|St. John's WA. | | {Barvinok Branch)| Holds Men's Night] The June meeting of the st. John's Canadian Ukrainian Women's Association "Barvin- | 0k Branch" was in the form of a special men's night. For this | |occasion the members and their Jo Aldwinckle, oneer Women's Editor St. Joseph's CPTA | Names New Officers The June meeting of St. Jo-| |seph's CPTA was held in St.| {Joseph's School on Tuesday, June 20. Mr. Robert McDon-| nell, vice-president, |The following executives were lelected: president, Mr. Robert Dial RA 3-3474 McDonnell; vice - president, husbands met at the Flying Dutchman restaurant for a din- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, June 24, 1961 {Mrs, R. F, Vodden; secretary, 7 (Mrs. John Attley; treasurer, 'ner followed by a business and 'Isocial evening. .| The Reverend Dmytro Lu- ~ |chak led in prayer, followed by ila toast to the husbands which was proposed by Mrs. John Goreglad. A novel item during the dinner featured 'hats a la mode" for dessert during which time the men were re- quired to wear hats belonging to their wives. Mr. Robert Shoi- dra received the prize for the {best looking head dress. Mrs. Nicholas Semeniuk, president, welcomed all members and husbands conducetd a short business ses- the minutes of the previous meeting. An account of the!' treasury was presented by Mrs. | TO BE MARRIED NEXT MONTH | sion. Mrs. John Goreglad read|? {Mrs. W. J. Hastings, to serve {for the coming year. | Also elected were the follow- ing grade mothers and fathers: 4|Mrs, Francis Abulski, Mrs. Frank Zochodne, Mrs. J. E. Boyle, Mr. William O'Neil, Mr. Richard Malik, Mrs. A. D. Westnutt, Mrs. C. L. Allen, ~~ |Mrs. Robert Calder, Mrs. Rich- :|ard Fraser, Mrs, N. C. Michael, [Mrs. T. G. Kleinsteuber, Mrs. J. Smith. 4 ; The guest speaker, the (IRight Reverend Monsignor, 4 Paul M. Dwyer, was introduc. ed by Mr. D. Conway. Monsig- nor Dwyer addressed the first Joseph's School. to love and serve God and to take their full position in ser- Grade 8 graduation class of St.|¢ He stressed|! that it is the duty of everyone|& presided.| ¥ John Dutchak and Mrs. John! Masiewich. : A discussion about "votive"| candle holders for the church followed, The members agreed to purchase four such stands if suitable arrangements could be made, | vice to society. He added that there is a great need for all young people to use the oppor-|! tunities provided for them in furthering their education. Monsignor Dwyer then pre-| sented to all the members. of] the graduating class a rosary on| : behalf of St. Joseph's CPTA.|*® Those graduating were: Rose-| mary Conlin, Joanne Conway,| Cheryl Mary Jane O'Neil, Cath-| erine Normoyle, Victoria Vod- den, Ronald Donnelly, John,| "MARRIED RECENTLY Pictured after their wed- Wilfred D. Forrest and ding recently at Christ | bridegroom is the son of Mr. Leach. John| Memorial Church are Mr, | and Mrs. Charles H. Dowton, Mothersill. | and Mrs. William Henry Dow- | all of Oshawa. The couple > ton. Formerly Miss Cherry | will live in Oak Ridges. | Ann Forrest, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. --Photo by Ireland the left is Mrs. Douglas Nesbitt, division camp advisor, and on the right, Mrs, W. E. Gardner, MRS. 0. §. HOBBS offic- district commissioner, jates at the ceremony. On the Official Sod-Turning Ceremony | SOCIAL NOTICES Heralds Guide Camp Opening | BOP APY. was. Bek The engagement is an-| bride-to-be is the daughter of Bly Jecietary wat sskey 10 nounced today of Miss Mary | Mr. and Mrs. Robert instructor and inquire whether Alma Fernandez and Mr. | Fernandez of Oshawa and the he will continue the dance les-| Graham Robert Northam who | prospective bridegroom is the sons in the fall. plan to be married at Holy | son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert | A social committee consist- Cross Roman Catholic Church Northam of lax. ing of Mrs. Peter Siblock and on_Saturday, July 22. . The na-- Photos by Yornsby |; 2h ch, Darryl Mrs. Alex Stec was chosen to igashel, Michael convene the tea on June 21 1d {James Wilkinson. which is to be held in honor of Oshawa Presbytery WA Ho S Cheryl Donnelly of Grade 8 Mrs Soler Paush, president of thanked the CPTA for its gift.