The Oshawa Times, 16 Jun 1961, p. 6

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\ i 1 |] THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, June 16, 1961 § » > capable of travelling some #0| URGES END EXEMPTION | miles before falling back to! 1oRONTO (CP)--Toronto and| earth because of lack of air Fl istrict Labor council urged the AT TRADE FAIR . Seven To Vie For - Dairy Queen Crown Past Presidents of Whitby Ro-| HONG KONG ASSET tary Club received roses at the| A 1,300-bcd hospital to be com-| on, Dowty Equipment of Can- Rotary noon dinner meeting, | pleted at Hong Kong, one of the \for the honor to represent On-|ada Lid., Shoregas Ltd., Ontario Tuesday. Newly chosen Presi- largest in the British Common-| jiasio County at the Canadian|Hydro, PUC, St. John" Ambu- dent Earl Fairman and Paul|wealth, will be named for Queen' National Exhibition at a Dairy|lance, Redwing Orchards, Mar- McPhee pinned the roses on the Elizabeth. | {Queen Contest at the Whitby|ine Storage and Supply, Staf-|lapels of the presidents. el Monument Works, | | Rotary Attends Aldon School Opening tion for the strike-bound Royaljthe city instead of a $160,000 breakage. Each Rotary member T Th .""|York Hotel. Labor leaders told|business tax because it is clas- was asied to tell five people to] City of Toronto Thursday night| pe meeting the hotel pays only|sified as a railway hotel under be on the look-out for the bal- fo end its business tax exemp-ja grant of $10,000 annually to[the Ontario Assessment Act. {loons. Seven young ladies will vie|ti {Industrial and Agricultural Fairiford Bros. 4 | Wednesday, June 28. {Massey Ferguson, Port | The following are the contest-| Packers (poultry), Stokely Vaniattend the opening of the Aldon Camp and the Imperial Oil Co. School for Retarded children at| Ajax Saturday afternoon. The Orangeville Rotary Club as made an appeal through a irect mailing piece to the sur- : ? a nti] ding communities for the (Hooker and Sons), Federation] "%!" + - ! " 'McGriskin of Cherrywood: of Agriculture, General Motors support of CARE of Canada. {ants for the crown of Ontario! {County Dairy Queen sponsored Ltd. {by the Ontario County Fed- ration of Agriculture. Mrs. Dorothy Connel of RR! 1. Brooklin; Miss Donna John-| {son of RR 4, Uxbridge; Gloria Hazel Saunders of RR 1, Brook-| llin; Carol Smith of RR 3, Ux-| bridge; Betty Jean Tran of RR 2, Claremont, and Jeanine| Werry of RR 1, Oshawa. The Ontario County Federa- i tion of Agriculture thanks the i |Pedlar People, the Surge Com-| f pany and the DeLaval Company| 1 lfor the loan of equipment for 'Z the contest Fach county in Ontario will send a representative to the . : bo AT "®! CNE for the annual Dairy bi a ee D +% Queen contest, ; £; Ee + |MANY INDUSTRIES MR. AND MRS. ROBERT MAGUIREK At the Industrial and Agricul Betty Ann Green Is June Bride 29, 36 industries in Ontario County will display their wares. Whitby Baptist Church was mother who chose a beige silk the scene of a pretty wedding dress with blue accessories Following is a list of the com- panies that will be represented. William J. Anderson Co. Ltd., Dunlop of Canada, Bathurst Power and Paper Co. Ltd., Du- pont of Canada Ltd., Crovan Ltd. has donated their space to on Saturday, June 3, when Betty por their honeymoon trip tour- d 4 : Ann Green became the bride of ing United States, the bride don- jon 1 urns Co 1nd, Deayel Robert Edmund Maguire. Thelned a white linen suit, white ym Oe ag" irvi bride is the daughter of Mr. 9 Manfg. Co. Itd., Surge Dairy : B { Mr. and mauve accessories and a Smits. Builders' and Mrs. Robert Green, Whitby, corsage of white roses Equipment, Smith's Builders and the bridegroom is the son! My and Mrs. Maguire are Supply, McNamare Marie Lid. of Mr. and Mrs. George ogaplishing