Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3.3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, June 8, 1961 7 k (Cecil Twine, Toronto; Mr. and PERSONALS Guests from out-of-town at the|telephone or visit the social de- Walker-Heath wedding last Fri- partment with your item of day included Mrs. R. M. Heath,|news for which there is no Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stewart, charge Telephone RA 3-3474. all of Agincourt; Mr. and Mrs. # Kathleen Doreen, infant #8 | Out-of-town (William French, Embro; Mrs. ing. The godparents are Miss PILOT CLUB MAKES PRESENTATION At a recent meeting of the Oshawa Pilot Club a cheque was presented to be used to assist the work of the crippled children's committee of the Women's Welfare League. Delegates From 21 Auxiliaries Attend CLC Conference Sponsored by the Canadian Labor Congress. the CLC Ladies Auxiliary Conference opened Tuesday, May 30 at the UAW Education Centre in Port Elgin. Mrs. A. Cannon, Chairman of the Provisional Committee wel- comed the delegates and the opening remarks were delivered by William Dodge, vice-presi- dent of the Canadian Labor Con- gress, "The proposed 'CLCLA", said Mr. Dodge, "will promote understanding of trade union- ism, the union label and labor political action. The CLC has initiated this movement and now you are on your own." Mrs. Catherines Gelles, inter- national representative, UAW Women's Auxiliaries, of Detroit, presented a message from Mrs. Virginia Tyndall of the AFL-CIO Auxiliaries, U.S.A Mrs. Tyndall wrote, "We must engage in such activities, as will be of value in furthering under- standing and well being of the members, their families, the community and the nation. "We must rededicate our- club, and on the right is Miss Mary MacLean, chairman of the club's community service committee. --Oshawa Times Photo LODGES AND SOCIETIES SUNSHINE REBEKAH LODGE Sunshine Rebekah Lodge No. 222 held their regular meeting Seen receiving the cheque on behalf of the committee is Mrs. W. E. Barnwell (centre). Making the presentation is Miss Lillian Beamish (left), past-president of the Pilot selves to work toward the achievement of a higher stand- ard of living, better working conditions, enjoyment of a life of security for all ages. We must take part in our government, it is not enough to be satisfied with just being a voter, we must understand all the issues in an election. You as Canadian women should increase your ac- tivities in this field, especially in view of the new political party which is being launched in your country." The following committees were set up: Constitution, Pro- gram, Organization, Resolutions and Publicity Delegates from 21 organiza [tions including auxiliaries from the Autoworkers, Steel Work- ers, Rubber workers, Typo- |graphical, Public Service Em- ployees, Railway Unions and others from Toronto, Ottawa, Windsor, Fort William, London, |Brantford, St. Catharines and local lodge rooms. Noble Grand, Sister Greta Drinkle, presided, assisted by Vice Grand, Sister Margaret Gray, who reported on the mem- bers who were ill The correspondence was read by Sister Victoria MaGee It was decided to send $10 to the Motor City Barbershoppers who supplied the music at the recent lodge birthday party. A hearty vote of thanks was ex- tended to Sister Marie Elliott and her committee for conven: ing the birthday banquet. Brother Arthur Phillips gave a report on the United Nations Tour by bus to take place on Juné 28 and another July 4. It is interesting to know there are three Oshawa representatives on this tour, sponsored by Corin- thian Lodge No. 61, Oshawa Re- other cities. Discussions were : Soper THA bekah Lodge No. 3, and Sunshine held on the constitution and Lodge No. 222. structure for the new national A report was given regarding movement of women. the CP and T Fund Delegates also heard an ad- Sister Estella Sims gave dress James MseDonsld report on the meeting of the sent ] CLC Credi ; JUpreseniave of the | LC crali helpers at Hillsdale Manor tuck duced by Mrs. E. Liness of To-{Shop, and a summary was sub- ronto. He called upon the dele- mitted covering the recent rum- gates to spread the value of Mage sale convened by Sister Credit Unions and Co-operatives May Wood. famong. women and through their! Sister Margaret Gray was ac- children. Working men and corded a hearty vote of thanks women can use their power for baking the recent birthday through co-operative buying and cake. Sister Clara Wickens was services to lower the cost of liv-|appointed as alternate to attend ing and improve living stand- Grand Lodge Sessions, in Toron- jeds. Bi Sutlined the manyito in June. ranches of co-operative serv-| : . A ices including co-op stores, in- Mention was made of the dec- ~ |Mr. and Mrs. Monte Moorcroft Mrs. Charles W. Read, Grier- on Monday evening June 5 in the holiday plans are always of in- Robert Read and Miss Donna Mrs. Bryce Garrison, Lindsay. