The Oshawa Times, 12 Jun 1961, p. 15

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25--Apts. & Flats for Rent Ea 25---Apts. & Flats for Rent|25--Apts. & Flats for Rent 27--Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale ov PTT PIG UT TIreY 29--Automobiles for Sale aE THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, June 12, 1961 15 THREE and five-roomed apartments, partly furnished if desired, heavy duty FOUR large rooms, mewly decorated, FIVE-ROOM apartment, with bath, un- ground floor, private bath, parking, | furnished, separate entrance, garage wiring, oll heated, ow Jecoratad. Central. RA 8-003 la facilities, stove and refriger- and garden, on paved road in ator, Hillside Avenue, RA 3-708. |14 miles from Oshawa. CO 3-2394, FOUR-ROOM apartment, ii on- Stance, near school, heavy duty wiring, $70 Immediate APARTMENTS -- two, three and four-|TWO - room furnished apartment, suit. room, in new apartment building. Laun- able for two ladies or gentlemen, $12|gg50™) 6s 189 Wayne. RA 57754. dry 5 weekly, Central. Apply 15 Colborne E Wayne Street. RAS 5.3035, SIX-ROOM home, priced to Owner will ance at $70 central location, sell at $9500 with $1000 down, 11 hold one mortgage for bal monthly. low taxes. Te 'modern brick RA 85123. | in pia attached, all conveniences LOT 45° x 135° east side. 311 Admiral Road, $65 per foot. Telephone RU 2-3365 To FURNISHED five room apartment,| central Oshawa, private entrance. ROO! utigzlow Call Irwin Te Lloyd Realty Dshamadied. THREE-ROOM apartment with built-in cupboards and sink in kitchen, heavy) BASEMENT three rooms, adults, vi |MODERN _ two - bedroom apartment, wiring, TV patie parking, share bath. Dial RA 3.9: garage if necessary. RA 3.3200 extras, with your back door. Close to all L. Gower, Realtor. services. Call Oscar Martin, RA 5-2125 or 8.4651. lin Oshawa $1800 down. Balance $70 per month. RA 5-2148. BUILDING lot, Taunton , Taunton Road, & ¥ | a 1m 150 ft., $2,400, city water, Toads bo immediately; half cash, terms. Weinberger Realtor, RA a5165, 5, evenings RA 3-724. C8 of Jones Avenue, Simcoe North, tic washer and dryer free. Apply Apt. , 213 Avenue. [THREE-ROOM TWO three - and third tonsa o tor in each, adults RA only. Telephone an between 9 and 5, Monday to Fri- APARTMENT in new apartment build- four rooms and bath, stove and Hgerator, TV aerial, washer, eres Close to Centre. RA LARGE two-roomed apartment in Osh- ivate entr: nd bath. Suit couple, awa, very central suit business couple. rivals Sairance a Telephone MO 8-2398. no children. Apply 325 Simcoe Street South. RA 5-3243. PRIVATE four room, main floor apart- ment for rent. TV outlet and parking at 111 Mary Street. RA 8-4779 FURNISHED bed-sitting room, suitable or tw tuo, near Pedlars. Apply 562 Simcoe FURNISHED three - room basement APARTMENTS, one and two bedrooms, UPPER duplex five rooms oh -- very central, newly decorated, oil heat- ing, garage. Available July 1. Call RA 5-5275. re TAREE ROH 3 apartment, priva vate bath, free parking, washing facilities, immed. fate possession. Telephone RA 5-6106 or RA 3-754. | SACRIFICE brick $13,500, Low down ronto collect. HI 48114. north-west section, near schools and QUICK way to better tenants "for rent" ads in The Oshawa Times Classified section. Dial RA TRADE YOUR room bungalow, RA private three bea- $500 down, or car. 84060. YOUR (4 new building, frig and built-in stove. entrance and ati; central. RA 3.9800 af Telephone RA 8-3634. FOUR - ent BS i |ONE self-contained apartment; , four T TWO lots 60 x 90, water and sewer on Ritson Road South, Each lot $2400. RA As a down payment on this 3 - room, 2-year-old brick room apartm and entrance, heavy duty wiring, school | rooms, une child child welcome, § $70 monthly. Near new |RA_ 8.674 s 498 Dun Avenue. THREE - room apartment, all conven. ONE- and two-bedroom apartments, |iences, private entrance, patio, $65 available in modern building, stove and monthly, inciuding heat and hydro. Ap. supplied. M MO Li after 5. | joy 321 Anderson Avenue. RA 5-7876. 101 Craydon Road THREE large room contained apartment, fences, five minutes $70 monthly. Telephone RA 5-4344. modern conven- downtown. FURNISHED two room apartment, central, conveniences, heats + |trance, all conv: Street. ASEMENT apartment futnisbed, bed. room EC aa Private en-| | sitting roum and kitchen, sink and veniences. Apply 392 boards, near north GM and hospital. Drew [RA 52134 after 4 FOUR-ROOM apartment, private en- MODERN four-room apartment, t, frig, trance, TV outlet, baby welcome, rea- stove, washer, dryer, Tv outlet, paved A 8-6453. |parking, Ravine Road. RA 51310, RA THREE - rking, fnts ; cnild welcome. $60. RA 8- RA 3-9180. ROOM in modern home, nicely furnish. ed, continuous hot water, bus stop at door, with or without board. Telephone RA 84743 MODERN four-roomed apartment, suit couple, stove, refrigerator, free use of washer and dryer, Immediate posses- sion. T RA 8-3546. FOUR room CE stove, refriger- |8-5034. SSO REE ator, washer and dryer, T outlet, TRREE-ROOM apa. tment, parking area, near shopping centre. |erator, cupboards, sink, sl Available July 1. RA 8-8681, | Park Road South or 52369, PARTLY