The Oshawa Times, 13 Jun 1961, p. 8

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© Tussdey, J 13, 1961 rr 3 ci T : Ri ern: Mrs. Burns MacLeod, Mrs. with gifts from the 10th Parent " THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, June Parents Committee M 11 - eno Nuptial tes Mothers, Daughters Niiired Hubbard, Mrs. Arthur Comusitivs and the 10th gi ' : { : ompson, Mrs. Jack Pearce,/Guides in recognition of r : 2nd Guide Company Sole iz | In Po rt P Take Guide Vow Ms, Douglas Brows, Mss. H.| resignation. Mrs. Theodore La. . mn uess an rs. D. G. Brown. kin, past president of the 1 Holds Election Olt ollment "was eld rocety nM: Major Rankin present Parent Commitice "was ao .|_ The Church of Ascension, |ding trip to Bermuda the bride the Salvation Army Citadel, Mrs, G0 Mrs. Charles oN presented. With 2 Zift for her Mii pi Rome yas ln. Port Perry, was the setting for|wore a blue chiffon dress with| Donald McEachern assisted by Brown Owl of the 10th Packimany year's service. |Parents Committee at the June|@ Wedding on Saturday after-\matching coat, white accessor-|Mrs. Victor Phair and Mrs. noon, June 10, when Mrs. Ruth ies and a corsage of white or-|Nona Hayes enrolled the fol ry por. Luck Sooper M esting Sela Margaret Teno, formerly o f|chids. lowng guides: Susan Smith, evening Oshawa was united in mar-| On their return the couple will Nancy Oliver, Gayle Hubbard, Other executive members|Fiage with Mr. Alfred Edward|reside in Port Perry at the|Florence Wales, Christine Rob- Lake for the summer, later in|bins, Lynne Butler, Avril Dev- .|MacGirr of Toronto. . 8 lorie 10 Suljes ah = 1llows: The Reverend Reginald Stock-| Toronto. enish and Linda Sloman. Mrs. A . house performed the ceremony.| Out of town guests were pres-| Major Marsland Rankin then els Nis. Olle: Conlaing; Mrs. Florence McClintock of ent from Aurora, Ajax, Osh- ne foe lowing guides 4 nD AILY FLIGHTS nold; treasurer, Mrs. Douglas Port Perry. awa, St. Catharines, London, Cooks -- Beverly Scott, Mil- 4 Kirkland; card convener, Mrs. Given in marriage by her Windsor, Calgary, Toronto, dred McDonald, Diane Ku H. J. Bays; press, Mrs. Frank|son, Mr. Kenneth A. Teno, of North Bay and Port Perry. nicki: Needlewomans: on non-stop to and from Ball; social, Mrs. Gordon Bar-{Oshawa, the bride wore a street ane Kupnicki and Beverly i | n 0 Pp E ker and Mrs. Ball; telephone|lensth dress of powder blue silk BOOMING SPORT Scott; House Emblem -- Bey- committee chairman, Mrs. Har-(0rganza over taffeta. The short| GLASGOW, Scotland (CP)--A erly Scott and Diane Kupnicki; SWIFT DC-8 JET or old Jackson and telephone com-(Sleeved bodice was comple-| United States firm is to invest|Laundress -- Diane Kupnicki, ECONOMICAL DC-7C mittee: Mrs. Allen Martin, Mrs. [mented with elbow length white more than £1,000,000 to promote Beverly Scott, Linda Oliver, Keith Burns, Mrs. Mervyn An-|8loves and featured a scoop|10-pin bowling here. The three|Janet Walker, Judy Marshell, derson, Mrs. George Leaming,|neckline appliqued with lace. |districts selected for the estab-|Linda Van De Walker, Christine Mrs. H. L. Kells, and Mrs.|She wore a small flower hat to|lishments are Ibrox, Hampden Nizzio," Linda Meades; Home- James Porter. Mrs. W. E.|match her gown, and a pow-and Parkhead, all famous for maker -- Diane Kupnicki, Bev- Gardner, Adelaide District|/der blue nose veil and car-|their soccer stadiums. erly Scott, Mildred McDonald: Commissioner, who officiated|ried a star bouquet of yellow 2nd Class--Judy Marshell. at the installation, was present-|roses surrounded with white SCENERY REMAINS Mrs. Phair and Mrs. Hayes See your TRAVEL AGENT ed with a "thank you" gift by|carnations. LEICESTER, England (CP)--| Were presented with 1st Class / or call KLM ivi Mrs. Walter Dowe of Oshawa |Britain' Lt. pins. The following mothers fe Tetring president, "Mrs, Vomateon of 'honor {nies nature, lovers havel Le bie Mee: Meson Following the delicious sup- dusty rose Chantilly lace over transport ministry. The plan A 5 Offices in 14 principal per & brief business meeting taffeta with a matching hat of was to build a motorway] ENCOURAGING GROWTH Canadian Cities was conducted by Mrs. Ball velvet flowers. She carried a through Charnwood Forest,| Pruning older geranium, poin- SL > ; with reports given by Mrs. Wil-|Star bouquet of pink roses sur-|well-known beauty spot, but af-|setta, azalea and hydrangea by id HA ia i : liam Arnold and Mrs. Douglas|founded with white carnations. |ter angry. protests the motor-|cutting the branches back to A F AMILY PORTR AIT TO TRE ASURE Kirkland. Approval was given| Mr. A. E. Flummerfelt of St.