WEAN PV Ve YT RNY WRN 28 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 14, 1961 =: THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [E& RA 3-3492 1--Women's Column 9--Summer Properties 12--Articles Wanted 17--Male Help Wanted |SPECIALS cold waves $5.50, heat for Sale or Rent 5 r~ TWO men needed at once, servicing erm sem? S350, Page Hai COTTAGE, turnisnea, prevauiie pot) - WANTED Watklng routes, {ransportation furnish Deeded land. Apply Box 327, C: 8-233 after 6. FCT Nour .Call RA 5 i Ontario. i "| SCRAP IRON, POULTRY 2--Persono ON LAKE SCUGOG -- Fiveroom lake. AND FEATHER TICKS SALESMAN wanted, full or front cottage, two-piece bath, other con. 1. TURNER to sel fhe fabisions 1961 portable rooms ELECTROLYSIS ee Si. ote, YU RA 3.2043 RA 3-3374 hy Box 917 Oshawa : rr ----rtpt FOR SALE--Summer coltage on Balsom SALESMAN wanted full and part time, ening and Supplies Nursing Services Lake, three are (collect) Highest El Bn time. Accountants Cartage Gard 9 PP 9 | CLASSIFIED AD RATES Removal of superfluous hair, |screened verandah, inside conveniences, car. Write Box, 10 Oshawa Tim have ., Chartered Accountants, RA 5-3527,\whitby Reasonable rate ully/made ready for y flor fot Cash Charge 52162 after 6 p.m. Simcoe Street North, Ajax, WH equipped and insured. Phon L.[seeding. RA 5-8985, petvised; ijiitle vited, 3 consecutive Oshawa, June 27th - 28th, ARDEN -- housek : tant -- for Sale" ing, top soll. Complete : trigerators, boat. Good fishing and H . : EAL a Gren BAOE, 11 ou today, Tis loaded with wonderful offers. Banton aad lawn cervises OL Sass. | Optometrists 8 CONTE 275 ans these dates for appointment. swimming. #35 weekly. Telephone RA Plug ig 0 liesnsed Mechanic C a, Ontario, RA 8- 5 3 ? . a LER WUNTER and| Dressmaking CEDAR trees or hedges (etc), any f. RICHARD BLACK Doctor ofl it not paid within 7 doys the SEWING MACHINE [CHOICE wateriront cottages and iot| M. GREENBERG & SONS or - Dealership Co., Accountants and auditors, Licensed DRESSMAKING and alterations on la-| mates, phone 612 Clarke or MA 3.3935, |contact lenses. 126 Simeon id " GA Above rates apply only to original Brown, RR 1, Lindsay or telephone \ Trustee in Bankruptcy, 64 King Street Free delivery, Oshawa, Bowmanville, borne. Evenings by appointment, inserti SERVICE FAirview 4-4012, RA 3-7333 308 Bloor St. E. MO 8-3304 MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, and JoHN'S Moving and Storage. Oshawa. GARDENS and Tawny, Botutilied ang pa. a eh. EFSOR 25 words: or less Marie Murduff will be in [199 foot waterfront lot. Telephone RA| yy ~AGH FOR SCRAP !! fed, Phone RA : cottages for WE BUY 5 WANT SHOP the "variety store" of the Classi: MULLIGAN'S L roto-tilling, INSERTIONS 225 248 Phone Genosha Hotel on (rent on Kennebec Lake. Rangettes, re-| STEEL, METAL, BATTERIES, ED tho Ruud grow, For free esti-| Optometry, the examination of eyes, Charge rate will apply. CHOICE. wale fotiages and, lot LTD CALL 3. H EY ; , CA; F. dies' and children's wear, reasonable 3-4191 orders for consecutive tions. East, Oshawa; B. L. Yale, CA; 5 Whitby, Alax and distriet, Subsequent Insertions ordered af ao || DOMESTIC & INDUSTRIAL |WESTIARE Wellies iis | RA 8-866, ; Friedlander, B. Comm. CPA. _ (PHee, . " P v 1 - © -- ENS and lawns Roto-tilled and |C. H. TUCK, RO, Optometrist. Please|l |oter date constitute @ new original ' § " 8.7. HOPKINS and Company, Certl R ARN vr tee nd PAY. Accomte of downtown Dominion|| order. WE DON'T SELL cottage for rent, reasonable, all con 13--Business Opportunities MAN I~AGE 25 45 od et Dost, ACOSO RA FURRI E cut. RA 5-7887. Glen Munro, 414 Park Bank or 24 Duk Street Alaviiids ex- Professional and Business listings Have your present machine [g.8105. STORE for rent, also basement, outside - Hx , - 2 d - $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily. repaired ot reasonable rates. |HATIBURTON district, fives i Road South, 28 Prince 3509, r= RESSMAKER [33522 ------ = Each additional fine $1.60 per cot. | eet. RA 3.251 pp TO TRAIN AS BOB CLANCY'S Oniario Accounting and DRES A oe relat arom 4s ues. | Painting and Decorating mo ate. chorea PHONE RA 8-2546 lage. Available July 1 to 15," an" of STORE space" eral e Toot FOREMAN i mple | od i M S----; acl Initial 'er abbreviation, suid h erp ------ ---- CeTViee i pit ind West. RA 50397. Res.