The Oshawa Times, 14 Jun 1961, p. 29

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|29--Automobiles for Sale | two-door V-8 automatic custom beautiful 27--Resl Estate for Sale LOT 45 x 135° east side. 311 Admiral' FORD Road, $65 per foot. T RU| 27--Real Estate for Sale 127--Real Estate for Sele PRIVATE sale, fiveroom house, ga- $500 DOWN, $6000 full price. Spacious, | rage, two acres, $1,500 down, take over glean and ready to move in. Four-room inter. bung; Must be seen loaded ia with everflowing stream at back door, Close fo all bedroom byngalon, Can Oscar Martin, RA 5-2125 or 8-4651. near Stes = Fuzaneth School. Sra L. Gower, Realtor. [Orchard BA 3010 TWO lots 60 x 90, water and sewer Ritson Rosd South. 'Each lot $2400. BA FOUR BEDROOMS Ld between 9 and 5, Monday to Fri- FLRNTSHED bed.sitting room, suitable MODERN four-room self-contained for two, near Pedlars. Apply 562 Simcoe apartment with four.piece bath, Frigid- $8,000 FULL PRICE rtment build-| aire stove, washer, dryer, parking A 3 LT ois nd ath, stove and FURNIS) a > three -- room basement|SPace, central. Reagonable. "Apply wt A real economy home in ex- ¥ . tor, TV aerial, washer, dryer. FURNISHED ihree room {Kaiser Crescent. RA._5-9510. cellent condition and priced SACRIFICE private sale, Close to Shopping Centre. RA | room bungalow, $500 down, i t, te entrance and bath, ) 35-9161. | central: Telephone RA 3.9800 after 6. |TWO-BEDROOM apartment in apart- so right. Low toxes, low {n UPPER duplex five rooms and bath ment building, refrigerator and stovi carrying costs yet so very central, newly decorated, oil nes p VATE SALE Just completed five-- room 5 |FOUR - room apartment private bath all conveniences, reasonable, 1 A Sarage. Available July 1. Call|nd entrance. heavy duty wiring, schoo] Porth GM. Available e July 1. RA 81904.| A fost seller, call now! Paul 55275. hile - Ristow at RA 8-5107 or RA bark brick bungalow with stone front situated on lend- ™ TWO-ROOM (large), furnished i rigerato 5-8152 evenings. scaped lot. Hollywood kit- Ean Er RISTOW OLSEN dry facilities, $40 monthly. 19 ATHOL ' ST WEST a in bathroom, mahogany i 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent| 125--Apts. & Flats for Rent 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent Tooms, newly decorated, pUPLEX -- Three rooms, unfurnished, oor, private bath, Parking. |TV aerial, heat, small child welcome. id facilities, stove and refriger- g65 monthly. 909 Masson St. RA 83-6876. ator, 288 Hiliside Avenue, RA 13-7083. eo ie on w---- AE iwo, three and four- apartment's, one hp tt "apartment nt with built-in yoom. in new apartment building. Laun- pice hats and privaie eiraiee, one k in kitchen, navy dry facilities, stove. refrigerator. 68 L ree A rie 217 Osh. Varking, Share bath. Wayne Sirect = ion |2wa Blvd. North N mo » partme: oe tw nel y | THREE-ROOM apartment for rent, very Apt. central. 14% Bond East. See A. L. Bo- bak, RA 8-1350. 29--Automobiles for Sele " |"52 CHEVROLET hardtop, in fair condi- tion, $90. RA 5-8503. FOUR-ROOM apartment, ty wiring, ¥ possession. FURNISHED five room central Oshawa, private _entrance.|'s FORD si cus- Available 8 July Ls Phone MO 8.5367 eve: tom radio, beautiful two-tone black nings 6 and Yate finish $1695. Seaway MO 8 138, ACRES, 100 workable; 41552 AUSTIN fourd 2 miles MO 8-510. 8-5110, I gid '54 OLDSMOBILE, sedan, standar Job. This is 3 g 2 ; : 8 £ | i ! gt th PRIVATE gale -- fiveToom brick bun. Jalow with basement eparimei, alu. xh 196 ENVO ENVOY. fon Tour door sedan, | Jow mile. schools and bus. $2,700 down, or near water. Goo A 3-9686, condition, Ni Full price, $13,500. RA ny 75 Cadac. Avene. work, was priced at sis w will sell for 1955 TWO-TONE green Monarch, $550, trade Nicols by buldings" dings 1A] condition. Apply owner, I TN ton. Toicphons Bt RA 83775, | Motor Sales Ltd. Siz 'Brock North, TWO . PEDROOM brick bungalow, in|'3 VANGUARD, 500d motor, good tires, | vhiioy. MO 8001. lovely district, Ideal for retired couple, custom built radie, $165. MO 85110. Box HAC outdoor Mandard smi, bus at door. RA 59707 after 6 p.m. ('go MGA 1600, white convertible. Tele o aded WB extras, Bel) or will accept trade, private. 