16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, June 13, 1961 BIRTHS SoAvY ~ Nick aug Eileen (nee Ye Garry) happy announce Ee ca 7 ous De Monday, June 12, 1961, at the Oshawa General Hospital. A sister for Nicky, Deo Gratias. Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto 11 Net High Low a.m. Ch'ge um 1 63 187 135 140 1 Food Stocks' Suffer Loss TORONTO (CP) -- Food stocks were the big losers dur- ing moderate trading Monday. Dominion Stores, Hardee Farms, Loblaw A and B and Weston A and B all fell, along with Oshawa Wholesale A and Salada Shirriff. On the exchange index, indus- trials fell 1.32 to 578.56 and base metals .50 to 191.98. Golds rose .02 to 81.70, The final volume was 2,355, 000 shares compared with 2,490, 000 Friday. The base metals market had a bad day, and fell steadily, with losses among the seniors accounting for much of the de- cline, Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting had the dubious honor of heading the losing list, down more than a point. Losses also went to Noranda, Quemont, Denison and International Nickel. Small gains were regis- tered by Ventures and Falcon- bridge, along with Consolidated Mining and Smelting. In light gold trading, Giant Yellowknife made one of the trade 1.30-1.40. few major advances, while Mc- P.E.L 10 Ib. bags 35, to trade Intyre Porcupine and Hollinger 35-40, N.B. .26, to trade .29-.33./were both down %. MARKET PRICES TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale fruit and vegetable prices at 9:45 am.: apples, controlled Mcintosh $6.75 - 7 bus., B.C. winesap 5.75-6, spies 6-86.50; as- paragus 11 - qt. basket, loose 2.25-2.50, bunched 2.75-3; beans, green 4.75-5 hamper; new beets 50-1b. bag 2.85-3, bunched 12s i.25; broccoli 3.25 - 3.50 case; Exchange Stock Is0 Joliet Kerr Add 11 Net Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Roe AV C 2805 96% 6% 6% Roe AV pr 35 $86 86 86 Rothman 1240 $14% 14% 14% alite 11 Net Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 100 $16% 16% i --- Wu 2 $100 100 $5 aids $10 Sik 194 -- % 3 154 154 154 + % 295 $124 12% 12% z100 $21% 21% 21% 200 $18 18 i --1 25 420 420 +25 50 $37% 37% nl a 650 $17% 17% 17% 310 $17 16% 16% -- '4 38 38 240 240 235 240 +10 210 250 285 250 +10 505 310 310 310 --1% z56 $15% 15% 15% 200 $15 15 15 265 $15% 153% 15% 1120 $15% 15% 15% -- % 100 $49% 49% 49% 540 $13% 13% 13% + % Horne PF 350 375 370 375 45 I In 140p xd 100 $24% 2% 2% --% Imp In A rt 800 90 8 1492 $45% 5% 45% 500 $15% 15% 15% + 215 $57% 57% 57% 1 Ac wits 60 $3115 31% 31% Inglis 100 $57 5% 5% -- 1h Inland Gas 400 $62 6'a 6% Inland G pr 200 $17% 17% XT Bronze pr 225 $24 24 Int Util pr 350 $49% 49% 49% Inter PL 330 $70% id 1% -% Int Stl P 100 190 Inv Syn A Jefferson Jockey C Jock C pr Jock wis Kelly D A Kelly wits Labatt Lafarge Lakeland LOnt Cem Laura Sec TORONTO 11 AM. STOCKS By The Canadian Press 'Toronto Stock Exchange--Juve 13 in cents unless marked $, 2--0dd Jot, xd -- Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- rights, xw--Ex-warrants, Net change is from previous day's close.) INDUSTRIALS 1 Sales High Low a.m. © Abitibi 45 $38 ITH Ih -- WK Acad-Atl A 100 $21% 21% 21% -- %4 Alta Gas 135 $33% 33% 33% AltGas B pr 2108106 106 106 85 914% 14% 14% 225 $19% 19% 19% Sales 8000 1000 Stock Spooner Tidal Triad OH U Canso vt Un Oils 'Wespac 'Wsburne Sales 1000 1500 1650 400 600 2000 1000 000 3 MINES 500 1118 115 11% 300 400 395 400 Stock Easy 'W pr Emp Life Erie A Fam Play +1% $10% 10% 10% GOODFELLOW -- Beaton and Joan (nee Fallaise) are happy to Shounée the birth of their daughter, Elizabeth, on Saturday, June 10 1961. at Toronto General Hospital. A sister for Jane. Wold --- Jam snd Jan (nee Ayres) announce the Arsival of their Ear, Tammy Lynn, Ss. 11 ozs, on Monday, June 12, 1981, at the Oshawa General Hospital Many . C. W. Ferrier. Roy: 64 62 6 Russell 17% 17% 11% --~ % 5 24 Hu Mu 15 15 325 35 5 45 156 157 83 83 StL Corp Salada-S 1126 $18% 18 90812 12 525 813% 13% 800 $28 2% iW Silla 1% $2035 29% 29% #" 48% 73% +1 -8 -3 Net i cabbage, new red 5.25-5.50, Ca- nadian 3-3.25; carrots, Texas 50- Ib. bag 4.25-4.50, California 48s §.50-5.75; cauliflower, Canadian 16s 20s 1.50-1.75; celery, Florida 4.25-4.75 case; queen cucumbers 24s, 2.75-3, king 3-3.25; leeks 11- qt. basket 1.50; lettuce, Cana- dian 18s 24s 1.50-1.75; onions, chile Spanish 50-lb. bag 3.75-4, Texas 3-3.25, Texas white 2.85-3 spinach, Canadian 1.25-1.50 bus; rhubarb, outdoor 12s .60-75; to- matoes, cello 1.50 No. 1 hot| house 10-1b. carton 2.50 - 2.75; turnips, unwaxed 1.75, waxed 2.25-2.50; pineapples, Mexican 12s 3.25-3.50; cantaloupe 9.50 10.50. TORONTO (CP) Potato prices today: P.E.L. 75-1b. bags, off truck $2.25, to trade 2.25- 2.50; N.B. 175, to trade 2-2.25. PEI. 50-lb. bags 1.50, to trade 1.50-1.65; N.B. 1.10, to 45 Stock 9400 161 Ps 25 15 20 19% 20 25 215 215 109 107 108 7 ---% Pn 15 5 i Ths -- % 12% 7 7 $33% 33% 16 15 66 63 JEWELL -- Mr, and Mrs. Wayne W. Jewell (nee Norris) wish to announce the birth of their son, Josh Bradley (7 Ibs., 4 c2s.) on Sunday, June 11, 1961, at Oshawa General Hospital. KING -- Mr. and Mrs. W. B. (Rex) King are happy to ioe the arrival ] theit ou, 8 lbs. 1% ozs., y, June 9, 1961, at the Wom- o's as Hospital, Toronto. NELSON -- Samuel and Doris (lee Bennett) are fo announce birth of their daughter, Mary oe 7 lbs. 12 ozs.,, on Friday, June 9, at Bella Coola, B.C. A sister for Heather| and Debbie. URIE -- Norm and Shirley (nee Maddock) are happy to announce the arrival of a son, Gregory Allan, 5 Tbs. 3 ii , and a daughter, Glory s., 4 ozs., on June 6, 1961, at Fy ALS General Hospital. Thanks to Doctor Todd. WELSH -- Jack and Donna (nee Terwillegar) would like to announce the birth of their daughter Carolyn Ann on Friday, June 9, 1961, at the Osh- awa General Hospital. Thanks to Dr. Russell and nurses. 11% 11% Imp Oil Imp Tob Ind Accep in 4 s1% 7 Cent Pat Cent Pore Chester Chib-Kay Chimo Chrom Con-Key C Discov CG Arrow C Halli C Marcus Con M § Conwest Cop Corp Cusco D'Aragon Deer Horn Delhi Pac Delnite Denison po pe ---% a 8% 11% 11% ~ 35 140 7240 $7 TH 200 390 390 Ya kid $19% 19% 19% 515 $ii% 250. 350 ng 500 140 762 38% 8 8 S285 28% 28% 100 $201 20% 20% 200 S21% 21% 21% 20 $16% 16% 1614 -- % 30 $544 54% S44 + % 120 $43% 48% 43% - -- Y% i + % Ya Ye 47% 47% 705 455 450 455 $13% 13% 13% 38 6% 265 16% alg 42% 313% 18% 15% 16% 12% 106 +4 725 $16% 105 $41% Rayrock Rexspar Rio Algom Roche Rockwin Ryanor San Ant Sherritt Siscoe Starratt Steep R Sturgeon Sullivan Sunburst Sylvanite Temag Tombill $1214 12% 12% $11 un 11 $9 9 9 $6 6 6 290 290 290 $6414 64% 6413 $0% 9% 9% $31% 31% 31% $25 25 25 $4314 $5% $12 Con Gas xd 435 $18% Con Gas B xd 10 $107 18% 15% 16% 121 106 210 26% 42% 14% Bailey § A Bail 5% pr CS Pete C Delhi C Ex Gas NAMES ARE IMPORTANT: Choos- ing » name for your child should be a real pleasure and others will want to know your choice. Name your child as quickly as possible and use the individual name in an Oshawa Times Birth Announce- ment. Just call our Classified Department, give the facts, in- the name, and we will a Birth Notice in the next edition. Just dial RA 3-349 DEATHS GRILLS -- Entered into rest in the family residence, 561 King Street East, Oshawa, on Monday, June 12, 1961, George Newton Grills, beloved husband of Rubena Balkwill, and father of Mrs. P. J. Kelly (laabob, A (Grace), Mrs. Roser neph, rn la Mig ag Rp Oshawa, in his 75th year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with memorial service in the chapel Wednesday, June 14, at 2 p.m. Inter-| Oshawa Union Ci ment y. 129-- Automebiles for Sale _|31--Automobile Repairs WANNA, William Entered into