i {Mayor William Parish; and! formed the ribbon cutting cere. !sister, Mrs. Jack Wannenkhof proposal to introduce Sunday Mr. Starr William Baldwin, General Man- mony. : MANCHESTER and family. _ |bowling will be voted on here ager of Duffin's Creek Develop- Close fo 35 Ajax Industries Dr. A. G. and Mrs. Christie(in December. Meantime, the ments, displayed their products at the \of Baltimore, Md., are at their|city bylaw which closes bowling pea er As part of Old Home Week exhibition which filled the 7000 MANCHESTER ot Rev. Mr summer home here. alleys on Sundays will be en- AJAX (Stalfy -- Head table|the oRtary Club organized "In Square feet building to capa- HU" JVA% 'he BCR SPURL BY Mr. and Mrs. Art Vander. forced guests the BE Bors hibldustrial Day" and an indus i=. oooas . while Rev. J. K. Braham Yoort entertained a number off yNpPIAN MECHANICS Luncheon on Thursday, which trial exhibition was featured in i, Is ubiUON remained open preached anniversary services friends on Saturday evewng onl GgpAND RAPIDS, Man. (CP) featured an address by Federal . {to the public all day. at Kedron on the Columbus!the occasion of his birthday. |e "vain ar a time will re- Labor Minister, Michael Starr, he new Slough Estates Indus. - -- "charge. Congratulations to Mr. and|.aive on-the-job training in me- were Wally MacKenzie, general |{rial Plaza, logated on Francom SWEET STUFF Mr. Art Fielding has been Mrs. Frank Henry on the gift chanical skills at the 'hydro manager of Slough Estates of Street Preserved fruits used as top- confined to bed for the past of a little son, Mark Francis,|goyelopment project here under Canada: Pat Bayly, Ajax in- Following the luncheon the pings or spreads are often/week. We hope for his com-|born June 19. naa la program to be launched W dustrialist and first Mayor of | Rotarians and their guests called jams, but may include plete recovery. = " the Indian affairs departme Ajax: Rotary president, Dave, proceeded to the exhibition preserves, conserves or marm- Mr. and Mrs. H. DeGroot of SUNDAY BOWLING in co-operation with a construe Wordley; Hon. Michael Starr; where Labor Minister Starr per-'alades. «'the West Indies are visiting'his' PENTICTON, B.C. (CP) -- A tion company. | -- -- . - GREAT HOLIDAY SAVINGS! ) vw 1 pis" 5 i : Lh KE Ey It's time to turn in your old car and trade up to a later model ori. ' » rl - 2 " 3 yA ? ... time to prepare for those Summer Holidays that will soon MR STARR TRIES GO CART AT AJAX - 5a Pe, be here . . . time to visit Ontario Motor Sales and see the . is Hy : hy great selection of OK Used Cars . . . all ot Greet Holidey i "wn i 1 An Ajax manufactured go- | and he is pictured here with | Saturday. The go-kart is cap- 2 2 5 3 Savings! kart attracted Labor Minis- | Miss Maureen Benson, 19, of able of speeds up to 80 mph ter Michael Starr's attention | Ajax who as "Miss Industry," and was shown on.one of 35 on Thursday at the Old Home | will represent Ajax manufac- | displays of Ajax industries Z p % Week Industrial Exhibition, | turers at a beauty contest on --Oshawa Times Photo Fi p 3 195 : of VAUXHALL LS A really attractive 2- Labor-Management Unity F477 2.dase Horton, Folly gow i $1 435 & er equipped with Dynaflow SUPER SEDAN with comfor- _ dition. Ready to roll and radio. Sharp Black fin- table bucket seats , , . like . : Pets Seen Vital To Progress Sis + gh <1 AJAX (Staff) -- The Federal Mr. Starr continued that Ca- json why I think Labor-Manage- : & DR 1958 OLDSMOBILE Minister of Labor, Michael nadian industry today was fac-|ment committees are so impor- hay NOW $2 1 95 NOW $1 h ah Starr, called for instant Labor- ing enough serious problems tant today. : 0 N LY Holiday Hardtop Management co-operation in an without creating more prob-| Through regular contact, he oleh ONLY address at a luncheon of the lems within the walls of its own stressed in these committees, Be h loaded with luxury Ajax Rotary Club on Thursday plant union and company representa- ai : ; 5 \ driving astrs 2 ar 9 in the Ajax Legion Hall "When I say industry," heltives gradually come "to know : . Sana try like new! As part of Old Home Week's said, "I mean both manage-| each other better, to understand 7 " "GOING FOR "Industrial Day," the cabinet ment and labor. They hav e/each other's point of view, and t minister was addressing many often been called "Partners in(to respect each other as in- 1960 1959 prominent Ajax industrialists. Production" and it is a good! dividuals "Labor - Management is to: description," he said, "because 'These are the basic ingred- Fale A : 1958 DODGE SEDAN day of more importance to this|one can't exist without the ients of labor-management co- fay 1 country than ever before, and other." operation," he said, 'and to- / a} one which eventually affects' Labor and Management must gether they can lead to greatly! FRE: yi ? ; A good cor at en excep- everyone of us," said Mr. Starr. act like partners and work to- improved employee morale." i Ff 2 ; WE vervane bs alking about it," gether as partners if they are! In explaining the function of| SEDAN . . . 