) po MLL i Lack Of Leaders ~~ |=We're To Blame MONTREAL (CP)--A Hunga-|lution, regardless of possible rian-born winner of the Nobel benefit to himself or mankind. Prize said Wednesday night] "If any student comes to me leadership would not be such a and says he wants to be useful scarce commodity in the West|to mankind and go into research : |"if we had spent half as much|ty alleviate human suffering, I | |money and thought on the out-|invariably advise him to go, ra- ~~ |standing as we have on the re- ther, into charity." '1 |tarded children." Mr. Pauling agreed that ideas '| Addressing a panel discussion |Spring from the subconscious at the third World Congress of (and suggested students train Psychiatry, Dr. Albert Szent-Gy-|their mind to work on an un- orgyi said the development of|Solved problem. outstanding creativity is greatly| Lord Adrian said many new hampered "by misplaced ideas ideas are a logical development about democracy, according to|0f accepted theories. which we are all equals." Nevertheless, the world Dr. Szent - Gyorgyi, who left needed bold minds because "'ev- kind of science will stag- Hungary when the Communists ery i stag took over after the Second World| fate without a new outlook from War, said "nature is not demo-| time to time. cratic and as far as the intel- lect is concerned does not make - us all equal." Rain Needed He now lives in Woods Hole, ie On Prairies Mass., where he works with the ! (Marine Biological Laboratory. OTTAWA (CP)--Ample rains are needed on the Prairies to He won the Nobel Prize in maintain crop growth and re- chemistry in 1937. He appeared on a panel with plenish low moisture reserves, says the bureau of statistics. two other Nobel Prize winners --Lord Adrian of England and Linus Pauling of the United " 5 Ha I where ideas, Seeding is virtually finished in the three provinces and germin ation and growth -- especially for early - sown crops -- has come from. WORKS IN SLEEP i Dr. Szent-Gyorgyi said many |been rapid under the hot wea- ideas come from the subconsci-|ther of the last two weeks. De- ous. spite widespread showers, rain- " ; fall has varied among districts "It's the same throughout the| "I go on thinking about my . ws Bibb whole province." {problems all the time, and my| 3nd hay and pasture growth has He said if the Pharmacy Act|brain must be going on think-|""q ("0 confined the sale of all items|ing about them even in the mid- nate Jemperatures Jive ne on warmed considerably after a pertaining to health to drug dle of the night. cool May and fall wheat, hay, stores, instead of any kind of| A researcher had to be an|clovers and pasture have im- store selling the items, there|egotist, wanting to solve a prob-| proved rapidly in the last week would be an adequate profit for|lem just for the sake of the so-|Fall rye is headed and gener- |the druggist. ally average yields for fall 2 Ey. DEBTORS PRISON Foyer How much should your car cost? The amount you should spend on a car depends on what you use It for. If you use it to convince parking attendants that you're very well-to-do--then you should plunge into debt and get a glittering behemoth a block long. (Even if it is a bit troublesome in traffic.) AL PLANE PROFIT airport at Carberry, Man., | which hopes to convert the 108 miles west of Winnipeg. | 500-mile-an-hour Second World They are owned by Aero En- | War planes to two-seat jobs terprises of Elkhart, Ind, | and sell them for executive Pharmacist Shortage use at $6,000 to $50,000 apiece. The owner said it is expected to fly them out of Manitoba this summer. --(CP Wirephoto) These 15 Mustang fighter planes sold by the Canadian government for about $500 apiece now sit on an unused BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Pension Funds On the other hand, if you're extremely diffident and want tc show the world that you've escaped the rat race--buy an old wreck or one of those miniature cars. It won't cost you much at all. At least, not at first. But if you want a car that's comfortable, economical and provides more than adequate transportation for you and your family--come in