| New, Alterations, Remodelling. Pest workmanship, best prices. COlfax A-1 PAINTING and paperhanging, J./| § and ¢ sign, figure, counts as © 3 P ts & Li tock COTTAGE for rent at Twin Lakes, me.| Havelock, excellent location and oppor. M RA 37605 Low Prices. | Jensen, RA 5-151 after 5 p.m. word. Box charge Ic additional, ale iyestoe con indy "birch" hone SA|CDI0 water, mewly renovated, 'Toason| ond pan expe ducation WILSON d BURROWS, Chartered EE 9 All lassified dvertisements | SMART find fur- sandy ach. one : 3 nd past experience in plane hind Mig 3% Simcoe Street South, 22 ROWE SIR E. R. KNOWLTON Fos Pd gg must be in by 5 p.m. the day be- |initure buys under "Home Furnishings" 32031 from 1210 2pm. ~~ Phone Top dzee act Sox & Bavetosk. ning and controlling produce Oshawa. Ronald F. D. Wilson, CA: RA 8-6706 A 8.2822, '|| fore publication except Births, llin Classified. See it now. TWO-BEDROOM cottage to rent, Joca-| ---- - tion schedules. Writ Box 1 G. Edmond Burrows, CA. RA 8-2371. ' LANDSCAPING SERVICE |= Memoriams, Cards of Thanks which llr ra Sae--rei- [tion at Balsam Lake, fenced lot, ap. WELL established moving and storage Oshawa Times i 6, Driving School PAINTING and decorating, will be until 9 am, [CHIHUAHUA mate pups. "| proximately 500 feet from water front. ood i a Times, A hitects 9 3 N is the ti for Spri rates, work guaranteed, storm windows!| Deadline for Lost end Found and ee Ideal for small children. MO 8-4581. low price. Owner going abroad. Tele- rc a ow is the time Pring = he and cleaned, Phone RA 8-545L || Cancellations 8:30 a.m. Office | BATHING, trimming, de-fleeing, board-| oon --~-- --- (phone RA 8-2016, 18--Male or Female Hel, MAYER and BREGIOWICE, ro LEARN TO DRIVE clean-up! Rolling, fertilizing, NG. Free estimates. Cleanl| Hours: Daily 8-5, Saturday 8-12. [|ing. Waubena Kennels, RA 56321, ta Fiera tw bedroom Dawood sof BEAUTY parlor business on main Wanted P Eng., The Times g.» Oshawa, . s t £ J | PUREBRED brown miniature poodles,|wind i ' ith Street, in tourist town, north of Osh- 2881, " od. 3 sonabl ices. Ask A R LATION! s| window in living room, large lot with i So New unlisted telephone RA 8.2881 at the repairs. Top soil and sod ema ouable Prices, Ask for Angus | REGULATIONS on es will net be | five veeks old, 865, male or female. RA [sandy beach, Situated on quiet Methuen fwd. Living auarters attached. Write SALES personnel pari or fall Hime, age Auto Port: Parts Oshawa Driving School RA 5 6047 irises responsible for errors In advertise- 82946. 2 |lake, good swimming and fishing. OL A no barrier. Good earnings and perman. uto Pa ERR ERT DODD & SOUTER ments submitted otherwise than in [BEAUTIFUL baby budgies ready Cried RRNA 14--Empl} Ww d ot Sar helpful but not essential. Short FOR body and mechanical repairs try + h writing, nor for more than one [training talking strain. Apply Mrs. HOUSEKEEPING cottages on Trent mployment ante Mo ps period. For appointment call Marijan's Garage, 200 Cordova Road.| Instructors licenced by the PAINTING & DECORATING || incorrect insertion of any adver ||Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. |River at Hastings, fully furnighed, wi GIRY,, desires. work 57 Guy. Toiphone io. soot, RA 3.5101 x |< Province, of Ontario, Day ond SPRAYING CONTRACTORS fisement, nor beyond the price ||POODLES for sale, miniatures and (accommodate 4 (0 6 people, Phone RA MO 8.5674, Whiths, : WORLD crulse assistant required on KENT'S WESTERN TIRE -- Guaran-| evening lessons. f P hahai charged for o single insertion of toys. stud service available, MArket/3-1483. =~ =~ = BOOKKEEPER, experienced, ¢ prretre Di gi sunshine cruise. Younger travel. fee, awemave pari ind scm) "RA 8 000) Hedges, avegromms, tees. | Bolnting Jopetnging | im Syme 2 oho suk [Eis Bowater. RR I Re i Street West, shawa. | v ex, u a urals, occurs. urnished cotta fi t, electri RT ee eee eee 1 f IC les. ry, Sn bays to serve you". Large