8 27--Real Estate for Sale 30--Automobiles Wanted THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, June 23, 1961 15 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent; 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent|27--Real Estate for Sale ,27--Real Estate for Sale : rooms, | FIVE Toom house, in Whitby, eentral,|pRIVATE three - bedroom brick bunga-|( WANTED good used car, 53 to 's8 - two t, A nd ONE-BEDROOM apartment, inexpen- WILSON Road at King, five 8, ' Ld td 0 , i 2 Articles ODERN stove, hot water Ten alad, Fi washer and big monthly. sive, private, close to bus and shop-|brick, garage, hot water heated, a real oN Sarmact: dow, amet re Jayinents. low, aluminum storms screens, preferably Chev., Pontiac or Ford. 32--Articles for Sale 3 for Sale er, dryer, laundry tubs. 239 Mon-| Telephone RA 5-6134 or RA 3.3905. ping. T RA 8-6605. bargain. Ask for easy term." Jones 10.8% best oll 2 Do driveway, § Yer wot muitz ae RA 3.9491, Ee ea romt™ tervice. ENOL greg 4 Felephone RA 5-61: A 3.3905. or 4 3 5 4 traye Avenue. Apartment 1 RA 5-0191. 5oUR ROOM apartment, private en-|THREE-ROOM apartment, sell-contalli| ome et furnished kitchen, adults ely, taxes + $2,000 downs $13,200 full LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want| ce estimates. Chair, table rentals, Telephone RA E0280, SOMETHING Special, newly decorated, trance, TV outlet, heavy duty wiring,\ed. Apply 539 Albert Street or tele- BORE DR es three Toorms(620 Simcoe Street North, price. RA 8-1470 after 6. cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. Cieve Fox. 412 Stmeoe North. ONE Toh adel Ciosley } Zoom, 2 Ee Ament ena A 88183 i phote BA bath, in good condition, quiet location. SIX-ROOM brick house, garage, low 29---Automobiles [7 Sal - VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, refrigerator, $115, centre, ; dryer, oH RAS 8153, THREE - ROOM basement apartment,|RA 5.6895. 311 Currie Avenue. taxes, extra follet, and many extras. i or sale parts, attachments, brushes, guaran-|Ome Gurney heavy duty stove, $55. RA 856% after 4. THREE - ROOM apartment, on §70und heavy duty wiring, laundry facilities, Soro temp amy = No dealers, one RA 8.6410, SPOT CASH feed 'rebuilt machines Estimates free. Apply 1513 Dufferin Street, Port THREE rooms and bath near shopping| floor, Pa ivate entrance, | ar? (UtY th GM, $60 monthly plus PRIVATE sale. Good buy. Five Toor 1058 VOLKSW. deluxe, light blue, teed Tebull ne ee te, TV outlet, sink, cupboards in kitchen, parking fa- Svdro. RA 3.9742. brick bungalow, three years old, three SACRIFCE! Private sale, three-bed-low mileage, one owner,$1,095. Apply PAID FOR entals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair «| Whitby. fentie, complet ace: :| cilities. Apply 67 Queen Street. hydte, oo paved drive, low down pay:|room bungalow. $500 down, Full price Fins Service station 160 Simcoe 'outh. Vice, RA 2951 suylime: REFRIGERATOR, table pes ; stove, refrig.iment. Full price $12.300 View $12,900. 1 BA 04%. RA 80051. : Good clean cars. Trade up [BATH sels, showers, pressure systems, cellent for or bar, $30. Tele laundry room, imme cil fo. ibs to Phd Aten only $65. RA 8-5179. $84 MONTHLY ~-- new, modern, two- FIVE-ROOM apartment, erator, washer, » parking. Oshawa Boulevard South. 8- Avenue, Whitby. MO 8-8275. TV outlet, paved RA STO! basement and main bedroom apartment, in new apartment iy - a A Bor 500 #9. ft, new building. 295 building, refrigerator, stove, Washer, 124, FOR_sale, b Bie "Town of Sreatroy, hig off-street " ing. Rx ara, paved, parking, THREE . ROOM basement apartment, large corner lot in best residential dis- Glass. Ample oat pare ug. psuriat private bath and entrance. Telephone|irict, in good repair, ofl heated; suit- Tou . Lid nd iia i pp on: HA 2 0902. able for 1, club or ational FOUR-ROOM all conveni-|large windows, self - contained, Fr ETC grr Rey Oy ed. A water, bus veniences, heavy duty wiring, an FIVE-ROOM apartment ates tnciuded, Hall, Apply to Fh , Twig, Hector tenna, paved parking. RA 3- ences, laundry, parking, at door. Apply 165 Verdun Road. tenna, paved parking. 3-309. FOUR-ROOM apartment, 'Apply Princess Grill, 17 Prince Street|McLean or W. en- or phone RA 5-0915. { $1,000 room, 2-storey brick {trance and bath, heavy duty wiring, near mew school, Wilson Road. Tele- phone RA 5.6890. THEEE 200M Spatment, Seif-contain, 5 wiring, private en Soh: Suit couple. RA 3-3266 or RA TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, with bath, also central. RA 5-7576. wn, h , central, hardwood floors, oll |nouse all price $8,900. Call Mary Hobbs, RA 3.9869. John Wacko Realtor, stove and refrigerator, very BS a NIZED t, choles of NTAINED three - room apart-(two or three bedroom apa ment, fur. iii bath, built-in cupboards nished, including refrigerator and stove. sink, duty wiring, TV outlet. RA 80228. Sat. THREE-ROOM apartment, suitable for nurses or couple, close to downtown THREE-ROOM close to shopping centre, newly decorat- ed, suit quiet hone THREE-ROOM apartment, near Abstainers onl $10,700 FULL PRICE for this beaatiful Cape Cod home, six large rooras, all RA 5.3777. modern and tastefully decorated, Ex- E-ROO uni Eh en tras include natural fireplace and alum- unfurnished basement in, storms and screens, hedged south GM. Reasonable. |}, ung garden and fruit trees Carries for only $75 monthly. Call Ken Hann unfurnished apartment, couple, Pl