23--Wanted to Rent |25--Apts. & Flats for Rent 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent 26--Rooms for Rent 27--Real Estate for Sele 29--Automobiles for Sale 32--Articles for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, 13 Soturdey, June 24, 1961 bs Rossland THREE - ROOM aparitent, on ground THREE-ROOM SIX-ROOM brick house, garage, low close to shopping centre, newly decorat- THR BEDROOM house In .Road district, east of Simcoe Street. foo reply to Box 100, Oshawa Post gink eupboards in Lb parking fa- ed, suit quiet couple, Phone RA 53777. NICELY large attic | housekeeping privileges, seutral, couple 'sé CHEV. auiomatic Sedan, good eon- dition. Phone RA 5-3878. couple | taxes, extra (toilet, and many e: RA J05 PONTIAC, $20, or best: offer. {No _aealers, one 8-6410. stand, Bea a a ar am mat. | 32--Articles for Sale tress. RA 54604. 621 Crerar Avenue, 35--Legal Apply 977 Ritson Road Ni 1961 DODGE, less than 200 rer much below retail price Cash, no trade. 3-2338. '57 CHEV Belair, two-door, hardtop, V: po |jood, clea Sledn car, best offer. felephone 1961 3 : 18 HP AWNINGS, Minds, I, Prompt Service ly equipped, load- ry 4153. Cleve Fox. 412 Simcoe North. or Street. RA 83-4554. BED » SITTING room for gi private §12 900. T thine supplied in better home, FOUR-ROOM hospi 5-3093. Agnes Street, ar Nortn GM and how Ts a? int rong pls Bid Private TWO for lady | trance and bath, Tele RA 51168. Tice five - room bungalow, paved drive, garage, two bedrooms, pay- Close to school. Telephone RA|s.6494 54 CHEVROLET, "54 ig 49 Morris Minor, '54 half-tone All in good i Mike's BA, Srsian OLiver 5-3528. THREE-ROOM apartment, pear south GM. Reasonable. only. 1213 Sun Valley Court RA '5-1356. ONE four-room apartment, one heat 2d hydro in. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF MISS IRENE M, JACKSON All claims against the Estate of Miss Irene M. Jackson, late of Whitby, Ontario, who died on 17th Februory 1961, must be filed with the unders signed Administrator on of before the 28th doy of July, 1961 after which dote her Estate will be distributed. DATED ot Whitby, Ontario, this 22nd doy of June, 1961. THE ROYAL TRUST CO. 66 King Street West, TORONTO 1, Ontario. By David J. Cuddy, Q.C. y their Solicitor herein. | cilities. Apply 67 Queen Street. ~. THREE - ROOM b api {large windows, self - a all con- heavy duty wining, TV an- tenna, paved . RA 3. -- nd FOUR-ROOM apartment, 2 on- thuded. Telephone RA nd trance and bath, heay. uty wiring, Tak garage, west t end Oshawa, on large lot. 'ear mew school, Wilson Road. Tele. TWO-ROOM unfurnished _ apartment, Lease CO 3-: | RA 56890, sink, built-in cupboards, newly decorat- {PHone ed. Apply 205 Bond East or RA 55418. Fook SE with garage, cen-| choice of tral, near Schools, shopping and buses. |two or three bedroom apartment, fur- A | nished, and stove. RA 8-0228. THREE-ROOM apartment, sultable for for nurses or oupie, 'e close kd downtown iy and hospital, al conveniences, | let, private entrance, single person or a Rished: or RA couple. Close to Shopping landscaped, garage, Gibbons Street. [8-13], After 6, RA 35-1423, | Centre, $53 monthly inclusive, 134 Park Only $12,700, with $2,000 down. One open TWO three - room apartments, second Road North. |mortgage for balance. W. McAuley, and third floors, stove and refrigera '| TWO "large rooms, f fornished, refrigera. Realtor, 28 Prince Street RA 3-2512 or tor in each, sauna only. Telephone pop tor, stove, cupboards, large closets, MO 8-5765. 32511 and 5, Monday to Fry, bgry facilities, oll heated, day -. |central, $40, suit one or two $40 MONTHLY, two unfurnished Tooms,| people. RA 80933 with bath, TV outlet, use of STAT and Apply 242 Cadll.| {eRe pid lac South after 5. and parking. t, SELF contained three room apartment, | jonly. RA 5 upstal downs: 3 private entrance, parking, very central, ----------" bath, in good condition, quiet location, Rvdro-heat, vacant July 1. oom for "UNEE NOON Juntr AUPLEX ABA IRA S408. 3i1 Currie Avenue |sh $6 weekly, RA 86697. | ces, heavy wiring, heated, central, PRIVATE sale, Good buy. Five room NEW, beautiful, tastefully decorated 4 paved parking. Phone days, RA 5-1113; brick bungalow, three years old, three room apartment (in apartment baikt- evenings, RA 5-1569 or RA 3-4910. bedzon a, Paved drive, Jaw down pay- ing) equipped with stove, refrigerator,| oo men ce Forse. Com 0 ang ene FURNISHED, 306, tlie UT oto, Wolo bass" sro mtr, yo bo at Church Street North. RA 3-7416 for fur. [RA 59i6 RE gt 8-8386. FOR sale, in the Town of Strathroy. price. $1700 down. 370 g (TWO: ooo furnished apartment, eon. | oor pr 4. two storey brick residence and garage! {5-2148, 2 her information [voniencon heat. lights Inchuded. Park. THREE room flat in quiet home, pri-| Jie MOTT POX [CL NEW solid brick house, modern. dling, 60 monthly. Telephone RA 8-430¢ ale Bath, TV, acids parking, Saute Het in' good repair, oll heated; fs wccuied re Vaio ® brick seven rooms lor 115 Agnes Street. al |B . quite, mice district with garden. One >. gne 5 FREE Tent one month, modern, pewiy| i Presently used as Legh nd screens, | paved drive, hedged yard, minute to school and shopping in Whit- [NICE five-room apartment, downiown, decorated apartments with lawn, free Hall. Apply to