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald James Read, was christen- guests at the Mtn a | French-Moss wedding were Mr. Ye evening Tce an {and Mrs. Cyril French and Patti moral 'Church, with the Vener- {Ann and Brian French and Mrs.\able H. D, Cleverdon officiat- {P. Ellis, Ingersoll, Mr. and Noreen Read. IMrs. Ray Ellis, Rockwood; Mrs. Messrs. Gary and Walter Ronald Mink, Midland. Gales, both uncles. Following Following the christening of the sefvice a leception vat their infant daughter, Muriel|prc Read. on Nonquon' read an aunt, and Marilyn Moss [7 vite sccsseries. Te |royal blue with beige accessor Ralph 4 rench Weds They. each wore a white The marriage of Marilyn June Carnation corsage. Moss and Ralph Cyril French, Later the couple left for a both of Oshawa, was solemniz- wedding trip to Niagara Falls ed recently at Albert Street i b and points west. For going away United Church. (the bride wore her wedding suit The bride is the daughter of! Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moss of|'°PPed With a beige coat. Oshawa and the bridegroom is| the son of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril} French of Embro. The Reverend §. C, H. Atkin. son officiated. . Given in marriage by he father the bride wore a white linen suit with all-white acces- sories and a corsage of white and red carnations. | Mrs. John Hodgson, sister of | the bride, was matron-of-honor {4 in a lilac linen suit with -- ing hat and white accessories. Mr. John Hodgson acted as best | man. ! A reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John!) 'When you choose from eur wideyy range of first auality Harleigh Supplies < (Oshawa Ltd.) OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE PHONE RA 5.3012 occasion the bride's mother wore 3 powder blue lace over taffeta fen » HARVEST AID » The first automatic binder] with its forming, compressing y and tying attachment appeared |} in 1870. Alice, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas!{Kathy and her si . Moorcroft, Garrard road, had pj A ob Moisi dM as guests on Sunday, Mr. and|tion with grandparents Mrs. George Moorcroft, Madoc; | and Mrs. Stanley Gales. Mr. Boyd Moorcroft and Ricky, naught street, and Mr. and and Mr. and Mrs. E. Davidson, son street; as well as great all of Belleville; Mrs. Harry|grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Al- Woods Oshawa, and the Rev-|bert E. Gales, Connaught street! erent F Ward who officiated at land Mr. and Mrs. George Westminster United Church,| Welch, Toronto, all in attend- Mrs. Ward and son, Tommy. ance. Also present were Miss ~ : Donna Elford, Mr. and Mrs. Teas, birthday parties, wed- Michael Lee and Mr. Louis] ding anniversaries, coming and | Peter, all of Oshawa and Mr. goings of guests and your own and Mrs. Norman Read, Mr. THE YOUNG EXECUTIVE Son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter , ski and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Strychalski, Jr., Pine avenue, | C. Jones, Oshawa, and great- is two-year-old John Douglas. | grandson of Mrs, Walter Johnny is the grandson of | Strychalski, all of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Strychal- Marian Heath, James Walker | Exchange Wedding Vows The marriage of Marian Mar- length sleeves complimented the gret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.|sheath gown with panniered James Watt Heath, and Albert|overskirt, enhanced with appli- Henry Walker, son of Mr. and ques of re-embroidered lace and Mrs. Richard Edward Walker, |pearls, falling into a chapel all of Oshawa, was solemnized|train. A jewelled crown held migrated in the form of a ring in Knox Presbyterian Church her fingertip veil of French il- arouna the original stained last Friday evening, with the lusion and her flowers were pink Many unsuccessful attempts greg Reverend R. B. Milroy offic-/Johanna Hill roses, stephanotis have been made by housewives pjeeding of Fabric Dye -- iating. and carnations. to remove stains from theirione of the greatest difficulties The soloist, Mrs. Jan Drygala,' Miss Irene Heath was maid of clothing Sometimes permanent |(nai onc encounters when at-sang "Wedding Prayer" and honor and the other attendants {damage can occur through inex-\tempting to remove a stain is|"Q Perfect Love" and the wed- were Mrs, Sprague Furey and perienced hands working on io have the color or dye in the|ding music was played by Mr. Mrs. Robert