The Oshawa Times, 12 Jun 1961, p. 4

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4 THI OSHAWA TIMES, Mend oy, June 12, 1941 Deceased Identified By Police CLAREMONT (Staff) -- On- tario Provincial Police reveal- ed the name of a man killed when the car he was driving rolled six times on the Brock road, one mile south of Clare- mont, early Satnrday morning, as David Forsythe Mitchell, 23, of Oak Ridges. The car was presumed stolen from the home of Stephen Wide- man of Claremont, who lives a half mile north of he scene of the accident at the 8th Conces- sion of Pickering Township. Police said that the driver apparently successfully nego- tiated an "'S" turn at the Brock Road, 8th Concession intersec- tion but lost control of the ve- hicle at the south end of the turn. He was presumed to be alone in in the car at the time. It is believed that the car rolled six times on the travelled portion of the road then came to rest on its side in the north. bound lane. Mitchell was found dead on the road, a few feet from the car. He carried no identifica- tion. The accident was investigated by Constable Arnold Summers Laud Chairman On His Career A personality profile on the Ontario Hydro Commission Chairman, W. Ross Strike, ap- peared in the May edition of the Ontario Hydro News. He will become the ninth chairman of this commission on June 1, of this year. The article complimented him on his long and noteworthy Hy- dro career. Some noteworthy quotes at random from the write-up are: "Ross, as he's known to a host of municipal utility associates and commission colleagues in every part of Ontario, moves in- to this onerous and important position with the distinction of having served on the Commis- sion longer than any other per- son -- except the first chair- man, Sir Adam Beck." 'By his persistant and enthu- siastic interest in virtually every phase of the Commission's varied activities, the new 'Chair- man elect' has attained a posit- ion of authority as a close and valuable counselor to the men who have successfully served as Ontario Hydro chairmen in the Mr. Strike has been prominent in helping to formulate the past decade or more, Moreover, | Chief Magistrate of his home town, where he had established a law practice several years before. But his retirement as "first citizen" merely gave him part of his attention and en- ergy to the administration of |Bowmanville's growing hydro land water systersm." " . . . He's still serving on the Bowmanville Commission after 20 years, and, in the in- tervening years, his name has become even more closely and prominently linked with the OMEA and the Association of Municipal Electrical Utilities. "Although Ross Strike has gone far since he established this law practice, the Town of Bowmanville has come to have a special place in his heart, |1argely because of the contribu- |tion he has made to this com- munity through his association | with civic affairs; with the ac- | tivities of Trinity United {Church, where he was Sunday | {School Superintendent for 25 |years, as well as his affiliation {with the local Masonic Order and the Bowmanville Rotary Club." 'A keen sportsman, he likes more time to devote a good|g, hy FOUNTAIN OF MILK LONDON, Ont.,--The green- garbed maiden atop Wood- stock's city hall fountain bath- ed in a shower of white yes- terday as the landmark gush: ed milk to publicize Oxford County's second annual Dairy Day. Donald Lazenby, of Woodstock, scooped up a pail- ful for his Ayshire calf to prove that the milk was the J oyce Jones Is Married By MRS. KEN GAMSBY were centered with a three- ORONO ~~ Baskets of white|tiered wedding cake and white Ylac, yellow and white tulips | candles. tastefully arranged, decorated| Receiving the guests were Orono United Church on Satur-|Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, Mr. day, June 3, 1961, when Joyce/and Mrs. Earl Taylor, Mr. Fisie Jones, daughter of Mr. Ross Taylor and a niece of and Mrs. Cecil Jones, became Mr. Taylor, Mrs. Walter Mur- |of the Whitby Detachment of |the Ontario Provincial Police. | He was the son of Mr. and P (Mrs. J. Mitchell, Oakridges. He is also survived by one sister, associated municipal partners ino a rink at the nearby Shirley (Mrs. O. Dezell) Ham- ilton; and six brothers, Joseph, Bob, Gordon and James, To- ronto; Norman, Winnipeg; and Rodney, Oakridges. He also has a sister Ruth (Mrs. N. Alex- anderson) of