The Oshawa Times, 16 Jun 1961, p. 15

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: 15,000 calls for am THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, June 16, 1 BUSY AMBULANCES more than " AYA Yim, - un MONTREAL (CP) -- Since|ambulance without losing a pa- the inapguration of the police/tient. The units also function as ambulance service in 1959 the/law - enforcement units, re- setis__| Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange [rss Sli. ms i trained men have answeredilice calls. Tiling) are hapoy to ag Dollis se TORONTO 11 AM. STOCKS 1 Net n 1 Net ; i 3 their on, s TR 35 a. on By The Catadisn Press Stock Sales High Low a.m. Choge Stock Sales High Low a.m. Po OILS 0 22 Salou Hp Low 4.38, Ch'ge » J » at ™ 1n scov General Hospital, Thanks to Dr. King. Syouin Suck Eathante Jum $. pop 8 A wa iy = Coie Meek 5% 90 siora wr Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Con M5 2 ag 12% 2% -- % HATTER -- Brenda happy to] 1-04 lot, xd -- Ex-dividend, xr_Ex- C Vickers 100 $21% 21% 21% + W Met Stores 45 3 Alminex 75 GC Nom 10 16 185 announce the arrival of her baby bro-| fio Pe a hg, Net change $17% 16% 17% id- 20 Am Leduc © Regoourt 1000 4 ther, Brian Rupert Loyd, 6 Ibs. 10 ozs. $12 13" 12 1 $18 18 18 z Banif at the Oshawa General Hospital on fos, Ho ryt vig iid INDUSTRIALS #88 3 Gat Bo ,i A Many thanks to Dr. Anderson and 11 Net % 10% 11% + % ? § C Mic Mac nurses on the 4th floor. Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 108 108 -- % 1 325 839 0 wi -- 4 wm Wh NO NG $20 2 2 7 MASAROVICH -- Jose , 66s Wu Bs B4-- ridg 1 h -- or Phone A VIC ne a a rel Aca anA = . D Dairies 12 Br. Oshawa A 1333 $B 2B 8 3 BHM 3 Donalda 1500 5 [| NI HT BOX-OFFICE OPEN AT 8:00 son, Stephen James, on Sunday, June Alta Dist 00 = a Fndry 5814 age-Hers " i Ta : h $iois do 10 i s Show Starts At 9:20 11, 1961, at the Oshawa General Hospi. Alta Gas Y ak 53 33% --~ % 3 Magnes 4 10% + Parker 50 $1416 1416 14% -- W tal. A brother for Sharon. AltaGas pr 1 Dom Stores 14 15 68% Pembina $13% 13% 56 AltaGas w ih 14% Pom Tar Vs 4h 18% wo 2% bg 29% Bio 3 2 Faraday 9 HY []] T . % 5 2 " 3 1 5 Sli ® : 4 "6 0 0s 30 3 All The Laughs And Action BaBUER 28. § N a Alta Nat Toi EWS ST0RY Whett Jo Alg C pr 55 Eddy 150 201% 31 3 roy the Oshawa Times, jr 2 of the no- Algoma 225 401 404 [Exquisite i 144 i 3% N 0 = iy Grandue oo Y C uld A k F ! en nd Te By Alumini io ; a 3 Cxquisite pr 5 4 4 H 3 Roa any A 100 $25 Ls 15, Ww Gunnar 1899 ou [o] Ss or . 885 Family Tree Records and to mall your £ » H 4 35 35 : oo $134 , Reichold 25 Har-Min 4000 a 10% + ¥ 350 1 To 13% 13% eichol 4 . 8 6 1 Rarana 20) friends and relatives in 'hose far-away "328 § 9 308154 158 154 --d Rob A pr xd 100 20 9 20 220 Places, Tv Sian birth announcement, | 32 8, 504 4 Rin Rob AVC 1508 y 8000 46 hy i Hollinger 0 sai 24 Wow LAUGH IT UP- ALL COLOR, 3 30% awa Times Classified, 3 25 2 Rothman 540 20 - 2% 1a 0 : py Re Pay dE B Baie BERET I 2 Bh plo ACER Fiat TST ALL GINEMASCOPE | mr 66 p Gen Bake 100 $915 9% Royalite 50 hk ifie! i i TI% GP Drill A 200 : Russell 290 % S 500 +d 1s0 1100 ° 6 @ +1 ol th Pacific! A riot! DEATHS 3 15% 18 GL Paper 295 4 Salada-§ 715 $19 Jacobus 1500 68 66 . SHOW ! 