25 Apts. & Flats for Band! -- 26--Rooms for Rent {27--Real Estate for Sale ONE. P " ES Pmt uk = ope bedroom, [IN WHITBY -- Ee Th RA 57768 evenings. rooms light Parking, semi-private en- or RA 81584, ght NEWLY decorated, self. bedrooms | stove and 111 Ritson Road TWO a SO Apply 205 Bond RA 8.4386 |after 6 pm. apartment, tor, A seitiger yarns Apply -contained two- 4. upper Cuplex, oo [FURNISHED bed.-sitting room, suitable gy for two, near Pedlars. Apply i |Street South. 562 Simcoe 37917, decorated, parking 19 Division or telephone RA unfurnished cu ras close. to downtown. or phone RA 5-5418 ROOM and board minutes from Four Charles Street. two Apply 2% fi rooms and APARTMENT four bath. , TV duty fs sachers, bachelors or nurses. $65 or ary Street RA 5-0369. owes does. ou ome Jagess. (Rn 5.0588, |couple, stove, asher and dryer. tire a RA 83546, -| mai vs on" and cugbourds, 1 telephone outlets. Com, LA ,|stove, freezer if requ antenna, close to schools, Nash Road, Courtice. RA THREE-ROOM E thro frig, ired, sage, TV 27--Reol Estate for Sale Road, heating] MODERN four-roomed pariment, ath o!2ll convi Honan] washer, dryer, TV tenna, §75 monthly. RA 56215. ONE- and two-bedroom apartments, | in stove and 101 Craydon Road, modern refrigerator su lied. MO 8-3092 after 5. oy Whitby, MODERN large two-room apartment, floor, private entrance, frig, TV and 8-349. ROOM 1 floor, perms J heated, oun $75 per month, RA 5-0831. voom | FOUR-ROOM aj spaci- THREE-ROOM bo! rent, near Pedlar's, RA 5-4957, men, private bath, built-in cu, adults please, R/ RA 3-3 ti Te ret map PL Ee FOO ous, modern Kitchen and bathroom, all FARK LANE apaimen apartment, private oh mood THREE BEDROOM HOME ONE YEAR OLD 27--R Rook Estate for Sols 29--Automobiles for Sale | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, June 3, 1961 17 six-room bungalow, oil heed. Available ays L. Carries for| ated Whitby. MO_8-3186. | LCR RL area. Owner fr; a ing ropm with fireplace, Cihaped kit. | chen, dining area, garage, Close to lie school and trai Immed. monthiye Box. For sale or lease, $139 , Box 749 Oshawa Times. SIXROOM nngalow, with or without QO 8-4655 or 2svly 5208 708 ait a Owens 'Whitby, . [PRIVATE sale, i% storey, frame, ne, ox | large rooms, extra washroom, tion room, ips located. 512.500, 227 or phone RA 3-4252. Pub ti . WH 21434. body bus FORD VS Tudor, low jeage cus- CUSTOM built home, peg o BglLgh Lh cent, in exclusive north £3 Fesidegtia) ors. # ansferred he could : power 32--~Articles for Sale WESTERN saddle in good condition, Ee OL suites for Eg To PRIVATE SALE Beautiful new five-room bun- low, bark brick, stone ront, situated on londscoped fot with three full grown ng wall to wall broadloom -- Many extras. Owner moving. RA 8-2413 $13,500 SELF-CONTAINED, three - room a past ards) nd sink, heavy uy is outlet, -- Spacious, | oyep APARTMENT, three rooms, unfurnigh- ed, heavy wiring, TV aerial, heat, hy. 5 dro, parking. Small child welcome. $68 RA 8-6876. 4 arage, avaiable June 1, $85 monthly, MO po Re rooms, mewly decorated, und floor, nr oat, parking, ndry acl , stove refrigera- ay 2 Hillside Avenue, RA 3-7088. THREE-ROOM apartment with private bath, built-in kitchen cupboards, re- frigerator and stove. Private entrance. RA 3-2842. TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, close to down town, $12.50 per week. Tele- phone RA 3.3089. looking lawn, EL, $.10 monthly, . Telephone RA 8.2 7g 8- UNFURNISHED upper pon pri- vate entrance, bathroom, kitchen, two Fig rooms THREE-ROOM apartment, pi free parking, iate possession, Telephone R. RA 3-7534. annex, newly decorat- Colborne Street, RA 8-4166, Pi private bath, washing jaciilies, immed- 56106 oi iB bn SE SR TLL THREE-ROOM apartment, private en- THREE-ROOM apartment self-contain- Street or tele apartment, self-con- tained, heavy duty wiring, private en- trance and bath. Wil} suit business cou- ple. RA 3.3266 or RA 8-6906, THREE