Fog ' Myron Daniel Shestowsky of Oshawa and the former Joyce Anne Letha Downey of Amherst, N.S. were married recently in the - Ukrainian Presbyterian Church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. Maria Albero and Gino John Downey and the late | Briglio, both of Oshawa, were Mrs. Downey and the bride- | married recently at St. Greg- groom is the son of the late | ory's Roman Catholic Church. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Shestow- | The bride is the daughter of sky. --Treland Studio | Mrs. Alberto Albero of Italy In a double-ring ceremony in St. Gregory's Roman Catho- lic Church, Ann Marie Devlin became the bride of Mar- shall Slessor, recently. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. and the late Mr. Albero and the bridegroom is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Nicola Briglio of Italy. The couple will live in Oshawa. --Photo by Mary's Studio GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES CALVARY BAPTIST BWF lowship was held on Monday evening, June 19, at the home of Mrs. E. R. Woods, Thorn- ton's road with 62 present. The meeting was opened with a sing-song, led by Mrs. Charles McGhee followed with open- ing remarks by the president, Mrs. Neta Hoagland. Testimon- ies were given by Miss Phyllis Sprostak, Mrs. Alex Roxbor- ough and Mrs. Harold Parks. The Calvary Girls Trio sang two numbers and Miss Audrey Hurlbert sang a solo. The Reverend W. N. Aitken, pastor of Calvary Baptist Church brought a message on "How to Study the Bible". Us- ing as his text Psalm 119:18 Pastor Aitken urged each one to approach God's Word prayer- fully, intelligently and expec- tantly. Mrs. Aitken closed this part of the meeting in prayer. Miss Betty Leask showed slides of her trip to Nassau. A social committee consisting of Mrs. John Badour, Mrs. Keith Ross, Mrs. Harold Parks, Mrs. James Barron, Mrs. Russell Lunney, Mrs. Ernest Woods, Grant Lewis had charge of a gheigashord which was enjoyed y all. SA HOME LEAGUE The regular meeting of the Salvation Army Home League was held on Tuesday afternoon, June 20. Mrs. David Owen led in the singing of a few choruses. Mrs. Charles Cathmoir made the announcements. Mrs. George Beard read the minutes, and Mrs. Melville Smith offered prayer for sick members. Mrs. Charles Brydges had Charles Patrick Devlin, Osh- awa, and the late Mr. Dec- lin, The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Slessor of Whitby. ~Ireland Studio Eleanor Dolores Wed To Edward In St. Gertrude's Roman Catholic Church on Saturday at noon, Eleanor Dolores, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard McEvers of Oshawa, was mar- ried to Edward Joseph Bi- beau, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ro-| land Bibeau of Ajax. The Reverend John B. Myers officiated with Mrs. Patrick Wil-| son playing the wedding mu-| sic and Mrs. P. Davies as solo- ist. The bride was in marriage by her father. She wore a full-| length gown of white silk faille with a scoop neckline out- lined with Guipure lace. Elbow- length, self gloves complement- ed the short sleeves and a draped peplum accentuated the princess line of the bodice and the flowing. A crown of lace and pearls held her fingertip veil of illusion and she car- ried a white prayer book with a cluster of gold rosettes and| stephanotis. | The matron of honor was Mrs. Ronald G. Norman, Oshawa, and the bridesmaids were Miss Miss Marion Bibeau, Ajax. They were dressed alike in nile green silk organza over| taffeta. Shirred cummberbunds beaded with seed pearls, ac- cented the plain bodices and) the full skirts were trimmed with three-fold bands in self de- [carried tear-drop cascades of| ionic oround out of the ques- turn to make their home in Osh- awa. Out-of-town guests were pres- ent from Toronto, Whitby, Peterborough, Chateauguay, P.Q.; Elliott Lake, Atherley, | Dunbarton and Cowansville and Montreal, Quebec. Awde Clan McEvers - J. Bibeau (tail at the hemline. Their {headdresses were crowns {trimmed with pearls and nile green mohair with circular veils and they wore matching H 1d R 2 elbow-length mittens. ve The flower girl. Miss Debbie 210108 Ii€-UNION Bibeau of Whitby wore a white silk organza dress over nile P ot-Luck Luncheon green taffeta with a green cum-| with unseasonable chi ly merbund. All the attendants; cezes making comfort at a | tawny-gold carnations with tal- isman streamers. Mr. Raymond Bibeau tion, some 25 members of the of AWDE Clan met for a re : union at the home of Mrs. Whithy yas best man 2 te Everett Mountjoy on Saturday, ;.