THOUGHT FOR TODAY Women make the best nurses -- especially of grudges. EEE A --.. do @ \ : EEA to rae amg ro Le ¢ Osha Time Skies are expected to clear by this evening, with cool, clear weather predicted. VOL. 90--NO. 138 Price Not Over 10 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1961 Authorized as Post Office Second Class Mail THIRTY-FOUR PAGES SIX HURT IN THIS CAR 'Oshawa Crash Injures Six | Six Bowmanville and area|street. east, Newcastle, was teenagers were admitted to the|thrown through the front wind- Oshawa General hospital shortly| shield. Stephenson was also in- before noon today suffering un- jured. determined injuries after a car jiwk believed the youths were in which they were riding struck oproute to the Hannan Marine -- US. Titer Goes To Jail NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- George Lincoln Rockwell, leader of the American Nazi party, and nine of his 'storm troopers' were found guilty Tuesday night of disturbing the peace and of conspiracy to pro- voke a disturbance of the peace. They were arrested May 24,| 'Mata Hari' || In Spy Case? | WASHINGTON (AP) -- Over-|relations committee, told re- i tones of a classic spy thriller porters Tuesday: | & [cloak the case of an American| «I understand the root of the {foreign service officer charged trouble was a woman. I was in- | with giving U.S. secrets to Com-| formed a Polish blonde seduced { munist Poland. {him and then blackmailed him." A blonde Polish spy was re-| The justice department gave ported to dave red Irv Aino details about the information| Chambers Scarbeck, 4l-year-old|Scarbeck was charged with) father of four, into turning aver: passing to foreign agents. There classified information to Com-|were indications the information| munist agents while he served, was of a political rather than a| bond was set at $50,000. He was The complaint filed by the A arberk was held in jail after # ; ¥ Dawn Blaze | the Federal Bureau of Investi- | f gation on a Washington street | . Kills Four in the U.S. Embassy. in War-| military nature. | arrested Tuesday by agents of justice department before U.S. a #Cuban Tractor 0 the day after their arrival in their "hate bus," to picket the motion picture "Exodus." a tree at the corner of King Supply store on Ray street to street, and Cadillac avenue. |n; chase outboard motor parts Most seriously injured Wwas| when the mishap occurred. The John-Bentley, 16, of 57 Prospect oar had been travelling west on stre et, Bowmanville. Also in-l gino street when it mounted the jured were Sole Rude. 13, of curb and collided with a tree ew. B, E 8 : Alfred Alldread, 16, of Beaver Damage to the vehicle was street, Newcastle, Paul Barclay, estimated at approximately 13, of 10 Liberty street north, $1,000. Constable Dean Dil- Bomanville, and John Cunning-|1abough investigated ham, 14, of Newcastle The accident victims were Bentley, a back seat passen- rushed to the 'Oshawa General er in a car driven by James| Hospital by civic ambulance and s Stephenson, 16, of King! police cruiser. lington, Va., $2,000 and sen- tenced him to 60;days in jail. was his spiritual leader. He also. told the court he expected to be in power in 1972 by a vote of the American people. "French Tum Back 'Ban-Bomb Group | SOUTHAMPTON, England -- Twenty-six *"ban-the- bomb peace marchers' -- Brit- tish, Iyouths who hoped to march to |Moscow--returned to Southamp- ton today after French police turned them back from Le Talks Started. . HAVANA (CP) -- A meeting ers taken in the Cuban invasion with Prime Minister Fidel Cas-{last April 17 mercenaries and gore tro was scheduled today for a group of agricultural experts from the United States who ar-| rived in Cuba Tuesday to work =put technical details of an ex- change of expatriate Cuban prisoners for tractors. said it was not an exchange but| Bo," Kingsley, 29, Durham indemnification he was seeking|y jy managed to elude French in asking for 500 tractors in re- police when he swam ashore turn for more than 1,200 prison-|¢. om the steamship Normannia. ers. ..+.