THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, June 24, 1961 THE FRUITS OF FAITH James preaches justification by works, not by faith alone. He con- demns the kind of hypocrisy which gives deference to the wealthy, leav- ing the poor an inferior position.-- James 2:24. ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Scripture--James 1:21-22; 2; 5; Galatians 5:22-25. "If a brother or sister be destitute of daily food, and one of you say not- withstanding ye give them not those what unto them, Depart in peace . . . things which are needed . . . doth it profit?"'--James 2:15-16. James exhorts the wealthy to search their consciences. "Your riches are corrupted," he asserts, "and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire." --James 5:2-3. By Alfred Buescher "Ye have lived in pleasure . . been wanton . who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, . Behold, the laborers crieth."--James 5:4-5. GOLDEN TEXT--James 2:17, BIBLE LESSON SS Anniversary Maple Grove Brownies enjoy- ed a weekend at Camp Samac. Brownies old enough left on Fri- day evening and the younger | girls went in Sunday morning {to spend the day. Leaders in charge were Mrs. W. Bothwell, { 'Treasure Stored For After-Life By R. BARCLAY WARREN |getteth riches, and not hid sight, Money is important, but not|shall leave them in the mi Poi Play pon said: "Lay|of his days, and at his end shall up for yourselves treasures in|be a fool." Some one asked heaven, where neither moth nor|concerning a man who died, rust doth corrupt and where| ie thieves do not oh through curt reply was, "He left it all. nor steal, for where your treas-| The person who seeks first ure is, there will your heart be the kingdom of God and His also." Matthew. 6:20-21, righteousness finds happiness Paul commanded, "that if any here and hereafter. Things are, would not work, neither should his servants, not his masters. he eat." He also said, "If any He lays up treasure in heaven provide not for his own, and|/by living a good life by the specially for those of his own|grace of Jesus Christ. hTe influ- house, he hath denied the faith| ence of his holy life, as ex- and is worse than an infidel." | pressed in words and deeds, In the struggle for our needs, |gtill tells for good when he is how are we to lay up treasures gone As for himself, having in heaven? vacated this earthly tent, he Jesus, in His sermon on the pag a building of God, not made Mount (Matthew 6), emphasizes jth hands, eternal in the heav- God's care for birds and flow-| pc ers. He asks, "Are ye not much| better than they ?"' "Shall He, Until we yield our wills to | "How much did he leave ?"' The|p, AUDLEY AUDLEY -- The annual Sun- day School and congregational picnic will be held at P; Park on Wednesday, June 28. Supper will be at 6.30. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Puckrin entertained a number of neigh- bors on Saturday evening when Marlene Warren and Ray Is were pr d with a number of shower gifts, prior to their wedding which will take place this Saturday at Port Perry United Church. The host- ess served a buffet lunch Service will be afternoon at Audley Il assist with the The Memorial held this Sunda Salem etery. male wi m ej Cem . hoir § The West German ment has provided hecial aid to West Rovern- 600,000 as The PECIAL AID $2, Berlin since FAMOUS FLIGHT The first non-stop Atlantic flight by John Alcock and Are thur Brown on June 15, 1919, was from Newfoundland to Ire- land in six hours, 10 minutes. Peggy Squires entertained a number of her friends on Satur- day afternoon to help her cele- brate her ninth birthday. The men and boys have been having work bees to prepare a ball diamond in the field east of the church belonging to Mr. J. Fallaise. The boys have en- tered a team in the Pickering Township League. Mr. and Mrs. George Squire, Peggy and Glenn visited at the not muah more clothe you, 0|Jesus Christ, we are blinded to ye of little faith 2" The thought life's most important values. is climaxed this way, "Seek yel'"For what shall it profit a man, first the kingdom of God, and|if he shall gain the whole world, His righteousness: and all these and lose his own soul ? Or what| home of Mr. and Mrs. Cooper Bath, Orangeville, on Sunday. Mrs. Squire's