130 War PRIVATE SALE--three-bedroom brick | Phone RA 83-2234 or RA 8-6204, ren Avenue. himinim ' FORD hali-ton. One owner. Very|ijy CHEVROLET, two.ione Biscayne good condition, $350. Apply & Mike's i " BA Service Station, Raglan, OL 53-3528. |i a0 oo00s, To Cxcellent condi is NRRCURY, tui ional, 7 Ra al exhaust, pi sell, only a . fi oS i 5 lon Conte Sed Cl af SE SOR TT Vale Weltberzer heattor, RA 8.3145, svenmgs "Whitby. MO iO 8.8001, 7 {original owner. Best offer. RA 5-752 TWO three - room ents, second | and pauses ra. tic washer and dryer free. Apply third floors, stove tor in each, adults ny Telephone RA 1, 213 Montrave Avenue, | 1957 PLYMOUTH. we » Guo sedan, im- motor fl Hd : i three bed. or car. [bd ; : - i al BF : yrt- THREE-ROOM apartment, private oped: [ONE an and vol m apartments. | Aisin in m rn building, stove a fate possession. Telephone RA sio6 or. refrigerator supplied. MO 8-3092 after 5. RA 31534 {101 Craydon Road. Whitby. FURNISHED | apartment, THREE room apartment, private en. parking, central, conveniences, heat,'p... 0" a conveniences. lights. Child welcome. $60. RA 34386, roy Street. RA 3900. | FOUR-ROOM apartment, ROOM (n modern ho , nicely furmish- trance, TV outlet, od, ots hot water, bus stop at gonapie Telephone i i th a, $13,200. RA 8-1470 after 6. i. sham lot, Taunton Road, 49 % 1 bad it 3 avon supplied. Very central. Aooty 392 310 2016. after 6 p.m. FOR RENT - Spacious four-roomed "private en-| uiiment, at 200 Brock Street South, continu DAS mieicOme, T€A- heated, seif.contained. OL 5-471. Avail- door, with or without board. Telephone "or ie RA 3.0432. able immediately. RA 84743 | FIVE-ROOM apartment, with bath, un- THREE or five-room amariment. ERR Tour rosmed Apartment, svi Nished, separa emrance. Aillage ly decorated ,private entr cated, Hoo refi tor, free use of and garden, on paved road in village Cy jiqren welcome. RA 3-4847 -- 3.! couple, stove, refrigerator, fre es 14 miles from Oshawa. CO 3.2304 on. Telephone RA 8-3546. TWO - room furnished apartment, it he Terra able for two ladies or gentlemen, ) LOVELY two bedroom An: weekly. Central. Apply 15 Colborne E. - hp ane Phone RA 56343. 9 shopping centre, electrically BASEMENT three rooms, adults, vicin- $54 MONTHLY -- new, modern, two ped, child welcome, parking. RA ity of Jones Avenue, Simcoe North, bedroom apartment. in mew apartment hy jer, Joasonable, garage Mf necessary. p.uding. refrigerator, stove, washer. ground floor "ap art. dryer, paved parking. elephone THREE room. ¥ pl ie and Whig en. | THREE- "ROOM apartment, unfurnished, 5-6674. | trance, vate cellar, ample parking, private entrance and bath. Suit couple. !pewo™ 0 "(0 middle aged lady, in! heated. Very central. Telephones RA no children. Apply 325 Simcoe Street oi. home. Bus stop at door. RA| 59101 South. RA 5.3243 323m MODERN five room "bungalow, near | APARTMENTS. "one and two bedrooms, TWO-bedroom apartment, electrically | schools. immediate possession or will new building, frig and built-in stove.' oionog in modern apartment build-| sell with low down payment of only Telephone RA 38-3634. : inn. west 'end. 395 per month. Contact $400. Call Irwin Cruickshank, RA 83123. \ruppy rurnished rooms for light Mr. Doug Bullied, 8. D. Hyman Real-| Tioyd Realty, Oshawa, Ltd. housekeeping. Parking, semi- private en- tor RA 8-6286. MODERN large two-room apartment, trance. RA 8-289 or RA 8! main Sour, Jrivaie, entitice, Loiser TWO-ROOM furnished | SRE "eon. 26--~Rooms for Rent ator, stove and sink, cup s » sme ---- felephone outlet: central. RA 8.3145, Netiencen bent Be eh Basar FURNISHED bed sitting room Witcher: FURNISHED and unfurnished "apart.'or 115 Agnes Street supplied. all conveniences, separate en. ment, from $85: laundry room. paved yupEE ROOM apartment in new home, trance. Suitable for two, girls preferred parking and | balconies. Mo 8-8386 private bath, modern kitchen, laundry RA 3.9503. THREE room rtment, --salaraiiiag, facilities' RA 3-3937. FURNISHED light "housekeeping room, heavy duty wiring, sink and cupboards. ouE REDROOM apartment, inexpen- with use of refrigerator. suitable for Parking chitios Dear shopping. 237 sive, private, close to bus and shop-| one Apply 163 Simeoe Street South. or oes ping. Telephone RA 3-660 CLEAN, comfortable housekeeping | AELF - CONTAINED. three - STORE for rent. basement and main room for gentleman, central, near North! apartment. $60 monthly. Telephone 'RA floor, 1,500 sq. ft., mew building. 295 General Motors, hospital, stores and 5-5433, or RA 5-2267. __|Simcoe South, beside Speedy Auto! bus. Dishes and linen supplied. Apply 12 LIVING room. dinette i area, two bed- Glass. Ample off-street parking. RA Elgin Street East rooms, kitchen with refrigerator and 31296 SINGLE furnished room, central loca- stave, washing machine and dryer. RA gu oyiy bachelor apartment in apart- tion, use of phone. Apply 180 Bruce | $-2081. ment building. private, ideal fof voupie; Street -! available stove and refrigertor inglude T We PREDROON a av Ap- outlet, parking, immediate possession fDOUBL "i rooms, with single beds, cook. ply 496 Simcoe Street North or RA RA 3.4245. ing privileges, reas 8.3045. RENT A h - Call RA 38-8402 after 5 -- Apartment, three rooms and -- 5 THREE large rooms, unfurnishel apart- bath, private entrance, suitable for ONE bright SPACious bed - Clean" nome mht, heated, laundry, cupboards, large business couple, widow, Stove, frig. On with m ern arpliite in clean ome. ts, venetian blinds, $55 monthly, bus line. Abstainers. 