The Oshawa Times, 23 Jun 1961, p. 17

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TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton WGR-TV Channel 2-Buffalo FRIDAY EVENING 11--News 9-News-Weather $-4-3-3--~News: Sports 6:45 P.M. 6-3-4-2--News 7:00 P.M i--Family Theatre $--Outdoor 5--The Flint Stones &~News: W 'eather: 3--Father Knows Best 2--~Brothers pa | 7:15 P | 5-2--Fury S--Gunsmoke 5-2--Jack Paar 3--Movie 12:00 MIDNIGHT $--Friday Night Theatre 6--Wrestling 1:00 AM. S---Epilogue 2~Theatre SATURDAY M0 AM. 5-~Bozo's Story Book 2--~Rumpus Room 8:30 AM. S--Felix The Cat 4--Popeye Playhouse 9:00 AM. 5--Three Stooges CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo ~~ WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester CFTO-TV Channel $--Toronto CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie 4:30 P.M. 5-2--Wres tling SAT: AY EVE P.M 5:00 P.M. 11.6-3--National Air Show $-Camera Room i . 1.6-3--Bugs Bunny Ww $---Pet Room {=Farly Show 5---Capt. Gallant 4--Film Featurette 4--Fun To Learn Series 2---The Three Stooges 9:30 A.M. 4--8cience Museum 2-Pip Piper 0: AM, 7---TV Farmorama 5-2--Shari Lewis Show 4--~Captain Kangaroo CDE 1 9--Three Musketeers 7--Children's Matinee 5-2--King Leonardo 11--Vavro School of Masic 9---Professor's Party 4--Magic Land 11--Popeye and Bugs |l1~Wyatt Earp 2--Wrestling 5:45 . $-Hi Time 6:00 P.M. 6--Live and Learn 5--Hong Kong 4--Jeif's Cole 3--Charlie Chan 6:15 P.M. A] 11:30 P.M. T--Jewish Chatauqua | 1:30 P.M. 11-6-3--Country Calendar Nite Show 6--Church Service 9-- Playhouse 4 Starlight ' This Is The Life 7--Premier Playhouse Aware Theatre 4-Film Featurette 3--Tales of the Vikings Ga 12:00 P.M. 3 The Big Rascals | *" Baseball Game $--Theatre 11:3. AM 2:00 P.M. Movie 1--Rev. Oral Roberts |i; movie 1:00 A.M. 9--Around the Wi 9-- Baseball $--Epilogue 7--The hers 7--Church In The Home af Night 5--Congress 6-3--Junior Magazine al 4--Camera Three 5--Burns and Allen SUNDAY 3--This Is The Life 2-Hour of Adventure 8:00 A.M Bln NOON 2:30 P.M. 'This Is The Life 4 7--Sherlock Holmes 8:15 A. [--Poveye and Bugs 2--Major League 1 ai hy 1 H a] estival S--Bar-5-Raneh 7--Church in the Home | 7--Summer Showcase 2~Farm Home and 6--Lig Garden Estevan 5--Rocky Jones $--Punch and Johnny 6:30 P.M. 4---Mighty Mouse t1--Father Knows Best | Playhouse 9-4--News: Weather 11:00 AM. Sports rN AM. 4--News: Weather; 3:30 P.M. Worl Sports 6--Silents Please 5--Bar-5-Ranch 3--Po, eve and Pals 3--Canadian Open Golf 4--Popeye Playhouse 2-World of Eid 4:00 P.M. The Christophers 13:5 P.M. 116:3--Men of Action 9:15 Am 4--Congress 9--Baseball 2--Public Service List P.M 7--Eichmann On Trial LT A. 1--The Christophers 4:30 P.M. Tin MeCoy 7--Sheriock Holmes 1-63--Music by Erle The Way 63--E, J. Pratt wild 10:00 A.M. interview), 9--Feature Movie 7--Off To Adventure S--Felix The Cat 7--Issues and Answers stian Science 4-Film Featurette 5--Film Feature 4~Lamp Unto My Feet 12:45 P.M. 4--Film Trini U--pom, Drama' MEER dg 7--What's Your Trouble Festival ow 7---Matty's Funday 7] 10:30 A.M. 4-David and Goliath Funnies 9--Youth and Religion 1:00 P.M $--Danger Is My [=] T= Answer Thi . The