27--Real Estate for Sale | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, June 8, 1961 19 LOT for sale, 4° x 10 sewage and Id | water. T 27--Real Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate for Sele SACRIFICE private 4 ale, t three bed- BUYING a home? Need money? For| COMMERCIAL lot, 75° x 386°, 1g, Thicksoh room bungalow, , OF CAF. owest a rvice, Road North, between Ouhaws RA tr 13 Fo Simos. Street South, or|by, six lots north of King Street. RA on [phone RA 8-6283. 5-8965. BRICK bungalow, Grierson Street, bedrooms, 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent, 27--Real Estate tor Sale |27--Real Estate for Sale 00M rivate by FOR sale: five room brick uation, free parking, washing facilities, immed-|on large lot with garage, T RA 5-610 or schools, Low down payment, A 3-7534. 0 83794 | FURNISHED parking, central, lights, Child welcome. RA 3.9180. FURNISHED bed-sitting room, suitable for two, near Pedlars. Apply 362 Simcoe Street South. 26--Rooms for Rent TWO large furnished rooms, stove vo and frig., shady and cool, $55 per month, 582 Simcoe a RA $3206, R on Beverley Street. bus stop at door, r RA 8-6890 for more information. THREE large rooms, heavy duty wir. ing, close to schoo! good paved -|road, reasonable rent. RA 58052 after 7 p.m. ONE or two furnished rooms. Apply 107 Fernhill .|5 p.m. RA 5-4373. 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent TWO-ROOM apartment, furnished, private entrance. Apply br Street for part 24--Houses for Rent 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent SEVEN-ROOM brick house, |arge FOUR-ROOM self-contained apartment, kitchen' and basement, four-piece bath, Darlington Boulevard South. Private bath, A ample parking. T RA lovely garden with trees. clean, quiet central district, close to school and Phones MO 8.3219. MODERN Groom, three-bedroom bun- galow, all conveniences. Apply 333 Cen- tral Park South. SIX-ROOM modern brick Sagal with garage attached, all conveniences, ,!in Oshawa $1800 down. Balance $70 per 'month. RA 5-2148. LOOKING FOR SOMETHING BETTER ? Then here is your answer -- 5.room modern apartment in nearly-new Tri-Plex -- all large rooms, 'stove, 'frig, paved parking, washer and . $100.00 monthly. Call RA 8-4678 or after 5:30 RA 5-6983. McQUAY &KIDD Toom apartment, conveniences, neat, $60. RA 8 large two-room main floor, private entrance, BY, tor, stove sink, cupboards, outlet; central. RA rooms, newly decorated, V., 8-3149, FOR SALE -- $700 down new home. Won in Oshawa Shopping Centre contest. Make offer to Box 1, OPEN HOUSE IN BEAU VALLEY Evenings 6 till 9 Saturday Afternoons 2 till 5:3C HANDY? NEW N.H.A. BUNGALOW $595 DOWN ALLOWANCE OF $200 IF YOU DO YOUR OWN DECORATING AND SODDING. Materials supplied and $395, will be your full down a. |FouR room rent, Children welcome. Apply at 173 Ritson Road South. APARTMENT, furnished bed sitting room, kitchen, private bath, TV aerial, garage, heat, light, and 3 Jaters i Jawan jaciivies Abstainers. apart. and ment, from $85; laundry room, paved parking and balconies, MO 8-8386. FIVE room ubfurnished | first floor apartment, heated, electric, 0 - BI cold water supplied, living and dinin TWO - BEDROO ™ apsriment on vs rooms paneled, dining room beam ce! occupied, $100 monthly, heat, and Aerio Phone RA 8 9 ine, two fireplaces. Seated Zarage, 8 fet. included. Immediate occupancy. 8.m. to § pm. unfurnished, heated, hot and cold Near south GM. Bus at door. RA 83392. |p armel and IDF wate ride Both WANTED one tenant = divided farm [housekeeping room, private entrance,| availa house, hn geatral, parking. Reasonable, 96 Centre phone "RA 58-5373. BED-sitting room for LN : private bain, Telephone MO 8-3715 or Mo 84842. --__|THREE room apartment In apartment|broadioom, cooking privileges. Every. e frig, sin- il; thing supplied, in better home, near ign) ew modern bungalow > EE oa: tor one Norn Ko eidren phease. | Wilson Road |}, epital. Telephone RA 53083. ply 251 Annis Street RA 5-9240. .: h Li 8 two. gentlemen. Apply 319 Ritson oC fioor apart. | ROOMS for rent, or room snd board. REALTORS payment. No second mortgage. $70 monthly. Fu FOUR - room house, nicely kept, Roal th { ment for vent, TV outlet and parking Apply 573 573 Olive Avenue or RA 