Selection of Soe Painting z to classify sdvertising according to || 4_Market Basket rhein dy rane "Mo ar TS RESPONSIBLE Sin) desires housework oliday, Cinaications, photograph, ------{ " its own classification, yp a - -- i -----=-- | by day, Telephone Jo. A od . B isters | MERCURY SCHOOL PERENNIALS 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY In the case of display advertise- || ATTENTION freezer owners, Orders ESTABLISHED private summer de- HOME typing, all types considered. arriste : | OF SAFE DRIVING DAYS MO 8.5231 ments The Times will not be held |/taken now for freshly cut asparagus, velopment, Rice Lake, frontage lots | ling dg a fght he d120--Room and Board JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Barrister, responsible for more space than | Wholesale prices. Phone MO 8-4606 OPI: Cottage built, Financing no prob.| a Rilo d ~ el A ours ps > ---- Solicitor; Money to loan. Office 14% | Modern dual equipped cars. VAN BELLE NIGHTS RA 5-7426 that in which the actual error | after 6. Jom, S200, Fauioped Playground. For Say. Ou & work. « BOOM and board, ample parking, King Street East, Oshawa. RA 88232] = / |iconced instructors - occupies. The publishers endeavour nig ARR u, 364 Weller - inches Packed, IV privileges. Apply Residence, RA 5-3405. --___| Day or Evening appointments, ARDENS Personal Service to reproduce oll advertising dates 5--Farmers Column ual ee oi Sar DECORATING Soptiac on, Thornton's Road South, NING F. SWARTZ and RONILD| A G correc s --- Ra OL 30) veri HAIN Do har Solicitors, No-| DIAL RA 5-4773 PETER PAN Nursery afl or half day, || if any inaccuracies in any form ||MR. FARMER, did you know it cost|Lake, for any part of July and August, ROOM and board or room only, pawl t . Henry Block, Operated b 8.30 to 5.30. Simcoe North. RA 8-2604. of advertisement dre contained || more. to grow weeds than it does to|Contact Clare Western, 33 Albert Street ALTERATI N decorated, good home cookin, aries. Money to loan. Henry pr Goo a by HAY 2 2:30, Simeve North. BA 02000. (}.oF gd fw em weaved South, Lindsay, Outer. "CV COST. PREF 10) So seven migutes' walk to four Corners ov Residence, Dial RA 3-4029. . 1 - ee ____|LAKE DALRYMPLE summer cottage v Jos : Apply vision. : | MERCURY TAXI DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. for rent, furnished, five rooms, inside HALLIDAY HOMES ROOM and board, new e, Dial RA att TRY OUR ly decorated. BOSALD SLAKE DODDS: Banner BOWMANVILLE BAR-B-QU ED CHICKEN Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3.2721. |conveniences. Safe, sandy beach. Hy- STYLEMASYFER COTTAGES good beds and food, Poy Secor Telephone: Business RA 3.2201. Resi- Fur Storage Chicken plate, half chicken NEW BUSINESS [Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Lic. 115. dro, boat, god fishing. Telephone RA UTILITY BUILDINGS desired Rossland and Simcoe area, delice; RA 8.505. with french fries, fish ond TOP money for dead and --| You will be glad you called, |22rXif8. Apply 708 Carnegie Avenue. 4 farm stock, R. Vivian, Markham, 1160J | FURNISHED cottage in Coboconk, two uf TTT Cr -- | . OSHAWA . ON armisters: Solieitors, Nol FURS COME OUT ACME HAULAGE chips, hamburgs, hot dogs, Unlisted Numbers (collect). "24-hour, seven-day service." bedrooms, suit six, hydro and water, AJAX REPAIR AND semen, OF 2H Men ML ilk shakes, | $30 weekly. Telephone RA 8-8666. TV, laund i! tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bldg., LIKE NEW WITH T mi $30 weekly. Telep! Aesth 1 CONSTRUCTION LTD. g ry, clean home, $16 per week. 8 i Street North, RA 3-3446; T. K. LTD. MODERN GRILL " i ON CAMERON LAKE -- Three bel i RA 5-9087. Bowis io ly ac; N. C. Fraser, 4C) SR PICKWICK CLEAN ERS WE DELIVER--RA 5-3887 VALLEY CREEK "i pes of Jbker belting rooms, saft beach, TR eRlent re On 110 King Street Sos Oshawa ROOMS for rent or room and board, aR Nn Special Cleaning and GRAVEL -- STONE FURNITURE paired within 24 hours, Rem. | CIEE uit 5 FA S02 3555, 1° Ollve Ave or telephone RA funded mh = Summer Storage Special 145 KING W. i ices: ' THA'S Catchacoma, on Me- 16-- teen eet BUSSELL XL SIURTHY, A &LB, Dial RA 3-4832 L O A M LITTLE BUCKAROO 2 nonts at special prices: 50° |Ginnis Lake, new four-bedroom cottage Female Help Wanted vor young men in friendly home, good gars 4 Socio, TEL RANCH Next to Western Tire farm belt, 6" wide - $45.00 |insulated, hydro, good fishing, $5500. (ADEs --SiTves wor | meals, TV lounge, central to orp fo 434 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH RA 3-3528 RA 8-4401 Phone RAndolph 8-1658, |Terms. MO 8-3628. (Hourly rate a ie Telephone. MG 21d. downtown. 