C. F. Enwright, sion, | fruit trees. MO 8 by. Monthly rent $113, Apply MO 8-8669 laundry facilities, TV or Nicula, om: parking and laundry facilities, MA McLean or W, G, Conkey, Strathroy. | WiLSON Shin at King, five rooms, Stn minim ments, 170 Simcoe Street South. For L000 Apartments 4 or 1 63 Kink Wes, i000 FULL PRICE for ths benatiy brick garage. hot water hesied, 4 resi IN OSHAWA, seven | appointment call RA 81203. {Bowmanyifie Cod home, six large rooms, all bargain. Ask for easy terms. Jones €ould_sublet. Phone ¢ Cotax 3 3303 apartment, NEW modern two bedroom apartment, modern and uly decorated. Ex-| Real Estate, FIVE-ROOM two - in new apartment building, decorated, tras include natural fireplace and alum. rwo house. central. most sell. FIVEROOM two - Storey FS 2 in stop. 1. id yds supplied, efrigerator, stove, washer, dryer, pved| fnum storms oar uels, edged | Telephone 340 8-3785. rees. arries Sys ! 490 § ee. Available 0, SPECIAL bachelor apartment in apart. RA 855s s block to sopping wa a a on call en] Huns [PRIVATE Iie + Bedrvom brick Dungs. t bulldin rivate, ideal for couple, any time RA 35-6588 or l- » screens, MODERN three-bedroom brick house, , | tov pee) EC acrir included. y| TWO large, partments, any Realtor. |paved driveway, 5 per cent mortgage, e Tv com tral to schools, | private baths $79 principal, interest and Big Cy gM gn JLo immediate possession. [LUIS ams. All conveniences. Five ONE large Tarnished room with TATHC tive oied: Toa oy mown ors 200 (minutes from downtown. RA 54344. furnished kitchen, adults only, APPLY price RA 8-1470 after 6. TWO . BEDROOM apartment on Sim- APARTMENT, three rooms, private en. |620 Simcoe Street North. .FOR REAL ESTATE STORE for rent. Apply 28 Prince. street | coe Street North, complete with stove bath, in quiet home. 1500 DOWN for DON S. SMITH trance, Suit-'§1500 DOWN for three-bedroom brick WF RA 33512 0 or MO 25765. and refrigerator. Phone RA 56343. 9 able for widow, business couple. Stove, bungalow, all modern conveniences on Vickery Real Estate RA 8-5228 MODERN five - room three - bedroom a.m. lo 5 p.m. | fri On bus line. Apply 137/10 acres, small barn, north Bowman-| RA 8-4879 |SACRIFCE! Private sale, three-bed- 1" FT. room bungalow, $500 down. Full price motor, also trailer, RA -led with extras, FURNISHED bachelor apartment "close vicinity of Oshawa Genera] Hos- 4 pital. Write Box 27, Oshawa Times. " "24--Houses for Rent cheap, RA prety LIKE new, factory built, pack trailer, vice. RA with 9 x 9° cabin tent. Telephone RA FVROLET convertible, WHOLESALE prices on RAC Victor, . " . lawn mowers, boat, motor, trailer, "56 car radion, omz at Parkway TV. di one 3 Chie, Flaine and B. RCA Victor service depot from Osh. South. oe $49 i bination 3-speed of i com! EE om of on ew Suriitire Say record player, blond finish, console cab- tortie, dresser. chiffonier. bed, © Nit,| inet, com 25 records, $69. ER iS at See Ln bt , hassock, lamp, u JOLLY Jumper, w. ste. Pay say 1 $25 down. Barons' Home arbor saw, new, skill saw, two electric 424 Simcoe South. motors, air brush, sabre saw. Phone icvovss. $39.95. Tenis, boats 'mo- RA 57671. trailers, new and used. 1 FT, Frigidaire, $115; also rt. minion Tire Store, 40 Bond Street West. a ana Tange, $85. Telephone RA 5-6511. MO yr Aid ELECTRIC disc sander, electric hedge FURNACES, forced air, ten year tHmmer, Sivmuing, vols and dies, antee, $2.25 per week, no >} down ay. scooter, electric game, | men! A gent 130. Hl 0 SEE ends > ©0a) e. FOR RAWLEIGH Sood Health Prod- a A RL ok . years experience. COlfax 3-224, Fy tions, dial 5 tires, ,_most all sizes, $3 and 1p. 1 Crosl Shelvador Drakes. "a 3 radio low h Stores, RA 5458. | oatomati denon igerator, $115, . bk OH Stores -- Ti bat- One Gurney heavy duty stove, $35. i954 CADILLAC sedan 215, DOWET |tries, ominsy rorciserators." tous. A 1513 Dufferin Street, Port and brakes, selectronie radio, yigion, Thrifty Budget Plan. RA 5-4543,|Wh $750 or best offer. 74 Indian 17 in, ebullt, 1953 BSA 630 twin, all in excel-(1 can save you money on tvpewriters, TiC sn; iro at dition, OL 5 cash registers, adders. 3 No money down. bin Tog J of nig ond Hrsedpoed lent Bill Hamilton, A: inet, $69.. Meagher's, ONE- and two-bedroom apartments, available in modern i stove any |8-50i7 Nive and one half actes of land, good with house on it. Call after 4 LARGE furnished room, suit {two gentlemen, close to South . RA 8-4380. 27--Real Estate for Sale MODERN five three-bedroom brick bungalow, nicely' decorated and one or | rent. General refr FIVE RooN garage, 7, wlose to schools. 4 treet. Avail- able July 1. Call RA 5-1508. house, 2 and four-room \ apar' ished or unfurnished, ga. hospital, ehools, 561 Grier-| RA 5-9329. 101 Craydon Road, Whitby: BACHELOR R apartment, , two rooms, un- furnished, refrigerator, stove, TV out- "52 METEEOR, four-door, good motor and tires, sound body. For quick sale to best offer. RA 5.7752. 's5 PLYMOUTH Soach, Savoy, blue and white, radio, excell 34 Mechauical con- dition, tires like he King West Motors, pk Shopping 'Centre. 