' 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, June 8, 1961 - CHILD GUIDANCE Murals Scenics through realistic doors or win- of a Colonial village, or theforce. be the focal point of & ' gows in the room. This can be lovely detail of the French|room, not only because they are Enhance Decor e perfect answer to a dark|.,.trvside in the style of an|large, but because they have TO BE MARRIED NEXT MONTH : Children Should Be Taught By ELEANOR ROSS [of cute actin on d murals 9 engraving. And there are/such a definite effect on the a Murais or scenics are some-|VAry enormously in style and|Many, many more, with a range personality of a room. T R ct M . Of 'No thing very special in the wall. period. of styles and subjects to please] If you wish to add drama and 0 espe eaning paper family and deserve spe-| You can choose between the all tastes. distinction to your decor, ® cial consideration. Their ances-|QOriental simplicity of a Japan' FOCAL POINT mural can be the perfect ane By G. CLEVELAND MYERS |are constantly rebuked or pun- try is impressive: they are \ % | Some little children from twolished. They are forever getting direct descendants of joy tap-|©5€ garden, the historic charm! Murals and panels must, per-iswer, if chosen wisely. to five don't enjoy long periodsjon their parents' nerves and estries and painted wood panels| when they feel all is well but|also are annoyed by their par- used as rich decorations in| FREE PARKING aa BUDGET TERMS IV eis, & 4 thelr parent princely palaces and castles. | d i en they and their s i l hut been good ant tah) (30, 1 B04, UO, PLC in he impressive shat OPEN ALL DAY WED, 2 joy one another. | : : ou ers and ecutive 3,00 SRN pp pen Socorions are mont, SN Sot wip the Men's Branch at its 25-year|2Ught, consistently and effec Cavs m ogs a ea h Wy mo FRI. TILL 9 P.M. sods nilige to be held|tively, to accept No as final. tore modest homes. the p dinner to el Therefore, in this column I have| Juestion is often where to fit in ? |this Saturday, June 10, at 7 p.m. 1 and place a mural. The answer | # | A detailed report of Bazaar repeatedly Iuplved Dowels Lolis almost anywhere, and this is | § |held recently was given by treas-yon nine the youngster to re.|Decause today's murals are so urer, Mrs. James Anderson. The spect No and of saying t1..; elastic in size. | - Zone Rally takes place next, q wisely and rarely, so as Wallpaper murals are com-| Monday June 12 at Bowmanville. nave the way cleared most of| posed of strips almost 28 inches | Here are some really fine money saving buys that are sure to please . . . drop a chartered bus will leave the i i d dlwide so that the t , ; ferminal at 5:45 pan. Dinner Is| hs, Lie FOr eel ECO roctuon covered. determines how 1 be vy in and see them today . . . you'll always find exceptional good values at to be served at 6:30 p.m. Berets| nd ove. <trips you will use. ; b 3 GLAZIERS. Mire: Alfred Lavender of Nor- Wn 2 ola ens ause DIFFERENT SIZES | C H EC K TH ESE Vv A LU ES land was a welcome guest. Allonger and come oftener and| SOme murals have as many u rE re Si oot, ul, en Ue" | TRAINING PANTIES | LADIES' SLIMS Mrs. Herbert Bathe and the Au- FEELING APPROVAL |commlete i plete, others only rd i iE {two; but in either cas : : h Sitors Teport by: Mrs Hay It's during these many long |use the number * tiny that | 100% cotton in a shurdy quality, Sizes In Nuugtive Small checks wd lor shades The annual visit to Sunny- periods of mutual enjoyment Will fit into your wall area and 2 25 Reg. 29¢ each. 6 or 1.00 in tun, whit, . 