. Balcer said there were several discussions with offi- cials of the UK. high commis- sion here. He replied to Lionel Chevrier FLORAL BEAUTY MONTREAL (CP) -- Mont. real Memorial Park announced plans to open its new rose- garden, containing 4,000 bushes and more than 200 rose vari eties. The display of floral beauty is claimed to be the largest rose garden in Canada. Stay away from deviled eggs, "Oh, you farmers are always mayonnaise, cream pies and ter you like them, I'm not go- ing to stand over any steaming stove this year putting up to- matoes, If frozen vegetables are good enough for city folk, you can learn to like them, too." "The supermarket over at Greenville has raised the price of eggs five cents a dozen again. What do they think far- mers are made of -- money? Sometimes I wish we still kept our own chickens." NO GOLF TODAY even hamburger or other chopped meats. These foods can foster population explo- sions of bacteria -- and they might still look good and smell good, but be danger- ously contaminated. If you do take foods that have to be refrigerated or kept warm, keep tempera- tures either below 45 degrees or above 150 to discourage | bacterial growth. latter." "Sorry, we just sold our last "Lemme see now. First we The first moderator of the Mr. Taylor succeeds Rev Robert Lennox of Montreal as|worked on a farm to help pay On church union, he said the moderator. The last one from his way to university. He got Presbyterian church "is ecu-jthe Prairies was Rev. Norman his B.A. at University College menically minded but not seek-/D. Kennedy of Regina, elected in 1951. wi {brought to Canada by his par- church from the Prairie prov-|o..c when he was three, Robert inces in 10 years, he says hey ichman Taylor lived briefly didn't conduct any sort of cam-;n" gwen Sound, Ont. paign for the position. [moved to Orillia, Ont., where he| "The fact that the Presby- grew up and received primary) terian church elected a mod-|and secondary school education. erator from a small city of less| than 25,000 in the West shows|/moulder in Orillia. there is no centralization in the gjster, Isabel, is a missionary lin Formosa. land theological training at Knox and spent six years in the mis- A native of Glasgow who was 'sion field in the Prairies, "Sorry, Jed, I can't play golf with you today. This is the day I put in my crop. But how about tomorrow -- or any day next WHAT'S IN A COUGH? i The useful cough is essen- tial to life, guarding the lungs Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service DA: DRUG STORES SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS EFFECTIVE ALL THIS WEEK! against the intrusion of an ex- Pr Week? ternal or internal enemy. But | "No, you won't find him in the barn. He's in the parlor--watch- |ing television." "I know you hate to sell the place where your grandpa was born, but this farm is ideal for a suburban development--and I'm offering you $3,000 an acre." "It's a real emergency, Dad. The electricity is off in the dairy barn. Better call up the coun- try agent and see if he knows anybody hereabouts who remembers how to milk by hand." then and interfere with his normal blood circulation and breath- ing functions, says