furnished three (large) room | THREE "furnished rooms for light apartment, with bath upstairs, 10 min. | | housekeeping. Parking, semi-private en- utes walk to South Genera] Motors. | trance, RA 8-2489 or RA 8-1584. Suit couple or two gentlemen. Tele phone RA 5-8439. TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, con- LOVELY two bedroom apartment, new- ly decorated, in new apartment build. ing, near shopping centre, electrically equipped, child welcome, parking. RA |---- 8-6795. THREE room, ground floor apart. ment, unfurnished, front and back en- trance, private cellar, ample parking, heated. Very central. Telephone RA 5-9101. five room near schools, immediate possession or will sell with low down payment of only $400. Call Irwin Cruickshank, RA 8-5: Lloyd Realty, Oshawa, Ltd. FIVE rooms, ground floor, share e with lady, near bus and shopping; also three Joos, ath, upstairs. Newly dec- orated. RA 8. MODERN ha two-room apartment, main floor, private entrance, refriger- ator, stove and sink, cupboards, T.V., telephone outlet; central. RA 83149, APARTMENT, furnished "bed sitting room, kitchen, private bath, TV aerial, garage, heat, light, and water; laundry - | 8-3945. 123. | Ing, veniences, heat, lights included. Park- ing, $60 monthly, Telephone RA 8-438¢ or 115 Agnes Street. THREE-ROOM "apartment in new home, |private bath, modern kitchen, laundry facilities RA 3.3937, THREE room flat in quiet home, pri- vate bath, TV aerial, patking; od tilts only, 31 Albany Street. RA 5. ONE | Bachelor apartment, a. voliig.| erator and sto wiring, laundry| facilities. Telephone RA 35-3652. $100 DOWN buys three year ries for less than $110 m transferred. Urgent. Phone MO old home in Whitby, no strings, move in. Car- 8-4372. . Home is immacu- pug throughout with 4-pc. tiled bath. Completely lond- scaped with fenced yord. LET INCOME PAY Ideal investment for owner who wants a pleasont 6- room home, with the income from a separate 2-room apt. located on beautiful hedged and landscaped lot, minutes walk from shopping centre. Just asking $13,500. For in- spection call and ask for Dick Young ot RA 5-6588 or RA 3-7183 anytime. D. W. WILSON Asking just $12,00. For more information call and ask for Dick Young ot RA 5.6588 or RA 3-7183 any- time. D. W. WILSON LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER ROSSLAND AND MARY brick bungalow with two bedroom apartment, all conveniences, close to $100. RA 5-0191, RA |MODERN | {main floor, shopping centre, 8-4875. Ar -------- RA ONE-BEDROOM - apartment, inexpen- TWO-ROOM, large furnished apart-|give, private, close to bus and shop- ment, private bath and entrance, park- ping, Telephone RA 8-6605. close to downtown, adults, $65. re -- RA 8-069, STORE for rent, basement and main A |floor, 1,500 sq. ft., new building. 295 MODERN ~four-room apartment, in- Simcoe South, beside Speedy Auto cluding TV aerial, stove and refriger- Glass. Ample off-street parking. RA 8-1296. 'ator a free abs paved driveway. SPECIAL bachelor apartment in apart- Telephone RA 3-9141 ment building, pi e, ideal for couple, near South GM $60 per month. Apply stove and refrigertor included. TV 1] Street. outlet, ho immediate possession. HED three-room basement RA 3-4 TWO-BEDROOM apartment, available July 1, furnished or unfurnished. Ap- ply 496 Simcoe Street North or RA THREE-ROOM | re apartment, UNF DOUGLAS L. GOWER REALTOR 41 GLADSTONE AVE. RA 8-4651 Fich and chips, forced to sell. apartment, heavy duty wiring, close fb south GM, $60 monthly plus hydro. RA 3-9742. 26--Rooms for Rent facilities, Abstainers. Lady preferred. RA 3-705! FURNISHED and "unfurnished "apart $85; laundry room, paved 8-8386. FIVE unfurnished first floor | apartment, heated, electric, hot and| cold water supplied, living and dining rooms paneled, dining room beam ceil- ing, two fireplaces, heated garage, at bus stop, King Street East. Also three room unfurnished, heated, hot and cold water supplied, second floor. Both available July 1. For appointment tele- phone RA 5-5373. ay THREE room apartment, unfurnished, heavy duty wiring, sink and boards, parking facilities, near shop 237 Nassau Street. RA 8-3474. ADELAIDE TERRACE New modern 2 - bedroom apartment, Stove, frig, TV outlet, broadloom "floor, park- FURNISHED single room, suitable for gentle only, located 41 Oshawa Boulevard North. Telephone RA 8-1239 for appointment ROOMS for rent, or room and board. Apply 573 Olive Avenue or RA 3.3589. FOUR unfurnished rooms very central, at Brock Street Telephone RA 35-3727. ONE furnished bedroom in private |home, central, garage included. Male |or female, Call RA 8-8706 or RA 3-4380. [GOOD furnished rooms for young men. |North end location. Reasonable. Tele- | phone RA 8-6380. ONE large furnished room with large | furnished kitchen, adults only, Apply {620 Simcoe Street North. LARGE furnished bedroom and kitchen, refrigerator and sink, central, 51 Col borne East. BRIGHT furnished {TWO-bedroom apartment, electrically | equipped, in modern apartment build- ing, west end. $95 per month. Contact Mr. Doug Bullled, 8. D, Hyman Real- r RA 8-6286. UNFURNISHED upper apartment, pri- vate entrance, bathroom, kitchen, two large