The Oshawa Times, 17 Jun 1961, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Scturdey, June 17, 1961 J Youth, 19, Gets 15 Days Consumed Liquor Illegally 63, RR 5, Peterborough, of ob- taining $85 from Mrs. Harold Parker, Cobourg, wiht intent to defraud was adjourned a further week at the request of the ac- cused's counsel, as he had to appear at another court. The money was paid by Mrs. Parker for repairs to an organ, and the matter has been on ad- journment for some time pend- ing the completion of the work. $15 FINE Roy A. Christie, 40, Caroline street, Port Hope, was fined $15 for having alcohol in a place other than his residence, and $10 on a charge of public intoxication. Const. Carl Carey said Cor- poral Erskine intercepted the accused at an unopened portion of the township road. He had in his possession a 15 oz. bottle of wine, he was in an intoxicat- ed condition, smelled of alcohol and was unsteady on his feet, and his eyes were bloodshot. Christine was walking around when apprehended. CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi- dents of Oshawa and dis- trict who are celebrating birthdays this weekend. Those who celebratet o- day are: Leslie Anne Skin- ner, 98 Southwood street; Michele Williams, RR. 1 Oshawa; Darius Pater- kowski, 218 Oshawa Blvd. south; Kenneth Wood, 480 Cubert street; Wendy Ed- gar, 333 Buena Vista av- enue. Those who celebrate on Sunday are: Mrs. Alvin Wal- ker, 464 Richmond street east; Doreen Brock, RR 1, Oshawa. Boy Rushed To Hospital AJAX (Staff) An Ajax boy was rushed to Sick Chil- dren's Hospital, Toronto, Fri day afternoon, with a possible skull fracture and suffering from shock. Michael Kirby, 12, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Kirby, 138 Bur.| chard road, Ajax, was struck on the temple by a rock when he| ran into the cross-fire of some| older boys throwing stones in the school yard of St. Berna- dette's School. He was taken to the Ajax Pickering General Hospital for| initial treatment and was then] tranferred in the Sherrin Ambu- lance to the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children. ! Michael was operated upon late in the afternoon and the operation was termed a suc-| cess. ilton. Some evidence was and the matter was adj at the request of Ainesworth in order for him to call witnesses. Const. Charles Potier said he observed the accused's vehicle proceeding east at the Dale Baltimore road, and it went from shoulder to shoulder of the road. Ainesworth was alone in the vehicle, he smelled of alco- hol and weaved on his feet. It took him ten minutes to re- move his driver's licence from a wallet. His eyes were blood- shot. His speech was slurred, but that could be due to broken dentures he was wearing. When asked what time it was he said it was midnight Saturday, when it was actually 11.00 p.m. Fri- day. A sample of his blood was taken by Doctor Robertson, and sent to the Attorney General's Labratory, the result of which was 2.5 parts per thousand alco- hol in his blood. Robert Winn, 20, Bewdley and Robert Johnston, Peterborough, were further remanded to ap- pear on July 7 for sentence. COBOURG -- Stephen Miller, 19, Brighton, was sentenced to 15 days in jail on a second offence of consuming liquor while a minor. - Allan Palmateer, 20, Camp- bellford, was fined $50 on a charge of impaired driving which occurred June 15 upon a Highway at the 7th Concession, and his licence was suspended for six months. In Brighton Court, Lorne Stin- son said he was called by the OPP Campbellford who inter- cepted Palmateer at Mpyers- burg: Palmateer was go- ing across to the Goodfellow side road and left the road for 200 feet, went across a field, came out by a farmer's barn, went on up the road another