18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wadnesdey, June 21, 1961 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS 9--Summer Properties for Sale or Rent Of TWO-, and three . bedroom cottages, | fishing, e Fiokerel and bass, $30, $40 weekly, RA 5.4328. p ON LAKE SCUGOG -- Five-room lake- front cottage, two-piece bath, other con Season or monthly. YU \ Call the Direct 8 AM. to 5 P.M. to Classified Number RA 3-3492 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Mortgages 1--Women's Column 9--Summer Properties SPECIALS cola waves heat, for Sale or Rent $5.50, permanents $8.50. Page Hairdressing. 3% Pine Avenue, RA 53363 [COTTAGES built to specification your Jot, Reasonable, Expert workmas.| ship. C. W. Cox, Fenelon Falls 90. 2--Personal oF : t rs Wi -- tage, good fishing, safe beach, boat. (WANTED ~ Partner with 32000 fori ny. August. Telephose RA 51527. earned in 60 days. Write Box 24, Osh-/COTTAGE in Hastings, sleeps four, veniences. es ~e Boat. Included, $50 weekly: RA 30007] iis: Mr. DRIVING to downtown Toronto from boat inc 3 weekly. | Whitby, Cal RA 8.3369 after § p.m. |aier 6 pm. FOR SALE -- five - room cottage, ou onveniences, ELECTROLYSIS [ie Fmt? isi modern © years, Swimming pool, crafts, Go-Kart driving. Vimming_ Dol, area. Write Mrs. Terms if desired. $5,500, RA FOR SALE -- Removal of superfluous hair, Marie Murduff will be in J. Burns. 220 Johnston Avenue, Willow- 5 dale, Ontario or phone BA 1.0536, gog, with or ag oe. I Days MO 8-428], evenings MO 8-3860, Oshawa, June 27th - 28th. Phone Genosha Hotel on FOR SALE--Summer cottage on Balsom FOR SALE -- 20° by 16' unfurnished lished these dates for appointment. ARE YOU INTERESTED in establishing yourself in a sell- ing career, with a ab- lished Oshawa industry. This is not a door-to-door or night calling job, but a position: with a bright future, if en- thusiasm and initiative ore Soplied in the right propor- ions. WRITE BOX 718 OSHAWA TIMES giving background, age, pre- vious selling experience. High School education alia |18--Male or Female Help Wanted 1] CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less Cash Charge || Gardening and Supplies ORNAMENTAL evergreens, shrubs, MORTGAGE loans, Bowmanville, Osh-} hedges, peonies, perennials and choice|awa, Whitby, Ajax. Pickering ug vicin. collected cedars for hedges, 2°-3', 35c.|ity. and up. Orchard Nurseries, No. 7|business. Members of Ontario Mort- south side, two miles west of gage Brokers Association. Summerland |Brooklin, Ontario. Securities Limited, 112 Simcoe Street | | North, Oshawa. Phone RA 5-3568. MULLIGAN'S | Lanscaping, ying, ploughing, sodding, top soi omplete garden and lawn services. OL 5-4659. Nursing Services ARTI = rire p INDIVIDUAL care for each person ni \RABDI nuaare for az hg rotted. in Sunnybrae, of Oshawa. Reg. N. su. pervised. Inquiries invited, reasonable] rates. RA 35-2330. ER KNOWLTON _|optometist LANDSCAPING SERVICE F. RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of Now is the time for Spring Optometry, the examination of eyes, contact lenses. 136 Simcoe North at Col- clean-up! Rolling, fertilizing, repairs. Top soil and sod. borne, Evenings by appointment. RA RA 5-6047 3-4191. BACK- FILLING Lots levelled, front end load- Accountants {Building Trades MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, and ALL TYPES of SAtpestzy work, cement Co., Chartered Accountants, RA 35-3527, work, pairs, e: 135 Simcoe Street North, Ajax, WH and insul-brick ding, Free estimates. 2-0890. RA 38-2859 JAE, YRIEDLANDER, HUNTER coved Tristee in Bankruptcy, or King. East, Oshawa; B. L. Yate, Friedlander, B. Comm. CPA. 8. T. HOPKINS and Company, Cert fled Public Accountants. 172 King Soren: Ea Oshawa, Ontario. RA] BOB CLANCY'S I, | Dressmaking Service. Complete bookkeeping service. Bon DRESSMAKING and alterations on la 4 3-760! - Steel West. 24 3 Ba dies' and Siidren's wear, reasonable |price. RA 3-8666. | FURRIER = and DRESSMAKER | Remodelling: 3 CONSECUTIVE 225 248 INSERTIONS. 37s 413 It not paid within 7 days the Charge rate will apply. Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive insertions. |i Subsequent Insertions ordered of a later date constitute @ new original order. Professional and Business listings $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily. Each odditional line $1.60 per month, Each Initial letter, abbreviation, $ and ¢ sign, figure, counts as © word. Box charge |15¢ additional. All Classified Advertisements must be in by 5 p.m. the doy be- fore publication except Births, Memoriams, Cards eof Thanks which will be accepted until 9 am, Deadline for Lost end Found and Cancellations 8:30 am, Office Hours: Daily 8-5, Saturday 8-12. REGULA TIONS The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors In advertise- ments submitted otherwise than in writing, nor for more than one incorrect insertion of any adver tisement, nor beyond the price charged for o single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs, And also reserve tha right to classify advertising according to its own classification, in the case of display advertise ments The Times will not be held responsible for more space than that in which the actual error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce all advertising matter correctly but assumes no liability of advertisement are contained It any inaccuracies in ary form therein. Cartage HORNS Moving and Storage. Oshawa- tby. Reasunable rates. Fully and insured. Phone RA fal HOP the "variety store" of jie Clas: Si fied Section -- r Sale" | | today. Its loaded with ih athens. | | aT | i Lake, three bedrooms, ote fireplace, i summer cottage establ 100, Sool Sais Eront lot. gh RA/ seitiemer of on end Rive er. ARDEN -- housekeeping cottages for|fishing, Bargain for quick rent on Kennebec Lake, Rangettes, re-|5.7229, s, boat, Good fishing IN vim $35 weekly, Telephone. BA HOvSEREEFING fo nioned. all 3 ly SEWING MACHINE |s178. accom 4 to 6 people, Phone RA F |PAPINEAU LAKE -- New three-bed- SERVICE FURNISHED cottage in Coboconk, two jivom olaze, excellent indy merior DOMESTIC 2 INDUSTRIAL [800d fishing, hydro, furnisl led, bedrooms, suit six, hydro and water, WE DON'T SELL |ceilings and walls lined, floors cms $8 weekly. Available first two weeks in _ st. Have your present machine Fri aR two 18 Alig Sephone |kitchen cupboards, $4,000 with ed, | RA 5-0140. repaired at reasonable rates. | WESTLAKE, ottage for rent, reasonable, all con 2 2 PHONE RA 8-2546 veniences, good fishing. Telephone RAT Rd rv {83-8103 a {av Sidewalk and junior Bi rn {COTTAGE for sale or rent, "August cycle. Telephone 44. 3--Pets & Livestock Balam Take' sie Highway 35, Rose | TRIO white Cochin bantams, pair black |dale, 100° lot, all conven ences, 2 |cochin bantams with five chicks, pair | R. Gruer, Lindsay. | ! ! CASH FOR SCRAP ' WE BUY STEEL, METAL, BATTERIES, | buff cochin bantams, very good Quality. | 100-FT, 1akesho: eshore cottage lot, well. Several buff cockerals. RA 8-183 reed, sandy beach, close to Oshawa. PAPER, RAGS, etc. Open All Day Saturday | BATHING, trimming, de- fleeing, board- |Terms. RA 5.2577. M. GREENBERG & SONS LTD ast, ee pe BURROWS. | Accountants, 3'4 Simcoe Street South, Osawa. Ronald F. D. Wilson, CA: - Edmond Burrows, CA. R RA 3-2571. o- E. DEWAR and Co., Accountants and Auditors, Cedar Glen Bldg., tario Street, Oshawa, Ontario. RA Architects MAYER and BRZOZOWICZ, rem Eng., The Times Bidg., Oshawa, Ont. New unlisted telephone RA 83-2881. Auto Parts KENT'S WESTERN TIRE -- pee teed, automotive parts and accessor- ies. 145 King Street West, Oshawa. RA 8:1607-8-9, "Five bays to serve you". Piease| Bank or 74 Burk Street. Invalids ex- amined at home. Dial RA 5-4587. 5 MEN and women wanted imme ately to pick worms at night. med perience Ractazary. Apsly Oshawa Bait tson Road South or cal RA 8:3222 between 11 a.m, and 4 pom: MOBILE Home busers are reading Classified Ads right now. Be sure the Sitar is there. Just dial RA 3-3492 to- 20--Room and Board ROOMS for rent or room and Apply 573 Olive Ave or loon: = New, Alterations, 22 ROWE. 'STREET RA 8-6706 | Driving School LEARN TO DRIVE at the OSHAWA DRIVING SCHOOL Standard -- automatic cars. Instructors licenced by the Police Commission. Day and evening lessons. 8-0091 MERCURY SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING Modern dual equipped cars. Gov't. Licenced instructors Day or Evening appointments. DIAL RA 5-4773 Operated by Geo. B. Rutherford. MERCURY TAXI Gardening and Supplies GARDENS and lawns Roto-tilled and levelled. Grass, hedges cut. RA 5.7887. | Painting and Decorating Al PAINTING and paperhanging, J. Jensen, RA 5-1651 after 5 p.m. | FOR painting and paperhanging, in. terior and exterior call Van Horn. | RA 38-2822, DODD & SOUTER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, Spray Painting. 