rooms and attic, newly decorat- ed, Colborne Street, RA 8-4166. MODERN, LARGE APARTMENTS NOW VACANT In new building, two bed- rooms, dining area, electri- cally equipped, including upstairs, Eastt in quiet Only $3.500 down and bal- ance in reasonable monthly payments. New shopping cen- tre, Going concern for right party. Gas station and stock. $5,000 down or best offer. Good lease large gallonage, central loca- tion. Other interest reason for selling. Launderette, nearly finished ond ready to go. Leased to reliable tenants at $200 per month, Location on Simcoe South $19,500 full price and the terms to be arranged. Check this for a real invest- ment. Coll Ossie Martin RA 5-6165 anytime or RA 8-4651 garage, in immaculate condi- tion ond professionally land- scoped. Owner very anxious to sell. For more information call Ed Drumm at RA 8-5123. DOWN $1500. LA SALLE AVE. 7-ROOM HOME Good garage, home recently decorated throughout, pleas- ant size lot with eucalyptus tree. Easily converted for four-bedroom. Immediate pos- session by phoning Bill Mil- lor at RA 8-5123, DOWN $1,200. DOWN 2-bedroom brick bungalow, paved drive with garage. Rec- reation room, 4-pc. bath, T.V. entenna and rotor, etc, First mortgage for balance at $75.00 per month. Don't miss this! Call Bil Homer at RA 8-5123, Lloyd Raglty (Oshawa) Ltd. Realtor RA 8-5123 101 Simcoe St. N. washer and dryer free. Apply Apt. 1 or 4, 213 Montrave Ave, home, very central, continuous hot water. RA 5-0393, SINGLE rooms for t rent, "single e beds, ing space, laundry facilities. Adults only, available July 1. Apply 329 Adelaide Ave., Apt, 2 MODERN 2-bedroom opartment on 15 GIBBONS SREET Adults or with children over 12. Available Jul 1st. Apply: 21 GIBBONS STREET LANSDOWNE AND WILSON RD. NORTH suit ladies or gentlemen, very central. Apply 66 Warren Avenue. LARGE front room with single beds, suit one or two persons, breakfast op- tional, Apply 74 Oshawa Blvd. South. 52, NORTHWAY APARTMENTS 630 SIMCOE NORTH Modem, 2-bedroom apart- ments, stove, 'frig, fully auto- motic. Parking area. For Information apply-- 778 HORTOP APARTMENTS Modern one- and two-bed- room apartments, $85 ond up. Best location. Phone = LARGE housekeeping room, private trance, main floor. 218 Celina. Telephone RA 8-5253. TWO rooms -- kitchen and bedroom, furnished, central, suit business lady. Apply 214 Dearborn Avenue, RA 8 \ LARGE "housekeeping room, trig, sin. gle beds, private bathroom, for ome or two gentlemen. Apply 219 Ritson Road South. ONE furnished housekeeping room, frigerator and nary facilities, 'Fete. phone RA 3-7800. TWO farsi ed rooms and kitchen. ette, sink, cupboards and stove, private, HARRY Cleverly designed Split Level L storms and screens. - Doys--RA 8-1679 MILLE REAL ESTATE --- RA 8-1679 $2,400 DOWN ONE N.HAA. MORTGAGE -- 6-room brick home with car- port. kving ond dining room, kitchen is custom, built ond laid out with a nice eating area. Upper level with three bedrooms and unusual 4-pc. bath with vanity. Designed ond waiting for #he young family, completely decorated, with To inspect -- call Charles Smith.» -- Nights RA 8-8254 |schools and bus, July 1 MO 8-5367 eve- nings 6 to 7:30. TEN . suite apartment ponding, nd Russet 2 Avenue, storms ully Gosd Investment. Full price $72,000 with $20,000 down, Tele- build | phone RU 2-3365 Toronto. BUYING a home? Need money? For lowest rates, fast service, Seaboard Finance, ie id Street South, or 1957 PLYMOUTH, two door sedan, im- maculate condition, Needs a little motor work, was priced at Ss, will sell for $895. Cash, trade terms, Ni Ltd. 8-8001. Motor Sales Whitby, MO "59 PONTIAC four-door standard shift, 14,000 miles, loaded with extras, sell or will accept trade, private. 130 War- siz Brock North, la|LARESHORE Auto Wreckers want wrecking. Highest prices paid. 30--Automobiles Wanted |32--Articles for Sale Fp prices, AM-FM radios, RA S181 stereo combinations, tape LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want, [Simcoe Street cet South, corner wrecking. recorders, Radio Wholesale, 637 Bloor-Sim- cars for Highest prices paid. (coe, Oshawa. ren Avenue. 's2 DODGE sedan, radio, good shape, licence. $125 cash. Telephone RA 8-4137. phone RA 1% STOREY brick house, three rooms upstairs, four downstairs, three piece| '59 CHEVROLET, two-tone Biscayne, two-door 33,000 miles. Excellent condi- tion. MO 8-5633. bath, in good condition, quiet RA 5-6895, 311 Currie Avenue. SIX-PLEX, 161 Montrave payed divewai storms and screens, fully rented. Full price $47,000 with 3 000 down. Telephone RU 2-3365, Toronto COMMERCIAL lot, 75' x 286°, Thickson Road North, between Oshawa and Whit. Th] lots morth of King Street, RA Avenue, PRIVATE sale, bungalow, well insul- ated, 23 ft. living room, two bedrooms, | garage, 136 Wilson Road South. RA 3-4494 or RA 5.5574. '|'s1 HARDTOP, Plymouth Belvedere, smart two-tone, whitewalls, V8, push. button automatic, very low mileage, original owner. Best offer. RA 5-752, RA_3-1181. BELLTONE hearing aid, male, for condition, 50 CARS WANTED [best ohter scompied. "RA 5.4208. Buying o New Car? BUYING or disposing of used furni- Soll your weed Cor to "Ted", Loni ices ete. Call Eimer, years experience, COlfax 3-2204. Talk YiiCash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE". COLEMAN | pearance, _Plenle stoves, TED CAMPIN MOTORS |S sn reduc, Whitehall RA 3-4494, Res, RA 5.5574 23491. 