rest in the Oshawa Gen. HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION era] Hospital on Tuesday, June 13, 1957 PLYMOUTH, two door sedan, § im. | 1961. William Hanna beloved husband |maculate condition. Needs a little motor 4, Ethel Rose Colwill and father of work, was priced at $1,095, will sell for "in his Tih year. Resting at|Motor Saics Lid, 5i2 Brock North, Gordon 0 his 73 Year. | Motor Sales Su Too BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- the Armstrong Funeral Home, Osh-| Whitby, MO 8-8001. PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR TUNE - UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS. 67 KING ST. W. RA 3.7822 awa, with memorial service in the IE Fe rsd: , 2 p.m.|'58 PONTIAC four-door standard shift, Bl dl TEI UE AA ge hg i gn [32--Articles for Sale Dome East Sull Elder Eureka Falcon Faraday Fwest T Fatima Frobisher Geco Mines Genex GF Mining ass Mass-F 5% p 100 $106 Mid-West 2100 215 Molson B Molson pr Mont Loco Moore Nat Drug N Hos B $53 "DORIS DAY REX HARRISON JOHN GAVIN 43% 0% 9 9 9 32% 32% 334 12 12 +1 iu 1% Hw ---W C East Cr C Mic Mac Dev-Pal Fr Pete pr Home A HB Oil G Jupiter N Cont Pac Pete Pac Pete w Pamoil Place Provo Gas Sapphire Ww 107% 107% 70 -~3 70 0 9% 40 40 19% 19% + % 23 23 58% 58% -- la 10% 69 17% 13% 165 . 25% 425 420 425 131 $10% 10% $14 14 14 330 330 330 21% 21% 2134 --1 Jia 11% 11% -- 820 820 -$§ 131 25% 130 NE -% 63 63 63 580 570 570 +5 17% 17% 17% -- % 4 4 4 16 +% 164 164 85 85 85 fai) 17% 17% m.: 466. 000. Ont Loan xd Oshawa A Page-Hers xd Parker Pembina a Gas Gas pr aN Gas wt 16 18 164 % MYRNA LOY RODDY McDOWALL WERDERT MARSHALL - NATASHA PARRY - JOHN WILLIS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT BILTMORE =v 7% "OPERATION BULLSHINE" in COLOR Added Fun -- "BOTTOMS UP" 1st runt 7 BURT LANCASTER 46 446 2 1660 "0% 38% 38% --1% 2500 400 206 206 206 2500 72 Int Nickel Irish Cop T4% T4% 71 71 120 118 119 Sales to 11 am, |35--Legal Econ Inv rt 470 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING | (Continued from Page 15) Mrs. 32--Articles for Sale Err DAY furniture at Tell out | FOR RAWLEIGH Good Health 1 Prod- | prices! Platform rockers, beautiful |Ucts, quality medicines, spices, flavor- covers, Reg., $59.95, half price sellout, (ings and toilet preparations, dial RA ES 50. Reclining chairs, many styles 3-58! | and smart coverings. Sell out from | | $38.88. Chesterfield suites and Sofabed |sets, Lovely upholstery fabrics. |$199, Sell out, $99. Arborite tables and end tables. Sell out $8.88 Wilson Furniture 20 ( Church Street. Loin | 14-FT. cedar strip boat, 16 HP motor, trailer, all new condition. Sacrifice, |I $330. MR12, Little Britain, cemmroma | ELECTRIC stove, Heat Wave, auto {LARGE "Coleman Snowlite «¢ coolers, one matic, Soni epuner, $75. Telephone 'Whit. {Coleman picnic stove, one ice substi-| by, MO Fy All for $25.95. Miller Heating, WH| CR motor sc scogter, } late model, | excellent Mo LIKE new -- two 39"width continental |8-4500 | beds, complete with spring mattresses. LAWN "mower, electric fan, Man' Ma | foldi [Aiko | Didine bed, 310 each, Telephone tric shaver, good condition. Lady's su a mer clothing, like new, size 16-18. Best OUR-BURNER 25" Moffat offer. RA 3-4057. Fi . fer RA SOF isn Sood for either Propate or natural £35 wRAILER 154i. Osis, Weawtifal fully 8-8166, equipped, cheap, $300; Also boat, 8-ft. A 8-3395, FABULOUS savings during our sell out |; t week. Baby cribs, large size, GOKART for » 5 hp like new, Tele- full panel, sell out, $17. Smooth top Phone RA sain 'between 9 am. and continental beds, complete with head. |% P-m- board. Reg. $89.50. Sell out, $47.88. Un- AWNINGS, Canvas, painted b $199. U desks, $12.88. Spring . filled mattresses. Less than Ya-price. Sell out from $9.88. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street. TRANSISTOR radio, rechargeable elec. tric razors, portable transistor, record players. See them at Radio Wholesale, EXTERIOR 637 Simcoe Street South, corner Bloor- |; $4.95 per gallon, by Benjamin Moore, Simcoe, Oshaw {at Edgar's Paint and Wallpaper, 34|--- King West or Moorgard Latex house- paint that resists peeling and moisture |32--Articles for Sale 35--Legal THE BANKRUPTCY ACT TRUSTEES SALE BY TENDER OSHAWA STRUCTURAL STEEL COMPANY LTD. 66 RUSSETT AVENUE, OSHAWA, ONTARIO Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned Trustee up to 12:00 noon on Wednesday, the 21st day of June, 1961, for the purchase of the assets of the above-named, either IN PAR- CELS or EN BLOC as follows: Parcel 1A--West half of the building located at 66 Russett Avenue, Oshawa, Ontario (without overhead crane). Parcel 1B--2-ton Provincial overhead crane bridge, 25 foot span, floor operated. only 1950 G.M.C. 3-ton stake truck, 1 enly 1950 Intemational 3-ton stake truck (no motor), 2-1957 G.M.C. Va-ton pick-up trucks. ~--Shop 'equipment, welding machines, etc., original cost in excess of $28,590.00. --Office equipment, original cost in excess of $1,750. ~Drafting equipment, valued at approximately $400. ~--Inventory of approximately 300 tons of steel ine cluding scrap, valued at approximately $22,700. (to be quoted on basis of weight). Parcel 7 ---Inventory of nuts, bolts, welding rod, etc. Tenders will be accepted on Parcels 1A ond 1B either en bloc or separately. TYPING paper on sale, letter size, white newsprint, buy in bulk lots and Reg. |save, 474 Ib. pkg. $1.00, 9 1b pkg. $2.00, fee | Circulation Department, Oshawa Times. |OFFICE, store, butcher, restaurant aquipment, New, used, buy, sell, trade fservies. Bill Hamilton, Ashburn, Brook- lin. invades the world of ... term: Li Cemetery, Tent Mount awn oy or will accept trade, private. 130 War- " ren Avenue. HORN, William Wallace At Newcastle on Sunday, June 11, 1961.|'5% CHEVROLET, William Wallace , Ha in two-door 33,000 miles. 83rd year. Husband of the late Eéfie|tion. MO 38-5633. May Robbins, and dear father of Dr.['§7 HARDTOP, Plymouth Belvedere, Wallace R. Horn, Montreal. Resting smart two-tone, whitewalls, V8, push. \DouBLE bed,spring and mattress, an- button automatic, very low mileage, [valance boxes with rods, ete original owner. Best offer. RA 5.7752, |sPread and matching drapes: vii. oddonindBies ios Ro tage windows, tricycle, skooter 54 ZEPHER sedan, radio, heater, § I swings. RA 5-2577. condition. Up to 35 miles per gallon, |---- Ci ll |) 4 after 6. TV 17" MARCONI, dressing table, eof. --- fee 'table, boy's bicycle. RA 8-5391, SELLING furniture? We'll | buy | it. Re. TV's, two-tone Biscavoe, Excellent condi- | ADULT ENTERTAINMENT FEATURE TIMES--1:50 3:40 - 5:40 - 7:45 - 9:40 gas. 17 cot- MO and Parcel 2 --_1 nesday, at 2 o'clock. Interment Hamp- metery. MeLEAN, Maris day, June 13, I Lig 92nd year. Beloved widow John McLean, I other of Mrs. Eva McCabe, Earl, "Eigin, all Oshawa. McLean is Testing 2 at the Gerrow Funeral uagel, 390 Kin, Street West for service in the rend on Thursday, June 15th, 3 p.m. Inter. ment de Ci y SCOTT, Ma Helen Entered ringed at Ajax and Picker. tal on Parcel 3 Prompt service, Chair, table rental Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe N a PEOPLE are honest -- ~ and the re. sponse to "Lost ads proves it. If you've lost something, don't wait -- dial RA 13-3492 now to place the Classified Ad that will get it back for you. BEATTY washing machine, 30 gallon hot water tank with thermostat, 17" television. All in good condition. Apply 103 Kingsdale Crescent. REFRIGERATOR, © 10" x x 24, | good condition. Telephone RA 5-4570, USED tires, most all sizes, ® and up. B. F. Goodrich Stores, RA B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- py , bat- el by June 15. will eeepL older Piri Sa offer. Can RA 5-8132, i958 FORD, $125 or best offer, Tele g |Phone OL 5-4885. MERCEDES | Benz, 1956 1956, 190 gas ) gas model, mint condition. Telephone RA 3-3223. 