107 BYRON ST, S., WHITBY DAYS MO 8-5231 NIGHTS RA 5-7426 or with truck ovailoble aot jing. Waubena Kennels. RA 5-6321. _ |ESTABLISHED private summer or de-| BEAUTIFUL baby budgies ready for velopment. Rice Lake, frontage lots| training, talking strain. Apply Mrs. only. Cottage built. Financing no prob- | Board, 114 Elgin Street East. lem, $2,000. Equipped playground. For [REGISTERED Dachshund puppies for | | Street, Peterborough. 91 Weller | | sale, colors red, and black and tan. |Also stud service for both colors. Tele- | COTTAGE. furnished, Pres quille Point. | | Deeded lana. Apply Box 327. Colborne, | | phone RA 8-1875. |BEAUTIFUL baby budgies ready for, Ontario. | RICE LAKE, near Roseneath, two | training, talking strain. Apply fod Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. d e0itages for rent, elec-| RABBITS -- Cross breed, Australian, Flemish and New Zealand. Bred :does ATTRACTIV Rode cottages es and | |or does with young ones 10 days old and lots, Steenbuig Lake, road, up. Also young does and bucks in var- terms. Mrs. Matthews, RA 5 To, iety of colors. Pick your choice from | | several hundred in stock. Also available HOUSEKEEPING cottages on i -- {rabbits for meat. If planning to raisel 0 "CL TRE Is Yond fishing, | ----"'rabbits we would supply you we | Tamworth 40RB-1, James O'Neill,| NEW BUSINESS |GERsnr Shepiers- pipes fr si = : Unlisted Numbers HOUSEKEEPING reasonable rate. OL 5-4746 SPRAYING Hedges, evergreens, trees. Large Selection of PERENNIALS VAN BELLE GARDENS HIGHWAY NO. 2 MA 3.5757 BOWMANVILLE FOR THE BEST IN STONE WORK | Patios, Steps, Sidewalks, etc. Call us at-- OSHAWA GARDEN SERVICE RA 3-3222 RA 3.7333 308 Bloor St. E. WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS I. TURNER RA 3-2043 RA 3-3374 (collect) SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants cars for wrecking. Parts for sole, also scrap iron ond metals, etc., bought. pen Saturday all day. Phone RAS 5-2311 89 BLOOR E. 13--Business Oppertunities SHOE REPAIR & Shop, $1, 375 . Rodings: on and board or room only, newly decorated, good home cooking, central, seven minutes' walk to four corners or hospital. Apply 240 Division. koou and board, newly ood beds and food. Lumehe a, |Qesired: Rossland and Simcoe ox, parking. Apply 708 Carnegie Avenue. ROOM for one or two gentlemen, sepa- rate beds, meals if desired, laundry done, parking facilities. RA Barristers McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, Solicitors. Clients' funds available for| first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street North. | RA 5-3566. Charles C, McGibbon, QC; | Edgar F. Bastedo, QC HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILL | MAN, Barristers, Solicitors; R. Humphreys, QC; G. §. Boychyn, BA; W. A. Hillman, LLB; 36% King Street Fast. Phones: Office RA S70 Res.,| RA 5.4604 or Whitby, MO 8.2761; RA Phone (Personal Service | |PETER 1 PAN Nursery an or half Say. {330 ) to 5.30. ). Simcoe Nor North, RA 18-2604 el H. HEALEY--C.MB.H.I, | WATCH REPAIRS Moved from Simcoe Street To new location. 22 Ontario Street RA 3-2476 23--Wanted lo Rent THREE . rent, for, July 1 or July" fry "Good refer- ces wo school-age child end preferred. RA 3-276. TON ea THREE - BEDROOM house in Rossland Road district, east of Simcoe Street. Please reply to Box 100, Oshawa Post Office. FAMILY wit Jvith two Jchodi-age children ouse by July 15. Write Box 21, Oshawa. Times. FIVE-ROOM or storey and a half house in nice neighborhood, preferably with etey, for the 2) and stove, Young couple years, good location, monthly a $35, | With two-year-old girl, ning 3 jo pay with lease for five years and more, 580 monthly. Telephone RA 8-095 Weinberger, Realtor, RA 8-5145; eve. nings, RA 37244. |24--Houses for Rent S. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Soll- | Notary. Alger Building, 37 King] Street East, RA 3-4943. Mortgage mon ys available. JOHN A. CAMERON, Barrister, Solici- | tor and Notary Public, 18% King Street) Fast, RA 322609. NHA and priva mortgages arranged. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Barrister, Solicitor, Money to loan. Office Ta King Street East, Oshawa. RA 38232. Residence, RA 5.3405. |Glen Munro, 414 Park Road South. | MANNING F, SWARTZ and RONALD CERAMIC tile, bathroom store | LL, SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, No-|fronts, no eommereial or seconds used. | taries. Money to Joan, Henry Block, [Bost workmanship, best prices. COlfax| 26% King Street RA 3.4697. /3-253L Residence, Dial RA 3 34035. 