16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, June 9, 1961 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS 9--Summer Properties ur for Sale or Rent {oN LAKE SCUGOG -- Five-room lake- ront cottage, two-piece bath, other con- venience. Season or YU -(5-2214, Mrs, Wright, /ROCKLAND Camp, boys, girls, § - {years. Swimming pool, crafts, Go-Ki driving. Peterborough area. Write Mrs. EA Buras, 220 Johnston Avenue, Willow- + Ontario or phone BA 1-0536. OFFICE HOURS: 8 A.M. to 5 P.M, Seturday 8 Friant Call the Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY [Rug and Upholstery | 7--Trailers NEW BUSINESS Unlisted Numbers 14--Employment Wanted AL 1 d practical nurse, any kind im: Apply Box te Oshawa Times. MILK dri for Ajax Experienced preferred, 2-5560 after 6 p.m. MO 8.3184. BOOKKEEPER, experienced, derireg art| position. Telephone F RA 3-4227 INTELLIGENT 1 university s t u dent, early 20's, requires summer employ. ment June - September. Ly typing, bookkeeping and peli to try new field. Write Bo: Times. OUTSIDE pai painting wanted, af ny and evenings. You supply paint and der. Good workmanship. yey reason. able. Call RA 5-8748 GIRL with 10 yea: counts receivable, Payable, costing. Call RA 3-2368, 16--Female Help p Wanted EVERYTHING for smanm and tarae | trailers, service and accessories. Mil. | ler WH 2-3491. WANTED TO RENT -- 10 x 36 frailes: |Apply Newcastle Trailer Court, |tario. 9--Summer Properties for Sale or Rent ARDEN -- - housekeeping cottages { rent on Kennebec Lake Rangettes, re- FOR AUGUST on 12.-mile lak frigerators, boat. Good fishing and verted boat house on two floors, sleeps swimming. $35 weekly. Telephone RA seven, well furnished, Frigidaire, excel- 53-1763. lent privacy, large lot. RA 5-6620 for main --=|Kkey and particulars, FOR RENT -- - five - room summer cot-| - re tage for June and until July 29. All TWO-, and three . bedroom cottages, conveni , 61 Montrave Avenue or electric lights, refrigerators, excellent RA 5-4190. |fishing, pike, pickeres and bass, $30, 5-43. |840 weekly. RA 5- CEDAR ISLE LCDGE {FOR SALE--Summer cottage on Balsom ake, three bedrooms, rons freplaces TRENT RIVER, ONT, reened verandah, inside conveniences, ' 1100 foot waterfront lot. Telephone RA TRA 3 miles off Highway No. 7 [52162 after 6 p.m. | PRACTICAL nurse to live in for the {month of July while parents on Highway No. 30. 2- ond | THREE - bedroom cottage for sale on Three children. Other help kept. 4-bedroom cottages with re- [Sturgeon Lake, 80 ft. water front. boal- erences wanted. Write Box 9, Oshawy frigerators, rangettes. Lodge |house, stone fireplace, space Beaters Times, facilities. Hot and cold run- ning water, showers, flush toilets. Dancing, good fish. VALLEY CREEK FURNITURE 145 KING W. Next to Western Tire RA 8-4401 We buy, sell, exchange used furniture, washers, TV, radios and so forth at prices to top anyone in the city. Jo _|Money to Loan |Cartage -- Accountants MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIER nd JORN'S Moving and Storage. Co., Chartered Accountants, RA 5-3527,|whitby. Reasonahle rates 3B Simcoe Street North, Ajax, WH equipped and insured. Phone RA 3-366, able rates. Telephone OL 5-4746. Any [CHESTERFIELDS re-built, recovered, fast like new. Why pay more? Our rates e 2re reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. | Mattresses re-built. Oshawa Upholstery led and Co., 10 Bond Street West. Dial RA GARDENS and lawns Hato tile Sedses WE HAVE clients' monies available 5.0311 cut. RA 5.7887. Glen Munro, 414 Park for loans on first and second mortgages moore rie oe and re-u ed 1 Road South. a4 slo warchase of Tnongazes oy re-styled. Free estimates, See our mate- 'GARDENS and lawns Roto o-tilled and QC. 37 King Street East, RA Zia) le Jes Street. RA 392 Upholstering, 1--Women's Col made ready for spring planting and 3.4943 5 Charles Stree 3.7212 ber . Sr seeding. RA 5-8985, re es -- CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re- VIALS cold waves $5.30, eat "HAVE tractor, will travel", EOD re Or oe afer s: covered like new. Get the best for less permanents $8.50. Page Hairdressing v etc. Re yap one i Tm iat Modern Upholstering, 142 Simcoe 396 Pine Avenue. RA 5-563 Pater. Telephone