51 Colborne Ea 5381, |5-7687. JAMES A. MacDONALD, LE. TRAIL RIDING We buy, sell, exchange used Snowden Industrial Rubber [SACRIFICE Furnished four.room sum. 8-53 3 1 ; : i ai tt 100° 8 rw TE | pe Je. The Commercial Building, 285 King Gardening and Supplies : RIDING INSTRUCTION furniture, washers, TV, radios and Plastics Limited, 91 Bruce [road "part. way, mat he vorgl this PRACTICAL purse fo live in Tor he (over recta om org oud. Roodis West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking oor AT evergreens, shrubs, ADULTS AND CHILDREN and. so forth at prices to top Bruce Street, Oshawa." Jeck, $800 cash. Ideal for hunting and | are. Olle hong "Rey | Telephone RA 5.9911, rant, = Sh ent »s, perennials and choice anyone in the city. 3519. Caneroft, Chas. D. Jones. |erences wanted. Write Box 3 Oshawa [ROOM in pri N, DAVID L.. Barrister, Soli- collected rs for hedges, 2'-3', 35c, i MO 8-2519 | 4 d private home, newly deco- shor, 34 Simos Souh, RA. 595% nd up. "Orchard Noreen, No. TOP SOIL SWIM POOL OPEN J=Vrallers FOR RENT -- A two bedroom cola | sy: it Gentleman. 08 Erni A pemitirest Residence, RA 8-0264. Highway, south side, two miles west of 2 TO 9 P.M. DAILY TV - Radio Repairs NEW Dow tratler, ex Le Yeversible tolon Lake St. Peter, safe swimming, Hi oa Y, reliable onan Ad live x man. 102 Elgin Street East. MeGIRBON snd BASTEDO. Barristers, Brooklin, Ontario. - miaieame------r-- ------_|cabin trailer, 414" gh, all plywood good fishi , ately, to take con- -- EComnor ied MSTEDS Borie Ls Sint MANURE huh ECEVION ar rai ie 1d ie, Se rt acme" Ran Sinton $0 von lS REAR Us 12 Store Space & Garages $ 8. * Street North, p pairs, All work guaranteed and per-|for road. RA 8-8059. | and thio Defoe copiamae- 15 C1eN, Sive and four, Oliver 5-357 lL. (STORE or Simo Rn sae Charies C. Mecivon, ac, GRANDVIEW Phone OLiver 5-3049 | PICNICS AND PRIVATE ficmed by ssid, technicians, Kiet is PRATRIE Sharer 1073 0. Fout mci Bante etriirsion Socal WATERESS, experiance. Apply Sow oo ty hy cts, Sst South, ml. Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. | SOD SUPPLIES PARTIES Ra 8.3211, 1 "(rooms and bath, Living room carpeted, fishing, pike, pickerel and bass, $30,|°"d Restaurant, 5 Bloor East. _ plumber, etc., $40 monthly, RA 3 RICHARD H. DONALD, BA, Barrister, | 3 4 : ae ns [colored Ti MO ($40 weekly. RA 5.4328. IN WHITBY -- Woman to clean rooms, after 6.30. Solicitor, Notary Public, 52% Simcoe| We speciclize in A-1 feril- S AND GR AVEL Information -- RA, 5.2737 IV. Dn Sy (opalrs, all Su80. i -- (SACRIFICE, furnished four.room sum. |"iling to work every second Sunday. North. RA 8-2891. Res. RA 82765. ized field sod. Prompt de- - HARMONY RD. NORTH, Elliott Avenue, RA 3.9703 (Fred EVERYTHING for sman and large mer cottage on 100t. wide surveyed APPIY 732 Dundas Street East, Whitby, 23--Wanted to Rent HUMPHREYS: BOYCRYN sna ba liveries for Dawe end Die OSHAWA ye Tey trailers, iw ce and accessories. Mil lot, road part way; must be sid this THREE - Bi = BEDROOM House in » Barristers, en BA ict. Field loading for truck- i i EE oa RASA po » . oad di S Humphreys, QC; G. S. Bovehyn, BA;| trict. Fi 9 Topsoil, stone ond fill. SPECIALIZING IN WANTED T0 RENT -- 0 3 3 irgler. (lshing. | Near, 'Bancroft. Charles D. AVON Bronte seme to Bot, Of Simcoe Street. Apply Newcastle Trailer Court, On- -2519, Vir Post . A. Hillman, LLB; 36% King Street| ers and special rates for con- ; ire. EAT BETTER--FOR LES Ay Sinan Office RA 5-1177: Res., tracts. Treks ond loader for hire 5 SAMSON TOWERS tario. HALIBURTON COSMETICS ar trailer for the summer, Call conveniently-- ; after 5, MA 3-2575, RA 3-3162 ANTENNA INSULATION COOK'S SELL FOR LESS PINE RIDGE A 5-4604 or Whitby, MO 8-2761; RA RA 8-81 | 1 The Homarket Way! Bi Boi, available. hedges, pe R | 5-5202. Money to loan. wal JACK SILVERMAN, barrister and soll- has immediate open- [WANTED -- five. or sixroom house 55 {lable for first ! ' ait : : July 1. Reasonabl t. Ph morigages. 