Whitby gadrew ANA g gy Rev. Webb ands Rev. J. Mec- on iim . ; l.eod officiated at the ceremony. from Saskatc hewan, Hagers- Also: Lefthouse Brass Mnfg. Mrs. W. E. Summers was at the ville, Chatam, Jatonie, Osh- 11d., Hillcrest Dairy (Whitby), organ and accompanied the awa an owmanvite. Id. soloist, Mrs. D. J. McGraw | The bride, given in marriage - . by her father, wore a full length ounci S K insmen overskirt, short sleeves. Her » heart-shaped neckline was trim- med with dais;' floral design. Police Act The back of the dress featured a large bow also trimmed with daisy floral design. A pearl| A d t . aie . tiara held her illusion fingertip| men men By CLIFF GORDON veil, She carried a bouquet of - The Whitby Kinsmen Club In Whitby Mrs. Ed Leaver was matron motion was moved by Council- the Spruce Villa with president of honor and Mrs. Russell Shaw, lor Paul Coath and seconded by Murray Silver in the chair. It Miss Natalie Blasko and Miss councillor William Davidson was a regular business meeting Lillian Green were brides- that an amendment to the Police with many things being threshed maids. They wore identical Commission Act be suggested to out. dresses of mauve nylon chiffon, the Ontario Government. The Kinsmen Club was pre- full skirt, short sleeves with| The motion and amendment sented with a Charter from the brim mauve hats. They car-| 1 | ring the Port Whitby Sea| ried bouquets of white and been brought to the attention of] SPONSE ne an war mauve carnations. this council that the Police Act made by Graham Willan who is! sc Ray Salant acted _43ins0 1950 has been amended to the district. Commissioner for Mr. Allan Maguire and Mr, Permit the Lieutenant Governor the ares. Fred Weaver, Chair. George Maguire, Jr. in council to designate any per- fio or DY pis district Legion Hall, the Mother " the! Commission and whereas the|thanked them for the effort they hav hg 3 ive is oR ress local councils are required to have put forth in sponsoring the hb Dy on ct on verskir was, Pay the commissioners of such|Scouts. He also mentioned that matching accessones. ve|@ police commission. they have a fine organization assisted by the bridegroom's p 3 : d mer ---- =~!" Now therefore be it resolved|with Ron Pine who has assumed | that the council rec t a kil Yecommends 10 also pointed out that this is the Police at BSO: S300 be amend group or organization outside "g 510 OS, 3 the churches here in Whitby. of A li ti Such a Magistrate or Crown Kin Max Hampson reported PP the local council as the Lieu- | A deluge of applications has tenant Governor may appoint"! heen received for swimming and anq that copies of this reso- WHITBY 00!, announced Gordon Mc | vincial Government of Ontario PERSONALS Mahon, chairman of the swim-|an4 the Ontario Municipal As- ning pool board. sociation. gis " y arty at their than last year" he said. ing at a lawn party a Because of the large number, i ap Mr. McMahon said that no more ; YW uD 3 | on exhibit. Art lovers are cor- ing the months of July and . dially invited to attend August. Although work is still Whitb H " being completed at the pool, the Y ome Alec Klincluk, of Hyas, Sas- Don Davenport, noted North katchewan, have returned to being installed at the pool, said American artist, will present a their home after visiting Mrs. Mr. McMahon. Filtration capa- city will also be increased be- Hardy "i , 3 ardy, 510 Green St., Whitby, They also attended the wedding on Sunday afternoon, June 18. of their niece, Mrs. R. E. (lose to 50 oil paintings and Maguire, the former Betty the Whitby Police entry, Ral- Maguir v faguire, Whith: Out of town guests Were Snot store taffeta gown with nylon chiffon red and white roses Town Council a held their regular meeting at matching accessories, larg ® read as follows; Whereas it has| Scouts in recognition of their For the reception, held at the son a member of the Police|gpoke to the Kinsmen and Pool Committee i Fs corm rovincial Government of [5 : ott id 00 mmi ee Ontario that Sec. 7 (2) (c) first time that a scouting move F D 1 ment has been sponsored by a {Attorney or Protection to Per- ' i ! . on the park and said that he sons and Property Chairman of ;.