furnished rooms, A ) couple. Child welcome, or two willing to share, close to hospital and bus and North GM. 327 Kingsdale, RA 8-6387. FOR RENT -- three-room apartment, tove, - centrally located, $65 112, vate entrance, monthly, RA 5-2 PRIVATE rooms, washer, aerials, parking, available June dults, $70 apartment, three 20, near Shopping Centre, a monthly, 212 Stevenson South, MODERN four-room apartment and bath, refrigerator, stove, dryer and TV outlet, pe TA 3 parking. Available now. FIVE - room 1 apartment, all conven- fences, heavy wiring, separate en- trance, garage and garden, now avail. sble. Oshawa 15 minutes, COlfax 3-2304 LARGE furnished two.roomed apart: ment in Oshawa, suit business couple, very central. Call MO 8-2398. SPACIOUS taree-room apartment, pri- vate entrance, ample parking. Available now Apply 762 King Street East, 8.1559. FIVE-ROOM apartment, four-piece bath all modern conveniences, washing fa- cilities, and parking, near Shopping trance, all e heavy wiring, heated, central, parking. Phone days, RA 5-1113; evenings, RA 5-1569. FURNISHED three-room available June 15, also three-room un- apartment, furpisted, suitable for quiet couple. FURNISHED | basement apartment built-in wly cuphioares, tlle floor, sink, $60 monthly, includes heat and hydro. COlfax 3.2192. THREE - ROOM apartment, private bath, entrance, TV aerial, ref-igeracor, stove, suitable for business couple, eld- erly couple, or widow. Abstainers only. 137 Huron FIVE-ROOM apartment, medern Kitch. en, $85 monthly. Telephone RA 8.3491, MODERN LARGE APARTMENTS In new building, Central. Special rates for adults, APPLY BOX 822 OSHAWA TIMES ADELAIDE TERRACE New modern 2 - bedroom opartment. Stove, frig, TV outlet, broadloom floor, park- ing space, laundry facilities. Adults only, available July 1. Apply 329 Adelaide Ave. Apt. 2 at Centre ard bus. posses- sion. RA 5-3031, TWO bedroom apartment, ment building, all conveniences, refrig- erator and stove, large kitchen, four. ece bath, near North GM, reasonable. A 0-1904 after 6 p.m. THREE-ROOM_ , Apartment, frigerator, cupboards, nk, a 517 Park Road "south or RA MODERN 1 AND 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS Quiet residential street, close to transportation, stoves and 'fridges. T.V. ou..et, dropes anc puved parking. PHONE RA 5-7272 RA 5-5787 in apart MODERN, LARGE APARTMENTS NOW VACANT In new building, two bed- rooms, dining area, -electri- colly equipped, Including washer and dryer free. Apply Apt, | or 4, 213 Montrave Ave. LANSDOWNE AND WILSON RD. NORTH TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT $105 Stove ond frig., washer and dryer, bamboo curtains throughout, parking, 18' liv- ing room, modern kitchen, 563 Lonsdowne Drive. Call D. Hazlett, Toronto, HU 9-7986. Fr "in new apartment build- ing, four rooms an refrigerator, TV aerial, washer, dryer. Close to Shopping Centre. RA 5-9161, MODERN two-bedrcom "apartment ir apartment tullding, refrigerator, stove, washer, dryer, Paved yarkiag. Apply 82 FOUR-ROOM upstairs apartment, pri. vate bath, children welcome. Apply 515 FOUR-ROOM Soar private bath and entrance, heavy duty wiring, school child welcome, $70 monthly, Near new schools. 498 Dunkirk Avenue. THREE-ROOM apartment, heavy duty wiring, private bath and entrance, five minutes walk to south GM. $55 a month, RA 8-3023. central. Telephone RA 3-9800 after é p.m, TWO modern apartments, refrigerator FOUR-ROOM_scif-contained apartment, bath, ample parking, -4295. FOUR unfurnished rooms, very central at 11 Brock Street East. RA 5-3727, THREE-ROOM apartment in new home, private bath, modern facilities RA 3-3937. FOUR large rooms, newly decorated, ground floor, private laundry facilities, stove and refriger- ator, 288 Hillside Avenue, RA 3-7083. APARTMENTS -- two, three and four. room, in new apartment building. Laun. dry facilities, stove, THREE - room apartment, private en. trance, Drew THREE-ROOM