| ---------- - the Ukrainian Women's Asso- . : a |A prize was also presented by ore u [ciation of Canada who is cur- Executive Meeting In Whitby Mr, Robert McDonnell to Mi- OGH A | E Ch t {rently visiting all the associa- chael Mothersill, for literature. | uxi1 1ary, vening ap el tion neals i Razer Canada, Mrs. L. F. Richardson, presi- Jk LL. F. Richardson, Mrs The Reverend L. T. McGough| | Saturday, June 24 was chosen dent of the Oshawa Presbytery|A. A. Crowle and Mrs, W. C.land the Reverend Frank Sku- Cl S With S as the date for the annual Sun- WA, held a meeting of her ex-|Ives have been busy in the past mave who were also present 0ses eason 1 upper day school picnic. 'Mrs. Peter|ecutive recently in Whitby Unit- few months travelling in the added their words of congratu- Dobroshinsky and Mrs. Wil-led Church, to plan for the Fall!/Oshawa Presbytery and speak- lations and encouragement | A well attended pot luck sup- tions draw may be obtained liam Andrey will make all the Rally to be held in Albert Street/in on the United Church|the graduates. The clo sin g/per preceded the regular June from Mrs. J. E. Rundle. final arrangements. United Church in October. A Women, the new organization prayer was said by Monsignor|meeting of the evening chapter| Mrs. George Jackson, sewing The annual "Barvinok" fam- planning committee was form-|for the United Church. |Dwyer. Refreshments wer ejof the Women's Hospital Auxil- convener, reported three bed- ily picnic will be held on July 5. ed with the following members,| Mrs. Richardson asked that/served by the executives and|iary held recently at McLaugh-| spreads had been submitted. Mr. Luchak spoke about the Mrs. Charles Naylor, Mrs. H.|nominations be sent in to the grade mothers. lin Hall. Mrs. C. R, Lunn pre-|Mrs. Lunn stated that wool and outdoor mass and family pic-W, Blakely, Mrs. A. E. Hamil- nominating committee of the sided. {material is available for those nic which St. John's parish islton. Mrs. J. C. Naylor, Mrs. provisional planning committee on At the conclusion of reports interested in sewing or knitting planning for July 16. He urged gric Cooper and Mrs. L. F.!/for the UCW as soon as pos-| LODGES AND |given by Mrs. Roy Bunker, sec-|during the summer months. K all the Barvinok members to Richardson sible. Qualifications for per- retary, Mrs. Murray Powell, Mrs. N. C. Briggs, scrapboo attend and take an active part hy ' isons to act on the executive of SOCIETIES |treasurer, Mrs. Thomas Norton, | convener, reported three scrap- lin this picnic. The members| Mrs: J. I. McKenzie and Mrs. the: hew organization inclade: a corresponding secretary. Mrs.|books had been completed for also agreed to give some finan- Thonias Piet of the >: Sis a Ean) to leant a wit L M. Jonny a Sonvener the children's yal A request ENGAGEMENT cial assistance to the construc- conducted a devotional per-| & Wi i ' SHTERS . Np |the annual dessert bridge to be was made by the chairman fo Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fernan-|tion of a platform at the church iod taking as the theme *Fake/DERESS 10 Sooperale 504 a DR ot ob eid September 2 reported that| volunteers for the hospital Sit Mrs. O. S. Hobbs, former who go to camp will be housed|dez of Oshawa announce the picnic grounds. [rime yr Chatles Ravior i ed whether the nominees should held at the regular meeting ofifickets may he oisiied ftom shop 8nd I Was Smincey thal Division Commissioner, Oshawalin a Jarge chum thal is Exper Sgagement olthels: daighter, Pm gg on Ses be former members of either | The Daughters of, Le venor and each member was available for interested mem- Girl Guide Association, turnedied to be completed early in| Yary ama, to Wr. Granam fh J. of to RE to asl Mrs. Ros ; ave the/the WA or the WMS, it was| ~"mpress ; requested to supply one dessert|bers, sod recently at the new Girll July : Robert Northam, son of Mr.