ff 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, June 8, 1961 z=] THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [5 RA 3-3492 CLASSIFIED AD RATES hte for Sale or Rent for Sele or Rent (FARTIOME ot Tn Gciaphone on BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY BERTON a [EHR 6 ToT See er INSERTIONS 3.75 4.13 [IFOR RENT -- five - room oot ion SALE cottage on Balsom | RELIABLE lady to take co 3 tage for June and until July 29, All " on i on Yoo conventesees. 81 Monirave Avende OF| aren hrée a Tg practical nursing for gam fanaa . rge A RA 35-4100. 100 toot waterfront lot, Telephone RA Sieep in. in. . RA 3-709 after 4 Building Trades Sordoving ond Supplies Money to Loon Piomsing $ieating Br ee aa Le aie A ee A and |CLYENTS' money to loan on first mort- ALL plumbing and heating supplies. || Subs nt Insertions ordered of © ' rd whad, 0 8.4282, mary bedroom cottage for sale on| soliciting. Tel Tepper. RA 3.2361 nd rebullt. Side- GARDENS and lawns Roto-tilled d Stark aque boat, Telephone Mi Sturgeon Lake, 80 fi ter front, boat. MONTEIT, MONTE TE REL walks, stoops. and roofing. Work guar. levelied. A a es Barchetta Aroakee [LA DDI being and encimec | 1ote: date constitute @ new onginal (| re woiiusss or Ft rhoon Lake, 0 14 water front, bout- beiween 8 and 6. Mr. B Co., Chartered Account 3 . 6 (cut. RA 5.7887. Glen Munro, sed, 4 of t K thes, re. stone SpAee 135° sim Nort," Alaw, Willanteed. OL 3.3061 aftey 6 p.m. {Road South. le relghton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur a. peti] grStesslonal ang. Business | fisting Lut Manette, fursishad, PY. i au 17--Male Help Wanted Bowe." Cartage (CERAMIC tile, bathrooms, & Store tings, fixtures, new and used, chan.|| Eoch odditional line $160 per || SNimmIng. $35 weekly. Telephone HA after 6 pm. MAN wanted for Rawlelgh business, WILSON and BURROWS, Chartered |fronts, no commercial or seconds u FIFTY to five thousand dollars. Any 1 tie tank 0) ewer 2 | th. 5-1763. Sell to 1,500 families, Good profits for Accountants, 3% Simcoe Street South.|;oun:s Moving and Storage. Oshawa-|Best workmanship, best prices. COWax|yorthwhile purpose. lowest rates, fast 108 Irom seme 32 te Pol To. itiol eter abbreviotion, ||ON LAKE 8CUGOG -- Five-reom lake. ke| WESTLARY, povatington, two-bedroom hustlers, Write today. Rawlelgh's 's, Dept Oshawa. Ronald F. D. Wilson, CA.lyypy "Reasonable rates. Fully|3.ass. service, WW Sm rates. Information and estimates iros | § ond ¢ sin. figure, counts a @ ||front cottage, two-piece bath, other con. | Jmienoes, wo amine Folephone "Bk [F310-5. 4005 Richerson, G. Edmond Burrows, CA. RA 62571. and insured. Phone RA $3651. GArENS and awns Wololiled wnd|coe Street South RA 86283. any type of plumbing. Dial RA word, Box charge 15 additional, Season monthly, YU| a Ee ranted at B. E. DEWAR and Co. made ready for spring planting and) ory vy clients monies Sali. 3. Foley All Clossified Advertisements |(3-2214 ] t. Ie pe "coliags bor wale -- Laketront | 200%, APPLY 28 Prince Strest, RA 14513 and Auditors, Cedar Glen Blin 11 0n-| Dressmaking seeding. RA 5-8988. for loans on first and second mortgages must be in by 5 p.m. the doy be | COTT Turnighed, Pres quills Soli | cotage i Pilate lor aa \ot 85 x 140 (oF MO 8.5765. tario Street, Oshawa, Ontario. RA 8.2221 and also eurchase of mortgages and EATTY APPLIANCES fore publication except Births, || Deeded land. Apply Box 327, Colbo tour bedrooms. living room snd Kitchen 7 NDER, HUNTER and ki f B r ain? agreements of sale. Louis 8. Hyman, B Memoriams, Cards ef Thanks which |i Ontario. 