mile, struck two trees, and dam- aged the windshield and radia- tor of the car he was driving, and the car had been in the ditch once after that between there and Myersburg. The car was owned by Mr. Fraser of Campbellford. Palmateer was intoxicated. Fraser was not IS INJURED Wayne Murray, 18, of 73 | Gladstone avenue, was slight- [ly injured, Friday night, when |the motorcycle he was riding MATLOCK, England (CP)--| was involved in a collision with Students have offered Derby-la car, The car was driven by shire council 15 shillings for a|/Harry Robert Norley, of 101 derelict 18th-century castle that Hillcroft street. Total damage, cost £70,000 to build. | was estimated at $500. COMING EVENTS REAL ATMOSPHERE DUPLICATE bridge at Fernhill Park Monday, June 19, 7.45 p.m, RA 86779. YOUTH SINGSPIRATION, good Hymn singing also film: "THE MASTER'S FACE". RITSON RD. BAPTIST CHURCH, 480 Ritson Rd. S. SATURDAY, JUNE 17th, 8: :30 p.m. Everyone Welcome! OSHAWA LIONS AND OSHAWA B'NAI B'RITH LIVE AUCTION JUNE 21st, - 22nd CHILDREN'S ARENA 7 P.M. CONCERT by the TROJANAIRES OF TROY, OHIO ALBERT ST. CHURCH JUNE 19, 8 P.M. 50c ADMISSION CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE Sponsored By The FRIENDLY DOUBLES CLUB NEARLY NEW SHOP REV. §. C. H. ATKINSON, of Albert Street United Church, is shown above with his wife, receiving farewell gifts from members of his congregation at an apprecia- Albert St At an appreciation party held) in the new Memorial Hall of} Albert Street United Church, Friday night, 135 members of | Minister Feted tion party in the church hall, Friday night. In the pic- ture, from left to right, they are Rev. Atkinson, Mrs. At- kinson, Mrs. Cooper and Ar- thur Howard. At the party . UC there were 135 members of the congregation and friends. Mr. Atkinson will go to a con- gregation at Grace United Church, Toronto. The minis- ter, who has been at the with him. They had a little fight Francis G. Ainesworth, 36, Church for the past 11 years, will be preaching his farewell sermon from the Albert street church Sunday, June 25. --Oshawa Times Photo New Officers Are Elected The new executive of the THINGS TO DO, SEE IN OSHAWA Mr. Howard expressed regrets) at losing the minister who had| been the driving power behind the latest phase of the Albert Oshawa Centre, Royal College | of Organists was elected at the | ish Hall recently. | POINTS TO INTEREST annual meeting held at St.| Oshawa Civic Administration George's' Anglican Church Par-|Bldg., 50 Centre street. and he left Fraser at the side/RR 1, Port Hope, was charged road and he was going back to with driving his motor vehicle pick him up. lon June 3 while impaired by The accused were found guilty of housebreaking at the proper- ty of Lloyd Peacock, Campbell- ford, and theft of a chain saw. A charge against A. F. Sparks, | alcohol, at the township of Ham- CAPSULE NEWS Man Found Near Falls Oshawa Police Station, 80| tain Penitentiary. Moggey, who set a record for the longest es- cape in Manitoba history, was recaptured Saturday in the log QUEBEC (CP) -- The body of Andre Choquette, 35, a law- yer and son of Mr. Justice Fer- CLOSED STAFF HOLIDAYS SECOND ANNUAL STRAWBERRY New officers for 1961-62 will|Athol street west ~ Oli in | e oy. ii {nand Choquette of Quebec Court Loom, vo ht a Be Len, A arenas ee family. Rev. Atkinson remarked that|G. A. Turton, vice-chairman; | wemorial Park on Sim ridin about " Jeet hid wales Mr. Atkinson, who has been|the past 11 years had been G. A. Turton, treasurer; Mrs. ci oot south between M Hege a 1 ii by aon o t ey the minister at Albert Street/happy and fuifilling years forG. K. Drynan, secretary. EX-\anq John streets w etcalf Falls. Choque hig Shep 0 United Church for the past 11|himself and