2 prs brook Hospital will take place| When the youngster often 0° still have a complete picture. = PECIAL .. emp SPECIAL"... ie . on June 28 and a chartered bus|hear kind and tender words of The reverse also holds true.! ed today of Miss Jeannette | man Catholic Church on Satur- The prospective bridegroom is 1:15 p.m. A few seats are still When there are =: ii ie Fou can repeat some of the to.) e son of T. an rs. James (available. Names may be' given| J . ~|strips in a continuous pano- Theresa Dyl and Mr. James | day, July 8. The bride-to-be | py oo 0m ion, to Mrs. Eric Jacklin, telephone] ret chart in relation to one of rama. pi Glenn Falloon who plan to be | is the daughter of Mr. an --Photos by Ireland " c<|your children. On a long line. tor HH y RA 54168 or at next weeks|' ~ off a space indicating how Another advantage in fitting In a host of styles thot are sure to please. | oi. vance of Jeans and Slims in polished Colors galore . . . white, block, mauve, | 'oro, "vib cord and some denims. Sizes 3 beige, brown, bone, powder blue, mint |, "50g 8 to 18. Sanforized shrunk. green. Reg. 2.98 and 3.98. 1 414] Values to 3.98. : . meeting. The Auxiliary will] SPECIAL . . .s SPECIAL loften on any day your child was| Your wall is that all murals are | dispense with meetings during] i extended above and below the GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES July 'and August rebuked or punished and bow design with plain backeround) N Members sick in hospital are| ark the spaces indicating how| Paper. S0 you can place your] 4TH GROUP COMMITTEE Letters were read from Rad- ume of her years spent in Sim- am Biley: i and|1one and often you and the child | ht aR convenient wall The May meeting of the 4thiha Krishnan, the club's adopt-|coe St. WMS and read "The|nrs Betty Reid, Il at home |felt happy and good toward each; Menti f Group committee of the Girlled son who receives letters|Story of the Years", written by Mrs. Chirles Preston. Mrs. Wi. | other, periods during which he of fenton Sheula be Jade too, | Sule Assorigtion ri hel at prom oe embers every two|Mrs. T. H. Everson, to appear(jiam Evans and Mrs Thomas oval. heard deserved ap Wo OT oi pictos] or Reg, 4.92 fo 5.98. 'SPECIAL e home rs. Leslie Magee weeks. Mrs. A. A. Thompson at a later date. (Frizzell . [ 3 § 1 i with sixteen members present, notified the members of th (Frizzell. Do this over a number of days|fect as the mural, but in one| LADIES' BETTER : p €| Mrs. F. Thompson and her LR note the gains, from day to[panel only. SPECIAL The minutes were read and|dates on which they were to CALVARY BWF |send letters during the Sun.|SVMmittee served tes, The Calvary Business|day, in the length and frequency] For example, they will show Z 2 5 00 LADIES' SLIMS MEN'S SHIRTS In Dan River woven plaids, washable and | Long and Short Sleeves in the lot. Mostly colorfast. Sizes 10 to 20. 3 9 Shot hints; 5 fo iiroas shivts, 1 00 : . alues to 3.98. ee . ; / Q The engagement is announc- | married at St. Hedwig's Ro- | Mrs. John Dyl of Oshawa and |will leave the Legion Hall at approval, and feel avprovalllf you have a very long wall, | LADIES' HANDBAGS ' | | | BOYS' PANTS [LJ the treasurer gave her report. This group includes woven ginghams and novelty prints. swyil 139ang IEEE oN/Yvd 3394 It was decided to give thres/ ner, Money will be sent for his RUNDLE PARK AUX. (Women's Fellowship held its| of he happy periods over Hera casement window with a ™; dollars to Brown Owl for a gift| birthday in August. The Ladies Auxiliary of Run-|regular meeting on Monday|Unhappy ones. You may be lovely sea view, a group of ; ) for the Brownie who sold the| Mrs. Logan gave a report onidle Park Association held its|night, June 5 i Coiviry Bap, astonished at the magnitude of birches or a woodland scene or 2 A _wesliabls and solorfont. yu Rul and. 14% most cookies on cookie day;| the cysic fibrosis foundation| pay meeting at the club house. (tis Church with Mrs. Jack Mc. these gains. {a large branch of blossoms. As|g' . A " hy also that the Guide who sold thefmeeting held Is yawns. rs: There were ten members pres-|Laughlin presiding. | However, Jou may le templed/they sre single paiels, they are most cookies would be sent 0/ing held at Hillsdale Manor by|"'; Mrs. Verda Jackson opened 0 10, ShetCon ah TobUKCS Sed singly or effectively ro.