55 CHRYSLER Windsor deluxe, blue tors and white, radio, automatic, power quite good , $495. Wilson King West Motors, opposite Shopping PRIVATE gale -- six-room, I YE Et 1 ty prey num storms, screens, implement shed, large corner lot. OL 5-3829. $75 MONTHLY carries this lovely brick and stone home in Oshawa's quiet east end residential area. Five large rooms and all modern beautiful white stone machine, tilt HOUSE for rent at South. Telephone RA HEATED five - room lower duplex with recreal room, lovely grounds, East nd: garage optional. RA 8-8836 "after 6 "261 Ritson Road 3-3679. MARIPOSA Township, 125 acres choice land, modern buildings, 30 acres grain, remainder {hy $17,000, $6,000 down, is at § Doro Seat. Aj Stanley [ou Black, Cresswon PO 1%4-STOREY brick ry three rooms irs, four airs, three siness two - room apa stove, location. Adults Good six moon Dungalow, broadloom, base. $100 Byare included. Immediate : Near south GM. Bus at door. RA 83392. CLEARING, "56 Volkswagen $688; 55 Chev., $688; "34 Pontiac, gL a wo to choose from, i HH Buick comverivie: e188. A 34431, RA PRIVATE 1959 Ford » ie 'wagon, ex: cellent power steering, power |brakes, TWO-BEDROOM house and th apartment, close to South plant, pri-|-- vate entrance, one child welcome. Ap-| ply. 802 Phillip Murray. THREE-ROOM bungalow, one bedroom, suitable for couple or couple with baby, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, living room and { bath, Many exiraj. all in good cond} oo 5 Terms be determined. PAVIN., Jiv.am SEWERS AND CONCRETE WORK ONTARIO HOSPITAL, WHITBY, ONTARIO SEALED FIXED SUM TENDERS properly endorsed, on forms supplied by the Department, will be received by the Tenders Secretary, Room 6630, East Block, Par lioment Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario, until 3:00 p.m. E.D.T.) on THURSDAY, JULY 6th, 1961 for the Paving, Storm Sewers, and Concrete Work, etc., at the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, Ontario. Plans, Specifications, Tender forms, Tender envelopes and Contract Requirements, may be obtained from, or viewed at Room T704 (Tower), De- partment of Public Works, East Block, Parliament Build- ings, Toronto 2, Ontario, (EM 3-1211, Local 2- 2943), ond may also be viewed of the Builders Exchange ot To- ronto, and the office of Mr. E. C. Roberts, Superintendent of Construction, Department of Public Works, et the On- tario Hospital, Whitby, On- tario, A $10,000.00 Bid Bond and a 100% Performanmece Bond will be required os specified. Tenders will not be eonsid- ered unless made on forms supplied by the Department of Public Works, Ontario, in accordance with the terms and conditions es set forth bi 58 four door, good condition, No reasonable offer refused. Apply 149 Burk Street between 4 and 8. 57 SUPER 38 Oldsmobile, power steer. ing, brakes, automatic, radio, heater, gg hardtop. Must sell, best . WH 2-0008, FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib-| we; eral trade-in allowance. Free demon- stration, Telephone RA 8-4683. SELLING furniture} We'll buy it. Aig stoves, etc. For "top cash offer non - VICTOR per. Tone. 7adio, tact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8. 1131. sul two-tone, back-up lights, mats, excellent condi- :|NEW and usel mowers, tillers and en- tion, 134 High Street, Bowmanville. Ma §ines. 74 Barrie Avenue. 3-5018. | USED parts and Jepairs for a makes ood of wringer type washers, 4 hp motors Ro . body and Jen x re-|$5 to $8 guaranteed reconditionsd wash. built, '$225 or best offer. RA 5.8398 [ers and stoves, Paddy's Market, Hamp- ins CHEV. Impala two-door hardto cylinder, automatic. 550 F amdovie | SOTING. Ci suite, Drive, RA 8.3315 evenings. is {a ie, 1 bed complete, three pais of 54 VOLKEWAGEN in good condition, RA 5.5015. , "$500 oid *n mes Street, | [ho 14 FT. boat, windshield, steering, up- Istered, many extras, 25 HP Johnson Ajax, Ont, evenings. | motor, good condition. Apply 37 Sandra 84 PONTIAC in first class condition, Street West or telephone RA 3.9579. Jeady to go anywhere, $393. Terms, RA ELECTRIC range, Westinghouse 40°. In good condition. Telephone RA 5-3964. 5- - Oxford station wagon, %|ONE u used furnace, controls, blowers, ble. a economical holiday car for ul [one space heater, medium. Reasonal family. Only $495. Terms. RA 5-1667. Telephone RA 3-825 ; PHT BRT TIT PAI AIR conditioner for sale, Frigidaire, 52 FORD, good condition, also *54 Ford | vgn gd Ln lB bg in good condition, '49 three-quarter ton, Chevrolet. Also transmission and rear after 6 p.m. | end for '53 Hillman. 214 Park Ri Road N. N. GOLF clubs, Spaulding, set of eight, b dition | five irons, two woods, putter. New last HORS Mo Tons a" La ahr 13 phone RA 5-8008. '48 CHEV. Apply P. Lawrence, Trailer Park, Whitby. '58 CHEV. jedan, $190, 211 Drew Stree! 2? RA '5% PONTIAC A.1 condition, inside and| ACETYLENE torch, six months old, out. Telephone MO 8-5378 after 6 -|complete with all attachments condi- '35 BUICK hardtop, standard transmis i Telephone RA 83080. sion, $295. Telephone RA 8-8861. |OVERWEIGHT? You can lose inches 55 PONTIAC V- 8 deluxe four-door fully | in 30 days. Home rentals for vibratory shift, belts, barrel massagers. Slim-Rite Cen- condition. Telephone RA 5-0687. DE 204 King Street East. RA _8-4501. sisior WASHING machine, telephone table Cai Prora Ses. aot transistor ear Tire | with seat, coffee table, lawn mower, Stores, 48 Bond Street West. step ladder, fica, sealer jars, almost new. RA 8-67 '$0 CHEV, Biscayne 14 FOOT Lakefield boat, 16 HP motor and trailer, nearly new, cost $900, sac- rifice fice for $550. Little Britain 24 R 12. HOTPOINT electric range, table top, good condition: rug, grey red, 9x 6%. RA' 34147, 12 FOOT boat, moulded plywood ru about, deluxe steering, excellent condi. tion. Fast, %ood ski boat, RA 3.9337. 