Oakridges. The body is at the Thompson Funeral Home, Aurora. Service will be held Tuesday, June 13, at 1:30 p.m. Interment will fol- | real thing. Ten-year-old Gord- | on Krager was more interested | in the chance to pet a real | calf than in the novel fountain. --(CP Wirephoto) | EIT a Orono Chamber are to consider the request and to supply what Five-year-old Fatally Hurt NESTLETON David Churchill, 5, son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Churchill, was killed Sunday when struck by The president, Mr. A. Mec-{a car near his home on High- Laren reported that the pub- (way No. 14 and the county lic subscription and gate Road. money had covered the $200] He had been playing on the cost of the May 22nd fire works road and waited for one car display. |to pass before stepping in front Mr. H. Duval stated that the|of another, police said. Children's Bicycle rodeo| The driver of the car was information is available. It was {decided that the Oron Chamber {would hold an informal meet- ing with Mr. Noakes of the On- tario and Canadian Chamber of Commerce, Jow in the Aurora Cemetery. | the bride of Francis John Cowan, son of Mr. and Mrs.| Brooks Cowan, both of Orono.| Rev. Basil Long officiated at) the double ring ceremony. The wedding music was played by gg the guest book Would be held June 28. Prizes were Miss Shelagh Murphy, Ty-|Were suggested for this event rone and Miss Josie Britton, Deirg cups with runners-up re- Pontypool. |ceiving silver dollars. Pouring tea were Mrs. Wil-{ On motion of H. Duvall and| |id | St | entified by police as Robert rong, 21, of Blackstock. The boy's parents are tobac- co sharecroppers in this dis- trict. many new policies and in plan- A ning the numerous organization. {0 start golf early in the sea- lai changes which have taken son, and, when he stores away {place as the commission and its| his clubs, it's time to start skip- |were expanding into a three {billion-dollar enterprise." "Actually, this quiet-spoken| us ! 10 man, with the infectious sense|9th Chairman -- William Ross of humor, brings to his new job Strike, QC -- the man whom |some three decades of exper-| Prime Minister Leslie M. |{ience in the electrical utility|Frost, in announcing his ap- | field, and what is generally con-|pointment before members of |ceded to be an unequalled re-|the Ontario Legislature on Mar. |cord of participation in the On-|{29 this year, described as 'a tario Municipal Electric Assoc- man of great experience, fine iation activities." personality and good judg | "His Hydro career started/ment', and as one 'who will back in 1932 when his fellow-|carry on the traditions of ser- citizens of Bowmanville elected Vice and development which him as their Mayor -- and, of commenced with the first chair- course, an- ex-officio member man, Sir Adam Beck." of the Bowmanville PUC. That| was his first formal introduction SPECIAL PROJECT ito Hydro, and there's no doubt| Martha Ritter, 12 - year-old |he must have found it a fascin-| school girl from Hartford, ating association, for he has Conn. presented Ind on esian been at it ever since. | president Sukarno an illustrated SERVED UNTIL 1936 history of his own country writ: "He served until as'ten by her before she was 11. | Oshawa Curling Club." | ------ =| 1936 "This then is Ontario Hydro's | Rjax WI Holds Meet AJAX -- The regular meeting of the Ajax Women's Institute was held at the home of the president, Mrs. A. Silk, Durham street. The meeting was called to order at 8.15 p.m. with 12 members and four visitors pres- nt. Mrs. D. Devolin recorded the minutes, and members answer- ed roli call with the naming of their favorite flower. The Mary Stewart Collect and the Institute Ode were read. The Home Economics pro- gram was discussed in detail, and it is hoped to have the course "Tooling in Copper" in the fall. The District Annual Meeting was held since the last regular meeting and the local delegate, Mrs. J. Mackness, gave her re- port and an interesting account of the day's activities. This was the first time that the District Annual had been held in Myrtle. Six bers attended from (of, Mrs. Silk introduced the/McIntosh were hostesses for the {speaker, Mr. Norman Mills, vice evening, serving refreshments (president of the Ajax Horticul-|at the social half hour following. tural Society, who spoke on the The next meeting will be held at planting of flowers, care of|the home of Mrs. J. Mackness, lawns, and control of pests and|5 Beatty street, June 28. weeds Mr. Mills amiably an- swered the many questions the] Norwegian hydro - electric ladies fired at him. plants produced 31,300,000,000 Mrs. J. Woods and Mrs. A. 