apartment, unfurnished, private entrance, parking space, heavy telephone RA 5-4589. FOUR-ROOM apartment, builtin cup boards, heavy duty wiring, main floor, {Shopping Centre area, Avenue, MODERN two - electrically equipped, including automa- tic washer and dryer free. Apply Apt. 1, 213 Montrave Avenue. SELF-CONTAINED ground floor, very central, garage, RA -3229, TWO - BEDROOM apartment on Sim. se to Centre. RA 35-3777. d bath, stove and les at rear. Features: Ceremic bathroom with ven. (information, call SIX Actes of land, Je ule east of Osh. awa, 200 fruit trees, $7,500, Por Jarther WhHitehall 2-11 FIVE-ROOM, three-bedroom Eu bun- Salow, three years old, decorated alum. storms, screens, landsca) a lot. Terms to suit. RA 81733. $6,000-SEMI-DETACHED triplex du. permits, mortgage phone, NE 3-7402, ity, Hollywood kitchen, mae hogany trim throughout, sec tioned basement. Located at 426 Miller Street, just oft Gibbons. Immediate possession, RA 5-3662 LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER This 2-bedroom brick bun- golow mies nicely decorated, full ved drive wi LOT for sale, 48° x 102° sewage and water, RA 5-3907. ROULD like to trade my equity in an -suite apartment biliding inp) Ladies for a farm with 'woods. Phone MO 8-8386. fs $2,400, city water, ready to half cash, easy terms. ns geroge. EY Perfect loc- ation, Call Bill Horner today! RA" 8-5123 or RA 8-2236 ony time. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. PRIVATE SALE Six rooms and bath, Summer kitchen, garage. Aluminum throughout, new furnace, Realtor ¥ Low taxes. $9,800, easy RA 8-5123 101 Simcoe Street North "18 BARRIE AVE. Park road south. RA 3-321 Ritzon Road No FURNISHED basement apartment, separate entrance and bath, three.-rcom and stove in kitchen, mear shopping. No objection to children. Telephone RA 5-3652. LARGE three-room ground floor apart- ment, front and back entrance. Apply 199 Simcoe Street South. RA 5-9101. LARGE front room with single beds, suit one or two persons, breakfast op- tional, Apply 74 Oshawa Blvd. South. RA 18-0852. Darlington Boulevard South, Private Telephone RA upstairs, kitchen, laundry bath, parking, AFTER 5 ROSMERE AVE. Most select north-west crea -- 5-.room bungalow, in im- maculate condition, Just the home for someone who wants the best for quiet living. Re- duced price $13,900. Good terms, For particulars call Lloyd Corson, RA 3-2537, or Wes Elliott, RA 8-0581. WILSON REALTOR RA 5-6588 SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd, 360 King St. West RA 3-2265 EXTRA VALUE HERE A lovely 5-room brick bun- galow all in immoculate condition inside ond out. Just off Central Park Blvd. N. A very desirable home in a choice location, Asking $10,900 -- 42% N.HA, mortgage. For further in- appearance. criticism wheels and 'panranteed tires, $795. King West Motors, opposite Shopping Centre stream Ba ------ BUILDING lot, Taunton Road, id x 150. RA 8.5924. » two-tone, gear shift, in very good con- hal Weinberger Realtor, RA 8-5145, RA 37244. dition, Apply 246 Adel Street West. GRANDVIEW city. Cheap at $3,500, RA 5 SIX-ROOM brick a with at tached garage, 60 x 120 lot, near Ross. Shopping Plaza, No real estate, Apply 423 Glendale Avenue, $5,000 FULL PRICE, to close es tate, six rcoms and bath, older" ome in need red of repair. RA 5-4891. "six-plex, two-bedroom NEW modern apartment building, built-in oven, stove and Jeliigerator, Daved Jorking. lock- lot, 75 200, water, taxes paid '61, Beautiful view lew of West TOP shape, 'Dodge *55, radio. Real good 1 Going condition, call MO 82715 after 30--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE a Wreckers want| > ears for Highest prices paid. 1 can save you money registers adders. No Bill Hamilton, JEEP tires, most HS tub, toilet with $25, $ALL CASHS Fo clean cas we deol up or NICOLS MOTOR SALES 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 cheap. 