'hree-pisee ba Jai. VEIEDLAWD auditors, Licensed FU RRIER Loo ng or a ba g ns bi Td King Street East, Oshawa, RA Barn, equipment, pumps, We Secepien ut > on Sr nae w--- ec - GAS ISL Tristee. In Bankruptcy, 64. King § KER DON'T CALL US! 2 ; ESSO sadiine Yor" {ou} end Found CEDAR ISLE LODGE |*#%. t, Oshawa; B. L. Yale, EAT. F. MA SECOND mortgage for sale, $3,000. Cancellations 830 a.m, Nice ry Frilander. B., Comm., CPA. and DRESS WANT QUALITY Telephone RA $4883 for more ialorma-| oil burners, hot water and || Hours: Daily 8-85, Saturday 8 - TRENT RIVER, ONT. COTTAGE far vent on Take Kashos, a 5. and Company, Cert. ; i on forced air furnaces, bathroom REGULATIONS--= i Mu Lenn s six. Tel Al | EN DANT ET OI nd ais 'King| New, Alterations, Remodelling. PLEASE CALL FIRST and second mortgages, ArTans- TE ire: The Oshawa Times wil mot be || 3 miles off Highway No, 7 53 Sot W Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA Low Prices. G BROS W. Schatzmann, Sortgae Broker, ' "PARTNER responsible for srrers In advertise on Highway No. 30. 2- and 53500, 22 ROWE STREET SANSEN 101 Dundas Ww. MO' 8: PLUMBING AND HEATING || ments submitted otherwise than in fl 4.bedroom cottages with re- Ti--Articles for Rent With service station experl- BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting RA 8-6706 GARDEN Service ond Lond- Writing, nor Sor wore thon eng frigerators, rangettes, Lodge |= 1782 D Night t insert t adver- Jers ence, required. les-mi A goog --¥A sass arr | MONIES FOR Joan mon | food Bor Soc ti | fodifies 2h cid a" | SICKROOM: EQUIPMENT | Sova wi sand RA 37608. Driving School 8 p.m. MORTGAGES [Rug and Upholstery | Joss Fo 5 sioie 'medion 51 | ring water, showem, flush | EGR RENT OR FOR SALE | bersonciity. Opportunae d CHESTERFIELDS re-built, recovered, || occurs. And also reserve the right || Toilets. Dancing, good fi Hospital beds, wheel chairs advancement. Apply for ap- Architects LEARN TO DRIVE Monies available on First - |like new. Why pay more? Our rates | fo classify odvertising according to ing, cedar strip boats, motors, Invalid m™ bedsides pointment by e to: MAYER and BRZOZOWICZ, Arch. DRIVEWAY . 7% are reasonable. Satisfaction gusranieed. | ify 'own classificaticn. Phone RA 5.6812 or nvalid walkers, sides, phon Rew unlisted talphons BA $3081 St ria School witht bos, + or orem |Matistees eeu, Oshawa "Uphaliery | "inthe cose of cspoy adverts. Macelocr. 760326) Zoe! | Sache gd MR. FERTILE New unlisted telephone 'RA 8 hawa Drivin choo withou nus. ; co, | 0! est. a ments The Times will not be held || or SHB i canes, also roll-oway ds . I>: g GRAVEL | on . for more spoce than | Monies also available Dt and 'slenderizing . machines, FIRESTONE ST Auto Parts Instructors licenced by the | Second Morigages, t Lh i BC oe TR | WIANCKO HOUSE Phone Aid Sickroom Rentals, 190 KING ORES FOR body and mechanical Jepairs | Province of Ontario. Doy and Loom, Sand and Mortgages ond Agreements | RC overing. Dalton Upholstering, || to reproduce all advertising matter || | RA 5.1644, RA 5 656 4 RA bio Garage, 200 Cordova | evening lessons. Fill. Digl-- | for Sale purchased. arles Street, RA 3.7212, aly correctly but assumes no ability | Ne RROW LAKE, 12--Articles W. #1 6 RA 5-510. / | CHESTERFIELDS 1d Shales Te ony inaccuracies in any form || USKOKA, ONTARIO Arti " KENT RA 8-0091 | RA 5.5279 | M. F. SWARTZ, covered like new, And o best for less:| Of advertisement are contained y cies Ri at Modern Upholstering, 142 Simcoe|| therein, A family hotel with excellent Cth | teed autom ] Be a | Short trm and Builder' Mort- south. Call RA 8-645! for # les GLi5 King Street x to serve you" MERCURY SCHOOL HOLLAND NURSERIES | gages ot reasonable rates. a or free rvreationdl Jcllies. Sven WANTED