family. He felt that|ecutive officers: Ronald Kel-| : 2 . Jie death Thursday night over will be preaching his|his charge in Oshawa was com-|lington, Francis J. Francis, | Kinsmen Memorial Stadium, |the 274 - foot high falls. Police from the Al-|pleted with the finish of the reno-\John Robertson, {Arena street. |said he apparently went swim- David Smith | fms : Sunday, | vation and erection of the new J | a/ming well away from the brink y land John Smart The Bey so |of the falls but was swept down- the congregation and friends Street United Church; the recent] gathered to say "farewell to major renovation and erection of | Rev. S. C. H. Akinson and the new church hall. cabin where he lived most of his 1034 months of freedom. GETS LA PRESSE POST MONTREAL (CP) -- Gerard Pelletier, 42, newspaper man, labor organization official and prominent radio and television commentator, was appointed editor - in - chief of Montreal CHARTERED BUS TRIP TO NIAGARA FALLS JULY 1st WEEKEND NEW Electronic Circuit In Super Power 6 Tromsister years, farewell sermon bert street Church, | Children's Aren: Arena, COLMER TRAVEL SERVICE BOWMANVILLE MA 3-3265 BINGO AT U.AW.A. HALL Saturday, June 17th 7:30 P.M. 20 GAMES $10 A GAME 4 GAMES OF $20, $30 $40, $50 JACKPOTS ONE GAME $150 SHARE THE WEALTH TEA THURS., JUNE 22nd 2 P.M. | Simcoe St. United Church Memorial Hall Auspices of the Astra Group Adults 50c; Children 25¢ BINGO CORONATION ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, JUNE 17th 7:30 P.M. 20 Gomes -- $8 Share the Wealth 4--3$40 Jackpots to go. 1--$150 Jackpot to go. June 25. The evening program Wwas| under the chairmanship of Earle| |Brown. The rpogram consisted {of games and a scenic movie! | about Northern Ontario. Arthur Howard, on behalf of} the congregation, presented Mr.| Atkinson with a wallet of money. | His sons, Richard and David, were each presented with a pen| and pencil set. Mrs. Cooper pre-| sented an arrangemen to Mrs. Atkinson. In making the presentation, ! church hall. He expressed the| feeling that a new challenge is awaiting him at Grace United Church, Toronto, and said he| sincerely wished that members| of the congregation who could find the time would drop in for| a visit, whether it be in Toronto or his summer home at Lake Scugog. Lunch was served by| the Women's Auxiliary. | Among guests at the party] t of roses were Stephen Saywell, Rev. J./meeting of the Oshawa Centre| |[K. Moffatt and Rev. N. T.lof RCCO, held at St. George's Holmes. OBITUARIES | MRS. EDWIN MICHAEL | | The death occurred of Mrs. |Edwin Michael, of 225 Athol| street east, who passed away in the Oshawa General Hos-| Hartman Tied For Second In Skeet Shooting OSLO (AP) -- Barney Hart- cial convener is Mrs. F. Fox. James Hopkirk Is Speaker James Hopkirk, national president of the Royal Canadian College of Organists, was the guest speaker at the annual Church parish hall recently. With his subject "Rhythm and Verse", Mr. Hopkirk trac- ed the change in rhythm in at the piano how the flexibility of rhythm of plainsong and the | early German chorales had de- generated to a very restricted] rhythm in the 19th century, but was showing improvement in |street. south. hymns from the plainsong to|of Henry street and Lakeview the present day. He illustrated | P and Lakeview Park avenue. TOURS, EXHIBITS, LECTURES | Oshawa General Hospital, 24 |Alma street. | Alexandra Park, Alexandra | street. Municipal Airport, Stevenson| road north. | Hillsdale Manor, Hillsdale avenue. | Camp Samac, Simcoe street] {north -- just outside city limits. |ibbean island federation. A fi- Darlington Provincial Park --| jens! off Farewell avenue, south|gates had prepared a report of ol . Oshawa Harbor, Simcoe street | | Henry House