ly. 1213 Sun Valley Court mmm FOUR-ROOM apartment, second floor, gurses \qouple, EID , yond RA|RA 5-1356. any time RA 56588 or RA 37963. Wil- heavy a Posseaygn nished or 3 5.7754 x 8-1131, After 6, RA 5-1423. ment, le, TWO three - room apartments, second furnished or unfurnished. Ap-|and third floors. stove and refrigera- Stree + RA adults only. Telephone RA 8, North oo Monday to Fri TWO T July 1, ply 496 Simcoe tor in each, 8-3945 3.2511 between 9 and 5, day SRE ER $10 MONTHLY, two unfurnished rooms, with bath, TV outlet, use of washing machine and telephone. Apply 242 Cadil- peta ee Qu Tr gh = BEDROOM apartment, living id with dinette area, kitchen refriger- ator, stove and laundry facilities. RA ONE four-room apartment, one three. room apartment, heat and hydro in- cluded, Telephone RA 8-5385. TWO-ROOM unfurn sink, built-in cupboard: ed. Apply 205 Bond ONE- available in modern building, stove and refrigerator supplied, MO 8-3092 after 5. son Realtor. PRIVATE SALE Brand new five-room bark brick bungalow with stone front, situated on lanscaped d apartment, newly decorat- or RA 5-5416. two-bedroom apartments, and 5-2981. h MODERN four roomed apartment, ac South after 5. r 101 Craydon Road, Whitby, lot with three full-grown king, stove, refrigerator, free use of SELF contained three room apartment, hiss irwliywood DE dryer. Immediate posses-|private entrance, parking, vets central, 26--Rooms for Rent moples a rear. loliywood . -heat, vacan' uly 1. a e-------- i - -------------- sion. RA 0 SR By men' $6 weekly. RA 8-6697. TWO unfurnished rooms. Call BA| yonity in bathroom, mahoge ment, ly wh is - bdo -- hell - i r YATE fon and sink in Kitchen, | NEW, beautiful, tastefully decorated 4 8.6043 any trimmed throughout, three-piece bath, heavy wiring, TV out-|room apartment (in apartment build-[ ROOM for lady or girl, $6 w section basement. refrigerator, let. Apply 513 Richmond Street East. ling) equipred with stove, pac" oT deluxe "apartment, first washer, dryer. Close to shopping centre. floor, electricity, parking facilities; |RA 5-9161 Ly em------ three - room second floor apartment, TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, con- private entrance, heavy wiring. RA |veniences, heat, ling, $60 monthly. Telephone RA al phone RA 5-9805 after 6 p.m. hi LARGE furnished front room. for two girls, also single room, girl only. Use of grounds. Reasonable rent and ecen- lights included. Park-itral. RA 5-0575, FURNISHED comfortable housekeeping Located on 426 Miller Just off Gibbons $13,300.--%$1500. Down 5-4000. a FIVEROON apartment, Rorth of WhiL. or 115 Agnes Street. ___________|room for gentleman, central, near RA 5-3662 by, all conveniences, "cupboards, $40 NICE five-room apartment, downtown, | North General Motors, hospital, me monthly, For further information phone laundry facilities, TV antenna, com-|and bus. Dishes and linen supplied. Ap- Ol, 5-4636, pletely private, $75. Madison Avart ply 12 Elgin Street East, SALE ee 70 Si t South. For| mr i EY qT 2 "furnish. ments, 170 Simcoe Stree THREE furnished rooms, central, suit Two-pooM apartment, atte, North appointment call RA 81203. girls or gentlemen, reasonable rent, 327 General Motors and hospital, THREE - ROOM upstairs apartment, | Kingsdale Avenue, RA 86387. i ro completed five-- room for working girl. RA 8-6344. THREE-ROOM apartment, private en. | close to bus stop. RA 8-3664. trance and bathroom, self-contained, |SPECIAL bachelor apartment in apa! {ment building, rt | |unturnished, heat and hvdro supplied.| FrRNISHED or unfurnished room for private, ideal for Souple, CLEAN large room, or housekeeping bark brick bungalow with stone front situated on land- scaped lot. Hollywood kit- rent in a clean private home, kitchen available, Apply 139 Albert Street, newly decorated. 309 Colborne Street ] i East, comme; of Ospaws Boulevard. glove and reirigertor included, room, reasonable, close to south GM. chen, ceramic tile and vanity TWO large Toom unfurnished apie oe i 2h ToT facies. Tele: in bathroom, mahogany ment, private bath, gas range, $55. __ [phone RA 5- p ne chon ony 730| Two . BEDROOM apartment on Sim- coe Street North, complete with stove FIVE-ROOM upstairs apartment, un- and refrigerator. Phone RA 5-6343, 9 furnished, heated, all conveniences, Tvijam. to Spm. aerial, private entrance Vacant now. yURN ED apartment and single Child welcome. RA 5-1953. | housekeeping room, private entrance, FOUR CORNERS area. Ayailable July | central, parking. Reasonable, 96 Centre 1, 1961, self - contained first floor suite, | Street. SE two rooms, bath, kitchenette, stove and FOUR-ROOM apartment, private en-| Se igerator, heat and water. Suitable trance, and bath, available July 1. Con for bachelor apartment or downtown gee any time. 112 Stevenson Road North. | office See Mr. Kozak at Johnstons, ope block from King. Baby only, Telephone RA 3-2315. Simcoe South, 8 Simcoe North. __________|THREE rooms, unfurnished, $55 month- THREE-ROOM apartment, newly deco-ijy, heat and hydro included, willing to Trted. ground' floor, electrically €quip-| mind children if mother works. APPLY to] ped, central, laundry facilities, TV|410 Albert Street, Oshawa. outlet, private entrance, parking, $85. op brn o0M apartment, all con | RAST. _lveniences, on Cromwell Avenue, near FURNISHED Thee Toor SPAFment, sunning "Contre, Available July 15. parking, central, conveniences, het: | Children welcome. RA 84733. lights. Children welcome. 