4 HP Johnson outbo motor, 1960 model, electric starting, automatic choke, etc. Excellent condition. RA 39337. "house, three and room entrances, RA 55342. 18° CABIN cruiser, life jackets, skis, oo A Mercury, $800. Telephone FOR SALE -- Haney havidsa | 74 Be new, many extra's, sidered, Apply 110 Centre Street North Whitby. 34--Lost & Found LOST -- two boy's bicycles, one green Eatonia Glider Roadster, one red Royal Line. Both three speed. At Shopping Centre June 17. RA 56968. 35--Legal IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO IN THE MATTER OF: The Registry Act 1960 R.S.O., Chapter 348, Section 92; AND IN THE MATTER OF: An application by the Coun- cil of The Corporation of the City of Oshawa for an order closing up part of Hill- crest Drive, Main Street, and Mary Street in the City of Oshawa. bt ig, De ae on, $100 months. AA [FURNISHED apartment and single) Huron. ville, Cail F. Hunter RA 501 nek west section, Lio » housekeeping room, private entrance, re Es ain floor, | 5-4636. Agent for John F. Vi eal HREE room apartment, main floor, 3-2512. MO 8-5765 |central, parking. Reasonable, 96 Centre C/o m0 ATR bing built-in cup- |tor_at Newcastle. Phone 3341. 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent | oreet_ |boards, three piece bath. RA 5-393. WHITBY, large modern ranch type bun- AN Lid ROOM a THREE-ROOM ground floor apartment, Ealow. NHA resale. Three bedrooms, . s oor Washer a SEscemenl North, |57_Albert Street. stone construction, near pew high fioor, washer and dryer, $75 monthly, see any time. 112 Stevenson Road ¥ p One block from King. |FOUR-ROOM apartment, , all conveni- school, separate school, buses. MO Felephone RA 5-6134 or RA 3-3905. | from | BE on Th bn BIR LD ty | FOUR-ROOM apartment, RA private "en | THREE rooms, unfugnished, $55 month- at door. Apply 165 Verdun Road. PRIVATE SALE tlet, heavy duty wiring,|ly, heat and hydro included, willing to| Babs "elcome, eS hie Yelephons | mind children if mother works. APPLY to |3- A 86453. THRE 2 four-room fumished sum- mer cottages, heavy wiring, partment, t, private "en. , available July ] % Can Business ..... THIS WEEKEND NEW CUSTOM RANCH WITH | ATTACHED GARAGE ONLY $16,900 N.H.A. TERMS Central Park Blvd. (South Off Rossland) "| CiED oak dining room furnifare, four chairs, table .and buffet, wi good Roa. pues moore finish, good condition, $50; of and floor polisher, vacuum cleaner, ns lawn mower, chesterfield chair, 90, cash, APPIY two wheel trafler, 9 x 9 tourist tent.| room apartment, | heat, FURNISHED three - parking, central, conveniences, apartment, THLY -- "two. TWO-BEDROOM apartment, all so ov = sw, odern, tuo} veniences, on Cromwell Avenue, near| {hath Suit business couple. RA 3-3266 or | building, refrigerator, stove, washer, Shopping Centre RA 8475. July 15.) a = 4 Children welcome. SELF-CONTAIN ree - room apa Sour. paved yaskin. Telephony RA private bath, built-in cupboards ¢rigerator, stove, hot water included, mediate Child welcome. |Adults, please. RA 3.3274. Cedar Valley, North Oshawa. washer, dryer, laundry tubs. 239 Mon-| Telephone 'RA 5-0831. 4 Los FOUR-ROOM apartment, second J foor,| $1,500 eoch. RA 5-7700. RA 50191. private entrance, lear school, BVY | -- traye Avenue. Apartment 1 ,RA 5- [THREE - ROOM apartment, unfurnish- (private emisanice, Dear school: esvy) Simcoe South, beside Speedy Auto Street South. RA 5 TWO-BEDROOM apartment, available PRIVATE SALE Glass. Ample off-street parking. RA APPLE HILL district, modern spacious |July 1, furnished or unfurnished. Ap- 8-1296. unfurnished apartment, heavy duty wir-|Ply 496 Simcoe Street North or RA ent,|ing, TV outlet, private bath, use of 83-3945. 58-4386. RA 3-9180. ag sive, private, close to bus and shop- ater, stove and laundry facilities. RA PORT WHITBY -- available August 1, | ping. 'Telephone RA 8-6605. SR $1 1,200 FULL PRICE large modern two - bedroom apartment, | THREE-ROOM apartment, self-contain. [PRIVATE apartment, three rooms, One N.H.A. mortgage for the balance, carries for $65.00 monthly plus taxes, |SELF-CONTAINED ground floor apart. Ment. STORE for rent, basement and main|ed, private entrance and bath, suit| Oshawa. Telephone RA 5-774 $1600 DOWN asher dryer, bus service. RA 5-7789. two . ~ BEDROOM living also July 1 -- three - bedroom ranch oq Apply 3539 Albert Street or tele. built-in cupboards and sink in kitchen, split-level home, modern at- 419 Albert Street, Oshawa ™M m n- "Toon. | ©d, heavy wiring, private entrance and | | extra lot, running water, MODERN two-bedroom apartment, re. ment, 3% rooms, heated, central, im- and sink, heavy duty wiring, TV outlet. | floor, 1,500 sq. ft., new building. 295 couple, no children nd 325 Simcoe lights. Children' welcome. $70. RA ONE-BEDROOM apariment, inexpen- room with dinette area, kitchen refriger- PAYMENT A 5-3090. 