Gallagher. They stains, Before any auempt Ji fabric bleed. This type of dam: David Jenkins, organist. wore identical gowns of mauve : § age is usually irreparable. I Give : silk organza over taffeta with fabric there are several fac: Breakdown of Fabric -- OA I ia Rg Bn 4 > orl scoop necklines, three-quarter tors that should be considered. cossive rubbing in a small area|jna) gown of white silk taille Sleeves and bouffant skirts; {The type of fibre in the fabric, may cause the fabric to become | rachioned with a scalloped sa- 11alching headdresses and acces- the fabric construction, the fab-|thin and eventual breakdown is|prina neckline in a bodice of|sories. They carried cascades He finish and dye, and ofiquiie tikely, guipure lace, embroidered with|of deep pink carnations and course, the source of the stain." py,ziness of Soiled Area -- teed pearls. Three-quarter white chrysanthemums. i The colop ringril the tan: Rubbing can also cause fuzzi-| Mr. Richard Walker was best C ay spoiung {ness One of the most difficult {man for his brother. The ush: shoul. always be tested first on things to learn is to know when| SOCIAL NOTICES |were Mr. James Walker and Me |an unexposed area of the gar-ty stop attempts to remove a |John Heath. : (ment. Even this precaution is|stain before permanent damage {not Blwaye pase prot that|oceurs, This is a skill that re- vou will not run in ulty . Kperienc : when you attempt qu quires years of experience. (Oshawa announce the engage-|the bride's mother received stain, (MIs a wise person WHO imyant of their daughter, Jean- Wearing a sheath and jacket of leaves the responsibility of stain| io Theresa, to Mr. James champagne - beige embroidered Inexperienced spotting tech- removal in the hands of skilled Glenn Falloon. son of Mr. and|organza over taffeta, organza niques could result in any one personnel. A reputable dry | Mrs. James Falloon of Hamil-|petal hat, matching accessories of the following problems: cleaner will have on his staff a|;on" The marriage will take|and a corsage of yellow roses. Dark Rings Surrounding the person who is skilled in the place on Saturday, July 8, 1961,{The bridegroom's mother wore Previously Stained Area -- This|art of spot removing. at 11 o'clock at St. Hedwig's|2 sheath dress and jacket of blue > |Roman Catholic Church. {peau de soie, self hat, matching this column. Write, Moise, all of Toronto. "FABRIC TALKS" Many Factors Are Involved In Removing Clothing Stains | terest in By BEA BRIGHT ENGAGEMENT A reception was held in the Mr. and Mrs. John Dyl of/lower hall of the church where 2 for 1 special DESERT FLOWER cream deodorant by SHULTON Photo by Hornsby | LIMITED TIME OFFER! TWIN-PACK £ only | 4 This velvety-smooth cream deodorant, with added anti. perspirant action, melts instantly into your skin---gives you all-day deodorant protection! Safe for your skin --safe for your | clothes because it's famous Desert Flower quality. Pick up | your "twin-pack" today, while this special offer lasts! 1 9 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 3-3431 o> | surance, housing and loans. type of damage could have re-| --- DELICATE FLAVOR accessories and a corsage of ENGAGEMENT i 7Cok (sulted from several causes. If oration services at the Union Kohlrabi, from the German ones Cemetery on Sunday, June 18, |the garment has become even A hearty vote of thanks was given the speaker. In the eve- when Harmony United Church Choir will provide the music. {slightly soiled and an attempt words Kohl (cabbage) and Rabi Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Gilmour, Ag th | {was made to remove a stain, (turnip), is crisp, tender and § the cole ley on 4 moter wish to announce the engage-ling honeymoon in the United GuR Phin: ning delegates enjoyed a film Also a large bake sale and tea, entitled "Credit Unions in the |, be held in the Fall of 1961 Fiji Islands". Filmed in color|!0 Pe held In the Fall o » the picture described the bene- fits and improvements which ac- ers to elect their own represen- crued to the natives of the tatives and call upon the women islands through co-operative/to talk about the New Party buying and ownership. when they return to their local- On Wednesday morning, Allan ities." Schroeder, educational director! In the afternoon. Mr. George for the UAW in Canada, called Burt, Canadian director, UAW daughter of Mr, and Mrs. J. (upon the women to rethink their|spoke briefly, stressing the im. M. E. Drummond, Connaught [attitude to political parties. portant role that women could street, received the degree of | Ine objective of the laboriplay in the community and bachelor of science in nursing Ise ovement, said Mr. country. It was expected that at the graduation exercises {Schroeder, "is fo win for the the founding convention of the held on Monday, May 29, in |WOrking man a fair share of the national auxiliary movement Convocation Hall, University | of Toronto. Miss Drummond is a graduate of the O'Neill ; 30 { Siott of Wehtsley Hospital, To. |TIShts of labor. 