9 Tudor Street, Ajax. 12' 6" MARINE motor 4 ZEPHER sedan, radio, beater, good condition. Up to 35 miles pe allon. | 3 1--Automobile Repairs Telephone RA 3-4044 or 334 East. Call RA 58371 or RA 84234 Patter | 6. 60 PONTIAC, excellent condition, Must eli by June 15. Will accept older trade cash offer, Can be financed. RA fori 1953 FORD, $125 or best offer. Tele phone OL 5-4885. GRANDVIEW, lot 75 water, taxes paid '61. of city. Cheap at $3,500. PRIVATE sale, six room brick bunga- low, in better district of Lo close to schools and shopping, garage, alum-| inum storms and screens, large recre- room, suitable for renting, stone patio. MO 8-5132. 200, Beau vien view RA 35-0345. Benz, 1956, 190 0 X08 tos mode, mint 3 BUICK, A-1 condition, 66, Mel and Leo's Service ation, *41 Chevrolet, also A-1 condition. om a BABY carriage, in very good condition. White, RA 2, hi! Pecos oad plywood Telephone HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE, MOTOR TUNE - UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS, 67 KING ST. W. Er furniture? We'll buy it. Re- irigeratoss, TV's, washers, cash offer stoves, etc. For 19 Prince Street, RA 81131, RICHEN iSmy 314 sebinet Sil, of used masonite, bread Street. ons cabinet, all {Simcoe Street South, RA 8-: 1958 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, grey color, for cottage. 80 with radio. Priced to sell. Cash, trade or terms, Nicols Motor Sales Ltd., 513 Brock North, Whitby. MO 8-8001. PRIVATE sale, property, 503 King East. Rental unit upstairs. Owner's quarters down. Sell furnished if desired. RA 3-4494 or RA 35-5574. '52 METEOR automatic, radio, good condition, no rust, new brake Job. $275 or nearest offer. RA 8.4909 HOUSE for sale, six rooms with garage, large lot, mear shopping plaza, north & Oshawa. a. 'Telephone RA 8-5920. PRIVATE sale, fiveroom bungalow, close to south General Motors, $12,950 Payments to be arranged. Call RA 3-7410. LARGE lots, 105° frontage, NHA loan approved, By public and high school. Courtice.s Buy now and save, $1800, RA 8-5579. $500 DOWN buys 15 acres level garden land, east of Oshawa, Courtice district. Telephone RA 5-9826. FOR real estate, Tow "prices, low down payments, Aurelia Kanoza, repr 51 GMC %-ton JRek, He Sion, Both in = SHOE in excellent condi. ta tion. mo rust. Must be seen to be ap- preciated. Privals, 621 King Street East. RA 5-5555, 1957 FORD Fairlane convertible, et: lent condition, new tires. Can be nanced, Telephone RA 5-4142. $25 DOWN, $5 per week, Sond selection w EE strip, fib {hp and trail 8- | REAVER wood RA 3.7822 WEDDING gown, white like new; also both size 32--Articles for Sale evening Jown, Sols » ir GENERAL Electric 6|14. 8-0159, uble § foot, ot, one 7; rangette, dish Saninet, chine, blinds 30 to 54 wide, RA 5.2870, 217 Church Street. SELLING furdifure} We'll buy it. ha Stoves etc. For top cash offer 'AINT, interior, gallon. 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8.1131. ov [7 colors, Ry Sats Kloss, bottom, and Electric, 'with Church Street, RA 3-7634. CO FOR RAWLEIGH Good Health Prod- ucts, quality medicines, spices, flavor- and tollet ings preparations, dial RA 8-5888. TYPING paper on sale, letter aie, cludes tax' | shelves, i. May be Purchased from Times. 50 ft. roils, 40cs 100 ft. Telly 75; 150 ft. rolis, $1.10 (in- Handy for ec tables, "Scott" er, controls, $400. Cash. 32692. lathe, - with tools and attachments, circular bench saw and drill press, Jastorised including stands. Ajax WH. 2-090 of certified, road worthy e Chevrolets, Pontiacs, Fords and foreign. RA 5 5-1667. 31 "$1 CHEVROLET, in good running con- dition. Will sell under $100. Telephone RA 8-5024. Olive Howe, RA 5-1457. SIX room modern "brick bungalow ow with garage att al TOP shape, Dodge 35, radio. Real good | 8 runner! Going cheap. 15 Sandra Street West. Oshawa, $1,800 Sows, balance $70 is month, RA 5-2148. PRIVATE soil, level, Street West, LOT 108 x 166, with 35 ft. well, located north of Camp Sama Must be iia Asking $1,550, Telephone RA 8-6 PRIVATE - fi mb! galow with sement apartment; alum. inum storms and screens, close to $2,700 down, or near- est cash offer. Full price, $13,500. RA 3.9800 after 6. "acres, good garde den| mpton. Apply at Elgin il CUSTOM (in the dash) transistor ear |radios, from $39.95. Try Dominion Tire Stores, 48 Bond Street West. _ |fibre glass roof, white buy in bulk lots 20 x 8 PONTOON 15° cabin Save, 4% Ib. pkg. $1.00, 9 Ib. pkg. $2.00. built-in bunks, cup- Times. boards and fixtures, Used one season. butcher, Newcastle 2651. squipment. New, used, buy, SCUBA diving gear, twin tanks, two.