The Oshawa Times, 10 Jun 1961, p. 17

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturdey, June 10, 1961 17 27--Real Estate for Sale _|29--Automobiles for Sale TCR EER Eve apartment, 1967 PLYMOUTH, two door sedan, little motor ntral Oshawa, Priva Se CT rl Mo $B GE Ee SE nings 6 to 7:30. trade terms, Sales Ltd., 512 Brock North, SIX-ROOM modern bitek bungalow | Whitby, MO 8-8001. ched, rl "59 THPALS convertible, Sows. Balance $20 pep New condition, ¢ arranged. MO 27--Real Estate for Sale LOT 45° x 135° east side. 311 Admiral Road, $65 per foot, Telephone RU 2-3365 Toronto. PRIVATE SALE Just completed five-- room bark brick bungalow with stone front situated on land- scaped lot. Hollywood kit- chen, ceramic tile ond vanity in bathroom, mal ny trimmed throughout. Sec- tional basement. Located on 297 Farewell Ave. S. $13,750--$1500 Down RA 5-3662 SUNSET AVENUE In the beautiful Sunset Heights section of city, 5-room brick bungalow with garage. Close to shopping, |pi TI i bus and schools. $12, 500, XFL. IH WITH ANY DOWN Eee si PAYMENT ante warm down. T Telephone RA 5-1367 id SALE -- $10 down Won For' Appointment PRIVATE SALE Centre contest. ake ofier to Box 1|1i8 FORD, §12 38 or best offer, Toe © Brand new five-room bark Oshawa Times. phone OL 5-4885, COMMERCIAL lot, 75' x 286°, Thickson MERCEDES Beni, 1956, 190 0 gas models brick bungalow with stone front, situated on lanscaped Road North, between Oshawa and mint iy six lots morth of King Street, Tar fot 'With three full-grown maples at rear. Hollywood kitchen, ceramic tile and also A-1 condition, PRIVATE sale, bungalow, well insul Mel and Lai, tion, it. living Street Soul vanity in bathroom, mahog- ony trimmed throughout, room, two Road South, RA 058 YOLK WAGER deluxe, grey section basement, Located on 426 Miller with radio, Priced to sell i chat Brock North Ribs. Mo 85 RO ator Just off Gibbons $13,300.--$1500. Down STUDEBAKER RA 5-3662 27--Real Estate for Sale SIX-ROOM home, central location, priced to sell at $9500 with $1000 down. Owner will hold one mortgage § jot b Sal. ance at $70 monthly. Yery low Irwin Cruikshanks at RA bro 2|Lloyd Realty Oshawa Lid. PEDWELL REAL ESTATE Special -- 100 acres, 40 acres in spring crop, 10 acres fall wheat, 30 acres hay, balance bush and pasture with river, 4-bedroom frame house, hardwood floors, fur- nace, electric pump, bank- bam, implement shed, pen, house, garage. $13,000, very easy terms. Can be bought with or with out crop and implements, Close to Port Hope. 4-bedroom house, all con- veniences, on No. 2 Highway, West of Bowmanville $10,000, easy terms. 4-bedroom solid brick house in Orono, oil fumace and bath, 2 extra lots. Close to high school. Easy terms, 6-room bungalow with bath, oil fumace, lots of cup- boards, full basement, 1-acre garden with fruit trees, close to Newcostle, $7,500 -- $2,000 down. Good house in Newcastle, all conveniences. Will ex- change for a good farm, New 4-room house, all con veniences in Newcastle, $6,500. Terms. We have a number of large ond small farms, also several good houses. Mortgage loans. HAROLD C., PEDWELL, Real Estate and Mortgage Broker Newcastle Phone 3856 WE APPRECIATE THE VALUE OF A SATISFIED CUSTOMER If you are planning to build or buy a new home, consult us. We specialize in custom built homes and have some good East End and North End locations. JAMES O'MALLEY RA 3-7122 DOUGLAS L. GOWER REALTOR LTD. 41 GLADSTONE AVE. RA 8-4651 Seeing is believing and extras to boot, prices -- $13,350 ond 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent FIVE-ROOM apartment, with bath, wn. : 30 and arden, on paved road in Silage 14 miles from Oshawa. TWO - room furnished ae suit- able for two ladies or $12 kly., Central. Apply 15 Colborne E. 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent FOUB-E00M self-contained apartment, Boulevard bath, ample parking. 8-4295. 17--Male Help W SALESMEN wanted full and part time, highest commission paid. Must have car. Write Box 10, Oshawa Times. MILK driver-salesman, for Ajax Dalry; 25560 after 6 pm. MO 83184. CHARTER accountants offices re- res junior Student. Grade 13 essen KP Britnell Moore a RA 5-6451, REAL otal salesman wanted at once. Apply 28 Prince Street, RA 3-2512 MO 8-5765. DISTRICT MANAGER FOR LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 16--Femole Help Wanted WORSE - Gist for Doctor's office, | state particulars to Box 905 Oshawa JOR openings for BE White BA S310, 17--Male Help Wanted WANTED Young man aged 20-25, Junior matriculaton pre- ferred, full employee benefits. Permanent pos- ition with good