THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, June 23, 1961 § CAPSULE NEWS Five Negroes Go To Jail VEREENINGING, South Af}2.85 last week with the sale of rica (Reuters)--A South Africar | 395,000,000 in 91 - day treasury magistrate sentenced five Ne | ills. The move in the bank rate, groes to jail Thursday for lead an indicator of conditions in the ing the Sharpeville demonstra-|short-term money market, was tion last year in which 67. per-imuch less marked than last sons were killed and 180|week's sharp break of .45 of a w ded. The t ranged| percentage point following news from 12 months to three years.|of the government's attempt to Charges against 14 other ac-loust the central bank governor, cused were dismissed. James E. Coyne. URGES JOIN ECC TURNING OFF LIGHT LONDON (CP)--British busi-| DUNKIRK, N.Y. (AP) -- The nessmen Thursday urged the point Gratiot lighthouse, which government to join the Euro-ihas heamed a steady finger of pean Common Market. The As-jight to Lake Erie sailors for sociation of British Chambers of gg" years will be shut down ert Brown of New York City, one of five white Protestant ministers. Three Tallahassee integration sympathizers are also on trial. Three of 10 Freedom Riders on trial at Tallahassee, Fla. for unlawful assembly con- ferred during a court recess Thursday afternoon. The Ri- | Rabbi Israel out of the frame," chief. The chief said Lecroix told hime that he got mad when he {ment will be in Mount Pleasant Meany is presiding over a "'de-|phone company $10 to install {Cemetery. |generation of American labor." new glass. classes of shops to close, or allow to remain open," he said.| 7 Specially designed pits. Dealers of associated trades will spend $1,250 on each of the 21 pits. WILL HANG 12 QUESNEL, B.C. (CP) -- Ron-| ald Dennis Witkevich, 19-year- old mill worker, was found ;iM= Thursday of murdering a| i ~ former empio, cE : : to be hanged Sept. 19. be seen rolling a 40-gallon drum one with the Norwegian-British- of gasoline across the runway| H i Toy _ lor hoisting it aboard an Otter Spot, antarctic expedition of aircraft. "Our deepest task--of vital in 90 wanw ald TY 45 " he eave "ig tn es- Commerce decided to urge/june 30, the U.S. coast guard Prime Minister Macmillan that her Thursday. The light Puan Britain should enter the Com-|ing replaced by a more power- mon Market "subject to certain|fy] heam mounted on the city's conditions," in c1u ding taking| municipal pier. into account the over-all inter- ests of both British home agri- culture and Commonwealth im- TY AN ports of agricultural goods. CI D BANK RATE DROPS OTTAWA (CP)--The Bank of : DISTRICT Canada interest rate declined to 280 per cent Thursday from NO ALARMS E 2 ; Stith wg . No alarms were reported by LOCATION OF MOSPORT RACE TRACK THREE FREEDOM RIDERS CONFER MARKET PRICES |i avs Fire Deparimen v d NJ Et during the past 24 hours. The 85 Eric Schwendau, Erindale ders were charged following Springfield, N.J., one of two ambulance staff responded to y an attempt to integrate the | Jewish leaders in the group; TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale two routine calls. TOW Ace Corvette city airport restaurant June | the Rev. A. L. Hardge of New fruit and vegetable prices to- ' 86 Oliver Gendebien, Belgium 15.16, Talking are (from left) | Brittain, Conn., one of three day: Apples, controlled Mcln- SUMMER ARRIVES Porche RS 61 Dresner of | Negroes; and the Rev. Rob- tosh $6.75-7 bus; B.C. Winesap| yoo pard to believe but of- 93 Bob Clift, Detroit 5.75-6; Spies 6-6.50; asparaus 11 ficielly summer checked