|His friends said he would start The projected interview with walking to Paris today with a Castro -- tentatively scheduled group of French marchers. Judge Edward Haggerty fined the 43-year-old Rockwell of Ar-| Rockwell testified that Hitler! American and Swedish| commissioner Sam Wertleb said Scarbeck admitted communicat-| ing to Polish agents information that was classified '"'as affect ing the security of the United] States." The state department, citing In Montreal MONTREAL (CP) ~ Four persons died and two were se- a ally and devo- verely injured as a result of a his "service, loyalty a h fire that rushed through a three: fon jo oy storey apartment house before] meritorious. # : dawn today | * He a toi Sole fe _ The city morgue said the un-| gd [change program in San Fran.|identified bodies of two men, a) gg cisco. woman and an infant were Senator J. William Fulbright, brought fers from the fire on | chairman of the Senate foreign|east-en St. Denis St. | Firemen said he ped the top floor of th ted piping hy i pid ba injuries caused by five fm io ak, Mom of tok HMO Welt ioe 'on the second floor. The chimney, at the extreme, for late this morning--follows meetings which the American delegation had - Tuesday with President Osvaldo. 5 officials of the Cuban Agrarian eform Institute. These private discussions {were described afterwards by lan American spokesman as very (hopeful. No details were dis- iclosed publicly. | The delegation, three of those : . . members are university profes. OTTAWA (CP) -- The Coyne sors, was sent here by tractors controversy, an 'explosive po- litical issue that grows hotter at every turn, gets an airing today in the Commons. Finance Minister Fleming was scheduled to reply at the Commons opening to the bomb- shell disclosure by Governor James E. Coyne of the Bank of Canada that he had received and rejected a government de- mand for his resignation. In a statement Tuesday morning the 50-year-old gover- nor accused the government of casting a "slander upon my own integrity" by attacking an The meeting figured to be the high point of the four-man group's visit which is expected to wind up Thu 3, Castro has ca the prison- Drug Price RE Hearings OTTAWA (CP)--Public hear- y ings will be held under federal for Freedom Incorporated of jurisdiction into prices of drugs Detroit. This committee has un- and into the distribution and|dertaken to raise funds for 500 sale of automobile oils, greases|itactors which Castro has set and other accessories, Justice 2S indemnification for 1,214 pris. Minister Fulton announced to-|oners captured by Cuba in the day in the Commons. ill-fated landing on the Bay of The hearings will be held in Pigs connection with inquiries into the two matters under the Com- bines Investigation Act. Mr. Fulton said the public hearing in connection with the manufacture, distribution and sale of pharmaceutical drugs in Canada will open here July 4. Bribe Attempt Probe In Wake Of Trial TORONTO (CP) -- A police investigation, acted on a recom-/acy to obtain information from investigation is under way into mendation of Gordon W. Ford, a police officer contrary to his the poesnity that attempts special Crown prosecutor. duty. Wright is charged on were made to corrupt the jury . an three counts i that last week acquitted a sus- SEEN AS PERVERSE Const. ivy 3 Sing isoncy, pended provincial policeman Mr. Ford also recommended that he interfere with the ad- and two gamblers of conspiracy the Crown appeal © ministration of justice, and Mc- charges. grounds that the jury returne ermott and Feeley are Attorney : General Roberts @ perverse verdict -- one in charged with keeping a com. Tuesday night confirmed press which the decision is not rea- mon gaming hodse in Toronto reports of the investigation, ta sonable in light of the evidence. Township be headed by Chief Inspector The jury acquitted Robert J. . Harold Graham of the OPP. Wright, 2, a Suspelided prouie. CHARGED MAN Orders for the inquiry were cial police constable; Josep Mo : ci issued Monday, it was learned.