opportun- ities for advancement. ly: LOMBANK FINANCE : WHITBY YOUNG MAN for OFFICE WORK IN AJAX Must be able to take dicta- , type letters and have some bookkeeping knowledge. |24--Houses for Rent HOUSE for rent d, three bed- rooms, one year old, all ne w furniture, south GM south lant, Telephone RA 8-4367 after 6. SEVEN-ROOM brick WH itchen and basement, lovely garden with trees, central dings, close to sc! hone MO 8-3219. South, Telephone RA CO 3-2304. work even- Call house, large four-piece bath, clean, quiet and youn, large rooms, mewly decorated, round floor, private bath, parking, fandry facilities, e and refriger- ator, 288 Hillside Avenue, RA 13-7088, APARTMENTS -- two, three and four- room, in new apartment building. Laun- RA dry facilities, stove, 68 THREE-ROO! Wayne Street. RA 5-3938, [private E Two - 'hild: tic washer and dryer free. Apply Apt. 1, 213 Montrave Avense, LARGE ft! in Osh- awa, very central, od business couple. Telephone MO 8-23; FURNISHED bed- Sitting room, suitable for two, near Pedlars. Apply 562 Simcoe Street South, probed three - room basement apartment, separate entrance and bath, central, T RA 3-9800 after wee! BASEMENT three rooms, adults, vicin- ity of Jones Avenue, Simcoe North, Very reasonable, garage if necessary. RA 3-3290. ivory, blue all THREE two miles bios of Wit: garage, $85 monthly, 15. CL 10530 Toronto. WANTED one tenant in divided farm house, conveniences, self - contained. Telephe e MO 83713 or M MO 8-4842. FIVE-ROOM new modern "for sale or rent, at 1165 Ritson South, Ap- ply 25 251 Annis Street RA A 59240. FOUR - room house, nicely kept, eou- ple preferred. Very close to town, Sol modern Call RA 8-0529, EIGHT-ROOMED house, newly decor ated, handy to schools, town and bus, large fenced yard, wh 2 ted. for two ATTKACTIVELY ing room, in private home, ground | floor, parking available. Apply 27 Park Road South. King Street area, close | 5° shopping ce centre and ¢ downtown, SIX room jent occupied, iy south GM. Bus at Fo RA 8-332. LOVELY NEW 6-ROOM BRICK HOUSE Three bedrooms, two bathe rooms, full basement, hard- wood floors, bright ond quiet garden, central. One block from school and shopping. MO 8-8669 Whitby 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent TWO-ROOM unfurnished apartment, private bath, electric stove, $10 weekly includes lites, heat, Suit one or two people. RA 3-7 MODERN, eT private, apartment, steel sink, cupboards, three-| piece bath. Suitable for two business people. Tt RA FOR RENT: : Whitby, ne nn seven rooms, rec room, 3 tra washroom, suitable two fam ol Vacant. $110 monthly, Apply A and L Grocery, 146 Nassau Street, Oshawa. THREE room apartment, private | modern kitchen, stove and refrigerator supplied. Yery central, Telephone RA | 8-2916 after 6 p.m. 20--Room and Board 312 ROOM apaitment, ground floor, 1 heated, central, $75 per SINGLE room, board optional, Jo ons Small child welcome. RA 5-0831, to centre of city, parking space. Tele- oe TWO - BEDROOM apartment on Sim- phone RA 3- 9589. |coe Street North, complete with stove FOR young men in friendly home, good land refrigerator. Phone RA 5-6343. 9 meals, TV lounge, central to Jospital a.m. to 5 p.m. and downtown, 51 Colborne East. A FEED BUILDING lot, oly "wer, rm A i © Ll i a Welberger Re » RA 55145, | RA 38-7244. oF and bath. Suit couple, Apply 325 Simcoe Street South. RA 5-3243. 26--Rooms for Rent FURNISHED single room, suitable for gentleman only, located 41 Oshawa d Nos RA 81239 or for ROOMS for rent, or room and board, Apply 573 Olive Avenue or RA 3-3589. gatow, forced drive, garage, Apply 368 enue. |BUYING a home? Need money? For lowest Rates, fast fast service, Seaboard Finance, 20% 8 imeoe Street South, or|original owner. Best phase RA 4 ZEFHER sed 1% STOREY brick 'house, condi downstairs, , Das Call RA tion, To. upstairs, four bath, in good condition, Gulet location. $-6695. four-piece ; FOUR d rooms yey gentral, at at rock Street East. gmt on, FOUR « room apartment private oh heavy duty wiring, school pe welcome, $70 monthly. Near new schools. 498 Pubkisk Avenue. NE furnished in private home, central, garage included. Male or female, Call RA 8-8706 or RA 3-4380. GOOD "rooms for young men. North end location. Reasonable. Tele- phone RA 8-6380. ONE large furnished room with large tchen, adults enly, Apply 620 Simcoe Street North. THREE furnished rooms, utilities and phone, $16 weekly, Telephone 00, ON! and inc in modern building, stove and upplied, 3092 after 5. 