10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, June X3, 1981 was away CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 15) WHITBY AN COLUMBUS COLUMBUS -- Guest minis- D DISTRICT 35--Legal 35--Legal 1 will not be Sheron Peggy Ann this date, June 20, 1961, without m: written consent, -- Grant H, O'Reilly for any debts contracted in my mame by my wife, O'Reilly, on or after NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS PROPERTY SALE NO. T-1544 AUCTION SALE OF LAND Approximately 372 acres of land more or less located south of Highway 401, one mile west of Newtonville, Port Lot 13, Concession 1, Township of Clarke, County of Durham Sole to be held on the property at the Road Allow- once between Concessions BF. ond 1 ot: 11:30 AM. DS.T, TUESDAY, JULY 18th, 1961 TERMS: $200.00 Cash or Certified Cheque at time of sale, balance payable in thirty doys. Sole subject to a reserved bid. For further information please contact: The Auctioneer, Mr. Jack Reid, Orono, Ontario Telephone: Orono 5S R 18 OR Department of Highways, Port Hope District Office, 138 Hope Street North, Port Hope, Ontario. Telephone: TUrner 5-2481. OR Department of Highways, Toronto Regional Office, Downsview, Ontario. Telephone: CHerry 4-2571 _ Local 444, DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ONTARIO. All persons having claims against the Estate of Edwin Perry McGregor who died ot Ontario County councillors learned this week that a county- 'Collapsed Bridge May Cost $50,000 ter at our church this Sunday was Rev. J. K. Braham, MA, BD of Scugog United Charge. Visitors from Camp Pretoria were the Explorers and their leaders from Westmount United Church. With Miss Elizabeth Hayes at the organ, the choir, under the direction of Miss Grace Webber, sang "On Wings of Praise". EVENING WMS bridge, will be satisfactory. However, there are certain dif- owned bridge has coll d probably under an over-loaded truck, and that it will cost about $50,000 to replace it. The bridge, which spans Duffins Creek, is on the fourth concession of Pick- ering Township and is known as Cammack's Bridge. Its replacement had been planned for 1962, said the coun- ty road committee in a report to council, hut its collapse now makes At imperative that it be replaced this year. If the bridge costs $50,000, it is anticipated that the county's share, after Froviscial subsidy, will be $10,- the Village of West Hill, in the Township of Pickering, in the County of Ontario, on February 1, 1961 are re- quired to file proof of some with the undersigned on or before the 25th day of July, 1961. DATED at Toronto day of June, 1961 WHITE, BRISTOL, BECK & PHIPPS, Barristers and Solicitors, 335 Bay Street, Toronto 1, Ontario, DUNBARTON DUNBARTON -- On Monday evening the Session met at the this 20th Following is the committee's report on the bridge: "On May 31, the structure col- [ficult pr bl which must be resolved before a design can be prepared. These are as follows: "The bridge is situated in a| long valley so the height and location must be such as to plan a road reconstruction at a later date. "In several locations the pres- ent roadway is a considerable distance from the correct limits of the right-of-way. "The river must be relocated in one section to eliminate, if possible, future damage from ice jams but relocation is com- plicated by a park and swim- The June meeting of the WMS was held at the home of Mrs. R. H. Love. The president open- ed the meeting and welcomed all present. Mrs. Allan Scott read the scripture which was followed by a hymn. Mrs. R. H. Love read "Everyday Christianity". Mrs. F. Smith showed two films, "Village Reborn" and 'Five Oaks". The meeting closed and a social hour was spent. ANNOUNCEMENTS | The Sunday School Anniver-| sary will be held July 2 at 11:15| : A a.m. The guest preacher will be ming pool which have been de- poy. Basil E. Long of Orono. | veloped on property to the south) "mpe pouples Club will hold a of the bridge and a house 10-/;nint "picnic with the Sunday cated on lands lying north of the §.ho0] and it will take the place structure. of their June meeting. TOD, ErTOgIey their