8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, June 5, 1961 RANDY AND PATTI These happy playmates are | Randy Allan and Patti Jayne, | children of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Fice, Easthaven street, Randy, five years old, and Patti, one, are the grand- children of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fice and Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Spiers, Oshawa. --Photo by Ray Johnston KEEP IN TRIM Follow This Suggested Routine And Look Shapely In Swim Suit By IDA JEAN KAIN Prior to the bathing suit sea-| son, exercises for shapely thighs are in demand. With this year's fashion trend, thigh bulges are conspicuously on the spot. left. Repeat four times, always holding. NOT TOO RUGGED THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW This will be a day in which you can make excellent prog- ress in both job and monetary affairs, but you will have to ex- ercise good judgment and side- step all visionary schemes. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates a def- inite uptrend in financial mat- ters during the coming year. There may be brief periods dur- ing September and November when the budget suffers but, if you tackle your problems real- istically, you can straighten them out satisfactorily. Oppor- tunities to increase earnings should come in Juyly and-or Oc- tober, and other financial gains are indicated during the first three months of 1962. Personal matters will be un- der generous influences for most of 1961 and 1962 and, 'through such relationships, you should experience great happiness. Look for a chance to travel during the latter half of July and, if single, new romance and possibly marriage during the same month; also in October and December. Home and health matters will be under generally good influences for most of the year ahead. A child born on this day will be extremely affectionate and unusually sympathetic toward those in distress. Yellow Light Less Attractive To Night Insects Homeowners soon will begin preparations for outdoor sum- mer living, readying garden and patio lighting in anticipation of warm evenings which are just around the corner. But for many the enjoyment of night-time relaxation will be rudely dispelled by the hordes | Progress with this knee bend|0f insects that attack the mo- exercise--it's not too rugged. Position: Standing Scientists have made a study muscles so we'll know moreiger level, elbows straight, feet about how to deal with the prob- together. z of why these unwelcome guests lem. The muscles which shape the side thighline are the glu-| tens medius and minimus, really part of the hip muscle tamily. The hitch is, these par- ticular muscles are not brought into action in everyday move- ments. Unused muscles always] invite fat, and so pincushions of tat perch in this area and cling tenaciously. It takes specific ex- ercise to iron out these bulges. This first exercise puts the pull smack through the bulge. Position: Stand with feet apart arms arched overhead, ballerina style. Movement: Step back with the left foot, pull slim through gir- dle muscles, then bend side- wards to the right, making it a long, smooth movement--hold. Return to position, step back with right leg and again bend| sidewards, this time toward the Movement: Rise on toes, and keeping back straight, go into deep knee bend, separating the knees widely. Return to stand- ing position slowly. Be sure the thigh muscles take the action, both going down and coming up. If you have trouble keeping your balance, rest one arm lightly on chairback -- but re- member that the work must be done by the thigh muscles. Re- peat 5 times, later 10, and still later 15. Now see if you can do this exercise. Position: Lie on right side, on floor in front of chest. Left leg is resting on low stool or hassock, right leg straight down on floor. inner border of left foot, raise the hips as you bring lower leg parallel with raised leg. Hold to starting position. Repeat 3 leaning on flexed right elbow|the fewest night-time and hand, with left hand braced|pests, it also turned out to be are attracted to light. Their pest-harried homeowners. The researchers have discov- ered that the closer light ap- proaches the blue end of the color spectrum, the more in- sects are attracted. Conversely, as light approaches the reddish end, fewer pests converge on the source. And, as most peo- ple suspect, it was proven that the brightness of light is a key factor: the more light--the more bugs. While red was found to attract insect an unsatisfactory color to live with or work under. Research- ers concluded that yellow light is the least attractive to in- Movement: Pressing with the sects and they proved that 50 to 90 percent fewer bugs are drawn by yellow light bulbs for a few seconds, then return|than by white. Yellow bulbs were recom- ment outdoor lights are switch- ' ; in good|ed on. | Let's talk about the thigh posture, arms forward at shoul- findings may be of interest to --Royal Studio The engagement is an- nounced today of Miss Mar- guerite Anne (Rita) Kelly ana Mr. John Michael Kenna- ley who plan to be married in Holy Cross Roman Catho- lic Church, Oshawa, on Satur- day, June 24.