a a cages wr WHITBY and DISTRIC Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Manager: Lloyd Robertson Hear Suggestion Need New School Tel. MO. 8-3703 | Members of Whitby Public school. These pupils, in classes {School Board will next month!in other schools, he said, are not decide whether or not they wil | getting as good an education as proceed with immediate plans'the pupils who attend Colborne for.a new school in town. TheStreet School. July 13 deadline was set if the] He asked that members give board intends the proposedithe problem . onsiderable school to be ready for occu-thought in the next month and pancy by September, 1962. If no|be ready for a decision by July decision is reached at the July|13,~ - meeting, it would be impossible] rp, board, in the meantime, to have a new school ready by yy endeavor to contact a con- that time. [sultant to have a survey ready Board chairman Richard P.'by that meeting. x Matthews produced figures group of graduates at the showing the school population ontario Hospital School of Nurs- count, based on statistics from |p was told Tuesday that they the town's assessment office. He ,.0 noo moving into the area of ii that by September, putts confidant once held by the fam- in public school than there ares Physician but now vacated in 'At Trosout. the towis 60 this era of specialists. The DO Oral esegl Hie i 1 ggg Speaker at the 33rd graduation ; |at the hospital was Dr. C. A. pupils. |Buck, Director of Ontario Hos- Mr, Matthews said that by|pitals. September, 1962, there will be 80 Dr. Buck regalled that two more pupils attending Whitby|gecades ago, there were very schools. This, he said, would fey specialists practising and | "ORS ildi | $ d : {Rou wot Solider building a|;hysicians are specialists and {there is a multiplicity of specific The big squeeze, he said, drugs. gina Thachuk, of Whitby; | Mrs. Barbara Ruth Rynard, | of Oshawa; Miss Leona Louise FIVE NURSES graduated | right is the 1961 graduating at the Ontario Hospital, Tues- | class of: Miss Ena Anne Cook, day afternoon. From left to | of Ottawa; Miss Victoria Geor- 33rd Graduation At would be in Grades 7 and 8. Accordingly, he said, the spe-| | Board member Fred Ing sug- cialist makes his diagnosis inj {gested that a new senior school, the laboratory rather than at| |for Grades 7 and 8, might be the patient's bedside and the {built on board - owned property| physician - patient relationship at the site of the Dundas Street/is hence reduced to the mini- WHITBY Public School. mum, "We have sufficient empty| Nurses, he said, are now mov- {homes in Whitby right now," |ing into that area and are now PERSONALS : {said Mr. Ing, "that if they sud- performing the function of con- Smith of Cavan, Ont, and Miss Janet Isabella Burtt, of London, Ont. --Oshawa Times Photo Ontario Hospital Her The Ladies' Auxiliary of the|denly filled up, we would need fidant to an ever increasing ex- : > hd { lassrooms in a tent to the advantage of both Royal Canadian Legion journey-| any more c 7, ge of ed to Bowmanville to attend fio LY, Matthews said that fig fhe patiént and the physician. A thunderstorm could not dampen the joy and enthusiasm on Tuesday as five young ladies received their diplomas as graduate 'nurses from the On-| tario Hospital School of Nursing. It was the 33rd graduation at the school, which has been in operation since 1921. Y Chairman for the program in the recreation hall was Dr. D. 0. Lynch, Superintendent. Mayor Stanley Martin brought greetings to the graduating class from the town of Whitby and congratulated them on their successful studies. Recalling that Oshawa's Mayor Christine Thomas 'in re- cent days had intimated that] women were ready to assume any role in life now taken by] man. His Worship said that he| was pleased to be on hand be-| little change in accommodation, for schools. However, she said, vast changes are in sight. She said that plans are now being