home became flames. Neighbors mmoned help and with the aid of bri- gades extinguished the blaze. The house interior was extens- ively damaged. Neil Devitt, Oshawa, enjoyed a weekend with his cousins, the Beacock brothers. Mr. and Mrs. N. Wilson ac- companied Mr. and Mrs. James Rodd, Oshawa, to Decoration Services in Orillia, and met up with rest of family kin later in the park for a pot luck supper. Mr. J. F. Vickery, Mr. and Mrs. L. Beacock and sons, en- joyed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. Devitt and family, Oshawa. Mrs. Easton, Belleville, is spending a few days with her son-in-law . and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. B. Jeffs, and Robert. Mr. and Mrs. C. Cameron and son visited in Beaverton on. Sun- day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hunter were guests at the Gibson- Stevens wedding in Greenbank church on Saturday. ENNISKILLEN enveloped in ONTARIO AUCTION SALE OF LAND PROPERTY SALE NO. T-3591 Approximately 19 2/5 acres of land, more or less, located north of Highway 401, di- rectly north of Port Hope, Part Lot 7, Concession 2, Township of Hope, County of Durham. Sale to be held at the north end of the property at McKib- bon Street at: 11:30 AM. DS.T. TUESDAY, JULY 4th, 1961 TERMS: $500.00 Cash or Certified Cheque at time of sale, balonce payable in thirty days. AUCTION SALE OF LAND AND BUILDINGS PROPERTY SALE NO. T-3590 Approximately 18 2/5 acres of land more or less, house, barn, hen house, two sheds, located south of Highway 401, directly north of Port Hope, Part Lot 7, Concession 2, Township of Hope, County of Durham. Access to prem- extending from the eastern limit of Jocelyn Street to the Property. The Department as- sumed no responsibility for the serviceability of same. Sale to be held at the south west corner of the property at: 1:30 PM. DST. TUESDAY, JULY 4th, 1961 TERMS: $500.00 Cash or Certified Cheque at time of sale, balance payable in thirty days. Soles subject to a reserve bid. For further information please contact: The Auctioneer, Mr. Murray Noble, Baltimore, Ontario. Telephone: BAltimore 34 R 2. OR Department of Highways, Port Hope District Office, 138 Hope Street North, Port Hope, Ontario, Telephone: TUmer 5-2481, OR Department of Highways, Toronto Regional Office, Downsview, Ontario. Telephone: CHerry 4-2571 - Local 444. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ONTARIO OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS SELL MOST ANYTHING, church for its meeting. The On- We-Go Auxiliary entertained their husbands at the McKay home on Wednesday evening. The WMS held its meeting at Dr. McKay's home on Thursday afternoon. This meeting was postponed from the previous week because of the funeral of Mrs. F. Scott. Next Sunday will be a bap- tismal service, On Sunday evening, July 2, a special service is to be held at Greenwood Conservation Park during: the township's 150th an- niversary celebration. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Willis were in Toronto on Sunday when their grandson, Randolph Alan, was baptized in St. Peter's Anglican Church. | Bob McConachie celebrated his seventh birthday on June 15, with a party for a dozen of his friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kennedy of Port Hope visited Mr. and Mrs. | George Watson last Friday. | A number of friends were in Ajax last Saturday attending for Retarded Children. pleted their exams last Friday| and are now enjoying their sum- lapsed and so far investigations have failed to reveal the cause. From existing evidence, such as marks on the deck, ete., it is be- lieved that the collapse was caused by an overloaded ve- hicle. The collapsed bridge was| «goma type of river diversion a steel truss on concrete abut-l,..ct he constructed and this ments with a 56-foot span which| wii require negotiation with the {did not provide adequate water- adjoining owner or owners. If {way capacity. {an agreement to enter and con- | "Because of very poor river struct the works cannot be se- |approach on the north side, ice cured it would be necessary to jams occurred nearly every|expropriate land