31 King sires "East. RA CROSS TOWN Insurance 90% Groceries delivered to LEN & LOU S TV. 13' Glendette Compact, At Miner's Bay. A family re- ings for mature wo- [5811s anytime, = To one : a new $985 sort, sandy beach, water men to service good Z. T. SALMERS, BA, barrister, solici- SOD SUPPLY ALLSTATE Auto Insurance, Save up| Your home. Lowest prices ever Free Estimates 15' Glendette, used $1095 skiing, organized activities, Avon territory Jog. 24--Houses for Rent 9 20 per cent, six months to pay. For| ~----meat you cut with a fork, RA 5.7844 y a --C------ -- tor, etc, 13% Simcoe Street North. 1 its to , 4 15' Glendette, used $1150 ood food, rates from FIVE-R! alow, ail - oll fertilized personal service at your home, call 9, teed. hy g 7 . OOH bHgk venser bom iow. a A rolled fertiliz sod, -7413, 100% guaranteed. Hind 16' Glendette, new, $36, Special children rotes. derful earning oppor conveniences, oil heated, located on : 1 cut fresh daily, sod for truck quarter cut to your orde 1 R. J d, ph Coboconk tunity. For more infor- ue, Iwo ocks Office RA 53 -- id | ; 50 RA 5-7 t d i . . Westmoreland Avenue, t bl JOHN A. CAMERON, Barrister, Solicl. ny, . SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT deluxe . J. Wood, phone north of Hospital. $75. 34 Mill Street 7 ' tor and Notary Public, 18% King Street" ers in the field. Special cone poly bags -- 55¢ Ib, -- y b East. RA 3.2260, NHA and private Nrocior rates. AUTO INSURANCE front -- 43c Ib, -- Freezer IT -- DAY OR NIGHT 16 Sisndette, new, $1880 148 R4, mation, Collect. SIX-ROOM bungalow for rent, on 508 Ans emis | 0 If you are a careful driver at lowest ever. No deposit, T.V. and RADIO self-contained .. Dieppe Avenue, near Wilson Road shor ma "otaer "Puc" S61 Kine BAS E504 335 to youn cor isuranes or | Lifetime warranty. $20 from | CALL RA 8-5286 | Cook's Trailer Sales & Parts, | CARIBOU LODGE RU 2-4782 [isu tires, bedroom, near" soci . 4 on your car insurance or i 3 Be Bish Street East. Phone RA 81763. Bee a ae Hydro in Jure. All Work Guaranteed Hwy. No. 2 Lake Kashagawigamog, HOUSE for rent furnished, three bed- NES, BA and THOMAS H.| ] i i : iburto as rooms, one year old, all new ture, ake, Asoc Barristers and soi: LOAM-GRAVEL | drivers enjoy the lowest rate HOMARKET OSHAWA 3 miles East Oshawa Light houston, cabins, | ---Male Help Wanted (Ics one tear oid. al new furmiture, citors, 130 King Street East, RA 8-626. | in Ontario through this of- FOOD & FREEZER CO. ELECTRONICS 9--s Properties 3 epiny * MAN, aged 2545 years, for |RA_8-4307 after 6. Mortgage loans available. | SAND, FILL, TOP SOIL fice. Haolf-year payments. : pertie showers, flush toi lets, recrea- |m plant hinery and de.|SEVEN-ROOM brick house, T3755 BRUCE V, MACKEY, BA, Barrister,| ' ' showroom -- order office for Sale or Rent tion, Lodge facilities, even- |velopment of new machines and tools, [kitchen and basemast, four-plece bath, Call us today ond compare 7 Mi 26% King ] . AL emi -------- "ea -------- ust have experience with all types of | [ovel. Street East. RA 82381, Res. Yo 52127 LOTS, LEVELLED --ample free parking. 123 Brock N., Whitby GET THAT CLEAR meri s Camp, boys, girls, 5-10 Ing meals, sandy beach. Rea- machine" shop. equipmens "ni have central 'distinct. cron rl Sonn, Tulet Street Ea a 9 . sonable rates. 480 Summer- b: | GREER and Kelly, Barristers, soir. TRACTOR, LOADER WORK SCHOFIELD Mo B45%0, Ao 8-4811 PICTURE NCW rt hill Ave., Toronto 5. 7 food education in esamtin® wield. A|shopping. Phone MO 8.3219 tors, ete, 74 Simcoe Street | Reasonable Rates INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD. 746 Dial, RA 3-2278. Residence phones J. Burns. 