3.3589. ple preferred. Very close to town, oa -- Whitby Plaze price $12.2 - room apartment, with bath, fat 111 1 Mary Street. RA 8-4779 FOUR t unfurnished rooms upstairs, modern conveniences. Call BA 8 8-0529. Bad aria £0 Basin J EAE ER rv ee, A alia Eo 3 J A I LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. _|June 26. Telephone RA 5-295 oy RA FIVE = rooms, ground floor, share with Telephone RA 5.3727. | ated, handy to schools, town and bus, RA 5 1186 lady, near bus and shopping; also +) Pie Soa: ONE furnished bedroom in private Whitby MO large fen yard, oll heated. Sultable| 8-0933. ree rooms, Dath, upstairs, Newly dec- home, central, garage included. Male Toronto EM 3-9603 for two families. RA REAL ESTATE -- RA B8-1679 Lh th |THREE- E-ROOM fully furmiahed basement orated. RA 8.5. apartment, private entrance, close to oun rr aE stove, refriger. or female, Call RA 8-8706 or RA 3-4380. ATTKACTIVFLY furnished housekeep- FURNISHED ight housekeeping room WHITBY SERVICE ing room, in private home, ground and STATION " "INCOME HOME Six-room, storey ond & half, brick home, lor: 359 Howard: Sizost sie door: |1lor, washer ant ad dryer, T outlet, a g a i centre. floor, parking available. Apply 27 Park FOUR Bi artment downtown, ga-| Available July 1 RA 8.3681, Road South. ect area, clos jase, heavy [PARTLY furnished three (large) room shoppmg centre and downto Private entrance. 365 monthly. RA | apartment, with bath upsta 10 min. A real SEpouY or a progressive person to rease he #84 MONTHLY -- new, modern, two- Suit couple two gentlemen. 25--Apts & Flots for Rent si Ly mt a tnt Shon Ha i, Ll the tumover on this well lo- #60 MONTHLY -- clean, oi ar apartment, heavy wiring, and sink in|qrver, paved parking. Telephone RA ODERN five room Rea over $58,000.00 gross sales. Fully paved corer lot in includes station, equipment, tion, upper three rooms rented for $60.00 monthly, oil heated, garoge, paved double drive, laundry tubs, separate entrances. Full price $12,500.00. Quick possession. For further infor | Toumd Real Estate Limited ty stove, refrigerator, i |adsis. en {utes walk to South Genera) , three-room Dedroont refrigerator, stove, washer, reer pian liis h 2h town on main highway. Price mation 'call John Field, Days RA B8-1679; Nights RA 3-2874, Dial RA 8-4678 STE w= {wo, three and fouz. Ta, in new systtment Laun. n Wayne treet, RA 33030, : thly. THREE-ROOM apartment, unfurnished, private en space, av RA duty wiring. 426 Cromwell Avenue or|R RA 5-4589. fl Bigg By ing your own ly non Ty All ser- vices at your doorstep. For complete veh sy call RA 5-1186. Lomson w.T Real Estate Ltd. BEAU VALLEY Custom built three-bedroom ranch style bungalow, gar- age, fireplace. Owner trons- ferred before he could move Large basement Rea or Bites Rd. N. Call RA 35-2584 J, St. Thomas, SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. 360 KING ST. WEST RA 3-2265 REG. AKER, Pres, BILL McFEETERS, Vice-Pres. 3 YEARS OLD -- CLOSE TO ST. GREGORY'S Very attractive 6-room brick with stone front split level de- sign with attached garage. An excellent opportunity to buy @ very substantial home with o reasonable down pay- ment and where the owner is willing to take back one open mortgage. 3 bedrooms with an averoge size of 12 x 14. Every room throughout this newly decorated home is spo- cious and with closet space galore. The owner has been ylaed to the States mok- ing this sole necessary. List price $18,500 and o real bargain. To see this home, coll Bill McFeeters, evenings RA 5.1726. CONNAUGHT STREET $14,500 -- 14 yeors old, large 6-room, 2-storey home with garage, located in on area of fine homes, close to every city convenience. 21' long living room, good size separate dining orea, 3 fom- ily size bedrooms. Vendor will take back a 10-year open mortgage. Coll Steve Zurba, evenings RA 8-0569. BROOKSIDE ACRES New 7-room brick tri-level, with 2-cor garoge, very spa- cious L-shaped living ond dining room, roomy large kitchen with built-in oven ond counter top, electric fon, Natural finished cupboards galore. 3 baths all tiled ond one has glassed-in shower, Lovely stone fireplace in liv- N two « be y .