16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, June 26, 1967 #% THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [EE A---- 7--Trailers 9--Summer Properties 16--Female Help Wanted 25 Api. & Flots for Rent 4 x ¥ Ameriesn tra condi. for Sale or Rent BOOKKEEPER, experienced to trial THREE-ROOM unfurnished fler, poly Sub: , manufacturing firm, |close to shopping centre | : on, domly 7, Sm ctl ROCKLAND Camp, bays, girn, 3 © 18|Naiionai Cash oan od, suit use suse Phone ple. Phone hy B 10 X 48 FOUR rooms and bath, ving , rina co Kar asset, Write Box 31, Oshawa Times. THREE-ROOM unfurnished room carpeted, $4,000. Telephone Burns, Johnston enue, Willow BAIRD ESSER required apartment, nfurnished basement iy 84070. : ¥ dase. Oniarie of Phone 'BA 10536, APply, EAwards Beauty 3 Parlors 3 Ab tainers' only. 1313 Sun Valley tele. Celina wa, or call } LAKE SCUGOG -- Five-room lake- 3704s [ONE four-room apartment, one feet high; front cottage, two-piece bath, other com. |B ee { pom apartment, ne res 88059. niences. Sea: monthly, YU WAITRESS, experienced in dining 'Accountants Building Trades |Gardening and Supplies Painting and Decorating | cLassiFiEp Ap RATES k Lo Yeuienofs. Season or ron evi, tt son, worn. Sit ita Reins RA 5.8305, ; rebuilt, Side. MULLIGAN'S Lanseaping, roto-tilling,|A-1 PAINTING and papernanging, J. ' a eae its cv 434 rsh Hor fue hts soi, op 1. Compl Seen. A i! het 2 yor or wm | "for Sale or Rent LITTLE BUCKERQQ |Lizceser omew = 0 abe to hi penne oe Jerse: Co., Accountants and Lg ig heros Rat ig Oo rea A garden and lawn services. OL 5- PAINTING, Free estimates, clean work, Cash (EXPE RIENCED salenls er {phone R a ay B. L. Yale, CA; F. Cartage GARDENS and lawns Roto-tilled and reasonable prices. Ask for Angus Mac-|| 3 CONSECUTIVE HUNTSVILLE area, three - bedroom RANCHI {A oat aed AIO | NE EC MO 10 Sor a Ey E levelled. hedges cut, 7887. | Lean, RA 3-2939. INSERTIONS 2.28 248 ||cottage, private, hydro, inside modern East. |avallable in modern Friediandér, B. Comm., CPA, level Grass, es RA 5 , EF doe, boat. fish Bh available md JOHN'S Moving and Oshawa. |Glen Munro, 414 Park Road South. [] Sua ? conveniesess, fire fireplace AT ing. DAY ( AMP RELIABLE housekeeper to take com. er re, Storage. 8. 1. HOPKINS and Company, Certh[w in asviable rates, Fay P | Service ONS 3.75 4.13 [Available July 8th on. P Dlete Charge of sporiment and |101 Craydon Road, nts. 172 King ; fed Pole, Accoutants. 13 X18 8leavivped and insured Phone RA &305 OSHAWA PETER, PAN Norewry 30 07 BIg || 7g paid wiin 7 doys the [COTTAGE for rent. Jair. on Beseh| 5 DAYS | WEEKLY [(hideen Tone Soa "five 2eare Gi. 1ive macaeron span, tom two room, in. $30 weekly. 3621, LS Swami Oressmeking 2 |' ACME HAULAGE nai gmat proven 3 + Above rates apo en ny to oighna Fin Su sand beach, h, boi, $40" per week: July ond nd August | ii ei , Telrigerate kha uh FE RA Ro to 8 Sal LTD, a Aen EE a et] CR ic|__ formation RA 52737 WANTED | [side momity 'nels, 13 kT and BURROWS, eo GRAVEL - STONE TRY OUR eu onal and Business fisti Phone ne Pickering. e, WH 2117 sir Thm: 12--Articles Wanted Assistont for McLoughlin fo sone, cupboards, Tange pr Accountants, 234 Sime Shes lon. CA: FURRIER LOAM BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN $7.30 our month tor 3 lines daily. lor 845 Ajax, for further WANTED sidewalk and junior bi.| Public Library. Grade 13 [laundry Tr ted, *G. Edmond Burrows, CA. 82571. Chicken plate, half chicken brio PRY information, cycle. RA 5-634. Certificate or University De- people. MH. E. DEWAR and Co. A and DRESSMAKER RA 3.3528 with french fries, fish ond Each inl fetter, abbreviation, || COTTAGE or ale Muskoka district: |\cpTYLENE welding outtit wanted.| Oree. Typing necessary. 