REAL ESTATE r Y. Barristers OF SAFE DRIVING | and LANDSCAPING | 26% King St. East, Rugs and Upholstered Furni- NEW BUSINESS $35.00 to $45.00 per week. SCRAP IRON, POULTRY We hove. an opening on our | | | 9---Summer Properties 9--Summer Properties 16--Female Help Wanted Accountants A CAREER IN Modern dual equipped cars. | Oshawa, Ontario, ture expertly cleaned. sales staff, for QC, Barrister, ; - meals included. Special rates AND FEATHER TICKS sta a young, Solicitor, Ro A Ottice 14%| Gov't, Licenced instructors RA 5 7442 : RA 3-4697 SEGER"S Unlisted Nu bers ins ue AnPATRO. os cleon-cut man, interested 1s King Street East, Oshawa. RA fond Day or Evening oppointments, For satisfactory service, | pegistered under Mortgoge RUG & UPHOLSTERY sort. Write M. R. Wiancko I. TURNER a coreer in Real Estate, Em- DIAL RA 5-4773 landscape designing, main- | Brokers' Registration Act. CLEANERS for folder. RA 3-2043 RA 3-3374 ployment offers O.H.F. and L. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, No-| cay Nd BY, tenance, sodding. | Professional cleaning at lower | VALLEY CREEK (collect) P.S.l. benefits and a train- taries. Money to loan. Henry Block, 199 GERRARD RD. | prices. | FURNITURE HOUSEKEEPING ing programme through the B48 ik nis Za RA Aw MERCURY TAXI MORTGAGE RA 5.7488 145 KING W. CABINS SHAW Srtario gL ciation i Real i a Se Swriommete | OSHAWA : x Vvesiern Ti or Saicitor, 20% DD Cres: Bast. [Fur Storage | ACME HAULAGE Money Available WHY TAKE CHANCES Ne "RA 8-440] Tie ON LAKE HURON AUTO WRECKING CO. call RA 8-5107. Telephone: Business RA 3-2201. Resi MANNING F. A and RONALD furniture, washers, TV, radios and so forth at prices to top anyone in the city. CREIGHTON, oy Sh Ne LIKE NEW WITH | GRAVEL -- STONE Your Budget RUGS AND FURNITURE Ba Pe RA 3.3446: T EPICRWICK CLEANERS LOA M | ALLIED INVESTMENTS professionally cleaned by a Silden, Golf, theaters, Saturday all day. Phone. oncing close. G. Hazel- Creighton, QC; N. C. Fraser, QC; Special Cleaning and MPANY member of the National In- d, R. R. 1 fi t. RA 5-2311 89 BLOORE. Drynan, Gj Murdoch, NRHA mort) Summer Storage Special | _RA 3-3528 COMPA stitute of Rug bid 20 1--Women's Col Wood: R. R. 1s Boyfiely, On YOUNG MAN gages ATABgM, i 832 ; T | S51 KING ST. E. RA 3-3993 RUSSELL L, MURPHY, BA. LLB. | Dial RA 3-4 5 ST. E. years Sxerience. SPECIALS colt waves $5.50, heat CARIBOU LODGE Bursts and Soler £ Kg Sree] 434 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH _ | CALL | Member Ontario Mortgage NUWAY -- RA 84681 permanente 30.55. Pre Hairdressing. Lake Kashagawigamog, WANTED for OFFICE WORK Brokers Association : USED STORE : Haliburton MacDONALD, BA, LLB, F SOD Surveyors X 2 CAS LER Soho and Notary oo CRESCENT FURRIERS GRANT OR |Mortgages i vay ol Tesiions Orato Land 2--Personal Light Rousekeening cabins, DISPLAY ES IN AJAX lic. The Commercial ng 22 BRUCE STREET ct red | SH rs. 216 A r AV showers, flush toilets, recrea- R: - . rio. Client parking ELIVERED OR LAID MORTGAGES arranged, bought and Surveyors. 216 Adelaide Avenue East.|RIDE wanted daily Monday to Friday Ahi eply, stating particulars, to: avai Ey (Corner of Celina) | DEL sold. LE of sale bought and Phone RA 5-6881. from Oshawa lo Toronto inthe area of| tion, Lodge Josssie even Bowmanville Museum Boor Must be able to take dicte- % | al I yid. Company and private monies. DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMAN, On. Eastern Ave. and Leslie St. Phone MA ing meals, sandy beach. Rea- : BOWMAN, DAVID L., Barrister, fer, Soll ALL FURS STORED IN Finest quality, reasonable rates. [sold Company & Bolahood Ltd. tario Land Surveyor, EISCHuAN bite. | 32776 or write fo Steve Budai, RR 3, sonable rates. 