AT CAMP SAMAC Church Parade Plans Are Set Some 2500 Boy Scouts, Girl Guiacs, Wolf Cubs and Brownies '\are expected to be in full uni- *|form, at Camp Samac, Sunday, June 4, to participate in the Osh- awa District Boy Scout Coun-|The Guides will form, up at the cil's annual church parade. east end of Bagel street is at- The wi ve off at/tend service in Simcoe Street '9:15 ® pavade Wil mw the mar-/ United Chureh and the Roman / |shalling area on Eastwood road,| Catholics will attend mass at ||the - road running east from|St. Gregory The Great Roman '|Simcoe street, one block north|Catholic Church. Sy of Camp Samac. | Assistant District Commission- From the marshalling area,' Robert L. Johnson will serve {|the parade will move west to|2® parade marshal for the | |Simcoe street, south to the Camp Scouts and me Jean asks] i|Samac main gate, then east wil Bet bs parade marshal for nan ihe The O'Neill Collegiate and Vo- : cational Institute Brass Band |TO TAKE SALUTE which is comprised in part by | At the totem poles, Stanley Scouts and Guides will play for |E. Lovell, president of the Osh-|the open air service. Bands {awa Scout Council and Mrs. D.|which will lead the parade in- {R. Gunn, acting division com-|clude the Bowmanville Boys' |missioner of the Oshawa Girl{Training School Band, Red Ma- Guides, will take the salute. rines Trumpet Band, General | A drumhead service will be Motors Pipe Band, the Sons of {held in the Camp Samac chapel Ulster Band, Whitby Brass Band, | {grounds and will be conducted|Caledonian Pipe Band, Oshawa {by Scout District Chaplain Ven.|Sea Cadet Band and the Whitby |Archdeacon H. D. Cleverdon, Army Cadet Band. rector of Christ Memorial Ang: RDER OF PARADE lican Church. | d ¢ ae is as tol Rev. Dr George Tor, mind, Th Ider JL PO F110 ister of St. Andrew's United}, J the parade marshall and the| SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHERS LEARN ABOUT INDUSTRY er at the protestant service and| Brownie Packs, Guide Comp-| As part of the Oshawa | Oshawa secondary school | operation were explained by | committee, discussing the fin- dhe Oshawa Sines PAGE NINE SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1961 not permit the use of Camp Samac for the parade, the Boy Scouts will form up on Bagot street and march to a service at St. George's Anglican Church. 'BLOOD DONOR GIVES 50TH CONTRIBUTION day was by no means the first time Mr. Parmenter has given blood -- it marked his 50th donation: He started giving blood in the war years around 1941. bottles of blood were turned | over to the Red Cross blood bank, 47 bottles less than the June objective. One donor who was not bothered by wea- ther, Douglas Parmenter, 300 The Oshawa Red Cross So- ciety's June blood donor clin- ic fell short of its 400-bottle objective Thursday. Clinic Chairman Robert Stroud said today that inclement weath- | er was mainly responsible | Albert street, is shown hav- | for the shortage of donors. | ing his blood typed before his Bi. Rev. Monsignor Paul M. anies and Ranger Crews will fall| Chamber of Commerce's parti- | teachers to the Houdaille In- | 10 company employees. Seen | j Three hundred and fifty-three | contribution was given. Thurs- pany ploy ish on a Pontiac bumper with Dwyer will celebrate a mass for in behind the district council cipation in Education Week, | dustries Limited plant to ac- | here, from left, are Glenn R. Bishop and C. Jenssen 3 . s he Roma atholics on par n C n parade ff President William Hart and | quaint themselves with the | Metcalf, factory manager, and two of the teachers. and their friends. y i . | Cub Packs, Scout Troops and Roman Usthelie, Scouts ad rer Crews will be behind the| General Manager Douglas | plant work and operation. | William Rutherford, chair- Fisher accompanied eight | Various phases of the plant ' man of the union bargaining --Oshawa Times Photo. the Shebandowan, The Protest, Guides and the deputy parade Rous tabs Members Return Smith ervice yvor * Local 222 President |ants on parade will attend divine AIT those who will be partici Is Cited By RAE HOPKINS Incumbent First Vice-Presi- service in Beaver Meadow. pating in the parade will be in- "The - Round Table Service h Times Labor Reporter dent Jack Meagher, another k Council Ac ui e As 1 ; dq 1I {ALTERNATE PLAN formed at 12 noon Sunday and * > In the event of inclement;1 p.m. by CKLB radio if the Organization in Nairobi feeds an : fish to 10.000 native children] Malcolm Smith, the 56-year-| Unity Group member and a Oshawa Couple Explore London By M. McINTYRE HOOD Special London, England Correspondent to The Oshawa Times LONDON -- This has been one the CRA activities. However, it was pointed out by Wendell Brewster, CRA director, that the life expectancy of the pres- ent CRA building is about five years. He said the CRA facili- ties are not designed primarily for youth but also for adult and young people's groups.