RA 8.2465. South, Call RA 8-6451 for free estimate. | |Gardening and Supplies wa- BACK filling, lots levelled, front end os FIFTY to five thousand dollars. Fully loader with truck available at reason- worthwhile purpose.lowest rates, service. Seaboard Finance, 29'2 Simco Street South. RA 8.6283. py and BURROWS, Chartered Oshawa, payroll 0 gardens nable FIRST and second mortgages, arrang- MULLIGAN'S Lanscaping, roto-tilling, | ed. W. Schatzmann, Mortgage Broker, ploughing, sodding, top soil Complete 101 Dundas W. MO 8-3338 garden and lawn services. OL 5-4 arms OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE LTD. | 2--Personal FREE room ana board "for woman, in comfortable country home, in Picker- ing, as companion to a woman living alone. Write Box 906, Oshawa Times. CHARIS garments representative of Oshawa -- Mrs. K. Wootton -- 1300 Wecker '_Drive, Oshawa Rugs and Upholstered Furni- ture expertly cleaned. SEGER"S RUG & UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS MORTGAGE |furnished, inside conv neces, Well | {Sms required for fine assembly work, {irked ". mo Half cash. RA 35-2162 soldering and wiring experi h ee. - [tronic components preies 0 | WESTLAKE, | om nity for ad [cottage for rent, reasonable, all con-|etc. A: vy Stark Electronic 1 Instruments |Dressmaking Accountants, 35 Simcoe iret South, Oshawa. Ronald F. D. Wilso A, | H. E. DEWAR and Co. Accountants! and Auditors, Cedar Glen Bldg., 11 On and DRESSMAKE YALE, , FRIEDLANDER. HUNTER "and! ' Co., Accountants and auditors, Licensed] New, Alterations, Remodelling. Fast, Oshawa; B. L. Yale, CA; F.| Friedlander, B. Comm., CPA f 22 ROWE STREET , Corti RA 8-6706 fied Public Accountants. 172 King Street East, Oshawa, BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting Service. Complete bookkeeping service. | LEARN TO DRIVE RA 3.7605. at the G. Edmond Burrows, CA. RA Yast. i FURRIER tario Street, Oshawa, Ontario. RA 8-2221 Trustee in Bankruptcy, 64 King Street Low Prices. 8. T. HOPKINS and "Company, Ontario. RA av Stent Driving School 184 Bond Street West. RA 5.0397. Res, |Oshawa Driving School Architects MAYER and BRZOZOWICZ, Arch, Eng., The Times Bldg., Oshawa, Ont. New unlisted telephone RA 8-2881. Auto Parts FOR body and mechanical repairs try Marijan's Garage, 290 Cordova Road RA 5.5101. KENT'S WESTERN RN TIRE -- -- Guaran- teed, automotive parts and accessor- jes. 145 King Street West, Oshawa. RA 8-1607-8-9, "Five bays to serve you". Instructors licenced by the Province of Ontario, Day end evening lessons, MERCURY SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING Modern duol equipped cars Gov't. Licenced instructors Day or Evening appointments DIAL RA 5-4773 Operated by Geo. B. Rutherford. MERCURY TAXI Fur Storage FURS COME OUT LIKE NEW WITH PICKWICK CLEANERS Special Cleaning and Summer Storage Special Dial RA 3-4832 434 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH Barristers JOSEPH P. NGAN, ac, Solicitor, Money to loan King Street East, Oshawa, Residence, RA 5-3405. MANNING F. SWARTZ and RONALD L. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, No-| Money to loan. Henry Block, King Street East, RA 3-4697 Residence, Dial RA 3-4029. DONALD BLAKE DODDS, and Solicitor, 26'2 King Street Telephone : Business RA 3-2201 dence, RA 8-5373 537 CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bldg, $ Simcoe Street North, RA 3.3446; T. K Creighton, QC; N. C. Fraser, QC; G. K Drynan, G, L. Murdoch, NHA mort gages arranged MURPHY, BA. Solicitor, 6 wag Cast, Oshawa, Ontario, RA 8-2971 JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, LLB. Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub-| lie. The Commercial Building, 286 King | West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking| available, BOWMAN, DAVID L.. Barrister, citor, 3'3 Simcoe South, RA Residence, RA 8-0264. a Rai MeGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers,| Solicitors. Clients' funds available for first mortgages. 20 Simcoe Street North, REPAIRS AND RE-STYLING RA 5.3566. Charles C. McGibbon, QC, Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. RA 5-3321 RICHARD _ H. DONALD, . BA. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, 524 Simcoe rdenin nd Suppli North. RA 8.2391. Res. RA 8-276 [Gardening nd S pplies . CERA tile, bathrooms, HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and bo {fronts, no commercial or seconds used Humphreys, QC; G. S. Boychym, 2A; a manshie, best prices. COlfax W. A. Hillman, LLB; 36% Ki mm ------ East. Phones: Office RA 5-1177; hr CEDAR trees or hedges (sic.), any RA 54604 or Whitby, MO 8-2761; RA |size, guaranteed to grow, For free esti 5.5202. Money to loan. mates, phone 612 Clarke or MA 3.3935, [Free delivery, Oshawa, Bowmanville, JACK SILVERMAN, barrister and soll-| citor. Clients funds available for first Woitby. Ajax and district nik mortgages. 31 King Street East. RA FOR SALE -- Top soil by the load 5 |Special rates for truckers. Power lawn . rolling, sod delivered, laid, field load FALNERS, BA barrister, er, Soll ephone MO 2.5368 or © WH RA 5.3741; Residence RA 53542. [20543 Office = = c--.--- |KHRUB planting, patio, general clean JOHN CAMERON, Barrister, Solici. up. Will look after your lawn, trim| tor and Notary Public, 18% King Street Voir hed ges, any other work. Reason- East. RA 3-226. NHA and private, i. Ra 3. 7283. mortgages arranged. - -- Barristers, Solici. ORNAMENTAL "evergreens, shrubs, GREER and Kelly M 4 |hedges, peonies, perennials and choice ors ele, Oe reel hones: collected cedars for hedges, 2, 35 . [an up. Orchard Nurseries, No, 7 4. M, Greer, 2A, Se pa sum, pe {Highway, south side, two miles west of ence V. Keily, {Brooklin, Ontario THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, Soli-| eitor and Notary Public. 26% King Street East. Phone RA 81763. RALPH "JONES, BA and "THOMAS H. GREER, Associate Barristers and Soli- eitors, 130 King Street East, RA 83-6248. Mortgage loans available. BRUCE MACKEY, BA, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, 36 King Street East. RA 83-2381. Res, YU 52127 . Barrister, | Office 1414 RA 8-8232 "Barrister East. Resi 22 BRUCE STREET (Corner of Celina ALL FURS STORED CREED'S STORAGE VAULTS (Toronto) Finest on continent "SHINERIZING" Custom Fur Cleaning IN Soli- | 5.9592. | HS HARDSAND LANDSCAPING A complete garden service, clean-up, fertilizing, power rolling. Now is the time to kill crab grass ond chickweed. Sesdnig, sodding, nursery "RA 51721 SODDING TOP SOIL MANURE | Phone OLiver 5-3049 Bookkeeping L. SCHAPELHCUMAN!/| COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING | SERVICE, INCOME TAX RETURNS 686 OSLER STREET RA 5-9953 Building Trades CHIMNEYS, new and rebuilt. Side walks, stoops, and roofing. Work guar-| anteed OL 5.3061 after 6 p.m YOUR local chimney cleaner. "him. | neys built and repaired, gas linings in- | stalled, furnaces cuumed. Free esti] mates. RA 3 | ALL TYPES of home repairs and re | modeling, recreation vooms, roofing, Workmanship guaranteed. Free id mates. RA 3.2413 CERAMIC, working, Topsoil, stone and fill Trucks and loader for hire. RA 3-3162 CROSS TOWN SOD SUPPLY J A-1 rolled fertilized sod, N ob! y ojos cut fresh daily, sod for truck- ers in the field. Special con- tractor rates. RA 5-8504 GRANDVIEW SOD SUPPLIES We specialize in A-1 feril- ized field sod. Prompt de- liveries for Oshawa and Dis- trict. Field loading for truck- ers and special rates for con- "RA 8.8111 LOAM-GRAVEL SAND, FILL, TOP SOIL LOTS, LEVELLED plastic wall tile, , wood-| all floor coverings. Free esti-| mates. Work guaranteed. RA 8.0850, L. AND W. roofing, tar and gravel, asphalt shingles and rep too big or too small. Estimates free. MO 8-8003 or RA 5-6937. GENERAL woodworking, frames, sash, | screens, cottage and home wood sup-| plies. Made and cut to order. RA 5-1273.