Museum, corner| | ark avenue. | Lakeview Park, Henry street General Motors of Canada -- stream by the current. CONFERENCE ENDS LONDON (Reuters) -- The West Indies independence con- ference ended Friday night af- ter a marathon 12 - hour ses- sion that failed to produce the expected announcement of an| independence date for the Car- La Presse Friday. He succeeds Jean - Louis Gagnon, one of five senior editorial department men who resigned as a result of a dispute among owners of the newspaper over its manage- ment. WANTS BIG LOAN GLACE BAY, N.S. (CP)-- Phalen Local of the United Mine Workers (Ind.) will ask the UMW's international head- quarters in Washington for a $1,000,000 loan to help ease nal communique said the dele- the conference which would be published next week. LAY MURDER CHARGES [hardship in Cape Breive min- dl ing communities. One Cape Bre- QUEBEC (CP) Bernard), mine has been closed this Poulin, 23, and Jean - Claude| yo ity (year and another is due to shut Aubut, 23, both of Quebec City, next month. A third is sched- ) es , Were Chorged Fite yn uled for closure in 1962. About |' of Reginald Lapointe, 32. Their 25% Ri will be affected bys hearing was set for June 28, A[the shutdowns. third man sought in the slay- WN HEARING AID MAICO Makes Possible for the First Time Better Understanding e this Amazing New HEARING AID MAICO HEARING SERVICE 850 YONGE ST, TORONTO WAlnut 4-2317 Pema." Please send me the free booklet § on new Maico Escort, ' AME cose sssccssence B ] More than 500 exhibitors from |! ADDRESS ..eevcevecccnnas 35 nations are expected to shows L] goods at an international trade, CITY «ove PROV. ...... $ fair ir Brno, Czechoslovakia, in OT/MV/6/17 16) September, 1961. 'meses ensew BUEHLER Tender EAT'N C TRUE-TRIMBEEF { a 12 KING ST. -- RA 3-3633 Tour of south plant in tour train Monday through Friday -- 1.30 to 4 p.m. Children under 14 years not allowed into plant. For further information, call Pubke Relations Dept., RA Darlington Provincial Park -- open 8 am. to 11 p.m. Admis- NEGRO GUARDS JFK sion -- 50 cents a car or Pro-| WASHINGTON (AP) -- For vincial Park licence. For further the first time, a Negro is one information, call Park Superin-{of the Secret Service agents tendent -- RA 2-4341. guarding the president of the Henry House Museum -- open|United States. The agent, Abra- 2 pm. to 5 p.m. Admission--|ham Bolden, is on a 30 - day adults 25 cents; children under temporary assignment to the 10 years, 10 cents; children un {White House detail. If he does der 10 with parents free. all right, he could be assigned NOTEWORTHY EVENTS there permanently. Sunday, June 18 -- Decoration MOGGEY SENTENCED [Service -- Union Cemetery - SELKIRK, Man. (CP)--Percy 2:30 p.m. |Moggey was sentenced Friday KINSMEN BINGO 20-$20 GAMES $150 Jackpot--$20 each line plus $50 Full Card 5__$30 Games; 2--$250 Jackpots JACKPOT NUMBERS 57 AND 53 TEAM 2 JUBILEE PAVILION FREE ADMISSION -- TUESDAY, JUNE 20th BINGO EVERY MONDAY, 8 P.M. ST. GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM 690 KING ST. E. AT FAREWELL 57 NUMBERS $100.00 JACKPOT CONSOLATION $20 20 GAMES -- 16 PRIZES OF $10 1 EACH OF $20, $30, $40, $50 SHARE THE WEALTH ADMISSION CARDS 50 CENTS GOOD PARKING -- EXTRA BUS SERVICE CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED . WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE 'SUPER BINGO MONDAY, JUNE 19 $100.00 DOGR PRIZES JACKPOT NOS. 50 - 53 2--$500 JACKPOTS IF WON IN 52 NOS. OR LESS (IF NOT THEN GAME IS ing, Marcel Lefrancois, 29, of Quebec City, was still at large. Lapointe was shot down during an argument in a building | raided last week as a disorderly house. pital, Friday, June 16, in her map of Ottawa, Canadian skeet- 72nd year, following an illness| shooting