| Some 60 such groups now use| | the building and some are being turned away due to lack of ac- commodation. weather, the annual church pa-|alternate plan to hold the parade rade will be held in downtown|in downtown Oshawa will be Oshawa. If the weather does|used, due to inclement weather. | Oshawa City Council, at its Recreation Association It meeting next Monday night, willlwould include an ice arena be requested to acquire 35 with facilities for public skat- acres of land which is required|ing, an indoodr swimming pool, for the erection of a proposed auditorium, club and dressing arena and community centre. rooms as well as a baseball Council will be requested to ac- diamond, football field with a quire an option on the property quarter mile track and park-| if money is not available toling facilities. buy the land outright. This was the decision Thurs- day night of the executive com- ber of the Pilkey Democratie Group, tallied 3703 votes, the highest poll in any of the four top administrative post votes counted to date. Unity Group Candidate Tom- my Green, the man who failed to unseat McNeil two years ago, polled 2188 and indepen- dent, John M. Black, the third man to make a bid for the sec- retary-tréasurer's office collect. ed 598 votes. Ballots for the four top posi- tions totalled 6891. In the presi. dential election, the election committee under the chairman. ship of Tony Freeman and its workers found 105 blank and 25 every Friday. Members of the|0ld president of Local 222 charter member of the local |code. The employers would put Round Table Organization in/UAW-CLC and leader of the was forced into a run-off elec- {forward their viewpoint, with Singapore mix freely with dis- local's Right Wing Unity Group, tion for his office with former {the government representatives| charged lepers in the area./has again proven his political Left Wing First Vice-President taking, very largely, a middle Round Table members in Pre.|Popularity by defeating three William Rutherford, also a of the road course. toria record bedtime stories to Sppoperiets for aloe? IWo.vear carer member of the local. The project executive was . avs ®| Much of the time. he said was be played to spastic children", |term in his presidential office.| joe McCloskey, the Pilkey also told that there has been oF those Jere Save Ny ual ou wasted, because when it Nas said Walter Bellair, National] 1h¢ Scottish-born 5 Smith, .Aislate candidate for the first much pressure from neighbor-| shaw i ei not possible to reach a c |World Council chairman of the Member of Local 222 since its|yice - president's office, tallied pressur 8h Oshawa friends. On their way not pt a compro | ; |formation in 1937, ousted his|i593 Ln lit th hood associations for additional| pack from the International La-|mise on any point, a recess of | Association of Kinsmen Clubs, | 1 or net ' CI Pilkey 1523, sufficient to split the vote ice accommodation as the pres-|por Conference in Geneva, Swit-|30 to 45 minutes would be called|2! the Oshawa Kinsmen Club, nq "00 self-styled Demo:|p' the threeway race and cause ent Children's Arena is not|,eriand. Mr. and Mrs. Frank N.|for separate discussions. {meeting at Hotel Genoshal Ct. Right Wing. Group, in Ls run-off. : : SDK bo fake Tare of all the do McCallum are spending a few| It was, however, enlightening| "yar Cay meht. idely travell.| two-way race, for the top chair| Messer, led te, ask ee mands being made upon it. € days in London and the south of to note the differing viewpoints ye aI; 8 WIOGlY rave presidential poll with a yO inti : : in the local two years ago. Pil-| p associations now represent some! i | : ed representative with the 1" : ; <n 2608 and Rutherford collected England, and today we had them of the delegates from different|woriq Council of Young Mens' key held the presidential office| 59,7 J toc "No date has yet been The request to council is being | made as the executive feels the| mittee which for the past two securing of the land is the next years has been delving into StP toward the commence: the erection of the project fol- ment of the project, It is possi lowing the setting up of a citi- ble that the scheme will be zens' committee by former proceeded with by units with | Ma or Lyman A Gifford. the arena the first to get under i land is located east of Way. It was felt that no other Stevenson's road, south of Gibbs Suitable property of the re. street and north of the CPR. As quired size exists within the now envisioned the project boundaries of the corporation. would take care of the continu- Plans for the project, as first| ing needs of the Community envisioned, did not provide for!5000 families. Trailer Trips In Europe Described "Travel Trailers and Trailer