2 | DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Bar| HOLLAND NURSERIES |! | { GERMAN "Shepherd puppies for sale, registered, at White Hart Kennels, Pick- | 4953, | CABINS ON LAKE HURON [SMART shoppers find exceptional fur-| Families, $32-$45 Weekly. Singles, $22. Sand beach, niture buys under "Home Furnishings' good swimming, ideal for {in Cl See it now. children. Golf, theaters, {CHIHUAHUA male pups, seven weeks, | 1328. dancing close. G. Hazel- wood, R. R. 1, Bayfield, Ont. {$30. Telephone RA 5-4. KAWANDAG LODGE [PUREBRED brown miniature poodles, | ROSSEAU, ONTARIO VALLEY CREEK FURNITURE 145 KING W. Next to Western Tire 8-4401 We buy, sell, exchange. used furniture, washers, TV, radios and so forth at prices to top anyone in the city. {tive weeks old, $65, male or female. RA | | 8 2946 [PUREBRED | poodle puppies, _ iweeks old, male and female, | able. RA 8-2358 |PoODLES "for sale, miniatures and itoys, stud service available. MArket| |3-5745, Bowmanville. nine Reason- TRY OUR BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN Chicken plate, half chicken with french fries, fish and chips, hamburgs, hot dogs, and Solicitor, 26% King Street Telephone: 3.2201. Resi-| fence, RA 8.5373. CREIGHTON, FEASER, DRYNAN MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, o | tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bldg | 8 Simcoe Street North, RA 3.3446; T. K. | Creighton, QC; N. C. Fraser, QC; G. K| Drynan, G. L. Murdoch, NHA mort | gages arranged. and LANDSCAPING RA 5-7442 For satisfactory service, landscape designing, main- tenance, sodding, spraying 199 'GARRARD RD. RUSSELL L. MURPHY, BA. LLB, Barrister and Solicitor, 6 Rap Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, RA & H JAMES A. MacDONALD, > ET | Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Hub | Jie. The Commercial Building. West, Oshawa, Ontario. Clicat 0 kins available. BOWMAN, DAVID L., Barrister, i eitor, 3% Simcoe South, RA '9501, Residence, RA 83-0264. McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Wii) CALL 'GRANT FOR SOD DELIVERED OR LAID Finest quality, reasonable rates. TELEPHONE MO 8-3015 | Solicitors. Clients' funds available for| first mortgages. 20 Simcoe Street North, RA 5-3566. Charles C. McGibbon, QC, Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. 7. T. SALMERS, BA, Bastistes, ir | imcoe North. | tor, ete., 13% 8 Office RA 5-3741; Residence 7 A 5.5543. | THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, Soll-| eitor and Notary Public. 26% King | Street East. Phone RA 83-1763. RALPH JONES, BA and THOMAS H ! GREER, Associate Barristers and Soli- | eitors, 130 King Street East, RA 8.6248. | | Mortgage loans available. | GRANDVIEW SOD SUPPLIES We specialize in A-1 feril- ized field sod. Prompt de- liveries for Oshawa and Dis- trict. Field loading for truck- ers and special rates for con- tracts. RA 8-8111 - BRUCE V. MACKEY, BA, Barrister, | Solicitor, Notary Public, 36% King Street East. RA 8-2381. Res, YU 5.2127 GREER and Kelly, Barristers, Solici- tors, ete, 7% Simcoe Street South, Dial RA 3.2278. Residence phones, | J. M. Greer, BA, Sc., RA 35-3363; S833. | ence V. Kelly, PA, BCL, RA 3-3832. RICHARD H. DONALD, BA, Barrister, | Solicitor, Notary Public, 51% Simeoe North, RA 82891. Res. RA 38-2765. Bookkeeping CROSS TOWN SOD SUPPLY A-1 rolled fertilized sod, cut fresh daily, sod for truck- ers in the field. Special con- tractor rates. RA 5-8504 OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE LTD. GRAVEL -- STONE LOAM RA 3.3528 SODDING TOP SOIL MANURE | Phone OLiver 5-3049 | { |Insurance | | |ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up milk shakes. MODERN GRILL WE DELIVER--RA 5-3887 LITTLE BUCKAROO TV, RADIO, makes, {Elliott Avenue, RA 3.9792 (Fred.) | TV--Rentals PUREBRED Scolch collie, one year old, lovely pet for children, $75 papers |included. Telephone RA 5-2300. all 157 car radio repairs, Thompson Electronics, RANCH TRAIL RIDING | RIDING. INSTRUCTION ADULTS AND CHILDREN SWIM POOL OPEN 2 TO 9 P.M. DAILY GO-KARTS PICN!TS AND PRIVATE 'ARTIES Information -- RA 5.2737 HARMONY RD. NORTH, OSHAWA Ito 20 per cent, six months to pay. For| |personal service at your home, call |RA 5.7413 | AUTO INSURANCE If you are a careful driver you may save $10, $15 or $25 on your car insurance or better than 209%. Preferred drivers enjoy the lowest rate in Ontario through this of- fice. Half-year payments. Call us today and compare | ----ample