|service. Bill Hamilton, Ashburn, Brook: stage regulator, $140. Also one go-kart lin. 6 hp Jroter, all almost new. Tele- REFRIGERATOR, 7 cubic foot, phone RA 3-9382. {working order, Reasonable. le. Soa) RA 5-3844 or i01 Wood Sf =" radio, elec. tric razors, portable transistor, record players. See them at Radio Wholesale, OFFICE, store, 18 FT. cabin cruiser for sale, one year old, $700. Will aceopt trade for smaller boat or motor. MA 3-7152, '52 OLDSMOBILE automatic, good con- dition, reasonable. Apply 250 Oshawa Blvd. South, Phone RA 8-3477 after 4 p.m. '59 IMPALA convertible, ivory, blue in- terior. New condition, all extras. Trade with radio, ap ouriuolas, white walls, T RA or down e F A arranged. MO ABO 57 CHEVROLET, Powergiide A teed EXTERIOR white house paint from |P! $4.95 per gallon, by Benjamin Moore, at Edgar's Paint and Wallpaper, 34 King W ard Latex house. and moisture 637 Simcoe Street South, corner Bloor- Simcoe, Oshawa. SHORT wave radios, just $17.50, plus many many specials in radios, Pio record players and sets. Radio Wholesale, 637 id Street South, corner Bloor-Simcoe, Osh- awa. BICYCLE motor, $15; Go-cart with Norton aner 3 makes, Att cmetiis, rushes, Joatan- ree. Reutals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv- RA 80591 zorime $15; Go-cart frame, REAL VALUE SPECIAL $2,000 down buys this spa- cious six-room brick home, immaculate condition with lovely finished recreation room and bar, mony extras including paved drive, gar- age, fully landscaped lot. For appointment to inspect, call Lloyd Corson RA 5-6588 or RA 3-2537 anytime. WILSON REALTOR Oshawa Shopping Centre FOR REAL ESTATE SATISFACTION KEN HANN REPRESENTING D. W. WILSON REALTOR Bus. ....0ave RA 5-6588 Res. ......... RA 3-7963 board Finance, '52 FORD sedan : very good |X condition. Best cash offer. May be seen after 4 p.m. at 928 Brock Street North, Whitby. 1953 PLYMOUTH good running condi-|® tion, two new tires, new battery. Apply 111 Wilson Road South, BUY your car for cash. Fast confiden- tial service, convenient terms. For in. formation, telephone RA 8.6283, Sea. 29% ST a car? Need money? For low- est rates, fast servi imcoe Street (§ engine, $35, mp cots, ground|331 Gibbon. RA 5-286. Oshawa Hardware, 8/ONE only used 14" Victor portable 37624. television, $89. One sed Philips 21° television, $99. Meagher's. 5 King St Bs LAWN mower, electric fan, Man's elec trie shaver, good condition. Lady's sum- mer clothing, like new, size 16-18. Best offer. RA 3-4057. En sheets, rentals. Seen | Church, RA 3- FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib- ral trade-in allowance. Free demon. stration, Telephone RA hp JUREE plece German TV FM dutet wave hi-fi radio with lent 31" dcreen, wonderful quality set. Radio Wholesale, 637 Simcoe .! Street South, corner Bloor- D frigerator, chesterfield, lots of suitable for cottage. Moving. phone RA 5-5015. AM- excel A a imcoe, Oshawa. ONE used refrigerator, freezer across the top. RA 8.8214. ce, - nance, 2 Simcoe §treet South, or phone RA 8-6283. 57 CHEVROLET sedan, radio, recent motor job. Telephone COlfax 3-2159. '32 FORD five -window Lg channell. | ed, '55 Chev, V-8 engine, Must be geen to be iki Phone Ken between 5 and 8. RA 5-2389, '51 CHEV. running order, no licence, $50; also *51 Pontiac motor, everything on it running, $35. Telephone RA 8-805 before 5. '53 METEOR custom line, radio, wind. shield washers, A-1 condition. Also '56 Royal Enfield - motorcycle, $75. Apply 373 Olive Avenue. FOR REAL ESTATE DON S. SMITH Mgr. Vickery Real Estate Business ..... RA 8-6228 close to downtown and shopping centre, Vacant. Abstainers. Apply 51 Nassau RA 8-1194 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT $105 Stove and frig., washer and dryer, bamboo curtains throughout, parking, 18' liv- ing room, modern kitchen, 563 Lansdowne Drive. Call Gower Real Estate, RA 8-4651. 1 & 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS LA SALLE COURT TELEPHONE RA 5-3815 Street. SEVERAL clean furnished bedrooms, private entrance, parking facilities, $6 weekly. Men only. Telephone RA 8-5204 between 7 and 9. LARGE fully equipped housekeeping room, suit one girl, central. Phone RA 5.7922 or apply 58 Nassau Street. TWO large furnished rooms, stove and frig., shady and cool, $55 per month. 552 Simcoe South, RA 5-3206. FURNISHED light housekeeping room on Beverley Street, bu 8-6890 for more info THREE large rooms, heavy duty wir. ing, close to school, on good paved {road, reasonable rent. RA 5.6052 after 7 p.m. |ONE or two furnished housekeeping rooms. Apply 107 Fernhill Blvd. after 5 p.m. RA 54373 BED.sitting room for girl, private bath, broadloom, cooking privileges. Every. thing supplied, in better home, near hospital. Telephone RA 5-3093. | FURNISHED bed sitting room, kitchen- MODERN 1 AND 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS Quiet residential street | close to transportation; stoves and 'fridges. T.V. outlet, drapes and paved parking. PHONE RA 5-7272 or RA 8-6485 RA 5-5787 Jae large closet, linens and kitchen supplied, all conveniences, separate en. WHITBY CLASSIFIED | trance. for two, girls preferred, |RA 3-9503 DOUGLAS RA $500 Down. 4 rooms, $800 DOWN. 4 rooms. V.LA. -- 3 acres. 