\way will run through a tunnel just above a node, will encour- <b» to make a donation to the New- gatparines poriormed the du-|underneath. 'age new growth. Vy ; ) i il'le Guide Camp and to the|ties of best man and the ushers | Two - and - a - half - year- | right and her mother, Mrs. | She came to Canada in 1901 |tonvil'e Guide Camp and to NTE Me at ois ters i : KiM {old Andrea Zinkiewich, sits | Michael Nicholishen, Ritson | and settled in Manitoba. She |Haliburton Area Camp and ap- London, Ont., and Mr. Edward i : s + a reciation was expressed to Lomeli Big Mg 2 road south, left. Great-grand- | is the matriarch of eight liv- Pree Ro El iP and Mrs |Teno of Port Perry. A Sc Palamer. The baby's mother, mother, 87, was visiting Osh- | ing children, 37 grandchildren H. J. Bays who have used their| Following the reception the Mrs. Edward Zinkiewich, | awa from Grimsby where she | and 35 great-grandchildren. cars over the past year for|bridal couple visited the bride's Minden avenue, is on the | has lived for about ten years. --Photo by Arnold Jacenty [rummage sale pickups. mother, Mrs. Hattie Tod, at Mrs. Ball expressed her ap-|Elmgrove avenue, Oshawa, SEL Plans were made for the com-|preciation of the co-operation|/who was unable to be present Dr S ] Phillips H-S Assn {ing year and the convenors ap-|she had received during her|due to illness. The reception . . . . |pointed for special events/term of office and extended was hold at Spruce Villa Hotel, i . . . were Grade 8 party, Mrs. R. F.|very best wishes to the incom-| Whitby. Tor the occasion the SE . es § A ints Committee Chairmen Kelly and Mrs. Geoffrey An-|ing executive for success in|bridegroom's mother, Mrs. von Book Through wa PPO drews; Grade Mothers' Instruc-/their endeavors. Mrs. Cornel-|Harry MacGirr of Aurora 34 different 1/ler: ications, Mrs. C. C.|tion Night, Mrs. Reginald Lan-|ius presented the retiring presi- wore a figured turquoise dress DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE so Bo A a LI i Mr caster and Mrs, Mansell Mac;|dent with a gilt of hammered|of pure sik with matching coat, o PA FREE DISNEYKIN ia- -|Leod; Kindergarten others' 4 ies corsag , se in 60 bs ' 5 Jee Home =n) School Associa: ig Whig Ho ey Rem. Tea, Mrs. W. . Alexander and efforts during the past two|of pink carnations. 2 free in 90 bag pkg., 1 free in 0 bag pkg 300 DUNDAS E.~WHITBY--MO i 3304 at the home of the new presi-(nald Lancaster; religious edu-|Mrs. Keith McMahon; Teachers' years. ' When leaving for the wed- dent, Mrs. Malcolm Adam, to|cation, Mrs. Keith McMahon; Tea, Mrs. R. W. Hayward and| A sum of money was given appoint the chairmen neces-|book repair, Mrs. R. E. Moore; |Mrs. R. E. Moore; Hallowe'en |to the Guide Leader and Brown sary to complete the full execu-|visual aids, Mrs. E. J. Moore.|Costume Contest, Mrs. C. C.|Ow! for their closing treats and tive committee. The representatives of the|Stewart and Mrs. E. J. Moore.