3/0. 5 Ee Too Prat SELF-CONTAINED groun Tr ap Bi. BA SRW ment, 3% rooms, heated, central, im-| mediate possession. Child welcome. | ADULTS SPECIAL [Telephone RASOBL _________| THREE - ROOM apartment, unfurnish- | ed, private entrance and bath, suit NEW TWO-BEDROOM LARGE APARTMENTS $85 PER MONTH WRITE BOX 23 OSHAWA TIMES MODERN, LARGE APARTMENTS NOW VACANT In new building, two bed- rooms, dining area, electri- cally equipped, including washer and dryer free. Apply Apt. 1 or 4, 213 Montrave Ave. couple, no children Apply 325 Simcoe) Street South. RA 5-2343. on APPLE HILL district, modern Sp | unfurnished apartment, heavy duty wir-| ing, TV outlet, private bath, use of washer dryer, bus service. RA 7 NW ---- ADELAIDE TERRACE New modern 2 - bedroom apartment. Stove, frig, outlet, broadloom floor, park= ing space, laundry facilities. Adults only, available July 1. Apply 329 Adelaide Ave. Apt, 2. MODERN 1 AND 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS One and two bedrcom apart- ments in new, modern build- ing. Qui . . uiet residential street, AYDON ROAD ie 108 CRON i close to transportation, Electrically equipped, om- stoves and 'fridges. TV. fis ond, locker ond park- outlet, drapes and paved Rentals from $100 with al- lowance for June occupancy. To inspect see superinten- dent in Apartment 1. CHARTERED TRUST CO. 20 St. Clair Ave., W. Toronto Mr Melvin WA 2-6135 WHITBY CLASSIFIED ROOM and board for gentlemen. Apply FOR RENT --102 Brock Street South, 901 Walnut Street. ground floor space of 1,600 sq. ft. with Sem ernadar - pmo -- vault, 22-foot frontage. Prime location FOR RENT -- New ranch-style three- for store or office. Apply Bank of Mont- bedroom house, fireplace. Available veal, Whitby. July 1. Also two-bedroom apartment. |giyypn One or parking. PHONE RA 5-7272 RA 5-5787 o-bedroom apart- | cious rooms, Whitby eat {Call MO 8-2311. THREE room apartment with refrig- lerator and stove, immediate possession, Apply 233 Palace Street, Whitby. Tele. phone RA 5-4302, Oshawa. FOR RENT: New, two bedroom house, living room and kitchen, suit couple with one child, Immediate possession. Telephone MO 8-5167 after 4 p.m. TWO bedroom bungalow for rent, hard- wood floors, tile kitchen, bathroom, oil heat, large lawn, garden. 804 Brock North, between 3-7 pm MO 8-3480. FOR RENT: Three roomed apartment, private bath and entrance. Immediate possession, Telephone MO 8-5674. BC VICES FOR RENT -- .Three-bedroom bunga- low, with self-contained basement apart ment, suitable for sub-letting. Telephone MO 82613 after 6 p.m. - i SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut West. Phone MO 8.2563. FOR SALE: Three bedroom bungalow, recreation room, residential area, $1,200 down. Apply 304 Chestnut Street West. MO 8-4467. FOR RENT: Available July 1, three roomed self contained apartment, heat, stove, refrigerator supplied. Central. Pay own hydro. Business couple pre. ferred. Phone MO 8-3416 from 9 until 5, after 5, MO 82371. $65 monthly. Garage optional at $5 monthly. FOR RENT: Two furnished rooms, small kitchenette, stove and .refriger- ator, suitable for couple, Apply 305 Perry Street, Telephone MO 8-470. FOR SALE Si FOR SALE or exchange, four bedroom, plete with mattress, good condition, $25. two bathroom home in Toronto, for sim- MO £4113 or 117 Trent Street West. flar accommodation in Whitby, BA | = ro . 1.7222 or write 227 Glendora Avenue, FOR RENT -- $60 monthly, 3 and 4 Willowdale, Ontario. room apartments, balcony. Residential phdmsiighidmbotn - --- area, newly decorated, laundry facil MAN available for work in garden, ities, Parking, close to schools, chil- lawn cutting, interior and exterior dren's playground. Apply 300 High house > general Street. A al pi -------------------------------------------- Phone MO. B 9520 auytiue - FOR vent one and two-bedroom apart. FOR SALE: Large plano, good condl- ments, $80, $90 and $100 -in modern tion. No reasonable offer refused Apply building, stoves, frig's, MO 8-3591. 200 St. Lawrence Street, Whitby or tele- oa CUSTOM BUILDING phone MO 8-4490. i 2 STUDENTS! A super value, approxi Complete bookkeeper service for small businesses, weekly, monthly or as desired. Statements pared, income tax returns. MO 8-8252, Continental bed, mately 63 sheets of letter size Lying Renovations, additions, rec paper (news prin for only 00. Ap- 3 ly Oshawa Times Office, Whitby, reation rooms, structural 11 Dundas Street West. landscape features. Designs aa and estimates free. BOATING AND CHAS. DAWSON CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD. MO 8-2104 CAMPING EQUIPMENT FOR RENT : SUPERMARKET IN YOUR Jerks, oll sizes, $7: 315 Br |. OME, $16.95 per. week Sleeping Bogs, Coolers, lan- ssures a family of 4 Good terns, stoves, $2 weekly. yng. Fs includes Fre gidaire reezer plus Cabin Trailers, sleep 5 ond months' food supply by 6, $40 ond $45 per week. SCHNEIDERS' plus $20 bone Suthoard Narans, oll sizes, us cheque from Hydro Elec- . tric. Live modern, call Bo 335 oor wey © | ECONOMART, MO 8.5381. 