101 Craydon "Road, Whit by THREE - room apartment, private en- trance, all conveniences. Apply 592 Drew Sti FOUR-ROOM apartment, private en- trance, TV outlet, baby welcome, rea-| = ] sonable. Telephone RA 8.6453. LA furnished Dedsoom and Xitenen, FOUR room apartment, Stove, Tefriger. | refrigerator and sink, centr ator, washer and d outlet, (borne East. parking area, near sl opping centre. | BRIGHT furnished bedroom in Available July 1. RA 8-8681, home, very sentenl, continuous PARTLY furnished three (large) room | Water. RA 5:0393 ap Tih bath upstairs, "10 'min. SINGLE rooms for Teot, single beds, utes to South Genera] Motors. suit ladies or gentlemen, very central. Suit couple or two gentlemen, Tele-|Apply 66 Warren Avenue. phone RA 5-8439, YAR AE Te THREE room flat in quiet home, pri- vate bath, TV aerial, parking. Adults only, 31 Albany Street. RA §- 3760. ONE bachelor apartment, with refrig- erator and stove, TV yiagy 7 + Teldbh RA 5-36 TWO-BEDROOM apartment, _ TL July 1, furnished or unfurnished. Ap- ply 498 Simcoe Street base- heat, Wanted for Oshawa and District Must have aot least on year's selling experience and be be- tween ages of 25 and 45. Wonderful opportunity for personal producer who wishes to develop agency for aggres- sive Canadian Company in this area, Management over- riding, commission, bonus and other benefits. Our present Ontario organization have been advised of this opport- unity, APPLY BOX 4 18--Male or Female Help Wanted WORLD cruise assistant required on winter sunshine cruise. Younger travel. led person. Opportunity learn tout eon- duc ; also enjoy unique fractional cost holiday. Qualifications, photograph. Write Box 8, Oshawa Times. COOK wanted for Camp Samac for summer months. Telephone RA 5-0762 or RA 3-7831. $100 monthly, State age, qualifications and quiet salary required, to box 6, Oshawa Times. A Secure Future and Fast Promotion FOR YOUNG MEN IN RETAIL STORE MANAGEMENT Ropidly exponding Canadian Retail Firm with stores from coost to coost has immediate openings for young men to train on the job for Store Management, with future opportunities in Home Office ond administrative positions. ® Ages 20 to 30 desirable, but we have a few open- ings for men 18 to 20. Single men preferred. Starting salaries depends upon the ability and per- formance of the individual. Solories aot the manage, ment level range upward from a minimum of $6,000 to over $37,000 annually. pry 136 Wilson 3-4494 or RA 5-5574, GRANDVIEW, lot 75 x 200, sewer, water, taxes paid '61. Beautiful view of city. Cheap at $3,500. RA 5-0345. LARGE front room with single beds, suit one or two persons, breakfast op- tional, Apply 74 Oshawa Blvd. South, RA 8.0852, QUICK way to better tena ads in The Oshawa Tim section, Dial RA 3-3492 now. nalf-ton, good iE "ifor rent" |tires, four speed transmission, Classified | P om RA 5-493. good" ne PRIVATE sale, six room brick bunga- condition, no. ust Rew bial Jo Job. $278 low, in better district of Whitby, close|OF nearest offer. to schools and shopping, garage, alum-|'5] GMC %-ton a rr Thon Both bn. Su storms and, scresis: LL recre- (good condition. RA 5-8552. ation room, suitable ren stone patio. MO 8.5152. 1954 OLDSMOBILE, in ol tion. no rust. Must be ap PRIVATE sale, d. Private. Strees a Xing East. Rental un unit upstairs. East, RA 5-5555. wner's quarters down. 1957 FORD Fairlane convertible, excel. if desired. RA 3-4494 or RA 5-5574. lent condition, new tires, Can be fi Royse qr sale, six Josms with garage, |nanced, Telephone RA 5-4 large jot, near shopping plaza, selection $25 DOWN, $5 per week, good wa. Telephone RA 8-5020. road worthy cars including ot R sale, fi bungalow, | Ch Pontiacs, Fords and foreign. close to south General Motors. $12,950. RA 5-1667. Payments to be arranged. Call RA 31 CHEVROLET, In good running cone CHEVROLET, In good running A dition, Will sell under $100, Telephone LARGE lots, 105 frontage NHA loan |RA 8-5924. approved, By pubis high school. | 7G Shape, Dodge Courtice. Buy now and save, $1800. J RA 8.5579. [ungert Going cheap, $6,500 FULL price, older eight room house in Whitby, Settee location, large big BL eda) Scantisor nd lot, GR zoned. Call Hatsmanb, Stores, 48 Bond Street West. Realtor, 101 Dundas Struet West, MO 8-3338; evenings MO 8.3253. 52 OLDSMOBILE automatic, good coms dition, Oshawa Blvd, South, Phone RA 8-3477 after & p.m, '59 IMPALA convertible, ivory, isis ine terior. New condition, all extras or down F MO 8-4844. 51 CHEVROLET, Powerglide sedan, with radio, tou ise, white walls, $1,150, T 3 1958 Regent, 8 cylinder, autos matic, one owner, perfect condition. Only $1,450. and Elms, Whitby. 