¢ secured Dave Gibson as Water Safety Classes at the |jution be forwarded to the itby Community SWImMMINg Special Committee of the Pro- "About 430 applications have N On Sunday, June 18, Nz. 2nd been sent in. This is 100 more {Mrs. Ken Hardie are entertain- Noted Artist applications can be received. T E hibit At Fora 0s NE Davenion. Classes will be conducted dur- 0 X 1 1 hil : Mrs. Steve Toffan and Mrs. classes should begin on July 3. A new pump and motor are one-man art exhibition at the George Toffna, Mrs. Fred Saw- residence of Mr. and Mrs. Ken/don and Mrs. Robert Green. cause of new equipment. "With the new equipment" LCN RPA YO a BES Rr avd A . le 'hange Cerin Cy Wald UC URINE e yy Ay Tare BENIN foGifnng we Wl amp I ro Bi the artist, who for two years home they also visited in To- means over 100,000 gallons of Stujey in Tay. : ronto and Niagara Falls. water should be circulated Don Davenport Studied art in| np Harold Crawforth enter- through the pool every eight mainly New York City, where (.inaq at her hime in honor of hours." for a while he worked as a free yrs. W. J. Crawforth on the Glen and Wayne Brooks, Red Janes artist and decorator. In g0cagion of her 75th birthday. Cross instructors, will conduct St Aakiah, he studied in the Art 14 wag in the form of a luncheon. the classes. A new female tea- Ducents cague under Reginald! Gyests attending were: Mrs. A. cher who gained her swimming ia ig further studied at pMorin, Mrs. S. Colley, Mrs. A instruction at the Whithy Com: ic, Studio 0 Reona Ashdown |witchell, Mrs. S. Dalby. Mrs munity Pool has heen added to mn Long Island M. Wilson, Mrs. William Hewis, the staff For a considerable fime he Mrs G. Glenney, Mrs. Don Mit Canadian Red Cross and Royal operated a Ceramic Studio and chell. A social time was en Lifesaving courses are offered Art School at Mount Vision igved by all at the pool N.Y. which was located near the Classes will be held each|Coopertown Art Colony. . morning, Monday through Fri. Many of the paintings of the ai the home of Mrs. Grace day from 9.00 a.m. to 12.30 artist have been loaned for the Hicks, Byron St., N.. Whitby, noon. Duration of each class is exhibition by their owners. With Me ose Barsin fm ry from one-half to three-quarters The paintings will be on dis- roe Edna OE Ole: of an hour. play from 2 to 4 p.m. second Mrs. H. Bartley, Oshawa, RE RARER and low Mrs. Grace Hicks, Whitby. Lunch was served by the hostess. Next week the group will meet at the home of Mrs Grace Hicks with Mrs. Winnie Covyeow as hostess. The weekly euchre club met BROCK Evening Shows at 7 and 9 p.m. Mr. Robert Guy. of Almonds, is convalescing at his home| after undergoing surgery at the Oshawa _ General Hospital. Miss Catherine Newton and Mr. Robert Daniel visited in {Burlington on Sunday at the lhome of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnstone and also visited Mr. | Paul Johnstone who is in the] Burlington Hospital. Mrs. T. Munroe, Brock St. § is. celebrating her hirthday today. Her friends wish her many happy returns of the day. | [5 i eam 4 A : SE, "DONALD O'CONNOR Sa -- T_T W-- etl Wee ee i St 4 SRY FOR HAPPY jo ALSO--Cartoon--Comedy--Scenic 1 on cy Bt pt poe) W---- -- Wn We, Se | And Brooklin Concrete Prod- ucts, Frigidaire Manfg., John h Burtinski Flowers, Vickery Elec- d tric Industry Ltd., John Deere, Products, (Preview of Tomor- row), Department