for that pur- spring with resulting damage to/pose. Because of the uncertain- the lower sections of the steel) ty concerning the location of the work. Numerous washouts have|diversion, it is not possible to occurred on the road approach-|describe the land and so we are {es and attempts have beenjunable to recommend that an {made to control erosion by the expropriation bylaw be passed placement of large stones along|at this time. the embankment. "It is estimated that if the de- "We hope that a design sim-|sign similar to the Munro ilar to that proposed for the Bridge is approved the cost of {Munro Bridge, which is located the new structure would be ap- {14 miles south of the Cammack! proximately $50,000." WHITBY PERSONALS IODE Jr., BSA, is expected to arrive "The Department of High- ways has requested a meeting view the problem so that sub- sequently the design can be started. 1 | Viscount Greenwood the official opening of the School Summer Tea, grounds gay with|by plane this week from Bossi- and Mrs. ; |colored pennants, was held at/neau, Manitoba, where he oper-| amily, The High School students com- (the home of Mr. and Mrs. H.|ates one of the largest poultry| afr and Mrs. P. Doner, Brock street north, hatcheries in Canada. Mr. Shel- of the County Engineer to re-|y | ENNISKILLEN -- The WMS {met in the church June 14 when Enfield and Burketon WA ladies joined with Enniskillen. Mrs. {L. Wearn presided for the eve- ning and opened the meeting |with a quotation of Scripture. The roll call was answered with | Mr. and Mrs. Murray McCul- 4. loch and family, Burlington re: Al ola Testament Mother. cently visited with Mr. and Mrs.! Mrs. t. loms was ln charge Oliver McCulloch. jof the worship, the theme being| |"'Mr. and Mrs, Grant Webber| Mother." Two splendid sacred land family spent Sunday with (numbers, piano duets, were ren- |Mr. and Mrs. George McKenzie|dered by Miss Laura Fielder land family, Guelph. jand Mrs. F. Griffin, Union. A | Visitors at the home of Mr. delegation of three ladies from |and Mrs. Edward Laviolette on|Presbyterial, Mrs. C. Ives, Bow- Sunday were Phillip and Wayne manville, Mrs. Crowle, Oshawa, Laviolette, Oshawa. {and Mrs. Richardson, Whitby, The pupils of McKenzie School| Who have made a thorough |under the direction of Mr. Wad-(study of the new United |dington, their teacher, are tak-/Church Women's Organization, ling swimming lessons at Camp|were present to answer ques- Samac. {tions and give us more informa- Mrs. H. L. Pascoe, Mr. and|tion on the birth of the new | Mrs. T. W. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. organization which is to take | Alan Scott and Dwayne recently|place Jan, 1, 1962. The objec- attended the Pascoe Picnic atitive is to *"Unite all women of Hampton. {the church." "For the total | Sunday afternoon visitors at Mission of the Church". Mrs. W. {the home of Mr. and Mrs. How-| Bowman moved a vote of thanks |ard Gladwin, Creswell were Mr.|to "the visiting delegation of Harold Davey and|jadies. The south group with (leaders, Mrs. J. Griffin and W. Sandersoninp.g vy. Lamb, served i ) Mrs. L. L A a deli- |and Murray recently visited Mr. cious Iunch. After July 1 your Columbus | correspondent will be Jim Stark | PERSONALS | Mrs. L. Kozak, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs James Stark and family. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwin and Rodney were Sunday visitors at Norman Scott's, Newtonville. Mr. and Mrs. F. Beckett and Marie visited at Mr. Henry Beckett's, Stratford, and attend- ed the wedding and reception of their daughter, Jo-Ann, to William Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. A. Brownridge, Toronto, were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. E. Trewin and all attended Decor- ation Day at Pine Grove Ceme- tery, Prince Albert. Mr. and Mrs. F. Hummel, of Carr, Ontario, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Zilver- smit, Courtice; Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry and Betty Jane were Saturday evening visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Grant Werry's. Mr. Wallace Stainton, Toron- to, spent the weekend at W. H. Moore's and Mr. H. Stevens'. Mr. and Mrs. Don Wearn, Scarboro, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn. They all visited Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Wearn, Claremont. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick and Robin, Toronto, were at S. R. Pethick's. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton and Charles were with Mr. and Mrs. Fred McLaughlin, Colum- bus. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dorland spent a few days with Dr. and LIGHTER SIDE Honesty Not Quite Dead Yet DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (AP) -- A woman laid her wallet on the fender of her car last week while in a service station and then drove 25 miles before notic- ing her loss. Four days after the inci- dent a man found the wallet which contained $12, and turned it over to police, con- tents intact. The finder was a state prisoner working on a road gang. PROFESSIONAL MIAMI, Fla. (CP) -- Con- victed in criminal court of picking the lock of a Miami Beach mansion, Alonis 8. Stein, 34, appealed and bond was set at $7,000. Forms for the bond, how- ever, were in a deputy sher- it's locked desk. Deputy court clerk James Regan said Stein calmly borrowed exhibit A in his trial--the lock - picking tool ,--and opened the desk. Then with bond completed, he strolled to freedom. BAD MEDICINE BRANTFORD (CP)--When Alexander McDonald pleaded not guilty to impaired driving he testified he had never been in a beverage room in his life, and had never owned a liquor permit. But he did not deny his "wavering" driving on High- way 2, nor did he challenge the provincial police officers who charged him. He did offer an explanation. A spare-time interior decora- tor, he had driven to a farm. house to give an estimate on a job. While in the home he felt ill and was given some "med. icine" in a glass of milk. He learned later that the '"'med- icine" was brandy. Magistrate H., R. Howeitt gave McDonald the benefit of the doubt and dismissed the charge. Mrs. Clark Dorland, Lapeer, Michigan, also attended the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. COURTICE Charles Stier. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werrv, and Betty Jane attended Ked-| ron Anniversary service and were tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Werrys. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner, Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp were Sunday tea guests of Ross Sharp's. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kinsman, Courtice; Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGill and boys were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rov McGill. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Bahr were Friday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Werry. Little Miss Sharon Werry was an over-night guest of Brian Lee's. | Miss Patti Werry spent last| week visiting her grandmother, | Mrs. A. Perigoe, Caesarea. | On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. | Keith McGill and boys called at Mr. and Mrs. Lyal Brock's, | By MRS. SYDNEY BURGESS Home and School Association June meeting commenced at 6.30 p.m. with a pot luck sup- per. After a delightful repast an informal with the President Mrs, T. Glad- man presiding. The secretary's report was given by Mrs. Wm, McKnight and Mrs. B. Johnson gave the treasurer's report. have the president and one other member of the executive pre- graduates on the final day of the school term. Also, to provide |a bus, if it was necessary, for the transporting of the children |their excursion to points of in- |charge of the distribution of COURTICE -- North Courtice meeting took place The membership voted to sent the class pictures to the from the highway school on terest in the Oshawa area. Two committees were set up to take treats to the two rooms that had 34 mony and in the best interests of the children and the com- munity as a whole. mer vacations. Woon fg oth ihdny eek hostess was assisted in receiv- June 23. Her cousin, Hugh Mc.