and price the Volkswagen. Chances are it's just right for you. Tie Up Wealth? VANCOUVER (CP) -- Do the increasing funds being invested in pension plans threaten to tie up too great a proportion of Seen Soon TORONTO (CP)--A Renirew] Man Charged "It is unlikely that this could| pharmacist said Wednesday the have been feasible without the|gocline in the number of young n basic support of the state pen-|people entering the professio sion plan. Some such support or| yi) soon have a serious effect In Knife Death wheat and rye are indicated. Spring - wheat seeding, two weeks late, is just about com- | Civil Service plete in most counties of South- | Morale Booster ern and parts of Northern On- | TORONTO (CP)--An organi-|fario but the outlook is unfav- |zation was formed Wednesday|orable for the Sudbury - Timis- Prices start at $1,695 roe 334 Ritson S. RA 3-3461 Canada's financial resources? |assurance is probably politically | h OTTAWA (CP)--Andre Cris- 3 % : hig Ikaming in The question was discussed at|necessary. I sometimes Wonder, he corner drug Store pin. 8 Zhyearold unemployed? 1UpIOve the public image pifkaming [Cochrane zone, Fron- , ; . ; : h | W. Keith Donaldson told the |X '» . "5% mployed|,, ,vincial civil servants and to|tenac, Prince Edward and Len-| this week's annual meeting of|if we went to pensions supported] I : d electrician's a p p r e ntice, was|; ove the civil service itself |nox - Addington. Hay - cutting| the Canadian Manufacturers'|in Canada by faith in free enter. S€ ect committee on drug costs, | committed to trial on a murder| prove 3 iar fOr silage is just beginning Association here, particularly in|prise, whether political require- holding public hearings at| charge Wednesday. The trial Described as the Canadian Livestock Conair: put il an address by J. A. Belford, ments could be met by some Queen's Park, that rising over-|will begin June 14. [Council of Provincial Employee|arajly good and 17 800 acres of| vice-president, personnel nd in- Srrangement jor insuring Wh ead fost ad increasing stock| Crispin is charged with the|Associations, it includes all|sugar beets are in. Tobacco dustrial relations, Massey-Ferg-|vate pension plans up to an ac-|have slashed the druggis 's pro-| April 11 breadknife slaying of| : b nd | plantin, like beets. is beh uson Ltd. : ceptable minimal level at pre- fits in recent years and fewer 39-year-old Mrs. Marie Parent | Provinces i Quebec a diDianting, Je ea ud MOTOR SALES LTD. Mr. Belford indicaetd thatimium rates less than the cost people want to enter the pro-\whose nude body was found| Newfoundland. |is expectde to increase 10 to 15| some of the rigidity in the Ca-|of borrowed money. fession. |sprawled on a bed in a lower-| William C. Harper of Toromto| per cent on last year. I nadian economy may be due to| In some way, Mr. Belford Renfrew, with a population of town rooming house after what and Beamsville, immediate She tieing uw of Such Jaige ums stated, the capital resources 6,800, had nine full-time pharm-| neighbors 'called a noisy party past presilent of Je Sil Serv-| n conservative : -+. acists two years ago, he said ice Association of Ontario, was ; upport employee benefits| CIStS bd £0, | ] he outlined how Germany, for Suhpopung ploye S| Now there were only five full- ROYAL WARDROBE [elected president. l . t t oid such a|Should not be allowed to be al: : | instance, tries to av drag on the economy, but some-| time and one part-time pharm-| sack When Quebec joins, the fed-| g Y, : For her 1961 week-long tour result. id: how should be re-direcetd to|acist. lin Ital Elizabeth had eration will represent provincial | wp Sal issets of trusteed pen-|Stimulate it--particularly in the "Not one boy or girl has en." 2% Queen Elizabeth had), oapizations with a combined| io v 2 a life insurance group|Mmore potentially dynamic areas|tered pharmacy in Renfrew in(198 trunks and suitcases weigh-| membership of 87,000, said Mr. sions Dians, like secondary manufacturing." |the last eight years," he said.ling more than three tons. |Harper. annuities and group annuities of crown corporations and