15 Sandra Street "53 CHEVROLET Bel Air radio, signals ete, A-1 condition. ae, venson's Road North. RA 166, CUSTOM (in the dash) transistor ear radios, from Dominion Stores, 48 Bond Street West, MODEL A- Ford, pick-up, in good run. ers, Bo inspect, wall El Homaer. HA 8-512 love Realty, Oshawa, Limited, "eal good motor ae thoes. ng ph fast Hokart, cheap. Mo 8-5670. 54 ¥ 14-foot van, rebuilt m ni bedroom bungalow, owner built, large bright rocms, No. 1 hardwood, tor, in good condition, Telephone RA 8-3222 after 4 Dm, schools, shopping, bus close. Low taxes, and heating. Patio, Priced t~ sell. RA 5.7724. EXECUTIVE hillside home, country living within the city, four bedrooms, two baths, large recreation room with formation, call Henry Stin- son, evenings, RA 5-0243, 'PRICED TO SELL Beautfiul S-room brick bun- galow with sunporch, new condition inside and out. Garage, new ranch fence. Central. Priced to sell at $12,500 with low down payment, For further infor- mation, please call: Henry Stinson, evenings, RA 5-0243. List Co-op Through This ffice Member of Oshawa ond District Real Estate Board. RIGHT DOWNTOWN APART, SITES 6-8 or 10 suite sites avall- able now at Elgin Court, All services paid for by sub-divid- er. For more information cgll Mr, Siblock, RA 5-6544 or RA 5-4362. JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD Realtor LTD. Insurance 167 SIMCOE S. 5-2977. FOUR - room clapboard bungalow, bathroom and sunporch, ofl heated. Large basement, garage, approx. 2% acres of land. $2500 down. 1357 Ritson . N. Call RA 5-2584 J, St. Thomas, PRIVATE sale -- five-room brick bun. galow with basement apartment. alum. inum storms and screens, close to schools and bus, $2,700 down, or near- est cash offer. Full price, $13,500. RA 3-980) after 6. FOUR-ROOM house with bath, insulatel gas furnace, hot water heating, large lot. Elgin Street, B ille. Must 54 OL sedan, custom radio, new tires, ny inside and out, $445. Seaway Motors. MO 8-3331. ASPIALT equipment, 1956 GMC three ton dump truck, one-ton roller and trailer. Reasonable, RA 3-4736 after 7 p.m. 51 CHEVROLET sedan delivers. Ask- ing $150; '52 Ford, A-1 condition. Ask- ing $250. 214 Park Road North, sion, new tutone paint, A1 mechanical. ly, excellent Sires, $450. Seaway Mo- tors. MO 8-3331 mC CHEVROLET Impala, two-door two-door hard-top, six-cylinder automatic. Tele phone RA £-3315. '53 CHEVROLET, rare model, coupe deluxe, second car, top shape, extra wheels, $275. MO 8.4576. -- be sold to clear estate. MArket +5881 or RA 3-3229, QUICK way to better tenants "for rent" ads in The Oshawa Times Classified section, Dial RA 3-3492 now, SCUGOG LAKE Six-room, full winterized cot- tage, high basement, oil heating, plumbing, big lot, near lake, close to school, church, 16 miles from Osh refrigerator. 68 Wayne Street. RA 5-393 all Street. conveniences. Apply 8592 duty wiring. 426 Cromwell Avenue or 164 Grenfell bedroom apartment, apartment, three rooms and bath, newly decorated, WE APPRECIATE THE VALUE OF A SATISFIED CUSTOMER If you are planning to build or buy a new home, consult us. We specialize in custom built homes and have some good East End and North End locations. JAMES O'MALLEY RA 3-7122 awa. Full price $6,000. Terms. Call YUkon 5-2482 or YUkon 5-7767. FOR REAL ESTATE SATISFACTION KEN HANN REPRESENTING D. W. WILSON REALTOR Bus. . .« RA 5.6588 Res. ....iv.., RA 3-7963 FOR REAL ESTATE DON S. SMITH Mgr., Vickery Real Estate COMPARE OUR VALUES BEFORE YOU BUY ! Business ..... RA 8-5228 PRIVATE '50 Ford station wagon, ex- cellent condition, power steering, power brakes, automatic, radio, 27,000 miles. MO 8-3006 after 6 p.m, '55 DODGE Regent, Soach, apple green sharp interior and finish, no rust. Ex. cellent rus $395. King West, Motors. Opposite Shopping Centre. '5? OLDSMOBILE automatic, on dition, reasonable, Apply 250 iB Blvd, South, Phone RA 8-3477 after 4 p.m. BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN '53 FORD sedan, automatic transmis.