14' Runabout, 25 electric No. obligation, No down poy- ment, end trailer, $85 weekly. Canoes and Cartop Boats, GRAVEL - LOAM $15 per week, We also rent, repair and sell lawnmowers, garden tillers, : Cement Gravel, power tools. Driveway Gravel and Fill. Delivery Monday to Sat, Noon. ERIC C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 WILDE RENTAL Service and Sales 1415 Dundas East, Whitby MO 8-3226 7789. Street. RA 8-4504. | entrance, spa. LARGE furnished front bedroom, all parking space tional basement. Located on 297 Farewell conveniences, central, for car, RA 8-8644. FURNISHED single room suitable for gentleman. Apply 41 Oshawa Boulevard Ave. S. N. or telephone RA 81239. {a $13,750--$1500 Down TWO rooms for rent, suit single or couple. Close to South General Motors, RA 5-3662 bus stop at door. Telephone RA 8-6735. TWO or three partly furnished ligh t housekeeping rooms, centrally located, near hospital, suit couple. Baby wel. come, Parking. Telephone RA 8-8418. ONE bright 'spacious bed - sitting room with modern furniture in clean home, All conveniences, One minute to Shop- ping Centre. Men only, 36 Fernhill Bou- levard. RA 5-7295. FAMILY HOME ROOM in private home, newly deco- Spacious stone and brick, rated, very central, spring mattress, hall, 10 room home suit gentleman. 102 Elgin Street East. centre ha * beautifull treed TWO rooms -- kitchen and bedroom,| On large gouly Y | 4 furnished, central, suit business lady. lot in best residential sec Apply 214 Dearborn Avenue, RA 8-8397. tion of Whitby. Large mo- ONE light housekeeping room, clean| dern kitchen, 3 fireplaces, oversize double garage -- Many extras including wall to wall broadloom. $5,000 cash -- balonce on one and comfortably furnished, suit one or two persons, at 77 Ontario Street NICELY furnished large attic room, housekeeping privileges, central, couple or gentleman, abstainer. 45 Drew BED - SITTING room for girl, private bath, broadloom, cooking privileges, everything supplied in better home, 3 1 sf 7 OWNER'S SALE ROOM for rent. Apply 254 Bruce St. AT TRACTIVELY Three bedroom ranch type FURNISHED ROOMS brick bungalow, attached Available in private home. garage, Large fully land- 82 PARK ROAD N scaped lot. Stone fire-place, ' paved drive, storms and screens, other extras if de- sired. Terms. No agents. APPLY OWNER Call between 5 and 7 p.m. RA 8-8671 27--Real Estate for Sale MODERN five - room, three-bedroom brick bungalow, nicely decorated and landscaped, garage, Gibbons Street. Only $12,700, with $2,000 down. One open mortgage for balance. W. McAuley, Realtor, 28 Prince Street RA 3-2512 or MO 8-5765. TRIPLEX, low priced, moderate down. payment. Beautiful building on lanl scaped grounds, $200 monthly clear in- come. Open for offer, Weinberger eal tor RA 8-5145, evenings RA 3.7244. OPEN HOUSE BUYING OR SELLING LLOYD CORSON D. W. WILSON, REALTOR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-6388 RA 3-2537 We list photo Co-Op mortgage. Phone MO 8-4190 613 ROSMERE ST. i ' [sump pumps, piping and fittings, ment mixer, wheel barrow, roto-tiller, phone RA FOUE-ROOM furnished Bitmen > 1960 ENVOY statoin wagon, excellent or down, Leins paid off. s Street, near North condition, mileage, owner, pital, all | conveniences. te en |Reasonable, Telephone RA 57836. DODD MOTOR SALES [laws mowers, host, meter, trafler, '36(VICTOR television, 17 la., Sccondition; trance and bath, Telephone RA 5-1188. |g GHEY Belair, two-door, hardtop, V-3 314 PARK RD. S. South, git of iii To ei ti ATTRACTIVE five - room bungalow, clean car, best offer. relephone RA 3-9421 | VICTOR television, reconditioned 177,|inet, $69. Meagher's, 5 King Street paved ive, garage. two Delran, $49; also 3+ radio-| West. & , substantial down '|1966 CHEVROLET record player, blond finish, console cab-|14 FOOT Lakefield boat, ment. Close to school. Telephone BA| ny white, white nylon top, V8 auto: 1 H tnet, complete with 35 Long 0% Lasfidd boat, 16 HP roll TL matic, good condition. hone ALL CA Meagher's, 5 King Street West. rifice for $550, Little Britain 24 R 12. NINE and one half acres , good JOLLY Jumper, washing machine, tilt location, with house on it. Call after 4 54 CHEVROLET, '54 Ford, '49 Morris For clean cars we deal up or arbor saw, per: skill saw, two electric igen range. Ls on p.m., 1192 Cedar Street Minor, '54 half-tone pick-up. All in good down. Liens paid off. motors. air brash, sabre saw. Phone|$ x 64. Telephone TA 34547. PRIVATE sale -- six-roo 1 | condition. insul-brick home, in i Aen 5-3528. Mike's BA, Raglan, RA NICOLS MOTOR SALES | PRIVATE sale of S-room brick 1% CU FT. Frigidaire, $115; also apart-|tion, $175. RA gerator. 2 num storms, screens, implement shed, | rer EE aor good motor large 'corner lot, OL 53838. vs on "Body For quick sale| 512 BROCK ST. N, WHITBY Ge Ais araey Sage, 05. i2 FOOT boat, moulded Tn $75 MONTHLY carries this lovely brick|to best offer. RA 57752. MO 8.8001 CE Tove Te SO gat (aonits. deus a and stone home in Osawa uiet east|;ss PLYMOUTH coach, Savoy, blue and - ante, $2.25 per week, 10 Tove Tar. ou. Past, good sii boat. RA 3-5857. Od Neem beautiful white stone hits, Tadio, excellent wechapicsl Loo 31--Automobile Repairs [ment Package deal $13. Telephone MO J} JF ohtter, ouhosrs motor, 188 ainst alore and Jove- tires new, " - RR A IRS A Slectric starting, automatie Da yan Plenty of extras Motors, opposite Shopping Centre. 