8-6070. three-piece bath, heavy wiring, TV out- A sartmet {Phone Ra gov = -- let. Apply 513 Richmond Street East. THREE-ROOM apartment with private THREE - ROOM basement apartm ta built-in kitchen cupboards and laund partment, |FIVE-ROOM deluxe apartment, yg Phone RA 8-6605 jpeavy Pog gy oH floor, electricity, parking facilities; two-tone, white. $60 monthly plus n ol] THREE-ROOM ery ._ modern | hydro. RA 3.9742. three - room second floor apartment, kitchen, three-piece bath, TV aerial, prvE.ROOM apartment, all eon conven. private entrance, heavy wiring. RA (34000 | laundry facilites, parking. Apply 80|.nces, heat, hydro, hot wate Cadillac South. Telephone RA 5-3247. __|Apply Princess Grill, 17 Prince Street THREE-ROOM apartment, unfurnished, (or phone RA 5-0915 top floor, private entrance. Apply 434 Two. ROOM furnished apartment, t, with o) Woodcrest Avenue or Telephone RA path also stove and refrigerator, very| 5-9303. |central. RA 5-7576. tractive, all decorated, good- One owner, 2am RA gm sized lot. Call MO 8-8094, At wall tires, windshield washers, Only 7800 EVINRUDE 18 WP electric. start. 1957 miles. APPOINTMENT model. Price $299. RA 8-4 MEM '50 CHEVROLET, gi | FIVE- "RoOM apartment, north of Whit- (by, all conveniences, cupboards, $40 moataly, For further information phone 6. 0-ROOM apartment, large, furnish. ADULTS SPECIAL ADELAIDE TERRACE NEW TWO-BEDROOM New moder) 2 - Jedroom nt. Stove, bo LARGE APARTIAENTS pa fear orks ing space, laundry facilities, Adults only, available July 1. WRITE BOX 23 OSHAWA TIMES Apply 329 Adelaide Ave., MODERN, LARGE Apt, 2 APARTMENTS MODERN 1 AND 2 BEDROOM NOW VACANT In new building, two bed- APARTMENTS rooms, dining area, electri- ) . Quiet residential street, cally equipped, including : washer and dryer free. Apply | close to transportation, t. 4, 213 Mont : Apt. } or 4, 213 Mentave stoves and 'fridges. T.V. outlet, drapes and paved NORTHWAY APARTMENTS 630 SIMCOE NORTH Modem 2-bedroom apart- ments, stove, 'frig, fully auto- matic. Parking area. For information apply-- 778 HORTOP WHITBY CLASSIFIED ROOM and board for Apply parking. PHONE RA 5-7272 RA 5-5787 ed for h central to North General Motors and Bospital Suitable for working girl. RA 8 THREE-ROOM apartment, private en- Humewood Ave. RISTOW & OLSEN REALTORS 29--Automobiles for Sale tion. Best offer. Fon RA Sons, CAR INSURANCE Careful drivers are preferred drivers and enjoy a saving of $10, $15 or $25 or better than 20% on their car in- OPEN HOUSE IN BEAU VALLEY Evenings 6 till 9 Saturday Afternoons 2 till 5:30 . Half-year payments. trance and newly decorated. 309 op Street East, corner of Oshawa Boulevard. TWO large room unfurnished apart: ment, private bath, gas range, $55. Baby only. Telephone RA 3.2315. 730 | Simcoe South, [FIVE-ROOM upstairs apartment, un- (furnished, heated, all conveniences, TV | serial, private entrance. Vacant now. | Chua welcome. RA 5-195 |FOUR CORNERS area. Available July 1, 1961, self - contained first floor suite, two rooms, bath, kitchenette, stove and refrigerator, heat and water. Suitable for bachelor apartment or downtown office See Mr. Kozak at Johnston's, 8 Simcoe North. THREE-ROOM apartment, newly deco- rated, ground floor, electrically equip- ped, central, laundry facilities, TV outlet, private entrance, parking, $65. RA 57279. 1951 FORD half-ton truck, completely overhauled, also new porter 'cable belt sander, and rotor. All good condition, reasonable. RA 5-4569. '60 CHEV, Impala convertible, auto matic V8 'whitewalls etc. New car con. dition. 'One owner. $2750 or best offer. Telephone RA 5-6133. '60 PONTIAC Parisienne convertible, Call us today and compare-- ample free parking. OFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. 360 KING ST. WEST RA 65 PRIVATE SALE Brand new five-room bark brick bungalow with stone front, situated on lanscaped UPON THE APPLICATION of the Council of The Corpor- ; prion of the City of Oshawa, hereby appoint Friday hes 30th day of June, 1961, at the hour of four o'clock p.m. at my Chambers in the Court House ot Whitby, Ont- orio os the time end place for hearing an application by The Corporation of the City of Oshawa for on order closing up the following high- ways: HILLCREST DRIVE north DEEPFREEZE, refrigerator, dehumi- difier, other items. Could be used for cottage. Evenings RA 5-6147, 46 Orchard View. TYPING paper on sale, letter size, white newsprint, buy in bulk lots and Circulation Department, Oshawa Times. FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator and range, one Hotpoint washer, one rotary an- tenna. Contact C. te, 580 Athol Street East. TENT-trailer, "Explorer", sleeps four, extra wheel, four air mattresses. Very good condtiion. 610 Fernhill Boulevard, RA 3-4830. PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon, All colors. Guaranteed, flat, gloss. Oshawa ware and Electric, 8 lot with three full-grown maples at rear. Hollywood kitchen, ceramic tile ond vanity in bathroom, mahog- ony trimmed throughout, section basement. Located on 426 Miller Just off Gibbons $13,300.--$1500. Down RA 5-3662 Honduras maroon, with rear seat speaker, white walls, back-up lights. Telephone RA 8-4983 after §. WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON RD. EAST Your AUSTIN 30--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto ' Wreckers want cars for wre . Highest prices paid. RA 5-1181 50 CARS WANTED Buying ¢ New Car? Sell your used Cor to "Ted". Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE". | NORTH END TWO-BEDROOM APARTMENT Available July 1st, very large living room, stove, frig close to hospital, OCVI, bus. No. children -- $110, CALL MR. BRADLEY HYMAN REALTOR RA 8-6286 |26--Rooms for Rent WANTED -- One or two-bedroom apart. ment or flat Separate entrance. spa- cious rooms, Whitby location preferred. Call MO 8.2311. i FOR RENT VeW FaLT bedroom house, fireplace. Available icne | RA 5.4302, Oshawa. July 1. Also two-bedroom apartment. Reasonable. Telephone MO 8-5645, | FOR RENT: New, two m house, = TH |Uving room and kitchen, pig couple FOR RENT -- Three bedroom bunga-| low, with self-contained basement apart. ¥1th one child, Immediate possession ment, suitable for sub-letting. T | Telephone MO 8-5167 after 4 p.m. 0 8-2613 after 6 p.m. | TWO bedroom bungalow for rent, hard. ute tanks cleaned the sanitary {wood floors, tile kitchen, bathroom, ofl| way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward, heat, large lawn, garden. 304 Brock 204 Chestnut West. Phone MO 82563. | North, between 3-7 p.m MO 8-3480. FOR SALE: Three bedroom 'bungalow, | tron RENT: Three roomed apartment, recreation room, residential area, $1,200 private bath and entrance. Immediate down, Apply 304 Chestnut Street West. | possession. Telephone MO ) 8.5674. 0 8-4467 te Bo 901 Walnut Street. THREE room apartment with refrig- immediate possession TED CAMPIN MOTORS RA 3-4494. Res. RA 5-5574 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good cleon cars. Trade up or down, Leins paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. RA 3.9421 $ALL CASH$ For clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off. Dealer RA 5-0331 We have a good assortment of Used Cars VOLVO Most dependable. The leader on the road and track. JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE FINA Service __449 Ritson S. RA 8-0921 PRIVATE SALE Just completed five-- room bark brick bungalow with stone front situated on land- scaped lot. Hollywood kit- chen, ceramic tile and vanity in bathroom, mehogany trimmed throughout. Sec- tional basement Located on 297 Farewell Ave. S. $13,750--%$1500 Down RA 5-3662 BUYING OR SELLING SEE ONE light housekeeping room, elean and comfortably furnished, suit ome or at 77 Ontario Street "or girl, $6 weekly, Tele p.m. LARGE furnished front room for two ges, also single room, girl enly. Use of grounds. Reasonable rent and cen. ral RA 5-0575 |FURNISHED comfortable housekeeping room for gentleman, central, near |North General Motors, hospital, stores and bus, Dishes and linen supplied. Ap- BI 12 Elgin Street East. | THREE furnished ro rooms, girls or "central, wit __|BC SERVICES CG rent, 327 Avenue, RA 8.6387. FOR RENT -- Three unfurni shed service for small rooms, heated, weekly, | immediate possession, 'monthly or as desired. Statements pre. | adults preferred, abstainers. Telephone (pared, income tax returns. MO 8-8252. MO 3. FOR SALE -- Continental bed, com- FOR | BES Two furnished rooms, plete with mattress, good condition, $25. small kitchenette, stove and refriger-IMO 8.4113 or 117 Trent Street West. | ator, suitable for couple. Apply FOR RENT ~ $60 monthly, 3 and 4] Perry Street. Telephone MO 8.4470. |, om apartments, balcony. Residential| FOR SALE or exchange, four bedroom, |area, two bathroom home in Toronto, for sim- ities. ilar accommodation in Whitby. BA [acen's newly decorated, laundry facil Parking, ¢lose to schools. chil- playground. Apply 300 HIgh for car. RA 88644. RNISHED or unfurnished room for rent in a clean private home, kitchen |available. Apply 139 Albert Street, TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) RA 3.4494 Res. RA 5.5574 NAGY MOTOR SALES MERCEDES - BENZ - DKW Sales and service. Showroom open until 9 p.m. at 408 KING ST. WEST RA 3-7132 NICOLS MOTOR SALES 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY Al F FW en. OWNER'S S Three bedroom rench type brick bungalow, attached garage, Large fully land- scoped lot. Stone fire-place, paved drive, storms end screens, other extras if de- sired. Terms. No agents. APPLY OWNER 613 ROSMERE ST. 31--Automobile Repairs HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR TUNE - UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS. 67 KING ST. W. RA 3.7822 32--Articles for Sale rooms of furniture, including re. AN large room, » reasonable, close to south GM. [Bus at door. Parking facilities. Tele phone RA 5-123 |LARGE a front bedroom, all jconveniences, central, parking space 1. or Glend ora Avenue, | Street. * Willowdale, Ontario Tent obe and two single room suitable for |FOR in garden, ments, $30, in er] MAN available for work "So 8-3891. & and Jawn cutting, interior and exterior building, stoves, A - house painting, general Avely 41 41 Sum Boulevard [N- or telephone RA 35-1239. Phone MO 8-3520 anytime STUDENTS! A super value, approxi. | mately 630 sheets of letter size typing! paper (news print) for only $1.00. Ap-| ply Oshawa Times Office, Whitby, | 1111 Dundas Street West, CUSTOM BUILDING Renovations, additions, ree- reation rooms, structural landscape features, Designs and estimates free, | CHAS. DAWSON [CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD. MO 8-2104 SUPERMARKET IN YOUR HOME. $16.95 per week assures a fomily of 4 Good