Life Business $--Christophers 1---This Is The Life 4--Accent; Evplores 4--Uncle Jerry's Clup | 7--Directions '61 Contemporary Culture 6-3---Good Life Theatre 2--Cartoon Playhouse I Plactouse | 2--8peak Up Ho AM. 5--Popeye 5:15 P.M. 9--For Your Enter 4--Film Featurette $---Man and the tainment 2--Lawrence Harvey Challenge oe 8 6-3--Comedy Playhouse $--Family Playhouse 2---World of Sports hthouse Tender ps i gr pel THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, June 23, 1961 17 BLACKSTOCK © 1961. King Features Syndicate, Inc. World rights reserved | BLACKSTOCK -- The WMS met at the home of Mrs. John Tuesday afternoon, June 13, with 19 ladies and eight children present. President opened the m: by reading a poem, "A Word". A hymn was sung and - prayer offered. The roll call, A Duty of the Christian Educa- tion Committee, was not as well answered as usual and very few books had been read. (A very busy time of year). Mrs. Fred Dayes presided for the program. Mrs. P. Romeril gave a very interesting and helpful address on "Christian Education for Youth". There is 6--Mr Fix-t 3-Andy Griffith Show 2----Highway Patrol 6:45 P.M 6-4--News; Sports why 11-6-3--Dennis The CROSSWOr» a great difference between OF COLIRSE, [6-23] WHAT WE'RE REALLY AFRAID OF IS THAT SOME CHILD MIGHT ZAT SOME OF THAT POISONED MEAT/ THERE ARE A LOT OF LITTLE KIDS IN THIS NEIGHBORHOOD, 4 Christian Education and Relig- fous Knowledge. St. John's WA met in the Par. ish Hall, June 15, with 13 mem- bers and three visitors present. Owing to the absence of the president, Mrs. J. Scott, the vice president opened the meet- ing with hymn, Devotional was in charge of Mrs. Ashmore. Scripture reading was from the Gospel for Trinity Sunday fol. lowed by members prayer, prayer for prayer partner and Lord's prayer in unison. Cards of congratulation have been sent to Laurence Mec- Laughlin and Fred Carter. Thank you notes were read. 7--News; Weather | _ Bunny Menace ACROSS 2. Taroroot 25. Traffic Een 2 s | Miss Parr, Dorcas secretary, mln PM, | §3;T0e Lone Ranger | o-pallacim 1.Darkblue 3.Chest sign EER \ presented a crib quik for sale. ae eI MoCurs { 11:45 AM 5--Highway Patrol 6. Gaucho's sounds 26, Pirate Mrs. M. Edgerton will act 7--Matty's Funday 9--Boys' and Girls' a Roane Table weapon 4. Incantae drink as secretary of the WA until ee | House NOON =. > 11. To adjust tions 27. Greek I DONT) FP THIS MEDICINE war eb Distributed vy King Features Syndicate T TM TAKIN' YOU TO THE fall, 5--The Asphalt Jungle |, o ° \ , l1--ses Hunt 12. Girl'sname 5. And (L.) letter LIKE IT, | | TASTES GREAT! |, Wer Mas Reserved | | OPERA, AUNT MINNIE... Mrs. W. Van Camp gave a 4--Rawhide Western [1 Surget Theatre 7--The Roaring Not 6.Proclaim 29. Argent ARE YOU GOING Jf NCA mickey! | LooK...TiLL f UNCA MICKEY DOESNT reading and Mrs. Ashmore ries | 6Six Gun Movie |, Twenties 3 ing "loudly (abbr) py | TAE HS (| gespEs 1 | | sow Sou! A gut 1 4 FEEL SO GOOD! To Sia of Do Wor oe = Funniest Men In The | 3Ja Jackson i re AmBoes | 34 Keg 7. Rowing 31, Owing 7 Ra FRR ---- FEEL FINE! and Canon Ashmore were do- World " {Tr Gr Aventure {Fury Mas Chole 15. Christmas : implement 5. Gif Ss 8 a ing in Northern Saskatchewan. a ty Hoedo 12:15 P.M. gn P.M. 16. Abraham's -Afly Senay aii [) Mrs. Hamilton closed the S--The Third Man Series | $--Ne¥s 11-G K birthplace 9. Region nam | meeting with prayer. Lunch was 7--Harrigan and Son | 12:°0 P.M. 9_King Ganam Show 17. Consume 10. Sodium 36. Marked, 42, Voided d by G 3 3--Laurel and Hardy | 9--Social Credit vo She : Enectt tlotide 23 tests escutcheon | py served by Group 3. 