|June 24. foal; Oshawa, and Robert Bj) Considerable merriment was A reception was held in the|created by participation in the UAW hall. Receiving, t h e| various games of skill and con- bride's mother wore willow tests. green peau de soie with beige Prize winners were: Mr. and accessories and a flowered hat.|Mrs. Robert Rich, for coming The bridegroom's mother was/greatest distance; Mrs. Archie in an orchid brocade s he at h{Keith, Miss Pearl Pascoe, Mr. and' jacket with a flowered hat. Keith Moore, Mr. Robert Rich, ch had a corsage of white Mr. Archie Keith, Mr. Frank carnations, tinted to match her Pascoe, Mrs. Hugh Gannon, ensemble. Miss Sybil Langmaid, and The honeymoon is bein g|others. spent in the Laurentian Moun-| While the gentlemen enjoyed tains and the New Englandia game of cards, the children States. For going away, the had a peanut scramble, and the bride wore a white linen sheath|ladies went for a stroll around with deep mauve accessoriesithe gardens. and a corsage of tiny gold car-| Regret was expressed that nations and stephanotis. several were absent due to ill- Mr. and Mrs. Bibuea will re- ness, while others were pre- YOUNG Bonnie young son of Mr. vented attending because of em- ployment. It was decided officers for next year will be: president, Mrs. William Day, Goldstone, Ontario; secretary, Mrs. Robert Ritch, Erin, Ontario; treasurer, Mrs. Frank Pascoe, Hampton, Ontario. Expressions of appreciation were made to Mrs. Mountjoy {for the use of her home and for her planning and work in making this a most enjoyable occasion. GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES KNOX PRESBYTERIAN WMS ------ | biski, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. charge of the devotional pe- Joan Strumbiski | Alvin Dodsworth 'Exchange Vows | The marriage of Joan Strum- John Strumbiski, and Alvin Garry Dosworth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Dodsworth, all of Oshawa, was solemnized| Jo Aldwinckle, omen Women's Editor riod. Her theme was Mountains and the Beauty of God's Coun- try. She led in the singing of a song and read the scripture, Psalm 121, Mrs. Wilbert Clarke sang a solo, "Life is Like a Mountain Railroad," followed by prayer by Mrs. Charles Brydges, who showed colored slides taken on her trip through Quebec and the Gaspe Peninsu- la. She led in the singing of a hymn, and Mayor Rankin closed Dial RA 3-3474 in prayer. recently at St. George's Me- morial Church. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, June 26, 1961 Mrs. Cathmoir thanked Mr. 7 and Mrs. Brydges. The Reverend Clinton Cross officiated at the double ring ceremony. Given in marriage by her fa- PERSONALS Tea was served by the Sun- shine Group. Next week is the annual Home ther the bride wore a floor- length gown of white orgranza over net and satin designed {with elbow-length sleeves com- {plemented with mittens. A beaded crown held her finger- tip veil and she carried red roses and white chrysanthe- mums. Mrs. Daniel Cockerton was the matron - of - honor. The bridemaids were Miss Shirley Ann Strumbiski, sister of the bride, and Miss Gaile Dods- worth, sister of the bridegroom. The flower girl was Miss Rose Marie Strumbiski, bride's sis- ter. All wore aqua organza over taffeta with small matching hats and veils and carried pink gladiolus petals and white chrysanthemums. Mr. Robert Scott acted as| best man. Ushering were Messrs. Robert Young and| Grant Dodsworth. A reception was held in the Legion Hall. For the occa- sion the bride's mother wore mauve rayon with white acces- sories. The bridegroom's mo- ther was in turquoise with white accessories. Both wore corsages of gladiolus petals. Later the couple left for a wedding trip to Niagara Falls and on their return will live in Oshawa. For going away the bride wore an aqua organza dress with white hat and a white chrysanthemums corsage. On Saturday afternoon the pupils of Mrs. William Kins- man gave a piano recital for their parents. Piano solos were played by Joan Nelson, Rose- mary McLaughlin, Judith Nel- son, Wendy McLaughlin, Mary Helen * Kinsman, Launa Phil lips, Peter McLaughlin, Con- stance Schell, Dianne Harrison, Nancy Willson, Laurie Smyth, Jill Heard, Lynda Calvert, Carolyn Webber, Jean Terwil- legar, Launa and Darla Phil lips played a piano duet; EI- eanor Calvert and