220 Johnston Avenue, Willow- 815, Oshawa Times. THREE bedroom gungalow, two miles I. So : q i dale, Ontario or phone BA 1.0536, eee wel itby, garage, 'monthly, 3368; Ter. IAL R "21 0 Kin % x = Use a CHANNELMASTER s WANTED men to sell, amazing oo vice V. Relly. PAC BOL, HA b-5033. DIAL RA 5-2156 360 King St. West RA 3-2265_ Plumbing Heating ANTENNA attached to a KAWANDAG LODGE |electric worm _ digger. Makes "vorms Teas ght uired. Possession June ) emerge in seconds. Sel on sight. PLUMBING and heati ipes, fit.| STARLIGHT TOWER (Y FOUR om house, Tei Rat oo Bookkeeping | OSHAWA Lawn Mowers 3 _. [ELUMEING ani Sting Dives, 1. AT ow and CEDAR ISLE 1 DGE ROSSEAU, ONTARIO High commission. MO 8- WE FOUR roi house, nicely kept, oom FOWER Lawn Mowers sharpened and ing fron septic tank to sewer a spe- Yes . TRENT RIVER, ONT, Don Gallinger, prop. Former Ivo Openings for part-time work, | modern prin BL Call RA 8.0830, repaired, also bicycles and outboa: 'alty, alla 5 . i " ins." % | sre ro-- core wa L. SCHAPELHOUMAN HOME LANDSCAPING motors, Rosedale Marine, RA 5-8063. rates. Information and 'estimagee fous GET THAT CLEAR 3 miles off Highway No. 7 NHL Raver "Buston Bruins. Call Mr. White RA 53785. To" |SIX room bungalow, broadioom. bases » Landscaped designing, sod- [HAVE your lawn mower precision Of 487 Ove of plumbing. Dial RA PICTURE NOW! on Highway No. 30: 2 and American Plan, Write for | MILK driver-salésman, for Ajax Dairy, |Ioc, occupied, $i60 monthly, heat, COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING ding, seeding, weed killing, [RA 5.4360. ree pick up and delivery. | i. J. ye -bedroom cottages with re- folders, An AAA, ATRO re- : ve Experienced preferred, Telephone WH |Near south GM. Bus at door. RA 8-3392, . ALL plumbing .and heating supplies. Fs i 25560 after 6 p.m. MO 8-3184. - --r edict SR CE TCE TAX Spee eT DE Ba Ee | Fe ey id oe | won HONEST, ambitious man, who 1s Will:| near ora. Iguse, reasonable rent, RETURNS. PHONE WE SHARPEN AND RENT Ltd., plumbing, heating and engineer-| tube installed by expert . ing to work, will earn a better tha North Oshawa, Telephone RA 8.4920, ing, 255 Simcoe Street South. technicians, and you'll have ning water, showers, flush SEE YOUR TRAVEL AGENT ; ny | EXGHT-ROOM brick house, suitable for 686 OSLER STREET RA 8-6366 ALMOST EVERYTHING the finest. Modest prices -- toilets. Dancing, good fish- ity machine, RA 82301, HE a qual two f Ae ba rainy 0 with two , 8 i TT Hous f ice: ing, cedar strip boats, motors, PIONEER CAMPS -- MUS- |300NG man. 16: 1 time work| ison Road South or RA 5-254, RA 5-9953 . OSHAWA Give Us A Call-- BEA Y APPLIANCES call us for service KOKA: PORT SYDNEY -- 2 YouNg mam, waa lint time work MODERN two-bedroom hungajow. 35 J P) Barn, e ment, pumps, ; Phone RA 5-6812 or hi ie, wi Ol RT GRAVEL LOAM | STAN'S | "mesg mmm | TRIO TELEVISION | "hued Sls! | leis con hon ond [Bf i fo Po fe fora oie GENERAL woodworking, frames, sash, AND CORNER KING & BURK STS. oil burners, hot water and 171 BOND STREET EAST WIANCKO HOUSE accommodation. Resident CHARTERED orntinis office ve. sonable Fork wa rain, er screens, cottage and home wood sup- . forced air furnaces, bathroom medical staff. Program in- . |tial.Brifnell M d Co. Ti NE SOM Tora Ane open Phies. Made and cut rier. RA 3129. MANURE RA 3-3224 fixtures, gh and service. RA 8-678 ! SPARROW 'LAKE cludes trail riding. ($1.50 oa Nowe ny to, Tithe Se Ty omme, "Gist Street East, CERAMIC, plastic wall tile, wood- 3 ili i Immediate session. Rental, $150 ing, all fl ings. Free esti. Money to Loan i PARTNER i] hour extra), sailing, boating e pos: . h mates. Work guaranteed. A. $4850 PHONE SECON merase Tore PLUMBING AND HEATING |TV---Rentals MUSKOKA, OINTARID canoeing, water-skling, cov. | ARE YOU INTERESTED jn |montaly. To inspect, cin Harry Millen, ALL fypes building repairs, roofing, Telephone RA 8-8882 for more informa.