| 50 CARS WANTED Buying a New Cor? Sell your used Cor 3 "Ted" Tolk "Cash" to New Cor Dealer and SAVES, TED CAMPIN MOTORS RA 3-4494, Res. RA 5-5574 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S, RA 3-9421 CAR AUCTION EVERY WEDNESDAY, 6:30 P.M. BUY OR SELL--EASY TERMS Cars to be sold must be en- tered before 4 p.m. doy of sale. A few reserved bids-- Others will be sold to highest bidders. Good selection of used cars including 1961 models, 25 GRENFELL ST----RA 8-5179 OR $4.95 per gallon, by amin at Edgar's Paint a King West or Moorgard Latex house. paint that resists peeling and moisture problems. EIGHT-INCH bench saw, tilt arbor, 1% motor, $45. Telephone BA 8:3865. . |bp SUPRA electric guitar, new new condition, Sompole 1 with amplifier and case, $150, pk $39.95. Tenst, boats, motors and trailers, new and used. Dominion Tire (tore, Bond Street West. RA FISHERMAN'S mesial, car top we. wood boat, 3% hp Johnson, oars, care Fer, or cash only, $157. Telephone jot parts and repairs for all .nakes of wringer type washers, % hp motors $5 to $8 guaranteed reconditioned wash. Paddy's Market, Hampton, CO 3.2241. VACUUM, ¢ cleaner repairs, all makes, feed 'rebuilt machines. Estimates free. Serve Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair ice. RA 8.0581 anytim T.V. TOWERS $55 40-ft, structure with alle channel antenna, all galvane ized, guaranteed 1 year. TRIO TELEVISION, 171 Bond St. Eost, RA 8-6781. VOLVO PENTA 31--Automobile Repairs HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR TUNE - UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS. 67 KING ST. W. RA 3.7822 ENGINES LARSON COMBOARD BOATS For demonstration-- MARINE STORAGE AND SUPPLY LTD. Brooklin, Ont. OL 5.3641 MOTORS 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA (Just Eost of Wilson Road) RA 3-4494 Res. RA 5.5574 NAGY MOTOR SALES MERCEDES - BENZ - DKW Sales ond service. Showroom open until 9 p.m. ot 408 KING ST. WEST RA 3-7132 Trade your boat on a car-- New or Used SMITH'S SPORTS 32 Articles for Sale ORIENTAL design rugs, various sizes and colors. Telephone RA 5-8505. TELEVISION, used, $39.95 wu p. Easy Budget Terms. B. F. Goodrich Stores, King Street West. Telephone RA pro for sale, used. Sirs, 317; boy's, $13, 767 Beaupre Avenue, 2% HP garden tractor, like new. Power lawn mower and Ariens jet tiller. Ap- ply Ferguson Service Station, three miles east of Taunton. SOAP. FREE Complete supply of soap free for three full years, Bars, powders, flakes for your whole family. Simply order TOP PRICES paid for good Used Furniture and Appliances. Always a good selection on hand at reasonable prices. Call us for Wosher and Radio rag "pairs. SUPERIOR APPLIANCE SERVICE RA 8-4873 RA 8-4879 PRIVATE coe Street North, complete with stove and refrigerator. Phone RA 5.6343. § am, to 5 p.m, FURNISHED apartment and single housekeeping room, private entrance, Note Our New Location, Where We Buy == Sell == Trade ond Repair. one of our most efficient water softeners. No down payment, units $215 or $269 full price installed in your home. SUPERTEST North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. RA 8-5912 WHITBY CLASSIFIED geniral, parking. Reasonable, 96 Centre FOR RENT --New ree-bedroo) ranch style house with ls living [17" room, kitchen and bath. All modern m|ONE vacuum cleaner latest model, also , Teleph MO 8-5176. Telephone MO 8-5645. FOR RENT -- $60 monthly, 3 and 4 LANDSCAPING service, will do garden roto-tilling, clean up fobs 2 and lawn cut. ting. Telephone MO 8- LARGE housekeeping room, frig, sin. gle beds, private bathroom, for one or two gentlemen. Apply 219 Ritson Roal South. THREE . room apartment, with bath, Eid Tita 295 Arthur Street. Available A 52935 or RA room agartments, balcony. area, newly decorated, laundry facill- ties. Parking, close to schools, chil. dren's playground. Apply 300 High St. FOR RENT -- Three.-room apartment electric stove and refrigerator. 