In my Corvette Special PUNT at. baskt, loose 2.25 - 2.50, [nC8 er XDETIe QLCE | 100 Fred Hayes, Toronts " Thursday, registering at 11.30 U 1 t d bunched 3-3.25; beans, green| = "oid. paviight Time Austin-Healey OBITUARIES ncomp e e 3.255 hamper Rev Bests Sib. Somewhere along the line spring] More than 30,000 people arejeach. At least one swimming Aa Vinee Morenci, Detroit | DE 3.95.3 0 case: cabbag .. has been detoured. Autumn has |expected to converge on the pool and club house will be 132 Harry Enthwhistle, Hami- A ee] une Call Du Ee vansitn 215g; acrved September 23 at $48 new Mosport Fask Suotcnt CL, Coming sais |e a a In failing health for the past| The death occurred, of Mrs. a 0S carrots, Texas 50-b. bag 4.25- | prs Con AVE Oh atid ? A has| , 189 Nat Adams, Hamilton two months, John Patrick Ly-|Kathleen Corby, of 128 Tyler) 4.50, California 48s 5-5.25; cauli- |= offic wg Ah ile o an this Satur ay. i] The track's importance has yaguar XK-SS - ons died at the Oshawa Gen- crescent, who died in the Osh-| flower, Canadian 16s 20s 1.50- inter will make his official| Track officials say there will|been recognised by the Federa- 313 Tom Payne, Ypsilanti, ne leral Hospital Wednesday, June awa General Hospital, in her an 250; celery, Florida 4.505 a5{opening Deversber = 9.20 be plenty of room for sveryoueltion Interustionzte de Auto. Mich. Porsche R! 21. He was in his 76th year. 76th year, Wednesday, June 21. he ' on (a.m. Eastern Standard Time. |as there is space for several/mobile, world governing ¥| 314 Herb Swan, Cleveland Coles Sporting Goods Limited| His parents were the late|Mrs. Corby had been in failing| " SpA NO WOODBINE ENTRIES {hundred thousand people around of motor sport. The FIA has|porsche 550 Digs $25 2 d costs Thurs-| Thomas and Catherine Lyons. health for the past three LINDSAY Irked by his|i8s 24s 150-2: onions, chile ofl TES ine infield and outfield of the|given international status to Was Ine Zn ; from Mont. months. tailure to complete a long dis-{Spanisk 501b. bag 3.754, Texas' qi' Lransmission difficul-|450.acre park. This year, spec-|the June 24 event, the 100-mile day by Magistrate Crawford Mr. Lyons came irom n s : in "(Sp . bag 3.754, Texas|ties this morning the list of| vised to {ak Key Don Trophy motor-cycle | to Oshawa 26 years ago. Born in Brighton, England, tance telephone call an Osh-13.3 95 Texas white 2.85-3; spin-|entri tators are advised to take camp| Kay phy Guest on a charge % Saye TR edo he i employed |Aug. 28, 1885, she was the for- awa man proceeded to kick the|ach Canadian 1.25-1.50 Soin lentries for Saturday at New|chairs if they plan to spend|race, July 1 and a British Em. op yY open after 7 p.m. on TIIICEY: 0 'he Anca Pharmaceuticalsimer Kathleen Phillips. _ She|glass out of the window of the|spubart 125 60-75: tomatoes, {Woodbine Race Track will notithe whole day at the circuit. | pire Motor Club (Toronto) race, June contrary to Oshawa BY"| nd lived at 20t4 Simeoe streetcame to Canada 0 JAE0 ago,/ghone Doo, Fenelon Falls Clo Br Ne 1 aot ee ou|oe carsied toda}, The admission price is $2.50/Sept. 30. . . tnd | i i | Police Chie ave i ran 9.5 to i Maximum fine for contraven-|SOUth- oy st Iesidel in an Goths fied in police pra Wed. Ib: carton 2.50-3; turnips, un-| 350 DAMAGE ye Person With children Under PLAYERS "200" Livestock ing this bylaw is $300. He was a member of St.|.