govern- WALLPAPER STORE ment agencies totalled $4,800, 25 BOND ST. EAST LIKE NEVER BEFORE! DURING ELNA TRADE -IN- WEEK . TO PREPARE FOR OUR WARDROBE AWARD CONTEST (PHONE RA 8-2391 FOR PARTICULARS) WE ARE HOLDING A TRADE-IN WEEK ON THE ELNA MACHINE 000,000 in 1959. Funds supporting these plans are growing at an annual rate of $500,000,000. By the end of this year their assets can be expected to be close to) $6,000,000,000." | By comparison, Mr. Belford| added, the total inflow of direct foreign investment in all Ca- nadian industries in 1059 was| $500,000,000. GENEROUS PENSION Germany, Mr. Belford said, has a state pension plan which is generous by our standards, and in addition many employers have added private pension schemes. However, the capital from the private schemes is directed, by decision of the individual busi- ness man, into plant, machine tools, research and new markets for his own company. "The only security in the pri-| vate German pension plan is the prosperity of the individual firm. | West German employees and trade unions have put their| chips on free enterprise. This] creates in employees and the| union a vested interest in the] competiitve ef f e c t iveness of| w® 1.69 their employer. I PURE BRISTLE SCOTS SWAIN PAINT BRUSHES LOSES LOVE In sets of 2 -- 2" & 4" Brushes TORONTO (CP) -- Scottish swain Ronald Sinclair, 27, who pursued a pretty redhead | across the Atlantic in an at- tempt to win back her love, | admitted defeat Wednesday when he reached Toronto. The object of his affection is Anna Forsyth, 24. Handsome Ronald was an advertising salesman for The | Scotsman in Edinburgh. Anna | was a secretary in the same | department and their love bloomed. They became en- gaged, but Anna changed her | mind and handed back the | ring. | She set sail for Canada on | the Empress of Britain and Ronald booked passage on the | ship in an effort to patch up | the romance. The couple arrived Wednes- | day, rumpled after sitting up all night on a boat-train from | Montreal. They had breakfast together at the station. It was a strained affair, with Ronald | gazing soulfully at Anna, Anna looking coldly at Ron. | It seems a week of constant | companionship at sea hadn't | softened Anna's heart. | Would she go out with Ron- ald after she was settled with | her friends in suburban Scar- | borough? | "No. 1 suppose we might | bump into each other now and then, but that's all." | During PAINT & . Grand Opening ALE GRAND OPENING... SUPER SPECIAL Do the job in half the time with famous SCARFE'S THIX JELLED PAINT. No drips, no runs, no splashes, no ridges, Ends nuisance of covering floors, furniture and messy clean-up. Now . . . wide range of finishes in up to 725 CUSTOM COLORS. 0% OFF 4 ny CLEAN WAY 10 Po "kNing , DRIP-LESS « wo R¥ 2 Bn DRIPLESS - vo 14 REGULAR PRICES World famous SUGGESTED TRADE-INS ARE : SEWING MACHINES, VACUUM CLEANERS, REFRIGERATORS, THIX JELLED PAINT WE SPECIALIZE IN .. .... PAINTING-PAPER HANGING ® WOOD FINISHING CALL RA 3-2977 FOR APPOINTMENT FREE ... WIN A HOME DECORATING JOB WORTH $50.00 . . . Simply fill out the ottached coupon and drop it in to the convenient box at UPTON'S PAINT & WALLPAPER. No obligation to buy . , . OFFER GOOD TILL JUNE 17th, 1961, ONLY, LUABLE COUPON] Fill Out This Coupon and Drop It In at UPTON"S PAINT & WALLPAPER STORE EXTERIOR WHITE 4.49 (In colors for Slight Extra Charge) INTERIOR WHITE 3.99 (In Colors for Slight Additional Charge) FLOOR POLISHERS, WASHING MACHINES, WIVES" OR WHAT HAVE YOU! "HUSBANDS, Instructions in your home and a 36-pc. setting of Dinnerware with each new machine. ELNA MACHINES 165 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE RA 8-2391 Complete Repair Service to all Makes of Sewing Machines Customers now using the ELNA are entitled to par- ticipate for the award as well as new customers. INTERION FLAT 70 WHITE FREE DELIVERY Paint and Wallpaper Store (Formerly Gordon's Paint Store) 25 BOND EAST RA 3-29T71 ROUGH INTRUSION CHICOUTIMI, Que. were asleep in their bedroom | when a motorcar with two pas-| sengers hit an icy patch and skidded through the wall. No one was injured.