| ROOF and repairs of all Kinds, new roofing applied. All work guaranteed Free estimates RA 84782. CLIFF BROWN GRAVEL & SAND BLACK LOAM Prempt Delivery RA 8-8951 DRIVEWAYS . First-class Workmanship Guaranteed - Reasonable Prices UNITED PAVING CO. RAS Reasonable Rates DIAL RA 5-2156 OSHAWA 8-4801 DON' T MOVE, IMPROVE MODERNIZE - REDECORATE INSIDE OUR OUT YOU WILL BE GLAD YOU - CALLED RA 8-5103 110 King St. East, Oshowe AJAX REPAIR and CONSTRUCTION LTD. Payment terms arranged, or it you require an economical Home, Summer Cottage, Garage we can supply: Fac- tory Engineered Stylemaster Buildings. Many plans to choose from. Move in next month, Landscaped designing, sod- ding, seeding, weed killing, complete garden service. PHONE RA 8-6366 05 AWA HOLLAND NURSERIES and LANDSCAPING RA 5-7442 For satisfactory landscape designing, main- tenance, sodding 199 GERRARD RD. service, store TRACTOR, LOADER WORK CLIENTS, HOME LANDSCAPING GRAVEL -- STONE LOAM RA 3-3528 CALL -- GRANT FOR SOD DELIVERED OR LAID Finest quality, TELEPHONE MO 8-3015 BEVERWYCK GARDENS Highway 12 3 miles north of Whitby OL 5-3570 MO 8-4735 See us for your garden sup- plies. Landscape Service Only Visit Our New -| CRESCENT FURRIERS 'GARDEN CENTRE ot 1259 SIMCOE NORTH 1,000 ft. North of A&P Store --GARDEN SUPPLIES --STONE SUPPLIES --HOUSE PLANTS We also Handle Swimming Pool Construction OSHAWA GARDEN SERVICE 1259 SIMCOE NORTH RA 3-3222 Open Evenings Till 9 GRAVEL LOAM AND MANURE PHONE RA 5-4967 ot E. R. KNOWLTON LANDSCAPING SERVICE Now is the time for Spring Rolling, fertilizing, Top soil and sod. clean-up! repairs. RA 5-6047 SPRAYING Hedges, evergreens, Large Selection of PERENNIALS VAN BELLE GARDENS HIGHWAY NO. 2 MA 3.5757 BOWMANVILLE trees, reasonable rates. "Personal Service Insurance SAND - GRAVEL sisters sissies ci--sn For personal service at your home, call 5-7413. to 20 per cent, six months ts pay AUTO INSURANCE If you are a careful driver you may save $10, $15 or $25 on your car insurance or better than 209%. Preferred drivers enjoy the lowest rote in Ontario through this of- fice Half-year payments, Call us today and compare ~ample free parking SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD 360 King St Lawn Mowers POWER Lawn Mowers sharpened and also bicycles and outboard RA 5-8063. HAVE "your lawn mower precision shar pened. Free pick up and delivery. RA repaired, motors. Rosedale Marine, 5-4360. WE SHARPEN AND RENT ALMOST EVERYTHING Give Us A Call-- STAN'S CORNER KING & RURK STS. RA 3-3224 West RA 3-2265 Money to Loan NHA mortgage Fraser, Rhone Creighton, dach MONIES FOR MORTGAGES Monies available on First Mortgages at 7% per annum without bonus * Monies also available Second Mortgages Mortgages and Agreements for Sale purchased M. F. SWARTZ, Short trm and Builder' Mort- gages at reasonable rates, 262 King St. East, Oshawa, Ontario, RA 3-4697 Registered under Mortgage Brokers' Registration Act. on money to loan on first mort age. Mortgage and agreement of sale arranged. Drynan and Mur- ' Money Available Payments to suit Your Budget ALLIED INVESTMENTS COMPANY 51 KING ST. E. RA 3.3993 Member Ontcrio Mortgage Brokers Association Professional cleaning at lower prices. RA 57488 | WHY TAKE CHANCES | WITH YOUR VALUABLE RUGS AND FURNITURE When you can have them professionally cleaned by a member of the National stitute of Rug Cleaners years experience NU-WAY ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous hair, Marie Murduff be in Oshawa, 28th. Phone on will June 27th Genosha Hotel In- these dates for _oppointment 20 SEWING MACHINE SERVICE DOMESTIC & INDUSTRIAL Mortgages MORTGAGES sold. Agreements of sale bought and sold. Company and private monies. RA 5.6544. John A. J. Bolahood Ltd Surveyors Ll | MORTGAGE loans, Bowmanville, Osh. H. FLIM and Trollope, Ontario Land WE DON'T SELL awa, Whitby, Ajax, Pickering and vicin. Surveyors 6 Adelaide Avenue East 6881 3 Have your present machine ity. Residential, acreage, apartments, Phone RA 5- repaired at reasonable rates. business. Members of Ontario Mort-InoNEVAN AND FLEISCHMAN, On. PHONE RA 8- 2546 gage Brokers Association. Summeriand tario Land Surveyor, commercial blue- Securities Limited, 112 Simcoe Street) nino 12 Bloor Street Ea A 5.5620 -- Em North, Oshawa. Phone RA 5-3568 pailles LS pad =. 2 3: ~ or >. . an ssoclates, n- FIRST and second mortgages. Sale tario Land Surveyors, Professional En. CHILD FOR ADOPTION Hen 306 Dundas Street West,] DANNY needs you os h as a Ajax 728 child possibly cou Because of his port-negro background, he is agreements purchased and sold gineering, nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King whihy, MO 8.5091, Street East. RA 3-7232 . . one of the children in the care of Nursing Services TV- Radio Repairs | one of te shigien in he cos of - - Pe --r TV. RADIO, car repairs, all a permanent home is hardest to in Sunnvbrae, of Oshawa. 