of Health Unit and Baily, Madi ton Co. Ltd. McNamara Marine Ltd. has donated their space { Whitby Citizens' p.m. Wednesday. FOR ENTERTAINMENT m. Wednesday. Stoney"s Rawhide Ramblers, of TV prominence, will be on hand from 8-9 p.m. both Wed- nesday and Thursday evenings. The Junior Farmers, cham- pion square dancers of Ontario | County, will also perform onl Wednesday night. Local talent is expected to be on hand There will be no talent competi tion. Motion pictures will be shown [| at the banquet hall in the arena at various times during the fair. i A bnaquet will be held on Thursday, June 29, at the Henryl Street High School at 6.30 p.m Many. prominent will be attending. The Hon W. A. Goodfellow will address the meeting. [ The Peter Perry Award for 1960 will be presented al the dinner. meeting to the outstand- Dairy Breeders Competi-ling Whithy citizen of the year, Receive Scout Charter icustodian of the new wading | pool for the summer months. | The new wading pool will of- Members of Whitby Rotary | Perry were invited at the meeting to| For each contribution fo CARE! they will send aloft a postcard) Il and Wal- in a plastic bag attached to a helium filled balloon. The idea is to see how far o the Boy away the balloon will get. The Scouts. The Boy Scouts will pa- attached postcard being re-| rade to the rink headed by the turned from the greatest dis- Band at 6.45/tance will win a prize for the| sender. There is a space on the] card for the finder. : . The balloons will be released The Dairy Geen Prin on June 16 and 17 and the re- cesses contest will start at 7.30 4, cards must be postmarked p. not later than July 15. The helium-filled balloons are personalities ||} ticially open on June 30 and will be open seven days a week from then until approximately Sept. 2 or such time as the | weather is fit to run the pool. It was also decided to shelve | the idea of the giant barbeque for this year as it appears there is not enough to draw the crowd that would be needed to carry such a project. | President elect fery took over the meeting for a while and was accorded ter- rific co-operation from the men in helping to line up chair- men, for the next year. Nearly all the committees were fortu- | nate in getting chairman viaj| the volunteer routine. Next meeting is the final one of the | {the duties of leadership. It Was|yvear and will be 'Beef' night || and this year it will be held at the regular meeting place The Kinsmen picture recently || appearing on the Whitby page || was credited to the Oshawa || Times and should have been || credited to Bill Stannett of Whitby. | The regular meeting of Al monds Home and School Asso: ciation was held on Monday. fi The meeting opened with the "Queen". | Mrs. D. Hern spoke on the) Howard Jef- |} 'Almonds Pupils | To Visit Toronto | children's trip to Toronto Island | on Tuesday, June 20. Mrs. Law- || rence plans on taking the chil- dren on a tour of the Island and through the Zoo. Each child will take a picnic basket. There will be a small charge of .50 cents per child and $1. for adults who wish to join in the fun. The bus will leave Almonds school at 9.15 am. { Mrs. Hern presented the past | president's pin to Mrs. R. Wea- therall who gave a short talk on the need to carry on the good | work of the Association. At the close of the meeting | refreshments were served. Thinking of going CAMPING? RENTALS Tents, Cemp Cots, Air Mattresses, Camp Stoves, Coolers, Lon- terns, ete. groRrsman' CORNER MO 8.4571 103-5 BYRON 3, DODD & SOUTER PAINT and WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON ST. S.,, WHITBY MO 8-5231 C.I.L. Paint Dealer YOUR Painting & Decorating Contractors Gyptex, Paperhanging Full Well Murals WHITE NEWSPRINT 4Y2-1b. pkg. approximately 630 sheets for -- $1.00 Also Available in 9b. pkgs. IDEAL FOR TYPING. PADS, CARBON COPIES INNER OFFICE MEMOS, -ETC. On Sole at . WHITBY OFFICE & CIRCULATION DEPT. Oshawa Times CHARCOAL ET owe any foe ewe pes eoonee on ao acon. VAN ¢, CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. Visit AJAX During OLD HOME WEE JUNE 18 --- 24 A Week Of Celebration And Relaxation! THE TOWN OF AJAX extends to all a Cordial Welcome to visit Ajax during OLD HOME WEEK and join in the celebration planned to commemorate their 20th Anniversary. SEE the outstanding progress achieved in a period of twenty years, SEE the beautiful re- tail Shopping facilities, take a trip through the Industrial plants and if you are thinking of buying a home, inspect beautiful SOUTHWOOD PARK, the last word in residential PROGRAMME development. SUNDAY, JUNE 18 3 p.m.--Community Church Service Parking Lot Shopping Centre. 8.30 p.m.--Kiwanis Community Sing. (Parking lot--Shopping Centre). MONDAY, JUNE 19 Civic Day 9 am. to 9 p.m --Municipal Building open to the public. 2 to 5:30 p.m.--I1.0.D.E. Tea--Town Hall Lawn 7 to 9 p.m.--Open House at Library. 7 to 9 p.m.--Open House at Hospital 9.15 to 11:30 p.m.--Teenage Street Dance -- Club 9 -- Shopping Centre in front of Canadian Tire Corporation Store. TUESDAY, JUNE 20 Education Day 6.30 p.m.--Opening of Cedar Street Ball Park. 6.45 p.m --Ball game at Cedar Street Park Ajax Lions vs. Oshawa All Stars. 7:30 to 9 p.m.--Programme at Lord Elgin School. YW mw ren, YY ANED LEANDRA JdWalad ab me me 11 a.m.--Official opening and dedication of Legion Memorial Hall. ; 12 Noon---Open House at Legion Hall with buffet lunch. Afternoon--Tours of Ajax by bus from Legion Hall including Southwood Park. 7:30 p.m --Miss Legion Parade Social evening and dance in Legion Hall Millionaires" Night in Legion He!!! --Downstairs 9:15 to 11:30 pm.--Teenage Street Dance -- Club 9 -- ! Shopping Centre in front of Canadian Tire Corporation Store. THURSDAY, JUNE 22 Rotary Industrial Day 2 to 9 p.m.--Rotary Club Industrial Show and exhibits in : Slough Industrial Plaza -- Franckom Street. Kiwansis serving tea in their marquee -- Boulevard in the Shopping Centre. The marquee will contain displays by various Clubs in Ajax. FRIDAY, JUNE 23 Merchant's Day Specials by Merchants 9.00 to 1:00--Rotary Family Gala Night in Community Centre. 9.15 TO 11:30 p.m.--Teenage Dance--Club 9. Shopping Centre in front of Canadian Tire Corporation Store, SATURDAY, JUNE 24 Kinsmen's Sports Day 10:00 a.m --Sports Day Parade--start at Lord Elgin School. Full sports programme at Ajax High School. 4 to 6 p.m.--Official Opening of Swimming Pool | Miss Ajax Finals. bn m --Civir_recention in the Recreation Hall & Be 9 to 11:30 p.m. --Kinsmen Dance --Shopping Centre in front of Canadian Tire Corporation Store. GENERAL Carnival organized by Lions Club throughout the week, south of Shopping Centre. Proceeds to Retarded Children Friendship Club Room in the Recreation Hall will be open throughout the week for senior guests, Chamber of Commerce-- Information Booth at entrance t6 Shopping Centre." VISIT BEAUTIFUL SOUTHWOOD PARK SOUTHWOOD PARK OFFERS YOU distinctive homes of quality construction at low prices in beautiful surrounding and features -- in all models. Contemporary or Colonial designs, storms and screens, landscaped lawns, carport or garage, private driveway, bronze medal- lion home for Hydro Capacity and Safety. ! Lifetime service copper plumbing, brick and steel beam construction, ultra modern kit- chens, solid oak flooring throughout, bu fixtures. Dependable 90 gal. furnace and ilt-in telephone and TV outlets, luxurious light selection of your own color scheme. DON'T FORGET YOU HAVE A VERY SPECIAL iNVITATION TO VISIT US! ae)

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