'S GARAGE |FHILLIFS television Rh re aks, eto, Excellent condition, SRA Gut Se the oy Gait Kes Magn or 36, CHmTOLER, Winder deuce, Bite) HOUSTON conditioned, $93. Term $10 down and Gove rogie TR » wi 3 g » wee . . Wes Elliott, any time A Bio's Iechantoally, $05, and SERVICE STATION RA 3.3425, good order, $15; also three-piece white King West Motors, opposite SNOPPink| BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM OFFICE. siore, buch rs le; #0, suitable for schools, PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. |equipment New," used, buy, sell, trade i Mg I gig Moet CLEARING, "56 Volkswagen $638; 55| \4oren TUNE - UP AND [Service Bill Hamilton, Ashburn, Brook-|18' CABIN cruiser, life jackets, skis, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, living room and|Chev., $688; 54 Pontiac, $388; 53 » lin, 1959 35 HP Mercury. $800. Telephone bath. Many extras, all jn good ond. Meteor, two S39 Shovse from, S28; 2 GENERAL REPAIRS. WE av Bighest prices 3p the city Tor RA 3.2967. tion. Terms $88; +52 Buick ¢ rH 100. . W. used furniture Pretty's Used Furniture AUTOMATIC washer and dryer, large 3584 = Ask for Ken, Wellmak's, Da gaish RA 3-7822 Store, RA 33271. 444 Simcoe South. [electric range, Excellent condition, $IX-room modern brick bungalow, PRIVATE 1959 Ford station wagon, ex- TENTS, camp cots, seeping i ph 3232. tached garage, cholce lot. $12,600 full |cellent condition, power steering, power|39 A ticlas for Sale NT hy Samp ots, sleepity hats, 2An-| KITCHEN cabinet, sliding doors, arbor price, $1,700 down. $70 monthly, RA |brakes, radio, low 3 prices in town. Dominion Tire Store, 48|ite top; Admiral refrigerator, baby ear 52148, 2 to 7. MO 93006 LIKE new, factory built, pack trailer, Bond Street West. RA 5-6511. "Terms|riage, n. All in good condition. MARIPOSA Township, 125 acres cl 1954 CADILLAC sedan 6219, PpOWer |with 9° x 9° cabin tent, Tel RA |to suit you." Reasonal RA 8-1830. land, modern buildings, 30 acres in, and brakes, selectronic radio, !5.8330 ONE SOY Bm Paver FOR SALE -- Harley-Da i remainder hay. $17,000, $6,000 down, balance 5 per cent. Apply Stanle; Black, Cresswell PO. $750 or best offer. 74 Indian ly rebuilt, 1953 BSA 650 twin, all in excel- | WHOLESALE prices on RAC Victor lent diti OL 5-3542. 8 car radios, only at Parkway TV, 9l Simeoe Street North. Your authorized OWNER fed, three brick house, finished recreation room, storms and screens, paved drive, hedged yard, fruit trees. Telephone MO 8-2382, WHITBY, large modern ranch type bun- NHA resale, Three bed galow, vanity, divided basement, brick and stone construction, near new high school, separate school, buses. MO FOR REAL ESTATE DON S. SMITH Vickery Real Estate RA 8-5228 RA 8-4879 Business OPEN HOUSE IN BEAU VALLEY Evenings 6 till 9 Saturday Afternoons 2 till 5:30 condition, No reasonable offer refused. | oo Apply 149 Burk Street betieen 4 and 8. -- power steer. | FIVE rooms of furniture, heater, | frigerator, gas stove, 21" best of- odds and ends. Call Bob Hopkins, 8-3865. "57 SUPER 88 Oldsmobile ing, brakes, automatic, radio, two-door hardtop. Must sell, 2-0008, including re-| Motorola TV,| RA 59 VICTOR super, two-tone, radio, FIVE Dominion Rubber tires, black-| back-up lights, mats, excellent condi- walls, size 750 x 14, used 3,700 miles, tion. 134 High Street, Bowmanville. Ma reasonable. Phone RA 5-3826, 3-5018. w 53 FORD, body and interior in good {12 FT. plywood "boat and trailer; _tri-| cycle; Zenith hearing aid. Telephone used. Cost $150, RA 8-2796. tic four door, g00d| pea "Victor service depot from Osh- dow drapes, dinnerware set. Practical: |FOR RAWLEIGH Good $135 best - offer, |DeW, many extra's, $700, trade in or or, dered. Apply 110 Centre Street Nori, 34--Lost & Found DINING room suite, kitchen suite, win- ly new. RA 3-2164, TENTS, tarpaulins, camp cots, ground LOST -- Wallet, brown, vicinity first sheets, rentals, Oshawa Hardware, 8 lock King and taxi stand on Prince, Church Stre RA 13-7264. iE ELECTRIC razor service, parts for all phone RA 3-786 i makes. Cutting heads, cords, ete.|LOST: A black and tan hound, female, Meagher's, 5 King Street West. RA|three years old. East of Raglan. June 3-3425. 17. Answers to Patsy. Telephone MO a Prod. |B:2228. ucts, quality medicines, s flavor- LOST -- two boy's bicycles, one green ings and toilet preparations, dial RA|Eatonia Glider Roadster, one red Royal Li Both three speed. At Shopping 8-5888. ne. Centre June 17. RA 5-6968. rgently needed papers. Reward. Tele. shape, new rubber, motor newly re: |RA 57774, - : built, $225 or best oifer. 55. BOY'S racer cle, good 5 kitchen chrome table, extension, blue |top, cheap. RA 5-0507. Tn |TABLE and four chairs, chrome with '54 VOLKSWAGEN in food sondition; grey arborite top, Telephone MO 8-3136. , ny | ---- -- ee ---- 5) "$500 paint 54 Cedar street, | PLYWOOD Foo 12'6, breadth 52", 4 |steering and lig! Ajax, Ont; SVEHIRGS. $150. RA 55343. 1959 CHEV. Hn Drive, RA 8.3315 evenings. Tmpala, two-door hardtop, tomatic. 550 L white newsprint, buy in bulk lots and save, 4% Ib. pkg, $1.00, 9 Ib. pkg. $2.00. Circulation Department, Oshawa Times. TYPING paper on sale, letter size, 35--Legal '54 PONTIAC in first class ca -- ---- 5. ms. 113 FT. two-passenger outboard, hydro eady to go anywhere, $393. Terms. RA | 0% 0 ool, $135. Racing or pleasure, ; = i ETT rm [a1 condition. MA 3-2963. 