'Reg. NX. au. maker o Thompson | Electronics 137 find. DANNY is six -- a charm- pervised. Inquiries Invited, reasonable Lott Avenue, Ri 792 (Fre gster with fine, attractive rates. RA 5-2330. TELEVISION -- car radio, brown eyes ond . dark pairs All work guaranteed and per. He hos 3 real sense 3 formed by qualified technicians. Elec- s full of enthusiosm Optometrists tronic Service Centre, 81 King West, sts reveal that he is a briont F. RICHARD BLACK, Doctor ¢ of RA 83211 of above average intelii- Optometry, the examination of eyes, On the surface, DANNY contact lenses. 136 Simcoe North at Col. seems to be a cocky little fellow borne. Evenings by appointment. RA but this is far from tne case. He 3-4191 has known four foster homes ond C. H. TUCK, RO, Optometrist. Please he's not sure he's wanted any- pay accounts at downtown Dominion where Ba) NNY would test you Bank or 74 Burk Street. Invalids ex ntl he felt sure you wanted him amined at home. Dial RA 5-4587. forever ad fe were certain, he would have a for greater chance of developing his many poten- tialities. Enquiries from Protestant couples who are interested in DANNY'S adoption should be made in writing to THE MINISTER OF PUBLC WELFARE, © SPECIALIZING IN 3 ME ILDN PAINTING and decorating, reasonable SAMSON TOWERS PARLIAMENT BulLoNGs, rates, work guaranteed, storm windows ar ranged, bought a and RA 8-4¢3!} muc each person radio re- SAMSON T.V. TOWERS RA 8-8180 OSHAWA T.V., 361 GIBBONS ST. Painting and Decorating A-1 PAINTING and "paperhanging, Jensen, RA 5-1651 after 5 p.m. FOR | painting g and paperhanging, | terior and exterior call Van RA 38-2822 a in. Horn removed and c leaned DODD & SOUTER PAINTING & DECORATING C RACTORS Paperhanging Wall Murals, Prone RA 83451] ANTENNA INSULATION | "3_pets & Livestock LEN & LOU'S T.V. Free Estimates RA 5.7844 CHIHUAHUA male pups, seven weeks, $50. Telephone RA 5-4328 BATHING, trimming, de-fieei ing. Waubena Kennels, RA 5 Pain ng, 3 Gyptex, Full Spray Painting. 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITEY DAYS MO 8-5231 NIGHTS RA 5-7426 i' five weeks old, $65, male or female. RA SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT (8:20. IT -- DAY OR NIGHT BEAUTIFUL T.V. and RADIO training, talking strain. Apply CALL RA 8-5286 Broad. 114 Elgin Street East POODLES for sale, All Work Guaranteed Mrs. miniatures and available. PUREBRED brown miniature poodles, baby budgies ready for MArket | ing, cedar strip boats, motors, Phone RA 5-6812 or Havelock 764-3661 WIANCKO HOUSE SPARROW LAKE, MUSKOKA, ONTARIO A family hotel with excellent recreational facilities. Open mid-June to Labor Day. Rates $35.00 to $45.00 per week, meals included. Special rates for children. An ATRO re- sort, Write M. R. Wiancko for folder HOUSEKEEPING CABINS ON LAKE HURON Families, $32-$45 Weekly. Singles, $22. Sond beach, good swimming, ideal for children Golf, theaters, dancing close. G. Hazel- wooed, R, R, 1, Bayfield, Ont. | i Yeiiences, good fishing. Telephone 'RA | La. Ajax. 8-81 Furnished. Call 15-8 COTTAGE for rent on Lake "Kushog, | | {safe beach, good fishing and boating. | {Will accommodate six. Telephone M 8-3106 ESTABLISHED "priv ate velopment, only. | OE cottage e for sale -- | Lakefront | hikny | cottage on Lake Scugog. lot 65" x 140°, | Telephone MO {four bedrooms, living room and kitehen | {combined. Three:piece bathroom {tached garage. 198. Rice Lake, Famer Sel, Rate particulars to Box 905 * ootles mes. Cottage built. Financing no prob. ABY sitter and light household dm live in, older woman welcoms, -8532. [320 WEEKLY, reliable woman to live Rain required immediately, to take oon. trol of five-room apartment and | children, five and four. OLiver Stl, | WANTED 0 Weekends only. ern Bar B. "part-time kitchen | help, Apply in person West. -Q. 973 Simcoe Street t Noth, NURSE - typist for Doctor's lem, $2,000. Equipped playground. For RELIABLE | lady t to take care re of biby brochure. WM. Street, Peterborough. baby Trewin, 964 Weller practical nursing for semi invalid lady, Good home rather than high wages FOR RENT -- cottage on Sturgeon Sleep in. RA 37036 after 4 p.m. Lake, for any part of July and August Contact Clare Western, 33 Albert Street | South, Lindsay, Ontario. PIONEER VILLAGE ON BUCKHORN LAKE Camping grounds, cottages, boats for rent Sandy, safe beach, excellent fishing, tested drinking water. RA 8-2301. | | CARIBOU LODGE Loke Kashagawigamog, Haliburton Light housekeeping cabins, showers, flush toilets, recrea- tion, Lodge facilities, - even ing meals, sandy beach. Rea- sonable rates. 