480 Summer- Box 528, Bowmanville tion, type letters and have South, RA 5959: . a CREED'S | TELEPHONE MO 8-3015 MORTGAGE loans, Bowmanville, Osh | Printing, 12 Bloor Street East. RA §-5632 Bowmanville. ~~~" = "| 0 Ave., Toronto 5. some bookkeeping knowledge. stitial » Whitby, Ajax, Pickering and vicin- | gr "HORTON and A. " 3 H arristers, Ti A AU eT. ssoclates, On- TRANSPORTATION required, Oshawa 1 es! 0 ri iti MeGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barri for STORAGE V LTS ity. "Residential, acreage, Apartments, tario Land Surveyors, Professional En-|to Toronto, Eglinton or 401 area. Mon- P Ol | R 1 | A G Busin $_Upportunities State age, qualifications and first mortgages on. McGimbon, GC; gp BEVERWYCK [Ears Buvkars. Ascoclation. Samenand! TE soon ux. ni day 4 Friday. Feiophons BA 35000. | EER VI E [Fete ge Ed e| salary ired, to box 6, RA 53366 Charles C. McGibbon, » Finest on continent. age Street) Ys + Ajax 3 - Cr ee ee ai required, peat ok. "SHINER ZING" {Securities Limited, 112 Simcoe [COUPLE driving to Florida for two ON fos price. Owner going abroad. Tele. Osh Ph RA 53 | * . ED DO Ph ies] Custom Fur Cleaning GARDENS =~ [fotos thes l TV - Radio Repairs Ihe oie sie soni na] BUCKHORN LAKE [shod Bk wi Osha Times. FIRST and second oTiEages. . Bale imi en Solicitor, Notaly Public, S344 Simeos I purchased and sold, Hen-(TV, RADIO, car radio repairs, all 85-0190 Camping grounds, cottages, 3 Zrofitsble busiene oF bond Sa, Highway 12 [nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King makes, Thompson Electronics, 157 FREE room ana board for womans. | b. > ly oats for rent Sandy, safe [ters, fully equi a Only 3 miles north of Whitby [Street East. RA 3.7232. Elliott Avenue, RA 3-9792 (Fred.) {comfortable country home, in Picker-| hegeh, excellent Fishing ed, Et Ion 3 om os Conditions Parts fi I good swimming, ideal for Sr 5 sap iron REALTORS : | F lies, 2-%4 kly. dence, RA 8.397. |" FURS COME OUT LTD. Payments. Yo suit WITH YOUR VALUABLE | We buy, sell, exchange used | (CLS 2 Ver | Wont cas for wrecking. | RISTOW & OLSEN | | | | North. RA 82891. Res. RA 8.2765. REPAIRS AND RE.STYLING | Barats Sart Ry Fars RA 5-332] OL 5 3570 s TELEVISION -- car radio, radio re. inf. as companion to a woman living tested drinki t RA |For full particulars call RA 56568, ask M AN, Humphreys, QC; G. §. Boye! " | - | rsi ervices pairs. All work guaranteed and per. alone. Write Box 906, Oshawa Times. _ este rinking water, fon, Lloyd Corson, Wilson Realtor Ltd, W. A. Hillman, LLB; 36% King er + Gardening and Supplies | {Nu in Service pee by qualified technicians. Elec. CHARIS garments 8-2301. wa Shopping Centre. " AGER hanes: ---- RA Soa LOAM, manure, sod, sand and gravel, MO 8 4735 INDIVIDUAL Sue to each Jerson, tronic Service Centre, 81 King We st. /Oshawa -- Mrs. K. Wootton -- 1 0] » - | nnybrae, . . rh 5 Bay to oa. [reasonable rates. Telephone RA 8.6636. | DE a a; RA 83211, Wecker Drive, Oshawa. HALIBURTON 14--Employment Wanted FOR SILVERMAN, barrister and soll- "HAVE tractor, will travel", gardens See us for your garden supe rates. RA 5-2330. BOOKKEEPER, experienced, desires og Clients funds available for first plowed, harrowed etc. aii plies. Landscape Service. - SAMSON LE R } | PINE RIDGE position. Telephone RA LIFE INSURANCE mortgages. 31 King Street East. RA rates. Telephone RA 8.2468. Optometrists 5-987 . At Miners Bay. A fomily re- |LADY with half fon a Sk de- MULLIGAN Lanscaping, roto-tilling, | Visit Our New 7 RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of T V TOWERS sort, - sandy beach, water sires job. Anything considered. Call COMPANY z. iu SALMERS, BA, barrister, soci ploughing, sodding, top soll. Complete isi |Optometry, the examination of eyes, . | Removal of superfluous hair, skiing, organized activities, |°A 8034. tor, etc., 13% Simcoe Street North. garden and lawn services. OL 5-659. 