5 day EE re itial 4 , 11 On- : ' sleeps & hone een 9 a.m. and y +a Agios, Cots Glew Ma, 73 S51 New, Altsrations, Remodelling. chips, hamburgs, "hot dogs, Siaure TG beater sm '4 ics™ © Telephone TA 31068 week. Single person preferred. (for, unfurnished: private MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIERL, ind Low Prices. FOR THE BEST MODERN GRILL i Classified Advertisements || RALIBURTON district, five-room eor- WANTED APPLY IN PERSON TO [clities. Apply 67 Queen Street. be~ . Available Ji 1 15, all of Au- BE imcos Sires Nort, Ales Swi) 22 ROWE STREET | |N STONE WORK |_We DELIVER--RA 5:3887 || must be int 3 Bm. the doy be [lies Teiephons RA Besar. OA THE CHIEF LIBRARIAN [THREE - ROOM basement emor FOR 8 - - room eof! SCRAP IRON, POULTRY i , hi a RA 8-6706 Patios, Steps, Sidewalks, etc. LITTLE BUCKAROO or Tam, Sores! Tans pie Lake Te BRL i] AND FEATHER TICKS 17--Male Help Wanted icone. paved parking. BA 39008. - "Architects Call us at-- Deadline for Lost and Found and | modern conveniences, funished. WANTED Tavert i FOU "al Drives on rs + Driving School OSHAWA RANCH Conceigtions 8:30 Office [|Terms if desired. $5,500, RA 3.6031. I. TURNER Rr 0 Ha iS ERE he Tht ih, heavy' duty wiring, MAYER and BRZOZOWICZ, Areh., Driving Hours: Baily 8-5, Sorurday 8.1% dai near new. school, Hiaon Road. Tele 6890." 498_ Dunkirk, large windows, self - con! STURGE ¥ Fo noted teonons Re IRL GARDEN SERVICE TRAIL RIDING REGULATION: fTCREDN HARE leariar PL RA 3-2043 RA 3-3374 mg, Please write full Doar RA 5 New | The Osha Times will not be |lJuly. Of for 1 tion rite Pol- rrr Auto Parts LEARN TO DRIVE ni RA 3-3222 im---- RIDING INSTRUCTION responsible we errors in agvertae. lock, RR 6, Preastt Point, Lindeay (collect) pd add bay peo - MODERNIZED. throughout, @ Shoiee, of BTL TRL TT ee TT th ments submitted otherwise than In [i HGUSEKEEPING cottages on Beaver ished, inch tof estinetn, KENT'S WESTERN TIRE -- Guaran. ot 108 HOLLAND NURSERIES ADULTS AND CHILDREN writing, nor for more than one frye "electricity, le --, pio doi HAW be yours. Join our deaitrs, The line of RA 3.022 e ne uding refrigerator and stove. OSHAWA DRIVING SCHOOL incorrect insertion of eny adver- 5000 swimming and Banias. o e Ties. 148 King Sievet Wet, Ounaws.| Standard -- eutomatic cars. | and LANDSCAPING | SWIM POOL OPEN tuement, nor 'beyond the price | Tamworth sonbi, games oes, AUTO WRECKING CO. fund farm' necersties "sells by" itslt THRE NOON Tr RA 51607-09. "Five bays to serve you | CCC the | 2 TO 9 P.M. DAILY { | charged for a single wsertion of [| Erinsyille, ILEX PRODUCTS, Dept. J. R. 4, 1600 nag mortal he Close to downtown Barrist Police Commission. Doy and RA 5-7442 | GO-KARTS | Sheu naa tess the "om | ARDEX = Sei eing cougar or ponte, cars for wrecking, | bearmier, Maisia I a rnithad. ho " } | ul v | ettes, r HRISTIAN 4 arristers «| 'gvening lessons, For satisfactory service, ~ to clossify advertising according to JON on Eennshes Good aes, on ys metals, 4 cic, ph oh CHRISTIAN man needed. Full or part 8 am. After 6, RA 5.1423, BOWMAN, DAVID L., Barrister, Sot landscape designing, maine PICNICS AND: PRIVATE its own classification. swimming. $35 weekly, Telephone RA e 9 time -- lifetime security. Experience FOUR-ROOM furnished a POT 3" Gimere, Sokuh, I. RA 8-005! tenance, sodding, spraying PARTIES ants Tre Tr an or oe ow [iaies. RATS. Srey 8 do OR E. he EE aman. Lieeat, Hear. o7th GH thd 03 esidence, a ' . on! imes wee nd up. y McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, 199 GARRARD RD. Information -- RA 5.2737 responsible for more space than [COTTAGES bull to girecification on A 5-231] 8 BLOO Wotle Tota Rud OF. 0 weompatition. | [trance and bath, Telephone RA pet