52 FORD sedan delivery, very good condition, Best cash offer. May be seem i Ad p.m. at 928 Brock Street North, LARGE housekeeping room, private en. uadry trance, main floor, 218 Celina, Telephone RA 8-5253. {TWO rooms -- kitchen and bedroom, | furnished, central, suit business lads. North or RA Apply 214 Dearborn Avenue, RA 8-8397 33045, |ONE clean and comfortably | Tora TWO-ROOM, large furnished apart. | light housekeeping room at 77 Ontario ment, private bath and entrance, pack. Street. ing, Sose @ downtown, adults, % LARGE housekeeping room, frig, sin- perackalih. gle beds, private bathroom, for one MODERN four-room apartment, In-lor two gentlemen, Apply 219 Ritson cluding TV aerial, stove and refriger- Road South. Stor and free dryer, paved driveway. GN fumished housekeeping room, RA 3.9141 |trigerator and laundry facilities. 'tele. THREE ROOM wfuriihed apartment, phone RA 3-7800. near South G 0 per month. App a ----------------------p TWO unfurnished rooms and kitchen. 269 Thomas Street. --. | ette, sink, Supboards and stove, private, UNFUR th t|close to centre, apartment, heavy duty wiring, close to Vacant. ar Bo 51 Nassau south GM, $60 monthly plus hydro. RA Si { treet. a ge 3.9742. |SEVERAL clean furnished bedrooms, APARTMENTS, one and two bedroo rooms, | private entrance, parking facilities, $6 new building, frig and built-in stove.|weekly. Men only. Telephone RA 8-5204 Telephone RA 8-3634. between 7 and UNFURNISHED upper apartment, pri- LARGE fully equipped housekeeping vate entrance, bathroom, kitchen, Fr LaRG suit one girl, central. Phone RA large rooms and attic, newly decorat- 15.7922 or apply 58 Nassau _ Street. ed, Colborne Street, RA 8-4166. TWO large furnished rooms, stove "and ONE seli-c contained apartment, four| frig., shady and cool, $55 3 or month, rooms, one child welcome. Telephone 552 Simcoe South, RA 5-3 RA $8741. | FURNISHED light TE room THREE - room apartment, all conven- on Beverley Street, bus stop at door, RA iences, private entrance, patio, Xs a.oe80 for more information. monthly, inciuding heat and hydro. Br THREE lar ® ge rooms, heavy duty wir ply 321 Anderson Avenue. RA 5-767 ing, close to school, on good paved BASEMENT apartment furnished, oi |road, reasonable rent. RA 5-6052 after Sing rovm and Sjtenen, sink and cup-|7 p.m. oards, near north GM and hospital. | ONE or two furnished housekeeping RA 52134 after 8. __ (rooms. Apply 107 Fernhill Blvd. after MODERN four-room apartment, frig, 5 p.m. RA 5-4373. stove, washer, dryer, Tv outlet, paved BED-sitting sitting room for girl, private bath, parking, Ravine Road. RA 51310, od brosdloem, cooking privileges. Every- in better home, near THREE-ROOM »paitment, stove, Hi {hospital Telephone RA 5-3093. erator, cupboards, sink, share bath. 517; i Park Road South or 5-2389. THREE furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Parking, semi-private en- trance, RA 8-2489 or RA 8-1584. TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, con- enlenss: heat, lignts hetnded, Park- A 8-4386 split Jevel, be seen to 621 King Abstamers, , radio. Real 15 Sandra 5.7687. apartment and single room, private entrance, ROOM and board or room only, newly central, parking. Reasonable, 96 Centre decorated, good home cooking, central, |Street. seven minutes' walk to four corners or $84 MONTHLY -- new, "modern, two- hospital. Apply 240 Division. bedroom apartment, in new apartment ROOM and board, newly decorated, building, refrigerator, stove, washer, good beds and food. Lunches packed if dryer, paved parking. Telephone RA desired. Rossland and Simcoe area, |5-6674. parking. Apply 708 Carnegie Avenue. |, py pinfENT -- four rooms, water, TWO gentlemen or willing to|heating, good location, laundry, park- share, single beds three meals a day, | |ing, bus at door. RA 2-3096, 165 Verdun TV, laundry, clean home, $16 per week. | Road, RA S008: THREE-ROOM self-contained apart ROOMS for rent or room and board. | ment and bathroom, very central, cou- Apply 573 Olive Ave or telephone RA ple with children only. Heat, hydro in- 3-3589. | cluded, $55 monthly. RA 8-6666. PONTIAC Inn is now opened under | NEWLY decorated, self-contained two- new management, room and board bedroom apartment, upper duplex, stove available, reasonable, Telephone RA and refrigerator, parking. Apply 111 Rit- 5.9957, Pontiac Inn. son Road North. PRIVATE apartment three rooms, | 22--Store Space & Garages washer, aerial, parking. Available June | BOWMANVILLE office space, hree|20, near Shopping Centre. Adults. $70 modernized, steam-heated offices, | lgnts | monthly. 