free parking. SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD. | | 360 King St. West RA 3-2265 | i L. SCHAPELHOUMAN COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE, INCOME TAX RETURNS. | 686 OSLER STREET RA 5-9953 | ! | | LOAM-GRAVEL SAND, FILL, TOP SOIL LOTS, LEVELLED -4360. {TRACTOR, LOADER WORK ARENT AD WERT Reasonable Rates DIAL RA 5-2156 Lawn Mowers POWER Lawn Mowers sharpened and| repaired, also bicycles and outboard motors. Rosedale Marine, RA 5-8063 HAVE your lawn mower precision sharpened, free pick up and delivery. ALMOST EVERYTHING Give Us A Call-- Building Trades iL. and H. ROOFING, tar and gravel, | OSHAWA STAN'S Plumbing Heating PLUMBING and heating pipes, fit- tings, fixtures, new and used, chang.| ing from septic tank to sewer a spe- H c'alty. Installations at reasonable rates. Information and estimates free on any type of plumbing. Dial RA 5-4241. J. Foley ALL plumbing and heating Phone RA 5-3521, Harold R. Stark, supplies. ?? ? WHY Because we give real service fast . , . same day . , . ef- ficient , . , save money . experience . , , satisfied. Drive In (and sove) Service Tubes checked, tuner, cleaned, best picture. A TOWER? TRY US! Moving antenna? Same day! Repairs? As good as new! TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND EAST RA 8-6781 and for glass set up Ltd. plumbing, heating and ing, 355 Simcoe Street South. Well Drilling-Digging BEATTY APPLIANCES | Barn, equipment, pumps, | oil burners, hot water and forced air furnaces, bathroom fixtures, parts and service. PARTNER PLUMBING AND HEATING ORONO 1782 Day or Night | Rug--Upholstery Service | CHESTERFIELDS re.upholstery "and | re-styled. Free estimates. See our mate- rial for recovering. Dalton Upholstering, | 75 Charles Street, RA 3.7212. CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re. covered like new. Get the best for lesa! at Modern Upholstering, 142 Simcoe | South, Call RA 86451 for a free esti| mate. W. WARD WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8.2563 -- MO 8-3809 204 CHESTNUT ST. W. P.O. BOX 329 TED VEENHOF WELL DIGGING Clean-outs and deepening. COMPRESSOR WORK. RA 8-3864 4--Market Basket ATTENTION freezer owners. Orders |taken now for freshly cut asparagus. Wholesale prices. Phone MO 83-4606 / after 6. Don Gallinger, prop. Former NHL player "Boston Bruins." $56.00 weekly and up. American Plan. Write for folders, An AAA, ATRO re- sort. SEE YOUR TRAVEL AGENT |WE buy fresh, good quality straw-| berries. Good prices paid. Stroud's | {Food Market, 54 Simcoe North, Osh.' awa | 5--Farmers Column [FIVE FOOT CASE combine used only | (two years. Wisconsin 30 HP air cooled |engine. Myers three-cylinder orchard | | sprayer, Phone RA 35-0394. TOP MONEY for dead and disabled | farm stock. R. Vivian, Markham, 1160J, |collect. 24-hour, seven-day service. {DE AD farm stock picked up promptly. | Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3-2721, | Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Lic. 115. | {FOR SALE -- saddle horse, two 3 years fond, chestnut. Telephone F RA 3-4551. "All types of rubber belting PIONEER CAMPS -- MUS- KOKA: PORT SYDNEY -- 2 separate camps, boys and girls ages 9 to 18. Tent accommodation. Resident medical staff. Program in- cludes trail riding ($1.50 hour extra), sailing, boating, canoeing, water-skiing, cov- ered wagon and canoe trips, crafts and hobbies. Space still available August 16-30 at special rate of $63.00. Further information: Pioneer Camps, 30 St. Mary St, Toronto 5 ---- Phone WA 2-4188. and hose for sale; belts re- paired within 24 hours. Rem- nants at special prices: 50' farm belt, 6" wide - $45.00 Phone RAndolph 8-1658. Snowden Industrial Rubber and Plastics Limited, 91 Bruce Bruce Street, Oshawa." 7--Trailers NEW WINDSOR HOTEL On Loke Muskoka in Bala. $40.00 weekly and up. Rec- reation at Hotel or nearby, one block from Dunn's Dance Pavilion. Variety on menu, smorgasbord on weekends. Phone 762-3315 or write direct. Amn sn 3 five, 1 new new paint, water tank. Excellent condi. 