233 Pal- ace Street, Whitby, Phone RA 3-4 Oshawa, FOUR-ROOM apartment for rent, cen- tral location, spacious yard. lights, water, $65 per month. MO 8-4494 after 5. SBIX-ROOM modern bungalow, near choos, immediate ign] Apply 09 Rosedale Drive. MO 8-84 DEEMAKING reasonable. MO 8.5244 mornings t before 12. FOR RENT--Luxu Jn. and two-bed- room apartments, up. Apply 708 Dunlop § Street West. Mo 8-4174. FOR SALE -- one jacket heater, one oil barrel with taps, one kitchen sink. Apply 712 Dundas West, Whitby. FOR RENT -- Self-contained newly decorated four-room apartment. Tele. phone MO 8-2786. SEPTIC tanks cleaned the way, new tanks Installed. Walter a 204 Chestnut West. Phone MO 8.256%." STUDENTS! A super value, approxi- mately 630 sheets of letter size typing paper (news print) for only $1.00. Ap- ply Oshawa Times Office, Whitby, 1111 Dundas Street West. COLD WAVE SPECIAL FROM $7.00 Includes style cut, shampoo ond set. Lost chance before we open our fabulous uptown salon. "Coiffures by Ken" MO 24 Phone Call GRAVEL - LOAM Cement Gravel Driveway Gravel and Fill. Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon. ERIC C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 "| FOR rent one and two-be FOR RENT -- Small cottage, also one large furn room with small kit chenette. Apply 840 Dundas Street East. FOR RENT large three room apart. ment, builtin cupboards, heavy duty wiring, private bath. MO 8-486: yor SALE -- Piano and bench, mod- , $280, Also refrigerator, new conli- tion, $75. Telephone MO 8-8003. MEN wanted days or evenings for part time employment, Apply 106 Brock Street Scuth. FOR SALE--Low down payment, easy terms, six-room brick home, finished basement, many extras. Must see to appreciate, 714 Dunlop Street West, FOR RENT -- self-contained two-room apartment, heated, centrally located, one Available immediately. Apply Art's Clothing Store, 125 Brock Street South, Whitby. FOR RENT -- 860 monthly, 3 and 4 room apartments, balcony. Residential area, newly decorated, laundry facil ities. Parking, close to schools, chil. dren's playground. Apply 300, High *| Street. FOR RENT -- Four-room apartment, with private bath, business couple pre- ferred. Located north of Whitby, For - more information, telephone OL L_§-3070. dre apart: THREE-ROOM fully furnished bazement lor, 553 Howard Street, side door. sink, Supboards, stove, private, close to Hy 0042. TWO-BEDROOM ap apartment, large rooms, stove and refrigerator, laundry facilities, close to north GM and shop. ping, | $80 monthly. RA 8-2554. apartment, private entrance, close to Duplate, Suitable for couple or bache- 26--Rooms for Rent THREE unfurnished rooms, separate entrance, quite central, reasonable rent. Apply 77 Geen Street or Tele: phone RA 5-5898. FURNISHED s Sige room, suitable for Whitby Estates 8 Models to Choose From DOWN PAYMENT AS LOW AS $600 TO ONE MORTGAGE CARRIES FOR $70 MONTHLY. (No secondary Financing) LOCATION: -- Approximately 5 blocks East of Whitby Four Corners, Then South off Dundas Street. Model Open 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Daily SALE Executive type bungalow, Central Pork Blvd. = ond Humewood Ave, Living room dining room, Hollywood kit chen, patio, landscaping, N.H.A. finance. Property open for viewing Saturday pm. to 7 pm, or RA 5-8312 for details, SACRIFICE SALE! $2,750 is the unbelievably low full price for these regis- tered lots, fully serviced, gentleman only, located at 41 Oshawa Bculevard North. Phone for appoint. ment RA 8.1239. ROOMS for rent in quiet home, close to downtown, suit refined ladies. RA 8-0863 after 5 p.m. LARGE housekeeping room, private en- trance, main floor. Telephone RA 8-5253. 