212 Stevenson South. supplied, walk-in vault one. Apply THREE and five-roomed apartments, Specialty Paper Products, Limited, in|partly furnished if desired, heavy duty Bowmanville. wiring, oil heated, fowls Secorated, RA 8 Central. T 23--Wanted to Rent FOUR-ROOM apartment, private en- THREE - house in trance, near school, heavy duty wiring, $70 monthly. Road district, east of Simcoe Street. Please reply to Box 100, Oshawa Post| co Wayne. RA_5-7754. Office. THREE-ROOM apartment with built-in BOAT trailer for the summer. nd sink in kitchen, heavy after 5, MA 3-2575, al wiring, TV outlet, parking, share bath. Dial RA 3-9128. WANTED: three Srey home by July 1. Will take one year lease, State all TWO three - room apartments, second particulars in reply to Box 3, Oshawa and third floors, stove and refrigera- Times. tor in each, adults only. Telephone RA 24--Houses for Rent $500 DOWN buys 15 acres level garden land, east of Osbava, Courtice district. Telephone RA 5-9826. FOR real estate, Tow prices, low down payments, Aurelia Kanoza, Olive Howe, RA 5-1457, k SIX room modern bricl with garage attached, all conveniences, in Oshawa, $1,800 down, balance $70 per month. RA 5-2148. PRIVATE sale, 28 acres, good garden soil, level, Hampton. Apply 242 Elgin Street West. LOT 108 x 166, with 35 ft. well, located north of Camp Samac. Must be sold. Asking $1,550, Telephone RA 8-6143. PRIVATE 231s -- five.soom. briey bus running _condin galow w asement apa: , alum-|yon two new tires, new battery. Apply inum storms and screens, close to schools and bus. $2,700 down, or near- ii 11 Wilson T Road South, est cash offer. Full price, $13,500. RA|BUY your car for cash, Fast confide tial service, convenient terms. For ine 3-9800 after 6. RA 86283, Sea. board Finance, 29% Simcoe Street REAL VALUE SPECIAL |south. $2,000 down buys this spa- [BUYING a car? Need money? For lows cious six-room brick home, ost, Sates, Jon servies, Seaboard FY immaculate condition with - phone RA 8.6283, lovely finished recreation |'57 CHEVROLET sedan, radio, recent room ond bar, mony extros COVax 3-2150 motor job. including paved drive, gar- [1957 OLDSMOBILE Super 88, four door. age, fully landscaped lot. power F 4 desert beige. Greatly reduced for quick can Lloyd Corson RA 54586 |" ticisan sad Ems, SNC». or RA 32537 anytime. | NAGY MOTOR SALES: WILSON REALTOR Oshawa Shopping Centre MERCEDES « BE! NZ «Di DEW. BUY LEASE open until 9 p.m. ot i Pay rent, at the same time 408 KING ST. WEST be buying your own home. RA 3-7132 Six-room bungalow. Al ser- vices at your doorstep, For pT -- complete go ormetion, call-- Trode Your boot £1 8 T SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST W. T. Lamson Real Estate Ltd. North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. RA 8-5912 BEAU VALLFY Custom built three-bedroom ranch style bungalow, gar- age, fireplace. Owner trons- ferred before he could move in. . $18,700. Immediate possession. Call RA 5-4831 FOR REAL ESTATE SATISFACTION KEN HANN girls Extensive expansion pro- | gromme ond supervised training provides excellent opportunity for rapid pro- motion based upon indi- vidual performance. Employee benefits include Pension Plan, Group Life Insuronce and Health Plan, Profit Shoring, Sum- mer and Winter Voca- tions. QUALIFICATIONS ® Leadership ability. ® At least High School edu- cation, or better. Attrac- tive starting salaries for both High School end Uni versity Graduates. Wilingness to accept peri- odic expense-paid transfers during training. REPLY STATING FULL PAR- TICULARS: NAME, AD- DRESS, TELEPHONE NUM- BER, AGE, MARITAL STATUS, EDUCATION, AND PREVIOUS WORK EXPER- IENCE. POST OFFICE BOX NUMBER 188 FURNISHED bed sitting room, kitchen- ette, large closet, linens and kitchen supplied, all conveniences, separate en. trance. Suitable for two, girls preferred, RA 3-9503. TWO furnished rooms, bedroom and kitchen, with a refrigerator, built-in cupboards and sink. All conveniences. Apply 887 Ritson Road South. 27--Real Estate for Sale $1200 DOWN, five-room rug brick and stone ranch bungalow, attached gar- age, oversized kitchen, underpriced at $12,300. John Sandy RA 5-8010, Joseph Bosco Realtor. $6000 TIDY HOME 1958 PLYMOUTH good up. N.HA. financing, os low os $1,200 down, open for in- spection from 6:30 to 8:30 every evening. Week-ends 1:30 to 4:30. Meet us ot our Models, Taylor and Farewell Ave. Sales- or #115 Agnes Street, THREE-ROOM apartment in new home, private bath, modern kitchen, laundry 3-3937. N two apartment, main floor, all eonveniences, close Shopping centre, $100, RA 5-019], RA ONE-BEDROOM apartment, inexpen- man on site, FOR BUYING POWER CALL DOUG GOWER Call You are invited to see the in Courtice with sive, private, close to bus and shop-|city conveniences, lowtaxes and large ping. Telephone RA 8-660. |lot. $1200 down. Francis Hallowell. RA THREE room apartment, unfurnished, 5-4344 Joseph Bosco Realtor. heavy duty wiring, sink and cupboards, | EXCEPTIONAL nine - T0O! parking facilities, near shopping. 