1 54% G L Power Salada wis 225 $13 4 13 st 1 Kerr Add 3627 & GNG 280 pr 48 Scythes 740 _ 4 } orig Kirk Min 1500 , ANDERSON, Christina Helen GN Gas w 60) Seven Arts Triad Oil After a {liness at the On. 514 5 GN Gas Bw 1000 250 25 Shawin 450 $2 dred vi tario tal, Whitby, on Thursday, GW Coal A 2100 $5% © 5% Silverwd A 325 4 Un Oils June 15, 1961, Christina Helen Cuthbert J 4 5 9 Gr Wpg G 250 $15 5 Simpsons 315 Bs 4 Un Reef P beloved wife of Robert (Bob) Anderson pr 5 $3 5 Greyhnd 300 $15 15% 15% -- a Southam 100 $29 < W Cdn OG of Whitby; dear mother of Mrs. W. J. 5 $5 5 Harlee pr 20 1s 115 --1 St Radio z10 § g Al a MeKittrick (Helen) and Wiliam of To- 5 Horne Pf 200 37 370 370 +8 Stedman 95 $42 James of Oshawa, Robert of 2 Imp Inv A 220 $199 9% Steel Can 591 Montreal, John of Er: tford, in her 78th Bg Bow 50 $354 3 - 1 jmp T1Art 75 8 8 Sue Is WR ; vad ran 8 ar. Resting at the W. C. Town Fu- > one y 5 3 nv 125p 21% A § Propane 200 $ © 0 A ! 1 Doral Chapel. Whitby, for service in the| Build Prod 36 % + Imp Life ! 1 + Tamblyn 210 Advocate 22) MGM presen Chapel on Monday, June 19, at 2 p.m. Burns Imp Oil 5 4 Texaco z10 § 66 Angico RK 108 108 2 CinemaScope 3 500 915 29 Imp Tob 5 Thornclf Anacon M Bm 3000 74% -- sad METROCOLOR al mi Interment St. John's Cemetery, Port Cal Pow 2! 51% c 3 37% 37% J Whitby. Minister the Rev. D, Marshall] Can Cem Ind Accep 15 5 60% 60% Tor-Dom $644 Lr Anglo Hur 525 760 3 0 hi FREE KIDDIES' Viewing commencing 2 p.m. Saturday.| CI Fndry : 1 Ac wis i THA » : pin 2 7 Meintyre 0 33% 4 33% oo. GLENN FORD C Pack B 5 5 5 Ind Min 35 5 T Fin 6 w 15 5 525 45 rjon 5 7 ¥ Mein 4 Can Porm + 73 813% 70 7 a Ph? rn 1300 S13 18% 15% 1 1 A Arcadia 0 39 30 Mentor 00 6 GIASCALA - EARL HOLLIMAN - ANE FRACS PLAYGROUND! BEATON, Hazel Eleanor Bu? . $Y & Fn : \ Mef oy i an i y A Tr Can PL Aunor 27 a 2 Meta Uren, 1306 2 jt 3% KEENAN WYNN - FRED CLARK- EVA GABOR At Oshawa General Hospital on Wed. vied &3 gr 4 i \ . 1 4 Barnat Midrim 3 B nesday, June 14, 1961, Haze! Eleanor er La 2 2 Th ? ha * z L. . : y SI Tn 10% arial 1 4 y p Min Ct 50 $129 3 . ' W Peaker, beloved wife of Clyde L. Bea-| % 13 1 wv 8, 10 1h 41% 41% -- 13 n Ace #0 $107 ¥ Bary Ext Min 3 fii 10% ian - RUSS TAMBLYN - JEFF RICHARDS TOT'S SWINGS, er of poraid ule boy Ene LE Peg Se" Pin : =. 5. 5 PoE mut a, ba Z 5 | REGULAR SWINGS, MERRY-GO-ROUND, : i = | SLIDE, AND NOW THE NEW WHIRLGIG eon. The late Mrs. Beaton is resting at Che y . y 5 : 5 the Mcintosh-Anderson Funeral Home. % X v : . 200 6 3 Horduise 100 ( 1 4 4 Service in the Chapel on Saturday, Po / 3 ya : waik Gw xd in 3 52 8 Bralome 1000 62; 5 New 70 +1 | ; $ 3 kel: 3 2 2 24 Vestee » +3 June 17, at 11 a.m. Interment Union exp 3 10nt Cem 75 243 245 Ww Cop wis 700 g : a 100 500 500 500 y 4 5 AND GARDEN SWING ! 3 Cemetery. s 55 Laura Sec 50 $16% 16% Weston A 230 $18% 18% 18% Cadame 6000 8% 8% ; Levy 1 i Weston B 330 $20% 20% 20% + 1106 855 860 con COWAN, Lilly M. MacMillan LobCo A 37 $40 3945 1 Weston 6 10 $107 - ung 0 185 180 184 Nickel MS 53 53 on Friday, June 16, 1961, o " fLobCo A w 1 1 West A Ad 570 $10% % 10% C Silica 4 101 104 Noranda { Y JOIN OUR BUMPER CLUB & SAVE $ $ eau yOI ", 174 Tedding- C Husky w ne 310 ate 1obCo pr 50 $49% 4914 Wood J pr 25 $30 Captain 7. 