Solicitors, Clients' funds avaliable for MERCURY SCHOOL | HARMONY RD. NORTH, that in which the octucl error hip, CW Cox. Fenelon Falls %. Street, Chicago 2, Illinols TWO threes - room apartments, Th seen Craries C. Steaivon, ac; OF SAFE DRIVING SODDIN G occupies. The publishers anaeavour '!CASH FOR SCRAP !! DAIRY farm reuirs single, cxperi and (NFd foork, wove' ad rufipara: Ll od! all advertising matter { Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. Modern dual equipped cars. OHAWA correctly but assumes no. flabiity NEW WINDSOR HOTEL WE BUY Sneed 'man. Apply Box 32," Oshawa [lof_In each. adults only, Telephone HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and MILL Gov't. Licenced instructors Plumbin Heatin or advertisement ate contained On Loke Muskoka in Bole STEEL, METAL, BATTERIES, la " ca 9 9 i any inaccuracies in any form ake Muskoka in Bala, EXPERIENCED married man remsir MAN, Barristers, Solicitors; R. Day or Evening appointments. SHENG 20d aating Sei TE mecary $40.00 weekly and up. Rec- PAPER, RAGS, oy ed by dairy farm. Separate house, suit. SELF contained three room apartment, Ailumphiess, QO: 0,8, Borchom. BAI DIAL RA 5.4773 TOP SOIL [finger fixtures, new and used, chang. reation at Hotel or nearby, Open Ali D able for Small family. Apply Box 33, Private shitance, parking, ABs Silliman, Lib: 0s Sinn Sie . d b {ing from septic tank to sewer a spe. f Dunn's Dance M. GREENS ERG & SONS Oshawa Times. ya 2 1 ante far RA 4608 or whiny. MO 82761; A ote y MANURE calty. Installations at reasonable Well Drilling-Di in one block from Dunn's Dance { 36 weekly. RA 8.0097, 55203. Money to loan g Geo. B. Rutherford. rates. Information and estimates free 9-Vigging Pavilion. Variety on menu, ARE YOU INTERESTED in |NEW, beautiful, tastefily decorated ¥ [] A0U ws Tr oC Barrisfer. Sol Soll. MERCURY TAXI Phone OLiver 5-3049 |i". OFoey. Vimbisg, Tl EA smorgasbord en weekends, RA 3-7333 Loo Bloor St. E. establishing yourselt in a sell- [com apastment { ove, pr eltor, of au Ph 762.3315 : Street East, A, es A 7 nus |Gardening and Supplies | BROOKLIN {ALL plumbing and heating supplies. TED VEENHOF poght direct. 13--Business Opportunities ing career, with a long-estab- Fry Jrver. Close to evs st East, R Phone RA 5.3521, Harold R. Stark, lished Oshawa industry. This - Ltd. plumbing, heating and engineer- i "10- i |TWo- ROOM furnished apartm jon~ A a Barrister. Sotiel : | (Insurance ing, 255 Simcoe Street South. WELL DIGGING MARJIACK LODGE [RSoue, soperty. established confec old 18 foo log sor 5 Night venience, heat. lights 'ncladed. Part: "Bist, RA 3-260. NHA and private SPRAY NG ALLSTATE Aute Insurance, Save up plus two four - room apartments, four ng : Po |ing, $60 monthly. Telephone RA $4386 t, oi ths 1 Fi Clean-outs and deepening. y 4 ,| With a bright future, it en- lor 115 Agnes Street. RE QO, Barrister, a orice Rot your Riis eal BEATTY APPLIANCES COMPRESSOR WORK. STURGEON LAKE downtown Work, Parking Pig thusiosm and initiotive are [NICE five-room apartment, downtown, ones Money to loan. Office 144 Large Selection of RA 57413. Barn, equipment, pumps, Fishing, beach, abundant . |Suitable investment for two families. applied in the right propor [laundry facilities, TV antenns, eoms n ESSO Ito | Soot Es, Oshawa, RA Ba | RA 8-3864 home cacked mels.. Special Iackine fics SA, CA Henao tions, ments, 170 Siincos. Street South. Fob Residence, RA. 53 tll PERENNIALS | AUTO INSURANCE Li ctr" and appointment call RA 8-103. "MANNING F. SWARTZ and BON ILD | 1 you are a careful driver ry Liners. o iid an MPLET keeping cabins. Dunsford, [BEAUTY parlor to rent, fumished. A>] WRITE BOX 718 THREE - ROOM upstairs An-SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, No- ! 