Living. This includes Fri- gidaire Freezer plus 3 months' food supply by SCHNEIDERS' plus $20 bon- us cheque from Hydro Elec. tric. Live modern, call: ECONOMART, MO 8-5381, No obligation, No down pay- ment, GRAVEL - LOAM Cement Gravel ewov Gravel ond Fill livery Monday to Sat. Noon ERIC C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 BOATING AND CAMPING EQUIPMENT FOR RENT Tents, all sizes, $7 - $15 per week' Sleeping Bags, Coolers, terns, stoves, $2 weekly. Cabin Trailers, sleep 5 and 6, $40 ond $45 per week, Outboard Motors, all sizes, $15 ond up Boat, 5 h.p.. motor trailer, $35 per week, 14' Runabout, 25 electric and trailer, $85 weekly. Canoes ond Cartop Boats, $15 per week, We also rent, repair and sell lawnmowers, garden tillers, power tools, WILDE RENTAL Service and 1415 Dundas East, MO 8-322 lan- and Dri De Sales Whitby i TWO rooms for rent, suit single of couple. Close to South General Motors, bus stop at door. Telephone RAS 38-8735. |Twe or three partly furnished light {housekeeping rooms, centrally located, {near hospital, sult eouple. Baby wel. |come Parking. _Telephone. RA 3-841 38-8418. ONE bright spacious bed - sitting room {with modern furniture in clean home. |All conveniences, One minute to Shop- ping Centre. Men only. 36 Fernhill Bou- |levard. RA 5.7295, | ROOM in private home, newly deco- rated. very central, spring mattress, sult gentleman. 102 Elgin Street East. |TWO rooms -- kitchen and bedroom, | furnished, central, sult business Jags. | Apply 214 Dearborn Avenue, RA 3-8397 FIVE frigerator, gas stove, 21" Motorola TV, Trade your boat on @ car-- odds am ends. Call Bob Hopkins, RA New or Used SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. RA 8.5912 BUYING OR SELLING LLOYD CORSON D. W. WILSON, REALTOR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5.6588 RA 3.2537 FIVE Dominion Rubber tires, black. walls, size 750 x 14, used 3,700 miles Phone RA 53826. ov racer oyels, good condition, chrome table, extension, blue op, cheap. RA 5.0507. 18 ¥T. two-passenger outbeard, hydro Open evenings or weekends of Dunkirk Avenue as shown on Plan 167. MAIN STREET from one hundred and forty-three feet (143') north of Cedar Valley Boulevard to the north limit of Main Street as shown on Plon 413, MARY STREET from the north limit of lot 24, Plan 479 to the north fimit of Mary Street aos shown on Plan 479, AND | DO hereby direct that notice of this epplication be given by publishing a copy of this appointment in The Oshawa Times and by send- ing a copy by prepaid regis- tered post to the owners of obutting properties as shown on the last revised ossess- ment roll at the address shown on said roll on or be- ore Saturday, June 24, DATED AT WHITBY THIS 23rd DAY OF JUNE, 1961. A. R. . WILMOTT Forde of The a Church Street. RA 3-7624. TWO kitchen tables, $15; quantity of dishes, never been used. Telephone RA 8-0764. LUCKY you! Bargains to save money. Smart looking chesterfield suite, one only, floor sample, $88; smooth top mattresses, regular $69.50, sale $29.88; 3-plece bedroom suite, slightly marked, sale $84.00: new car- bed baby pram, sale $19.95; floor coverings, smart patterns, sale 25¢c per foot; 2-piece space saver suite, opens to bed, washable fabrilite trim, one only, clear out $66; chrome kitchen suite, 5-plece, sale $29.95. Wilson's Furniture Co., 20 Church Street. BUILDING material, used Jumber, in- sulation, front door and frame and large window. Lot 75' x 200°. RA 5-05 ONE picture window, 9' x 5'6 pS with plate glass; also 14° row boat, new. RA 8-6327. BALLERINA length wedding dress size i 12 or 14, crown and veil, hoop crinoline. Like new. Telephone RA OFFICE, store, butcher, restaurant 2quipment.New, used, buy, sell, trade service. Bill Hamilton, Ashburn, Brook- lin, WE pay highest prices in the city for used furniture Pretty's Used Furniture Store, RA 3-3271. 444 Simcoe South, TENTS, camp cots, sleeping "bags, lan- terns, picnic jugs, camp stoves. Best prices in town. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. RA 35-6511. "Terms to suit you." ONE rug 9» Dy 12 mushroom, never vest oiter | of the County of Ontario, therein. A Deposit of $15.00 cosh, er cheque made payable to the Treasurer of Ontario, will be closing date, feited. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. D. MILLAR, Deputy Minister, Department of Public Works, Ontario, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario, June 21st, 1961, $130.60. The maximum charge for large lots would be on 200° frontage per lot. Mr. Jefferson jlated it would be to ave an unde: station at the west py merce street. Mr. Jefferson stated that he will be available for consultation at any time to advise the residents of the ma. terial and connection best suit. ed for each particular home. Reeve Scott advised that it would be necessary to have 60 per cent of the ratepayers and 50 per cent of the assessment approve a petition before ser- vices could be installed. The Fairport United Church Sunday School held their annual picnic last Saturday at Port Dalhousie. There were two bus loads with 32 adults and over 40 children and all had an en- loyahle time Mr. and Mrs. Brian Murdock dinnerware set. Practical iy new. RA 3-2164, TENTS, tarpaulins, camp cots, ground sheets, rentals, Oshawa