|tic washer and dryer free. Apply Apt. 1, 213 Montrave Avenue. Judi: " $70 m y. Ve Call Irwin Cruikshanks a Lloyd Realty Oshawa Lid SIR TO bunialew, broadioom, base RA 88123. housekeeping Blvd. after PomesiRA 5.4831 10 ACRES SQUARE AREA $650 AN ACRE 15 miles N.W. from Oshawa, 600 ft. from poved Clare- mont No. 9 road. Excellent lace to build swimming pool. o water ever, RA 88205 $682 DOWN Large three ond four bed room bungalows ready immediate occupancy located on Willowdale Dr. off Grand- view S. Three homes are com- plate with double sink, ex- use fon, tiled bathroom with veonity, decorated throughout. Be sure to drive out and see them, Open every night. Ristow and Olsen Real- tors, 19 Athol St. W., Osh- awa. THREE BEDROOM BRICK Close to Whitby Shopping Centre on Byron St. S. Liv- ing room, dining room, kit- chen, 4-pc. a oil furnace, large lot, garden. Priced at $13. 500. ' Moderate terms. This is a well built one bedroom, twin beds, Kaie for two ssatiemen or couple, Park Road South. Ten utes downtown or GM. Telephone "RA 3-7154 after 6 p.m. FURNISHED bed sitting room, kitchen- ette, Jaree, floset, linens and kitchen Jeparate en en. Lg Th Suite for two, girls preferred, 3-9. Motors. Tele: N t R schools, immediate possession or will ichen, share bath, TV outiet, Dial AS dod sell with low down payment of uly ME RET LARGE two.roomed d apartment in ou {$400. Call Irwin Cruickshank, RA 8.5 ROO! unfurnis apartment, | awa, very central, suit business couple.Lloyd Realty, Oshawa, L North end location. Reasonable. Tele- private bath, electric stove, $10 weekly Telephone MO 38-2398. __| THREE room fiat in quiet home, pri- Phone RA 8-6380. people. RA 37797. host, Suit une uf tw) | THREE-ROOM _ self- contained apart: vate bath, TV aerial, parking. Sino. ONE large furnished room with large .| GOOD furnished rooms for young men. ond service truck, Asking $40,000.00 full price with excellent terms. . Please con- tact Mr. Jackson. Members of the Oshawa and District Real Estate Board. in excellent condi- 2 LUCAS PEACOCK] REALTOR | RA 5-4330--RA 8-5109 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY | Owner leaving the country and onxious to sell. Confec- tionery and snack bar, plus living quarters. Well est- ablished and a good oppor- tunity for an ambitious fam- ily. NEAR ST. HEDWIG'S Three-bedroom brik bunga- dow with four-piece tiled bath- room, ond garage. 18-foot modern kitchen. Priced at only $11,900. with conven- lent terms, Owner will carry the mortgage. INCOME POSSIBILITIES BRUCE AT CHADBURN Four rooms, and 4-pc. bath- room on main floor. Two rooms, and 2-pc, bathroom on second floor, with separate entrance. Give us a call to inspect, WANT TO SELL? Call us today for an appraisal with- out cost or obligation. Ray Flintoff, .. RA 5-3454 Jan Miller, .... RA 5.2993 Phyllis Jubb, .. RA 3-3240 Irene Brown, .. RA 5-3867 Members of Oshawa and District Real Estote Board. 40 King St. East SHELLEY AVE. A choice 5V2-room bungalow with attached gorge, in a choice location, 3 bedrooms, large living room, storm windows, beau- tifully landscaped lot, hedged, ond fenced. This is @ real buy at $14,000.00. HIGHLAND AVE. 5.room brick and stone ranch, double garage, beautifully land- scoped, hedged, recreation room, tiled bath and vanity, well decorated, storms, screens, and many other extras. Terrific value at $13,500.00 with 512% mortgage. MEADOWVALE STREET Most attractive 1Va2-storey brick, 3 rooms and bath down, 2 rooms up. Well londscaped lot, paved drive, garage, storms, screens, aluminum awnings, etc. This home is in immaculate condition, and a real buy at $12,500.00. After 5:30 Call Everett Elliott, RA 3-9290 Dick Barrioge, RA 5-6243 Joe Maga, RA 5-9191 Marion Drew, RA 5-7610 John Kemp, RA 8-2392 MORE FOR LESS Make a date this weekend to see some of the mony fine values listed at this office. IMAGINE -- 6 rented apartments for only $25,000 full price. Not new, but a real money maker -- situated in good loca- tion, $360 monthly income. Good terms, $$ INCOME $$ -- 15% net return on this income home. Four apartments all rented. Full price $19,000. Excellent terms. $13,200 FULL PRICE for this 10-room duplex. Two S5-room apartments with separate meters and bathrooms. Just 4 years old. Centrally located. NORTH-WEST AREA -- 6-room brick home, large separate dining room, fomily-size