drawn up for a new school of nursing and a new nurses' residence for the hospital. Class valedictorian was Miss Leona Smith, who in her fare- well to the school here said their graduation was "a dream come true." The diplomas for the new graduates were presented by Mrs. D. O. Lynch and the pins| were presented by Mrs. Doug- |las Baldwin. | Addressing the graduating class was Dr. C. A. Buck, Di-| The Superintendent's Prize, | for the highest standing in Psychiatry, donated by D. 0. Lynch, went to Miss Smith. The prize for the highest standing in Obstétrical Nursing, |donated by Dr. and Mrs. T. A.| Sweet, went to Mrs. Rynard. | The prize for the new gradu-| ate who has shown the great-| est professional development] during her three years in the schooi went to Miss Cook. This| prize is donated by the Super-/| intendent of Nurses, Miss Helen Whitman. | The prize for the highest| standing in Medical - Surgical Nursing was won Zone Rally along with eight! ly 240 members were in attend- ance. Those attending from Whitby were: Mrs. D. John-| ston, Mrs. J. Wilde, Mrs. E.| Thomas, Mrs. A. Foster, Mrs.| William Ward, Mrs. Walter| Ward, Mrs. J. Munro, Mrs. F.| Adams, Mrs. H: Bratley, Mrs.| E. Fallon, Mrs. E. Humphrys, | ures indicated the need for more other auxiliaries. Approximate-|space by September 1962 and in| Dr: Buck told the five grad- order that any new rooms be {ready by then, the board must make its decision almost imme- diately in order that work on the building could start this autumn, Board member Henry Perry| said that by 1964 there would be an increase of only 163 and said that he was not convinced Mrs. F. James, Mrs. L. Dews-/that a new school is necessary bury, Mrs. A. Stanlick, Mrs. W. Cassady, Mrs. Mrs. P. Azappardi, Mrs. K.| King, Mrs. W. Parkinson, Mrs.| F. Barton, Mrs. George Brown, Mrs. Gordon Brown, Mrs. Wil: lat this time. E. Ormiston, ISUGGESTS SURVEY Board member Thomas Ed- wards suggested that consul- tants be retained by the board|! by Mrs. liam Brown, Mrs. J. Kirk, Mrs.|to make a survey of the town's rector of Ontario Hospitals. {Rynard. This prize is donated E. Archer, Mrs. A. Carr, Mrs. possible growth in the immedi- GRADUATES | Members of the graduating] class are Miss Janet Isabella Floyd. by the Hospital Chaplains, Mon- | signor F. K. Lee and Rev. H. T. W. MacCarl, Mrs. G. Mec- M. Lindley and Mrs. F. Mc-| t hppened. He recalled Burtt, London, Miss Ena Anne i a Tg of his youth,|Cook, Ottawa, - Mrs. Barbara| The prize for the new grad- the Ontario Hospital was Whif- Ruth Rynard, Oshawa, Mis s|uate who has displayed the by's leading industry, although|Leona Louise Smith, Cavan, highest quality of nursing care, it could hardly be termed anjand Miss Victoria Georgina donated by the Civil Service industry because of the gre a t|/Thachuk, Whitby. | Association, was won by Miss at are being wrought| The graduation program con-|Burtt. is i . i [cluded go the presentation of| The prize forthe nurse who, i dmin-|the various prizes won by the'has contributed the most to her| I 3 She' Hospltai, br wi osha P ) fellow students on the wards, in greetings to the graduates on| The gold medal for the high-|thé home and in social gather- behalf of the more than 800 em-|est standing in the third year|ings was won by Miss Burtt. ployees of the hospital staff. (went to Miss Smith. | Tis prize is donated by the Miss Helen Whitman, Superin-| The silver medal for the high-| Alumnae Association. tendent of Nurses, in her re-'est standing in the second year,| The prize to the nurse who port, told the class that since class of 1962, went to Lynn has shown the greatest personal May, 1960, the class had used|Sanders. The bronze medal for|development during her three quarters for its studies in a new the highest standing first year, |years in the school went to Miss wing. But in the previous 39|class of 1963, went to Ann|Thachuk. The prize is dopated| years, she said, there