1 136 Si North st Col- : eee Office RA 5-3741; Residence BA 53542. | corer rit = GARDEN CENTRE ion lt on Bg iso Re RA| RA 8-8180 Marie Murduff will be in Jol rates from EL SENT Naive student, JOHN A. CAMERON, Barrister, Solicl-|size, guaranteed to grow. For free esti-| of 1259 SIMCOE NORTH 3-4191, | OSHAWA T Vv Oshawa, June 27th - 28th. i 8 aa Zhiideen, roves, ment June - September. Experienced Wanted nd Notary Public, 18% King Street/mates, phone 612 Clarke or MA 3-3935, | y CK, RO, Optometrist. Please typing, bookkeeping and selling. Wi East. RA 3.260. NHA and private Free delivers, Oshawa, 'Bowmanvile, 1,000 fr. North of A&P Store Eu Tex at" downtown Dominion + Ve Phone Genosha Hotel on 148 R4. io try new field. Write Box 7 Oshars mortgages arranged, Whitby, Ajax and district. --GARDEN SUPPLIES [Bank or 74 Burk Street. Invalids ex- 361 GIBBONS ST. these dates for eppointment. Times, for Oshawa and District GREER and Kelly, Barristers, Sold FOR SALE -- Top soil by the load. {amined at home. Dial RA §-4587. OUTSIDE painting wanted, afternoons and evenings. Must h at | rl de co phones. fe "iepaane BO laid, field "WH | --HOUSE PLANTS Painting and Decorating SPECIALIZING IN SEWING MACHINE Ay Longs and eng. You sustiy i) and lad- yn ve 9) lest an aury . 7% Simcoe Street th. |Special rates for truckers. Power lawn, -- STONE SUPPLIES Residen ing. hha ntiuhod able. Call RA 5-8748 any ) 4d tween ages of 25 and 45, : Sc., ' ence V. Kelly, PA, BCL. RA 85832.2.05 iso Hand} A-1 PAINTING and paperhanging, J. THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, Soll- planting, patio, general clean. | We also Handle [Jensen, RA 51651 after § p.m. SAMSON TOWERS SERVICE Fishing, beach, abundant [FeAcTICAL nurse will Jind children| Wonderful opportunity for Swimming Pool Construction rm oe Fleer ao DOMESTIC & INDUSTRIAL :' 4 sonal producer who wishes itor and Notary Public. kg King (up. Will look after your lawn, trim IFOR painting "and paperhanging, in- ANTENNA INSULATION ) home cooked meals. Special yard, trans;ortation arranged. Re personal er wi Street Fast. Phone RA $178 Er rear: work, Neasw | OSHAWA |, x Vea Bom. LEN & ' WE DON'T SELL rates for children. House- |ibie. APPlY 20 Toronto Avenue. to develop agency for aggres- RALPH JONES, BA and THOMAS IL | | LOU S T.V.| Hove your present machine keeping cabins. Dunsford, |GIRL with 10 years experience in ae.| Sive Canadion Company in late Barristers and Soll-| FLAGSTONE for patios and sidewalks PAINTING and decorating, reasonable lors. 130 King Street East, RA 8-646. | and dry walls. $15 per ton. RA 5.7519. GARDEN SERVICE | rates, work guaranteed, siorm windows Eres Estimotes repaired at reasonable rates. Ontario. Sounte receivable, Liable, payroll an this area, Management over- ot E [ 3 | Bipinde nin i Tn 8-545 i riding, commission, bonus and Pur Ji Rit, (Tlic ALL] of 1259 SWGOE NORTH | [Son Bick RA 57844 PHONE pA S046 Phons 26524 gr benefits Gur "present Solicitor, Notary Public, 36% King collected cedars for hedges, 2'. 