kitchen, 3 roomy bedrooms, 4-pc. tiled bath, landscaped. Listed for quick sale at only $11,500. Terms. WILSON Realtor OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-6588 After Hours Please Call: Ken Hann .... RA 3.7963 Wes Elliott ... RA 8-0581 Dick Young ... RA 3.7183 Lloyd Corson .. RA 3-2537 Charlie Rankine ... RA 8-3682 Blair Park Plaza Servicing Whitby Estates and Vicinity BRAND NEW STORES AVAILABLE (no competition) apart. park- | $63. $55 monthly. living ond dining room, completely decorated inside ond out. Call Henry Stinson, evenings RA 5-0243, List Co-op through this office. Oshowa and Estate Boord JOHN F. DEWITH Realtor and General Insurance Newcastle, Phone 3341 75 ocre farm with 2 cows, tractor and machinery 30° x 24' barn, hen house etc., 6- roomed house, garage. Asking $11,000. Terms. 68 acre farm, located 1 mile from Oshawa, portly zoned residential with 2 barns, gar- age, 6-roomed home, Price and terms arranged. Dairyfarm 200 acres with all cattle, machinery etc., large L-shaped bankbarn, silo bulk- cooler, drive shed, etc., 8- brick house with all modern conveniences, Price $33,000. Terms. --. ment and bathroom, very central, cou-ionly, 31 Albany Street. RA 5-3 | furnished kitchen, adults o App! MODERN, furnished, private, basement | ple with children only, Heat, hydro in- {620 Simcoe Street North, my. Ser apartment, steel sink, cupboards, three- THREE-ROOM apartment with private » . 3 cluded, $55 monthly. RA 8-6666. piece bath. Suitable for Swe business _|bath, builtin kitchen cupboards, re-|CLEAN furnished room with Kitchen, people. Telephone RA 3 NEWLY "decorated, self-contained two- frigerator and stove. Private entrance. in quiet home, central, sult gentleman. FOUIORD "phone RA YER. rege A] edroom apartment, upper duplex, stove Telephone RA 3-282 | Telephone RA 3.925. you REOOM ay ey rs Hogi and Teligerators parking. Apply 111 Rit rp pp ROOM ro self-contaln- | THREE unfurnished roo room, separate child welcome. So monthly. Near new |S a 1 "3% Cg Tr) fed. Apply 2.4 Albert Street or tele- entrance, Dun! 2 Ri 0 aa; tmen ~ groun phone 070. |rent. Apply nn Ae eated, central, 875 PeF|yuoey ROOM apartment, seii-con.| Phone RA S- FURNISHED three.room basement aef-40 RA By Pp » # partzgent separate entrance and ba -- |tained, heavy duty wiring, private en-| THREE fursished rooms, utilities and Telephone RA 3-0800 after 6 PRIVATE apartment "three rooms, trance and bath. Will sult business eou-|extension phone, $16 weekly. Telephone vi washer, aerial, parking. Available June ple. RA 3-3266 or RA 8-6906. {RA _5-2400 20, near Shopping Centre. Adults. $70 Sow, poor artment, with Tefrig- - THREE - room apartment, private en- yonthly. 212 Stevenson South. c api [LARGE furnished bedroom and kitchen france, all conveniences. Apply THREE and five-roomed "apartments, ors A Jwndy Teirigeralor and sink, central, 81 Col) Drew an ve] acilities. hon . . [borne East. -- | partly furnished if desired, heavy duty a -- PTR an ONE. and two-bedroom Apartments. wiring, ol] heated, newly decorated. TWO-BEDROGH iF apartment, available BRIGHT furnished bedroom in quiet available in modern building, stove and Central. Telephone RA 8.0933 y home, very central, continuous hot refrigerator supplied, MO 8-3092 after 5. FouR-RooM raiipesl. piteate oh Bans. Simcoe Street North or RA water. RA 35-0393. 2 riment, = am 101 Craydon Road, Whitby. ance, near school, heavy duty Wiring, | oro erm [8 SINGLE rooms for rent, single beds, FOR RENT: Whitby, | new "aplit t level, tral monthly. Immediate possession. in Hv te Fa AE oar suit ladies or gentlemen, very central. seven rooms, rec room, 3 bedrooms, eX. 189 Wayne. RA 35-7754 he ign I I pe Apply 66 Warren Avenue. ta rao, bl A A L|THREE-ROOM apartment with builtin RA" 8.0369 h BEDSITIING oom, for one or ws, rd nd sink in kitchen, heavy =o Grocery, 146 Nassau Street, Oshawa. _|cupboards 204 SC 0 te re bath, MODERN four.room apartment, in- downtown and shopping centre. APPLY SPACIOUS one-bedroom apartment, riii RA 3.9128 tuding TY Aerial, stove 20d, Toinijer 51 Nassau Street. rki ace, TV TE -- (ator a ree dryer, pav vevay ere ere -- ig iid wiring. new Kitchen, [TWO three - room apartments, Ce gicond | Telephone RA 3-9141. [We farslshed sooms. Jledroott and siate bathroom, RA jane Boi Pg Bagi] I aE "RA | THREE- ROOM apartment In new home, cupboards and sink, all conveniences. Bam, 3.9511 between 9 and 5, Monday to Fri. Private bath, modern kitchen, laundry | Apply 887 Ritson 8. APARTMENT -- four rooms, , water, Fes facilities. 