56 MORRIS Oxford station We€OT | opp rooms of new furniture only $299, over 35 items. This includes ches- terfield, dresser, chiffonier, bed, kit wm hen suite, mattréss, step table, coffee 57 DODGE, Regent four-door sedan, |{sple, hassock, lamp, upholstered chair two tone, radio, one owner, private, sie. Pay only $25 down. Barons' Home $575. Telephone RA 8.6756. { Furnishings, 424 Simcoe South. small reliable economical holiday car family. Only $495. Terms. RA 5 for the 1667 OPEN THIS WEEKEND NEW CUSTOM RANCH WITH ATTACHED GARAGE ONLY $16,900 N.H.A. TERMS Central Park Blvd. (South Off Rossland) At Humewood Ave. RISTOW & OLSEN REALTORS RISTOW & OLSEN REALTORS MASSON STREET EXECUTIVE HOME This four-bedroom home has been completely renovated TONIGHT 6:30 till 9 p.m. FROM $1,200 DOWN On Farewell Avenue Just South of Taylor SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. ASKING $12,900 N.H.A. re-sale on Finucane St, with a 5% mortgage that carries for $51.77 per month, principal and interest Many extras including fin- ished basement with three- piece' bath. Call Lloyd Cor- son at RA 5-6588 or RA 3-2537 anytime. » WILSON REALTOR Oshawa Shopping Centre throughout 20 x 24 living room with beautiful fireplace, full-size dining room on main floor. Truly an executive's home, with many more added attractions too numerous to mention. For more informa- tion on this outstanding pro- perty please call Carl Olsen at RA 8-5107 or evenings RA 5-3412, GRANDVIEW GARDENS Custom-built 6 room bunga- METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 KING ST. E. DIAL RA 8.4678 $1500.00 DOWN RICHMOND ST. $1500.00 DOWN 6:room, 1Va-storey, all large rooms, well decorated, awnings, storm and screens, garage, extra stool in basement, close to schools, bus and shopping. An excellent buy at only $13,500. Balance on 1st mortgage. Payments to suit purchaser. OAKES AVE. An exceptionally clean and tidy 2-bedroom home, Well decorated -- lovely hardwood and tile floors, paved drive, completely landscaped front and back, Total price $11,750 with $2,750 down. Act fast for this one, payments only $80.00 monthly principal, interest and taxes. ADELAIDE ST. EAST - 7-room -- 4-bedroom, 1%-storey home, in good neighbourhood --<lose to schools, shopping, etc. Home in excellent condition ond includes storms, screens, T.V. aerial, garage. Asking only $12,500 with $3,000 down. AFTER 5:30 CALL Mairon Drew 5-7610 John Kemp 8-2392 Everett Elliott 3-9290 Dick Barriage, 5-6243 Joe Maga 5-9191 low with attached garage, eA im Fasievey bn fireplace ond broadicom, Large fenced lot, patio, love- ly recreation room, nicely decorated throughout. Listed at $19,800 with terms. For details call Carl Olsen at RA 8-5107 or RA 5-3412 even- ings. VALUE 86 acre form with creek. 83 acres good farm land. Build- ing in good repair, farmer re- tiring. Located 10 'miles north of Oshawa on a main road. For particulars call Howard Forder at RA 8-5107 or evenings RA 8-2155. SACRIFICE SALE Service station, service gare age, snack bar with family living quarters, This is on estate sale and must be sold. Choice location, 250 feet frontage at Manchester on west side of No, 12 highway at the junction of 12 and 7. J. J. VAN HERWERDEN, REALTOR 741 KING ST. E. OSHAWA RA 3-4471 48 Acres FARM with Barn, on paved road, close to Oshawa. Asking price $10,000 with Terms, Hampton. Can be Terms. 28 acres excellent nice level lond near bought partly. Asking price $350 per acre. 50 acres of land near Newtonville with bush and stream. Full price only $3,500, with terms. 200-acre Dairy Farm, 5 miles from Oshawa.: Nice scenic farm with 1.8 miles road frontage (3 roads). High income, milk con- tract 12 cans daily. Buildings perfect. Paved barnyard, gutter cleaner. This farm has all the features of a gentleman's farm, income and investment property. Ask for information. 2 Just north of Raglan, a 100-acre beef cattle farm, steel barn 90 x 36, 7-room house. Very scenic. Full price $18,000 with terms. INCOME HOUSE IN WHITBY. Apartments rented for $1800 yearly. Has to be sold. Owner left country. Full price $11,000 with terms. House, 2-storey, on Oshawa road to Port Perry. Upstairs rented for $50.00. Full price $9,000, with terms. WE URGENTLY NEED LISTINGS FOR FARMS AND HOUSES, WE SPEAK ENGLISH, GERMAN, FRENCH AND DUTCH. 14 year old pattern cement block building in excellent repair. Very busy service station with potential for en- larging snack bar facilities to specialized restaurant or catering service. Also de- mand for a farm implement agency in this district which this property could accom- modate, This is a family bus- iness opportunity. Offered at a sacrifice price. Offers on this valuable property invit- ed. For information call Howard Forder at RA 8-5107 or RA 8-2155 evenings. ECONOMICAL HOME $5,500 will buy this 6 room home on V2 acre scenic country lot. Home hos 3 bedrooms, kitchen cupboards, bathroom and is oil heated. For information call Howard Forder at RA 8-5107 or evenings RA 8-2155, RA 5-6165 RA 8-5107 19 ATHOL ST. W. OSHAWA '52 FORD, good condition, also "54 Ford | BICYCLES, $39.05. Tents, boats, mo- in good condition, "49 three-quarter ton, |tors and trailers, mew and used. Do- Chevrolet. Also transmission and rear minjon Tire Store, 40 Bond Street West. Hillman. 214 Park Road N./RA 5.6511. r, in A-1 condition CTRIC disc sander, electric hedge mileage, $325. Tele: |trimmer, plumbing tools and dies, phone RA 3 2 _____|chila's scooter, electric football game, 48 CHEV. good running condition, | punching bag, like new, two burner Apply P. Lawrence, No. 58, Subway coal oil stove. OL 5-3320. Trailer Park, Whitby. throughout, low -8008. ooo ABUFING or disposing of used turn. " HEV. sedan, $190 as Apply ture appliances ete. Call Elmer, nt ig oe 519, cam, PP years experience. Colfax 3-2294. 