mother, Mrs. A. Mawhiney, returned home with them. Hebron Christian Reformed Church One block 'north of highway 2 on Thickson Rd. ond you see the church! Church of the "Back to God Hour" every Sundoy, 3 p.m. CKLB. SERVICES, SUNDAY, JUNE 25 10:00 AM. REV. JOHN Van HARMELEN 7:00 P.M, REV. JOHN Van HARMELEN Mrs. John Noble, Mrs. Jimi things shall be added unto you." shall a man give in exchange| It's a matter of focus. If we/for his soul ?"" As we centre our| focus on things, we may get affections on Jesus Christ, we| things -- for a time. Let us be- have strength for all the vary-| ware how we get them. Jere- ing tests of life. This is the good | miah said: (17:11), "As the way. Let us all commit our- {partridge sitteth on eggs, and selves, by faith. to Jesus Christ |hatcheth them: not; so he thatias our Lord and Saviour. | Service Held | Colliss. | nq ya . : | Pupils of Mr. W. Mollins room MAPLE GROVE -- Sunday Whitby, were tea guests of Mr. enjoyed a bus trip to Niagara Called James school anniversary services|and Mrs. William Laird. were well attended at Maple Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Mal-led the wax museum, Brock's [result of wanting to impress Grove Church on Sunday whenicolm and family, Nestleton; monument, Botanical Gardens {Reverend H. C. Linstead of To- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake|and other points of interest. {ronto was the special speaker. and family, Solina; Mr. Bill, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin {Mr. Linstead welcomed all Westlake, O shaw a; Mr. and attended the Canada Bread so-| present and stated how pleased | Mrs, Mark Marchant and chil-|cial club dinner dance, at the he was to be back, as he was dren, Maple Grove; Mr. and|Genosha Hotel on Saturday eve-| a former pastor of this circuit.| Mrs. Robert Johnston and fam-| ning. ANNIVERSARY GUESTS ily, Courtice, were Sunday tea! Mrs. Robert Jarvie and Mr. | Sunday tea guests with Mr. guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stuart Jarvie attended the fu- and Mrs, Harry Freeman were Hoar, Mr. and Mrs. Les Colla- neral service for her brother, Mrs. Frank Rundle, Miss Hazel|cutt, Mr. and Mrs. Will Ash-|the late Mr. William Johnston, Rundle, Mrs. F. C. Davidson, |ton, Enniskillen, were Sunday in Brantford, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Tonkin, all of{tea guests of Mr. and Mrs.| Students in Mr. R. Kerr's Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Charles|Clifford Swallow. room were taken on a bus trip Osborne, Ebenezer; Reverend] Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink,{on Thursday to many interest-| and Mrs. H. C. Linstead, To-|Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Ken|ing places in Toronto, River- ronto: Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Gil- Sumersford, Bill and Stephen, dale Zoo, the museum and Casa bank and family, Orono Bowmanville, were Sunday Loma were some of the places Mrs. Noble Metcalf, Oshawa, tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. visited. was a Sunday tea guest of Mr. W. H. Brown. Girls' 4-H Club Achievement Lloyd Snowden. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Osborne,|Day will be held at Garden Hill | Mrs. E. C. Ashton Spey fhe Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Munday,|on Saturday, June 24. . i " i y ig {weekend with her daughter, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs.! Mrs. A. H. Gower, Oshawa, --_ ove, Hie book culties vor I 10 forget What Mrs, Ira Travell, Oshawa. On S. S. Morton, Maple Grove, vis-| (formerly of Maple Grove), bur Smith in Peloubet's Select|in this world. |Sunday they visited Mr. and ited Mr..and Mrs. Fred Stevens spent Tuesday with Mrs. Rob- Notes.) | The most challenging passage| MTS. Stuart Rodman, Portion Sunday evening. ert Jarvie. The effect of Christianity on|for interpretation is James 2:|*eITY- Sibwait. B the pagan world is beautifully|58-26. In this we see clearly one Miss Margaret 8 tewar : ur illustrated in the lesson's first|side of the great argument on|lington, was a weeken bay passage. It exalts the quality of|faith versus works, as James|of Mrs. L. SC Snowden 2 : re meekness, first in relation to|presents the case for good and Mrs. William Stewart were God, and through that, to