31 BUICK, A-1 condition, 66,000 miles; '41 Chevrolet, also A-1 condition. Apply Mel and Leo's Service Station, 1047 General Ho: Tuesday, June Simcoe Street South. RA 38-2191. 1958 VOLK problems, ne 1961, Saree Helen Mansfield, be- [1958 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, grey color, | loved wife Walter of \with radio. Priced to sell, Cash, trade VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, or terms. Nicols Motor Sales Ltd. 512|paris, attachments, brushes, Huaran Brock North, Whitby. MO 8-800L. [teed rebiilt hi E 3 MET . automatic, radio, good | Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Poh Parcel 4 Parcel 5 Parcel 6 pianos, stoves, etc. For top cash offer con- tact 19 ) Prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131 18 FT. cabin cruiser for sale, one year old, $700. Will accept trade for smaller boat or motor. MA 3.7152, EXTERIC white house paint from Just $17. in radios, tape recorders, players and stereo sets. Radio Wholesale, 637 Simcoe Street South, corner Bloor-Simcoe, Osh- awa. ONE only used 14" Victor portable television, $89. One used Philips 21" television, $99. Meagher's. 5 King St. |teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele- West. |vision, Thrifty Budget Plan. RA 5.4343. HOU LD furni furniture, | re. | USED parts and re repairs for all makes frigerator, , Jots of things of wringer type washers, % hp motors Moving. Tele- $5 to $8 guaranteed reconditioned wash. suitable for phone RA 5. ers and Stoves, Paddy's Market, 3-2241. WHITE newsprint, 33 inches wide, in WE pay "highest prices | in ti the c city for convenient size rolls, rolls, 40c; 100 ft. rolls 75¢; 150 ft. rolls, $1.10 (in- used furniture. Pretty's Used Furniture cludes tax). Handy for picnic tables, Store, RA 3-3271. 444 Simcoe South. shelves, etc. May be purchased from i - d I can save you money on typewriters, Circulation Department, Oshawa Times. cash registers, adders, No money down. PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon. Bill Hamilton, Ashburn All colors. Guaranteed, flat, gloss. ELECTROHOME | wenger -- RCA Victor, Admiral, Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 'Slyue sings in TV, Bil cod meer: highest trade-in allowances at Parkway Church Street, RA 3-7624. OFFICE desks, $10 up. Cash registers, Television, 918 Simcoe Street North. Color TV on display. adders, typewriters. New warranty on used equip. Bill a Yio NEW and _usel mowers, tillers and en- gines. 74 Barrie Avenue. SOAP FREE Complete supply of soap free for three full years. Bars, powders, flakes for your whole family. Simply order one of our most efficient water softeners. No down payment, units $215 or $269 full price installed in your home, Ask for guaranteed 30 day free trial and home demonstration. 0.5.C. WATER DRIVE-IN All Color Suspense Show ! TONIGHT Isr a Show Staris At 9:20 So You Want Action! Hore i is! Suspense, adventure and pics esl aii mio Tenders must be for an entire parcel, shall be for a stated sum on each porcel and must be accompanied by a certified cheque payable to the Trustee for an amount equal to 20% of the amout of the tender, which deposit will be returned if tender is not accepted or forfeited to the Trustee as liquidated damages if tender is accepted and sale not completed by the purchaser. Balance of purchase price to be paid and purchases completed within five days of acceptance. The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Offers subject to acceptance by the Inspectors of the estate. t|'5% METEOR condition, no rust, new brake job. $275 ice. RA 38-0581 anyti Road West, Pickering. Funeral serv.