137 Huron Street conveniences. le minu RA 8.0933. ping Centre.Men only. 36 Fernhill Bou- FOUR-ROOM apartment, living room, levard. RA 5.7295 REE - ROOM apartment, private en- bedroom, dining room. kitchen, heavy - - - preasma---- - hii bath, ES cupboards. One duty stove and frig. Private bathroom ROOM or Joo Fd board, Sioa 9 child welcome, 819 Sylvia Street. and entrance. 214 Arthur Street Jowntown pply owe § 2 or FOUR - ROOM, self-contained apart- FREE rent one month, modern. newly - ' n Fou newly decorated, heavy duty decorated apartments with lawn, free THREE rooms, furnished or unfurnish- ed. May be rented as a flat. Apply 278 wiring, TV outlet. Immediate posses- parking and laundry facilities. MA Road North RA $2904 sion. Apply 102 Church Street. RA 3.0355 3-5996. Apartments 4 or 7. 63 King West, Ritson Roa orth or BASEMENT apartment with one bed. oonmanville. . Completely furnish | four-piece bath, separate en. FU ENISHED : electric refrigerator, use of washing | ppiove and refrigerator if de-|S314 machine and dryer, central to down-| mable. Call RA 38-5455 PRIVATE apartment three rooms. |town and Shopping Centre. Suit 'working | floor, apartment, Xasher. atrial, DAKINE, Avaliable June couple, $15 weekly, RA 5-5227 | ent tional, private near opping Centre ults a SE wir- monthly. 212 Stevenson South. FURNISHED single room, suitable for ing, central. Couple preferred. APPlY FIVE.-ROOM unfurnished first floor Boulevard North. Telephone RA 81239 255 Athol Street Fadl. apartment, heated, electric. hot and for appointment LF-CON' IN apartment three cold water supplied, living and lining | Lar gg ris decorated, [room paneled, dining room beam ceil-|ONE large furnished room with "large | ground floor, very eentral, garage. RA ing, two fireplaces, heated garage, at| furnished kitchen, adults enly, App 3.3229 bus stop, King Street East. Also three 620 Simcoe Street North 4 ( rooms unfurnished, heated, hot and cold PARTLY farnihad Bree (Are) Tou (hie 'supped second. foot Both Kit ore or va. persons breebiast 48 | rm, I "Banerai Motors |AAllable July 1 For appointment fele- tional. Apply 74 Oshawa Blvd. South utes walk to South General otors. | oy one RA 54000 Honal. 2b Suit couple or two gentlemen. Tele. phone RA 58439. _|siMcoE and | Bloor, four-roor jaipart- Two rooms BREE ro a v furnished, central, THREE room fiat in quiet | home, pri 0748 vate bath, TV aerial, parking. Adu its faciliies. Telephone RA 3 Apply 214 Dearborn Avenue, RA 88397. only. 31 Albany Street. RA 5-37 THREE-ROOM apartment, self-contain- LARGE housekeeping 1 ToOm, m. trix, sin-| ed. Apply 539 Albert Street or tele. ;i. peds, private bathroom, phone RA 8-6070 or two gentlemen. Apply 219 "Ritson APARTMENTS TWO-ROOM rye | apart: {Road | South. » large furnished } tal "54 ZEPHER sedan, radio, heater, ood {condition. Up to 35 miles per gallon. vison Fu Call RA 58371 or RA 8-4234 after + two-door. VROLET two door BelAir with reg rae let "nein to- iN evrolet r au matie, four door. "ord sedan 1957 METE: Sigil Rng by Cash, in n love ondition, trade oF term. Nicols Motor Sales Tha "| standard transmission. 512 Brock North, Whi MO 83-8001. [Seaway Motors, MO 8-338 1955 PONTIAC sedan h brand new '60 PONTIAC, Must motor, ready for the road. Cash, trade | sell by June 15. Wil] accept older trade LIKE ne or terms. Nicols Motor Sal 12 or best cash offer. Can be financed. Alto toiling em Ho ea = TE Si brick house, three rooms fully rented. investment, Full price $72,000 with $20,000 down, Tele- phone RU 2.3365 Toronto. ~ suite apartment building, 29 Russett Avenue, storms and screens, upstairs, four downstairs, three piece bath, in good condition, quiet location. RA 5-6895. 311 Currie Avenue. SIX-PLEX, 161 Montrave Avenue, paved driveway, storms and screens, fully rented. Full price $47,000 with $12, 000 down. Telephone RU 2-3365, Toronto. TOWNSHIP of Mariposa, 125 acres Gliddon Avenue an: choice Jaud, sien bullaings, 107| WRECKING *53 Ford, '53 3 Meteor, iso) mint workable, $17, own. ome parts for '53 Pontiac. OLiver ; ae is per cnt Immetate poties 345. 