had been | Stravinsky. |by the Nursing Office. Lean. Dr. and Mrs. Calvin Detlor| entertained at their home, Dun- das street west, on Sunday in honor of Mrs. Donald Murray, mother of Mrs. Detlor, on the occasion of her 83rd birthday. Out of town guests were from Toronto and surrounding dis-| trict. Ladies pouring tea were Mrs. Murray Detlor and Mrs. Sherlock. Dale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heron, celebrated her seventh birthday on Satur-' day. Guests attending her party| were: Joanne Kuchera, Heather| White, Darlene MacNaughton, | ate future to determine the { Donough, Mrs. V. Moore, Mrs. [need if any, of a new school at this time. Mr. Matthews said that from a long range point of view, the towns along the north shore of Lake Ontario must grow in the next 25 years because new in- dustry, requiring large amounts of water for processing, would seek out sites near the lake. He said that the Ontario Water Re- sources Commission has already realized that this will happen. Board member Ing pointed out that when the R. A. Hutchi- son School was proposed, the board envisioned that it would be used by 167 pupils. Now, he said, there are 199 registered there. | Denise McKim, Lucy Dettacolli | Besides the problem of having Cathy Attwood, and Dale's sis-|!® find classrooms for 80 or| |INEW ERA |uates that their graduation marked a new era in nurse edu- |cation. He said that they are (the first to graduate from the niu ons eins a SS THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 14, 1961 § 1247 Dundas Street, pleaded guilty, Tuesday, to Kilted Accused Is , Fined On Three Counts Gordon Murray Hill, 18, of when he struck a parked car.|pibited Hill from driving for Whitby,| Damage to the auto on the eastisix months. side of the road amounted to $100, said Constable Wilson. Hill, smelling strongly of al cohol, later admitted he did not . have a driver's permit, added the officer. He was apprehended on Dundas Street East. Magistrate Ebbs also pro- driving without a li , con- suming liquor while a minor and failing to remain at the scene of an accident. He appeared before Magis- trate F. S. Ebbs in Whitby Police Court. His Worship fined Hill $75 and costs or one month for failing to remain; $10 and costs or 10 days for consuming; $10 and costs or 10 days for driving without a licence. Constable Jim Wilson of the Whitby Police Force testified he| investigated an accident on Brock Street N. at 8.44 p.m. on June 11. 2 | During his investigation, said Constable Wilson, a witness claimed the driver of one car was '"'wearing a uniform with a kilt." Hill, recently honorably dis- .|charged from the Canadian Army for medical reasons, ap- peared in Court dressed in a uniform complete with kilt. Constable Wilson testified he| learned that Hill had beer driving north on Brock Street DODD & SOUTER | PAINT and WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY MO 8-5231 C.I.L. Paint Dealer YOUR Pointing & Decorating Contractors Gyptex, Paperhanging Full Wall Murels |new education centre at the SPECIAL [ETSEE FREE -- Portable Barbeque, | FREE -- Floating Fish Knife perfect for picnics, with every with, Sy Rod or Reel pur UMCO TACKLE BOXES -- Reg. 14.95. SPECIAL ..... ELECTRIC BARBEQUE Sale Priced 19.97 23.97 26.97 WICKER CREELS-- Reg. 3.98. SPECIAL GOLF CLUBS -- 2 woods, chrome steel shaft, Persimmon heads and 5 Irons, Reg. 49.95. ONLY 39.95 GOLF BAGS--Plain or Plaid. FROM 9.95.. 