752 PONTIAC A.1 condition, inside and out. Telephone MO 8-5378 after 6 p.m.| "$1 CORVAIR monza coupe. Has every| possible extra, including special four speed transmission, Will trade and fi- nance. RA 8-1203. 1951 FORD half-ton truck, completely overhauled, also mew porter cable belt sander, and rotor, All good condition, le. RA 5-4569. USED tires, most all sizes, $3 and '1p. B. F. Goodrich Stores, RA 5-4543. B. ¥. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bat- teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele vision, Thrifty Budget Plan. RA 5-4543. 1 can save you 'money _on typewriters, cash registers, adders. No money down. Bill Hamilton, Ashburn. FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib- eral trade-in allowance. Free demon- stration. T h RA 8-4683. SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re. frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, stoves, etc. For top cash offer con- tact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8.1131. NEW and usel mowers, tillers and en- shift, 4 condition. Telephone RA 5-0687. gines. 74 Barrie Avenue. M_ (In the das y -7|USED parts and repairs for a'l makes CUSTOM (In the dash) transistor car SP minger type washers, ¥% hp motors 95, Ti Padios fiom 33%. oS VE inion re $5 to $8 guaranteed reconditionod wash- , cri ers and stoves, Paddy's Market, Hamp- TAL a a oy fom, CO SIL v a MOVING. Chesterfield suite, bedroom speaker, pack ap lights, suite, 3% bed complete, three pairs of pe drapes, numerous articles, 51 PODGE four-door, sechameatly RA 5-5015. £50d, 83 sond, Taio, Sood tires, 8200) FT boat, windshield, steering, up- TTT TH TY -- | holstered, many extras, 25 HP Johnson 68 AUSTIN Healey deluxe, good condi-{motor, good condition. Apply 37 Sandra tion. T RA 8-8315 after 6 p.m. |Street West or telephone RA 3.9579. 55 BUICK hardtop, tr sion, $295. Telephone RA 8-8861. 1951 DODGE pickup, good condition, Reasonable. Call RA 3-3991 after § p.m, 55 PONTIAC V-8 deluxe four-door fully d d_ shift lat 25 HP Johnson Peterborough boat, Tee- nee trailer, with paddle, extra gas cans, TENDERS upholstered seats, [life jackets, water skis. MO 8-4335 eve- nings, : to suppl approxi FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator and range, 20,00 PY os fuel mately one Hotpoint washer, one rotary an- AL g | od tenna, Contact C. White, 580 Athol] Brooklin Schools, 1961-62 season, will be received by Ye undersigned till June Street East. TENT-trailer, "Explorer", sleeps four, extra wheel, four air mattresses. Very good condtiion. 610 Fernhill Boulevard. RA 3-4830. Lowest or any tender not PAINT, interior, exterior, $295 gallon. ily accepted. All colors. uaranteed, flat, gloss, Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 8 vw bl THOMSON, Church Street. RA 3-7624. rookiin, Ontario, LOEWE Opta transistor portable radio with FM short wave and standard broadcast, 4h. Terms. Avanable,for| NOTICE TO CREDITORS Sire Wonk. IN THE ESTATE OF 15 FT. cedar strip boat, completely equipped, 18 HP Evinrude motor and Tee-Nee trailer. RA 5-6246 or apply 335 Verdun Road, BEDROOM suite, walnut, with spring filled mattress, Frigidaire refrigerator, $60. One hotess chair, all good condi- tion. 567 Mary Street, front door. NEIL EVLETH FELT All persons having claims against the Estate of Neil Evieth Felt, late of the City of Oshawa in the County of Ontario, Jeweller, deceased, who died on or about the 7th day of June, 1961, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or be- fore the 31st day of July, TWO kitchen tables, $15; quantity of gists, never been used. Telephone RA 64. LUCKY you! Bargains to save you money. Smart looking chesterfield suite, one only, floor sample, $88; smooth top mattresses, regular $69.50, sale $20.88; 3-plece m suite,| 1961 full particulars of their slightly marked, sale $84.00; new car- . bed baby pram, sale $19.95; floor claims, after which date the coverings, smart patterns, sale 25¢ per Estate will be distributed foot; 2-piece space saver suite, opens having regard only to the bed, washable fabrilite trim, one only, y y clear out $86; chrome Kitchen suite,| <laims of which the under- S-plece, sale $29.95. Wilson's Furniture| signed shall then have Co., 20 Church Street, notice. BUILDING material, used lumber, in- sulation, front door and frame and large window. Lot 75' x. 200°. RA 5-0575. 10 FT, racing runabout, complete with motor and controls, Telephone RA 3-2783, ONE picture window, 9' x 5'6 complete with plate glass; also 14° row boat, new. RA 8-6327. : BALLERINA length wedding dress size 12 or 14, with crown and veil, hoop crinoline. Like new. Telephone RA DATED at Oshawa this 14th day of June, 1961, HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN & HILLMAN, 3612 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors AGNES HELEN FELT, 58 FORD customline, with continental ELECTRIC range and radio. Excellent condition, Reason. 1n good condition. able for cash, OL 5-3448, '53 FORD custom line, fordor, body and motor, A-1 condition, directional signals. Telephone RA 5-7203. , Westi 40". Telephone RA 5-3964. Complete Sule of Aluminum Products Storm Doors, Windows, Prime VOLVO Windows. Ping quel, very low prices. e also carry The Ihech dependable. ong | Conoda's finest Awning, track. Porch Rotting, very reason- ' able price. JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE | "CALL: ALEX VAJDA 449 Ritson S. RA 8-0921 RA 3-985 CURITY DIAPERS UY R SELLI SEE BUYING OR § NG SPECIAL TED CAMPIN $3.98 per doz. -- Reg. 4.98 Nothing extra to buy, free delivery. MOTORS M & C DRY GOODS 74 Celina St. Ee ST ae RA 3-7827 RA 3-4494 Res. KA 5-55. 