| FAMILY ALLOWANCE & PAYROLL CHEQUES GLADLY CASHED wi . ; :~ | Plans were made for the open-|the meeting with prayer. ; 2 gee Ft } "| i i the Red Cross Society to dis- Pen-1Le 8 pray: fforts holly t ra and|peated in many small S « aie lest Guide mesting of the uss the Tuck Shop. Helpful ing day on June 10. There wif Pine usts vere played by\Co oval. It AT ghee A onlors. 1 areas andy, ALWAYS MANY EXCEPTIONAL VALUES TO SEE the form of a pot luck supper afm Jere given 19 255s hie several booths, home baking 5° re Sng ind duet [Soon _ discover you have ge What are the advantages of| ® FREE PARKING @ OPEN ALL DAY EVERY WED. @ BUDGET TERMS "The Hemmittee will have a/Members who gave their time, 0. Telroshtents. om. |P, the Smith sisters. A pam, eto aeany hibe| NE 3 murs] or murg] panel? ial Eo i Park Club House 2d effort were thanked by the| Mrs. James Hanson has resign- "The Builders" was recited by|that annoy you, and you in turn MANY ADVANTAGES socia a adlo ark uk se Society. |ed as president, new president/Mrs. Jack McLaughlin. Mrs. may so often feel vexed and| There are many types of| {me Leh pm. to close for|™ yr "winiam Witham thanked|is Mrs. Albert Crowell. Dean Bickell led in prayer. |frystrated that your approvals murals, to be sure, but usually, | he Se ter ber 'meetin will] the outgoing executive for the) This was the last meeting Mrs. Neta Hoagland intro-{and feelings of approval will for home decoration, we mean be sh pro f Mrs Thomas| ¥3Y in which it had led the|for the summer months, but it is|duced the speaker, Miss Wilma| decrease. |a scene, and a beautiful scene H " by e oe 9 hill boule club through a very successful hoped to see all members out Watson from Yonge Street Mis-| ? {in a room can change the whole Dpns Ad Sept tose i year. A picnic will be held|for opening meeting in Septem-|sion, Toronto, who showed slides HEALTHY BALANCE atmosphere. vard, on September Ig: lon June 28. (ber. Euchre parties have also|of the work at the Mission. The|, There must be # healthy: 1a Some scenes are viewed ldi i ny tiv 0 rai " LADIES' CIVITAN CLUB SIMCOE STREET Wms discontinued for the summer|Gospel has been presented there tive Balance Choud ba careful through windows, doors or 498 SIMCOE SOUTH (Across from South Simcoe School) The Ladies Civitan Club of The WMS of Simcoe Street and will resume in September. every night for the past 65) hat Testraints don't equal or arches and in this way can add] Oshawa held its last dinner|upited Church held its monthly LEGION AUXILIARY | car; and during the past year|, op the expressions of love the double illusion of a delight BUDGET TERMS IE FREE PARKING meeting of the season recently| i : 4 pt 67,000 people have been in at-| » ful outdoor scene glimpsed! : 'WY meeting recently with Mrs. The Ladies Auxiliary, Royal : [that your rebukes don't equalor| -- ~~ ~~" "" ° under the leadership of outgoing| hares Bennett presiding |Canadian Legion, Branch 43 met tendance at the different meet-| vo ioiance your approvals, | = president, Mrs. Edward Middle- "© = port we ay so By Stine 6. with| ings: The aim of the Mission is) °° gl cutive. 3 S| » " i | y mass and her executive Iread. Mrs. G. M. Love accom. |president Mrs, Edward Bouck- Seeking the lost, the last and| PARENTS QUESTIONS The election of the new of- fod by Mrs. Sid B liev presiding. Mrs. William Kin the least. | Q. What fault do some par- ficers was conducted and Mrs.