Hardware, Church Street. RA 3-7264. ELECTRIC razor service, parts for all makes. Cutting heads, cords, ete. Moaghers, 5 King Street West. RA 3-3 OE buggy in perfect condition. Telephone RA 8-3260. Ratepayers Hold Meet FRENCHMAN'S BAY -- The Fairport United Church Hall was filled to capacity for the meeting of the Frenchman's Bay Ratepayers and Commun- ity Association last Friday evening. The President, W. Fer- tile, introduced the guest speak- ers, Mr. Sherman Scott, Reeve of Pickering Township and T. O. Jefferson, Township Engin eer. Mr. Harry Boyes, Council- lor, was also present. - Complete Sule of Aluminum Products Storm Doors, Windows, Prime Windows. Fine quality, very low prices. We also carry Canada's finest Awning, Porch Railing, very reason- able price. CALL: ALEX VAJDA RA 3.9881 and eonmtrols, $135. Racing P We list photo Co-Op Al condition. MA 32963 = ASKING $12,900 N.H.A, re-sale on Finucane St, with a 5% mortgage that carries for $51.77 per month, principal and interest Many extras including fin- ished basement with three- WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON RD. EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer RA 5-0331 SPECIALS! $1.98. Yard 79%¢c DRAPERY MATERIAL--Reg. PRINTS -- 3 yds. $1.00 DRAPES, made to order. Modern design, reasonable rates. We also carry a com- plete line of other fabrics Mr. Jefferson had been ask- ed by the ratepayers to give an estimate of the cost of installing water and sewers in the district. Mr. Jefferson stated that the estimated cost of installing water mains on the east side of the Bay south of Base Line and not including the Sand Bar CURITY DIAPERS SPECIAL $3.98 per doz. -- Reg. 4.98 Nothing extra to buy, free delivery. M & C DRY GOODS 74 Celina St. RA 3-7827 piece bath. Call Lloyd Cor- son ot RA 5-6588 or RA 3-2537 anytime. at real savings. RA 3-7827 M & C DRY GOODS 74 Celina 5t. We have a good assortment of Used Cars. WILSON REALTOR | Oshawa Shopping Centre |127--Real Estate for Sale FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. 82 PARK ROAD N. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. MODERN ROOMS CADILLAC HOTEL L/D SPECIAL WEEKLY RATES, | Enquire at: | 39 | ATTRACTIVELY | | | 4 SIMCOE ST. . Phone RA 5-3743 BUY IN CONFIDENCE FOR VALUE AND SATISFACTION We have at present one 3-bsdroom bungalow on Willowdole Avenue to offer, Featuring the old fashioned large kitchen with built-in stove and oven-exhoust fon - double sink end loads of T.V. TOWERS $55. 40-1. tower structure with all«channel head, hot-dip gal- vanized. Guaranteed one would be $3.56 per foot frontage and $65.00 connection fee. Sew- ers would be $4.10 per foot fron- tage, plus $125.00 - connection fee. A total of $563.00 for a 50' lot or $956.00 for 100° lot were paid in one lump plus a minimum charge of $20 per year water rates and $20. a year for sewage treatment, On a twenty year debenture at current interest rates, the charge per year would be 34 cents per foot for water plus VOLVO PENTA ENGINES LARSON COMBOARD BOATS For demonstration--- MARINE STORAGE AND SUPPLY LTD. Brooklin, Ont. OL 5-3641 year. OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD. 361 GIBBONS STREET cupboards. Mahogany panelled vestibule iron railing on front porch - built-in garage and meny other features. All for $15,387.50 with $1,975 down. JAMES O'MALLEY CONSTRUCTION $6.02 per lot connection charge and 40 cents per foot for sewers and $10.58 connection charge plus $20 per year water rates and $20 per year sewage treat-| ment rates. On a 50° lot this would amount to a charge of $83.60 per year. ®n a 100° lot T.V. TOWERS $55 40-ft, structure with all- channel antennae, all galvan- ized, guaranteed 1 year. JdRIO TELEVISION, 171 Bond RA 3-7122 RA 8-8180 St. East, RA 8.6781 the cost per year would be and their two children, Stephen and Deborah, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Morgan last week be- fore leaving for a trip to Eng. land and Ireland. Mr. and Mrs. W. Fertile visit- ed friends in Brampton on Sat- urday. There will be a meeting of the Mothers' Auxiliary of the Cubs and Scouts at Fairport United Church Hall on Tues- day, June 27, 8.15 p.m. Three young men from Wes- ton had a narrow escape Sun- day evening when their speed boat with a 60 hp motor over. turned in the Bay. One man was being towed on water skis and two men in the boat when the steering failed and the boat went into a spin. The boat owner unfortunately lost his clothes and wallet and was treated at the Ajax Hospital for an ankle injury. Mr. and Mrs. M. Morgan of Bayview avenue gave them a hot meal and loaned them dry clothing to go home. s. E. Kirby who has been confined to Ajax Hospital for quite some time, is now report. ed to be progressing favorably. The Grades 7 and 8 pupils from Bay Road School had an t enjoyable trip by bus to Niag- ara Falls on Monday. They were accompanied by their teacher, Bruce Simpson and Miss Clay- man, teacher of Grades 1 and , also four mothers, Mrs. M Brown and Mrs. M. Salt from the Bay and Mrs. Parro and Mrs. Mitchell from Squires Beach. There were 37 students on the trip. BRITISH FAVORITE Jack Hawkins, popular Brit. ish movie actor, co-stars with Rosalind Russell and Maximil- jan Schell in the movie Five Finger Exercise.