Carolyn Webber sang a duet and vocal solos were given by Nancy Willson, Carolyn Webber and Eleanor Calvert. Afternoon tea was served and Mrs. Kinsman was assisted by the senior stu- dents. A group of Oshawa organists paid a return visit to Belle- ville last week as guests of the Bay of Quinte Chapter of the Canadian Colleges of Organists. The guests visited four differ- ent churches and the organist of each gave a short recital. Before leaving the visitors were entertained at dinner. Mrs. Basil Clayton of South- hampton, Hampshire, arrived last week to spend a summer holiday with her brother, Mr. Leonard Wakeford and Mrs. Wakeford, Aberdeen street. Miss Cathrine Polson led in devotional period. The offering was dedicated by Mrs. D. M. Polson. The roll call and min- utes were read, also the treas- Miss Rosemary Nodwell of Seagrave, took two first prizes in the Solo Piping for Juveniles, 14 years and under. League picnic at Lakeview Park, commencing at 230 p.m. Members were asked to bring their own knife and fork, plate, cup and saucer. Supper will be supplied by the Home League. In case of rain, the picnic will be held in the Salvation Army Citadel. FELLOWSHIP GROUP A pot luck supper featured the final meeting of the Fellow- ship group of King Street Unit- ed Church WA on Tuesday even- ing, June 20, in the West Hall of the Church. Opening with a hymn the de- votional period was conducted by Mrs. Glynn Pearse who took as the theme "Home". Mrs. Stanley Gomme read the Scrip- ture passage and Mrs. Pearse closed with prayer. Mrs. Thomas Goch played for the hymns. The president, Mrs. Dwight Bunner, opened the brief busi- ness meeting with the poem "If Jesus Came to Your House". The reports of the secretary and treasurer were read by Mrs. H. A. Armstrong and Mrs. Glynn Pearse respectively. Mrs. Bunner expressed her thanks for a "job well done" at the Perryman golden wed- ding anniversary reception and (For Miss Nodwell, who is a {pupils of Mr. James MacGregor |of Oshawa, it was her (first time at solo competition. She will go to Embro, Saturday, July 1 to enter competitions there. Out of town guests at the Dodsworth - Strumbiski wed- ding were Mrs. James Flem- ing, Vancouver, BC; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Donevan, Toron- to; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Green, Mount Albert; Mr. Daniel Chablo, Winnipeg; Miss Sherry |Kucker, Mr. and Mrs. Peter {Kucker, Mr. and Mrs. Charles |Lostin, Toronto; Mrs. Phillip Lauk, Winnipeg. The 8th Oshawa Sea Scout Mothers' Auxiliary held its an- nual picnic recently at the Rover Den. Mrs. Stanley Gales conducted the games. Prize win- ners were Mrs. John Robert- son, Mrs. Alfred Harrell, Mrs. Douglas Redpath, Mrs. Robert Clayton, Mrs. F, G. Knowler and Mrs. Clare McCullough. After a pot luck supper, Mrs. Gales conducted a lively sing song. A welcome visitor at the picnic was Mrs. Jibb, Mrs. Redpath's mother, Mrs. George |Fitches, conducted a short busi- Mrs. Reginald Cook and Mrs, | Group members were asked dies lounge of the Church on to keep in mind the following|Tuesday 'evening, Séptember 19. fall dates: the Feast of the] The mee Seven Tables in Centennial Hall| close with on September 26 and the first|everyone a safe meeting of the group in the la- isummer. DISCOUNTS WITH DIGNITY KELLY'S 12th Anniversary Sale offers for the first time Quality Fine Furniture at New Low Prices! No Bankrupt, No Repossessed, No Smoke Damaged merchandise . . . only Ist class brand new mer- chandise at up to 60% off. Buy the Best for Less at the Decor Lounge -- 32 King East -- 2 floors of Fine Furniture! No Money Down When You Trade Now ! Save 3% Sales Tax Coming the end of Aug- ust. Free Storage. RA 8-5153. Your figure is simply dazzling in our brand new, tiny-priced bra and torso-slimming pantie girdle. Wear under your knits, slacks and other sleek fashions. Fine embroidered broadcloth bra in 32-36 A, 32-38 B and 32-40 C, $2.50. . Pantie girdle of power net and satin lastex embroidered with yellow daisies and dots. S-M-L and XL sizes, $5.00. Also in regular girdle, S-M-L-XL, 7.50 THE /n 9 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH ness meeting. It was reported from the group committee that|the wedding recently catered to. no scout will be allowed to go in the boats - without a life jacket. Mrs. Dwight Bunner ex- pressed thanks to Mrs. Gales for arranging the entertainment for the picnic. The next meet- ing on September 18, will be a pot luck supper at 6.30 p.m. urer's report. The fall thank-offering date was set for October 17 at which The Afternoon Auxiliary of sho " ; Knox Presbyterian Church held| its June meeting at the home of | Mrs. Malcolm McGregor, Alma| street. Mrs. D. A. Wilson of Whitby, assistant adult secretary for Section 3, was the guest speaker 1 land spoke on the new work and |its needs. Also the need of an "| |increase in giving to meet the| ever increasing demands. Mrs. David Douglas, 1st vice- president, presided in the ab-| sence of president, Mrs. A. H.