champion, tied for sec- of several months. lond place at the midway point The former Eva May Her in the 1961 world skeet shooting ring, she was born in Darling- | championships at Loevenskiold- ton Township, the daughter of banen, Norway, Friday. the late John and Mary Her-| Hartman missed one bird in ring. [His Ei Fourd bi Bod but broke ied i i reet Unit-|all 25 in each of the succe ing Jardled in King Sire: was a| three rounds for 99 points. lifetime resident of Oshawa,| Kenneth Pendergras of the and a devoted mother to home | United States and Carlos Plaza lof Venezuela are tied for first mily. She was former] € lana family of the choir of the | place having smashed all 100 Me i c.¢lclay pigeons. Pendergras [Metcalfe Street M ethodist . ; bi a |Clreh, of bygone days in Osh-|placed second in the last word awa. After that church was | championship held in Moscow in| FIRM INCORPORATED ltorn down, many of its mem-| 1998. wa - | The current issue of The On- bers joined the then newly Hartman is tied with L. Stan-|tario Gazette carries the an- erected King Street Unite adard of Sweden. . . . |nouncement that letters patent lc did Mrs. Michael Canadian Peter A. Gilchrist, of incorporation have been |Church, as did MIS. 7 Chee the 1960 European champion, 1s granted to Pickwick Cleaners A member of this church ever|iioq with R. Pljansky of Russia|Limited, of Oshawa. since, she was also a member | gor third spot with 98 points. CONVENTION REPORTS the works of 20th century writ- ers of hymn tunes. George Rapley, a charter member of the organization for many years, was presented with a gift by Clifford Evans. Mr. Rapley will be leaving Osh- awa shortly to reside in British Columbia. CITY AND DISTRICT 2 <q - , We _/ Meat Specials! Mon. & Tues. MEATY BLADE STEAKS .. 49° sb oh bal ole FRESH MADE VEAL PATTIESS «01 SHOULDER PORK STEAK ¢ SLICED SIDE PORK Ib TUESDAY ONLY! Fresh Made Sausage Meat Buy 5-lbs. at regular price 1.00 Get 5-lbs. Free. ~ CLIFF MILLS 48-Hour Special aT dh CHEVROLET 2 DOOR. New slip covers, new paint job. Mechanically sound. | $799 THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. DIAL RA 5-6651 AMOS RUBIN held at the Oshawa Children's | Arena on June 21 and 22 at 7 p.m. A. Smykaluk and A. | Rubin are co-chairmen of the | | project this year, which will raise funds for local charities. | 230 KING ST. WEST Oshawa Times Photos Monday, June 19 -- HMCS's|to the maximum two years in of the church's Women's Asso-| Six shooters are tied for Thunder and Resolute, twoiprison for escaping from peni- ciation and of its Missionary fourth place wiht 97 birds bro-| Maurice Hart, Dr. D. E. Stur- (ships of the 1st Canadian Mine-|tentiary. Magistrate W. B. Ed- Society. She was a member of ken, including John Lin of Can gis and Everett Lovell, all past sweepers Squadron will arrive wards ordered the sentence to the Rebecca Lodge, No. 3. ada. Coaai x presidents, hg report to the|at_ the Oshawa Harbor at 1phe served consecutively with Besides her husband, Mrs.| A fourth Canadian shooter, Rotary Club o Oshawa next |P-1M- _ |the 10 - year sentence Mog- Michael is survived by two Dave McFarlane, scored 91/Monday on the Rotary Interna-| Tuesday, June 20--The mine-|goy was serving for breaking daughters, Mrs. Ralph Mackie, |points. tional convention in Tokyo, Ja- Sweepers vin be open to visi- ang entering when he escaped (Helen) and Mrs. Kenneth Con-| pan, which they attended. lors between 3 and 5 TheYliast August from Stony Moun- Be a i es Joi Refuse Bail rue JN COLLISION the following morning. | |sev randc J . wo cars were involved in a| Wednesday, June 21 -- Annual {grandchild and one sister, Mrs. | ™ collision on Simcoe stseet north|Live Auction -- jointly sponsor- ENOUGH CARS TO ra : gr 1 Ro dr be adin- dela Dasa wae ped dpe in Bihan BG BIR 46 " pS IR BEY The remains i ror Vosburgh estimated at $300. No one was|and the Oshawa Lions cuv--| GARR I LVERTONE the McIntosh-Anderson Funeral injured. One car was driven by|Children's Arena--starts at 8.30] There are .enough regi- Home, for service in the| SWEETSBURG, Que. (CP) -- John Anthony, of 965 Simcoe p.m. | stered I i Chapel, Monday, June 19, at 2 Mr, Justice William Mitchell of street north. The driver of the| Thursday, June 22 -- Annual] ; . 