29.95 GOLF BALLS--Liquid Centre (Firsts). EACH DOZEN 4.79 GOLF CARTS -- Roll King. Reg. 14.95, on 11.95 ) SPECIAL .. PORTSMAN' CORNER V4" ELECTRIC DRILL-- Reg. 25.00 Father's Day Price 19.91 FOLDING CAMP COTS--easy to carry and store, adjusts from flat cot to lounge, 3 Res. 12.95. SALE 10.39 THOUSANDS MORE GIFTS FOR DAD AT SPECIAL PRICE. hospital. He recalled that late is 1959, a recommendation was made {because of the inadequate facili- {ties and resident acommoda- |tign. A committee in the de- |p#ttment met to consider this {and came up with a revitalized program which was begun in 960. To continue the program, he said, drawings are now almost {complete for a new nurse school {at Whitby and it is hoped that it will be ready by the autumn of 1962. He especially commended Dr. D. O. Lynch, superintendent of |the hospital, and Miss Helen (Whitman, Superintendent of {Nurses, for their efforts to keep the school open at Whitby. ADDITIONAL WHITBY NEWS WHITE NEWSPRINT 4V2-1b. pkg. approximately 630 sheets for -- $1.00 Also Available in b. pkgs. IDEAL FOR TYPING, PADS, CARBON COPIES INNER OFFICE MEMOS, ETC. On Sole ot . . . WHITBY OFFICE & CIRCULATION DEPT. Oshawa Times ON PAGE 4 ADMITS SUSPENSION Pleading guilty to a charge of idriving while his licence was {under suspension, Ronald Doug- (las Clarke, 31, of Greenwood, | was Tuesday fined $75 and costs or one month by Magistrate Ebbs. Stopped on June 7 at 1.10 SOFTBALL TONITE ARNOLD'S SPYNORTH, WHITBY Just North of the Four Corners OPEN THURS. 'TIL 8--FRI. 'TIL 9--WIED. 'TIL § PM. SLICED COOKED HAM .. 89 Fresh Cut From Government Inspected Beef STEAK or ROAST RUMP ROAST J \g BONELESS MEALED SIRLOIN or WING COTTAGE ROLLS .. 45° Fresh Hamburg Steak ter, Lynn. Mrs, Percy Cooper|/more new pupils in September| a m while driving a car, Clarke per | g D assisted Mrs. Heron ih serving. | 1962, said Mr. Matthews, the admitted to the investigating Suggest Act Change START FRENCH : IN 4 GRADES To Keep Secret Price [tis autumn Pupils in Whitby Public Whitby Public School Board isflet the job to the lowest bid-| oid ds Lis Rn going to study a proposal that/der and then approach the coun- study French as part of the the Municipal Act be altered to|cil to approve debenture issues. curriculum. At a meeting allow school boards to call for) Board member Fred Ing said of the Whitby Public School tenders on new buildings with-/that at present, school boards| p - 4 thio" Cook Supervis- out announcing the estimated must get Municipal Board ap- ing Principal Earl Farman * cost prior to the calling of tend-!proval before even calling for| was authorized to seek ap- ers. At a meeting of the board tenders. | plication for yw French this week, board member Board Chaiinan, Ri Mak) teacher Thomas Edwards proposed that|thews, said that in all" public] y : : such a suggestion be submitted tenders the amount to be. spent| phe marier 3 aching in a brief to a provincial com-|is known to the bidder "but 9] hae been under debate Zor mittee on municipal affairs. {don't think you ever get a high| some months, This week During the meeting, a letter| price," he added, "because the| the board approved the ides was read from the committee competition is keen enough to and a teacher will' be res of the Ontario Legislature, be-/keep the price within reason." | tained to begin® the classes. Mr. Fred Murray, Newman Crescent, celebrated his birth-| day on Tuesday. His Iriends| present situation makes it nec- essary that many Grade 7 pupils are unable to find room in Col- borne Street School, the senior |officer that his licence was {under suspension. The court im- pounded his car for three | months. wish him many happy returns of the day. | | Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cook| and family, of Cobourg, were Sunday 'dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Molyneaux of Brock north. Reg. | street | Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Simpson were dinner guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs Bernard Hansen, of Scarboro. | Mr. and Mrs. James W. Mot-| tershead, of Perry street, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lamb, of Toronto, former residents of Whitby, attended the Orange- ville Baptist Church Centennial. | OPEN M 8ROOKLIN EETING TONIGHT WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14th 7:30 P.M. ABNER'S ESSO (Whitby) 8:15 P.M. ot CENTENNIAL PARK, WHITBY 