= "0 pertang Ont. for a|nesday. |waxed 175, waxed 250-2.75;| Damage totalled $500 when a 12 free. Parking is free " He The Players "200" race to- Defence Counsel F. Ganz ask- Gregory's Roman Catholic gor time, where to was wat) Appearing. belore the court Pineapples, Mexican 12s 3.3.25; |late model sports coupe, driven| outfield of the track. Five 3 "| morrow, brings glamor and . od Tor dicmissal of 'the charge, | Church. dd Ok 5. 1907. Her husband, charged with causing malicious | c2ntaloupe 7.50-10.50; strawber- by Ronald Walter Thompson, of |1ars extra hi be charged OF| restige to not only Bowman- Review arguing that "it has not been| Surviving are his wife, the|who predeceased her April 17,|damage was Miner Joseph Le. ries, Canadian quarts .22-40,|293 Richmond street east, collid- infield pai I Ce ville, but to the Dominion as a proved we carried on any busi former Helen Foal to dangh 1949. "was the late Henry George|croix of 195 Albert street. (Pints -20-22. jd with EN Evonshle driven by I "In Tile area speeta:|2 10k. The Top Sraving card of TORONTO (CP) -- Trading ness. It has only been proved | ters, Mrs. athleen Carlin, Corby. Finding accused guilty Magis-| RR , ; a tors will be able to see, but not the international motor rac ng on steers, heifers, yearlings and we are known as Coles Sporting Montreal; and Miss Helen yg cory is survived by twoltrate R. I. Moore levied fine AUTO LOA |east, at the corner of William Yop oo peting cars scene, Stirling Moss, will bel yo "wag slight 'improved this Goods td." Lyons, nls son, John, both ofl gaughters, Mrs. A. Virginland costs at $33.50. He said he NS ARE jad are streets, Thursday TE A IS | velovt testing the eireuit today. k SN Earlier Detective Bruce Mc- Oshawa. ere are two grand-| \1S "0" 2nd Mrs. Douglas|would not order restitution be {at 9. m. 4 ; A is just possible t at the "fastes * } Gregor had testified he had|children. bro. Knapp (Kathleen), and four made to the telephone company BIG CREDIT ITEM LETTERS PATENT ig Poiielug 3 Wg A fod man on wheels" will be in Osh- Pci 3) Seuts Der un Bought two reels of nylon fishing) Also surviving 5 three bro-(sonq "George, Gordon, Douglas because of the company's fail- : 1 i ilabl awa Saturday night. A leading AR line at the Shoppin, Centre| thers, Thomas, of Hamilton, | an 3 Robert. all of Oshawa; one|ure to submit a bill for repairs Borrowing to purchase Letters Patent have been ties will be available. hotel operator has offered Mr. calves dropped $2 an og sporting goods Ore. at 7:50|and Frank and Emest, of Mont on Edward, of Whitby; twolis carried out to the booth. aytomeblies is the largest granted to two Oshawa and 4% | prvi ENTRANCES Moss a free suite of rooms for|PUCES HPCC Zligwly uneven, "90 real, and two sisters, Mrs. Earl geiors "Mrs, Lillian Atkins and ; ; i single consumer credit item | : 2 Fi t to the track|Saturday night. Committed to . pm. Thursday, June 1 . Whittall (Esther), of Lachine, 3 ors, - Police Chief Weaver said the| reported by the Federal |it Was reported in the current ive entrances io Die 'rac th in the United Slaughter cattle: Choice steers Calling the bylaw "faulty," ? *|Mrs. Bert Hyde, both of Pene-|incident occurred shortly be- . issue of The Ontario Gazette. Will be open this year. The pub-|another .race in Eng ri, int? Qt SE ont HE, Po hl eto a. Be So Sher yn epee Cr fF dd Mo Hh ST a Bl 2 Se Ei a i oa Mr. Ganz argued that shops ' | Eng H f '| went on to relate at he was on| or nay cash, you' were granted to Crawford and{up to the minute ormation . 2 1921; common 16-18; which the city wants closed ng gr was at the MclIn- Phillips, of Oshawa. Also SU"|patrol near Francis and Col- the right A oR De Goer Construction, Picker.jon all aspects of the race.