| ORONO 1782 Day or Night A family hotel with excellent ered wagon and cance trips, establishing Yourself in a sell SEVENROOM House and Sarsge--H - SICNIGRAINE, ShmIels, oSreplices, - tion. A Rk d Upholste Rent : Rent - Rent recreational facilities. Open crafts and hobbies. Space ing arse, wit 'e ong-estab- | conveniences, close 0 bus and schools, eval, | FIFTY to five thousand (dollars. Any ug an ph vy mid-June to Labor Day. Rates still available August $30 lished Oshowe in ustry, Tus Telephone RA 5-2081. rt worthwhile purpose.lowest rates, fast! CHESTERFIELDS re-built, d, cotidi at special rate of $63.00. Is not a door-to-door or nig I RL a No obs Visit Our New Srect: Sonam He %0% Simcoe like new. Why bay more? Our rates| De - Humidifien $10 per ET bl yess, Further Toto J. calling job, but a position 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent MO 88005 or RA Besar, Ts "** GARDEN CENTRE CLIENTS' money to loan on first ork | Maltresnes Darden, Susranten. | fhonth, Why have ©. domp Ping Tay An ATRO re. Camps, 30 St. Mary St, With a bright future, if en- |THREEROOM basement apartment, MO 8-301 3 or RA LR -- gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale Co, 10 Bond Street West. Dial RA asement or recreation room? sort. Write M. R. Wiancko Toronto 5 -- Phone WA thusiasm and initiative are feparate Ie pont, Jaundry YOUR local chimney cleaner. "him. | purchased, NHA mortgage arranged. |5-0311. Television Sets, $7 per week. : ey 2-4188 opplied in the right propor- RA 8 B neys built and repaired, gas linings in- at 1259 SIMCOE NORTH Creight Fi Dry: d Mur roc ee eet emt MEAGMER"S for folder. . 2 or, 8-1679. stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free estl.| 1.000 ft. North of ARP Stora |GreiShlon, Fraser, Drynan and Mur-|gy ESTERFIELDS resmiolstared and 5 Ring St its RA 3.3435 Hons, THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, alse. RA 33000 0 a [sly & sue estates. See our mates . . = q close to shopping centre, newly decor- eee 1 __ GARDEN SUPPLIES rial for recovering. Dalton Up HOUSEKEEPING LITTLE BUCKEROO | WRITE BOX 718 [dot ALL TYPHS of home repairs and re | 75 Charles Street. RA 3-7212. ATH Gi : Suit quiet couple. Phone RA §-3777, modeling, recreation rooms, roofing] -- STONE SUPPLIES MONI ES FOR aL : wr eso Well Drilling-Di gging CABINS RANCH THREElarge room apartment, modern Workmanship guaranteed. Free esti CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re- -- OSHAWA TIMES convenien ivate bath and | --HOUSE PLANTS covered like new. Get the best for less ces, priv a &ns mates. RA 3-2413. : See M RT E at Modern Upholstering, 142 Simcoe W. WARD ON LAKE HURON DAY CAMP nr trance, five minutes from downtown, CHIMNEYS, new "and rebuilt. "Side. We also Handle Mori iloble on First |South. Call RA 85is1 for free estimate. WELL DIGGING BY Families, $32-$45 Weekly, giving Packground, age, pre. Sy ont. RA 5.4344. walks, stoops, and roofin; ork guar-l o imming Pool Construction onies availa i WISE homemakers find bargains every. Singles, $22. Sand beach vious selling experience, High * [MODERN two - bedroom apartments, Reed "OL sb. ater § pm | : || Mortgages ar 765 per annum ESF, MEE T SR eSE TR MACHINE goad swimming: earn | © DAYS WEEKLY | Ge tor [fot ois on DRIVEWAYS OSHAWA WHO BONUS, okie on | [eS mt eek today, SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE | children. Golf, theaters, oly end August I ing. Cedar and Thomas district. Fira onies Qiso availa H . . month's rent free. 'elephone GARDEN. SERVICE WHITBY, ONTARIO doncing close, 6. Hoel Information RA 5-2737 TAXATION Second Mortgages. Rugs and Upholstered Furni- MO 8.2563 -- MO 8.3809 wood, R. R. 1, Bayfield, Ont, OFFICERS-IN-TRAINING Ina AIN LOOKING FOR First-class Workmanship at 1259 SIMCOE NORTH Mortgages and Agreements | ture expertly cleaned. 204 CHESTNUT ST. W. . ric 2 for Sal hased. J Gvmnd tReet Prices op RA II = He Pend RTZ ay SEGER'S | P.O. BOX 329 STURGEON LAKE PIONEER VILLAGE DEP ARTMENT OF SOMETHING BE ._;""_o Ee AMM $ Te don CLEANERS ATIONAL REVENUE, TT PAVING CO. CALL Short trm and Builder' Mort- | professional cleaning at lower | TED VEENHOF | BEEHIVE PARK ESTATES BUCKHORN LAKE TAXATION DIVISION, BETTER ? RA 8-4801 : : prices. i NEW EXECUTIVE SUMMER boats for rent Sandy, saf TORONTO, ONTARIO. Then here i -- | GRANT FOR SOD 20%; King 31. Eon, RA 5-7488 Bin Dig NG HOMES. Morigages enanged bese hy exalt" Yobing STARTING SALARY 3-room modern partment n , ean-outs and deepening. - r