243 Wilson Road South. [38 COLBORNE St W. Large ay laundry, pa ran furnish ing, bis Zool location, 3006, Bar APARTMENT in new apaxtment butld, | | FHREE-ROOM wnfiralstied apartment, bedroom, also small room, . use of | ing, four rooms and bath, stove an che! 1 refrigerator, TV aerial, washer, dryer, Thomas Street. | preferred. RA iy | SowFTERLY firnished a Close to Shopping Centre. RA S-9161. | UNFURNISHED three-room Sesement| LARGE furnished bed-sitting room, use deg ed arking facilities, Tel. LOV ELY two bedroom apartment, new- {apartment, heavy duty wiring, close 10!of washer and dryer, close to hospital. "phone RA 8.5794. |ly decorated, in new apartment build. json GM, $60 monthly plus hydro. RA Telephone RA 8-5507. ---- |ing, near shopping centre, electrically TARY THREE om. some dows equipped, child welcome, parking. RA| APARTMENTS, one and two Vedropms, | VARGE Sront. soom eis Nin shale Jes, Jovy Seeorateds. is oven PStreet 207% new building, frig and built-in stove. [tonal Apply 74 Oshawa Blvd. South. room, ground floor apart: { Telephone RA 8-3634. RA north, apartment 3. I ment, unfurnished, front and back en- | UNFURNISHED upper apartment pri-| | LARGE a. room, private en-| FURNISHED basement apartment, trance. private cellar, ample parking vate entrance, bathroom, Xitchen, two trance, main for. 318 Celina. Telephone | Bampod, Jewly ecol i monty ested. Very central. Telephone RA|ja;c. rooms and attic, newly decorat-|RA 8.5253. includes heat and hydro. COMax 33192. oor ooo Srariment, private bath, all, = . baa = i -- a ROOM Apatiment. Sue befiopte id » I! she reasonal rent Pply TWO large roomed apartment, rive THREE Kitchen, stove and refrigerator | self-contained apa ete {ful . , heavy duty g.piied. Very central. Telephone RA| ae? ore child welcome lephone 302 Jarvis Street. furnished or un fter 6 FUR furni central, ron 8.2916 alter 8 p.m. THREE - room apartment, all conven. Newly parkt RA 5-253). Evenings, RA 3-321 fences, private entrance, patio, $65 Apply 194 Ea adion pin FE bg THREE lade room unfurnished _self- SANSONE, Ne en LRG joa, Messniine mt, modern conven- Erin, Fait De a I Hie Rit Vs 25 | TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT 0 mostly. To Tuievbunt R43 RA 54344. siting a FREE - t. private R190 after ONE clean and comfortably furnished RA 52134 after 4 ped ¢ nfortably Street. Stove end frig., washer and eh suitable for afl] SE ing eld- APARTMENT Thres rooms Anivenish. Ee es ETT FE rk Te TTR 137 Huron. small cl welcome. Oshawa 8. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available In private home. dryer, bamboo curtains throughout, parking, 18° liv- ing room, modern kitchen, monthly. RA 8-687 82 PARK ROAD N. 563 Lansdowne Drive. Call BASEMENT apartment, three rooms, Coll between Sond 7 p.m. hi Bam Gower, Real Estate, RA RA 8-8671 WHITBY CLASSIFIED MODERN _four-room Sharh, "TE, CADILLAC HOTEL LTD. WANTED, Melishle Ser or. de. stove, warher, dryer, Tv outlet, paved SPECIAL WEEKLY RATES. summer Apply Box 616, Oshawa Times, Whitby. one child. Telephone MO 8-2655 __ | RA 5-1113; evenings, RA 5-1569. parking. Ravine Road. RA 51310, RA 5034. Enquire ot: Phone RA 5- 3743 THREE room apartment for rent, pri- |For SALE: Floor model rangette, THREE-ROOM apartment in new home, vate bath and entrance. Telephone MO |jooky new, two burners, oven. Ileal for private bath, modern kitchen, Loge | 27--Real Estate for Sale 8-5674. |cottage. Asking $25. Telephone MO facilities RA 3-3937. FOR RENT: Four room apartment, 3- 4576. |MODERN two bedroom | WHITBY, ideal al family bungalow, open te bath heat and water in | apartment, | fireplace, fenced garden, on quiet street prival athroom, al REE room apartment with private main floor, all conveniences, cluded. Suit business couple Telephone TUN BE i ho "aodarn Kit. [shopping centre, $100. RA 5.0191, MO 82249 after 6 p.m. ___|cten. Immediate possession. MO 8-4364, 3-437. close to near Hillcrest and St. John's schools FOR RENTS Five room m house, | Brock | WEEN ne | ONE: BEDROOM apartment, 1. 