8:30 Program 3-Sgt Bilko 18. Election d : 43. Shield The Explorers of the United 1163--Pe | 6~Rough . Riders | 8:30 P.M lists 14. Souarinut 39, Mirror he lv] Church closed their season's ace PT ha [-gasev Jones, i [i1-dumboree © 21, Excla- 19. Swiss river reflec- 46. Above a rR hey ionic in i a een (fb, | Soi BEm Em Rae (B Tal i "Route 85 Adventure :00 P.M. 52-Tall Man 0" | 23. Perched 21. Hawk 40, Jostle Sod = -- / foved. swimmi nd Series 9--Theatre 4--Checkmate 24, Monster parrot 41, Make fun 49, Half ems | J enjoyed swimming, games a 9:00 P.M | 7=Six Gun Theatre 3--Sea Hunt 28. Man'sname 22. Grampus (of) 52. Dad a NS lunch. They were accompanied $--Two Faces West oRoushriers «as 5:00 P.M. 30, ---- ---- Ba by Mrs. Romeril and Miss 77 Sunset Strip Raraers {11-6-3--Great Movies Square, on x} Elaine Mountjoy. 33-The Lawless Years| ,_pyrai Review | $--Naked City MoBooV There was a fair attendance Vi 2 Mid-Day Matinee | 7--Lawrence Welk ff the 11-6-3--Danger | 5:2--The Deputy 32. Not home of farmers at meeting in oc UE TE Sl : 33. Land the Community ul Monday at a i 5 house 1:30 P.M. Harm Will Travel [hence ght {3 Slseuss he Rr 70:00 P.M. [1i--Adventures of Robin 3-Thetlio0 P.M . a Charles McGinnis orl was 11-6-3--Have Gun Will good David Grief | $--Boxing i 37. Mother 74 GEE, GRANDMA, YES,INDEED,I DOS BY | 1] |...I TOOK AN OVERDOSE O' I HAVE T* WORK OFF TH' present to present ideas for 5 Tan 4--Film Feature i-Emie Kovacs 38, Colliers YOU DON'T MISTAKE THIS MORNIN. | | |MY PEP TONIC.# EXCESS ENERGY SOME Ie D thelr 15 I'he Netsctives 2:00 P.M Gunsmoke " iy Boxing's i Hers process eir own : 2 M. 15 P.M. . ; 3-Mictae) siavie \[S3-World of Sport | News Mr. Louls bi The ONO Club met at Mar. YieBotar GuRn unior Science | 10 30 P.M. 44, Greek letter i ian Carnaghan's with 22 girls $--News-Weather- 2--Danger Is My [U1-8-3--Julletis 45. Moby Dick i resent, meeting opened with Sports Business | 7--Sea Hunt pursuer =) i P t t he the oH 7--Law and Mr. Jones 2:30 P.M. | trie Ant 48. Almond tonfest When the girl yen iv 6--On The Scene 95 3-ramr League 45 P.M. h f the garden to identify 24 varie- 5--Two Faces West Baseball $--Johnny Esaw Show-. syrup : ties of plants. Dorothy Marlow 4Person To Person | 4_pasenall Game Of a 50. Fruit oS i had the highest number of cor- 11:00 P.M. eM TEL News: 51 of palm H rect names. Plans were made 1765433 News: Y-Champlonship g etther: Sports 52. Kind of tea for the Durham Club banquet. S--Betier Late Bowling 11:15 P.M. 53, West Thete will be 80 July meeting. : 3:30 P.M. U--News. Weather: German i e Durham Club enjoyed a Tia PY. $--Film Feature slo i Mysiery state a? chat 62 sumptuous roast beef, baked $-Viewpoint o 4:00 P.M. 7--Late Show 54. Skillful