'kilowatt hours in 1960. FOR LAUGHS & FUN COME ON THE RUN! hid SPANKING GOOD FUN ! JIMMY EDWARDS -- IN -- BOTTOMS uP, ARTHUR HOWARD VANDA HUDSON ! Ho [ing BILTMORE > It's All About « > VEXED PERPLEXED end OVERSEXED ARM 4 ) < 4 "OPERATION BULLSHINE" «= IN COLOR -- DONALD SINDEN BARBARA MURRAY CAROLE LESLEY Ajax. It was learned that eight new brarches had been formed in South Ontario since the last an- nual meeting; giving this dis- trict 343 members, 27 of these now hold life memberships. Mrs. Devolin read the current events in the absence of Mrs. Thompson. The business portion of the meeting being taken care DANCE RECITAL By The Pupils HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY Monday, June 12th 8 P.M. at the Central Collegiate SIMCOE ST. SOUTH TICKETS AT THE DOOR o FOR A LIMITED TIME PRIVATE DANCE LESSONS FOR ONLY DRIVE-IN' Box-Office Open at 8:00 -- Show Starts at 9:20 Two Great Motion Pictures! ALL COLOR SHOW TONIGHT ! irs ACTION you want! Come along on a mission of danger... a in the savage Balkans ... with a gir! . so beautiful that she attracts trouble! M-G-M presents VAN JOHNSON N MARTINE CAROL {HERBERT LOM ACTION CinemaScore AnD Color £7 SHOWN AT 9:25 ONLY!' PLUS ADDED SUSPENSE "WANT TO SAVE MONEY? BASlZERIEeIVET WIDMARK ARTHUR MURRAY W. MARKS, LICENSEE Mr. Henry Hayek, Church or- liam Miller, Mrs. William Mal-|A. Aslett, Mr. A. Bunting of| ENQUIRE ABOUT OUR J Lyall Lowery of Mosport Ltd, was made an Q HOLLIMAN ganist, who accompanied Mr.|ley, Mrs. Glen Allin who sang very|Orono; Mrs. May Brown, Be.| beautifully "0 Perfect Love",|thany; Mrs. Roy McGill, Bow-| "The Lord's Prayer" and "Be-|manville; Mrs. Lorne McGill, cause". {Oshawa and Mrs. Herman Mc-| The bride, who was given in|Gill, Bethany. marriage by her father, looked] Many lovely gifts, flowers and| radiant in a floor length gown beautiful cards combined with of white organza over taffeta|the personal greetings to make) with sweetheart neckline and|the occasion a very special one. pearlized sequins. The full skirt] Guests were present from To- with appliques of lace medal- ronto, Whitby, Bowmanville, | Jions was trimmed with pearls Bethany, Solina, Highland and sequins. Her shoulder Creek, Oshawa, Tyrone and length veil was caught io 3 Pontypool, heart shaped tiara and touched] - . . with sequins and rhinestones. JOINT MEETING She carried white carnations| On Tuesday, in the Sunday and stephanotis. School Auditorium, decorated The bride's attendants were With lilacs and tulips, the two| her four sisters, Mrs. Donald 8roups of the WMS, Orono Stephens, matron of honor; {United Church, held a joint Misses Carolyn and Patsy meeting, group 1 in charge. Jones as bridesmaids and lit-) Mrs Long, the president, tle Miss Julie Jones as flower opened the meeting with the! p singing of hymn 'Pass Me Not, | n 0 Gentle Saviour" and prayer. | honor were identically gowned| Ar executive WMS Rally will| in mint green silk organza. pe held in St. Andrew's United Their fully bouffant skirts were|Chyrch, Oshawa, on June 12 at! accented with a moss green|y p.m. cummerbund and two back| qe ws Preshyterial will be panels caught with a fan-like peiq Oct, 17 at Blackstock Unit. pleating. They wore headdress-| 4 Church | es of mint green mohair dotted : ; 3 with orange blossom buds and| The July meeting in charge carried bouquets of vellow |°f Group 2 will be a joint picnic or i » meeting to be held in the Sun- shasta 'mums eu The happy couple left for a|day School auditorium. WA La- honeymoon mid showers of dies are cordially invited to good wishes, the bride wearing attend this gathering. a navy blue Italian imported| A piano duet by Mrs, Drum- suit bound with white and white| mond and Mrs. Staples was en- accessories. Her corsage was joyed by all. pink sweetheart roses. Mrs. Drummond read an The couple will reside in amusing poem "My get up and Orono !go had got up and went", de- HOLD ENROLLMENT picting the different stages in| On Tuesday evening, the first/one's life, afterwards sang] Orono Ranger enrollment was cheerfully "Life's Lovely held in the Orono Sunday School | Things". Auditorium of the Orono United, Luuch was served and it was| Church. Lilacs