|0r Dearest offer. RA 38-4909 FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib- man's Bay on Thursday, Jute 15 at 1 GMC %-ton truck, '53 '53 S-tom, Both in eral trade-in allowance. Free demon- 2.30 p.m. Interment urch good condition. RA 5-8552. stration. Telephone RA 8-4683. Cemetery. (Casket will be open church from 1 p.m. until time of serv. (1964 OLDSMOBILE, fn excellent condi- THREE piece German TV set, AM- Ice.) Ontario Chapter No. 227, Order of tion, no rust. Must be seen to be FM short wave hi-fi radio with excel will hold a memorial King A ap- eclated. Private. Street/lent 21" screen, clearance price. igi i TR gg ed East. RA 55555, | wonderful quality set. Radio Wholesale, esday evening at 7.30 p.m. '31 CHEVROLET, in good running com ee tract South, coraer Bloor GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL dition. Will sell under $100. Telephone -- {RA 8.5924. | CLEARANCE prices, AMFM 1 cries tape recorders, |TOP shape, Dodge *35, radio. Real ¥ood Beran io Dinations, tap {tunner! Going cheap. 15 Sandra Street| Simcoe Street South, corner Bloor- Stim Kindness beyond price yet within reach of all RA 8-6226 390 KING STREET WEST | West. _ |coe, Oshawa. LOCKE'S, FLORIST {CUSTOM (in the dash) transistor car radios, from $39.95. Try Dominion Tire BELLTONE cari > Stores, 48 Bond Street West. [Dest _ offer accepted. RA 5-629. {782 ¢ OLDSMOBILE automatie, good con. [BUYING © or disposing of used furni- ture appliances ete. Call Elmer, 30 Funeral arrangements and floral requirements for all occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE | dition, reasonable. Apply 250 Oshawa {ona South, Phone RA 8-3477 after 4 years experience. COlfax 3-2294. 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE -6555 Mrs. Scott is McEachnie Funeral Home, 28 Kinguon cottage, 5015. RICHARD WIDMARK cos LOUISE HOLLIMAN Tenders will be accepted on the basis that the purchaser has in- spected the assets and no warranty or condition is expressed or can be implied in any manner whatsoever. Premises at 66 Russett Avenue, Oshawa, Ontario, will be open for inspection of assets on Friday, the 16th day of June, 1961 between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 4 p.m. GORDON W. RIEHL, CA, RIA, TRUSTEE i, male, for BLUE steel bodied baby bi condition. Telephone RA 3-208! TWO York air conditioners, half-ton size, window units, good as new. Pres. ent owner willing to Justa, RA 8.6674 between 5 and DINING room » Apply 198 King Street TENTS, camp cots, i Sage, Jan- terns, picnic jugs, camp stoves. Best prices in town. Dominion ® PLEASE NOTE eo "ACTION OF THE TIGER" | WILL BE SHOWN ONCE ONLY | ne - | FINAL | WEEK, sell out sale! Arborite (top desks, drawer and shelf. Reg. 1829.95. Sell out $18.88, Smooth top mat |tresses. Genuine Royal-o-Pedic. Reg. $69.50. Sell out $29.88. New 1961 car-bed 52 FORD sedan delivery, very good baby carriages. Sell out $19.95. Five- condition. Best cash offer. May be seen | | Piece chrome kitchen sets. Half price, after 4 p.m. at 928 Brock Street North, $29.50, Maple bunk beds complete, | Whitby. | springs, mattresses, Sell out $48. Floor | DUT € sh] confiden. | Covering. Wall to wall. Many patterns {BUY your car for {and colors. 25¢, per foot. Wilson Furni- [tial service, convenient ter Fo | formation, telephone RA 8.6283. "Sen. | ture Co., 20 Church Street. board Finance, 29% Simcoe Street COLEMAN clearance, South. fe: 95. Snowlite coolers, BUYING a car? Need 1 money? For | Tow- | Guaranteed reduction, |est rates, fast service, Seaboard Fi.