237 home near St. Gregory's, cleverly mod- Nassau Street, RA 8-3474. ernized, Features large floor STORE for rent, basement and main | family room, $3000 down. 'George Chris. ft., new building. 295 jensen, RA 8-1248 Joseph Bosco, Real. beside Speedy Auto tor. jase. Ample off-street parking. RA 1961 Coldell Homes designed for Grace & Space family ast between 9 and 5, Monday to Fri- day. APARTMENT in new apartment build- THREE bedroom house on Simcoe ing, four rooms and bath, stove and Street North, oil heated, garage, Phone refrigerator, TV aerial, washer, dryer, OL 5-344 [Close to Shopping Centre. RA 5-161. HOUSE, {oy large rooms and Bath- UPPER "duplex five rooms and bath room, full basement, oil heated, Tele- |very central, newly decorated, oil heat- phone WH 2-5327. ing, garage. Available July 1. Call RA 5-5275. SIX-ROOM bungalow for rent, on 506| RE Dieppe Avenue, near Wilson Road THREE-ROOM apartment, private bath, South, three bedrooms, near schools free parking, washing Facies, immed- al buses. RA 5-4097. jate possession, Telephone RA 5-6106 or SEVEN.RODM house oR Rossland Road | RA 3-7534. West, Large Jays and garden. Tele-| THREE large room unfurnished self- phone RA 8-2693 | contained apartment, nodert conven. HOT low, |lences, five HOUSE for rent, three room Bungalow: |§70 monthly. Telephone RA 5-434 Telephone RA 3.7416 for information, | | FURNISHED "two room SEaRaEL, " ee |parking, central, conveniences, heat, Shi welcome. $60. RA 8-4386, SACRIFICE private sale, three bed- om bungalow, $500 down, or car. RA 8-4060. SPECIAL bachelor apartment in apart-|T men private, ideal for couple, | Two lots 60 x 90, water and sewer on a and rob included, Sutlet, parking, immediate possession. Ritson Road South. Each lot $2400. RA RA 3-4245. $100 DOWN buys three year old home TWO-bedroom apartment, electrically|in Whitby, no strings, move in, Car- equipped, in modern apartment build |rjes for less than $110 monthly. Owner ing, west end. $95 per month. Contact!iransferred. Urgent. Phone MO 8-4372. Mr. Doug Bullied, 8. D. Hyman Real MODERN ROOMS tor RA 8-6286 ADELAIDE TERRACE CADILLAC HOTEL LTD. New modern 2 « bedroom apartment. Stove, frig, TV SPECIAL WEEKLY RATES. Enquire at: outlet, breadicons floor, patie ing space, laundry acilities. 394 SIMCOE ST. S. Ril sim | bio wh 370 ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Apt, 2 Available in private home. and so conveniently located in -- BRAEMOR GARDENS Stephenson's Rd. N., and Annapolis Avenue air Park Plaza Servicing NEW fiveroom bungalow, three bed- | rooms, east end, close to schools, $100, |lights. Telephone RA 53827 or RA 3.249. |RA 3-9 WHITBY CL i SSIFIED Or HT Ty TRE, ed, continuous hot water, bus stop at door, with or without board. Telephone FURNISHED self-contained apartment,| FOR RENT: Large modern, first private entrance, Apply 505 Anderson floor, four-roomed apartment, water, Open evenings or weekends BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA ust East of Wilson Road) RA 3-4494 Res. RA 5-5574 RA 8-4743 MODERN four-roomed apartment, suit MO 8-3276. ots laundry facilities and parking ETRY rovided, Centrally located. Telephone | couple, stove, refrigerator, free use of washer and dryer, Immediate posses- sion, Telephone RA _8-3546. LOVELY two bedroom apartment, new- FOR SALE: Three bedroom bungalow, | LH 8-3762. full basement and recreation room, Whitby's nicest location. 304 ut 5 West, room, bathroom, kitchen, nicely fur- |ly decorated, in new apartment build- FOR RENT: Apartment in duplex, large |nished. Suit business lady, abstainer. |equipped, child welcome, parking. RA 18-6795. THREE room, ground floor apart- ment, unfurnished, front and back en- trance, privifie cellar, ample parking, heated. Very central, Telephone RA FOR RENT: Clean, self contained apartment, consists of a bed sitting Apply MODERN, LARGE APARTMENTS ing, near shopping centre, electrically room, dining room, kitchen and|T bath, two bedrooms and garage. Drapes and kitchen stove included. month, on a one year lease. Call 0 8-4004 WORK wanted, handy man painting re- floors, aa akDg of lawns . Reliable, Fates reason- FOR RENT: Five room house, Brock