|ing by the Regent Mrs. F. v Conachie, is ten years old on the Browne, with the Standard] {prominent at the entrance. The same day. : Congratulations to Mrs. Marie|tea table, centred with a lovely Lynde who celebrated a birth- unique floral arrangement, was day on June 22 and to Mrs [presided over by Mrs. R. G. and was as usual, one of thejton will be attending the re- ang Mrs. Vernon Ratz and fam- social events of the season. The|union of the graduates of 1941}, Huntsville. at the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege at Guelph. Mrs. Paul Piurko, her son, Mr. Larry Piurko, Mrs. Bill Dragometz, Mr. and Mrs. Mike | Mr. Nick Newland, and Ada, {Seagrave, Mr. and Mrs. Don Lamb and William, Enniskillen; (Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wray and |Julie, Bowmanville, were with |L. Lamb's. Mrs. F. C. Davidson, Oshawa spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. N. Gimblett. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jackson, | Lindsay, visited Wednesday eve- ck moe ra 2 the greatest number of parents Grove. ? (present during the past school Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Dickey | Year at the Home and School and Velma, Bowmanville, were meetings. : with Mr. and Mrs. M. Stainton,| The next meeting of the asso- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt| ciation will be held on the third were Thursday visitors at Orr|Tuesday in September. All par- Povinsky, Mrs. L. Povinsky, alll qrilis. b ning with Mr. and Mrs. Charles, } Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bowen, . and Mrs. Harry Strutt, of Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mr. and Mrs. Victor Jordan, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Jack jand daughter Hilda Lennox who celebrated Langford, Mrs. M. Detlor, Mrs. hers on June 15. [M. Dymond. Mrs. Jas. Ross and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pearce Mrs. Geo. Anderson as co-con- celebrated their 25th wedding veners, were assisted by Mes- Sniversary on June 20. Con-|dames G. A. Wek, 0. gratulations. Lynch, A. McLean, A. E. Stur- Rev. and i Tob Wilkinson |gess, J. M. Roblin, A. Ingram, argaret are'S Osborne, C. Freeman, H. T. Sending a lew days at the cot-|Fallaise, A. Welsh, J. H. 'Wall age 8. Six Wile axe, d J. B. Davies. Mrs. F. Mills left last week tof" attend her granddaughter| prs. Tony Vandyke, of Lee Ruth's wedding on June 17 at|gyenye, entertained her group Pointe Clare, Que. {of ladies on Monday evening. Susan Annis spent the week-\mpe yucky winners of the games ond with her aunt at Lake Kash-| ere: Mrs. W. Baldwin and Bho. (Mrs. T. Vandyke. The hostess The Cookson family has taken|_ "" up residence this week at the Served tasty refreshments, former Juedwine home at the} a Po J and daugh-| MTS. Ronald Hawkins, is cele- ter of Toronto visited the E. J.|Prating her third birthday to- |day. Friends of the family are Annis family on the weekend. |V%7:, The district Cubs and their Wishing Lesley many happy re- leaders spent the weekend out|turns of the day. in the Greenwood area. : ,,On Monday, June 13, Dunbar or." of Glendale, California To 1c Se wens uy Mr [Were callers at the home of Mr. joyed as guest speaker, MI. a,q Mrs, W. Parry of Mary on LY Lhe Sider, Susvice Ou |street east, and were also guests and Protection of Natural Re-|2t the Devlin residence. Lesley, daughter of Mr. and subject. It was their pleasure to gundridge, have returned have as guests for the evening : six of the gentlemen who are coaching the House League ball teams, Paplinski, of Per The Circle Group of the WA|® 2PUnsKL Ty week visiting their daughter and | son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph | street. | \brating her seventh 'birthday to- day. Her friends wish her many | |E. J. Annis at the Sand Bar at the Bay. There was a luncheon followed by a business meeting.| HOLD SERVICE The 'morning service at Andrew's Presbyterian Church, 22 Pickering, was well attended.