Dr. Esther M. Greisheimer of Temple University, Philadelphia. That tickle in the upper breathing tract that causes coghing has many causes, such as smoking, drinking, in- fected teeth and postnasal drip. But such a tickle may become a habit too--and since His father was an iron His only After high school, Mr. Taylor AT THE STORE OF SUPER VALUES GLECOFF SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON ROAD S., OSHAWA SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JUNE 29th, 30th AND JULY Ist HOLIDAY (Store Closes) MONDAY, JULY 3rd 4 ) 3 ad =~ h Putin - [ there are also useless coughs b SPECIALS on | D A BRANDS that only exhaust the patient «alls WAX PAPER 100-ft. roll, 12 inches wide. for g | Reg. 2 67 6for87c .... 6 I.D.A. Brand A.S.A. Tablets for Relief of Pain b ae 29° IDASAL Reg. 99¢ PAPER NAPKINS 70's White Embossed. Reg. ; 17r 19¢ Reg. 50¢, 1.00 Stomach Powder 4 ond 16 ounce 19 1000s reg. 79¢ Va 2 39 MILK of MAGNESIA TABLETS 201.89 | 3 2¥ SACCHARIN TABLETS TOILET TISSUE Yellow, Pink, White. for 19 ) 79¢ tes ssssssnaenene 9 SPOT REMOVER | 4-ounce 10-ounce { wa ee 75¢ rin 39¢. 79¢¢ Calamine Lotion § 4 and 8 ounce ) sor 39°38 hl ... 98e OPEN DAILY TILL 10 P.M. I: | | AMPLE PARKING SPACE--FREE CITY DELIVERY SIFTO--IODIZED SALT REG. 2/31¢--SPECIAL 2 BOXES 25° FOR SOLO MARGARINE 4 1.00 ICE CREAM LON 8 5 . Miracle Whip Salad Dressing sighed y i MAPLE LEAF BRAND Cheese Slices 132-18. 29+ PKGS. DEL MONTE BRAND KETCHUP 6.% 1.00 SUGAR we ge FIVE ROSES ALL PURPOSE FLOUR ne 43¢ A FROZEN FOODS " BIRDSEYE FROZEN ORANGE JUICE ne 85° LIBBY'S TENDER SWEET FROZEN PEAS 2% Silo age SAVINGS PETER JACKSON .... everyday! SAVINGS ITER CIGARETTES | SAVE 30¢ 2.99 CARTON. VALUES UP TO 8.95 -- Blac "SOFTASILK" a 85 ALKA SELTZER" 25° 54c EACH SPECIAL EACH MEA] WE SELL INSPECTED MEATS CANADA'S CHOICE SELECT OVER 40 KINDS SAVINGS IN OUR DRUGGETTE AND CLOTHING DEPARTMENT LIFEBUOY SHAVING CREAM 2." 69° BROMO SELTZER FRESH FILMS 127 OR 620 SIZE REG. ONLY GOVERNMENT BLADE ROAST or SHORT RIB BLADE BONE AND EXTRA FAT REMOVED SHORT RIB ROAST BEEF "* *" CHUCK RO ASTS BEEF EXTRA LEAN C ORNED BEEF DINTY MOORE'S SWEET PICKLED : WIENERS 4 LEAF CLOVER SMOKED CHOICE 3 - 1:00 HAMBURG STEAK ALL OTHER BRANDS YOUR CHOICE SAVE 20c EACH L] "CTN. CHRISTIES' BROOKSIDE BREAD Liserine kills germs the mouth and throat in- stantly -- by millions. COLDS, COUGHS SORE, THROATS trike at throat infections before germs get a foot- hold. At first sign of a cold or sore throat gargle with Listerine Antiseptic. in Protect your- self -- your family -- gargle with Listerine full strength twice a day. 39¢ 73¢ 98¢< 1.49 Swallow Tablet - Stop Body, Breath Odor 18 Hours For ten years thousands of peo- ple in Canada including Dec- tors, Dentists and Nurses hove stopped body odors and bad breath by swallowing one small Voids tablet each day. Voids tablets work internally by in- hibiting enzymes in body se- cretions, such as perspiration, etc. Not a Candy Not a Cover-Up Gs 25¢ 1.25 2.75 CAREFREE by MODESS "* ** ""c.. 41° 2 ow 33° DRINKING MUGS KIDDIES CHINA REG. 19¢ ach 2 /25 ¢ BUTTER | Sweaters and Cardigans "cx. vow uc 4.90 ww 04° | k, Gold, Green, Pink, Blue end Lilac -- Sizes in 14-16, 18% | HAND