3613 | tion, $950. Telephone RA 3- | LIKE new, factory built, pack = Foliar, |with 9° x 9° cabin tent. Telephone RA | 35-8330 | WANTED TO RENT -- 10 x 36 trailer. | Apply Newcastle Trailer Court on. | -- |tario. | BIN -- camping and utility trailers [for BN Reserve your trailer now for| {a pleasant economical holiday. Bar! |gains in new and used trailers. Monty's BA Service; Simcoe South at Gibb. RA | NEW box trailer, 6 x 8, reversible { to {cabin trailer, 4%' high, all plywood | PAIGNTON HOUSE MOTEL and COTTAGE UNITS LAKE ROSSEAU MUSKOKA Catering to a fun-loving clientele. Rates you can afford, $50 to $85 weekly including 21 delicious meals. Complete operation. Nine- hole aolf course. Write for colored folder. Phone Port Carling, ROger 5-3155. {and glass, sleeps three. Licence. Ready for road. RA 8-8059. | New Moon" "house trailer, LITTLE BUCKEROO | | VARIETY store and snack bar business to be sold as a going concern, Well established, good location and self sus- taining. A very profitable proposition for anyone wanting a of th PORT WHITBY -- two new ranch style Houses, one three JDedrooms and e two, ms. 398 Watson Stree MO 8-5645. . te own. Price $5900 aod includes aaproxs mately $4000 in stock. Ernie Holmes, Realtor, 204 King East. RA 5-2363 EVEN-ROOM house, suital families, in Oshawa, A or rd INCOME property, established confec- tionery store, seven rooms for owner, plus two four - room apartments, four end garages, workshop, parking space, downtown area, good yearly income. Suitable investment for two families. Asking price $20,000. Call Mr. Irvine, RA 38-2868, at Vickery F Real E Estate. BEAUTY parlor t for rent, furnished. Ap- ply 5 Celina Stree HEATED five - room lower duplex ii] Teareation room, lovely grounds, pm ; garage optional. RATE 000 ater s SIX ROO hil 8 broadloom, base- mi occu, 1 monthly, hvdie included. Immediate Hg Near south GM. Bus at door. RA 85-3392. LOST: A black and tan hound, female, Shree years old. East of Raglan, June TT Employment Wanted MAN desires labor work, full time, $1.25 an hour, Telephone RA 3-3737. PRACTICAL nurse available, full time. Telephone MO 83-8569. DECORATING ALTERATIONS LOW-COST PREFABRICATED HALLIDAY HOMES STYLEMASTER COTTAGES UTILITY BUILDINGS You will be glad you called. AJAX REPAIR AND CONSTRUCTION LTD. 110 King Street East, Oshawa RA 8-5103 16--Female Help Wanted HI Patsy. Telephone MO TWO-BEDROOM house and three-reem apartment, close to South pri- vate entrance, ene child . Apr ply 802 Phillip Murray. hardwood SIX-ROOM house, oil heat, floors, Taunton ovr, Road East. Call RA FOR RENT -- Fiveroom semi-detach. ed brick house in Pic Telephone Whitehall 13. ati THREE-ROOM house for rent, no fur. Jace; stool with no bath. Telephone RA THREE-ROOM bungalow, one suitable for Souple or couple Church Street Ni ther information. NEW solid brick house, modern, de bathrooms 303 after § pom bedroom, te with is% orth. RA 3-7416 for fur. two » E Jith garden. One nd shopping in Whit- school a by. Monthly rent $113, Apply MO 8-8669 8 to 10 am. or 8 to 11 p.m. WAITRESS, experienced in 4ining room service, No late night work. Must have good references. Apply Hotel Lan. caster, Oshawa. WANTED reliable middle-aged woman to come in and mind two sal] chil dren while mother works. Start 6 a.m finish 4.30 p.m. Monday to Friday Wages between iP and $20 per week Phone RA 8-492 MIDDLE - 4 a woman to live in, to help at rest home. Telephone Orono FOR RENT Six-room bungalow with gar- age, on Chadburn Street, can be rented furnished, or partly furnished. Available July Ist. Call Russ Reeve, Schofield Real Etate, RA 3-2265 or RA 5-4840. 1308 for more information. RELIABLE housekeeper to take com. plete charge apartment and two children, four and five years old. Live in. $20 weekly. OL 5-3621. 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent FURNISHED and unfurnished apart. ment, from $85; unary room, paved [0 8-8386. parking and bi SHORT THREE room flat in 3 home, pri- vate bath, TV aerial, parking. Adults only, 31 Albany Street. RA 5-3760. 35-FOOT iti FREE rent one month, modern, decorated apartments "with iin." Te parking. i laundsy facilities. partments 4 or 7, 63 King Bowmanville 4 wer, TWO three - room apartments, second and third floors, stove and refrigera tor in each, adults only. Telephone RA of Will sac- "ii Harmony Road | GERALD FULTON [Xen | WELL DRILLING ss RANCH DAY CAMP E DAYS WEEKLY July and August CHESTERFIELDS re-built, recovered, {like new. Why pay more? Our rates are reasonable, Satisfaction guaranteed. | Mattresses re-built. Oshawa Upholstery { A Streat Wast, Dial RA | asphalt shingles and repairs. No jobs too big or too small. Estimates free, MO 38-8003 or RA 5-6937. ALL TYPES of home repairs and re modeling, cécieation Tooms Workmanship guarastsed. Fres mates. RA 3-2413. ricfice for ped iag CORNER KING & BURK STS. HOME LANDSCAPING Landscaped desi ig, sod- | RA 3-3224 oy 1 ng | = garden service. Money to Loan S031 PHONE CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort- OF CASH Work mornings or afternoons | in your own neighborhood. COOK'S SELL FOR LESS ALL types building repairs, eavestroughing, chimneys, fireplaces, | sidewalks, stoops, RA 83-0394. Gordon| May. CHIMNEYS, new and rebuilt. Side- stoops, and roofing. Work guar. 0! 