4 se : SPECIALS ! NAGY MOTOR SALES | $1.98. Yord _..... 79. DRAPERY MATERIAL--Reg. MERCEDES - BENZ - DKW| PRINTS -- 3 yds. $1.00 Sales and service. Showroom DRAPES, made to order. open until 9 p.m. at Modern' design, reasonable rates. We also carry a com- 408 KING ST. WEST RA 3.7132 rr ha) Tata Trade your boat on a car---- M 2 A S752 is New or Used 74 Celina St. SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST T.V. TOWERS North TD" Rd. $5 5. Open evenings or weekends 40-ft. tower structure with WwW | L L | S all-channel head, hot-dip gal- vanized, Guaranteed one year.. MOTORS TAUNTON RD, EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer RA 5-0331 We have a good assortment OSHAWA T.V, SUPPLY LTD. 361 GIBBONS STREET RA 8-8180 18-3954. ONE used furnace, controls, blowers, one space heater, medium. Reasonable. Telephone RA 3-4825 AIR conditioner for sale, Frigidaire, One year old. Telephone RA 8-0243 after 6 p.m. GOLF clubs, Spaulding, set of » five irons, two woods, putter. New last year. Telephone RA 5-0879 after 5.30. MARION LADORA FELT and RUSSELL DODSLEY HUMPHREYS. LIMED oak dining room furniture, four chairs, table and buffet, with mothproof finish, good condition, $50; hand floor polisher, vacuum cleaner, hand lawn mower, chesterfield chair, two wheel trailer, 9 x 9* tourist tent. RA 5-9223, USED furniture -- Chesterfields, Da- venports, kitchen sets, chiffonier, 9 x 12 Wilton rug, vacuum cleaner, automatic washer, dryer, beds, mattresses, crib, golf clubs, etc, at bargain prices! Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe PAVINLC, oivinM SEWERS AND CONCRETE WORK ONTARIO HOSPITAL, WHITBY, ONTARIO SEALED FIXED SUM TENDERS properly endorsed, on forms supplied by the South. De fh A Sou partment, will be received DEEPFREEZE, refrigerator, dehumi- DE her items. Could be used for| DY the Tenders Secretary, cottage. Evenings RA 5-6147, 46 Orchard| Room 6630, East Block, Pare ew. Jaren: Buildings, Toronto 2, tario, until 3:00 p.m, DNA | EDT) on ii THURSDAY, JULY 6th, 1961 for the Paving, Storm Sewers, and Concrete Work, etc., at the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, Ontario. Plans, Specifications, Tender forms, Tender envelopes and Contract Requirements, may be obtained from, or viewed at Room T704 (Tower), De- partment of Public Works, East Block, Parliament Build- ings, Toronto 2, Ontario, (EM 3-1211, Local 2-2943), and may also be viewed at the Builders Exchonge at To- ronto, and the office of Mr. E. C. Roberts, Superintendent of Construction, Department of Public Works, at the On- tario Hospital, Whitby, On- tario, A $10,000.00 Bid Bond and a 100% Performanmce Bond will be required as specified. Tenders will not be consid- ered unless made on forms supplied by the Department of Public Works, Ontario, in 16-ft. cedar strip, many ex- tras. 16-ft. Tee-Nee trailer, coil spring; 1957 18 H.P. Johnson motor. Good condi- tion, reasonable. 306 Highland Ave. Oshawa VOLVO PENTA ENGINES LARSON COMBOARD BOATS For demonstration MARINE STORAGE AND SUPPLY LTD. Brooklin, Ont. OL 5-3641 T.V. TOWERS $55 40-ft. structure channel antenna, all galvan- ized, guaranteed 1 year. TRIO TELEVISION, 171 Bond St. East, RA 8-6781 with all- of Used Cars. CAR INSURANCE Careful drivers are preferred drivers and enjoy a saving of $10, $15 or $25 or better than 20% on their car in- surance. Half-year payments. Call us today and compare-- KROEHLER CHESTERFIELD SECTIONAL SUITE, MOTOROLA TV 21" BOOKCASE, SMALL DESK, COFFEE TABLE, 6 x 9 AX- MINSTER RUG, RUG 9 x 12, ASHTRAY STAND with light, matching set of TABLE and. FLOOR LAMPS, TROM- ample free parking. BONE, CHROME KITCHEN SCHOFIELD: SUITE, WESTINGHOUSE Insurance Associates Ltd. REF, 21" GAS STOVE, FILTER QUEEN VACUUM CLEANER, G.E. FLOOR POL- ISHER, BEV ERLY BOX SPRING and MATTRESS, SINGLE BEDS complete, SINGLE BOOKCASE BED 360 KING ST. WEST RA 3-2265 30--Automobiles Wanted 50 CARS WANTED CHEST of DRAWERS, Buying a New Car? DRESSER, matching BE D- Sell your used Car to "Ted", ROOM DRAPES and Talk "Cash" to the New Car |! SPREAD Dealer and SAVE". BOB HOPKINS TED CAMPIN MOTORS RA 3-4494. Res. RA 5-5574 I RA 8-3865 accordance with the terms and conditions as set forth therein. A Deposit of $15.00 cash, or cheque made payable to the Treasurer of Ontario, will be required per set of Tender documents, which will be re- funded if documents are re- tuned in good condition within thirty days of above closing date, otherwise for- feited. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, J. D. MILLAR, Deputy Minister, Department of Public Works, Ontario. Parliament Buildings, § Toronto 2, Ontario, June 21st, 1961. BOAT-MOTOR TRAILER 15' moulded plywood, fully equipped boat; 45 h.p. Mer- cury electric; Mastercraft heavy-duty trailer. PHONE RA 5-4228 FOOD & FREEZER PLAN You may have tried the rest, Now try the best. Eat better for less. 80% groceries sup- plied, all well-known pro- ducts, highest quality meats. Life-time warranty freeer, the only one guaranteed by Good Housekeeping. No dwon payment. Call now for Demonstration -- no obliga- tion. Zenith 9-6100. (Continued on Page 16)