|2-349l. 9 Tudor Street, Ajax. nance, 29% Simcoe Street South, or|12 | 6" MARINE plywood boat, 18 HP phone RA 8-6283 {Evinrude motor and Tee-Nee trailer, 52 FORD five- ry "coupe, 2, channi Telephone RA 3-4044 or 334 Adelaide '55 Chev, V-8 engine, Many extras. | East. Must be seen to be appreciated. Phone SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re- Ken between 5 and 8. RA 5-2389. |frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL & CO. Chartered Accountants 135 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario | THEATRE GUIDE Regent -- "White Warrior" 1.30, 4.10, 6.50, 9.35 p.m. 'Desert Attack" 2.55, 5.35, 8.15 p.m. Last complete show at 8.15 p.m. |'59 IMPALA convertible, ivory, blue i |terior. New condition, all extras, Trade or wn arranged, MO 8-4844, SE walnut, § $150. East. SHAKESPEARE LIMITED HONG KONG (AP) -- The Chinese Communist newspaper Kwangming says Red scholars meeting in Shanghai agreed that Shakespeare's works suffer from class limitations. "He saw the inherent contradictions of capitalism but was unable to expose their roots, still less to point out ways for settling them," said the report. NET EARNINGS Brock--'The Angel Wore Red" 655 and 950 pm. "Pier Five) BY THE CANADIAN PRESS Havana" 8.40 p.m. Last com-| Grand and Toy Ltd. year plete show at 8.35 p.m. {ended March 31: 1961, $117, 411, $5.09 a share; 1960, $101,427, ENQUIRE ABOUT OUR MONEY-SAVING BUMPER CLUB ! SHOWINGS NIGHTLY -- RAIN OR CLEAR CHILDREN under 12 FREE . "Terms AUTOMATIC was washer and ¢ dryer, elec- ie refrigerator, 46" Sectrie stove, All RA 3 3232. 14FOOT PLYWOOD boat, equipped. 25 hp Johnson Sandra Street West. RA 3.9579. AUTOMATIC dishwasher, Hotpoint, ex- cellent congdition. Cutting board top. Easy to install, $100. Telephone RA 8-1 |ELNA sewing 1 new condi. tion, under guarantee. 'RA 8-239. CONTINENTAL bed, box spring, mat- tress, headboard, doible size, like new. Teiephone MO 8-323: REFRIGERATOR, coma suit- able for cottage or apartment. Reason- able. Apply 581 Crerar Avenue after 4. TENTS, tarpaulins, ca mp cots, § ground sheets, rentals, Oshawa Hardware, 8 Church Street, -7264. plenic stoves, lanterns, ete, Whitehall GIDEON Bibles are a continuing me morial. For placement contact funer: director or phone RA 5.2327, '51 CHEV. running order, no licence, Stoves. etc. For top cash offer contact {850; also '51 Pontiac motor, everything |!9 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131, CONDITIONING JIREELEY -- In loving memory of on it running, $35. Telephone RA 8-8059 WEDDING gown, white like new: also RA 8-409] dur daughter, Susan, who passed away pefore 5. {evening gown, color vellow, both soe Sunshine fades and shadows body clean. Only $125. RA 5 5-167. om, | 4 Telephone RA PIN. TV TOWERS T.V. TOWERS $35 *But sweet remembrance outlasts al ~+Always remembered by Mummy, 195% FORD dump truck, $1,300, Must |sell. Telephone RA 5-2995 after 4 p.m. "GREELEY -- In loving memory $55 40-ft. ~ structure with all- . channel antenna, all galvan- Paddy, brother and sisters. | amet away June 1a Joss | 30--Automobiles Wanted ized, guaranteed 1 year. competely motor. 3 Biltmore -- *"Operation Bull- shine" 1.50, 4.45, 7.35, 10.30 m. "Bottoms Up" 12.30, 3.20, 61.0, 9.10 p.m. Last complete show at 9.00 p.m. | | | ai | | | who + Sweet litte flower of Heavenly birth, |LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers wa tl She was too fair to bloom on earth.|cury for wrecking. Highest prices paid. | or ~lovingly remembered by grandma |RA 5-11 Unel grandpa Joodman and tech and David RT aE sn cars for wrecking. tighest prices paid, IRA 5-1181. CARD OF THANKS | | | | | *GOYNE -- I would like to express My sincere thanks to all who gave) gifts, sent cards, and also called to) see me to make my 75th birthday such a happy day. --Mrs, Effie Goyne, » «LAW -- We wish to express our sin- cgre thanks and appreciation to our many relatives, friends and neighbors SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, S, RA 3-942] for their cards, flowers, words during our recent sad bereave- ment. Special thanks