1 as of the U 3 d p.m. Rev. Mervin A. Bury, min-(Quebec Superior Court Friday|other car was Bruce Henry|Live Auction--Children's Arena Po o TOR 30 he Nile lister of King Street United dismissed an application for|Gedge, of RR 2, Oshawa. I-- 8.30 p.m. ales oe carry the entire |{Church, will condi} She ser- bail in behalf of Abel Vosburg, Population 3 one tie. Bn vices. Interment will follow in| 63-year-old laborer charged with i [the Oshawa Union Cemetery. murdering his wife and 11 chil- LIVE AUCTION CO-CHAIRMEN id 21 vel Fie all you | FUNERAL OF dren in a fire last Dec. 29. nL 32K Workiug i | NE! : F bud i [co 20% fuckin lence. counsel gobi Goto on gn Tg Bony 3 : 2.9 - oday for experienc- COA 3507 JACRPOT) (NOS. 50-53h-(Comsolation' $25) |, The funeral service for Cecil the sround that Yosburg i I ed account representative. | ' |and may be suffering from lung » Roy Lockwood, 196 Burk street, | y 3 He'll show you how your 1--$300 JACKPOT {who died suddenly Wednesday, eg LP business can profitably put IF WON IN 52 NOS. OR LESS ($150 Consolation, Must Go) |June 1 Jas held gt He Ms loan obtain expert advice and Classified to work. 20 GAMES AT $40 at 2 pm. Friday, June 16. prope: Bedical ews: while 1» IF WON IN 17 NOS. OR LESS ($20 Consolation) Rev. H. A. Mellow, minister| ep : Prplalen {of Northminster United Church, Josburg i to be Jed 2 fhe : 5 GAMES AT $30 {conducted the services. Inter- 20% in assh 5, scheduler Or; " ment was in Oshawa. Union ae bd ; "THE RED BARN EXTRA BUSES oi The application was opposed | NEW" ADMISSION 1.00 The pallbearers were Adam {PY Crown Pv 5 € witor Saude) ADMISSION TICKET GIVES YOU FREE CHANCE ON DOOR PRIZES sama 0% Tomas Siamilton|;eainst Vosburg is not just|f i 2mMAS Sduires, X" murder but a series of murders WHITBY BRASS BAND B NGO wood, Ron Duffy and Glen Wil-lin which premeditation is al-f | |liams. leged," and that the gravity of § CLUB BAYVIEW, BYRON SOUTH, WHITBY | FUNERAL OF ile sharge fisal is, Snivgh to § Wed d J 21st. 8 | ERIC EDWARD LILLEY ["Mr. Noisoux also said Vos- eanesdaay, une ST, p.m. : v Iburs is perso 2 8 5 i os Bus leaves Oshawa Terminal -- 25¢ Return panera) Services for Lie i ay wy i hgh Re Social CAME OF F200 Must GO [Bowmanville 'Memorial Hospital that if Vosburg is ill it is in his hon szontgl DAE -- a full cor | Wednesday, : own interest that he be kept in|" aye cnr $25 ADDED EACH WEEK, NOW WORTH $125 [freoesay: ne one. Funeral jail J ALEX SMYKALUK oh = won IN gh NUMBERS |Home, Friday, June 16, at 2 p.m. | PLANS HAVE BEEN final- urc us leoves 4 Corners 7: p.m, The deceased, who was in his|lowed in Mo La 4 5 Gomes ot $30 -- 20 Games at $20 {66th year, lived on Br To i n ont Cemed ized by Alec Smykaluk, left, TWO 3250 JACKPOT SAVES road north, Darlington Town- Pallbearers were Fal Hann, oe og Lions Cp and t--No. : 20 lo y Consolation {ship. A. McEachern, Fre arland, | Ss Rubin of e Oshawa $1.00 ADMISSION INCLUDES ONE CARD | Rev. C. Stainton of Courtice|Barry Joh Robert John.| B'Nai B'Ri i | Proves ax = Bulging Fund ry Johnson, e ohn-| ai B'Rith Lodge, right, for i Itook the services. Interment fol-' son and George Matthews. the annual live auction to be

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