other works. Sunday guests. J Marti men. | The opposite view is most ably Mr. and Mrs. A arm The pagan world gave respect| presented by Paul, who claims|and children; Mr. and Mrs. El instead, to a more egotistical|that a man "is justified by faith| gin Greenham and son, all of] boldness, almost arrogance. without the deeds of the law" Bowmanville, were Sunday tea HEAR GOD'S WORD (Rom. 3: 28). guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles One must hear and "receive"| James is more concerned with| Greenham and Carole. God's word, but it doesn't stop hypocrisy, attacking those who| Mr. and Mrs. Charles there; one must also be a "doer listen to sermons as a sort of Rundle, North Oshawa; Mr. and of the word, and not (a) hearer|game, failing to translate words Mrs. Herb Osborne, Ebenezer, only." Otherwise, to the first sin| into actions. |were Sunday tea guests of Mr. of not acting like a Christian Protestant sects have split/and Mrs. Cecil Jeffery. : (by "doing" the word), is addde| over this question of faith versus| Mr. and Mrs. Fred Twist, the fact that one has a falsely| works, However, the two need| he high opinion of himself, deceiv-/not be mutually exclusive. Paul] ing himself. {says, in effect, that the truly Two passages in the lesson| faithful are justified before God, | deal with the evils of wealth. regardless of their merits as The first (James 2: 1.7) is a|judged by their fellow men. rebuke to those who give to] James, speaking from a dif- those who already have instead |ferent point of view, attacks the of to those who need it. How orthodoxy which says, but does often in our world are the/not do--the unchurchly church- wealthy given the morale-boost-| goers. ing deference, rather than those whose poverty renders them low| in spirit to begin with. This is a planted 1,375,200 trees on their | The Golden Text tinted' 575.20 ire den . recs vee land with provincial govern- i : Iment help. The trees are pro-| | WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH FLOYD ST. AT GIBBONS Marie Taylor, ARC.l, RMT. Orgonist ond Choir Master REV. FRANK H. WARD, BA. HARMONY UNITED CHURCH Rev. N. T. Holmes, B.A, BD. Minister Ross Metcalf, ARCT., ACCM. Organist and Choirmaster {Falls on Thursday. They visit- By NEWMAN CAMPBELL Much of this lesson is taken People. from the Epistle of James. In the second passage on In the New Testament we find|riches (James 5: 1-6) James three men called James; the points out the worthlessness of author of this book is most prob-| wealth accumulated at the ex- ably the brother of Christ Him-|pense of others. The rust of their self. Not mentioned often in the gold and silver is "a witness Gospels, he was nevertheless an| against (them); gains gotten influential member of the early by fraud are eventually repul- church in Jerusalem, writing|/sive to the other, "eat (ing) about 51 A.D. i His orthodox Judaism is ap-/only on Judgment Day. parent in the many precepts, Furthermore, this sin is com- exhortations and quotes from pounded by profligate spending, the Old Testament. Imbued with|with money going to frivolous the spirit of Christ transforming|luxuries rather than to helping these traditional precepts with those less fortunate (James 5: THE Christian and Missionary Alliance at Cadillac -- Rev. C, V. Freeman, Pastor 10 AM. 11:00 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL MORNING WORSHIP 11:00 AM. Nursery Core during this service. KINDERGARTEN CLASS EE 11:00 AM. MORNING WORSHIP Sacrament of the Lord's Supper A HEARTY WELCOME TO ALL Richmond St. E 7 PM. SEVENTH ANNIVERSARY SERVICES EVENING WORSHIP 9:45 AM. -- SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM.--"ANOTHER MILESTONE" 7:00 P.M.--A SERVICE OF MUSIC WITH THE CHOIR A Brief Message by the Pastor on "What is your birthday?" VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL, JULY 4-14, NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH SIMCOE STREET NORTH AT ROSSLAND ROAD MINISTER -- REV: H. A. MELLOW, BA. ORGANIST -- MR. J. R. ROBERTSON 11 AM.--MORNING WORSHIP Topic: "SUCCESSFUL REVOLUTIONISTS" Sacroment of Baptism Baby Sitter Service by the Come Double Club. 9:50 P.M.--FRIENDLY CHAT . . . CKLB GOLDEN TEXT | COMING "Faith, if it have not works, is dead in itself."