Street North. Rent $75 monthly, Pos- session July 1. Apply 117 Euclid Street, 0 8-3122. NEW house for rent, kitchen, living room, two bedrooms; for couple with one child. Telephone MO 8-2655. Pp and gardens. abla, Apply 720 Dunlop West. 1, in Whitby. FOR RENT -- Three rooms, ground floor, private entrance and bath. Rea- 4ongble rent, able June I 16. Bly FOR RENT: Three rooms, unfurnished, newly decorated, oil heated. Immediate possession. ers. T RANCH style house for EN three bed. | rooms, Also new modern WANTED -- Gentleman or lady Xoous- 5 T two bedroom apartment. Both available] July 1. Telephone MO 8-5645. home, tisner. Ap 117 Cedar Street. Tele phone MO 8 after § p.m. FOR BALE -- one jacket heater, one oil barrel with taps, one kitchen Apply 712 Dundas West, Whitby." SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanita way, new tanks installed. Walter ard 204 Chestnut West. Phone MO STUDENTS! A super value approxi. ately 630 sheets of letter size typing paper (news t) for only $1.00. Ap-|8-3804 Pn Office, Whitby A a BY Poe By Oshawa Times Street West, GRAVEL - LOAM Cement Gravel Driveway Gravel end Fill. Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon. ERIC C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 FOR SALE: Floor model rangette, looks new, two burners, oven, Ileal for cottage. Asking $25. Telephone MO 8-4576. *| THREE room apartment with private bath and laundry facilities, modern kit- cten. Ir Immediate possession, MO 8-4864, '|ONE three-room apartment, also one large two-room apartment, $45 month- ly. Hot water heating. Available now. On Highway No. 2 close to Ajax. MO 804. Adults preferred, Abstain- | MO 8-29. Im 5-9101. MODERN five room bungalow, .pear schools, immediate possession or will sell with low down payment of only $400. Call Irwin Cruickshank, RA 8-5123. Lloyd Realty, ( Oshawa, Ltd. Hye tooms, ground floor, share with lady, near bus and shopping; also three rooms, bath, upstairs. Newly dec- orated. RA 8-524: ODERN large | twc-room apartment, main floor, private entrance, refriger- |ator, stove and sink, cupboards, T.V., |telephone outlet; central, RA 8-3149, FOUR com apartment, reasonable Apply at 173 | room nt, Children welcome, [Ritson Road South, O| APARTMENT, | furnished bed _ sitting , kitchen, private bath, TV aerial, iis By heat, light, and water; laundry facilities: Abstainers, Lady preferred. RA 3-705! FURNISHED and unfurnished apart. ment, from $85; laundry room, paved parking and balconies. MO 8-8386. FIVE room unfurnished first floor apartment, heated, electric, hot and MEN and woman wanted, days or eve- nings for part time employment. Apply 106 Brock Strect South, FOR RENT -- $60 monthly, 3 and 4 room apartments, balcony. Residential area, newly decorated, laundry facil- ities. Parking, close to schools, Sait dren's playground. Apply 300 High Street. FOR rent one and two-bedroom apart- ments, $80, $90 and he os modern building, stoves, frig' 8-3591. EXPERT roto-tilling_ for | "and cold water living and dining rooms paneled, dining room beam ceil- ing, two fireplaces, heated garage, at bus stop, King Street East. Also three room unfurnished, heated, hot and cold {water supplied, second floor, Both available July 1. For appointment tele- phone RA 5-5373, THREE room NOW VACANT In new building, two bed- rooms, dining area, electri- cally equipped, including washer and dryer free. Apply Apt. 1 or 4, 213 Montrave Ave. MODERN RA 8-8671 82 PARK ROAD N. Call between 5and 7 p.m. Whitby Estates and Vicinity BRAND NEW STORES AVAILABLE IN BEAU VALLEY Evenings 6 till 9 Saturday Afternoons 2 till 5:30 OPEN HOUSE (NO COMPETITION) DRUG STORE -- RESTAURANT -- BAKERY -- BEAUTY PARLOR -- COINWASH -- CLEANERS -- HARDWARE -- APPLIANCE -- CLOTHING -- BUTCHER -- GIFT SHOP -- FURNITURE -- JEWELLERY -- OFFICE SPACE. 2-bedroom apartment on 15 GIBBONS SREET Adults or with children over 12. Available July Ist. Apply: 21 GIBBONS STREET NORTHWAY APARTMENTS 630 SIMCOE NORTH Modem 2-bedroom apart- ments, stove, 'frig, fully auto- matic. Parking area. For information apply-- SOMETHING BETTER? S-room modern apartment | nearly-new Tri-Plex -- a large rooms, stove, paved parking, washer an dryer. Call RA 8-4678 or after 5:3 RA 5-6983. LOOKING FOR Then here is your answer -- 'frig, $100,00 monthly. 00 Monthly SALESMEN ALWAYS AT SITE: Located south side of Highway No, 2 (Dundas) 850 yards east of Brock St. Whitby. H. D. BIRK, BROKER n Il} d 0 REPRESENTING D. W. WILSON REALTOR Bus. ......... RA 5.6588 Res. .... RA 3-7963 FOR REAL ESTATE DON S. SMITH Mgr. Vickery Real Estate RA 8-6228 RA 8-4879 10 ACRES SQUARE AREA $650 AN ACRE 15 miles N.W. from Oshawa. 