8-08: JOS. E. SHIELDS REAL ESTATE BROKER, WHITBY Phone MO 8.2874 Evenings MO 8-2473 R. VICKERY Realtor -- Insurance Aprroisalis 46 King W. -- RA 8-6228 Open Friday Nights SPECIAL--$4,900 TOTAL Gladstone Ave, -- Cosy cot- toge, walking distance to 3-pe. Member of District Reol 1 & 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS LA SALLE COURT TELEPHONE JOHN A. J, BOLAHOOD Realtor Ltd. Insurance 167 Simcoe S. Office Hrs. 9 am. to 9 p.m. GOOD BUY $12,500. full price, Mary St. ond Adelaide area. 7-room brick 2-storey, 4-bedroom home, lots of extras, Good area ond good home. See this now, don't be sorry. Call Mr. Siblock at RA 5-6544 or 5-4362. $800 DOWN $800 Three-bedroom brick, bus at the door. Just redecorated; your own private yard. Owner has already moved and is very anxious to sell, Call Mr. Rat- cliffe, RA 5-6544, N.H.A. RESALE é-room, 2-year-old brick bun- galow, very modern and clean. Walk-out basement with most beautiful garden. + Asking only $12,000. Call now, Mr. Appleby, RA 5. 6544 or 3-3398. We Speck Slavic Languages Member O. D. R. E. THREE-ROOM spaitment, stove, refri, erator, cupboards, sink, share bath. fi Park Road South or 5- THREE furnished rooms for light Parking, semi-private en- trance. RA 85-2489 or RA 8-1584. TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, con- veniences, heat, lights included, Park- ing, $60 monthly. Telephone RA 8-4386 or - 115 Agnes Street. -ROOM apartment, private en- NEW house for rem, Xk, ving PRE all conveniences, heavy wiring, room, two bedrooms; for Pog heated, central, parking. Phone Aays, space heater, no cellar, very low taxes, best offer cash or down poyment gets it -- Hurry for this one. Please do not disturb tenants. Phone for appointment to see. PRESTIGE HOME Bessborough Drive -- North- west section, exclusive oreo. Ranch bungalow, 3 large bedrooms, ultra-modern kit- 110 acre farm on highway, at Port Hope, good bankbarn waterbowls, drive shed, etc., 6-roomed brick house with all modern conveniences, Asking $30,000. Terms. Dairyfarm, 200 acres with good bonkbarn, silo, bulk- cooler, driv shed, etc, 8- 'roomed brick house, running water, Asking $20,000. Easy terms. Dairyfarm, 224 acres with 80' x 80' loafing-barn, milk- ing parlor, another L-shaped barn, large bulkcooler, etc., 7-roomed home with modern conveniences. Asking $35,- 000. Terms. 350 acre form with 2 sets of buildings, the best of land, 250 acres workable, stream, etc. Asking $30,000. Terms. 200 ocre farm, 150 acres bankbarn, drive shed, etc., 10-roomed stone house with modern conveniences. Price including machinery $25,- 000. Terms. Garage (A-licenced) Snack Bar, Grocery Store, with mod- ern 5-roomed bungalow on very busy highway, tourist centre. Large turnover, Price and terms arranged. 2-Storey home in Oakwood on highway with all modern con- session if desired. Pat Donevon .. RA 3-7313 FOR REAL ESTATE SATISFACTION KEN HANN REPRESENTING D. W. WILSON REALTOR Bus. i... RA 5.6588 Res. ......... RA 3.7963 FOR REAL ESTATE DON S. SMITH Mgr. Vickery Real Estate RA 8-5228 RA 8-4879 WE APPRECIATE THE VALUE OF A SATISFIED CUSTOMER If you are planning to build or buy a new home, consult us. We specialize in custom built homes and have some good East End and North End locations. JAMES O'MALLEY RA|MO 8-4928. inexpen- orth. Rent $75 monthly. Pos- (ONE three-room apartment, also one| i vate, close to bus and shop- 117 Euclid Street, |large two-room apartment, $45 month. Jesgion Juiy % Apply ly. "Hot water heating. Available now.|Ping. Telephone RA 3-6605. THREE room apartment, unfurnished, eee |On Highway No. 2 close to Ajax. MO For SALE: Three bedfoom bungalow. J3: 83804. [heavy duty wiring, sink and cupboards, on Whitby's nicest location. Apply 304 MEN and woman wanted, days or eve- | Rasa street. Ri A Near. sho; Ee ut Street West. {nings for part time employment. Apply | pe FoR Shs PF Clear. sill contaiged 108 Brock Street South. ____ |STORE for rent, basement and main apartment, consists of a bed sitting FOR RENT -- $60 monthly, 3 id floor , 1.500 sq. ft, new chuliding. 