1 orced air furnaces, bathroom A COMPLETE Ontario Ply 5 Celina Street, nfurnished, heat and hydro tarles. Money to loan. Henry Block, VAN BELLE | you may save $10, $15 or fixtures, parts and service. C > OSHAWA TIMES [close to bus stop. RA 8-364, PARTNER | 2511 between 9 and 5, Monday fo Fri Hedges, evergreens, trees. ts, 170 Simeoe rates for children. House- ments, 26% King Street East, RA 3-4697. $25 on your car insurance or SEPTIC TANK PHONE 25-R24 Residence, Nial RA 3.4038, better than 20%. Preferred DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Bartister| GARDENS drivers enjoy the lowest rote RONG 1783 bay EA TG, SERVICE HALIBURTON COMPANY vious selling experience. High | {708 "and Yefrigertor snd Solicitor, 36% RA 33301, Rest. HIGHWAY NO. 2 in Omario. ives this of- - Trenching, Sewers and Mains. PINE RIDGE School education essential. |outiet, parking, immediate possession. REIT PATER: DRYNAN and MA 3.5757 al nt erty [Rug--Upholstery Service GEORGE HARDING At Miner's Bay. A family re- WISHES 18--Male or Female Help [Two BEDROOM apartment on Sims Call us today and compare CHESTERFIELDS mb MURDOCH, Bartivens, Soucitors, No BOWMANVILLE --ample free parking. CHESIE HE] manaphoistery 30, PHONE MO 8-3566 skiing is A TO BUY AN : Wanted yous Siret Noth: igs og 3 Simcoe treet North, RA 33446; 7. K'| SCHOFIELD 75 Chattes Street Re Syma" mering. good food, rates from (INSURANCE AGENCY AEVASSOrS WANed for Veptipg ($1000 SOME oo. cep Sieignton, GC; N.C. Frater, Gc; x E. R. KNOWLTON | INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD. CRESTERFIELDS nd od chairs =o W. WARD $36. Specil children rates, IN OSHAWA phone MO 858386. aie es ng es cove! e new. Gel e st for less od. 4 i ki Ri ble, 96 A + | LANDSCAPING SERVICE it Modern Uphblstering, 143 Simess WeLL DICING BY Re 5: pused, phony Coboronk 20 Room ond Bowrd Jgeuizai pastas. Auatunabie, 38 Gusive RUSSELL L. MURPHY, BA. LL South, Call RA 8.6451 for a free esti : i Barrister and Solicitor, § King Streei Lawn Mowers mate Will continue with ROOM and board for two gentlemen, I OUR-ROOM apartment, Sa? A Rosa North: East, Oshawa, Ontario, RA 8 Now Is the time for Spring |3oore--er mowers sharpened and |CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt resoveres,| SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE PIONEER VILLAGE Present Owner as manager home cooked meals, lunches packed, 'a"ce: and bath, available i ilizi i arti 12 JAMES A. MacDONALD, m. EE clean-up! Rolling, fertilizing, repaired; also bicycles, and outboard Wh ore? Our rates All replies confidential home privileges, parking facilities, 5c" 21Y time. 1 Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub. ' "motors, Rosedale Marine. RA $8063. |bre reasonable, Sotistociiny poaramens| WHITBY, ONTARIO p! {One block from King, WELL ESTABLISHED | giving background, age, pre- [SPECIAL ear ho ON close to downtown. Telephone RA 8-2795 | lie. The Commercial Bitllding, 25% King] Tepalrs. Top soil and sod. HAVE | Mattre e-built. Oshawa Upholstery] MO 8.2563 -- MO 8.3809 : [THREE rooms, unfurnished, $55 month. West, Oshawa, Ontario. Cllest parking RA 5.6047 Sharpens. 'free pick wp apd Geivery,| CD, 10 Bond. Stress Week. Dial A| 204 CHESTNUT ST. W, BUCKHORN LAKE WRITE Ae ie Tome no "A 1: eo 08 hyd Bud wi 3 7. T. SALMERS, BA, barrister, solicl- - RA S00. a P.O. BOX 329 Lamping grounds, eotinges, BOX 28 RA goa iets catered fo. Telephone yiq" Albert Street, Oshawa. * 13 Street North, WE SHARPEN AND RENT oots for rent Sandy, safe 2082. HBR To otice Sh Fe Mai i Ml RA North GRANDVIEW ALMOST EVERYTHING WHY TAKE CHANCES 2--Personal beach, excellent fishing, OSHAWA TIMES 23--Wanted to Rent [wane on Cromwell Avenue, nest THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, Soli- SOD SUPPLIES Give Us A Call-- WITH YOUR VALUABLE (WANTED -- ride to Toronto galy,| leSted drinking water. RA TEINS siren | Shopping Centre. AR skis July. I citor and Notary Publie. 