218 Celina Street. FURNISHED single bedroom in pri- vate home, near King end Ritson road, parking available, continuous hot water, abstainers only. RA 5-1365 or 31 Rowe Street. a BEDSITTING room, for one or two, ments, $80, $00 and $100 in oer building, stoves, frig's. MO 8-3591. ROTO tilling, lawns and gardens, rea- sonable rates, experienced. MO 8-3870 EXPERT roto-tilling for gardens and lawns. Don't call unless you want the best. Call Dick, » MO 82614. 51 Nassau pia TWO furnished rooms, kitchen, '{eupboards and sink, all conveniences. Apply 887 Ritson 8. 24 COLBORNE St. W. Large furnished bedroom, also small room, use of centre. Apply bedroom and with refrigerator, built - in BC SERVICES. C service for small businesses, weekly, kitchen preferred. RA 3-4935. monthly or as desired. Statements pre- pared, income tax returns, MO 8-8252. FOR SALE -- 1955 Buick co convertible, LARGE furnished bed- -sitting_room, use of washer ind dryer, close to hospital. A 8-5507. T and 1958 Edsel hardtop, excellent con. dition, MO 8-5740 or MO 8-4981. H( USE for rent, two bedrooms, living Jving LARGE housekeeping room, private en. nes aa floor, 218 Celina. Telephone A You are invited to see the 1961 Coldell Homes designed for Grace & Space and so conveniently located in -- BRAEMOR GARDENS Stephenson's Rd. N., and Annapolis Avenue 01 room, and use of kitchen, couple and ome child. Telephone MO 8-2655 'Whitby. BOATING AND CAMPING EQUIPMENT FOR RENT Tents, all sizes, $7 - $15 per week. Sleeping Bags, Coolers, lane terns, stoves, $2 weekly. FUSNISHED bedroom, In clean, quiet, adult meals if desired. RA 5-3879 home. Central, Sreakiagt or SUPERMARKET IN YOUR HOME. $16.95 per week assures ao family of 4 Good Living. This includes 17 cu- bic foot Freezer by ROY, CSA. og Plus 3 months' food pply by i TWO rooms for rent, TV, outlet, $40 per mon 5 pm. ROOMS for rent, or room and board. Apply ! CLEAN furnished room with Kitchen, | Telephone RA 3 th. Telephone RA 8-5711 after ly 573 Olive Avence or RA 3-3589. in quiet home, central, suit gentleman. 9225. SCHNEIDERS' Phy $20 bone us cheque from Hydro Elec- tric. Live modern, call: ECONOMART, MO 8.5381. FURNISHED room with breakfast, bus. iness man RA 5-1882 for art re particulars. on Beverley Street, bus stop at ying RA 8-6890 for more information. preferred, abstainer, Call UR No obligation, No down pay- ment. Cabin Trailers, sleep 5 ond 6, $40 ond $45 per week. Qutboard Motors, all sizes, $15 and up. Boat, 5 h.p. motor ond trailer, $35 per week. 14' Runabout, 25 electri¢ ond trailer, $85 weekly. Canoes and Cortop Boats, $15 per week, We also rent, repair and sell Jewnmewers, garden tillers, power too "WILDE RENTAL Service and Sales 1415 Dundos East, Whitby MO 8-3226 SPECIAL 10% DISCOUNT ! On all trees and shrubs, ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home, 82 PARK ROAD N. Call between S and 7 p.m. RA 8-8671 hedge plants. This week! PICKERING NURSERIES On Hwy. 2, 1 mile west of Dunbarton Phone TEmple 9-2111 MODERN ROOMS CADILLAC HOTEL LTD. Seca WesKLY RATES. nquire a 394 SIMCOE ST. S. Phone RA 5-3743 SAVE | $300 $600 on fully serviced LOTS sanitary sewers, water, roads, sidewalks in and paid for. 42 of these single family lots available now for immediate building, choice of any or all. Located in Whitby's exclu- sive west side just north of 401, convenient to every= thing. These are the remain- ing lots of the popular 200 homes Westview Heights Subdivision already built. All lots N.H.A. approved. Regis- ered Plan M-4, Call owners, HU. 7-3643 FOR SALE 6-room Modern Brick Bune galow with garage attached. All conveniences. Located in north-west part of Oshawa. $3,000.00 down with balance on easy terms. $70.00 per month cdrries existing mort gag. Will accept late model car or half-ton Pick-Up as Open evenings or weekends CAR INSURANCE Careful drivers are preferred drivers and enjoy a saving of $10, $15 or $25 or better than 209% on their car ine surance. Haolf-year pay , Ask for guaranteed 30 day: free trial and home demonstration. 0.5.C. WATER CONDITIONING RA 8-4091 Call us today and compare-- ample free parking HOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. 