|P. McDermott, 40 of Port cnday police said hey had The Globe and Mail says a|Credit, and Vincent B. Feeley. man with attempting to bribe juror in the trial has given 37, of Toronto. witness at the. trial, James police a signed statement' that| If feturned its verdict after piffer of Lakeview has ben an attempt was made to offer twice returning to the court- remanded to June 21 at Cooks- him a $20,000 bribe if he could room-- first to request. further|yjjje 4 opi bring in a verdict of acquittal. clarification from Mr. Justice The newspaper says police W. F: Spence on the question have questioned a man under-(of circumstantial evidence, and stood to have been named by secondly to report inability to) the juror and a further investi- agree on a verdict. Mr. Justice gation is likely? . Spence sent the jurors back for Mr. Roberts, in laufiching the further deliberation - The three accused w ere freed CITY_EMERGENCY [ole Girone. Groen Seo PHONE NU S for Spells on" gambling house PO E RA 5-1133 . - FIR EPT. RA 5-6574 (of the PITAL RA 3.2211 |p There was some uncertainty Tuesday as to whether tHe dele- gation would have a chance to talk to Castro. He had gone to Oriente. province in eastern Cuba and nobody seemed to know just when he would return to the capital. Donald MacDonald, of ©n- tario CCF leader, said Tuesday night the latest developments support his contention that a full-scale inquiry is needed into organized crime and the admin istration of justice in Ontario, "Any further delay in launch- ing such a cowhplete and inde- pendent inquiry," he said in a statement, "would leave the {government itself guilty of not playing politics with the erime i J 351265 | issue, but of toying with the fu- Supreme Court gf On- ture safe tario and the integrity of our All are charged with conspir- judicial system." gy Further chargés are pending, to be heard at the fall ank Governor Row~ Hotter By The Hour ty of the people of our R. Pilon, another resident, " » |was in critical condition in hos- Lightning 'BIG HEARTED POLICEMEN Badly burned a condition was Ren visiting teen-agers in this | | resort town, said Tuesday | The fire started about 4 a.m. reported treated for smoke poi-|Street Public School during a| hi lunteer : Stree g | ee oe You ("The violent thundershower Tuesday | west end of the school was) damaged and bricks from the {pital with burns and frctures. Hits School SEASIDE PARK. N.J. Two firemen werd treated rl | they will give the beer to and was brought under control | The fire apparently broke out afternoon. | nqrth side of the chimnéy were schoolyard. { A grade two class directly] below the chimney on the sec- ond floor received the brunt of the impact as the lightning struck. Its teacher; Mrs. irease in his retirement pen- net" felt he should have vetoeq| Fairfield sume the il ee ion approved 16 months agothe directors' decision in Fep-|2 3M. taere Bre puplis by the bank's directors. ruary, 1960, increasing his pen-| MIS. Fairfield's class. He also said that Mr. Flem-|sion to a maximum $25,000) The principal of ing, in asking May 30 for his|from $12,000. immediate resignation, had "I reject emphatically any| h p il | suggested the government such pi Mr. Coyne est fire drill she had ever wit-| wanted him out of the way be-|wrote to Mr. Fleming. {nessed. No one panicked during cause of pending government] He told reporters he is stay- the drill. ia} programs "which are appar-|ing in office because of the| A fire escape on the west side ently thought to be of such|"personal attacks" on himself|0f the school was not used be- character that I would oppose and because no proper issue of| cause of the danger of falling them." ¥ policy had arisen between him- bricks. No one was hurt during| ase g AA self 'and the government which|the entire emergency. 1 WILL Not RESIGN' fedien would be reason for his resig-| The Whitby Volunteer Fire quietly under such creat ion. Brigade arrived at the scene |stances," Mr. Coyne said in his FINDS HARD TO BELIEVE |minules after the incident oc- statement, issued here while he! In response to a question, he! % i a was 'in Quebec { ity. - said he finds it "difficult to be-| Vas no ire accompanying ue | Late Tuesday night, on his lieve" that the pension dispute| lightning. a {return, Mr. Coyne piled more Was the real reason for the| Dundas Street Public School, [fuel on the controversy at an|g0vernment's demand that he| the oldest school in Whitby, will : have classes as usual tomorrow. i | extraordinary press conference |TeSIgn. |he called in