--James 2:17. |and Mrs. BAHAI'S BELIEVE . . . "The prophets of God have established the principals of human brotherhood. The spiritual brotherhood, which is enkindled and established through the breaths of the Holy Spirit, unites nations ond removes the cause of warfare and strife. it ironsforms man- | kind into one great family and establishes the foundations of the Therefore we must investigate the founda- 17 ERIE ST, Dial 5-3872 reece METHODIST CHURCH REV, W. A. McMILLAN, Pastor oneness of humanity tion reality of this heavenlly fraternity 10 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES (9:45 AM. FOR NEW BRANCH ON ROSSLAND RD, WEST) 11:00 AAM.--MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 P.M.--FAMILY GOSPEL You are olways welcome at the friendly church of the "LIGHT AND LIFE HOUR", Listen every Sunday at 9:00 a.m, -- CHML Hamilton. For further information please write: 29 GLADSTONE -- PHONE RA 5-7578 Albert Street United Church REV. S. C, H. ATKINSON, Minister MRS. BRUCE SEARLE, Organist ond Choir-Leader CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FIRST CHURCH -- 64 COLBORNE ST. EAST Branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts, 11 AM. -- MORNING WORSHIP FAREWELL TO THE ATKINSON FAMILY 9:45 A.M.--INTERMEDIATE, SENIOR 5.5. 11:00 A.M.--NURSERY, BEGINNERS, PRIMARY TIST CHURCH HORTOP AT GLENWOOD Rev. N. Frank Swackhammer; B.A, Minister Mr. H. Philp, Musical Director GRACE FIRST BAD LUTHERAN i nt CHURCH 0 a Cromwell Ave. & Highway 401 Rev. Carl A. Kartechener SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 11:00 AM. SUNDAY SERVICE 11 AM. -- SUBJECT: CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 o'clock includes testimonials of healing through Christian Science. READING ROOM HOURS IN CHURCH EDIFICE. Friday, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday, 2:00 p.m, to 4:30 p.m. EXCEPTING HOLIDAYS 11:00 AM The Ordinance of Believer's Baptism 7:00 P.M. The Communion of the Lord's Supper FREE TREES QUEBEC (CP)--Small prop- erty owners in counties sur- rounding Quebec City have CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. Warren G. Dickson, B.A., Minister Mr. R. K. Kellington, Organist-Choirmaster SUNDAY SERVICES EARLY SERVICE 9:30 AM, SECOND SERVICE 11 AM. 9:30 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL "THIS IS THE LIFE" REGULARLY ON TELEVISION LAS } Family Bible School at 9:45 Nursery and Jr. Church ot 11 10 A.M.--Sunday School 11 AM.--"WHAT JESUS SAYS ABOUT GOD" A Message answering the questions, "who, what and where is God". vided free by the lands and for- ests department. The land owner has to transport them. CHURCH FN | sveoe PENTECOST AL Carvary BarrisT! 25 ine 5 CENTRE AND JOHN STREETS REV. R. A. BOMBAY -- RA 3-4477 Affiliated with the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canado PASTOR: REV. W. NIVEN AITKEN THE SACRAMENT OF THE LORD'S SUPPER WILL BE GIVEN EVERYBODY WELCOME Pastor; BYNG AVENUE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Telephone RA 8-2426 Pastor: REV. G. A. CARROLL SUNDAY SERVICES 10 AM --BIBLE CLASSES FOR ALL AGES 11 AM.--MORNING WORSHIP AND RECEPTION OF MEMBERS 7 P.M.--"BEHOLD, THE LORD COMETH" with Ten Thousand of His Saints to execute judg- ment on the Ungodly", The Pastor's Evangelsitic Message. YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND 9:45 AM.--BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 11:00 AAM.--STUDIES IN PHILIPPIANS 7:00 P.M.--GREAT STORIES FROM THE BIBLE "Twin Brothers Who Couldn't Agree" Broadcast Over CKLB Wed., 7:45 P.M, -- BIBLE STUDY AND PRAYER TONIGHT, 7:00 P.M. -- OPEN-AIR WITNESS AT HILLSIDE DAILY VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Mon., 3rd July thru Fri.,, 14th July 9-11:30 Daily = All Children 3 and Over CENTRAL ONTARIO BIBLE CONFERENCE At the Acres -- Sat., 8th July -- 3:30 and 7:00 p.m. 7 TO SERVE GOD! St. Andrew's United Church MINISTER: REV. GEORGE TELFORD, M.A. D.D. Organist and Choirmaster: MR. KELVIN JAMES, A.T.CM. 7:00 P.M. 'WILL CHRIST COME AGAIN' 10:00 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. "THE UNUSUAL CHRIST" EVERYONE WELCOME SUNDAY -- 11 AM. DISTRICT ORANGE LODGE IS ATENDING SERVICE 11:00 A.M. THE SACRAMENT OF THE LORD'S SUPPER Intermediate and Junior Classes. | 11:00 A.M.