9 N Coldstrm 1600 ron © Hydro 100 nu ou 25 $3 : Curb Cassiar 50 $13% 13% 13% rthgate 48914 63 widow of Frederick William Cowan of ¢ Imp Bk C 1061 $664 66 66% + % y p 13 Anglo-Nfld 2860 88% th + U Cent Pore 9 9 N Goldert 6000 2 ! CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A Oshawa and Toronto; daughter of the) C Ind Gas 210 $7 7 7 MB and PR 4310 $16 6% 16% + % C Paper 530 $45% 4 - Chester 2 3 37 87 " late T. H. MacMillan and Louise io] 75 $14% 14% 14% Maher 100 $34 34% 344% Int Pap 150 $31 3 Chib M 25 80 78 80 +5 Funeral strictly private from Coch Will 5 380 380 350 Miles Funeral Chapel, 2 ie m-- hatte Sa A West, Toronto, | day iternoon. Interment 6." James BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT | hubarb, 12s .60-.75; tomatoes, HISTORIC AREA / | MARKET PRICES | jot 1.50, No. 1 hot house 10-1b.; The first admiralty court in ET, Laurs Jae at. Oskawal | n 2-2.50; turnips, unwaxed Newfoundland was held at Trin- General Hospital on Friday, June 16, TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale| fas oN act 2.25-2.50; pineapples ity Bay on the east coast in , Laura Ji MacDonald in h y s0th year, beloved widow of William | Consumer Debt {fruit and vegetable prices at'Mexican 12s 3-3.25; cantaloupe|1615. Riley; loving mother of Mes, D. Joi [9:35 a.m.: Apples, controlled 7-9.50; Strawberries, Canadian, MARITIMES ART Bi eB gL Re McIntosh $6.75-7 bus., B.C. Jordan ( ia) al eorge acDon- cintos us., wine- - 30 ' k quarts 28-40, pints: .22- HALIFAX (CP) -- Twenty- é ald, both of Nova Scotia. Mrs. Riley Chapel, sap 5.75-6; Spies 6-6.50; aspara-| : AA 300 King Shreer Wet. iS in the Not Dangerous | gus 11-qt. basket, loose 2-2.25,| TORONTO (CP) -- Potato|nine paintings have been se- Chapel on Saturday, June x per nt. [bunched 2.50-3; beans, green prices today: P.E.IL 75-1b. bags, lected for inclusion in the 15th then to Cobalt, Ontario, lor intsrmen new beets 50-1b off truck $2.25, to trade $2.25- travelling exhibition of Nova By FORBES RHUDE companies exceeded ext 4.755 hamper; 5 i a s exceeded extensions bunched 12s 90-1:12.50; N.B. 1.75, to trade 2-2.25. Scotia. paintings, to be shown J |of new credit by m t a9/bag 2.85-3, GERROW FUNERAL [Canadian Press Business Editor | € y more than 3 bog Os meted Be Ea NE on. dion os Ser: Toe per cent, the fift t xi A CHAPEL Notwithstanding the histori- [per se re Consecutive ew red 5.50, Canadian 2.75.3; (150-165; N.B. 110, to trade exhibition will tour the province Kindness beyond price lcally high levels of consumer heen reduced. Sarit, Texas 50-Ib. bag 4.25-|1.30-1.40. next fall and winter. yet within reach of all [debt in both Canada and the| In March, Canadian personal caulifiower, Canadian Ss 7 ; |United States, there is little savings deposits reached a rec-|1 95.2: . celery, Florida 4.954 50 RA 8-6226 {evidence that it has reached ord of Fm, 90 000. i (case: queen cucumbers 24s, 390 KING STREET WEST Ww of a number of{275.3, ki 3-3.25; lett: Ca- dangerous PIOP OF tions, Says pyc, companies, the survey | nadis an 185 24s 1.75- 2.35; onions, LOCKE'S FLORIST Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner |says a stock split by Industrial |Chile Spanish 50.1b. bag 3.75 Funercl: aangements ond and Smith in its summer se-|Acceptance "is considered a|Texas 3-3.25, Texas white 2.853; unefg' arrangemen's curity and industry survey. |possibility" later this year. Ispinach, Canadian 1-150 bus.; floral requirements for all occasions The survey comments that al- CIL Cdn Oil 150 831% 31 3 --% M Leaf Mill 130 16% 16% 16% -- % Price Br 1325 $i6% % + % OSHAWA SHOPPING though Canadian information on K PHONE an formers. anaes x1 | 2 BIG ACTION & COMEDY HITS lysis is still | 34 HOUR PHONE SeRvice [than formerly, anaes 1s © ! hampered by incomplete data] H RA 8-6555 in some areas. | ND SERALDINE 4 EON Bibles are a continuing me.