3 BK, A cot, 0 sion, Telephone 24R12, Little Britain, a nna 2 4 i. Masso _|1955 BUICK hardtop, power Mel and Leo's Service Station, 1047 $6600 TIDY Home in Courtice + ith steering, radio, premium whitewalls Simcoe Street South. RA 8.2191 sity conveniences, lowtaxes and large and tomatic, Phone RA 8.3467 after $1200 down, Francis Hallowell. RA 3 pono | 1958 VOLESWAGEN deluxe, grey color, {bos a Joseph Bosco Realtor, _. |with radio. iced to sell, Cash, tra 2 FTV "convertible, V8 auto-or terms. Nicols Motor Sales jad. 512|desks, $12.88. Spring - filled mattresses. $300 DOWN b buys | 15 acres level garden matic, whitewalls, other extras. New Brock North, Whitby. MO 8-800 Less than 15-price. Sell out from $0.88, land, east of Oshawa, Courtice district. car condition. Private owner. $2,950. {51 GME ¥icton ruek 733 ton, a. in| Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street. ood two people, central. RA on. OSHAWA trimmed throughout. Sec- tional basement. JOHN A, J, THREE room apartment, | private . bath, | BOLAHOOD =X 297 Farewell modern kitchen, stove and refrigerator) Ave, S Ltd. Insurance Telephone $13,750--%1500 Down 167 Simcoe S. RA 5-3662 Ottice Hrs, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. LET INCOME PAY WALK-OUT BASEMENT Ideal investment for owner who wants o pleasant 6- Beautiful garden with patio, oom home, with the income flowers and shrubs in back from o separate 2-room apt. yord. Five spacious rooms; located on beoutiful hedged a good-looking home, Asking and londscoped lot, minutes only $1,500 down. Call Mr. Ratcliffe, RA 5-6544, walk from shopping centre. Just asking $13,500. For in- GREENWOOD AVEUNE - 7-yr. old brick -- Builder's spection call and ask for Dick Young at RA 5-6588 5-room bungalow, asking only $900 down. Clean con- or RA 3.7183 anytime. dition and modern through- |in Oshawa, 3 700 down. D. W. WILSON | ar A 5.6544 or 3-3398. -- {RT east of Ritson o on Eulalie, next to HARMONY VILLAGE park. Large family home consisting of eight rooms with five bedrooms, also BET Ct To et 3- AND 4-BEDROOM HOMES i Dis whole house is kept in an WITH ATTACHED GARAGE, FULLY LANDSCAPED, PRICES START AT $14,900. immaculate condition. Two-car garage, OPEN 2-6 PM. DAILY fenced lot. Truly a good "buy" at OR CALL $12,800 with $2,000 down, r inside Wa out, | {terms on the balance. For an early MR. SWARBRICK RA 5-6544 RA 5-8342 OR This car "54 Buick or door sedan chanically perfect, very Poposr Bi model $450, six 1s Only $1,295. TWO - BEDROOM apartment on Sim. coe Street North, complete with stove | Realtor mattresses. . Telephons FOUR BURNER 25° Moffat gas range, either Propane or sais. FABULOUS savings during our sell sale--las! week. aby oh, large size, panel, out, Smooth continental pie with board. Reg. $89.50. Sel ou, $47.88. Un. painted OED. $1.99. Unpainted Brock North, Whitby. MO IRA 5.8132 56 MGA convertible, bi y good 1953 EORD, $125 or best offer. Tele- condition, for sale or trade. pis 289 phone OL 5-4885. Gliddon Avenue any time. MERCEDES Ben, 1956, 190 Kas ma model, . two-door, Telephone RA 5- -9826, TRA FOE es 8 FOR real estate, low prices, low down | 1932 DODGE, good "condition, licence. | payments, Aurelia Kanoza, representing | Also iding garage, 16' x 26°. Telephone Olive Hi Howe, RA 5- 1457. __|RAS -0686. {1954 OLDSMOBILE, In excellent condi: trie yers. oles: Ta Mo "nd be. 5: 57 Simcoe Street South, corner Bloor: Simcoe, Oshawa. _|SHORT wave radios, just $17.50, plus pecials in radios, taps $70 per | RA 85024. TOP shape, Dodge 55, radio. Real good runner! Going Sheap. | 15 Sandra Street rier mt---- Street South, corner Bloor-Simcoe, Osh. awa. ONE only used 14" Victor portable television, $89. One used Philips 21" ire {elevision, $99. Meagher's, 5 King St. e HOUSEHOLD furniture, jeadg re. 51 | PACKARD, good shape, a automatic, | radio, washers, and good rubber. Tele. phone 'Mo 8.2744 aiter 5.30 iter 5.30 p. m. We Speak Slavic Languages. Member O.D.R.E.B. ; SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. 360 KING ST. WEST RA 3-2265 REG. AKER, Pres. BILL MCcFEETERS, Vice-Pres GRANDVIEW GARDENS Try Do |Stores, 48 Bond Street West. 5 oL E dition, reasonable. Apply Blvd. South. Phone RA 83477 after 4 p.m. '59 IMPALA convertible, ivory, blue in- big New condition, all extras. Trade of inimum own payment, Financing a ged. MO 8.4844. 195¢ METEOR Niagara deluxe. This car is spotless t. Come and test drive this one, $1,445. Sea- way Motors, MO 8-3381 n. (BUY. your car for © © h. | Fast confiden- tial service, convenient terms. For in. |formation, telephone RA 8.6283. Sea. [board Finance, 29% Simcoe Street ut |BUYING a car? Need money? For low. est rates, fast service, Seaboard Fi. nance, 29% Simcoé Street South, er phone RA 8-6283. '51 CHEV. running order, no licence, $30; also 51 Pontiac motor, eve: on it running, $35. Telephone RA 8-8059 before 5 '5st PONTIAC safe running {body clean. Only $125. RA Sse {1956 FORD dump truck, $1,300, Must +Isell. Telephone RA 5-2095 after 4 p.m. 30--Automobiles Wanted CLEAN 59 Ford V-8 four-door sedan, automatic or "60 Pontiac six, automatic, four-door an. Will trade clean '57 four-door V-8 Sedan with automatic transmission and Cash differ. | ence. Phone MO 2.2515 after 6 p.m, | LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want |cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. RA 5-1181, LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want ig ar ecking, Highest prices paid. SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. 