360 KING ST, WEST -2265 WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON RD, EAST Your AUSTIN : Dealer RA 5-0331 DUMP TRUCK FOR SALE 1954, F700, 158" wheel- base. 1956 valve in head motor. Reconditioned 22,000 miles ago, New 900X20 tires and brakes. Brantford 10-ton arm hoist and steel box, Looks good and works every day with 26,000 Ib. 1961 license. Ex- tension sides available. See McLaren, Orono, Phone 14816. Financing can be 140 SIMCOE S. SPECIALS PRINTS -- 3 yds. $1.00 DRAPES, made to order. Modern design, reasonable rates. We also carry a com- plete line of other fabrics at real savings. RA 3-7827 M & G DRY GOODS 74 CELINA ST. Complete Sule of Aluminum Products : Storm Doors, Windows, Prime Windows. Fine quality, very low prices. We also carry Canada's finest Awning, Porch Railing, very reason- able price. CALL: ALEX VAJDA RA 3-9851 arranged. We have a good assortment of Used Cars. 55 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE Fully powered, magic eye, tinted glass. Excellent con- dition, two-tone. $1095, Phone RA 5-4513 or RA 3-9990 VOLVO Most dependable. The ledder on the road ond track. JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE FINA SERVICE 449 Ritson S. RA 8-0921 partial down payment, Apply 50 Garrard Rd., between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. $1000 DOWN Six rooms, 'brick, in north section, detached garage, paved drive. Aluminum win- dows, broadloom, well land scaped, close to bus, shop- ping, public and separate schools, Priva RA 8-4313--RA 5.2911 in exclusive Rossland Manor 60 foot lots -- $55.00 a foot -- Save $300 Wooded Los -- $60.00 a foot -- Save $600 2 Lots Braemor Gardens--$50 a foot Save $500 Limited number left -- for information call: RALPH S. JONES - RA 8-6246 $2,000 DOWN buys this spacious, six-room brick home, immaculate throughout with lovely, fin- ished recreation room and bar, paved drive, garage, ond fully landscaped fenced lot, loaded with extras, Cail Lloyd Corson or Ken Hann 'anytime. RA 5-6588. XXXXXXXy WHO ELSE WANTS A NEW CAR! BUY IT NOW WITH A LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED i XX XXX E% Rs SINE xt § xxx Exxk WILSON Realtor OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA SELL-OUT SALE DUE TO AN IMPENDING RE-ORGANIZATION OF . THE COMPANY. ED. WILSON FURNITURE CO. SELLS OUT ENTIRE STOCK MUST BE CLEARED TO THE BARE WALLS THIS IS A "MUST" SACRIFICE SALE! REDUCTIONS BELOW COST PRICE ! Coffee and Step Tables--Ar« borite tops, heat and stain re- sistant. Reg. 14.95, Our Sell-Out Special .... $6.66 Arborite Top Desks -- Draw= er and shelf, tapered legs, brass ferrules. Reg. 29.95. Sell-Out $16 Triple Dresser Bedroom Suite -- This 9-drawer dresser with tilt-back mirror, has a huge chest of drawers and book- case bed to go with it. lovely brown-tone finish, Reg. $239. Store Sample. Sell-Out $148, Save ! Save ! Save !--Spring- Filled Mattresses -- Less than Va price. While they last Sell-Out from $9.88 WILSON FURNITURE 20 CHURCH ST. RA 3-3211 SACRIFICE SALE: - CONTENTS OF 5-ROOM HOUSE Chesterfields, continental beds, smooth-top mattresses, dressers with mirror, chest of drawers, Mr. & Mrs, dresser, 9 drawers; washing machine, , hall mirror, plate, 36-48, and runner, Desk, bookcase, cab- inet, tables, and many in- cidentals. All first quality brand name. Will sell in one lot for op- prosimately Va of cost price. For Appointment Call VALLEY CREEK FURNITURE RA 8-4401 ANOTHER SENSATIONAL PRE-SEASON COTTAGE SPECIAL BY COLONIAL SAVE 15% 30° x 20' -- 3 bedrooms, kitchen, large living ond bathroom. Limited time only. Regular price erected $1,579. Now only $1,350. $135 DOWN $44 PER MONTH SAVE $229 Bonus window screens and free screen doors. Small deposit will guarantee erection, when required, this season. LONG SAULT CONSTRUCTION CORP. LTD. OPEN 9 AM. TO 9 PM. 134 SIMCOE S., RA 8-4614 (Continued on Pagp 18)