-The bride-to-be who is a TCA stewardess and graduate of St. Michael's School of Nursing, Toronto, is i the only daughter of Mr. and ~Ed Bermingham Reg'd. Mrs. J. J. Kelly of Oshawa. The prospective bridegroom who is a graduate of the University of Toronto (St. Mi- chael's College) and a mem- ber of the Institute of Char- tered Accountants, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Ken- naley of Peterborough. be shielded by a reflector or fix- ture to reduce the angle of vis- ibility and this will attract few- er insects. This also serves to direct light where it is actually wanted, rather than disperse it in all directions. Another hint -- investigate the various types of electrical and chemical insect traps. Sprays are also helpful, but should be used before guests or family members move outdoors uBt your best bet for protec- tion against night-flying pests is the yellow bulb, the scientists say. Bugs find them downright ** _.. and what is your hus- band's exact job title?" No, this isn't the $64,000 ques- tion. It's one of the key queries in the national census quiz which will be conducted at every one of Canada's 4,500,000 house- holds beginning June 1. The an- swers will provide a fund of in- formation greatly needed by both government and industry. Census officials are quick to point out that women have a vital role to play in the census -- in fact, more important than men. During daytime hours, women will answer the census taker's knock more often than men; while the husband is at work, the wife will supply the information not only for herself, but for the rest of the family as well. GET THE FACTS Because of this role in com- What Is Hubby's Exact Job? Housewives Must Have Answer [ins cierk. sales clerk, stock ployment manager, sales man- officials ager" or "office manager". do not "Clerk," too, should be de- {fined more clearly, as "'account- |clerk, receiving clerk, shipping municating between the census|clerk", for example. taker and members of her fam-| From past experience, census ily, she will need several facts at her fingertips -- including her husband's earnings and occu- pation. Would you say, offhand, that your husband is "a machine op- erator?" But there are many kinds of machine operators and such an answer is too vague. The correct response could be "pilling-machine operator, lathe operator, bull-dozer operator" or "sewing-machine operator," for example. Or perhaps he's an "'engin- eer?" But what kind of an en- Always use gentle strokes gineer? A useful answer could Foc" eniner, saionary el wasting Arend th ves STA] 40 King ERA 50151 engineer, Diesel engineer, sales|c a there engineer". But he's a "manag- : er"? That, too is an inade- quate reply. The right answer unfriendly. 34 different 4 FREE DISNEYKINS 2 free in 90 bag pkg., 1 free in RO bag pkg ee | GARDEN TEA & BAZAAR at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Irwin, Stonehaven, Whitby WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7th 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. -- Rain or Shine LAUREL GROUP--ST. ANDREW'S W.A. ADMISSION 75¢ AR AEN a times, change sides and repeat.| mended for use near cooking Later count may be doubled. Finish with a swinging action. and dining areas, for porches, Position: Standing, feet well|terraces, swimming pools, or the apart, arms out in front of chest.|barbecue pit. White lights may Movement: Swing right leg up|be used to bring out the beauty |and sidewards to touch toes toss flowers and shrubbery. | outstretched left hand. K th | outstretched eft anc. ep | It Is suggested that light bulbs | knees straight and swing! Fol- low by swinging left leg up . . . {touching toes to outstretched | right hand. Continue for a dozen | counts. Later move arms wider apart { With this routine, you'll soon %- ook shapely in a swim suit. 7 |, . % % IN "7 TURNOVERS MEXICALI Turning over a new leaf--in the menu direction? Then why not try these turnovers with a f|taste twist. Turnovers Mexicali are flaky pastry with a substan- tial filling specially pleasing to % male appetites. Roll out your ¥ | favorite recipe for pastry; cut [into three-inch squares. Season two cups of canned salmon with chili-sauce, finely chopped green pepper and a few drops of hot liquid seasoning. Place a couple of tablespoons of salmon mix-| ture on half of each pastry square; fold over corners dia-! igonally, making a triangular) uy shape. ress eages Yosather with a for seal and prick top HANDY N DANDY surface to allow steam to es- She's fun to make and dis-|cape during baking. Bake in a play in your kitchen! A handy hot oven preheated to 425 de-| until golden brown CAN PAMPER YOUR CHAMPAGNE TASTES! on a pocket book budget at... Walmsley & Magill GIFT SHOP 9 KING ST. EAST NOW UNDER ONE ROOF ....the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce is a joining together of two long-established banks, The Canadian Bank of Commerce and the Imperial Bank of Canada. The letters CI. stand for a great number of new banking advantages. Rr shower gift or bazzar item, too.|Brees F, Prettiest way to protect your and heated through, about 12 to| RA 5-3506 15 minutes. Serve piping hot. Al They stand for the Courtesy and Industry of 15,500 men and women who mixer from dust or scratches Save ' ry tomato or Spanish sauce Use remnants for dolls clothes is a tantalizing topper. | Pattern 7328: doll transfer; pat- tern for clothes; directions. Send Thirty-five cents (coins) for this pattern (stamps can- not be accepted) to Alice Brooks c-0 The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft Dept., Oshawa, Ont. Print plainly NAME, AD- DRESS, PATTERN NUMBER. JUST OUT! Our 1961 Needle- raft Book. Over 125 designs for home furnishi for fashi knit, crochet, embroider, weave, sew, quilt -- toys, gifts, bazaar items. FREE -- six designs of popular veil caps. Quick -- send 25 cents TODAY. | Electrolysis Removes warts, moles and superfluous hair. Over 15 Years' Experience MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawe ot the Genosha Hotel, June 6th, 7th PHONE RA 3-4641 for_cppointment on these dates |i have united their talents to serve you better. They stand for Capital and Initiative to help Canadians develop Canada's vast potential. They stand for Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, a vigorous and progressive force in Canadian banking. Visit the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce soon. Present or future customers can be assured of the finest banking service, utmost courtesy and assistance. CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE THE LILLIAN MAE MARSH SCHOOL OF DANCING Presents Its . . . ANNUAL RECITAL Friday, June 9th - 7:30 P.M. At... O'NEILL COLLEGIATE & VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE Admission . . 50¢