| Dancey, and opened the meet-| ing with a poem, '"The Choice," followed by prayer and a hymn. Sinmanis Riiocinn Saninter nfl MIKE --Photo by Avon Portraits Mick Tan Products 0.K. Q. Are "quick tan" preparations safe? How long does the tan last? time Mrs, Howard Hogg of To- ronio wiil oe uie Bulsl Si i Mrs. Douglas closed the meet- ing with prayer. FOR BEAUTIFUL" PORTRAITS A, The active ingredient of most quick-tan products is dihydroxy- acetone. Application of the chemical to the skin is appar- ently harmless although cos- metics containing the chemical make some people break out. This may be due to sensitivity to the chemical, perfume, or Sinitty 40 King ERA 50151 and Mrs. Michael Kube, Rogers street, is Michael some other substance in the pro- ducts. The ton lasts one or two Daniel. Michael celebrated his first birthday on May 30. He is the grandson of Mrs. Mar- garet Stacey, Newtonville, and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kube, Maple Grove. >-e CARPETS "e RUGS Come in soon end see themp)| ativizh Suppliss | (weeks ond doesn't seem to be removed by soop and 'water, However, if the skin is swabbed with alcohol, you'll AT WARDS . .. WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE OF NEW SUM AT ONE LOW PRICE 0 8 C YARD ® GINGHAM eo COTTON LACE e LINO ® PETIT POINT -@ SHARKSKIN ® HONEYCOMB NEW 1961 PATTERNS: e FLORALS, large or small ® PAISLEY e PLAINS, both woven and printed. 45 inches, FORMERLY PRICED TO 2.29 YD. WARD'S SIMCOE ST. ot ATHOL ST. SOME ITEMS AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE COST! QUALITY MATERIALS: o SATEEN e POLISHED & EMBOSSED COTTONS COLORS: o All of this season's best and more too, WIDTHS: 36 inches to | where the yellow went." Unlike natural tanning, the quick tan is not protective against sun- burn, something that users of such products should keep in mind when they expose them- selves to the sun. | MER FABRICS Fluorescent Lighting Q. Is fluorescent lighting horm- ful to the eyes of workers or school children? A. There is no evidence that LINEN ® HONAN fluorescent lighting is harmful. Questions directed fo Science Editors, P.O. Box 97, Terminal "A", Toronto, Ontarie. e® TIE PATTERNS RA 5.1151 FREE DELIVERY 28 King St E RA Kam Drug Lip Color ° = relishls sian 0. Is lis sale is Up-polel of anemial A. Lip color isn't a very good clue to anemia. A better way to judge anemia is by observing the color of the skin creases across the palm of the hand. In severe anemia the lines lose their nor-| mally bright pink color. The] best ond only sure way to diag- | nose anemia is by laboratory] methods as employed by your | doctor, | Teenage Graying Q. Locks of gray hair ere be- ginning to show up in our] 13 - year-old daughter. Her | ther first d graying et] about the age of 20. Can any- thing be done to arrest this condition? A. No. The early appearance of DRY CLEANERS gray hair is an inherited charac- teristic transmitted directly from| one generation to another. y| affected members of the family group pass along the graying characteristic. Quality . . . Professional Skill + « « Economy . . . these are three good reasons for having your prescription filled by our staff of pharmici: 1 | 3-4621 Oshawa Satisfaction Gu CLOTHES CARE RULES To Look Your Best, Have It Cleaned and Pressed. Your Dry Cleaner Can't Work Miracles Your Dry Cleaner can't work miracles with badly-wom of domaged garments. He con only help you keep your clothing fabrics in fine condition. He cannot restore life where it hos been neglected before. d by the following s of AND LAUNDERERS INSTITUTE (ONTARIO) and b CANADIAN RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF LAUNDERERS AND CLEANERS WHITBY CLEANERS, Whitby ALDSWORTH CLEANERS, Oshawa BOWMANVILLE CLEANERS & DYERS LTD. BOWMANVILLE CARDINAL CLEANERS LTD., Whitby HARWOOD CLEANERS, Ajax PICKWICK CLEANERS & DYERS, Oshawa