| There are 13 Canadian entries ers 21.50 good 2021: er within certain hours should| e h il Foaors Home viving are 31 grandchildren and horne streets when he saw ac-| jjy offered in 'Automobiles ing Township. Letters of patent|Close attention should be paid|on the "200" card. It is general- medium 19-20; common 15-18; be specifically defined and| tosh Anderson bi gn 17 great-grandchildren. |cused leave the 'phone booth. for. Sale" In the Oshawa dated May 8 were granted toto this, as the big race of the|ly felt that one of the other choice fed yearlings 99.50-23.50: "classified generalically" in the| 20 Will be gt Hie inonle for rs. Corby es Prodeveated! "He appeared very angry Times Classified Section Spraywood Peat Ltd.,, Oshawa gay, the Zlayers ol " Bos Sompetiiors will in, only if the good 21-22.50; good cows 16.50. | t » un, ' {by two sons, Roy, Aug. 8, {when he got to the back of i nati * |and letters of patent dated May|be run in two eats-both ol hard-driving oss suffers a|7,. 7 ED. m 15-16: Wav, ity' burial Saturday in the Cote des|and Thomas, Sept. 11, 1951. [the booth 2 kicked the glass Turn to Classification now. |g were oranted to the Oshawa|miles. Although the relative lap mechanical breakdown. 17; sales to 17.50; Mediu " 1530 He claimed the city's bylaw g canner and cutters 12-14; good Phi bri conform to provisions | Ne1EeS Cemetery. | The Temainy ge at He Arm- said the Naval Veterans Club. position of competing cars has ENTRY LIST heavy bologna bull 19-19.50, {strong Funeral Home, for me- a bearing on the outcome, the NTR ¥ set out in the Factory, Show) FREDERICK ALEX. BAPTY |morial service from the chapel, » . driver scoring the lowest ag:| This is the latest entry Hist: gi 1 and Hedium 1648, , 1 and Office Act (a provincial) ® "=. occurred at his|¥ridavs June 23, at 3.30 p.m. nt gregate time will be the win.| 1 Stirling Moss, England | OF Cockers 2123, selected statute). : {The cea |Interment will follow in the 1 1S Tree 5) Ber of first place award of/Lotus MK 19. ; » Presenting the city's case was|residence, 78 Grosvenor street,| Cemet The | #235 unable to get money from i p : ; A lots at 23.50; common and med: City Solicitor E. G. McNeely. Toronto, Thursday, June 22, of | Mount Lays eme! eT od by|the coin box after unsuccessful- $8600. A victory banquet will be| 10 Milt Wright, Orillia jum stockers and stock heifer '| Frederic Alexander Bapty pe-| Services will be conduc Y\ly trying to reach a friend at .. oe held at the Flying Dutchman|Makins Special - |calves 20-22m plain ends down He argued hat bind ms 1 loved husband of Robin Bapty. (Bev, Clinton D Cross, Sela of| Oshawa. Arctic Visit or Motel, Bowmanville, when cash| 23 Joakim Bonnier, Sweden [to 18. withi ! e ore in a bylaw Mr. Bapty is survived by MLL e07ge's Angucan ¥ Lecroix told the court he clos- S and silver awards will be pre-|Factory Porche RS 61 Calves: Choice vealers 29-31, yan yi D sed." | sister, Miss Gertrude Bapty, of| ed the door "rather hard". He sented. : 95 Francis Bradley, Toronto [odd sales to 32; 25-28; 1h on Kae ace t 4. (London, Ont, and a brother, BLAST AFL-CIO |said he believed this was the| ISACHSEN, N.W.T. (CP)--|on here among the varlous| The 24-mile Mosport Parkiyqg, medium 22-24; common 19-21; Magistrate Guest agrses: Dr. Walter Bapty, of Oshawa. | CHICAGO (AP) -- Represen-| cause of the glass breaking. Ac-|There"s a bare-headed, tousle-|scientific fields." track is still in it's infancy.