3, | RA 3-3222 DODD & SOUTER | 3 Pets T tock DECORATING Ontario organization have iii Bh Ai IRR Bg Nag fi _ Open Evenings Till 9 | pAINTING & DECORATING | SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT Bossi Le | KAWANDAG LODGE ALTERATIONS been advised of this. opport- . -- ity. Bookkeepin Brooklin, Ontario. CONTRACTORS IT DAY OR NIGHT |$50. Telephone RA 54328, ROSSEAU, ONTARIO LOW-COST PREFABRICATED un ong | GRAVEL LOAM Painting, Paperhanging T.V. and RADIO |SEVEN - week old beagle Bound pups pups| Don Gallinger, prop. Former HALLIDAY HOMES APPLY BOX 4 HARDSAND LANDSCAPING AND Gyptex, Full Wall Murals for sale. Telephone RA 5-8969. NHL " ins." : . i = hone RA player "Boston Bruins. STYLEMASTER COTTAGES L. SCHAPELHCUMAN| A" complete garden service, | R Stray Painting. CALL RA 8-5286 BATHING. trimming, de.flecing. Board:| $56.00 weekly ond. up. UTILITY BUILDINGS 18--Male or Female KKEEPING clean-up, fertilizing, power | MANURE | 107 BYRON ST. S. WHITBY All Work Guaranteed ing. Waubena Kennels, RA 5-6321. American Plan, Write for You will be glad called. ale or Fema Help COMPLETE BOO rolling. Now Is the time to kill | + Bu OSHAWA PUREBRED brown miniature poodies,| folders. An AAA, ATRO re- AJAX REPAIR AND Wanted SERVICE, INCOME TAX rnin ved laa DAYS MO' 8-5231 EBRED Sow RETURNS. EET oud Prickwesd, | PHONE NIGHTS RA 5.7426 ELECTRONICS Spo is old, 955, male of female. BA _ corr, CONSTRUCTION LTD. (300K wanied for Camp samse iz $toek. - BEAUTIFUL baby budgies ready for| SEE YOUR TRAVEL AGENT | 110 King Street East, Oshawa |e Ba ster i 686 OSLER STREET RA 5.1721 RA 5-4967 Personal Service GET THAT CLEAR [pushes talking strain, Asoly Mr. BA s:5103 20--Room and Board RA 5-9953 [T30tos 30 meen Nort, See | PICTURE NOW [Pooies or sai: mimes ssa] ~~ LEN-DAVE LODGE |e Help Wanted [vox seus men in rently nossa | BALA MUSKOKA | E.R. KNOWLTON Saris, Bawa ie. able. MAsket Children F GIRLS meals, TV lou | 5745, 7 i 3 nge, central to hospital Building Trades 1 SODDING | LANDSCAPING SERVICE | LET US MACHINE WASH | Use a CHANNELMASTER i Mains lode, p R cobins, | | oMerine ha i a ambly works and downtown. 51' Colborne East. RA YOUR local chimney cleaner. him- YOUR WALLS ANTENNA ottached to a | 4Market Bosket safe sandy beach, home cook- |{onie, components pr SRE moo sora y re, s 4 4 » group hr sialed, furnaces acuumed Free esti TOP SOIL Now is the time for Spring HOMES, OFFICES, ete. YOU'll howe the Bes, R ond |S ERHION Tresmr owners Orders| ed meols, worer sports, dan- |etc. Apply Stark E E003 Bone oo, : . t 1 TRI rar r---- clean-up! Rolling, fertilizing, Speedy, Accurate, No-Dripping jake sow i Sreay_cut Ma a s0s| cing, hot and cold running (Ltd. Ajax. ter | ALL TYPES of home repairs and re . : | CALL TE 9-1864 GET THAT CLEAR ater a water, Write Box 15 Bolo, (BABY sitter and light household du-|™ Sn Mg hy iy Pig MANURE tepolrs, Yop oil end sou, | Free Estimates PICTURE NOW! S--Farmers Column Ontario. ties, live Be Older woman welcome, kg hel and fn Conn 3 mates RA 3.2413. Phone OLiver 5-3049 - EASY-GLIDE $10 WEEKLY, reliable desired. Rossland and Simene area, CERAMIC, plastic wall t - --- RA 5-604 7 [ INTERIOR WALL WASHING Use a new aluminized picture (DEAD farm stock picked up promptly.| PIONEER CAMPS -- MUS- in" required immediately, to. take con, |PATKInE. APDly 708 Corer Avenue. fl ings, Free esti- i Ph llect, Hampton, COlfax 3.2721. KOKA: PORT SYDNEY -- 2 1 of fi ri; nd ROOM borg on Fb 80850. S AND GR AVE L DUNBARTON tube ir by expert TV |yrewinl Fur Farm, Tyrone, " Lie. 115. RA comps, boys and Chudren Tres aad fou Oliver 33621" |ome, telephone MO BST. TAD LAND roofing, Taf and gravel. = SP RAYING technicions, ond you'll have |7oP money for dead and disabicd irls ages 9 to 18. Tent [WANTED parttime Kilchen heip.