2.door. For REE tonely low peiva. Complete 0) e continued, 'and some Labor|to be partners, he stressed. Industrial Relations Officers, | uy : those whe want a full sized i with custom radio. Leaders shrug this off claiming, He said that meeting just/the minister said that in repre- Cig DELUXE 4-door sedan with car at a small car price y . Y that the government is passinglonce a year to iron out prob-|senting the Labor - Management radio, white walls, folding Bo ; a, NOW ONL on the responsibility lems was inadequate. "T hey $Co-operation Service across rear seat. Priced to sell ot potiess. 5 "Many of you may have had must communicate their ideas Canada, their job was to sell NOW ONLY no direct contact with collective|to each other, regularly and|i0int consultation to business (¥ #7 bargaining," said Mr. Starr. "If often, and through this commu-/and industry. He said that the Na i il § 1958 VOLKSWAGEN that is so, perhaps you feel nication learn to understand| records showed that the officers AREY Phe Many other people, that i each other better," he said were establishing committees 7 CUSTOM model with ustrial relations is a special-| Mr Starr said that this kind @"d making remarkable "gaa io, i i ized kind of warfare -- A fight of communication had been pi achievements. BY A : radio, in gleaming sheny 9 with no holds barred between ing on since the last war with a "If both union and manage- black. True Gas Saver! two parties with Sprosite aims' remarkable degree of success, ment representatives agree to A Fy THE PRICE and objectives." he sai install a committee," he said, REAL IMPRESSION PROMOTE IT "the procedure suggested by the : ) "We in the Depart t . Mr. Starr continued that he y.abo bartment of | department is simple. fh i r have actively been pro- « > iu ah : : 2 ; ; - y ; bi (1) Committ senta- 3 ! A thought B55 omcssion_ was moting i by helping in the for-|{jyes hun ga Ri ini > FOR GRE TER FUN 2. ND 5 OOTH yo h : matio a 1 | Tos : v M for this impression, he said. was hai a Labor Management| and the Union should meet reg- that strikes and industrial dis-|gian Bofors. he Aa once on 8 ae 4 DRIVING PLEASURE CHOOSE AN 'OK' USED CAR putes in general made news But!gqiq pare themselves to discuss all | In the' Federal Department|matters connected with efficient "However, the fact is that a pi Labor, he explained, "there plant operation. Product quality, strike is an exceptional thing inj apor ar Chapt ate Bievention uses ; v 1957 CHEVROLET 1957 VOLKSWAGEN 1957 CHEVROLET Canada." he said ti Sap ir : . : ion Service and it is e {fir . solo "For every industrial dispute ngaged in| fire prevention, plant morale -- i built H i that vig trike. ther promoting and establishing and co-operation itself -- these oi. Deluxe ; 4.door with Custom built with radio h at ends In strise. Inere areéilabor - management committees are some of the topics most fre- Powerglide and redio. Smartly refinished in Hon 2-door mode] with undreds in which disacree-lip industry." He added that the quently reviewed by present Very sharp . . , used 4 M V8 engine end ments and misunderstandings| 1 MCS helped to set up new com-| commitiees : ; as 2nd cor. uray Maroon, custom radio. are seitled in a friendly peace-| ittoes and assist them in a (3y Grievances should not be NOW ONLY GOING FOR THE PRICE able manner," he nointed out.!yariety of ways after they were discussed at these meetings. If "They are settled between the organized. He added that neith- two parties concerned without op ry i © Parlies concemed withoutler the conipanies or that peaceful negotiations did not make news % any come up, they should be re- : unionsiferred to the grievance com- BR WeE'BE AT YNIIR SERVICE FROM © AM TILL Rovernments are prepared 10\mijttees, but were freely chosen Td) The committee should give," he said by both parties be advisory in nature and not 9 P.M. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY -- SATURDAY TILL 6 P.M. Nevertheless. he said there "You cannot force people to executive in functions '\! Were i es all he same x Hot play ball with each other in a (4) Representatives of both were long costly volving democracy," he said parties should enjoy what is large numbers of workers and My Starr said ; that in the called parliamentary immunity. sometimes paralvzing imnoriant experience of his ts of Canada's industry department, This means that they are free 1956 M G A 1956 : 1955 " par so Ca Sin sry + labor - management co-opera-i1o speak their minds without Shui RY CHEVROLET " "Sale al Fueniya . [he tion began and developed best in being penalized later for their SPORTS CAR. New engine MERCU rikes were seitled through the the individual plant, He pointed frankness in the committee." recently installed. Custom elaborate nrocednre set un BY out that once established, t i h t HARDTOP with power steer. A:dosr_sedon with radio any the Federal and Provincial 2ov-| committee provided iy pe NO CURE-ALL radio. Very clean throughout, ing and brakes, radio end automatic. Spotless! STARCHIEF sedan (im- \ ernments. but only at the cost ties with the opportunity for Mr. Starr said that he was REDUCED . sutomatic, ported model) fully equip- $1 26 -- of large amounts of money and free discussion of mutual prob. not suggesting that a committee ped with ell the luxury effort lems set up on the "Four-Point" for- extras, "Disputes such as these can't' "This whole problem of co. Mula was a cure-all for the dif- . SPECIAL heln cenerating bitterness and gperation and understanding is| ferences separating labor and . resentment.' said the Labor a result of the complexity of management. "I do know," he, Minister. "'Fven after everv- modern industry," he said. 'It! Said, "that in hundreds of cases, | thing seems to be back to nor- was no problem even a hundred committees of this type have im-| mal. the bitterness and ill-feel- years ago," he said proved labor - management re- ( K ine remains." "In those days." {lations to such an extent thal : He said that the labor-man ys. he pointed." differences have been 1955 DODGE 1955 1955 Sedan complete with power steering ond out, "there were no long 4-door sedon with automatie agement feelings resulting from assembly lines. no high s {more easily overcome." transmission, The Price. . : brakes, radio and automatic : a peed \ nsmission. The Price DODGE Old . s : smobniie disputes came to the surface machinery. The owner was| Primarily, he said, the com- the next time the parties necoti- never very far awav from his Mmittees attacked the root ated a collective agreement employees -- he might union-management difficulties-- 2.door Hardtop in excellent Super Sedan with hydramatic NOW ay gi y misunderstanding. "They stimu- condition, i d BY MISUNDERSTANDING have worked beside them. Prob- g drivy, ONLY rr : , 7 lems and questions could he|late the development of under. Governments don't narticu-|satt1ad as they arose." he said |standing and good-will," he said. GOING FOR larly enjoy conciliating between contrast, Mr. Starr claim., They generate an atmosphere Labor and Management." said i ie ; -our- Mr. Starr They are stepping ed, the modern plant was usual-|\" which embers are encour i in' io what is. at bottor Silly an impersonal place where/28ed to bring common sens } nto what is, al bollam. a prl-|p, car way bigger. and where| and resourcefulness to the solu- ; vate arrangement and they are there were superintendents and, lion of their mutual problems : doing this only as a last reir, ep between the front of. Mr. Starr said that there were sor fice and the plant more than 1,600 such commit- "1 am sufe . he Said * that ach has his own responsi-| ees operating successfully ho, : meron, il rte oS {hse ites an carries oe tac aro, an, and headed S50 STILL MORE HOLIDAY CARS TO SEE... ALLREADYTOGO ... GO ... GO! understandings cleared up be-| Loco nll oe dern production larger every year, building up a , de i i tears Soave alow much ne for too of solid si emert_ "FOR THE BEST CHOICE . . . CHOOSE FROM THE LARGEST SELECTION at a strike seems to be the only ation of this kind between labor course." he said DEATH TO MORALE and management. | am con- "Industrial disputes are "This limits man-to-man com- vinced that we must achieve this caused by misunderstandings," munication." said the speaker.|if we are to continue as a vigor- said the speaker, 'and T think it "It can make the worker in the ous and prosperous nation," he is pretty obvious that if each plant feel that he is nothing but! stressed party really understood the sit-la cog in the wheel in'a vast/ "We must export in order to uation and the problems of the machine; that he is of little im- survive and we must sell our other and if they in competition with J sat down at portance to his employer as an products i the bargaining table determined individual," he said. - countries whose products are . tn find a compromise. they "This kind of feeling. if iti good and whose efficiency is 1 w wougd be very likely to suc- grows, is dgath to morale," said sometimes higher than ours 40 BOND EST LIMITED RA 5-6507 ceed." \Mr. Starr, "and that is one rea- he said, ¢