1 urge the work- 1962. ronto. GRADUATE Miss A. Virginia Drummond, the next Canadian Labor today Congress Convention which is to islation is. being passed by pro- as |vincial governments {wealth which he produces. Leg-| would be held at the same time {which threatens the hard won be held in Vancouver in April chances are a ring will occur delicately flavored when young Blue Grass Time isa Special Time! {surrounding the stained area.|and freshly picked. Upon close observation it can| ~~ be noticed that what has actual- NO TAKERS ly happened was that the stain-| The Mistry of Works has re- ed area has been cleaned, thus moved a sign saying Beware making the surrounding soiled!of Pickpockets from the stairs area appear darker. At the|leading up to the Crown Jewels same time, some of the soil had'at the Tower of London. ment of their niece, Marion states, the bride was wearing a Denise Nussbaumer, to MT. three-piece Italian knit ensemble Howard Joseph Hughes, son ofin beige with matching acces Mr. and Mrs. Everitt Hughes, |sories and a corsage of white all of Oshawa. The marriage|carnations and chrysanthemums. will take place in the rectory] Mr. and Mrs. Walker will re- of St. Gregory's Roman Catho- {turn to reside at the Adelaide . : lic Church on Friday, June 30,| Apartments, Adelaide St., west, can use it profusely . . , for here are special values |1961, at 7 p.m. {Oshawa. that make this most appealing Perfume even more so. | | | GALA OCCASION SHEER To Dance Summer is acoming in . , . and with it comes the won- derful time of Blue Grass, the fragrance that is most loved by most women everywhere. And now, you VM oon FOR HAPPINESS | | : | = from BURNS Blue Grass is a Flower Mist to uss lavishly for coolness. 4 oz. 2.00, 8 os. 3.25 (regular price 2.50 and 4.00) Blue Grass is a Dusting Powder, the most refreshing after-bath treat. In a lovely big box; 2.00 (regularly 2.50) --Photo by LeRoy Toll Nancy Ann Foster Feted Bride-Elect Miss Nancy Ann Foster whose marriage to Mr. John David Tarasuk will take place tomorrow evening at the Av enue Road Church, Toronto, has been feted at several pre- nuptial events. Friends and neighbors honor- ed the future bride with a mis- cellaneous shower held at Thornton Corners Sunday School Hall. Mrs. Walter Buss and Mrs. Charles White conven ed the shower. Miss Marjorie Lick and Miss Carolyn Buss as sisted the bride-to-be in open ing her gifts The Ladies Missionary Group convened by Mrs. Lloyd Akin held a miscellaneous shower at the Christian and Missionary Al- liance Church, Oshawa. Miss Margaret Ann Ware of Hamilton, the maid of honor, entertained the bride-to-be and her bridesmaids at luncheon in the Georgian Room, Toronto. Members of the class of 1961 of the University of Toronto School of Nursing held a pre- sentation shower at the home of Miss Myra Wolinsky, Toron- to A kitchen shower was held at the home of Mrs. William Hayes, Oshawa. She was assisted by Miss Joyce Luke, Mrs. Albert Hayes and Mrs. James Stred- wick. The Misses Tina Tarasuk and] Jeanne Tarasuk held a party| at their home in Scarborough. | After the wedding rehearsal the bridal party was entertain- ed at the home of the prospec "i's in the air™ Tr 28 KING ST. EAST DIA LRA 3.4621 OPEN EVENINGS All Night . . . Elegant sweeping beauties for Graduation, Proms and other gala occasions . , . when you want to look stunning. Hlustrated rustling silk organza with shirred bodice ond captivating toffeta cummerbund. 29.95 Engagement | Ring $150.00 Blue Grass is a Fra- grance Set--Perfume Mist plus a purse flacon of Blue Grass Perfume. 5.00 They cre the newest Masterpiece crections by Bluebird . . now en display-in our window . , ond of course every Bluebird Diamond Ring is guaranteed flawless and insured free for one year against loss or damage. PAY AS LITTLE AS 10% DOWN BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. 32 KING ST. W, RA 3.7022 Other beautiful gowns from 19.95 ' Black J _ LADIES' WEAR LTD. 72 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5-1912 OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. ®) : Codmelic Department ITY WI DI FREE DELIVEF $30 SIMCOE ST.S PHONE RA 5-3546 [ROSSLYN PLAZA - RA 8 4660] ALSO STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA 8 KING ST. E PHONE RA 3-2245 OSHAWA tive bridegroom's parents in Scarborough. I * a A