| z The full choir entered to the Rola init ig hig processional, "Give to the Lord Robert Cherry, to the former St [the ocasion a party has been| : nged for Saturday. | Povinsky and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Povinsky, of Oshawa, at- tended the 25th wedding anni- versary celebrations held in honor of Mr. and Mrs. S. Piurko of Niagara Falls. Many other relatives and friends were also present. David, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Norris, of Oshawa, and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Norris, 506 Dunlop street west, Whitby, is celebrating his sec- ond birthday today. Best wishes are offered to David from friends of the family. Mr. and Mrs. George Russell Pettes attended the funeral of Mr. an Oshawa, were Thursday evenin visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Edwar g| Potts, Mary and Billie, Haydon, g|were with Mrs. E. Strutt and Jeffery's, Port Perry. i Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright, | Lawrence and Betty visited Mr, | and Mrs. Ron Clemens, Hamp- ents are cordially invited to at- tend. This association is made up of parents and teachers, so each may better understand the his way work in closer har- The Explorer group, for their last outing of the current ses- sion, went to Darlington Provin- cial Park and had what is known as a girls had a very enjoyable day of it, participating in games and receiving prizes on a point basis for the year. (1) Janice Adair, 135; (2) Donna Thompson, 134; "cook out". The (3) Bernadette Dunham, 133. Jo Anne Cutting and Pamela Greentree, penter, 129; Suzanne Car- 126; Pamela Johnson and Rosemary Beerthuizen, 115; Laurie Iliffe, 112; Sharon Gra- ham, 109; Bonnie Simpson, 107; Karen Iliffe, 105. The Explorer group was under the supervision of Councillor Mrs. M. Gray and Councillor Mrs. N. Adair. The girls would like to express their thanks to the leaders for a very pleasant year. Mr, and Mrs. Sydney Burgess were in Port Hope attending the Eastern Area C Council and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Gibson while there. HUGE PIECES Among exhibits in the Orien- tal Institute of the University of Chicago are colossal statues, such as a 40-ton human-headed winged bull from an Assyrian Laviolette. r. and Mrs, Clifford Pethick. ton. Iproblems of the other and in palace. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Scott and Dwayne visited Thursday with Mrs. Myna McCulloch, Orono. Several ladies of the commun- | ity recently attended a dessert luncheon under the auspices of the Brooklin WA and heard Mrs. | Jean Newman, guest speaker | from Toronto. Mr. Neil McCulloch, Vancou-| ver was home for a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Me- | Culloch. Recent visitors of Mr. and| Mrs. Will Robinson, Orono were | d Mrs. W. Sanderson. the late Mrs. Thomas Pettes,| Mrs. Harold Hayes attended mother of Mr. Pettes. The fu-|the 63rd annual Baker Reunion | neral was held in Ormston,{on Saturday at Pinafore Park, Quebec. The weekly echre club met at the home of Mrs. Grace Hicks, Byron street north, Whit- by. Cards were played at two jey Webber and family. tables with the following win- ners: First, Mrs. Edna Henning, Oshawa; second, Mrs. Rose Barrington, Brooklin, and low, Mrs. Edna Sawyer, Whitby. [their home after spending a Oshawa. Next week Mrs. Grace Mr, and Mrs. B Hicks will be the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Prim- eau, Maria street, spent last met on Wednesday, June 21, at| Annie. daughter of Mr. and weekend in Lindsay visiting at| Andrew McKay. St. Thomas. | Mrs. Leo Webber and Mar- | garet, Whitby, Miss Jessie Web-| | ber, Brooklin, visited Sunday | evening with Mr. and Mrs. Stan-| | Mr. Howard Moebus and Bill, | Peterborough recently visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Mc-| Culloch. Mr. and Mrs. W. Holliday at- sources, this being a timely, Mr and Mrs. Angus Welch, of [Lunch was served by the host-|tended the Bryant - Holliday re-| to|ess, Mrs.. Winnie Govyeow, of|ynjon on Sunday at the home of | en Bryant, Pick-| ering. [ Mrs. Alan Scott and Dwayne | | spent Friday with Mrs. Don | Wylie and family, Port Perry. | PRINCE ALBERT Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Reader, of| | happy returns of the day. For King street, their son, Mr. John| Jacqueline. Reader