|[TWO gentlemen or gils willing #8 asphalt shingles and resairs. Pld Fig Hetges, evergreens, trees. i TRY OUR the finest. Modest prices -- [farm stock. R Vivian, Markham, 1160 girls age dation. Resi dent |Weekends only. Apply in person West. share, single beds, three meals a days Mo 28003 or RA 36537. ales | Topsoil, stone ond fill. Lowe Selection. of | BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN call us for service: ey, Mba, seve Ea Servite medical staff, Program in- Ss Bar 3:0. 973 Simos Strent North, 44 Fuld clean' home, $16 per GENERAL woodworking, frames, & Truck d loader for hire. Chicken plate, half chicken 1 it under "Business Se * in Classi] cludes trail riding ($1.50 LADIES--PA Rooms Tor rent and Board. ora cottage and home wood 5P Rycks ong ower bo PERENNIALS with french fries, fish an FRAO TELEVISION Getaite," day. Dial RA 3-3492 now for| hour extra), sailing, boating, E RT TIME Apply 573 Olive ave a RA DE am w RA 3.3162 Sis hombre, ho do, EAST |fali Ces vapor an co i | Senne mae power an - teed. milk shokes. " i ered wogon and cance trips, available, 4 hours daily now opened under roofing applied. Ie work guaran VAN BELLE MODERN GRILL RA 8-6781 i {pe of Jiser belving crofts and hobbies, Space hours fo suit -- for the Bud- 10%, matsgement, room and board FISH from your. j=) this year. / | WE DELIVER--RA 5-3887 . j ' uf still available August 16-30 get Division of "Time' Inc. |59957, Pontiac Inn, Find 1 1n Rh, 'section today. CROSS TOWN GARDENS TV--Rentals poired within 24 hours. Rem at special rate of $63.00. Telephone personality -help- SOD SUPPLY HD. 2 | LITTLE BUCKAROD | poRTABLE Type | form tet ewido -$4s00 | Ether infomation: Pinger | fi,' For appointment coil |22--Store Space & Garages x . amps, a ' BOWMA 9 CLIFF BROWN | a1 roiled fertiized sou, MA 3.5757 RANCH , Phone RAndolph 8.1658. | Jororer 30 St: Mary st, een Tai, Lin GRAVEL & SAND | 52 freth dsily, so for truck. BOWMANVILLE TRAIL RIDING 1V.'s Sowden Indusiric) Rubber | 2.4755. DISTRICT MANAGERESS (Speci Paver Products; Limits' is ers in the field. Special con BY WEEK OR MONTH Prestige Jewels, Nationel! a AR A a -------- 7 BLACK LOAM tracer roles, Insurance RIDING INSTRUCTION Also Radios, Record Ployers, Brice Straet, Oshawa, STURGEON LAKE Party Plan Organization, is W. d to R RA 5-8504 | ALLSTATE Auto msarance Save 5p] ADULTS AND CHILDREN and Sun Lom 7--Trailers seeking an aggressive woman | 23----Wanted to Rent Prompt Delivery fo 20 Jee eval. six moutie to yas, For SWIM POOL OPEN MEAGHE < § ORE. ow Woe yer for | BEEHIVE PARK ESTATES | with keen desive to gam top (BOAT. walle ir, Se tummer. €00 sale, one y aw] x j- DR ---- I, RA 8-8951 GRANDVIEW RA $7413 2 70 : %0 san S KING W. RA 3-3425 sale. Phone NEW EXECUTIVE SUMMER | pennce. fovourably cond. [THREE - BEDROO Tome Ts Rozund DRIVEWAYS SOD SUPPLIES ~~ | AUTO INSURANCE : Well Drilling Digging |b a Semeits, E| HOMES. Mortgooes amanged | ered." Slary "open. "Send | Bitin W585 Sh Bis Fo We specialize in A-1 feril- If you are a careful driver PICNICS AND PRIVATE ler WH 32-3491. well, nown trust com- BOX 903. QSHAWA Mes WANTED: . ized field sod. Prompt de- you may save $10, $15 or PARTIES W. WARD WANTED TO RENT -- 10 x 36 traller,| Pony. Prices and terms to 51 fake year Teas i ome by { First-class Workmanship liveries for Oshawa and Dis- $25 on your car insurance or Inf ; RA 5.2737 WELL DISD. BY Apply Newcastle Trailer Court, Om-| Suit your needs. Built on paricuars in repiy to Box 2, Oshawa Guaranteed - Reasonable Prices trict. Field loading for truck- better than 20%. Preferred FHOINGHON sme 4 tarlo large waterfront lots in new RCAF Times. ets ond special rates for <on- De the Tore HARMONY RD. NORTH, MACHINE NEW box Tralier, & 3 ¥, reversible i registered private subdivision OPPORTUNITIES EXIST UNITED tracts, uid loll sill OSHAWA SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE cabin