|ing of games and stunts was Mrs. Ross Dickinson gave the pointed out that Mrs. J. D. Ho! Tuesday evening, June 20 redus, ego SUD Sn pick: NS 'Lunn welcomed 10 tie 4 | : > x8 ,and Mrs. Robert Northam of arranged by Mrs. Robert Shol-/treasurer's report and Mrs. + at the Orange Temple. ; | s p Guide camp situated north off Most of the previous camping an ~ : | . Av -t | Hutchinson, the first chairman e 3 i ) led up and delivered to the Hos- meeting a prospective new Novionville. has been done at Tate's Point/Aiax. The marriage will take|dra, Mrs. John Goreglad and Frank Black gave the report i the Dourd of Ww has Past president Sister Ethel| ED Al teria by members of ber Mrs. A. E. Webster near Bobcaygeon. where the/Place on Saturday, July 22,/Mrs. Walter Kuch. A specialiof the literature secretary. Mrs of the Board of Women has|n . orham presided with past|Pital cafeteria by | mem er Mrs. A. 2 oy eter: Mrs. Hobbs attended the first Guides have been camping for|1961, at 11 o'clock at Holy [feature of this program was a|Black recommended several never been identified with the| resident, Sister Beatrice/the committee. eA [At the sonclusion 9 . e me Oshawa Guide Camp in 1929 as|,, past 15 years Cross Roman Catholic Church, |short musical skit presented by hooks and pamphlets for edu- WA or the WMS but has al-|y,.ct assisting and past presi- rs. G. G. Curley, conveneriing Mrs. Lome 300! nan eo camp quartermaster and Seal At the camps, Guides gain Oshawa. (Mrs. Paul Plishka and Mrs.|cational and inspirational read- Ways been an active and capable | gent, Sister Jessie Madder, act- of the "Flight Into Fashion ducted a live , auc jon sale very strongly about the value of experience in camperaft hiking a Lh {Robert Sholdra. ing especially "New Styles for worker in Church work. Mrs.|ins chaplain. All offices were show to be held in Octoberiwhich brought to an en camp life in 1 character de- open-air cooking instroction n ENGAGEMENT | Mr. Walter Kuch, v . | velopment of the Guides. | 2 ale] ) Jinson' ture. 38 : E ickets the season' ivities. BM ALE Kh Clutch Wao St courting te chimes mere in lf 3 pa prodaenis. 10 J mb, peg "HSS STS: . .. |swimming, and also have a| The engagement is announced President, thanke ne ladies| ow organization, andjcoOver of the June server,| Sister Jean Fitches gave the Wi "Clemens and Riteh & lengthy seareh: aide Shane to pass many Justs. To of Madele ie Phyllis, daughter Ta Evening nd /Glimpses into the Past" -- Villa story about her activities | sick kp wg Ri show from officials 4 Sull- obtain a campers' adge a of Mrs. John Garnet Ashmore| 4 : By oA ' i VA. J <. was read and a 5 | "pay able 10-acre site which contains al must Ape spent ge or of Oshawa and the Jata Mr. Ash-|the Big President i all the te Justory uy fe Na gave the] Mrs. Richardson reminded were received from' sick em MIS. Douglas Sagerid samples an open field, an extensivelonq ynder canvas more, to Mr. Donald Keith Pol-|800d work she had done. Iic| iy Bursary fund, say-|the members that this new or- bers. Ee hiro ps wooden section, and is travers-| A small group of Guides and|lock, son of Mrs. Edward|also presented Mrs. Semeniuk's Jeport of he ours ary ay ganization was not just a mer-| District deputy, Sister Nan Of children & toys which will be ed by a creek. Rangers attended the official Bourne of Oshawa and the fate/husoang vith 2 lovely barvinok| M8 "hd for BO {wo ger of the present women's or- Kirkbride escorted Sister Alice 0s he I Gifts" : X . . yr Als Top 2 dw D, k eriwinkle ant. - i d | iy y p ON me "dt camp wit open son ren" Rp ME Ged rd oli f OILS BAN py ns a ht grunt fonatons bul "whole new Haylon, Ue, 81,10 0 Lg he lon November 3. the 108 Guides and Sea Ran- De district commissioner, and take place on Saturday, July Will be held at the home of gift had been sent to another ires organization in keeping ) Si [17 and went on to advise that | 5 < Student 1 . 