1955 1 FORD tu-door, A-1 good con- 250 Oshawa phone RA USED parts oo repairs for all makes of wringer type wa washers, % hp motors reconditioned wash. stov Bo -- Market, Hampton, CO 3.2941, BOAT, 16" Cedar strip, centredeck, drain plug. Beam 60", depth 27", cable steering, marine light, boot cover, many ex- tras. 16° Tee-Nee trailer with rollers, coil springs, 1957 18 h.p. Johnson motor, gos tank, very good condition. Sell complete or without motor. Apply: 306 HIGHLAND AVE, OSHAWA peers ti custom r 922 per per Fords TWO large rooms, "apartment, central. RA ed for light housekeeping two - door hardtop, Commercial property. Sacri- fice price $18,000 or best offer. Four-room apt; 2 three-room opts.; 9 furnished rooms -- all with water and cupboards - four both rooms. RA 5.9272. FOR REAL ESTATE DON S. SMITH {1953 5 GMC go ak and one 2-pc. Attached gor- track bedrooms, closed in veron- 5 $750. Seaway Moiors, MO 8.3; appointment to see this call 8. Macko, |; -- JOHN A. J. | PRIVATE sale, five.-room bungalow, New motors and tires. Truck already i close to AR General Motors. $12,950. | on job. Apply 216 Park Road North, age, convenient to bus. Ow- ner will consider smaller JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE dah, lined garage, landscaped FINA SERVICE lawns. Price $15,800 Roattor, RA 8.4661 '54 METEOR Rideau, sunl $100 DOWN buys three year old home i dh steering and Slag in Whitby, no strings, move in. Car-|radio. RA 5-4595. fen Sr Iie than S18 monty. OURS {Fi ROWE. VE. Jur VEAL er e---- month buys Chevs., acs, | BUYING a home? Need money? and foreign up to $295, See |For lowest rates, fast service, Seaboard [page advertisement for, etter cars or Pilates; 2 0% Sitces Street South, or | phone. "Stew", RA 5-166! 2-year-old, lit level home BOLAHOOD idl DE sictie loca- ety &rvanied. Cal 1959 CHEVROLET Impala, black, two. Reoltor Ld. Insurance | -- door hardtop, six cylinder Yaw: a homme with every: ~ {LARGE lois, 105" frontage, | NHA | Fi] 550 Lansdowne Drive. Bie RA thing you wou! desire includ- approve By public and high school |8- .3315. ing a family room. Beautiful 94 ROWE ST, [RA Bisig > "Om And save HIB iois MoNARCH living room with, stene_ fire. i "| With custom radio: Sale price, $845. Ses. © y place, dining room, very SIX ROOM INCOME $600 MONTHLY way Motors, MO 8-381. modern kitchen with built-in BRICK HOUSE sotve ond oven. 3 bright bed- rooms with large closet space. Hardwood floors and chestnut VOLVO trim throughout, three section Most dependable. cellar, oil heat, modern kit- | o pel chen, clothes shute, built-in { home os port payment. | PRICED REDUCED 449 Ritson S. RA 8-0921 ON INCOME HOME $3,000 down. First mortgage $9,800 with $1,200 down on for balance. Inspection our WILLIS this large 2-storey brick home advertisement. Apply: with garage. 3-room apart. Eiton W. Johnston, phone MO / J O R S ment rents ker $65.00 per RA 5.5519 for appoint month. Balance of home _ment. Vickery Reol Estate TAUNTON RD. EAST for owner. Centrally loca ted, oil heated, in good re- Business RA 8-5228 { Your AUSTIN Res, : RA 8.4879 | RA 5 0 | TOP O' THE HILL -0331 Uniquely TRADE-IN CHESTERFIELD SUITES Fi COTTAGE or RECREATION ROOM -- $15 $15 UP, RELIABLE FURNITURE CO. 96 KING ST. EAST RA 3.7928 | FOOD & FREEZER PLAN You may have tried the rest, - kitchen and bedroom, | suit business lady. four-room LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER --_-- fi bee? to downtown and shopping centre. , e- Vacant. Abstainers, Apply 51 Nassau uded, Street. momen hy hot water # up. Bast location. Phone = (wager, drver, laundry tubs. Mon- | SEVERAL clean furnished bedrooms, traye Avenue. Apartment 1 gry "5 ion. |private entrance, parking facilities, $6 THREE-ROOM apartment, "private en. | weekly. Men only. Telephone RA 8-5294 {trance, all conveniences, heavy wiring, {between 7 7 and 9. RA 8-1194 heated, central, parking. Telephone [ARGE fully equipped housekeeping | reem eportments, $85 end | phon revatm----" Two bathrooms, one 4-pc. The leader on the road end bath, attic potential of two poir. GOOD VALUE IN NORTHWEST 2 yeors old, 6-room red We have a good assortment | designed ranch of Used Cars. "MODERN, LARGE [i Aa Evenings, RA +1388 room: uit one girl, Sentral. Phone RA APARTMENTS bedroom and built-in 30 MINUTES That's all the time it will take for you to make up your brick bungalow located in Rossland Manor. Owner has been transferred. Landscap- artment, stove. refrik-|TWo furnished