Travelling" was the theme of an illustrated address presented to members of the newly-formed Oshawa Travel Trailer Club by SL F. G. Winters at his home in Toronto Wednesday evening. Twenty-four members from Osh- awa, Whitby, Peterborough and Agincourt attended the highly interesting and educational get- together. An American trailer, owned by SL Winters, along with an English and German trailer, the tured the highlights and amus- ing happenings which are a part of visits to-other lands. It was noted with interest that |cities, towns and villages wel comed campers by making available public parks and other suitable sites. This expres- sion of hospitality is returned by the campers in the form of camp cleanliness and the in- crease in business enjoyed by the municipality concerned In addition to his detailed ad- dress, SL Winters arranged properties of WC V. C, H. Stuart throughout his home' magazines, and FL D. Griffith respectively, were made available for inspec- tion by club members. The three vehicles differed consid- erably in construction and the visitors expressed their amaze- ment at the alterations and innovations that had been built into the interiors to make them more comfortable. Convenience appliances and gadgets ran the gamut from propane gas refrigerators, foot- operated water pumps, toilets, built-in bunk beds, propane heaters and lights, etc. All trailers were equipped with electric brakes and breakaway switches which automatically set the brakes in case the car becomes detached from the towing vehicle. TRIPS DESCRIBED Following the tours through the trailers, SL. Winters describ- ed trips through Europe which he and his family made in 1957- 58-59. He outlined the routes taken on an illustrated map, which clearly depicted the road travelled and the stops they made, and followed the descrip- tion of each year's travels with 16 mm. color movie film which beautifully and graphically pic- Speaker To Tell Ot Lily Culture The monthly meeting of the Oshawa Horticultural - Society will be held in the E. A. Lovell School, Centre Street, Monday evening, June 5. The guest speaker comes highly recommended as an au- thority on lilies in the person of Mrs. E. F. Flegg, of Islington At the meeting there will also be a plant sale which is espe- cially for the benefit of the members of the Society These monthly meetings are open to friends and non-mem- bers who are interested in horti- culture. PLANT TREES About 500,000 young mostly pine, were planted last ar on the bare hills surround- sng Athens, Greece. tree brochures, maps, photographs and scrapbooks, which all held the interest and whetted the wanderlust appetites of those in attendance. The evening closed with lunch and refreshments and a general discussion period in which the three Royal Canadian Air Force officers were deluged with ques- tions on all aspects of trailer travelling In the absence of the club president, Bill Kent, the thanks and appreciation of the group was extended to SL Winters by Vice-President Norm Cook. MEMBERS PRESENT Club members in attendance included Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johnstone, Mr. and Mrs. Jack White, Mrs. Ron Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Norm Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ball, Mrs. Bill Kent, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Der- vent, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce MacFarlane, Mr, and Mrs. Bill Burns, all of Oshawa; Mr, Ted Chapman of Peterborough; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lavallee of Agin- court, Mrs. R. J. McEwen, and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Beadle of Whitby SL Winters has been posted to Calgary. Alberta, and will be leaving with his family, on June 17, travelling by trailer, The Oshawa Travel Trailer Club wish him well in his new loca- tion and many happy days of trailering in years to come. CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi- dents of Oshawa and dis- trict who are celebrating their birthdays today : Lorne Marshall, 221 Thom- as street; Mrs. Lillian Angi, 766 Philip Murray Ave.; John Curran, 120 Conant St.; Joseph Burke, 316 Leslie street; Jimmie Shetler, 159 Guelph street;; Betty Blas- ko, 501 Howard street, and Wanda Halcomb, 585 Wilson road north Phone RA 3-3474. =] sundry collections, $1419.75. _|as guests for luncheon at the countries, and to note that what 3 re viuh _|from 1957 to 1959. | |Presscal Club on Fleet street,[some countries wanted was service jo i oe J wn Earlier this week, when the(Set for the Meagher-Rutherford land spent a happy afternoonitirely unacceptable to others. |ihe Kinsmen movement in other ballots were tabulated for the 12 . with them exploring some of This made the conference aniparts of the world, are doing| Sats to be filled on the Gen- TAYLOR WINS Lacrosse Gets Time At Arena Children's spoiled ballots. 