decorated the|decided that it was a very in- auditorium and District Com-|spirational and friendly after-| missioner, Helen Ruddell, con-|noon. ducted the meeting. | The Orono Chamber of Com- Ranger leader, Margot Sam- merce held its monthly meet- uel, assisted by Miss Marilyniing on June 1 in the Orono Cobbledick enrolled the follow- Restaurant with 16 present. | ir The bridesmaids and maid of {honorary member of the Orono NEWS IN BRIEF GETS ENCLAVE Chamber of Commerce DIJON, France (Reuters)-- THEATRE GUIDE | Canadian Ambassador Pierre {Dupuy Sunday took official | "possession" of Canada's new- |est land acquisition -- a 444- | square - metre vineyard in east- ern France. The gift was made i by Henri Maire, an Arbois Biltmore -- "Operation Bull-|yine . merchant who called it shine" 1.50, 4.45, 7.35, 10.30| "Canada's enclave." Maire p.m. "Bottoms Up" 12.30, promised the ambassador, "I 3.20, 6.10, 9.10 p.m. Last com-| will care for this land and plete show at 9.00 p.m send the wine each year to the Canadian Embassy." IDENTIFY TRAINEE REGINA (CP) -- RCMP Sun-| { Brock -- "The Angel Wore Red" 6.55 and 9.50 p.m. "Pier 5 Ha- vana' 8.40 p.m. Last complete show at 8.35 p.m. Regent -- 'White Warrior' 1.30, 410. 6.50, 9.35 p.m. 'Desert Aftack" 2.55, 5.35, 8.15 p.m.| last complete show at 8.15 day identified a member of the p.m RCMP training class here killed Drive-In-- "Action of the Tiger" in an autemobile accident Sat- and 'The Trap." Box oftice| urday as Adrian Cornelius Van- opens at 8.00 p.m. Show starts| derdrift, 21, of Easton's Cor- at 9.20 p.m, "ners, Ont 36S WiARous WN HOME Sweets a + | | munist held. Albania. The | picture was filmed in Cinema- | Scope and color in Spain and | is now showing at the Oshawa | Drive-In Theatre. More sus- telling the story of an adven- | pense is added with 'The | turer, who smuggles a human | Trap" starring Richard Wid- cargo into Greece from Com- | mark and Lee J. Cobb. BURT LANCASIE invades the world of... Van Johnson and glamorous French film star, Martine Carol, in one of the excite- ment pitched scenes from "ACTION OF THE TIGER", | J a | | | ' FEATURE TIMES--1:50 3:40 - 5:40 - 7:45 - 9:40 5 Cor 0 Ry ing girls and presented them with their Ranger pins, Sandy Mercer, Sheila Barraball, Vicki Cotter, Susy Major, Diane Gilbart, Carol Vagg, Fenna Re-| instra, Judy Tamblyn and Mar- gery Tyrrell. The enrollment ceremony was quite impressive as each girl in full uniform, re- peated thé Guide and Ranger | {Lake and Trent Valley Tourist |organization in which attention The secretary, Les Aslett, read a letter from the Rice was drawn to tourism as a ma- Jor source of income in Canada. The association asked for in- formation in respect to expen- diturcs made in Orono district trade. The directors of the Promise. A highlight of the evening| was the Gold Cord presentation | to Lillian Miller of Bowman-| ville. Mrs. Collins, Area Com-| missioner, presented Lilliian| with her cord while the Orono Rangers formed a guard of] honor. Mrs. Collin gave an in-| spiring talk about the respon-| sibilities of the Gold Cord and the meaning behind Rangering. | A dainty lunch was served byl | IN THE MIGHTIEST ROLE OF HIS CAREER! THE WHITE ; pore) [111] RENATO BLOW = BYALISCOPE - WARNER Bios. I the Orono Rangers, assisted by their mothers. 45TH ANNIVERSARY About 150 relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor gathered in the Oddfel-| lows Hall, Orono, Saturday, June 3, afjernoon and evening, | to honor them on the occasion of their 45th' wedding anniver- sary B nets of red tulips and white lilacs on the head table THE WAR WAS BAD ENOUGH--BUT THE ROAD FROM TOBRUK TO ALEXANDRIA WAS EVEN WORSE! JOHN SYLVIA miLLs ® syms A MAN TO BE ~ PROUD OF.. HE CONSOLIDATED AT ALLIED WITH A MORTGAGE LOAN ALLIED INVESTMENTS . . » . . CALL ZE 7-6540 (GUELPH) NO TOLL CHARGE FOR A DAY OR EVENING APPOINTMENT Member of the Ontarie Mortgage Brokers Aasociation 11%2 Simcoe St. South Call RA 8-1681 OPEN DAILY 1-10 P.M. ® AIR-CONDITIONED STUDIO o THIS OFFER FOR ADULTS ONLY 1 BUMPER CLUB! ducts. and tank, pric BW Replace your gravity oil furnace with a new economical forced air oil burning furnace with modern I Use your present oil burner, controls ed as low as. 350.00 Free fatimates -- dow Down. Payment. Phont RAS5:3589 Just Call . . . RA 5-358 DIL LIMITED 43 KING St. West +>+ Oshowo, Ol. |

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