rooms, NOW VACANT and dryer, TV outlet, kiichen, with a refrigerator, near shopping centre. | cupboards and sink. All Available July 1, RA 8-868). Apply 887 Rit n Road South. FURNISHED = tment and single | TWO large rooms, with kitchenetis, In new building, two bed- rooms, dining area, electri- cally equipped, including washer and dryer free. Apply housek » private entrance, |g) A nd floor, central. central, or Fog Reasonable, 96 Centre| g fu Hi arnished, sro Apt. 1 er 4, 213 Montrave Ave. | St t. ree I rene room suitable for "two | {LARGE two-room apartment, private |jriends. abstainers, central Telephone | entrance, self-contained, newly decorat- ga 2 furnished or unfurnished. Central, ---- - | | reasonable rent. Rylephame RA 3-3211. ATTRACTIVELY Evenings RA 5.2539. ADELAIDE TERRACE | FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. | New modern 2 - bedroom 82 PARK ROAD N. apartment, Stove, frig, TV | outlet, broadloom floor, park- Coll between 5 and 7 p.m. | RA 8-8671 ing space, laundry facilities. Adults only, available July 1. '27--Real- Estate for Sale $1200 DOWN, five-room rug brick and stone ranch bungalow, attached gar- A oversized kitchen, underpriced at 00. John Sandy RA 5-8010. Joseph | Bate Realtor. | CHOICE 133-acre farm. 100 clear, bal: |ance mixed woods. Good buildings, six- brick hi Barn 74, hi FOR SALE -- House trailer, will sleep | FURNISHED self-contained apartment, roam This is igh 5] x Ri #ix or more. Apply 107 Starr Avenue private entrance, Apply 505 Anderson road, close to school, store, church and | North, $125. cash. Street. Telephone MO 38-3276. bus, Apply Box 86 Oakwood, _ Ont. | 4 FOR RENT -- three - room apartment, FOR SALE -- one jacket heater, FE nine room m family private bath and entrance, home near St, Gregory's, cleverly mod. | { immediate 011 barrel with taps, one kitchen sink possession. Telephone MO 8-5674. {apy 71 712 Dundas West, Whitby. large main floor PERMANENT position for woman in the bus terminal NORTHWAY APARTMENTS 630 SIMCOE NORTH Modern 2-bedroom apart- ments, stove, 'frig, fully euto- matic. Parking area. For information apply-- 778 HORTOP Apply 329 Adelaide Ave. Apt, 2 | |ernized, Features YOR RENT -- Bachelor a "37 62. | self-contained, stove and Feliigelator, THREE room apartment with private Adults only. $55 monthly. M 2780 | bath and laundry facilities, modern kit- after 4.30 p.m. . |cten. Im immediate possession. MO 8-4864. FURNISHED rooms for rent, in new yen on and woman wanted, days or eve. home, private entrance. Close to busi-inings for part time employment. Apply ness section. Suitable for working girls. [106 Bock Street South. MO 8-4115 after 5 p.m. R REN ALE OR RENT - $60 Jnoutily. looks new, FOR REAL ESTATE SATISFACTION KEN HANN REPRESENTING D. W. WILSON REALTOR | RA 5.A5RR qacir a "a _RA 3- 7963 | chil - | OPEN HOUSE IN BEAU VALLEY Evenings 6 till 9 Saturday Afternoons 2 till 5:30 ror model 3 and 4 (WO Dusters, Over, Lieut Aut [gray Asking $25. Telephone MO toa - dren's cleaned the sanitary Street | way, new tanks installed. Walter FOR rent one and two bedroom apart 2304 Chestnut West. Phone MO 8-2363.| ments, $80. 390 and $100 in modern building, si stoves, frig's. MO 8-359] [hh A EXPERT nr roto. to-tilling | for 'gardens and lf lawns. Don't call unless you want the Ys best. Call Dick, » MO 8-2614 BO SERVICES. Complete bookkeeping {service for small businesses, weekly, ~-- monthly or as desired. Statements pre. pared, income tax returns Mo 8-8252. | GOING FISHING? Check Classifica. | tion 32 for real buys in used fishing gear. You'll be amazed at the bar Rains | ROOM and board for two men, share room, single beds. lunches packed Telephone 1 MO 3-2 ¥inar rangette. | newly acatated, mrs Parking, close to schools, playground. Apply 300 STUDENTS! A super value, approxi mately 630 sheets of letter size typing paper (news print) for only $1. ply Oshawa Times Office, 1111 Dundas Street West. GRAVEL - LOAM Cement Gravel Driveway Gravel and Fill Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon. ERIC C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 BOATING AND CAMPING Look Futurama homes are now available the heart of Oshawa, to the many peo- ple who want a home, close to all conveniences, on quiet street, safe for children. We | have the answer from $1,- 100 down, on the finest home available anywhere ot | these prices. | | JOSEPH BOSCO in TIME CAN EARN MONEY mind, when you see these 2 excellent resales, example: brick ranch style, Hollywood kitchens with china cabinets, double sinks end sprayer, built-in oven and elements. Many more features, priced to sell from $13,900, ot $1,500 down. The listing man, Bill Millar, at RA 8- 5123, will pick up up ot your door. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd, Realtor, RA 8-5123 101 Simcoe | St. NN. ing is © e, new paved driveway. "6% mortgage. Down payment and price open to offers. For further information eon any of the obove properties, call Henry Stinson, evenings, RA 5-0243, or Steve Zurbe, evenings, RA 8-0569. LIST CO-OP THROUGH THIS OFFICE. MEMBER OF OSHAWA AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD. HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE RA 8-1679 9-room well-built brick home in elder residential district, 2 full bathrooms, large fomily room with french doors leading to e secluded backyard, modern kitchen. Asking $14,900.00 with reasonable down payment. For Loreen Kellett RA 3.3770. HANDY ? NEW N.H.A. BUNGALOW $595 DOWN ALLOWANCE OF $200 IF YOU DO YOUR OWN DECORATING AND SODDING. Materials supplied and $395. will be your full down payment. No second mortgage. $70 monthly. Full price $12,295 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. RA 5-1186 more particulars call bungalow. Convenient yet with rural atmosphere. Excel- lent value at only $12,000, terms. Wilson Reocltor, Please ask for W. R. Elliott, RA BUYING OR SELLING SEE | TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, ---- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson. Road) RA 3.4494 Res. RA 5.5574 | | NAGY MOTOR SALES 5.6588 or RA 8.0581. HUNTING AND FISHING CAMP HUNTSVILLE AREA. FULL $5,000 DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. §, RA 3.9421 $ALL CASHS$ For clean cars we deal up er down. Liens paid off, NICOLS MOTOR SALES 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 MERCEDES - BENZ - DKW Sales and service, Showroom open until 9 p.m. at 408 KING ST. WEST RA 3-7132 | RA 8-2407 Saturdays and between 4:30 | 20d 8 pm. weekdoys, GLEAMING SEA SPRAY BLUE Trade your boct on a car-- New or Used 50 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted", Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE". TED CAMPIN MOTORS RA 3-4494. Res. RA 5-5574 SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST makes this spacious é-room home a standout. Heavy |31--Automobile Repairs Cape Cod siding outside and | tasteful decoration inside, | plus 4 bedrooms for the lar- ger family." Natural fireplace and lovely londscaping. See "it today. Call Lloyd Corson or Ken Hann -- RA 5-6588. Asking only $10,700. WILSON REALTOR North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. RA 12 Open evenings or weekends CAR INSURANCE Careful drivers are preferred drivers and enjoy a saving of $10, $15 or $25 or better HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR TUNE - UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS. 67 KING ST. W, RA 3-7822 than 20% on their car in- surance. Half-year payments. |32--Articles for Sale Call us today and compare-- aomple free parking. PRIVATE SALE TV 17" MARCONI, dressing table, cof. fee table, boy's bicycle. RA 8-3391, SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. 360 KING ST. WEST RA 3-2265 CAR AUCTION EVERY WEDNESDAY. 6:30 P.M. BUY OR SELL--EASY TERMS Cars to be sold must be en- Brand new five-room bark brick bungalow with stone front, situated on lanscaped lot with three full-grown | kitchen, ceramic tile and | vanity in bathroom, mahog- | any trimmed throughout, | section basement, Located on 426 Miller Just off Gibbons | stoves, {tact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-131. EXTER OR white house pain SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re- ashers, pianos, TV's, For top frigerators, Wi ete. cash offer aN ls con t from by. Banfamin Manra gar's Paint and Wallpaper, 34 King ¥ West or Moorgard Latex house. paint that resists peeling and moisture problems. VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, parts, attachments, Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv- ice. RA 8-0591 anytime. tered before 4 p.m. day of sale. A few reserved bids-- Others will be sold to highest $13,300.--$1500. Down RA 5-3662 | e FILTER Queen Sales and Service, iy ral trade-in allowance. Free dem: stration. Telephone RA 8-4683 Now try the best. Eat better for less. 80% groceries sup- plied, all well-known proe ducts, highest quality meats. Life-time warranty freezer, the only one guaranteed by Good Housekeeping. No down payment, Call now for Demonstration -- no obliga- tion. RA 5-3709 T.V. TOWERS $55 40-ft, structure with all- channel antenna, all galvan- ized, guaranteed 1 year. TRIO TELEVISION, 171 Bond St. East, RA 8.6781. VOLVO PENTA ENGINES ILARSON COMBOARD BOATS For demonstration-- MARINE STORAGE AND SUPPLY LTD. Brooklin, Ont. OL 5-3641 SPECIALS ! PRINTS -- 3 yds. $1.00 DRAPES, made to order. Modern design, reasonable rates. We also carry a com- plete line of other fabrics at real savings 'RA 3-7827 M & C DRY GOODS 74 Celina St. bidders. Good selection of used cars including 1961 models. 