264 King RUGS AND FURNITURE Monday to Friday by Highway 401 to 8-2301, 5,000 FT. oma desires | and en-| Street East. Phone RA 3.1763, We specialize in A-1 ferll- ST AN' S When: vo hove th Kennedy Road. Telephone RA 35-9508 : tove and refrigerator equip. Eur -CONTAINED ground floor apart 3 3 : you can have them |TFANERY rance, stove and refrigerator ra ment, 315 rooms, heated, ed, ventral, RALPH JONES, BA and THOMAS K.| zed field sod. Prompt dee fessionally cleaned by y HOUSEKEEPING . Parking. Write Box 127, Opha GREER, Associate Barristers and Soll liveri for Osh i CORNER KING & BURK STS. professionally cieane a LEAVING for Cal J 30. Any. * Fines. IT RA 5-0831 atijots, 130 King Strest East, RA. 3-624. [Iwas ond Dia. : member of the National In- od, call RA 3.736% CABINS Brick and block, three office |THREE . BE house in \ APPLE Wiki, district, modern spacious y » Mortgage loans available. trict. Field loading for truck- stitute of Rug Cleaners. 20 [3 interested, call RA 3.7263 after " " > i 4 p.m. Road district. east of Simcoe Street. | BRUCE V. MACKEY, BA, Barrister, ers ond special rates for con- RA 3 3224 years experience, ON LAKE HURON rooms, two washrooms, three Please reply to Box 100, Oshawa Pos unfurnisher) avariment, heevy duty whe 7789. Solicitor, Notary Publle, 36% King| tracts, 3 i ' Fomilies, $32-$45 Weekly. truck doors, 18-ft. ceiling, [ogi n ; Street East. RA 83381. Res, YU 52127 RA 8-8111 Money to Loan NU-WAY RA 8.4681 ELECTROLYSIS ey It, Yeehie. Very open fieor ores. Cou NEE a adver vers Dui Serviss RA 5 GREER and Kelly, Barristers, Solici- CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort. Surveyors good swimming, ideal for be warehouse, etc. Low rent. [close vicinity of Oshawa General Hos | ive, private, close to bus and. shop tors, ete, 714 Simcoe Street South, gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale hildre: Golf, theate: Phone RA 5-3668, owner. [pital Wrile Box 27, Oshawa Times. |oing' Telephone RA 8-6605. Dial RA 3.2278. Residence phones, ' purchased. NHA mortgage arranged. H. FLIM and Trollope, Ontario Land| Removal of superfluous hair, children, ' aters, rr Eo J. M. Greer, BA, Sec., RA 5.3368; Ter. CROSS TOWN Creighton. Fraser. Drynan and Mur.|Surveyors. 7.6 Adelaide Avemss East. tte © PO will' be dancing close. G. Hazel- | THREE - ROOM b d ence 'V. Kelly, PA, BCL. RA 83832. Phone RA 5-685. in wood, R. R. 1, Bayfield, Ont. GOING INTO THE THIS IS [heavy a politi tf > BDO} oh Ba: | = ou CE On. ; Jucaasp 8, DONALD, BA, Barrister, SOD SUPP LY DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMAN, On| Oshawe, June 27th - 28th. COIN-OPERATED |hydro. RA 39742, North. RA 82891. Res. RA 3.2765. A-1 rolled fertilized sod, Mi printing. 12 Bloor Sivest East. AA 333 Phone Genosha Hotel on | KAWAN DAG LODGE LAUNDRY [FIVE-ROOM _ apartment, Bookkeeping cut fresh dolly, sod for truck- ORTGAGE (TV - Radio Repairs these dotes for eppeinment, ROSSEAU, ONTARIO STORE BUSINESS ? YOUR CH ANCE Henne ITT an included, 1 Apply Princess Grill, 17 Prince Street > 3.00 the Tieid. Special cone Money Available] WANT a betier Job? It may be waiting SEWING MACHINE Don Gallinger, prop. Former You're Wite.