203 kitchen, nicely fur- room apartments, balcony. Residential | Simcoe Ample "AT ot Speedy RA nished. Suit business lady, abstainer. area, newly decorated, laundry facil- | $1296 Pl Pi 3 H MO 3.3795. ign Bh el Ba og Bik TAL bachel riment dren's playgroun PPly bachelor apa apa ment in ap; apart. RE Apartment in duplex. la7et | street. |ment building, private, ideal for couple. d. refrigertor included. TV bedroo nd garage. Drapes FOR rent one and two-bedroom n apart. Stove an Da, Dear Aacluded. $85 per ments, $80, $90 and $100 in modern ro et J rkiag, Jmamediste Yostestion. a one year lease. Call MO building, stoves, frig's. MO 8-3591. ab bedroom apartment, electrical. RE LE SR |EXPERT roto-tilling_ for gardens and FOR RENT -- Three-room apartment lawns, Don't call unless you want th io 2quipped, In moder apartment build. electric stove and refrigerator. 233 Pal- best. Call Dick, MO 8.2614. » per Y |Mr. Doug Bullled, S, D, Hyman Real See Street, Whitby. Phone RA 34302) p(n viCES. Complete bookkeeping tor RA 86286. awa. |service for small businesses, weekly, FAVE RION Satin: ADELAIDE TERRACE { for rent, cen- monthly or as desired. Statements pre- location, spacious yard. Heat, pared, income tax returns. MO 8.8252. lights, water, $65 per month. Phone SGiNG™ FISHING? Check Classifica: MO 84494 after S. tion 32 for real buys in used fishing] New modern 2 - bedroom SIX-ROOM modern bungalow, near gear. Youll be amazed at the bar- apartment. Stove, frig, Tv outlet, broadloom floor, parks ing space, laundry facilities. schools, immediate posession, Apply | gains. 309 Rosedale Drive. MO 8-803. ADAM'S Adults only, available July 1. Apply 329 Adelaide Ave., FOR SALE -- one jacket heater, "one | Apt. 2 MODERN, LARGE 103 DUNDAS ST. WEST WHITBY J Dundas Wes one kitchen sink. APARTMENTS ft. Refrigerator -- Don. S. Smith .. RA 8.4879 Wm. levine .... RA 8-2868 Member O.D.R.E.B. S. D. HYMAN Realtor 39 PRINCE STREET RA 8-6286 Open 9:00 a.m, to 9:00 p.m. $1000 DOWN New five-room brick bunge- room, bathroom, Drug store --- Restourant -- Bakery -- Beouty parlor = Drugs «-- Coinwash «= Cleaners -- Hardware -- Appliance == Clothing -- Butcher ---- Gift shop = Furniture -- Jewellery -- $100.00 monthly. month, on 8-4004. Business ..... Locate price only $13,479. Loaded with oll modern extras in- side and out, Close to regu- lar bus service. For further information call Harold Se- gal at RA 8-6286, DESIRABLE NORTH-END LOCATION Six-room ranch bungalow, fully completed, only 2 Salesmen always ot site: Located south side of Highway No. 2 (Dundas) 850 yards east of Brock St. Whitby . . . H. D. Birk, Broker. SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary way, new tanks installed. Walter Wa 204 Chestnut West. Phone MO 82563. A super value, approxi of letter size 8 Syoing only $1 wo Whitby, buy and sell with confidence West, Whitby. NOW VACANT 12 eu. ee LOAM Cement Gravel Driveway Gravel and Fill. Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon. ERIC C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 BOATING AND CAMPING EQUIPMENT FOR RENT Tents, all sizes, $7 - $15 per week. Sleeping Bags, terns, stoves, $2 weekly, Cabin Trailers, sleep 5 ond 6, $40 and $45 per week Qutboord Motors, - all sizes, $15 and up Boat, 5 h.p. motor trailer, $35 per week 14' Runabout, 25- electric and trailer, $85 weekly. Canoes ond Cartop Boats, $15 per week, We also rent, repair and sell lawnmowers, garden tillers, power tools. WILDE RENAL Service and Sales Dundas East, Whitby MO 8-3226 Coolers, lan and 1415 Large size mect comport ment, two - tone decorator color interior. Reg. 269.95. 2 only. NOW 219.00. B-piece Bunk Bed Set with ladder, guard rail, and two comfortable mattresses Per set 39.88 30" Continental Beds Deep innerspring comfort at lowest price in. town. 2 for 59.95 3.piece Sectional Suite ~~ Style and quality at its peak. One only. Regularly 309.95. NOW 259.00 |TERMS TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET NO OUTSIDE FINANCING |_UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY SUPERMARKET IN YOUR HOME. $16.95 per week assures a family of 4 Good Living. This includes 17 cu- { jc foot Freezer by ROY, S. approved Plus 3 | s food supply by SCHNEIDERS' plus $20 bon- us cheque from Hydro Elee- | tric Live modern call: ECONOMARTY, MO 8.5381. | No obligation, No down pay- ment, | In