5-3061 after 6 6 p.m WE specialize in all types of cement work, roofing, and siding, also eaves- troughs cleaned or replaced new. Free estimates. RA 8-3451 YOUR local chimney cleaner. ~"him- neys built and repaired, gas linings in- stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti- mates. RA 3-2997. CLIFF BROWN GRAVEL & SAND BLACK LOAM Prompt Delivery RA 8-8951 DRIVEWAYS First-class Workmanship Guaranteed - Reasonable Prices UNITED PAVING CO. RA 8-4801 DON'T MOVE, IMPROVE RA 8-6366 OSHAWA gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale {purchased. NHA mortgage arranged. Jom, Fraser, Drynan and Mur. doc! GRAVEL LOAM AND MANURE PHONE RA 54967 SECOND mortgage for ss sale, $2,000. Telephone RA 8-8332 for more informa. | | tion. { MONIES FOR MORTGAGES Monies available on First Mortgages at 7% per annum without bonus. Monies also available on HARDSAND LANDSCAPING A complete garden service, clean-up, fertilizing, power rolling, Now is the time to kill crab grass and chick- weed. Seeding, sodding, nur- sery stock. RA 5-1721 Second Mortgages. Mortgages and Agreements for Sale purchased. SAND - GRAVEL Topsoil, fill. Trucks and loader for hire. RA 3-3162 stone and M. F. SWARTZ, Short trm and Builder' Mort- 26% King St. East, Oshawa, Ontario, Registered under Mortgage Brokers' Registration Act. gages at reasonable rates, FA RA 3-4697 | MORTGAGE Money Available! Payments to suit Visit Our New MODERNIZE - REDECORATE INSIDE OUR OUT YOU WILL BE GLAD YOU CALLED RA 8-5103 110 King St. East, Oshawa AJAX REPAIR and CONSTRUCTION LTD.| Payment terms arranged, or if you require an economical Home, Summer Cottage, Garage we con supply: Foc- tory Engineered Styiemaster GARDEN CENTRE | at 1259 SIMCOE NORTH { 1,000 ft. North of A&P Store | --GARDEN SUPPLIES --STONE SUPPLIES --HOQUSE PLANTS We also Handle | Swimming Pool Construction OSHAWA GARDEN SERVICE Buildings. Many plans to choose from. Move in next month. at 1259 SIMCOE NORTH RA 3.3222 Open Evenings Till 9 Your Budget ALLIED INVESTMENTS COMPANY 51 KING ST. E. RA 3.3993 Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association {Mortgages {$12,000 FIRST mortgage (commercial) |for $11,500, repay $125 monthly; five years, 8 per cent, Call anytime, MO 8-4249. FIRST and second mortgages, arrang. ed. W. Schatzmann, Mortgage Broker, WHY TAKE CHANCES WITH YOUR VALUABLE ! { RUGS AND FURNITURE | When you can have them professionally cleaned by a member of the National In- stitute of Rug Cleaners. 20 years experience NU-WAY RA 8-4681 Surveyors | H. FLIM and Trollope, Ontario Land | Surveyors, 216 Adelaide Avenue East. Phone RA 5 as DONEVAN AND "FLEISCHMAN, On On- tario Land Surveyor, commercial blue-| printing, 12 Bloor Street East. RA 5-5632| HOURS of family fun a ead of AND DIGGING under contract, we guarantee to obtain water or there will be no charge. Phone Hampton CO 3-2790 A COMPLETE SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Trenching, Sewers and Mains. GEORGE HARDING PHONE MO 8-3566 "ahead of You | when you own a boat, To find real value and wide selection turn to classi. | fication BD Boats in today's Classified section. Your whole family will be glad | you did. TV - Radio Repairs SERVICE wim YOU WANT IT -- DAY OR NIGHT! T.Y. gr RADIO CALL RA 85086 All Work Guaranteed. OSHAWA ELECTRONICS SAMSON T.V. TOWERS RA 8-8180 OSHAWA T.V. 361 GIBBONS ST. | | | | | SPECIALIZING IN | SAMSON TOWERS | ANTENNA INSULATION | | | | | | 101 Dundas W. MO 8-313% FIRST and second mortgages. agreements purchas {nick and Hennick, |Strest Mast. RA 3.7 Sale and sold. Hen-| arristers, 31 King 32 ' LEN & LOU'S T.V. Frea Estimates RA 35-7844 | | OTHER DO . OTHER FOLKS MAKE | MONEY FROM OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS IF YOU HAVEN'T -- TRY ONE. IT PAYS... CALL RA 3-3492 SIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT, CLAS 13' Glendette Compact, new 3 . 