| .0 nwoodore Bell, Detroit boners 14-18. Wg rig Boge) oes The funeral service will be tative Adam Clayton Powell cused denied kicking the booth. haired "greeter" at Isachsen, | 15 YEARS IN NORTH Dettuieny and auto firms are Cooper Monaco ' e Factory op a | Y used the AFL-| Wh ked by the magis-|Dase camp of the Canadian : ehind this venture all the way. Act the city 2 Slose all one, hold fom the George E. Logan (Oem, U. iay might A an Srke g | y JO ge Polar Continental Shelf project The work he meats 3 geology Under their sponsorship visitors Dy Leavers, London, Ont. Youcantqo ALl-DUT a class or classes of shops. | Pc : nt -qual rights to Negro union|cos,t Chief Weaver said he un- miles from the north pole, ™" e whic! e re-lin years to come will see: > > "Jt was the intention to give Dundas Shree: London, i Tr i Mg 8 aid iB Kui it had cost the tele. who warmly welcomes new- ceived his bachelor's and mast-| A stylish control tower and 39 Ludwig Heimrath, Toronto p - city councils the fullest choice p.m., Saturday, . . | comers to the 70-man station|er's degrees from the Univer-|press office. Thi: is an oil com- Porsche RS 60 you Feel (in setting up a bylaw) as to and sees everyone off at the Sity of British Columbia and a|pany's contribution; Five $8000 49 Jim Muzizn, Toronto Today's tema lish x, runway as they leave. |doctorate from Princeton. He|dollar gates to the track. These Porsche 550 olay's tense LVing) Sverwor: A" ali, enrgetic man, hes Sided and suet a, Cami be paid fo by ut im: pg 5 HO = sometimes hand-pumps barrels| pr ne. ina 3 : :.| He spent 15 seasons in the 51 Grant Clark, Georgetown OF gasoline ino departing pir nothin British Columbia, the Sadler MK V and freight and [Yukon and the Arctic. 72 Oliver Clubine, Brantford gage ght and can often| Soke : He held a post similar to this| PLAN SERVICE CENTRES Torus - Triumph Seven service centres, incor-| 75 Denny Coad, Toronto porating toilet facilties, lunch| Lotus MK 9 counters and picnic areas are| 83 Peter Ryan, Mont Trem- planned, at a cost of $12,000/blant, Que. L 19 CLIFF MILLS 48-Hour "-~ Frnoct! .: PY e % i AR % ¢ |FrederiCk 1w00is or Uilawa, Cut tapusn canadian SUveLCigiily au COMING EVENTS ' : : : : | ordinator of the entire project|the Arctic islands. I'd like to| : / ; a : : |and a man who has time for make it possible to obtain more : |anything. |effective information on this Working with scientific pro-|part of the country through dis- jects in the Antarctic and Arc- | cussion among various scien- tic since 1939, he apparently has tific fields. become immune to the cold and| 'Such discussion could turn he is usually hatless, with a|up relationships between the grey wool shirt in place of a|fields which might otherwise parka, as he travels around the |easily be missed." base in below-zero tempera-| An example of the co-opera- tures in an open bombardier tion effort which could prompt tractor. |such discussion, he said, is the current study of the ice-cap DIRECTS 12 TEAMS | Meighen Island. These : {or His job is to co-ordinate the stygies are aimed at finding activities of 12 scientific teams out what is happening to the Which make up the Continental ice cap and from that determin- elf Project of the department ing what has happened to the of mines and technical surveys. |climate and environment in the This means he must schedule/10,000 recent geologic years. the use of the project's eight] chartered aircraft, its tractors, PIGGING PIT bombardiers, autoboggans and| A Pit is being dug in the ice other machines, arrange the|CaP to observe and take sam- transport and supply of field|Ples of the layers of ice for parties and radio sites on land analysis, to determine the pe. and ice within a 500-mile radius|riods of snowfall, wear and and act as a