|a donation made to Guides The first meeting of this|teaching staff, Miss Faye Wall-| Plans were discussed for the Vicki Barker and Patsy Lynn committee was held recently ating and Miss Dorothy Smith|Grade 8 party on June 14 in|/Campbell toward travelling ex- the home of Mrs. C. H. Vipond | were present with the princi-|the auditorium of OCVI. |penses to the summer camps and was preceded by a pot luck|pal, Mr. Laurence Savery. | ~ [they will be attending. ¢ : supper convened: by Mrs. Ber-| Those absent were: vice-| NAMESAKE | Following adjournment of the -------------------------- nard Crozier and Mrs. Jack president, Mrs. R. F. Richard-| The German car Mercedes-|business meeting a social ------ Thaler. son; corresponding secretary, Benz was partly named after|evening was spent playing Bee- Those attending were as fol- Mrs. H. G. Cheseborough, heal-/the daughter of Gotlieb Daim-|tle with prizes being awarded lows: President, Mrs. Malcolm|th chairman, Mrs. Robert Wil- ler's agent in Nice in 1900, Mer-/to Mrs. William Arnold and Adam; vice-president, Mrs. R.|son. cedes Jellinek, Miss Betty Naden. W. Hayward; recording secre-|-- - tary, Mrs. M. P. York; trea- surer, Mrs. R. F. Kelly; execu- tive members, Mrs. Bernard [J] 5 Crozier, membership; Mrs. 1 i Mansell MacLeod, assistant so- ! cial; Mrs. W. A. Alexander; 5 Mrs. Fred Bidgood, social and WHERE SMART WOMEN SHO Mr. John Rupert, Citizenship. Also present were the follow- ing appointed chairmen: pub- : Britms "PESTIVAL" dren's reading, Mrs. Jack Tha- rr | NOW! Biggest Choice of MN oo ry NEW FIGURE FLATTERY Ey vy "WITH BETTER COMFORT | ... BETTER CONTROL NEW Gift Set...Body Tal cum, Stick Deodorant in travel. light plastic, travel-size After j y A Shave Lotion. 3.00 brassieres Other handsome gift sets... 1.50 3 A to 11.50 a "FESTIVAL" " Bandeau --a light wispy cotton bre; sn ; titched , After Shave [ i stitched undercup has clev Lotion... | tangy Old Spice cloth top cup. White A . : (32-36), B(32- scent. 1.50 | : 38), C(32-40). : = NL Style No. 317. Jf FE Fr re, d you arrange a car loan? Be i ZA ig r "EESTIVAL" ir J ' staining. Red 1 rs, " ; Front-Opening ay the automobile has become a part through Sedtia Plan--The Bank of Nova Pla stie eons pica, NN amt, fe : Long Line Cotton of our way of life, and for many people is ~~ Scotia's unique consumer lending program. amer. % ee oo up" i i u a af: ORR] ne That' . "9. on : Floste on ons Ds mo as much a necessity as a comfort What's more, you can arrange your Scotia SCOT J: IVIL 0 IN | 3 fo? ensure a smooth, unbroken able place to live. But a car that no longer Plan Loan before you shop for your ear. | a. comfort in white sults your purpose can become a liability This guarantees you the advantage of | A FEW TYPICAL EXAMPLES . tra comfort, In white | 7 Pro-Electric... aN ! ; " only, B(34-42) | to your peace of mind as well as your = Scotia Plan's low rates, and lets you make YOU REPAY PER MONTH, ' OVER: YOU REPAY: ] er lining for gentle added uplift; embroidered broad- You BORROW: 2 : elecrris \ i : Lida ye pocketbook. The time to trade your car is your deal the moment you find the car you Savers. 125 : pr: | each before operating and repairexpensesbecome want. You can also get a Scotia Plan Loan 300.00 12 month too much of a headache. However, you for debt consolidation, to pay medical bills, $300, months $26.50 "EESTIVAL" may be ready to trade in the old before for new furniture, etc. $1,000.00 18 months $60.39 | your savings account is ready to pay for Whether you're a Scotiabank customer | $1900.00 24 months $69.75 Pantie-Girdle the new. or not, when you need money promptly, $2,000.00 30 months $76.00 Smooth Shave... 7 7 Secret Lady Prod 9d xa wonderful new for- Boni For Y reduce vith Here's the answer ! Finance yournewor call at your nearest branch of The Bank $2,500.00 36-months $81.11 mula, leak-proof : front and back satin Lostex 3 i sed. ca Se eas . y toronl ctrl Frome and buck satin Laster used car purchase easily and at low cost of Nova Scotia. 1.25 ! figure control with the ute most comfort and freedom of movement, wee 500 : wa, loiter BANK | : MORE THAN 600 OFFICES ACROSS CANADA AND ABROAD PRUGS 29 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH / RA 5-6221 28 KING ST. E., RA 3.4621 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE LA 5-4361 Ee BANK OF NovA scomA Open Evenings OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9:00 P.M. AND WEDNESDAY UNTIL 6:00 P.M. §

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