to the nurses and staff of Hillsdale Manor. --Mrs. Doris Law NICHOLSON -- We wish to thank rel atives, friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy shown us during the ill ness and death of Mrs. Walter Nichol: | san. --The Nicholson family, Dunbar. | ton, Ont. $ALL CASH$ For clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTOR SALES 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 JWELLS -- I wish to thank all the, prses aides on 3B for their kindness me. Also the Rev. Cross, Mrs. Canon | jaw, Archdeacon Cleverdon the WA and Altar Guild of St. gorge's Queen Mary Lodge 97, Ladies uxiliary of the Royal Canadian Le- jon, neighbors and friends for the love- flowers, personal gifts and cards during my stay in the Oshawa Hos- pital. ~Mrs. Dorothy Wells. SRO ESS, 50 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted", Talk "Cash to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE", TED CAMPIN MOTORS RA 3-4494. Res, RA 5-5574 EATING KIDNEY In preparing kidney for cook- ing, first remove membrane and then cut the lobes away from the fat and tubes with sharp pointed scissors. Want-Ads Don't Cost-They Pay 40-ft. tower structure with all-channel head, hot-dip gal- vanized, Guaranteed one year.. OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD. 361 GIBBONS STREET RA 8-8180 ANOTHER SENSATIONAL PRE-SEASON COTTAGE SPECIAL BY COLONIAL SAVE 15% 30° x 20' -- 3 bedrooms, kitchen, large living and throom. Limited time Regular price erected Now only $1,350. $135 DOWN $44 PER MONTH SAVE $229 Bonus window screens and free screen doors. Small deposit will guarantee erection, when required, this season. LONG SAULT CONSTRUCTION CORP. LTD. OPEN 9 AM. TO 9 PM 134 SIMCOE S., RA 8-4614 | | | | TRIO TELEVISION, 171 Bond St. East, RA 8-6781. VOLVO PENTA ENGINES For demonstration-- MARINE STORAGE AND SUPPLY LTD. Brooklin, Ont. OL 5-3641 WASHER, "Easy pla with pump, good condition. J. Apply 92 Tullock Drive, Ajax. WH 2.5283. |34--Lost & Found | LOST, lady' s wrist watch, gold, gold | {ord bracelet, vicinity 126 William - y - Simcoe - Karns, on Thursday RA 3.7657. Plaza -- "The Young Savages | 1.50, 3.40, 5.40, 7.45 p.m. Last| complete show at 9.40 p.m. Drive-In--"'Action of the Tiger" | 9.25 only. "The Trap." Box! office opens at 8.00 p.m. Show starts at 9.20 p.m. $4.40 National Grocers Co. Iitd., year ended April 1, 1961, $870,- 889; 1960, $874,522, Paton Manufacturing Co. Ltd., (year ended April 30, 1961, $45,- 284, 37 cents; 1960, $159,831, 1$2.66. $ | , on Moagay May 22nd. Whitehall 2-0763, 33, Colles LOST -- Brown leather or FA, ra Please phone MO .8-3047 after 5 FOUND -- T Tricycle, v vicinity of § of South. mead Telephone RA 5. LOST -- blue A bird, SPECIALS! --- 3 yds. $1.00 DRAPES, made to order. Modern design, reasonable rates. We also carry a com- plete line of other fabrics at real savings. RA 3-7827 M & C DRY GOODS 74 Celina St. PRINTS Complete Sule of Aluminum Products Storm Doors, Windows, Prime Windows. Fine quality, very low prices. We also carry Canada's finest Awning, Porch Railing, very reason- able price. CALL: ALEX VAIDA RA 3.9851 ® College Hill district, answers to Pete, little boy's pet. If anyone finds him please phone RA 8.6737. Lost "-- Siamese cat, comes to J name "Susie", in he g iitity of Cedardale. Bovey RA 5 7 DON'T Throw Away Or Store Any Useful Articles It's So Easy To Place A WANT AD Simply Phone RA 3-3492 FOR FRIENDLY SERVICE BE ------ lls ONE DAY ONLY WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14 SPECIAL GERMAN SHOW Starting at 1:00, 4 :30 and 8:00 p.m. DER FISCHER VOM HEILIGENSEE EDITH MILL LIL DAGOVER ALBERT LIEVEN "MAN IST NUR 2X JUNG" MARGIT SAAD WINNIE MARKUS * TODAY ONLY "HALF A HERO" pl "The Long, Long Traile: CINEMAScOPE color TODAY "WHITE ONLY WARRIOR" ON DECK by DE LUXE + "DESSERT S ATTACK"