985 15' Glendette, used $1095 $15. Per Week Information RA 5-2737 15' Glendette, used $1150 16' Glendette, new, deluxe $1350 16' Glendette, new, self-contained .. $1550 Cook's Trailer Sales & Parts, Hwy. No. 2, 3 miles East Oshawa | 9--Summer Properties | for Sale or Rent NEW 1 modern two-bedroom, plywood cottage with screened sunporch, large lot with sandy beach, situated on quiet Methuen Lake. Good swimming and ~~" fishing. 100 miles from Oshawa Brook-| {lin OLiver 35-3915. {HUNTSVILLE area, three . bedroom cottage, private, hydro, inside modern | conveniences, fireplace, boat, fishing. {Available July 15. Phone RA 5-8585. HALIBURTON PINE RIDGE At Miner's Bay. A family re- sort, sandy beach, water skiing, organized activities, good food, rates from $36. Special children rates. R. J. Wood, phone Coboconk 148 RA4. PIONEER VILLAGE ON BUCKHORN LAKE Camping grounds, cottages, boats for rent Sandy, safe beach, excellent fishing, tested drinking water. RA 8-2301 MARJACK LODGE STURGEON LAKE beach, abundant Special House- Dunsford, | Fishing, home cooked meals. rates for children, keeping cabins. Ontario PHONE 25-R24 CEDAR ISLE L(*DGE TRENT RIVER, ONT. 3 miles off Highway No. 7 on Highway No. 30. 2- and 4.bedroom cottages with re- frigerators, rangettes. Lodge facilities. Hot and cold run- ning water, showers, flush toilets. Dancing, good fish ing, cedar strip boats, motors, Phone RA 5-6812 or Havelock 764- 3661 STURGEON LAKE BEEHIVE PARK ESTATES NEVY EXECUTIVE SUMMER HOMES. Mortgages arranged with well known trust com- pany. Prices and terms to suit your needs. Built on large waterfront lots in new registered private subdivision with a "Florida' motif; most unusual and beautiful in the Kawartha lakes, safe natural sand beach, large beautiful shade trees, canal 40' wide at rear of lots with sheltered dock or boathouse for each lot. QUALITY with every con- venience is built into each of these summer homes, hydro, drilied well, full plumbing, modern kitchens, "fireplace, complete 'interior decorating plus dial telephone with pri- vate or 2-party line. LOCATION: 4 miles west of Bobcaygeon on- the Fenelon Falls Hwy., large signs ot entrance, paved road all the way, owner on property every afternoon, inclding week- ends. | Housewives preferred, no ex- perience necesary. AVON sells itself, Call immediately at RUSSELL 2-4782 (collect) for more information. 17--Male Help Wanted FOUR men to contact the home owner for new type of awnings, with well es. tablished firm, direct from manufactur er. Room for advancement for right party. Sales experience preferred but not necessary, Phone for interview, RA 5-6741 between 12.30 p.m. - 2.30 p.m. SALESMAN wanted full or part-time to sell the fabulous 1961 portable room air coolers. Apply Box 917 Oshawa Times. FOURTH or FIFTH YEAR HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE INTERNATIONAL FOOD COMPANY located in Ajax needs young man, to be of general assistance to plant manager. Excellent oppor- tunity for thorough produc- tion training. Contact TENCO LTD., AJAX ONE- available in my Phi between 9 and 5, Monday to Fri. ay THREE-ROOM apartment, ed, sink, in kitchen, and laundry facilities. Adults, Fieass, Occupancy July 8. RA 5-2251 until § T¥3-kooM apartment, large, unfurnish- Tirniahs d for housekeeping, 'central to North General Motors and hospital, Suitable ---- for working girl. RA 8-6844. RA THREE- ROOM "apartment, private en- trance and bathroom, newly decorated. 309 Col East, corner of Oshawa Boulevard. TWO large room unfurnished Spat. ment, private bath, gas range, Baby only. Tele] phone RA 3-2315. Simcoe South. GROUND floor apartment, three cious rooms and franes, ample THREE - room apartment with private bath, built in kitchen cup! erator and sto T RA self-contained, Iborne Street A "L bath, private parking. Avaliable July RA 81559. 762 King East. ve. Private 3-2842. and two-bedroom apartments, ern building, stove refrigerator prod: MO 3.3003 after 3. 101 Craydon Road, Whitby. NORTHWAY APARTMENTS 630 SIMCOE NORTH Modern 2-bedroom apart ments, stove, 'frig, fully outo- matic. Parking area. For information apply-- 778 HORTOP LIFEGUARDS TWO LAKEVIEW PARK CITY OF OSHAWA APPROXIMATELY JUNE 26th Minimum of Bronze required, age 17 Medal Personnel Officer, City Hall, | Oshawa, Ontarle, | One and two bedroom apart- ments in new, modern build- ing, 109 CRAYDON ROAD WHITBY Electrically equipped, am- ple laundry, locker and park- ing. Rentals from $100 with al- lowance for June occupancy. To inspect see superinten- dent in Apartment 1. CHARTERED TRUST CO. 20 St. Clair Ave., W, Toronte Mr Melvin WA 2.6138