392 BLANK BALLOTS In the boxes for the first vice-president's ballots, the com- mittee found 392 blank ballots and 20 spoiled ballots. There were 524 blank ballots and 61 spoiled ballots in the second vice-president election and 368 blank and 28 spoiled ballots in the secretary-treasurer's ballot boxes. Counting the remainder of the executive position ballots is cone tinuing today and the election committee will be working well into next week to complete counting of the standing com- mittee vote. The four-man election com- mittee certainly has been and is doing a king-sized job. This year, 70 per cent of the eligible voters turned out to cast their ballots. Local 222, incidentally, is the largest local union in the Canadian automotive industry and has a membership of ap- proximately 12,000. weekend. The Oshawa Skating Club will have morning ice time during this year's Christmas holidays. Collections Of | Customs Down Collection of taxes and duties during May at the Oshawa Cus- toms Office were slightly lower than in April of this year, it was stated today. A total of $1,056,487.73 was collected in May. Collections in April amounted to $1,075,883.10. The breakdown of the May collections follow import duty,|tic and also the uses of polyure-|London and the south of Eng-|When $882,368.19; total sales tax $154,./thane, each separate phase of|land, and it was a real delight 639.71; total excise tax, $17,612.-/the display had a special im-|for my wife and I to have been 58; total excise duty, $447.50 and pact for. allsof the Kiwanians|able to spend some time with {and their guests. {them while they were here, ing some of the walls. a made at the same time that "very few branches would be Mr. and Mrs. McCallum have amalgamated." ity of pyroceram or foam plas- heen thrilled by their visit to| The bank official that| the interesting places of this|ideal forum for discussion of to boost a spirit of co-opera-|cral Motors Unit of Local 222.1 ppoeratic Group candidate : | | es X : votes to give him an over-all ference in Geneva as a repre-|tunity of attending. | Mr. Bellair was introduced to the District Council election. | it an interesting, but at times,| On coming to England, Mr.|/for the cosmopolitan decor for|3497 votes as against 2895 bal- ie. C Thursday night to allow la gates of management, 180 dele- Hotel on London's Park Lane, other lands. Even the meal took|liam T. Werry, a former mem- ning, independent Cass Lesnick, nights without charge. Former-|ternational Labor Office. an enjoyable visit to Cornwall,| The speaker, employed by pendent Edward Elliott, an 11-/a run-off in this race. p.m. on Mondays. To a large extent, Mr.McCal-| tion to WCYMSC, deputy - gov-| Smith's 3497 tally gave him retary-treasurer and "one of the 2 of Zone 8 of the Kinsmen or-|When there are more than two ciation (novice, peewee and tween employers ahd lahor uni- ing. vig i : McCalkm's mother. One thing le went on to praise' work|the Local 222 constitution pro-|Plenty of union political strength : " their demands for concessions level of interest" in the | i i jori yg the public beaches along the|nues of opportunity afforded|ity. By having the over-all ma- majority over two ofbers mak- riod will allow three complete! -- e-- {with no private homes keeping, DS, Arena Mana Of ger is Nazi and Fascist, Round ated by the Ontario Athletic Progress lunch at the Fleet street club their Work is therefore unlawful, Commission members voted Oshawa and Oshawa people. Pere for Wo, Sears J¥itiomt] Discussed { ior (under 2 g at- i ( 1) players, operat aM oh for General Motors Unit of local "Previews of Progress", a affairs of the Prince Philip] Soo er unge saya doesn't permit, read Ald. Hay- amazing YWCA, while Frank was relat-| Most activiti i led at the Commercial Affairs revelations and vision - type|ing to me some of his eXPeTL. ore bora cies Sarvied On hove, |gate Bob Spencer, a member Kurelo, past president of the 'After Tunic Ways to promote the improve-| er lunch, v s thei i : oi imi ch, we acted as their|tralia and Malaya; and Round Steve Nimigon and Don Pow- would operate, he said, on al- awa Kiwanis Club. [street and St. Clement Dane's|ica. discussed. It was noted that jt| runners on the Jist of 38 candi A | : i in s ver-|of Cliff Pilkey's self-styled Dmo- in winter, according to mem.