water. nearly-new Tri-Plex -- a CLIFF BROWN DELIVERED OR LAID Registered, under Mortgoge | WHY TAKE CHANCES | "COMPRESSOR WORK." , | pom." Prices and toms to | 82301 S240 PER ANNUM, ore rooms, stove ri i n suit your needs. Built o 4 + > rki GRAVEL & SAND | Finest quality, reasonable rates. Brokers' Registration Act. RUGS AND FURNIRURE RA 8-3864 lorge "Waterfront lots in new MARJACK LODGE Suir; 2 rida for rid P1000 monthly. BLACK LOAM TELEPHONE MO 8-3015 When you can have them registered private subdivision ability to deal with the a Call RA 8-4678 or after 5:30 with Florida" motif; most STURGEON LAKE ty p RA 5-6983 p + Deliver -- MORTGAGE professionally cleaned by a GERALD FULTON 9 Hi 5 fib : lic in o courteous and tact |--0 P0700, TOmp: elivery BEVER C ¥ member of the National In- suet ard beeutitul in Ye Fishing, beach, abundant ful manner; personal suit- RA 8-8951 E WY K Money Available stitute of Rug Cleaners, 20 WELL DRILLING sand 'beach, Yrge beautiful home cooked meals. Special ability; satisfactory physical MODERN years experience, rates for children. House- condition. AGE WILL BE A i -- ; shade trees, canal 40' wide at keepi bi Dunsf DONT MOVE, GARDENS Payments to suit NUWAY -- RA 8-4681 AND DIGGING rear of lots with sheltered | Onorio, oo | RETERMINING FACTOR | 4 AND 2 BEDROOM is IMPROVE Orly 3 Highway 12 iit Your Budget Surveyors a gock or boathouse for each PHONE 25-R24 completing thelr. "senior miles no 0 itby HF . . under contract, we guarantee . i i i MOPIRSIE 60 OUT OL 5-3570 | Att ER OMPANSIENTS. Ett * Tooke ven Bak] Jo avin water or fre wit | ovo (3 Kevicles Wanted iti so pon tucrare | APARTMENTS Phone RA 5-6881. : e no charge. Phone Hampton x : jh. | OHUGGING CARS ned" wo " : YOU WILL BE GLAD : E _. ience is built into each of GOING CARS JDetdithe exer not be appointed until they i i i YOU CALLED MO 8-4735 51 KING ST. E. RA 3-3993 |tario Land Surveyor, commercial bia: CO 3-2790 these summer homes, hydro, ice" in Classes. Turn to it mow | have provided proof of | Quiet residential street . RA 8.5103 -- Member Ontario Mortgage printing, 12 Bloor Street East. RA 5-5632 drilled walls, full plumbing, |ANOTHER family would love that pet senior matriculation. close to transportation; 110 King St. Eost, Oshawa Soe us lor your garden sp Brokers Association "TY - Rodio Reba = modern kitchens, fireplace, piv edge BG S342 to he 'Your| For full particulars concern- yo ' IR __ plies. Landscape Service. - Radio Repairs USE THE complete interior decorating |result-getting Classified Ad. ing residence, qualification | stoves and 'fridges, T.V. AJA Mortgages lus dial. teleph ith pri = - requirements and application IAR y plus dial, telephone with pri- and CONSTRUCTION LTD.| HARDSAND LANDSCAPING MORTGAGE Toms Bowmaeiie--Ouk SAMSON or Day. SHAW forms see posters on display | Outlet, drapes and paved Payment terms arranged, or A complete gorden service, |awa, Whitby, Ajax, Pickering and viein. ot the National Employment it you require on economical clean-up, fertilizing, power [ty. Residential, acreage, apartments, | V TOWERS OSH 14 \W, : J IMES LOCATION: 4 miles west of AUTO WRECKING CO. Service Offices ond Post parking. Home, Summer Cottoge, rolling, Now is the time to [Sake Brn Anat ile, Mort, $Y Bobcaygeon on the Fenelon Offices. Apply before June PHONE Garage we can supply: Fac- kill crab grass ond chick- [Securities Limited, 112 Simcoe Street RA 8-8180 CLASSIFIED Falls Hwy., large signs at Parts for sale. also crop. iron 21st, 1961, to the Civil Ser- tory Engineered Stylemaster weed. Seeding, sodding, nur- |North, Oshawa. Phone RA 5-3568. entrance, paved road all the and metal, oe Bought Pron vice Commission, 25 St. R 5 7272 idi toch | FIRST and d t a T . , etc. ght. i 3 AS. Buildings. Many plans to Sery igck Iagresme Bh AB ston | OSHAWA V. way; owner on property every Saturday all day. Phone. Clair Avenue East, Toronto 7, . 0 fter , includ k= Ontario. ' Shetts foom: Nove in rent RA 35-1721 treo" Bast RA ass" % K%| 361 GIBBONS ST. COLUMNS nau, nS wel" | RA5-231189BLOORE. | Sucve Competition 61.7787 | 'RA 5.5787 Want cars for wrecking.