480 Summer- hill Ave, Toronto 5; HALIBURTON PINE RIDGE At Miner's Bay, A family re- sort, sandy beach, water skiing, organized activities, good food, rates from $36. Special children rates. R. J. Wood, phone Coboconk 148 | R4. STURGEON LAKE beach, abundant Special House- Dunsford, Fishing, home cooked meals. rates 'for children keeping cabins. Ontario Phone 25 R24 T3745. Bowman ire OSHAWA ELECTRONICS GET THAT CLEAR PICTURE NCW Use a CHANNELMASTER ANTENNA attached to & STARLIGHT TOWER end you'll have the best. GET THAT CLEAR PICTURE NOW! Use a new aluminized picture tube installed by expert TV technicians, 'and you'll hove the finest. Modest prices = call us for service: T.R.I1.O. TELEV'SION 171 BOND STREET EAST RA 8-6781 Well Drilling-Digging PETER PAN Nursery afl or half day, 8.30 to 5.30. Simcoe North. RA 83-2604. LET US MACHINE WASH YOUR WALLS HOMES, OFFICES, ete. Speedy, Accurate, No-Dripping CALL TE 9-1864 Free Estimates EASY-GLIDE INTERIOR WALL WASHING DUNBARTON Mares with foals at foot. TRY QUR BAR. B- QUED CHICKEN half chicken fries, fish and hot dogs, from an American. milk shakes MODERN WE DELIVER LITTLE BUCKAROO RANCH GRILL RA 5-3887 PONY SALE SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 10 A.M. AT MARKHAM FAIR GROUNDS MARKHAM, ONTARIO 50 registered Welsh mares, yearling and stallions. Herd of 12 silver dappled Shetland Mares with foals Consignment including a nice Chestnut Stallion with flaxen mane and tail, nonies. Would make wonderful hunt ponies and 3 big outstanding saddle horses. SALE PROPRIETOR, ALEX STEWART 50 MOSSBANK DRIVE SCARBORO PHONE ATLANTIC 2-8933 also 3-year-old saddle TRAIL RIDING RIDING INSTRUCTION ADULTS AND CHILDREN SWIM POOL OPEN 2 TO 9 P.M. DAILY GO-KARTS PICNICS AND PRIVATE PARTIES 4--Market Basket ATTENTION freezer owners. Orders taken now for freshly cut asparagus Wholesale prices. Phone alter 6. W. WARD WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8.2563 MO 8-3809 204 CHESTNUT ST. W. PO. BOX 329 5--Farmers Column DE AD tarm stock "pleked up promptly. Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3.2721. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Lic, 115. TOP money for dead and disabled Information -- RA 5.2737 {farm stock. R Vivian, Markham, 1160.7 e." HARMONY RD. NORTH, TED VEENHOF foe ee ee OSHAWA it under * ess Services" in Classi- WELL DIGGING in every day in RA 13-3492 now for etails. Clean-outs and deepening. COMPRESSOR WORK, RA 8-3864 CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less Cash Charge Offer EAT BETTER FOR LESS conveniently-- The Homarket Way! 909% Groceries delivered to your home. Lowest prices ever ~---meat you cut with a fork 100% guaranteed. Hind quarter cut to your order in poly bags 55¢ Ib. front -- 42¢ Ib - Freezer ot lowest ever. No deposit, lifetime warranty. $20 from Hydro in June HOMARKET FOOD & FREEZER CO. showroom "All types of rubber belting and hose fdr sale; belts re- paired within 24 hours. Rem- nants at special, prices: 50° farm belt, 6" wide - $45.00 Phone RAndolph 8-1658. Snowden Industrial Rubber and Plastics Limited, 91 Bruce 3 CONSECUTIVE Bruce Street, Oshawa." 225 248 6--Auction INS! ERTIONS 375 413 It not paid within 7 days the Charge rate will apply. Above rates apply only to eriginal orders for consecutive insertions. Subsequent insertions ordered at a later date constitute @ new original order. Professional and Business listings $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily. Each additional line $1.60 per month, Each Initial (etter abbreviation, $ and c sign, figure, counts as © word. Box charge 15¢ additional All Classified Advertisements must be in by 5 p.m. the day be- fore publication except Births, Memorioms Cards of Thanks which will be accepted until 9 am Deadline for Lost