6 rooms. $1,700 Down. & rooms, $2,500 Down. 6 rooms. $3,000 Down. $13,900. $3,000 Down. $14,500. $3,000 Down. $14,800. $5,000 Down. $17,500. Ask for Ossie Martin, L. GOWER REALTOR 8-4651 TAKE A REAL LOOK -- BARGAINS $6,900. Port Perry. $6,900. Cedar Valley, $9,600. Maple Grove. $1,000 Down. 6 rooms. $11,000. Simcoe South, $1,500 Down, 6 rooms. $11,500. Cloverdale. . $11,000. Gladstone, $1,900 Down. 6 rooms and basement opt. $12,200. Wilson Rd. $12,000. Arthur St. Duplex. Woodcrest Ave, Duplex. Triplex. Duplex. Call our staff for information. No obligation. Call end see. Elizabeth St. Arthur St. Rosehill Blvd, Sally Wallace, Vie Hulatt CALL RA 8-4651 |TWO furnished rooms, bedroom and |kitchen, with a refrigerator, built-in | uphoards and sink. All Souveniendes, pply 887 Ritson Road WORK wanted, handy ian painting re- finishing floors, caretaking of lawns and gardens. Reliable, rates reason- able. Apply 720 Dunlop West, Apartment 1, in Whitby. SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanita way, new tanks installed. Walter Wai 204 Chestnut West. Phone MO 8-2563 STUDENTS! A super value, approxi. mately 630 sheets of letter size typing paper (news print) for only $1.00. Ap- ply Oshawa Times Office, Whitby, 1111 Dundas Street West, OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS Avon calling women to ser- vice Whitby ond Whitby Township. Experience not necessary, we train you, Rep- resentatives working only three days earn a good in- come, CALL COLLECT RA 2-4782 GRAVEL - LOAM Cement Gravel Driveway Gravel and Fill, Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon. ERIC C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 BOATING AND CAMPING EQUIPMENT FOR RENT Tents, all sizes, $7 - $15 per week. Sleeping Bags, Coolers, terns, stoves, $2 weekly. Cabin Trailers, sleep 5 ond 6, $40 ond $45 per week, Outboard Motors, all sizes, $15 and up. Boat, 5 h.p. motor trailer, $35 per week. 14' Runabout, 25 electric and trailer, $85 weekly. and Cartop Boats, $15 per week, We also rent, repair and sell lawnmowers, garden tillers, power tools. WILDE RENTAL Service and Sales 1415 Dundas East, Whitby MO 226 lan- ond FURNISHED self-contained apartment, | private entrance, Apply 505 Rateriol ATTRACTIVELY Street. Telephone MO 8-3276. Cs FURNISHED ROOMS FOR SALE -- one jacket heater, one oil barrel with taps, one kitchen sink, (Apply 712 Dundas West, Whitby. FOR RENT: Large modern, first floor, four-roomed apartment, water, | 82 PARK ROAD N. heat, laundry facilities and parking | Call between 5and 7 p.m. Rrovided Centrally located. Telephone | RA 8-8671 MO 8- Available in private home, rooms finished in basement, Zurba RA 8-0569. NEW house for rent, Kitchen, living 27 --Real Estate for Sale room, two bedrooms; for couple with gishi DOWN, fiv e-room rug brick and one child. Telephone MO 8-2635. | tone ranch bungalow, attached gar- FOR RENT: Three rooms, unfurnished, {age, oversized kitchen, underpriced at newly decorated, oil heated. Immediate | 312-200. John Sandy "RA 5-8010. Joseph possession. Bosco Realtor. he po T' 1! $6600 TIDY HOME in Courtice with city conveniences, lowtaxes and large RANG #7le house | for rent, three bed. lot. $1200 down. Francis Hallowell. RA two bedroom apartment, Both available 9-4344 Joseph Bosco Realtor. July 1. Telephone MO 8-5645. EXCEPTIONAL nine room family FOR SALE: ™ {home near St. Gregory's, cleverly mod- Floor model rangette, looks mew, two burners, oven, Ileal for|¢Pized. Features large main floor family room, $3000 down. George Chris- Suiage. Asking $25, "Telephone MO tensen. RA 8-1248 Joseph Bosco, Real. semen (tor. THREE room apartment with private bath and Jaundry facilities, fon kit- cten. Immedis session. MO 8-4864. MEN and wo anted, days or eve nings for part time Siigloyment, Apply 106 Brock Street South. FOR RENT -- $60 monthly, 3 and 4 Adults preferred. Abstain. -2018. SUNSET AVENUE In the beautiful Sunset Heights section of city. 5-room brick bungalow with attached garage. tra plumbing in basement. hendscapad, Asking $16,000, oluminum storms ond screens throughout. living room with fireplace and built-in bookcase. kitchen, 4 bedrooms, two bathrooms, one 4-pc. on second floor ond 2-pe. on main floor. Attached garage, nicely hedged and SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. DAYTIME RA CENTRAL PARK SOUTH NEAR OLIVE AVE. 6-room 3-bedroom brick ond stone bungalow plus 2 large 3-2265 Large Hollywood style kitchen -- Call now. Steven WOODCREST AVENUE 3,000 down -- 3-bedroom brick bungalow with double gar- age, very clean well-kept home, beoutifully Jandseaped. Close to schools and transportation. Call Steve Zurba, NORTH-WEST Exceptionally well-built large 6-room brick bungalow with Lovely living room, with stone fireplace. RA 8-0569. Ex- RA 8-4879 '54 MORRIS minor sedan, low mile. age, spotless inside and out, two tie, Jidiven and light grey. ro tone: '51 PONTIAC safe running body clean. Only $125 condition, . RA 5-1667. TRAILER oa Oasis, beautiful, fly Also boat, 84%. | Rydropiane, $60. RA 83395, NEW and used lawn mowers, tillers, and engines. 74 Barrie Avenue. NEW Norge refrigerator, jet defrost, below cost. Telephone RA 8-8214. BOAT trailer, a5, ho dome made, all Mise] ers. Telephone RA T.V. TOWERS $55. 