traller, wid' high all PIwesd| ith a "Florida" motif; most 24--Houses for Rent PAVING CO RA 8-811! | fice. Half-year payments. EAT BETTER--FOR LESS WHITBY, ONTARIO for road. RA 8-800. yah and beautiful in the IN THE x room house, pe hot ater | Call j--, MO 8.2563 -- MO 8.3809 awartha lakes, safe natural » RA 8-4801 So, ia) Sra sapere 204 CHESTNUT ST. W. COOK'S SELL FOR LESS sand beach, large beautiful ROYAL CANADIAN Bites sh mas % OVE LOAM-GRAVEL SCHOFIELD conveniant}pme tO: BOX 320 13' Glendette Compact, shade Hees, canal 40° wide at AIR FORCE Bt Nort oo petit warye. Ico DON'T MOV The Homarket Way! en, pac rear of lots with sheltered FOR SKILLED AND OL 5-3444. ' INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD. new ... $985 dock boath fi h IMPROVE SAND, FILL, TOP SOIL | 360 King 5. West RA 23265 | 90%, Groceries antivered 5 | TED VEENHOF | 15 riviera. ued thos lor, oneuse for each | | NSKILLED AIRWOMEN [Bie oom cpmition thins Bedrooms MODERNIZE - REDECORATE LOTS, LEVELLED your home. Lowest prices ever 15' Glendette, used $1150 : RA $3837 or RA 32496. INSIDE OJR OUT TRACTOR, LOADER WORK | =awn M Lawn Mowers ----meat you cut with a fork. WELL DIGGING | 5 Glendette, new, QUALITY with every conven- Applicants must be 18 to 29 |SIX room house, oll. heated, wales YOU WILL BE GLAD POWER Lawn Mowers sharpened ana] 100% guaranteed. Hind | deluxe |, $1350 ience is built into each of years of age, single, Can- Softener, hardwood floors. Vacant now. YOU CALLED Reasonable Rates repaired, also bicycles and outboard quarter cut to your order in Clean-outs and deepening | 16" Glendette, new, these summer homes, hydro, adian Citizen or other British |Taunon Rd. Fast. RA 8608. RA 8.5103 DIAL RA 5-2156 |molors mossanie hrarins, Ra saotn| Suor'®p cut 10 vour order in COMPRESSOR WORK self-contoined _. $1550 | drilled walls, full plumbing, | subiect and have a minimum Sa oo Sot 110 King St. East, Oshowe le Jour Tawn mower prectsion sar front -- 42¢ Ib, -- Freezer . Now modern kitchens, fireplace, of grade 9 education. June 30. Also seven room Could AJAX REPAIR OSHAWA ned. pi Pp ry. at lowest ever, Ne Siapcait RA 8-3864 Cook's Visiter Seley & Parts, complete interior decorating Benefits include be sub-let CO 3- lifetime warranty. rom Fwy. No. 2, plus dial, telephone with pri- and CONSTRUCTION. LTD. HOME LANDSCAPING! WE SHARPEN AND RENT Hydro in June. Good Advertising 3 miles East Oshawa vate or 2-party line. fee, umitonms; ra ond LOVELY NEW P t terms arranged, or ' y i You dei on prin Landscaped designing, sod- ALMOST EVERYTHING HOMARKET ond 9--Summer Properties LOCATION: 4 miles west. of nual feqve and an excellent 6-ROOM BRICK HOUSE Home, Summer Cottage, ding, seeding, weed killing, Give Us A Call FOOD & FREEZER CO. for Sale or Rent Bobcaygeon on the Fenelon pension plan, Three bedrooms, two bathe Garoge we con supply: Foc- complete garden service. STAN"S showroom «= order offic Good Merchandising ESTABLISHED privais summer de. 'ONS Hwy, large signs at For further details, visit the rooms, full basement, hard- tory Engineered Stylemaster PHONE 1 | : velopment. Rice Lake, frontage lots| entrance, paved road all the MOBILE RECRUITING UNIT wood floors, bright and quiet. Buildings. Many plans to RA 8:6366 | | 123 Brock N., Whithy GO |only. Cottage built Fiagncing no prob: way; owner on property every A { gorden, central Ore Lick choose from. Move in next CORNER KING & BURK STS. MO 8-4630, MO 8-4811 : ly WM renin sound. FOF |. ofternoon, including week~ OSHAWA ARMOURIES rom school and shopping. month, OSHAWA RA 3-3224 | RA 3.7468 HAND in HAND = Bib aeorsast ends. June 7, NOON to 6 p.m. "MO 8.8669 Whitby®"