600 ft. from paved Clare- mont No. 9 road. Excellent place to build swimming pool. No water trouble ever. CAR INSURANCE Careful drivers are preferred drivers and enjoy a saving of $10, $15 or $25 or better than 20% on their car in- surance. Half-year payments. Call us today and compare-- omple free parking. SCHOFIELD surance Associates Ltd. In: 360 KING ST. WEST 65 Business Res. WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON RD. EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer RA 5-0331 We have a good assortment of Used Cars. 778 HORTOP building. Apply Apt. 3, 103 Seiloon Road North. No children please. PRIVATE four room, main floor apart- ment for rent, TV outlet and parking at 111 Mary Street. RA 8-4779 BOATING AND CAMPING EQUIPMENT FOR RENT Tents, all sizes, $7 - $15 per week. Sleeping Bags, Coolers, lan- terns, stoves, $2 weekly, Cabin Trailers, sleep 5 and 6, $40 ond $45 per week, Outboard Motors, all sizes, $15 and up. Boat, 5 h.p. motor trailer, $35 per week. 14' Runabout, 25 electric ond trailer, $85 weekly. Canges and Cartop Boats, $15 per week. We also rent, repair and sell awnmawers, garden tillers, power t WILDE RENTAL Service and Sales 1415 Dundas East, Whitby MO 8-3226 and lawns. Don't call unless you want the best. Call Dick, MO 8-2614. BC SERVICES, Complete bookkeeping service for small businesses, weekly, monthly or as desired. Statements i pared, income tax returns, MO 8-825 GOING FISHING? Check Classifica tion 32 for real buys in used fishing gear. You'll be amazed at the bar- ains. FOR sale: five room brick bungalow on large lot with garage, close to all schools, Low down payment, Telephone MO 8-3794. ROOM and board for two men, share room, single beds, lunches packed. Telephone MO 8-2500. SUPERMARKET IN YOUR HOME. $16.95 per week assures a family of 4 Good Living. This includes 17 cu- bic foot Freezer by ROY, CS.A. opproved. Plus 3 months' food supply by SCHNEIDERS' plus $20 bon- us cheque from Hydro Elec- tric. Live modern, coll: ECONOMART, MO 8.5381, No obligation, No down pays LANSDOWNE AND WILSON RD. NORTH TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT $105 Stove and frig., washer and dryer, bamboo curtains throughout, parking, 18' liv- ing room, modern kitchen, 563 Lansdowne Drive, Call Gower Real Estate, RA 8-4651. 1 & 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS LA SALLE COURT TELEPHONE RA 5-3815 ment, or RA 8-6485 APARTMENTS Modern one- and two-bed- room apartments, $85 ond up. Best location, Phone =~ RA 8-1194 MODERN 1 AND 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS Quiet residential street close to transportation; stoves and 'fridges. T.V. outlet, drapes and paved parking. PHONE RA 5-7272 ~ DOUGLAS L. GOWER REALTOR RA 8-4651 payments. New shopping cen party. selling. Launderette, nearly finishe and ready to go. Leased t reliable tenants at $200 pe Check this for a real invest ment. RA 5-5787 anytime or RA 8-4651 41 GLADSTONE AVE. Fich and chips, forced to sell. Only $3.500 down and bal- ance in reasonable monthly tre, Going concern for right Gas station and stock. $5,000 down or best offer. Good lease large gallonage, central loca- tion. Other interest reason for month, Location on Simcoe South $19,500 full price ond the terms to be arranged. Call Ossie Martin RA 5-6165 SAVE $300 Rossland Manor 60 foot lots -- $55.00 a foot -- Save $300 Wooded Los -- $60.00 a foot -- Save $600 2 Lots Braemor Gardens--$50 a foot Save $500 RALPH S. JONES-RA 86246 Limited number left -- for information call: d 0 r $600 on fully serviced LOTS in exclusive RA 8-8205 PRIVATE SALE Five-room storey and a half house at 162 Mill Street, three bedrooms, three-piece bath, large kitchen, built- in cupboards, hot water heat- ing, large lot 35° by 296'. Toxes $107.00. Asking $9,500. RA 5-4285 29--Automobiles for Sale 1560 ENVOY, four door sedan, low mile. ge, A-1 condition. Telephone RA 3-9686, 7 Cadillac Avenue. 1053 PONTIAC, good shape. Best offer over $150. Telephone OL 5-3566. | 53 AUSTIN Ad40. New tires and bat- tery. Good transportation. Best offer. Telephone RA 8-3887. VOLVO Most dependable. The leader on the road and track. JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE FINA SERVICE 449 Ritson S. RA 8-0921 WHO ELSE WANTS A NEW CAR! BUY IT NOW WITH A 4OW.COST LIFEINSURED LTE XX! x x 1 XX Xx AXX XXX of xX XAXX XXXX : : XX: THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA (Continued on Page 18)

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