the central bank's| {board room. He disclosed that the central bank directors, by a vote of 9 to 1 at a Quebec City meeting Tuesday morning, had called for his resignation after unsuc- {cessful appeals to Mr. Fleming Blackout Hits am meni; New York City Mr. Coyne said the directors' NEW YORK (AP)--The sec-| resignation demand -- the pur- ond massive power failure in |pose of which was "to support jess than two years threw five the government'--was likewise square miles of midtown Man-| refused. {hattan into a 44-hour chaos in-|well. He told reporters the board volving millions of people Tues-| Consolidated Edison Company lacks power to fire him -- "it!day. It was the hottest June 13 said the trouble appeared to probably takes an act of Par-|in the city's history--96 degrees have started when a ecircuit- (liament." He didn't indicate in mid-afternoon. breaker caught fire in a trans- whether he thinks the govern! From skyscraper peak to sub-|former at a substation, As a re- ment will take this step. DISCLOSES LETTERS fes (dents | At his press conference Mr. to the bumiper-to-bumper rou- lessly snarled face to face as of this always at two other substations. cramped metropolis were . : snarled in the vivid example of FRISCO HIT Coyne took the unusual step ofl ejeciricity's value to modern In San Francisco, meanwhile, making public two, letters he|man. No one was reported in- an accident in a power. station wrote June 9 to Mr. Fleming. jyred, {blacked out a large part of that {The letters, and the governor's" The power went out just as|City at the rush hour late Tues- {comments to reporters, made|the mammoth office buildings day. Massive traffic and pedes- {these points: : began pouring their tens of train jams resulted and police {, 1. Mr. Fleming told him May|thousands into the streets. 30 ythat his public speeches, Riders were trapped in ele- flooded with calls. d turned out to be embar-yators for up to three hours. assing to the government and| Passengers were stranded be. back by 9:27 p.m., an hour after| {were being used by their oppo-|jow ground irk subways. Passen: sunset. | {nents in Parliament' and else- gers emerged from both, shaken! A force of 3,500 policemen was where for political purposes." |and dripping with perspiration. ordered into .the blacked-out 2. He feels the government! "It was like a steam bath," area and they - were supple- {is responsible for central bank|caid a patroiman coming out of mented by scores of civil de- {monetary policy -- a point rela subway. 3 fence workers. Motoristy were |neatedly disputed in the phst warned to keep out. arch-| NEW-TYPE TIEUP raffic lights by Mr. Fleming. lights were rushed to strategic that "some quarters in the cab-ithrough out the area and thou- breaking, 3. Mr. Fleming had told him were out| intersections to keep down law-| y -- : SCHOOL CHIMNEY DAMAGED | | Speaker's approval today for a the government's request that Governor James E., Coyne of the Bank of Canada resign im- mediately. | OTTAWA (CP) Finance Minister Fleming indicated to the Commons today the govern- ment will "shortly" seek legis- lative action to remove James E. Coyne, controversial gover- nor of the Bank of Canada. The announcement came at the end of a lengthy statement in which Mr. Fleming accused the 50-year-old bank governor of frustrating the g o ver nment's hopes of "expansionist'" action [to boost the economy. "I an inform the House that the government will shortly in- vite Parliament to take appro- priate legislative action to meet the needs of the situation." - government 'move to seek his ouster. Mr. Coyne disclosed Tuesday he had rejected a May 30 de- mand by the government that he resign and another similar request by his board of directors made at Quebec City Tuesday. Mr. Fleming made his state- miles an hour sw Ontario Tuesday a evening, ripping down hyd phone wires. / No injuries were reported. whistled across Toronto twice | within half an hour early in the Q damage an gored of the |damage, \then ned a th | scattered 45 feet away in the, "i ine hing with a sud- |den torrential downpour. Violent Storm Hits ochool | Sweeps Ontario - | } 'Whitby | By THE CANADIAN PRESS | The Windsor area reported Hail, rain