~ But Be Sure Yo rent your Home o-Toronls Fut Rao. mrad EE 1. SCHAPELHOUMAN under "Help Wanted" in the Classified : HL player "Boston Bruins. of the Distrbutor's Complete executive and wife. No fam- |bath, also stove and refrigerator, very . RA 5-8504 Payments to suit {section today. Look now. SERVICE $56.00 weekly and up. P Bef You Buy! ily and no intentions. Must [central RA 5.7576. . COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING Your Budget JADIO, car rade repairs, Wl DOMESTIC & INDUSTRIAL American Plan. Write for 09/0m. elore You Buy be in good district, close fo |THRER ROOM apariment wilh privat SERVICE, INCOME TAX ALLIED INVESTMENTS Elliott Avenue, RA 3.9793 (Fred > WE DON'T SELL folders, An AAA, ATRO re- | ASK THESE QUESTIONS: | transportation, Oshawa, [bai Butler eos. RETURNS. LOAM-GRAVEL COMPANY EN YOU WANT Have your present machine pinky YOUR TRAVEL AGENT Doss: the. Gistributor ave bal Whitoy or JEowmenville. il FOUR CORNERS area. Available July SERVICE WH repaired at reasonable rate s the distributor have bal- ger old home acceptable. |1, 1961, self - con first 686 OSLER STREET SAND, FILL, TOP SOIL 81 KING ST. IT -- DAY OR NIGHT! PHONE RA 8.2546 anced laundry store equip- Must be in good condition, |two rooms, NE sigve and RA 5-9953 LOTS, LEVELLED Rind SL aoa) T.V. and RADIO RIONEER CAMS MuUs- ment or is he selling you un- Would consider purchase after |Ttirigerator. heat a Suit z ' : -- i home- Johnston' Building Trades TRACTOR, LOADER WORK Brokers Association CALL RA 8-5286 | 3--Pets & Livestock bind By hd bib i 43 he iio : 5 ou 3 Simcoe North. ro oi . R I All Work Guaranteed. BOXER pups for sale. Reasonable, Canl| girls oges 9 to 18. Tent ory spare parts? Can he plan awa Times Fook tin 3 vomit | DIAC Rl Ran MONIES FOR OSHAWA After six. RA 8 accommodation. Resident your store based on his own 20--h rR NORTH END arms can arran i ine Gn BE er MORTGAGES ELECTRONICS rot per yo Er en iy Sl} | Seems' Wet hoy been. 24--Houtes for FREE on iy al Tioor covesinar Bree: con: OSHAWA Monies available on First hands, Palomino gelding, whi mark| hour extra), sailing, boating, sold? How many? Does he Jarage; weil £34 Oshawa, on Jags Yot. | TWO-BEDROOM joates. Work guaranteed. RA 8-0830. Mortgages at 7% per annum SAMSON Ings, 8; :lso one western saddle and| conoeing, water-skiing, cove provide store opening ond LLL APARTMENT ALL types building repairs, rooting, HOME LANDSCAPING Tass at | © pe T V TOWERS bride, Leo Stall, Janetville, Lindsay| ered wagon and canoe trips, continuing promotion _ma- [FIVE-ROOM house with garage, cen- hr, ing. chimneys, Hreplacet;| | oi ooped Jesiuvinn, sods Monier avelishie. on RERRY SITE Tome mur a 2rehy ghd hesties . pose terials, and advertising? ral. near schools, shopping and buses. saitable. July. Vets "wey May ding, seeding, weed killing, Second Mortgages blood lines, bred for beeury and » Feil ih 43 00. ALD is the inter-notiona] |FIVE-BOOM bungalow with garage,| large living room, stove, frig 1. and H. ROOFING, tar and gravel. | complete garden service. Mortgages and Agreements RA 8-8180 position, Three mates available, six| oP ¢ Tor: Plonees organization that hos planned |oose jo shools. Gibbons Street. Avall-| - close to hospital, OCVI, bus. asphajt shingles and repairs. No jobs PHONE for Sale purchased. OCLIAWA T \/ weeks old, Cal _Call Il Brooklin OL 5-4772. urther information: Pioneer rganization 0s planne able July 1. Call 51508. No children -- $110, : i ; AE 20 -- semen hms ; 7 oad Datel AVAIL 1 MJ =| Camps, 30 St. Mary St. ond helped build over 13, 000 SIX-ROOM house, and fs da L wm vr fn user, Fy # = : TOOL Kei 3 SP Fem » or LS os fimniched or nnfurnis Al : EY FOUR local chimney cleaner. "him: be 85-0500 VF SWAKI Ly. | 361 GIBBONS ST. Eom Semnels spacions . dromiot sites thy ghout t! RABE, Wowk hi iS MR BRAD ®eys built and repaired, gas linings in. OSHAWA Short trm and Builder' Mort. BATHING, trimming, 24188. United pe pus Con he son Susi, RA $0. | HYMAN REALTOR = hs no Je Sigaing: doard HOUSE for rent at 261 am