'd Church with the times, and including |flag was donated by Sister Hay- reek | Mrs. Nesbitt, vision !29. 196 selock at St. An- Mrs. John Stezik on September student in the United Church ; , | : in memory of gers Wier ba 8 re Me Douglas eshiil, QiVision,9, 196), ab 3 v'gloek 8 AL 13 [Training School. all the women of the Church. ton and dedicated y "TTFOR BEAUTIFUL7 PORTRAITS to d one donated by mem- ("Scouting with the Handicap- ped," Mrs. Varnum pointed out that the boy is "first of all a [tickets for the dolls of all na- drew's United Church, Oshawa. |" After the business part of the her son who was lost over: "TEAC GROUPS, CLUBS person, and only secondly a handicapped one." ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carr of Ajax announce the engagement of their daughter, Sandra Anne, | & to Able Seaman Howard (Butch) | ; Andrews, Royal Canadian Navy,| { | i i 1 - {meeting there was a quiz game |S€3S an ] 3 designed to get acquainted with | bers in memory of boys lost all those present, after which| Overseas. | i | Reports were given by the led WHY A members Serv-| various committees. Discussions |were held concerning activities for projects to be held in the Teachers are benefiting from | better facilities for learning ard new educational projects, said|g Sister Marian, one of the nuns|§ of the Sisters of St. Joseph. She f is retiring this year as principal |fea fall session. The date for the| {committee to attend the tuck | shop at Hillsdale Manor is June 30. | Birthday greetings were sung for Sisters Beatrice Hurst, Clara Harmer, Alice Hardsand,| Mary Hurst, Jean Fitches and Kay Bottomley. Prizes were donated by mem bers and were won by Sisters) Ellen McIndless, Edna Huband and Jessie Madder, Refreshments were served by the past presidents. This was the close of meetings for the summer. The next regular of St. Peter's school, where she [iy taught grades I to XIII during] her 31 years at the school. | Varnum presented a TEACHING IMPROVED AUXILIARIES Jig president's pin to Mrs. PETERBOROUGH, Ont. (CP) ner x past f a 3 19TH SCOUT MOTHERS AUX. A. L. Halliday in recognition of TeWs of Oshawa. The marriage| 3 Co | The June meeting of the 10th! many years of devoted work Will take place on Saturday,| is ; | MONDAY Oshawa Scout Mothers' Auxil- with the 10th Oshawa Auxiliary July 2 1961, at 11 a.m. in St.| po : 4 ; ISouthmead Park. Aux ed Monday night ; Jernadette"s Roman Catholic 1 3 Bb : for, as Spend Flores presi- Mrs. Victor Phair and Mrs.(op op Ajax : 4 4 a" i Pleasant Mon. Aft. Club dent in the Salvation A rmy Neil McCrae were presented § hf, | : 8, 1 | Past Matrons' Club, OES Citadel iil 2 with Scout Auxiliary cups and ; : i ; Castle. Chapter Alumnae "Mrs Everett Harmer and Saucers 13th Scout Mothers' Aux. Mrs Percy Monery read the! In the fall, the meetings will Oshava Jiometies : secretary's and the treasurer's be held on the third Monday of H F |B0Lh Sewat Mothers Aux, reports. each month, beginning on Sep onors ormer { 1 : | ling orkers 3 $ ny tember 18 r E of : i 4 | Mrs. G.. N. Varnum, presi 3 = i (TUESDAY dent of the Executive Board of Refreshments were served by Oshawa Couple ' : 3 ' [TOPS Club Scout Group Ladies' Auxiliaries Mrs. W. James, Mrs. E. Har 4 i A ; |Re-Echo Lodge for the Oshawa District, was the mer, and Mrs. P. Monery Mrs Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Blake 5 % (St. Peter's WA west speaker. In her speech,'Harmer won the door prize. of Grand Valley, Ontario, for-| SA Home League meeting will be held on Tues- : . - merlv of Oshawa. were Suests 3 St. Matthew's Guild day, September 5. 