and Miss Porter spent last weekend in {Sutton as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Crowder. APE FAMILY {Immortal Praise." Mr. Kenneth Heron, the minister, conducted Miss Ann Correll, entertained at| PAIGNTON, E -- a dinner and dance party held|q x ngland (CP) unner, the oldest of the colony PRINCE ALBERT -- Happy | rthday to Mrs. A. Robertson, | who deposited her birthday pen- nies in the wee church at Sun-| {day School. Also Bonnie Pugh's birthday was accidentally omitted from | the list last week. i | Mrs. B. Snelgrove is home | own Aga ~ THE BIG - | What's Coming TUE MIY. [I Hills EVEESR ws be Sie, hoowng wid Cedarbray Golf and Country |Chapter 19 py *|Club. Also prior to the wedding | Tal the eveninz Rev {which took place in Whithy| | 8 : | United Church on June 17, Mr.| [Hunter congyeteq fle Prepara- and Mrs. Sid Correll entertain-| {tory Service and the following d the bridal were accepted into member- . ship: Mr. and Mrs. O. Harney, home, 117 Green street. Patti Snead, Bonnie Gorman| yeading Seaman Gaston Le- and Reynolds Meredith. Mr.|cjere, of the HMCS Resolute, | {Hunter preached a fine sermon yng 'guest of his sister and fon "We preach Christ Cruci-ip otherin-law, Mr. and Mys. D. |fied,"" helping us to prepare our- Banks of Lee avenue. [ selves for the coming Commu-| " | nion service. | Mrs. Melvin M. Perry, of] YPS held a meeting following Front street, Port Whitby, is| the preparatory service. Dates|convalescing at her home after to remember: The Sunday a month's stay at the Oshawa School Picnic to the Remmer General Hospital. Her friends Farm, Saturday, June 24. The wish her a complete recovery. Strawberry Supper, Thursday, | {June 22, and the Music Recital] On Tuesday, Almonds school {by the pupils of Marion Mec- Chartered a bus for the children [Clement assisted by the Girls'|to visit the Toronto Zoo and |Choir, Friday evening, June 23.|also took the ferry for a visit to Communion service next Sun-|Centre Island. Five mothers, |day morning will be conducted and Mrs. E. Lawrence, teacher, {by Rev. Wm. Graham of the accompanied the children for| Guildwood Village Church. {this outing. While on Centre Is-| {land the group visited the | {model farm. | ARVIDA, Que. (CP)--Robert] Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van-| Auclair, a technical advisor stone, of Toronto, and Mr. and| with the Confederation of Na-{Mrs. Vinton Vanstone and fam-| tional Trade Unions, says labor|ily, of Malton, were weekend unions should have the right to/ guests at the home of Mr. and decide what language contracts/ Mrs. Ralph Vanstone, of Green will be written in. He said that street. at present employers often de- cide. UNION DECISION Recent guests at the home of x. and Mrs. Frank Roberts, 3 yron street north, were Mr. NORWAY NEWSPAPERS (Frank Shelton, of Woodstock) Oslo's 11 dailies account for|brother of Mrs. Roberts, Mr. 521,000 of the total circulation Eckford Gow, nephew, and his of 1,547,000 for 173 newspapers friend, Mr. Peter Marshall, of party at their - of apes on the Rock of Gibral-| 2 : tar, has a new grandchild. 1t {from being a representative of was born to one of his daugh.-|Rebekah Assembly of Grand ters at the zoo in this Devon| lodge Convention, Royal York town. Hotel, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. G. Hunter, Beth, SEASONS REVERSED |John and Linda enjoyed the June 21, first day of summer Weekend with his sister, Mr. and in the north temperate zone, is/Mrs. W. Webb, Haliburton. the first day of winter in the| Sunday afternoon much ex- south temperate zone, |citement was aroused while the MERRY MENAGERIE i Distributed by King Features Syndicate, us. AIR FORCE | © 1961 Walt Disney Productions World Rights Reserved, a" AIR FORCE LAB. je . SEE ea EE (hep Disney H=2 published in Norway. Kingston. Mr. Frank Shelton, "I didn't get a medal--I didn't get a tic parade---all I got was a louav snolal ker-tape NTEST" It's Fun!--It's Easy--It's Profitable 3 WONDERFUL PRIZES EACH WEEK FOR 5 CONSECUTIVE WEEKS! PLUS GRAND PRIZE -- 23" TV SET FOR FURTHER DETAILS WATCH THE Oshawa Times "You Can't Afford To Miss This"