40-ft. tower structure with all-channel head, hot-dip gal- vonized, fuaoronteed one yeor.. OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD. 361 GIBBONS STREET RA 8-8180 construction wi 8-1344, SeECIAL short wave German radio, M-FM , stereo combination sets, Glearases Prices. Radio Wholesale, Simcoe Street South, corner Bloor-Sim- coe, hy PORTABLE radios, FM-AM special short wave radio, also tape recorders. Clearance prices. Ra Wholesale, Simcoe Street South, corner Bloor-Sim- coe, Oshawa. GOKART for sale, § hp Mee naw. Tele- Phone RA 3-2122 between 9 . and .m. '53 PONTIAC, green, two-tone green, Doty in Telephone RA 8-4285. ye '54 Chev., Al condition. SE desks, $10 we Cash registers, adders, warranty on used equip. Bill Hamilton, ANOTHER SENSATIONAL EASON 1958 PONTIAC, Toa dos dition inads and 8 and out, Must BR JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD Office Hrs. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. STEVENSON'S RD. AT KING $1,000 Down--4-room bun- golow with bath, Very clean, lorge lot, carries for $75 month. Must be seen, call Mr. Appleby, RA 5-6544 or 3-3398. SPLIT LEVEL Four bedrooms, two bath- rooms, large living room with stone fireplace, two-car gar- age. Picturesque setting. Coll Mr. Ratcliffe, RA 5-6544. $800 DOWN $800 S-room brick bungalow close to downtown. Good size liv- or terms. Nicols Motor Sales Ltd 8001 pi FORD dump Theor, $1,300, Must sell, Telephone RA 5-2905 after 4 p.m. 19060 VAUXHALL i Super. Cash trade, terms, Priced quick sale. Telepliohe MA 3.5387 r six 1956 MERCURY sedan automatic, in dual exhaust, priced to sell, only $795. First come first served. Cash, trade or terms. Nicols Motors Ltd., 512 Brock North, Whitby. MO 8-8001. 58 CHEVROLET two door BelAir with radio; needs a little body work. Full price $275. 53 Shoot, BelAir be matie, four door, $395. custom, $350. "54 Buick Fo Fore ian in lovely condition, only $450. Cash, trade or terms. Nicols Motor Sales Ltd. 512 Brock North, , Whitby. 1 MO 88001. 1955 PONTIAC sedan, with brand new motor, ready for the road. Cash, trade ed Brock North, Whitby. MO 8- '56 MGA convertible, blue, very good condition, for sale or trade ly 289 Gliddon Avenue any time. AWNINGS, Canvas. Prompt service, free estimates. Chair, table rentals. Cleve Fox, 413 Simcoe North. PEOPLE are honest -- and the re- nse to "Lost" ads proves it. If you've lost som dont wal} dial A 3-3492 now to place the a et eo or BEATTY washing machine, 30 gallon hot Jaler lank with thermostat, 17° television. in good (2ndition. Apply 103 Kingadale Crescent REPRIGERATOR, © 1° 2 3 Go condition, Telephone RA 5-4570. ESED tires, most all sizes, $3 Fr up. Goodrich Stores, RA 5-543. = F GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bat. teries, Kelvinator tele vision, Thrifty Budget Plan. RA 54543. USED parts and repairs for all makes of wringer type washers, % hp motors $5 to $8 guaranteed reconditioned wash. ers and stoves. Paddy's Market, Hampton, . NEW and usel mowers, tillers and ea- gines. 74 Barrie Avenue. WE pay highest prices in the eity for used furniture. Pretty's Used Furniture Store, RA 3-3271. 444 Simcoe South. I can save you money on COTTAGE SPECIAL BY COLONIAL ° SAVE 15% 30' x 20' -- 3 bedrooms, kitchen, large living ond bathroom. Limited time only. Regular price erected $1,579. Now only $1,350. $135 DOWN $44 PER MONTH SAVE $229 Bonus window screens and free screen doors. Small deposit will g erection, when required, this season. LONG SAULT CONSTRUCTION CORP. LTD. OPEN 9 AM. TO 9 PM. 134 SIMCOE S., RA 8-4614 NAGY MOTOR SALES MERCEDES - BENZ - DKW Sales and service. Showroom open until 9 p.m, at 408 KING ST. WEST RA 3-7132 ing room and kitchen, hord- » wood ond tile floors, 4-pc. bath, oil heat, aluminum storms and screens. Call and see this, ask for Mr, Swar- brick at RA 5-6544 or 5-8342. NEW BUNGALOW Trade your boat on a car-- New or Used SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. RA 12 Open evenings or weekends Full price $10,900, 5 rooms in north area. Good value, must be seen. Call Mr. Sib- lock, RA 5-6544 or 5-4362. We Speak Slavic Languages Member O. D, R. E. B. Good garden, fericed lot. Over 1300 sq. ft. of living space. Asking only $16,700, reasonable down payment. Call Henry Stinson, RA 5-0243, GRIERSON AVENUE Fine looking brick home in a desirable location, featuring large 29--Automobiles for Sale 1960 ENVOY, four door sedan, low mile. age, A-1 condition, Telephone RA 3-9686, 72 Cadillac Avenue. 1958 PONTIAC, good shape. Best offer over $150. Telephone OL 5-3566. Lorge CAR INSURANCE typewriters, gash registers, adders. No money down. ELECTROHOME RCA Victor, Admiral, finest in TV, st Aanest trade-in allowances at Parkway Television, 918 Simcoe Street Color TV on display. BLUE steel bodied bal s condition. Telephone FI ng io TWO York air conditioners, size, window units, good as new. Pres. ent owner to install. between § and 10 p.m. OSHAWA TIMES SOAP FREE Complete supply of soap free for three full years. Bars, powders, flakes for your whole family. Simply order one of our most efficient water softeners. No down payment, units $215 or $269 full price installed in your home. Ask for guaranteed 30 day free trial and home demonstration. 0.5.C. WATER CONDITIONING RA 8-4091 Careful drivers are preferred drivers and enjoy a saving of $10, $15 or $25 or better than 20% on their car in- surance. Half-year payments. Call us today and compare-- ample free parking. SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. 