--Nursery, Beginners and Primary Cigsses. EVANGELISTIC RALLY BER AAR Caning SVR KING ST. PENITELCUDT AL 611 KING ST. WEST Rev. J. M. MacKnight--Pastor RA 5-1661 Residence Church RA 8-5371 TONIGHT -8 P.M. ide All Musical Service SINGING REQUESTS AND AND OLD FAVORITES || 1 HILLSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH 1351 CEDAR STREET ~Sunday School 10:45 A.M.--Morning Worship Speaker: Pastor E. Winter WELCOME, IN THE NAME OF THE LORD 2 PM SUNDAY SCHOOL of 3:15 P.M. || Band Program in Lakeview Pk. BLOOR ST. MISSION Base Line School Bloor St, East at Harmony Rd, 9:30 AM ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA SUNDAY SERVICES TUES, 2:30 P.M, Annual Home League Picnic SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH The Church in the heart of the city with the World on its heart. MINISTER: REV. JOHN K. MOFFAT, B.A. Director of Music: Mr. R. G. Geen, L.T.C.M. 11:00 AM. MORNING WORSHIP Mr. Denzil Dale 2 P.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL WED. 8 PM MID WEEK SERVICE Wednesday, 8 p.m. PRAYER AND PRAISE MEETING ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH CENTRE AND BAGOT STREETS REV. CLINTON D. CROSS, B.A, L.Th, SUNDAY, JUNE 25th. TRINITY 4, 9:00 A.M.--HOLY COMMUNION (SCOUTS) 11:00 A.M.--MORNING PRAYER -- REV. C. D. CROSS 7:00 P.M.--EVENING PRAYER -- REV. C. D, CROSS 11.00 A.M.--'IMPERATIVES FOR NATIONHOOD' The Minister will preach. During the month of July, Simcoe Street congregation will worship with St. Andrew's congregation in St. Andrew's Church. Dr. George Telford will be in charge. SUNDAY SCHOOL A.M.-- Junior, Intermediate, Young People. A.M.--Nursery, Kindergarten, Primary Sunday School will close for July and August. Church Vaction School, July 4-14, St. Andrew's Church. REV. MERVIN A. BURY, M.A, B.D., Minister Mr. Rhyddid Williams, Choir Director and Organist Major and Mrs. M. Rankin Corps Officers 133 Simcoe South at You are cordially invited to || these Services where a worm * Descent of the Holy Spirit. | 16 I| welcome awaits you. "Faith, if it have not works, is/%8% dead in itself."--James 2:17. 9:45 1:00 4 CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH 0 MARY AND HILLCROFT STREETS RECTOR: THE VEN. H. D. CLEVERDON -- PHONE RA 5-579% 8:00 AM. -- 11:00 AM. -- 7:00 P.M, THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX ST. LUKE'S ST. PAUL'S SIMCOE ST. NORTH Meeting now in our new port. KING ST, E. & WILSON (Four blocks from King) The Rev. Robert B. Milroy able church, corner of Nipigon Rev. Derek Mien, 8 A. TCD, i and Rossland Rd. W. Minister Mr. David Jenkins, Musical Director 445 Beverley -- RA 8.6014 z REV. KENNETH J. MATTHEWS. Mr. Frank Walter Organist and Choir Master Tomorrow Closing Services 11:00 am. -- ME 1:00 p.m. with THE CLARK SISTERS GOSPEL SINGING AT ITS BEST Your opportunity to hear these gifted young ladies EVERYONE WELCOME HOLY TRINITY CHURCH CORNER COURT AND BARRIE STREETS, AND BLOCK EAST OF ALBERT REV. H, G. D. RICHEY, LTh, AM --HOLY EUCHARIST A.M.--SUNG EUCHARIST | i | P.M.--EVENSONG f 3 ; | 9:00 MA 1:00 4:30 BABY CRECHE, NURSERY AND CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 AM. FAREWELL SERMON 11:00 AM.--"THE HAMMER AND THE ROCK" Broadcast over Radio Station CKLB Read: Philippians 4: 4-13 : Anthem: 'Rejoice, the Lord is King" Soloist: Mrs, Gordon Hawker "The Spacious Firmament on High" '(Thiman) ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH WILSON RD. SOUTH & HOSKIN AVE. INCUMBENT: THE REV, R. A, SHARP -- RA 5.7064 8:00 AM, and 11:00 AM, NO EVENING SERVICES UNTIL SEPTEMBER YOUTH DEPARTMENT 10:00 AM, 9:45 AM. CHURCH SCHOOL ond Bible Classes 11:00 AM. "DOES A CHRISTIAN NEED TO GO TO CHURCH?" 9:45 AM. CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 AM, MORNING WORSHIP 9:30 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM. MORNING SERVICE "FULL AND COMPLETE LIVING" NURSERY CLASS Next Sunday and during July and August Worship Service at 10 a.m. A WELCOME AWAITS YOU ST. MARK'S CHURCH STEVENSON RD. NORTH ON BEURLING AVE, REV. A. WOOLCOCK -- RA 8-3055 8:00 AM. -- 11:00 AM. -- 7:00 P.M, Nursery Facilities at 11:00 A.M, Service 7:00 P.M (Couper) "GOD'S REPRESENTATIVE" Anthem: ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH Topic: "ELISHA" You are cordially invited A Hearty Welcome Awaits You