and winds up to 65 the highest winds--65 miles an Southern|hour--but there was little dam- ; rnoon and age. uprooting jtrees and| The Toronto weather office and tele-|reported winds of 52 miles an This action could only be aig. FLEMING SAYS COYNE FOILED ECONOMY PLAN Wants Action To Oust Governor OTTAWA (CP) -- Opposition Leader Pearson won the present his long-delayed budget | speech next Tuesday night, June full-dress day-long debate on) 20. ment after announcing he will The apparent inference, from both his statements, was that the "'expansionist" policies he referred fo may be embodied in the budget, r Mr. Fleming said the main reason the government asked Mr. Coyne to resign was that it "was convinced that Mr. Coyne's continuation in office as governor of the Bank of Canada would stand in the way of the implementation of a comprehen- sive, sound and responsible eco- nomic program designed to raise the levels of employment _ and production in Canada." ~~ It was the case of an expan- sion-minded government having to deal with a restrictive-minded governor. "The government's policy is expansionist aimed at the crea- tion of more trade, more pro- fon and more jobs," Mr, {Fleming said. {| "The policies advocated by Mr. Coyne are restrictionist-- restrictive of trade, restrictive of production and restrictive of jobs." Mr. Fleming said he would not reply in detail to Mr. Coyne's stateraent Tuesday "or on its defiant and provocative character." He said he would give the Commons "the essential facts, virtually none of which appear in that statement." "FE central bank governor's statement Tuesday accused the government of castin | "slander upon my own imteg- |rity" by attacking an increase lin his retirement pension ap- proved 16 months ago by the {bank's directors. | hour on Toronto Island. The| temperature plunged 10 degrees The hurricane - like stormto 73 at the height of the agrees! Budget Out storm returned with greater damage, bringing down trees Leftists Mar | Stevenson Visit SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) -- A handful of leftists smashed win- Dundas|dows of the U.S. Information Street School, Miss Florence Agency Tuesday night; protest- Heard, said that it was the fast.|iNg the arrival of Adlai Steven- | 4 son as President Kennedy's spe-| cial envoy. In the most hostile incident so far of Stevenson's South American tour, about 30 demon- strators paraded through the streets of Santiago, |*"Cuba «si, Yanqui no." At the USIA office they shattered plate (glass windows with long poles. chanting and burning eut bydro trans- formers. UNDERPASSES FLOODED Underpasses in the city were blocked in some cases by three feet of water. ; Barns were blown down in the Orillia area and power was cut off in the town for three { hours. L | Some rudal power facilities across the southern part of the province y be out for two or three dfys. school in Brantford and an- other at nearby Harley were clgsed for the day when light- ning struck service poles out- side the buildings and knocked out the lighting systems. After a period of calm, as| Metro residents ruefully sur- | smarts 2 On Tuesday | OTTAWA (CP)--Finance Min- |ister Fleming announced today he will present his long-delayed budget next Tuesday evening, June 20. The minister's announcement, |ending weeks of waiting, was made while the House awaited an .expected statement by him in reply to Tuesday's bshell disclosure by Goverfior es E. Coyne of the Bank of Can- ada that he had received and re- jected a government demand for his resignation. There had been widespread speculation that the Coyne issue had been a factor in the delay in bringing down the budget-- normally presented around the April 1 start of the fiscal year. curred at 3.55 p.m. but there|¢ sands of motorists--accustomed| § tine -- found themselves hope-!|§ way bottom--and in-between-- sult breakdowns also occurred and fire control boards were|§ In Manhattan, all power was § Smoke pours from 1a Calmar freighter Texmar afler fire broke out during salvage ) \ 7 le oy FREIGHTER BURN operations aboard the ground. | ed ship in Grays Narbor, near | Aberdeen, \Wash., today. A kJ \ s@lvaged crew was removed safely. --(AP Wirephoto) 4