personnel officer| melting. Topographical sur- veyors will measure the ice cap to some 70 men. | tel ith a tel t . a ... |accurately with a telurometer. He also maintains liaison with geismic and gravity crews will Ottawa, arranges material and| : personnel movement to and from| Teasire the depth of the ice the mainland and other islands| 208 the slope beneath it, Botani- "1 cal collections will be made and nd ens : : and ensures that the work ofl p16 of minerals contained the various field parties meshes |; the ice cap will be studied. ig overlapping. Ca {Submarine geologists will check ut a list of his activities| minerals on the off-shore ocean would read like an encyclo-|hottom and former shorelines. pedia. | "In the end," says Dr. Roots, | During May, for example, he|"we will have a complete pic-| successfully co-ordinated one of ture." ! the most 'northerly air searches| But by the end, he means] in Canadian history and just as|only the end of one of 12 pro- successfully pulled an aching|jects under way this year. After| tooth of a grateful Eskimo dogla winter at his home in Ottawa Special 1959 Meteor Monicalm 2-Door Hardtop. Automatic trans- mission, custom radio. Fully equipped. Gleaming black with red leather trim, A real beauty. $2099 Na THE SPIRITUALIST NATIONAL UNION propose to open Oo church in Oshawa shortly. Enquiries: MRS. CONROY RA 8-0086 BINGO HARMAN PARK ASSOC. ST. JOHN'S FALL Ci r of Bloor & Simcoe Ome: FRIDAY, JUNE 23rd 7:45 p.m. 20 Gomes -- $6 ond $10 5 -- $40 Jackpots BINGO CORONATION ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, JUNE 24th 7:30 P.M. 20 Games -- $8 Share the Wealth 4--3$40 Jackpots to go. 1--$150 Jackpot to go. LOYAL ORANGE and TRUE BLUE Church Parade THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 230 KING STREET WEST DIAL RA 5-6651 THANK YOU.. ohh \. N 2 Associoth The executive of the North Osh ghborh wish te thank the following merchants of North Oshawa who donated prizes for our park opening on June 10th. We would also like to thank the people who made our park opening a success. A & W ROOT BEER WESTERN BARBECUE WELLMAN'S MOTORS JACK'S BARBER SHOP THE DAIRY QUEEN VERN'S GLASS SUNSET VARIETY LUNCH TUMEY'S GARAGE MORING'S GARAGE SEED'S B.A. J. W. ALEXANDER AL PRESTON'S SUNOCO GARAGE McLAUGHLIN LIBRARY IS OSHAWA BEAUTY SPOT The McLaughlin Public Li- | is growing steadily and the | their examintions. Located on Meet Sunday, June 25th, 10:30 a.m. at Coronation Orange Temple For porade to Selvetion Army Citadel brary, which is one of the most beautiful buildings com- prising the Oshawa Civic Area, is enjoying increased popularity in the community. Circulation in all departments facilities of the building are widely used. Seen here is a view of the westerly expos- uré of the building. On the main floor is the youth room which is widely used by col- legiate students preparing for the lower level is the chil driver. |with his wife and three chil-| WHITE FEED STORE dren's department where story hours are held on Saturday mornings and where the youth "I'm a bit annoyed with not|dren, Dr. Roots plans to return | being able to get a hand in at/next year. of the community secures its reading material. --Oshawa Times Photo. ® the actual work myself," Dr.| "And with all this new know- Roots says, '"'but 1 get a great|ledge under our belts," he says, deal of enjoyment out of seeing|"'we'll get more done and do it the co-operation which is going faster." BRAMLEY MOTORS NORTH OSHAWA NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION O'MALLEY'S SNACK BAR JOHN E. COOK, President. [4