| On the basis of available in-| a8 do ait i puis MASSEY-FITZGERAL 0: JOHN \ orial. For placement contact funeral : va. | director or phone RA 5-2327. formation, however, total Ca ~--PLUS 2nd SMASH HIT-- nadian consumer debt was pair about $4,400,000,000 at Dec. 31, plo Ca IN MEMORIAM or 17.4 per cent of Canadian personal disposable income, SPEIRS -- In loving memory of our|compared with the Unite d| " Bob Katharine ! dear brother and Uncle Willie, beloved | of 15.6} at or ar the late Hib he |States comparable ratio | EE 1560, [per cent. at Stonehoflise, Lanarkshire, Scotlan You suffered with courage, we |OTHER FACETS BRIGHT CINEMASCORE PR not your pain; " You {ought to get well, but all was in| The investment firm's survey k . ; FRANKIE VAUGHAN | Enter ODEON Theatres' | ANKIE YAUGH) finds the following encour- when, God called you home, to ie ae adian fe | | "TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY" | GARY CROSBY 3S trie what they say, He takes only| Aggregate figures for 1960 | Coscteil/ One less at home, a dear face, {include $600,000,000 of personal | . Witt & VACATION FOR TWO AT THE Missed _from its accustomed place--| {bank loans fully secured by| Vere. wd wane ees, 4 One more in Heaven. --Sadly missed and lovingly remem. {marketable securities. {| || Pace ames, sv Prop savanna, ADULT ENTERTAINMEN OE on Tron a ay moms; An estimated $450,000.00 of | | Reh bikini NOW PLAYING and nieces, Jack and Marie Collison credit unions loans is "'un-| and family and Betty and Rob Gilson|doubtedly well below the total | iperteusl savings" held by these CARD OF THANKS | hs anwary of this year re- payments of credit advanced on PARKES We wish to thank all of| {consumer goods by finance our kind friends, and Gen-| eral Motors for their many Kind expres- sions of sympathy and condolences dur- | . ing our recent sad bereavement. Mps. Leslie Parkes MOORE -- The family of the late Morley Moore would like to express their heartfelt thanks to all their rela- tives, friends and neighbors for their kindness during their recent sad be-| reavement in the loss of their father. : We would especially like to thank the Friday, June 16 Shipping Dept., of GMC, Reverend io | Ward for his consoling words and the | TO OSHAWA'S : Exams almost over, so why not . Town Funeral Home oo. and take this week-end off. Drop into Allan and Irene Morrison. Lincolnaires ? - pi ve th : NET EARNINGS | oiecttom | oF + Joges er Club, relax and 6 WEEK ENGAGEMENT Rv THE CANANIAN PRESS | . Areas Corporation Ltd., § m fgvinin + i : a . ATE AE | HOTEL EDISON IN APPRECIATION OF THE TERRIFIC 83 cents a share; 1960, $1, 520, 855, | 80 cents. Ea | mers ATTENDANCE WEHAVE HAD THROUGHOUT , $2.23 a share; $993,075 | ua THE PAST SEASON THERE WILL BE See hos: 31: 1960, $22,102; SPECIAL EVENT wares | JOHNNY |} N@Q CHARGE o the ST. JOHN's, Fishery biologists are awaiting and the the results of an experiment] ene | HUNRUANES || GET-TOGETHER CLUB'S termine whether west coast| - salmon can survive in east| FRI. JUNE 30 coast rivers. If any of the 250, Advance Tickets on Sole. ot 000 B.C. pink salmon eggs re-| leased in Harbor River of the] WILSON & LEE LTD. ' " Avalon peninsula in 1959 have 14 0- -~ survived, the salmon should re- ' turn this summer. "WATCH = SATURDAY, JUNE 17th-830 P.M. HORWICH JEWELLERS DANCING GRAND OPENING § FREE Rar EshmENTs Announcement ! Ages 15 to 21 Inclusive Dress Casual

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