|P2n! y Mrs. Sidney Bone-/ley p gor 0 Kingl The meeting was closed in ents have in teaching their child James Logan was given a ham sang two solos, *" I May/and Mrs. Ivy Saby were initiated prayer by Mrs. Austin Hooper lat home? hearty welcome as the new|Not Pass This Way Again" and and welcomed into the Auxiliary.my "not" meeting will be held| A. Growing angry and impa 1 " " | ; . G uf president. She will be assisted| Just For Today. Deepest Sympathy was expres o, Junc 19 at the home of Mrs.|tient with him when he makes by president-elect, Mrs. R. D.| Mrs. Orville Eagle presided ed for the family of e late! frnest Woods, Thornton's road. mistakes or doesn't catch on. Malcolmson, treasurer Mrs. /for the devotional period and Mrs. Charles Elleget who pass- Andrew Chrisomalis, recording/chose for her topic "Our Appoin-(ed away on Tuesday June 6. She secretary Mrs. G. W. Bayliss|ted Corner." |was the oldest member of the Mrs. Ross Coulson. Mrs. E. Snowdon gave a res-' Auxiliary and over the years @D 8008888868886888888880,93sp0R0B4R880B888B08aB0R08E8BABABABABAEABERE; White LJ paint ™ el | mhnaele . 1]1]:1:% Fewer USE OUR BUDGET PLAN 5.00 DOWN HIDE a ----, PRICES outeide white i sore ors TO CHOOSE FROM | i) Trade a Full Set | 4 -- 7:50 x 14, 4-ply | : ---- Amazing new-formula DURA-HIDE does @ WHITER, longer lasting Up T0 4 -- 6:70 x 15, 4-ply | job in ONE coat than TWO coats of many ordinary paints! You'll y | hardly believe your eyes when you see how DURA-HIDE's sensational \ \ WEF Wty Nh hiding power and brilliant WHITER white con beautify your home! ¢ eon po fy y \ NAR = Blackwall Nylon tubeless fires for Just ONE COAT of DURA-HIDE covers solid over any color -- : \ \ EN ONLY EVEN BLACK. Hides all small checks and cracks. Provides a tough, | y y | weather-resistant surface that lasts season after season. In every | S - h \ | way it does a better job than any white house paint you've ever used. ) ( . d Self-cleansing, non-yellowing properties in DURA-HIDE help ith = 5 , f [ OFF ond your recappable tirgs | Keep your home bright. It's easy to apply. Doesn't sag. Try it! : ! LIST A WHITEWALLS | Made by the makers of famous FLO-GLAZE COLORIZER in 1,322 colors. MRS. Ww. W. PARK = AN 4 = 7:50 x 14, 4ply 55 BRUCE ST. | RO \ TRADE-IN 4 -- 670 x 15, Avy White Sidewall Nylon OSHAWA DIAL RA 3-7821 : fo 4 TRESS ALLOWANCE Ton Te \ ! BRAN! EW -- PERFECT CONDITION SWAN'S 1.H.A. HDWE u wit we" | 78.80 ; a } . | and your recappable tires OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE TIRES on TIME|r 11.95 5. F. GOODRICH NEW AND YOUR OSHAWA PHONE RA 5-7513 $ 00 AS LOW AS Alger TREADS 7:50 0.08 | RECAPPABLE (ORRIGAN PAINT & DOWN DELIVERS Siz E70 a oe eS vy WALLPAPER AJAX SHOPPING CENTRE AJAX, ONT. WHITEHALL 2-1660 PA TT E ' S ini LTD. "90 Years At 85 Simcoe St. North" OSHAWA DIAL RA 5-3529 fBaBa3480R0R08 ES 4B YES, WE DO HAVE THE BEST... BUT... at prices to suit everyone. Our buyers travel the world to find the latest and most tasteful mer- chandise to suit your needs. From a one dollar gift to the higher priced, you will find the same attention giv- en to your purchase. BEBABABEBABABHBABABABRABABABABARABARABABABAB a! H 438888 gapase BOBEBEBEBABAB R636 8030-388486868888B8B88088BaB8B88088¢ Call in at our store in the Shopping Centre, look about at your leisure. .. see our many items featured for Fathers' Day . . . an unlimited var- iety of shower and wedding gifts... gifts for the June graduates. All will be wrapped in the familiar blue box that is given throughout Canada with pride. BIRKS Jo EW E L L ERS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE fp a8aBa8aB8888886888388888883888838843688 0848838868880 88B886308083036888888B3439808884838B803880883084808036880488800000888830888 0 S898085883080858088/88888088868088808086808008839888888888888B88Y