360 KING ST. WEST T.V. TOWERS $55 40-ft, structure with alle channel antenna, all galvan- ized, guaranteed 1 year. TRIO TELEVISION, 171 Bond St. East, RA 8-6781. WANT ADS SELL RA 3-2265 '53 AUSTIN A40. New tires and bat- tery. Good transportation. Best offer. Telephone RA 8-3887, terms. Call Henry Stinson, RA room apartments, balcony. Residential | area, newly decorated, laundry facil ities. Parking, close to schools, chil- dren's playground. Apply 300 High reet. garage. Close to shopping, bus and schools. $12,500. WITH ANY DOWN PAYMENT Telephone RA 5-1367 For Appointment OPEN HOUSE IN BEAU VALLEY Evenings 6 till 9 Saturday Afternoons 2 till 5:30 FOR rent one and 3¥o bedroom apart- ments, $80, $90 and $100 in modern building, stoves, frig's, MO' 8-3591. EXPERT roto.tilling for gardens and lawns. Don't call unless % want the | best. Call Dick, MO 8-26 | BC SERVICES. ( Hn "BookkeeplRg service for small businesses, weekly, monthly or as desired. Statements pre- pared, income tax returns, MO 8.8252, GOING FISHING? Check Classifica: tion 32 for real buys in used fishing gear. Youll be amazed at the bar- ains. ROOM and board for two men, share | m, single beds, lunches packed. | Torplion: MO _8-2500. { supermarket in your | LOOKING FOR He Ni Troon | SOMETHING d BETTER ? Living. This includes 17 cu- Then here is your answer -- bic foot Freezer by ROY, CSA. Spprovd. Plus 3 S-room modern apartment in nearly-new Tri-Plex all months' "food supply by SCHNEIDERS' oh 520 bon- large rooms, stove, 'frig, paved parking, washer and us cheque from Hydro Elec- dryer $100.00 monthly, tric. Live modern, call: Call RA 8-4678 or after 5:30 No obligation, No down pay- 40 KING ST. EAST 6-room, lown, exhaust fan, etc. broadcom living room, vonity only $14,500. ECONOMART, MO 8-5381. RA. 5-6983, ment, $1,500. 00 DOWN -- RICHMOND Si COUNTRY LIVING Just outside city limits -- large 6-room ranch on 106' x 167' londscaped lot, house In immaculate shape with storms, screens, church. Phone for appointment to inspect this gem. METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. DIAL RA 8-4678 E. 1Va-storey, all large rooms, well decorated, awnings, storm ond screens, garage, extra stool in basement, close to schools, bus ond shopping. An excellent buy at only $13,500. Balonce on Ist mortgage. Payments to sult purchaser. BYNG AVE. Only 1 left -- new 5-room brick and stone bungalow nearing completion. Complete with storms, screens, ook floors, sodded Large lot 'and ideally situated. Asking $12, 375 with $998. 00 down. Bolance on 1 N.H.A. mortgage. VOLVO Most dependable. The leader on the road and track. JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE FINA SERVICE 449 Ritson S, RA 8-0921 WILLIS CAR AUCTION EVERY WEDNESDAY. 6:30 P.M. BUY OR SELL--EASY TERMS Cars to be sold must be en- tered" before 4 p.m. day of sale. A few reserved bids-- Others will be sold to highest bidders. Good selection of used cars including 1961 MOST ANYTHING FOOD & FREEZER PLAN You may have tried the rest, Now try the best. Eat better for less. 80% groceries sup plied, all well-known pros= ducts, highest quality meats, Life-time warranty freezer, the only one guaranteed by VOLVO PENTA ENGINES LARSON COMBOARD BOATS For demonstration-- MARINE STORAGE AND SUPPLY LTD. Brooklin, Ont. OL 5-364] models. 25 GRENFELL ST--RA 8-5179 MOTORS 30--Automobiles Wanted TAUNTON RD. EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer RA 5-033] We have a good assortment of Used Cars. in bath, etc., close to school and Asking AFTER 5:30 CALL-- Marion Drew 5-7610 John Kemp 8-2392 Everett Eliott 3-9290 y Dick Borrioge 5-6243 Jos Moga 5-9191 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR. SALES Good Housekeeping. No down payment, Call now for Demonstration -- no obliga- tion. SPECIALS ! PRINTS -- 3 yds. $1.00 DRAPES, made to order. Modern design, reasonable rates, We also carry a com- plete line of other fabrics at real savings. RA 3-7827 M & C DRY GOODS 74 Celina St. RA 5-3709 34--Lost & Found LOST, lady's wrist watch, gold, gold cord bracelet, vicinity 126 William - Mary - Simcoe - Karns, on Thursday evening. RA 3-7657. FOUND, black dog, near Wilson and 314 PARK RD. §, RA 3-942] BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (Just. East of Wilson Road) $ALL CASH$ For clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off, NICOLS MOTOR SALES 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY Olive, - partly Labrador, about months old, male, white spots on A brown collar, RA 8-6519. Ld one pair of Tadies black rime. eyeglasses, at the Oehawa Shop. Hon Centre Carnival, on Monday May 22nd. Whitehall 2-0763. Collect Lost = Brown leather wallet, cinity of Genosha Hotel phone MO 8-3047. Reward. Complete Sule of Aluminum Products Storm Doors, Windows, Prime Fine quality, very We also carry finest Awning, Porch Railing, very reason- able price. CALL: ALEX VAJDA Finder FOUND -- Tricycle, any of Souths mead. Telephone RA 5-8053, RA 3.4494 Res. RA 5-5574 MO 8-8001 RA 3.9851 (Continued on Plhge 18)

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