Road RA 8-6286 stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti- mates. RA 3.2997, gages aot reasonable rates, ing. Waubena_ Kennels. EDAR | DG We finance up to 90%. You [South. Telephone RA 3367 ALL TYPES of carpentry work, cement GRAVEL LOAM 26% King St. East, ? ? ? WHY OTL oii Sudsien EE c SLE 1 E Owe it to yourself to Compare SIX-ROOM bungalow, broadioom, base- work, chimney repairs, eavestroughing Oshawa, Ontario, Because we give real service Board, "114 Elgin Street East, TRENT RIVER, ONT, our complete program ment Secupied, $100 qontaly, heat, ADULTS SPECIAL and insul-brick siding. Free estimates, AND RA 3.4697 fost . , . some day . . , ef |REGISTERED Dachshund d_puppies for] 3 miles off Highway No, 7 Write or phone for details. bydro | Included. Immed iediate occ oy : RA 8.2859 MANURE x . s Regist ficient , . . cee le, colors red, and Diack. and tan on High No. 30. 2- SE Or Jor FISH from your own boat this year. ONE nD clnder Mariage re" 30S Taney se sige srvied A Hack hua fan Fr ner wep Sra YOU CAN BE SURE IF IT'E |TWO-BEDROOM house and three.room| NEW TWO-BEDROOM Eind it in the Classified section today. phone RA 8-1 WESTINGHOUSE A apartment, close to South plant, i APARTMENTS : oe frigerators, rangettes. Lodge . AND Ili hild Ap- LARGE CLIFF BROWN RA 5.4947 Mongeges Drive In oy 50" Service reiered, a Wh a Wl mart ior tor sal Sais, facilites. Hot ond cold un: WHEN YOU'RE WORKING ply 802 lip Murray, . ~~ $85 PER MONTH 5 IRST mortgage (commercial) . ering, ning water, showers, flusl P for § "GRAVEL & SAND Fears. § ber cash, 'Call 'ahyiime. | Ubes checked, glass and PATRAS ST Temata. I 8-4249. tuner, cleaned, set up for BLACK LOAM HARDSAND LANDSCAPING | FIRST and second mortgages: srraag| best picture. A 5 P | A complete garden ice, i Schatzmann, loriaare Broker, old, lovely pet for children, $78 pa Haveloc 4-3661 let. Phone COUax 32413. RA 8-895] cearun Teri, power |r en ten A TOWER? fies Ha Sh 80 game ERS i Sow Eel APARTMENTS - rolling. Now is the time to agreements. Pusonaced arigages. oud TRY us! 4--Market Basket STURGEON LAKE 14--Employment Wanted furnished. Available | 630 SIMCOE NORTH kill grab Jos and chick- Blok pnd Hennick, Barristers, 31 King % TE ¥ : Suiy 5 190 Fairleigh Avenue | Modern 2-bedroom apart DRIVEWAYS Yotd: Sepding. Sodding, ours | JERE Nioving snienncd Some dav) Te or heck "eat saponins | BEEHIVE PARK ESTATES DECORATING Al conveniences, central io sohoats;| | ments, stove, 'frig, fully auto- i Nursing Se Services pairs? As good os new! |Wholesals prices. P MO 8-4606 shopping etc, Available July 15. Call| matic. Parking ores. For 2 First-class Workmanship RA 5. | 721 INDIVIDUAL rrp after 6. NEW EXECUTIVE SUMMER ALTERATIONS RA 55342. | information apply-- Gusntool Reoarra TS plor eich "paren TRIO TELEVISION WE 3 fresh, good quality siraw.| HOMES. Mortgages arranged LOW-COST PREFABRICATED [STORE for rent. Apply 38 Prince Sireet 778 HORTOP = rvised. Inquiries invited, reasonable 171 BOND EAST beri a pine Bair Studs i*l with well known trust come HALLIDAY HOMES or RA 3.2512 or MO 8-5765. | UNITED » Tales RA 3253 a awa, pany. Prices and terms to STYLEMASTER COTTAGES [MODERN five - room three - bedroom PAVING CO SAND - GRAVEL S=m RA 83-5781 Somos Colom Te eats Sn | yyy SUDINGE (TEED So rosie. oi mel #3) ADELAIDE TERRACE 3 : a orge waterfront lots in new ou wi glad you called. |3-2512. MO 8-5765, | . RA 8-4801 Topsoil, stone and fill. Opto HARD BLACK. Docior of SPECIALIZING IN [TOF MONEY for dead and dissbled| registered private subdivision AJAX REPAIR AND [Six room house and bathroom, TV| i i Br edo + the examination of eyes, h ") Trucks and loader for hire. [contact leases. 