25 GRENFELL ST--RA 8.5179 TRADE YOUR - CAR wi |THREE piece German DY i AM- |FM short wave hi-fi | lent 31" screen, cle onderful quality. set. ne adio 637 Simcoe Street South, corner Bloor- | Simcoe, Oshawa, As a down payment on this ie 5 - room, 2-year-old brick METCALF Real Estate Limited {| bungalow. Home is immacu- late throughout with 4-pc. |stereo combinations, |transistor radios. |Simcoe Street South, corner Bloor-Sim- (coe, Oshawa. LEARANCE prices, tape recol Radio Wholesale, 83! AM-FM radios, Complete Sule of Aluminum Products Storm Doors, Windows, Prime Windows. Fine quality, very low prices. "We also carry Canada's finest Awning, Porch Railing, very reason able price. CALL: ALEX VAJDA RA 3-9851 ° 7 tiled bath, Completely land- 1 CLEARANCE Hue | SME | Blasses, left ear, ELLTONE hearing aid, male, Piiiect best offer accepted. for condition, 5-5298. ANOTHER SENSATIONAL PRE-SEASON / COTTAGE SPECIAL EQUIPMENT g COLONIAL 40 KING ST. EAST DIAL RA 8-4678 AVE 15% | more information call and | BUYING or ptt used furan. FOR RENT Tents, all sizes, $7 - $15 per week. Sleeping Bags, Coolers, terns, stoves, $2 weekly. Cabin Trailers, sleep 5 and 6, $40 and $45 per week. Outboard Motors, all sizes, $15 ond up Boat, 5 h.p. motor trailer, $35 per week 14' Runabout, 25. electric and trailer, $85 weekly Canoes and Cartop Boats, $15 per week, We also rent, repair and sell lawnmowers, garden tillers, power WILDE REN /AL Service and Sales 1415 Dundes East, Whitby MO 8.3224 lan end L Four or five hours daily. Prepresenting AVON COSMETICS T.V. Advertised. Call Collect RU 2-4782 SUPERMARKET IN YOUR HOME. $16.95 per \week assures o family of 4 Good Living. This includes Fri- gidoire Freezer plus 3 months' food supply by SCHNEIDERS' bolus $20 bon. us cheque from Hydro Elec- trie Live modern all; ECONOMART, MO 8-538]. No obligation, No down pay. Realtor and Insurance RA 5 -9870 LUCAS PEACOCK REALTOR RA 5-4330 RA 8-5109 PRICE REDUCED TO $10,900 GRETA STREET Owner leaving country and must sell this six room 12 storey brick, with garage, and nicely treed yard. 18 ft. living room, dining room, modern 'kitchen, 1% bath- Carries for $85 a sling Toxes $194 Members Oshawa & Dist, Real Estate Beard om COUNTRY LIVING Just outside city limits -- large 6-room ranch on 106" by 167" landscaped lot, house in immaculate shape with storms, screens, broadicomed living room, venity in bath, recreation room, etc., etc., close to school and church. Phone for appoint- ment to inspect this gem. Asking only $14,500.00 DREW STREET 4-bedroom, 1)2-storey home in very good shape -- all large rooms well landscaped, paved drive, aluminum storms, screens, doors. Could easily be sublet. Asking only $10,500 with $2,500 down HIGHLAND AVENUE 6-room brick and stene rench, double garoge, beautifully land- scaped, hedged, recreation room, tiled bath and rgb well decorated, storms, screens ond other extras. Terrific value at $13,500 with 5Y2 9% mortgage AFTER 5:30 CALL Dick Barriags 5-6243 Everett Elliott 3.9290 Jes Mage 5.9191 Marion Drew 5-7610 John Kemp 8-239. transmission, way Motors' CHEV, CHEV. CHEV. CHEV PONTIAC MONARCH Hardtop . . $475 Sedan Sedan Sedon . $395 $295 + $225 sioo ask for Dick Young ot RA 5.6588 or RA 3.7183 any- | time. D. W. WILSON | LTD (28--Real Estate Wanted | PRIVATE Party is looking for a three. | {bedroom bungalow, convenient for ih Nell 2 Collegiate, good down payment '54 53 52 OLDS. Sedan ... PLYMOUTH $225 $75 129--A mobiles for : . hi EY Roy W. Nichols {ture appliances etc. (years experience. COlfax 3. |SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. |frigerators, [stoves, etc. Young lady who owns is getting mar. tied na no Jonger ; needs same No ayment fo credit rating Panes: 20 THB ved COURTICE 50 cash. NA5-3328 CAR LOT '57 METEOR four.d black Vite, two-tone atv somal | = | a 5 2a ay % $138. Bea RA 8-6206 . i Call Elmer, -2204. TV's, washers, 30 . Re- pianos, For top cash offer contact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131, T.V. TOWERS $55. 40-ft. tower structure with all-channel head, hot-dip gal- vanized, Guaranteed one year.. OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD. 361 GIBBONS STREET RA 8-8180 .. 30' x 20' -- 3 bedrooms, kitchen, large living and bathroom. Limited time only. Regular price erected $1,579. Now only $1,350. $135 DOWN $44 PER MONTH SAVE $229 Bonus window screens and free screen doors. Small deposit will guarantee erection, when required, this season. LONG SAULT | CONSTR ON CORP. LT OPEN 9 AM. TO 9 PM, 134 SIMCOE S., RA 8-4614 i [Continued on Page 30) -

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