potato dinner at the Recreation t Thea t--Cartoon Larty 6--Night Metre DOWN Centre Saturday served by the 11:30 P.M. ae enti a. | 1. Anguish ONO Club. Sixty-nine mem. 11--Late Show 3--Movie 2--News bers of the club had enjoyed CITIES SERVICE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. CITIES SERVICE STATION KING ST. WEST OPEN THIS WEEKEND INCLUDING SUNDAY the perfect day by a bus trip to interesting local s. They visited the Towns! Park at Caesarea, had a picnic dinner at St. Christopher's Camp where Harold Porteous and Fred Phelp were hosts. They visited Mr. Joe Fedema's to- bacco farm and Mr. Fedema gave them an interesting out. line of the tobacco business. They viewed the Water Wheel at Russel Brown's Mill. They CITIES SERVICE LI'L ABNER WE'LL BEGIN WITH THAT I'LL TAKE ONE THE LONE RANGER TAD HERE'S CASH IN FULL FOR YOUR LAND == JUST AS WE A D/ iiE=_\] = FOR GRES! ¥ By called at the Anglican Church before going to the Recreation Centre for dinner. Bruce Ash- ton, Reeve of Cartwright and warden of the United Counties welcomed the guests. A trio, Mrs. L. Thompson, Mrs. H. Kyte and Mrs. Harold McLaughlin, sang two medleys of songs, "Dear Hearts and Gentle People", "Memories" and "When You're Smiling". The second medley was 'Look for the Silver Lining", "Red, Red Robin" and "Blue Skies". Mrs. Oakley Carley and Anne of Whitby spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Swain and attended service in Tyrone calling on friends in Cavan YOU MUST HAVE SEEN My TELEGRAM AND JUMPED 70 A CONCLUSION. DONALD DUCK OKAY WE LL. (S280 te] AF: 7 S243 | [nan MUGGS AND SKEET | in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Byers and Mr. and Mrs. Luth Byers attended Decoration Day ser- vice at Prince Albert Sunday « GRAMPS CLAIMS THE ASHES ARE "00D FOR THE RUGS!® Er aliarnann mr. weer Oil ivany : - visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and Oliver Sunday. Mrs. C. Hill is visiting her brother, Rev. and Mrs. Merrill Ferguson and family in Strat. ford. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swain, Helen, Jack and Jim were in' Stirling Sunday. Jack will teach school in that district next term. Mr. and Mrs. John Mew and children and Mr. Richard Mew, YES, I'M POSITIVE! A WOMAN LIKES TO BE REASSURED. JULIET JONES Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. Austin Beacock. Miss Brenda Dunsmore, To- ronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dunsmore. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor visited Mr. and Mrs. Anson Taylor at the latter's cottage at Rice Lake Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Taylor and girls spent the weekend at their cottage at Gull Lake. Mr. and Mrs. O. Wright ae. companied Mrs. Gibson and Mr. R. Byers, Bowmanville, to St. Catharines for the weekend. SALLY'S SALLIES DOL BLONDIE LARS FOR ql II" 1nEED A PAIR OF SHOES TOO, BUT WHO AM I GOING TO GET MY rs a sHame YOU DON'T HAVE LARRY BRANNON LARRY, MR. MacINNIS TO CALL HIM BACK. HELLOSY LARRY, 10 MAC, WHAT'S MAC, THEN IM OFF TO ENGLAND. OH, MO, LARRY/.. ALL RIGHT, T'LL SEE YOU IN A FEW 1 I a

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