136 Simcoe North at ol. Collect, 3ehour, seven eeme | With a "Florida" motif; most CONSTRUCTION LTD. {3sral, heavy duty 'wiring, "Apply 3051 Ect ee itoom Toor, parks . me, Evenings by appointment. RA SAMSON TOWERS hour, gevenday service. unusual and beoutiful in the i D f M 3-419], DEAD farm stock picked up prompily. 110 King Street fat, Oshawa ing space, laundry facilities. ON E, RA 3-3162 C Tok wo. Ouiomeir viasss| ANTENNA INSULATION (Ele cole: Hampion, cOiugx'samat.| Kowartho Jokes safe natura RA 8-510 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent| Adults only, oveilable July 1. y 4 adh Apply 329 Adelaide Ave. Bani or J Burk 'Street, Jnvands on LEN & LOU'S T.V shade trees, concl 40 wide |]6--Female oe Wanted |fioor, wasner and aver. 375 eed Apt, 2. MODERNIZE - REDECORATE Visit Our New amined at home. Dial RA 54387. «VY. "All types of rubber belting ot rear of lots with sheltered Telep RA 5-6134 or RA 3.3905. : Free Estimates ond hose for sale; belts re- dock or boathouse for each 34 MONTHLY -- new, modern, t Wr I A GARDEN CENTRE |Painting and Decorating RA 5.7844 paired within 24 hours. Rem. lot HOUSEWIVES bedroom armen al Shmiunen FOR RENT YOU CALLED | ot 1289 SIMCOE NORTH [FOR PERE sar Serge ports ot seca prices 30 | QUALITY with evry con: i Fas RA 8-5103 1,000 ft. North of A&P Store [RA 82822. Well Drilling-Digging Jorn pei, é* ge - Sas00 venience is built into each of Does present- income P%% oom] Upper 'ond My wid apart- ndolpl 3 , re. I Ea Nn SAN PLIES Rial (. Snowden Industriol Rubber (GSC "UIE UATE | fall short Of your [iusraior, sieve met water hideh| ot ora Nome oe AJAX REPAIR -- SUPPLIES 82436. GERALD FULTON | ond Plastics Limited, 91 Bruce | dem kitchens, fireplace, needs? Add extra dol- [lave Avenue. Apariment I RA 50101, water supplied, shared cellar. Bruce Street, Oshawa." Hai : and CONSTRUCTION LTD,| --HOUSE PLANTS complete interior decorating STORE for rent, Basement and main| Lower 5 rooms and bath We also Handle DODD & SOUTER WELL DRILLING 7--Trailers plus dial telephone with pri- lars to family income 0 sa. i, new bulding. 205| $85.00 per month. Upper Poymer terns evanged, ol Swimming Pool Construction PAINTING & DECORATING AND DIGGING & New Mee es vate or 2-party line. by becoming an Oinee Ay et de, Speedy. Mo) 4 rooms ond bath $75.00 if you require on economical A 3%.FOOT traler, ; or Glass | per mon Home, Summer i ou OSHAWA Pa in ting, Jesietiaring . . fet or ch 1 dition. Will sac. LocaTion 4 miles Just of REPRE Orv Four WHITHY = - available August 1, Ll |. HARRIS. HARRIS rage we con supply: Fac- yptex, u a urals, under contract, we guarantee | | on « ! arge modern two - bedroom apartment, | » tory Engineered Stylemaster GARDEN SERVICE Spray Painting to obtain water or there will [CABIN -- camping an and utility trallers | Yous wy, Jorge Sons - today Call RU 2-4782 aise Juiy ll a Supe bedroom ranch AND i 5 ae serv ; ved nr i - Buildings. Many plans to at 1259 SIMCOE NORTH 107 BYRON ST. S. WHITBY : be no chorge. Phone Hampton (J [SC1, Reterse your tratier sow for APE Ml i llect 4 | THREE-ROOM apartment, modern WALLACE Stossy from. Move in next RA 3.3222 DAYS MO 8.5231 Co 3 2790 alos in ew ad used trailers. Mon afterroon. inclding week- collect for more in kitchen, tires plecy bath, n aerial, OSHAWA ~~ RA 5.3568 mont Oven Evenings Till 9 NIGHTS RA 5.7426 " PARTI Simei duan'st Gibb RA! | STF formation. Cn, Sree hmntia S700, Evenings RA 3.9484 toilets. Dancing, good fish- suitable for enue or couple with baby, WRITE BOX 23 ing, cedar strip boats, motors, AD CANADA LTD, Hib tion. Seth, BA pus fr 00 OSHAWA TIMES es, RA te t---------------------- Ph RA i . IN osp . hy Sor oi Scotch collie, one year one pos REXDALE (Toronto) Ont. * [Couid susiet. Phone Colas apts NORTHWAY