3. ].00 w 99° 39: Fresh Bulk Wieners PRIME RIB ROAST BEEF ROUND BONE SHLD. ROAST CHUCK ROAST BONELESS PLATE BRISKET ing headed by Hollis Beckett, | MPP, asking if the board had any suggestions and if so to} submit them for the commit-! pointed out that they can easily| tee's study. Mr. Edwards said that he, would like to see the Municipal] tect's estimate of cost is pub- lished, Board member Edwards said| that he was not accusing con- tractors of being dishonest but learn the amount of the deben- ture for the proposed building. He then made a motion that the board's finance committee. The board passed the motien and later authorized Mr. Ed we Gludica y _| his Mr. William Harding, father of| | Mrs. Mottershead, is one of the Jailed Month On iim of the Orangeville Bap- tist Church. | | | Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Bedard, 'Privina Charaqe recenty married in St. John Brebouf Roman Catholic | Ri | Chur 3 Quechee! | Caught driving five days after is licence was suspended, | , "~Sheibiocke, Q are visitors at the home of Mr. | gos and Mrs. Louis Bedard, his! The Whitby Minor Hockey Associa- tion will hold it's Annual Meeting at the . ' WHITBY ARENA r x iw: . Pa : : |Meine Staal, 22 of RR 3, When the last school, R. A. wards to sit in with the finance =" Bd to Cat noth Hutchison School, was built, he| committee to discuss the pro-|! | 3 id it ww: : in the County Jail by Magis- said, it was announced that the posal. |trate F. S. Ebbs, Tuesday, ini estimated cost was $218,000, v . ) "Naturally," he said, "the $10 INTOXICATION [Whitby Police Court, contractors know there is that| much money available." brother, of Mary street east. Mrs. W. Mullen, was seven on| | Tuesday. Her King Street School Staal pleaded guilty to the companions and friends wish her, Joe and William David of charge of driving while his li-) many happy returns of the day.| | Sandra, daughter of Mr. and] ALL INTERESTED PERSONS WELCOME {Orillia were Tuesday fined $10 cence was under suspension. land costs each for being intoxi-| Constable Watson of the Pic- He said that this situation cated in a public place. They|kering Village Police told Magis- could be avoided if councils, appeared before Magistrate |trate Ebbs that he saw Stall which have to raise the money|F. S. Ebbs in Whitby Police(get from behind the wheel for school costs, could be con- Court. Each pleaded guilty to|before entering a Pickering res- vinced of the need of a seven-|the charge. They were charged|taurant, on May 28. room school without being made on June 8 in the Township of Staal, said Constable Watson, aware of the cost. Then, he said, Mara. {admitted he had driven from |the Spruce Villa in Whitby to {the Pickering restaurant. BROCK Evening Shows at 6:55 and 8:35 | WHITBY Last Complete Show at 8:35 HER WORLD WAS OF THE FLESH... HIS WAS OF THE SPIRIT! AA ARDER DIK BOAR mre NE ANGEL TENDERS FIRST PHYSICAL FITNESS Japan's first post-war calis- thenics festival in May, 1961, had 1,600,000 participants at 287 athletic centres. Family Monuments 0 Individual Requirements STAFFORD BROS. Monumental Works 318 DUNDAS EAST MO 8-3552 Pa arse JOSEPH COTTEN rior ve sca PLUS--Second Feature Attraction "PIER FIVE HAVANA" Starring CAMERON MITCHELL -- ALLISON HAYES ONE - PIECE CONCRETE MHEDUTE DLNVERY a AL S76 ® FOR YOUR NEW HOME © REPLACEMENT FOR OLD STEPS ® NON-SLIP SURFACE ON TREADS AND PLATFORM fo "YOUR FIRST STEP TO BEAUTY AND SAFETY" OLIVER 3-3311 WE NEED THE ROCM AND THE MONEY Brand New KITCHENETTE SUITES 35.95 FOR ONLY . Brand New DAVENPORTS From 89.5 And Brand New DINETTE SUITES FOR ONLY .. 139.00 a Brand New BEDROOM SUITES WITH BOOKCASE BEDS ony 119.00 EEE | BRAND NEW LAMPS-LAMPS LAMPS Over 50 Jo choose from. All types A From . 29 i New and Used STOVES - T.V.'s REFRIGERATORS For Home or Cottage This is just a few of the bargains that are on sale this weekend at . . . Midtown Furniture I11 BROCK ST. N, WHITBY MO 8-498!