mew building, two bed rooms, dining area, electri. cally equipped, including washer and dryer free. Apply Apt. 1 or 4, 213 Montrave MODERN 2-bedroom apartment on 15 GIBBONS SREET Adults or with children over 12. Available - July Ist, NORTHWAY APARTMENTS 630 SIMCOE NORTH Modern 2-bedroem apart. ments, stove, 'frig, fully auto- matic. Parking area For information apply--- 778 HORTOP Apply: 21 GIBBONS STREET APARTMENTS Mcdern one- and two-bed- $85 ond up. Best location. Phong RA 8-1194 room apartments. RA 3-1122 IMorion METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 KING ST. E. Dial RA 8-4678 ANNES ST., WHITBY Just '¥educed to $11,900. Think of this for only $3,000.00 down. You con buy this lovely brick veneer 14 storey home on a quiet side street -- close to schools and transportation. Nicely decorated and landscaped on a deep lot with patio. Large 23- foot living room -- 3rd bedroom can be used os dining room --large kitchen with eating area. Heats for only $85.00 per year. Must be seen to be appreciated. Call now for en appoint- ment to inspect, MILTON STREET 3 bedroom brick ranch bungalow in ideal location priced at $12,500.00 for quick sale with $2,500.00 down, storms, screens, decorated and landscaped, wired for dryer GIBBONS STREET 14 yeer old -- 514 room ranch bungalow with carport -- good sized rooms, storms, screens, storm doors, large china cabinet off kitchen, wired for dryer, patio etc. A quality home at only $15,500.00. Call this office for appointment to inspect. AFTER 5:30 CALL "Dick Bodises, 5-6243; Joe Maga 5-9 Drew, 5-7610; John Kemp 8-2392;. Whi Elliott 3-9290 HOWE & PETERS YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD REALTORS OUTSIDE CITY 4.year-old brick with attached garoge, locoted outside of Oshawa, storms and screens, fireplace, water softener, 90° x 175' lot with lovely view. Call Earle Allen RA 5-7782. FAIRLAWN STREET Neat 3-bedroom: brick bungalow, nicely landscaped and decor- ated, open to a reasonable offer. Call Don Howe RA 5-7732. $495 DOWN 2-fomily home located on Mary St., close to O.C.V.l, 8 rooms, 2 kitchens, excellent location. Call Mrs. Tiemey RA 5-5207 or Keith Peters RA 5-4162 ' 9V2 ACRES Located close to Brooklin, all workable with 627 ft. of road frontage. Properiy V.L.A.. approved. ONLY $4,900 with rea- sonable terms. Can Keith Peters RA 5-4162. . SOMETHING DIFFERENT Lovely é-room home ori wooded ravine lot 64° x 289° with stream at reor. Beatifully panelled recreation room with fire- place and large picture window. Spacious sun deck off living room. Call Earle Allen RA 5-7782 NEW HOMES BUILT BY OSHAWA BUILDERS -~ LOCATED IN VARIOUS LOCATIONS OF OSHAWA -- CALL TODAY AND GET THE COMPLETE INFORMATION. veniences. Used at present as Grocery store and meat market. Asking $9,000. Terms. é-roomed, new, brick, bung- alow near Oshawa, beautiful fireplace, wall-to-wall broad- loom, built-in valance, etc. Excellent home. Asking $15, 900. with $3500. down. 2-bedroom bungalow in New- castle with modern conven- iences, Garage. Price $6500. 4-roomed, east Newcastle with hydro and new space heater. Asking $4,000. with $500. down, 2 Apartment house in New- castle, both all modern econ- veniences. Price and terms arranged. 12-roomed brick home in Bowmanville with all modem conveniences, Ideal for apart- ments. Make an offer. Lots on Taunton Road, Taun- ton, Newcastle, Prices $800. and. up. Frank Hunter, . . RA 5-2974 Lome Perradilt, Cyarke 2231 Donald Mountjoy MA 3-3950 old. Nicely landsc on quiet residential street. Close to schools, buses, shopping and churches. r trons- ferred. Will listen to all rea- sonable offers. For further information call Lome Hart- ford ot RA 8.6286. FRESH AIR AND SUNSHINE That is what we have to of- fer with this cute bunga- low on the Eastern outskirts of Oshawa. Full price $7800 or offer. Call Doug Bullied RA 8.6286. TOMORROW MEANS NEVER So look at It tonight! Red brick bungalow. Ranch style, with oversize Hollywood divi- ded kitchen. Three large bedrooms with ample closet space. 19-ft. living room, ceramic tiled bath with vane ity. Expensive mahogany trim and cupboords. Reduced to $10,975 with less thon $2,000 down ond one mort. goss Ask for Mr. Wines radley at RA 8-6286. ¥ (Continued on Page 29