AND BEAUTY Store closes on CREAM BY COLGATES Monday, July 3 | REG. 1.28 | 3 99+ STOCK UP NOW | An opportunity li Once BRECK HAIR SET MIST 1.49 ke this comes only a Year rly 1.89 FOR THE HOLIDAY SPECIAL EACH 295° noo 4g 45+ REG. 33¢ FOR THEIR BEST. ALWAYS FRESH AT GLECOFF'S, FRESH GREEN BEANS 19° . NEW BUNCHED CARROTS 2S) RED AND BLUE BRANDS - 49° FREE from TONI Pick your favorite pattern from the "Miss America Pattern Book' inside the special Toni Kit. Use the order form inside the book and send for your FREE pattern TODAY. Plus 8 New Hairstyles TOO! America Pattern Book" includes instructions for eight new hairstyles. to hold with Toni's Hidden Body wave! Use the order form inside the book. Send in today for your FREE Pattern. Look for the 2.00 pecial Toni Kit. The "Miss Easy to hqve, easy REG. 2/35¢ 2/29* SPECIAL LETTUCE 2 NEW BIG 25¢ HEADS GRASS SEED FOR YOUR LAWNS FULL SUPPLY w 93° uw 39° 49+ LB ARRID Roll-On Deodorant Regularly 1.19 1.09 15-ounce VACUUM BOTTLE Regularly 98¢ FLY-TOX I. Kills flies, moths, 'mos- quitoes and other insects. Kills on contact, Push Button Cons 98 1.49 DoDD's Kidney Pills For backache, tired feeling, due to urinory irritation and bladder discom- fort. BLACK L For control of aphids, soft bod- ied sucking in- sects, thrips and leaf hoppers. Kills a host of gorden insects by fumes t end by contact. 4 49 1.19 2.98 Say Goodby te Comstipation New Improved FRUITATIVES Fresh Fruit Extract Nature's Herbs and Vitamin Bl 39¢ 75¢ TA mosquitoes, black burn. 69¢ Repel Biting Insects INSECT REPELLENT Cover arms, legs, etc., with Tantoo and keep for hours. Aids tanning also and stops sun- NTOO flies, etc., from biting you 89 1.19 "Sn oy I Gace cll § STRONGER TOO WHEN WIT OR DRY BECAUSE ms MELOBONDED! by © PSR ours ane 33¢ ue 33¢ 2 ™ 68¢ "MARATHON" GOLF BALLS 3" 1.20 124.99 USE it MICRO- WHITE WHITE SHOE CLEANER With Free "IT" Quick Clean Applicator "It" cleans all white shoes. "It" lasts longer. Use "it" today. 35¢ 25¢ NModess Regular. The most trustworthy nonlin avayr created, 12's 24's . 48's 51c 96c 1.86 Long-Leed MECHANICAL PENCIL with 4" lead end no-smudge Complete replaceable eraser Assorted colors. 49¢ Scripto EX PORT A CIGARETTES ~ 20's 36¢ 25's / 45¢ > PLAIN 36¢c, 45¢c Tweed Cologne Desert Flower Dusting Tweed Dusting Powder 78¢ Jeanette Bath Salts COOLING COMFORTS Friendship Garden Spray Cologne Tweed Toilet Water Mist . . .--.... Max Factor Hypnotique Cologne . 2.25, 4.00 Desert Flower Bath Crystals . ... 2.50 one 2:00,:300 275 Powder ......... 2.25 irene 20 ie 2.00 ee. 39¢, 98¢ FRESH MINCED FROM RED BRAND BEEF LBS. 1 00 OF COOKED MEATS TO CHOOSE FROM CHARCOAL FOR YOUR BARBEQUE = Briquettes PLIO WAX PAPER HANDY WRAP roll 33¢ STARLAC INSTANT MILK sme 45° 4c 55° We accept WELFARE FOOD VOUCHERS, Stretch your food vouchers end your feed Dollars ot GLECOFF'S, Toilet Tissue 4 rolls 33¢ 3-18, PKG. REG. 1.09 9lc | on WE CASH PAY CHEQUES OPEN DAILY TO 10 P.M. FREE DELIVERY | JAMIESON'S 241 KING ST. EAST RA 5-1169 KARN'S 28 KING ST. EAST RA 3.4621 35)2 SIMC LAW 1204 WECKER DRIVE RA 5-3525 : POWELL'S RA 5-4734 OF ST. N. / McCORDICK 360 WILSON RD. S. RA 5.8711 MITCHELL'S 9 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 3.3431