ond Found and Cancellations 8:30 a.m. Office " A OO Hours: Daily 8-5, Soturday 8-12 colored REGULATIONS-- 8-4870 The Oshowa Times will not be | ss MODEL, responsible for errors in advertise- |lszle. Phone ments submitted otherwise than in | after 6 p.m. writing, nor for more than one |l------ Incorrect insertion eof any adver tisement, nor beyond the price charged for o single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs. And also reserve the right to classify advertising according to its own classification in the case of display advertise- ments The Times will not be neld responsible for more space than that in which the actual error occupies. The publishers endeavour to' reproduce oll advertising matter correctly but 'assumes no liability any inaccuracies in ony form advertisement are contaihed | therein. | AUCTION SALE Saturday, June 24th at 1:30 p.m Household furniture. The estate of the late Mrs. W. J. H. Richardson, 304 Centre St. North, Whitby Auctioneer -- Loyal Pogue. order office 123 Brock N., Whitby MO 8-4630, MO 8.4811 RA 3-7468 7--Trailers NEW box trailer. 6' x 8, reversible to cavin trailer, 412' high, all plywood and glass, sleeps three. Licence. Ready for road, RA 8-8039. 1958 PRAIRIE Schooner 10° x 48' Plumbing Heating ALL plumbing and heating Phone RA 5.3521, Harold R, Stark, plumbing heating and engineer. 35 Simcoe Street South ING and supplies. | heating pipes, fit. 8, fixtures, new and used, chang ing from septic tank to sewer a spe.| calty, Installations at reasonable rates. Information and estimates free on any type of plumbing. Dial RA 5-4241. J. Foley BEATTY APPLIANCES Barn, equipment, pumps, Four appliances Telephone MO 15.f0t house trailer for Whitby MOhawk 8.2761 COOK'S SELL FOR LESS 13' Glendette Compact, new $985 Glendette, used $1095 Glendette, used $1150 Glendette, new, $1350 deluxe 14'. Glendette, new, $1550 Sales & Parts, self-contained No. 2, Cook's Trailer 3 miles East Oshowa hot water and forced air furnaces, bathroom fixtures, parts and service. PARTNER PLUMBING AND HEATING ORONO 1782 Day or Night NOT satisfied with your "present apart ment? Check "Apts. for Rent" today it and everyday in the Classified Section. | of Tt's the fasi, easy way to do your apart ment bunting, oil burners, 15' 15 16' Hwy |_2:4188. nd bath, living room carpeted, tages, 9--Summer Properties for Sale or Rent furnished, lephon PIONEER CAMPS -- MUS- KOKA: PORT SYDNEY -- 2 separate comps, boys and girls ages 9 to 18. Tent accommodation. Resident medical staff. Program in- cludes trail riding ($1.50 hour extra), sailing, boating, canoeing, water-skiing, cov- ered wagon and canoe trips, crafts and hobbies Space still available August 16-30 at special rate of $63.00. Further information: Pioneer Comps, 30 St. Mary St, Toronto 5 -- Phone WA STURGEON LAKE BEEHIVE PARK ESTATES | NEW EXECUTIVE SUMMER HOMES. Mortgages arranged with well known trust com- pony. Prices ond terms to suit your needs. Built on large waterfront lots in new registered private subdivision with a 'Florida' motif; most unusual and beautiful in the Kawartha lakes, safe naturel sand beach, large beautiful shade trees, canal 40' wide at rear of lots with sheltered dock or boathouse for each lot QUALITY with every conven- ience built into each of these summer homes, hydro, drilled walls, full plumbing, modern kitchens, fireplace, complete interior decorating plus dial, telephone with pri- vate or 2-party line. LOCATION: 4 miles west of Bobcaygeon on the Fenelon Falls Hwy., large signs at entrance, paved road all the way, owner on property every afterndon, including week- ends, is | LAKE ROSSEAU - MARJACK LODGE | | PAIGNTON HOUSE MOTEL and COTTAGE UNITS Catering to a fun-loving clientele. Rates you con afford, $50 to $85 weekly including 21 delicious meals, Complete operation. Nine- hole golf course. Write for colored folder. Phone Port Carling, ROger 5-3155. MUSKOKA DISTRICT MANAGERESS Prestige Jewels, National Party Plan Organization, is seeking on aggressive woman with keen desire to earn top money. Previous business ex=<* perience favourably consid- ered. Sclary open. Send name and phone etc, to: BOX 903, OSHAWA TIMES RCAF OPPORTUNITIES EXIST IN THE ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE FOR SKILLED AND UNSKILLED AIRWOMEN LEN-DAVE LODGE BALA MUSKOKA Children Free Main lodge, sleeping cabins, safe sandy beach, home cook- ed meals, water sports, dan- cing, hot and cold running water, Write Box 15 Bala, Ontario. | { | | | KAWANDAG LODGE | ROSSEAU, ONTARIO Don Gallinger, prop. Former NHL player "Boston Bruins." $56.00 weekly and up. American Plan. Write for folders, An AAA, ATRO re- sort. SEE YOUR TRAVEL AGENT Applicants must be 18 to 29 years of age, single, Can- adian Citizen or other British subject and have a minimum of grade 9 education. Benefits include good pay, free uniforms, dental end medicai care, 30 days an- nual leave and on excellent pension plan. For further details, visit the MOBILE RECRUITING UNIT OSHAWA ARMOURIES June 7, NOON to 6 p.m. oi {17--Male Help Wanted | 12--Articles Wanted | | | MO 8. 4606 | COTTAGE, furnished, Pres'quille Point. | Deeded land. Apply Box 327, Colborne, | Ontario. | FOR rent, at Rice Lake, two small rot- electric refrigerator, | 8-4 4282. | 1 1 CASH FOR SCRAP WE BUY STEEL, METALS, BATTERIES, PAPER, RAGS, etc. Open All Day Saturday M. GEENBERG & SONS LTD RA 3.7333 308 Bloor St. E WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS I. TURNER RA 3-2043 RA 3-3374 (collect) SHAW \ AUTO WRECKING CO. Want cars for wrecking, Parts for sale, also scrap iron and metals, etc. bought. Open Saturday all day. Phone. RA 5-2311 89 BLOORE. WANTED USED STORE DISPLAY CASES Reply, stating particulars, to: Bowmanville Museum Board, Box 528, Bowmanville. SALESMEN wanted full and part time {highest commission paid. Must {car. have Write Box 10, Oshawa Times. A CAREER IN REAL ESTATE We have an opening on our y sales staff, for a young, clean-cut man, interested in © career in Real Estate. Em- ployment offers O.H.F, and P.S.I. benefits and a train- ing programme through the Ontario Association of Real Estate Boards. For interview call RA 8-5107. RISTOW & OLSEN" REALTORS WANTED Young man aged 20-25, Junior matriculaton pres ferred, full employee benefits. Permanent pos- ition with good opportun- ities for advancement, Apply: LOMBANK FINANCE WHITBY | FOR YOUNG MEN AGED 16 'A TRADE YOU LEARN | Street. RA 3-251 STORE ATRL" | |13--Business Opportunities | {STORE for rent, also basement, outside entrance, Teasonaple. Apply 28 Prince | in Town of Havelock, excellent location and oppor- tunity for Ladies Hairdresser, hot and, cold water, newly renovated, able rental. Phone 764- 2266 reason- Contact Box 3, Havelock. | A profitable business of "vour | Beauty Salon with modern living quar.| ters, fully equipped and air condition. ! {od Excellent business, central location, | k | For full particulars call RA. 5-6588, (for Lloyd Corson, Wilson Realtor Li [Oshawa Shopping Centre. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Repair garage. 4-roomed bungalow Good location. Ill "health forces sale. Early possession. . An experienced mechanic can do well here. $9,000.00 with terms. LYLIA M. McBRIEN REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, BROOKLIN -- OL 5-4971 [14--Employment Wanted DECORATING ALTERATIONS LOW-GQOST PREFABRICATED HALLIDAY HOMES STYLEMASTER COTTAGES UTILITY BUILDINGS You will be glad you called. AJAX REPAIR AND CONSTRUCTION LTD 110 King Street East, Oshawa RA 8-5103 WHILE YOU EARN Through the Soldier Appren- tice Plan offered by the Conadian Army you not only learn a trade and take the first steps to a fine future. In addition, you can--- --FURTHER YOUR ACADE- MIC EDUCATION ~--BENEFIT FROM MILITARY LEADERSHIP TRAINING ---EARN GOOD PAY FROM THE DAY YOU JOIN Enrolments stort May 1 and continue until guotas are filled, or to September 8. Applications are being ae cepted now and will be pro. cessed in the order received, You must have Grade 8 edu- cation or better, be 16 (not yet 17) on the day you enrol and meet army test require- ments. PHONE OR VISIT YOUR LOCAL ARMY. RECRUITING STATION TODAY, OR MAL THE COUPON BELOW TO: Canadian Armed Forces Recruiting Centre, 27 St. Clair Avenue East, 10th Floor, Toronto 7, Ontario. Telephone: WA 4.7346. Please booklet Future" send me your tree "The Way to a Fine Name; uwisivenas Address . . City/Town Prov