3 ; : Es Christ Church WA Ee ---- of honor on the occasion of fy Canadian Legion Aux. Ont Reot Assn. Aux. son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert And. | CLUB CALENDAR Oshawa's Store for Anniversary Party | DAISY, --at Harleigh Supplies (Oshawa Ltd.) BRAS -- GIRDLES Professional Fittings at No Extra Cost! WARD'S Simcoe St. S. ot Athol St. Phone RA 5-115) © HOUSEHOLD HINT Water your house plants with baw bn Jessie Panton Aux. Court Oshawa, I0F Albert Street WA Calvary Baptist YWMC 9th Scout Mothers' Aux, Arvilla McGregor Aux. First Baptist WA Friendship Group Beta Sigma Phi {Dorcas Group Nellie Dearborn sary at a party held at the| home of their niece, Mrs. Wal- {ter Spratt and Mr. Spratt, Tre- isane street. { About 40 relatives and friends] gathered for an evening of en-| {tertainment and presented the| {happy couple with gifts includ-| ing cooking accessories. Master Jeffery Spratt sented the bridegroom with a {boutonniere and Miss Jane Spratt 'presented the bride with a corsage Among the guests were Mr and Mrs. Fred Smith (nee Flor- lence Cox) of Oshawa who were the best man and the {bridesmaid at the ceremony 25 |years ago. From out of town were Mrs. Blake's only sister, © IMrs. Melville Smythe of Elgins- ! burg, Ontario, and a sister-in- {law, Mrs. Arthur Blake, and his . (oldest brother, Alex, both of] © Sydenham, Ontario. A The lace covered tea table * |was centered with a candelabra] nue, are Norman Allan 4 and a three-tiered wedding] (Butch) who is 11 years of © |cake. Mr. Fred Smith propos-| age and David Edward, one ed a toast to the honored pair|- AE - and Mr, Blake made an aporo- | priate reply. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Blake were married on June 6, 1936, in King Street United Church, |Oshawa, with the Reverend R. J. McCormack officiating. Mrs. Blake, the former Bernice Lott, is the daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. Walter Lott who were life long residents of Oshawa. Mr. Blake, the son of the late and Mrs. Blake of Syden- prevent damage to roots irom cold water shock. i SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON S. OPEN DAILY to 10 p.m. Specials! Mon., Tues. & Wed. New Potatoes 10 .. 55°¢ 3 BUNCHES 14+ FRESH : Green Onions LB, 64: CARTON 3.09 FIRST GRADE ws 1.00 CHRISTIES' BROOKSIDE BUTTER YOUR CHOICE BREAD Moves 33° FREE PARKING ON OUR LOT CIGARETTES SHOP AND SAVE AT GLEGOFF'S Electrolysis Removes warts, moles and pre- ; superfluous hair. Group Over 15 Years' Experience MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawe at the Genosha Hotel, June 27th, 28th PHONE RA 3-4641 for appointment en these dotes WEDNESDAY Victory Lodge, LOBA Rebekah Lodge No. 3 Cheerful Givers Storie Park Auxiliary Christ Church Aft. Guild THURSDAY Calvary Baptist WMS Christ Church Eve. Guild NOTICE! If you find a lower price on any identical Furniture Specials (Yellow Tags) Peppler- Selig Anniversary models, KELLY'S will re- bate you the difference in CASH! ¥ year old last month. Their | grandparents are Mr. and | Mrs. Rufus Lambert and Mrs. | Sidney Hayward, all of Osh- ~Ireland Studio, | THE LAMBERT Sons of Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man E. Lambert, Cartref ave- PRODUCTIONS DISNEY FRESH BEEF HAMBURG 3 No other Oshawa Dealer can dare make this offer ! BUY the BEST for LESS in the DECOR LOUNGE. . . 2 floors of fine furniture at 32 King East. NO MONEY DOWN when you trade now . . . SAVE 3% sales tax coming the end of August. FREE storage "TO LIVE IN HAWAI HONOLULU at Sim- , Jackson, Oshawa, and the bridegroom, an assistant pro- Mr fessor of zoology at the Uni- ham, Ontario, was formerly a versity of Hawaii, is the son member of the taff of the of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rid- Royai Bank of Canada in Osh ley Muir of Toronto awa and is now manager of the Robert Aldsworth Photography Royal Bank in Grand Valley. Married recently coe Street United Church were Dr. and Mrs Barry S'nelair Muir. The bride, the former Miss Donna Carol Jackson, is the daughter | Mr. and Mrs. Donald Eugene 34 different FREE DISNEXKINS.