|@ member of the General Mo. floor of this beautiful restored runs glong the main sireet. Cer ¢ Right \ Yi Duo ment and gave his fellow Kiwan. (DY enemy bombs in May, 1941, li Branch officials at the Cana-|matters. the tally was Mr. Kurelo argued he couldn't : ive servi d f th | now famous presentation, "Pre-| Service . squacrons 0 e makes you or breaks you when of 1,937. Nimigon dropped eight was alone in opposition i 5 ence, via the advanced experi-|treasure house of antiques an Simcoe street south branch of" yo noted that usually, when | . Storie Park Plans ger between the two banks. The|the usual business channels diligent research and i {try to judge the business cli-|this week completed plans for ed as his competent assistant. |trap» Agatha Christie's mystery|closing any of the branches of|erage person casually on the The ceremonies will start with miniature models, the proper-|play "Irma La Douce." They|offices, that the merger was|On these free lance trips can, ade Bingo, ring toss and amazing strength and versatil- Several industrialists were on 8 nounced it was clearly stated] 2:30 p.m. ancient city. labor problems at the world 1ev-|tion. tolerance. understanding SMith showed signs of his union, i ident' : re, : 2 . (for the second vice-president's | Frank McCallum was attend-|el, and Mr. McCallum was ex-|and equality in their own coun.|Stren&th when he led the poll in| 00 "Abe Taylor polled 3326 | | {majority of 367 and overthrow sentative of the Truck Opera- members by Gordon Garri- 237 OVER-ALL MAJORITY Unity Group Incumbent Second Oshawa Arena perplexing experience. At 'theland Mrs. McCallum made their|the evening, comprising posters|lots cast in Pilkey's favor and Lownie captured 2483 votes crosse to be played in the arena/egates from governments of the and went on brief visits to places|an exotic turn -- by local com- ber of the Oshawa Board of Edu-|collected 476 tallies, not suffi- ly, the game was confined to the a i i ;(Norenda Engines Ltd., in|year rank and file member of nd being favored with lovely| [# McNEIL RE-ELECTED ioc Scenery of that most southwest- Fred Williams, head of the lum told me, the proceedings S+ SOUMIWESL-| nor of Zone B, and governor|an over-all majority of 237. 0) lid ig old guard of Local 222", proved s back in Canada. Delegates bantam) asked for the time ex-|°"> back in cana : | i e time ex ssa Bio pe Vi MeCat. | done in other lands by young|vides that to be elected one When he was re-elected to his game. which they wished to have in- ; A them by service-type organiza.|jority, the Unity Group leader|ing a bid for his job. games to be played, according indivi out the public. as individuals. Bill said lacrosse : When Mrs. Hood and I met Table members are defying Commission and are on loan to of which I am a member, we Dut humanitarian. For some ac- to 1 against an exhibition T 1k Th a eme Mrs. McCallum and Mrs. Hood|Penefit of trial. But they carry| ing at the arena next winter, Ki . ; The physical appearance of 222, UAW-CLC, delegates to program of educational stature, |Chapter, IODE and the Osawa armen 19 tarly On lhe fine pi pr the Canadian UAW District ward Murdoch's motion. 4 i Meeting of the Oshawa Cham-| 4 di thinking, as well as providing ences in Geneva. jor President Malcolm Smith's Oshawa Minor Hockey Associa- i tion, left the chair to argue for the program feature at this guides while we visited the Old|Table in Europe, Africa, Asia Clean of store fronts and the ) elu! Oh TR _ _ |will be difficult to beautify the|dates, seeking 12 seats on the ternate Saturday nights follow- Kiwanian Ian McNab, chair- Church, the official church of| [ow sines io | i ing New Year's Day, man of the program committee, [the Royal Air Forces of the Will N i Cl |downtown business section of| council, demanded a recount for bers, home and school {tain recommendations w er e cratic Right Wing Group. S, and school groups s to t 2 directors | pve R had the arena six Saturday i i wh ese| REVISED TOTALS ians an opportunity to see the|they were interested in seeing dian Imperial Bank of Com-| Industrial Commissioner Ken made, shortly after noon Thurs- see any difference between merce said Thursday afternoon |Bath told the gathering that a|day, Spencer had gained four these groups and junior hockey Views of Progress", a truly as- tHe OH : , rster- e Curiosit im- tounding display of the myster riosity Shop, im plans of amalgamating the Sim-| {18 0 J FL inglvotes 1 his fi 3 coe street north branch of the| industrialists consider moving votes, to lessen his first tally Arena Manager Bill Smith , lold pieces i will attend the Arena Managers ments and findings of engineers 9, Pieces of ching, glassware! in the field of electronics, me.|and ornaments, with fine old| ial Bank chanics, physics, etc. prints of London scenes adorn- obi pio a head phi mba A : 0, 5 i in. "Bill" Blight excelled in the| Da Sling 10.3 yew, jocation, they in of e of : | Official Openin Seseribing, 3p Jevman's lang: Mr. and Mrs. McCallum have Merger between the Canadian but they also make what he P g ge, rious results and poen doing much sightseeing and Bank of Commerce and the termed a "free-lance-trip". On| The members of the Storie a and CexXperl-ihad visited Madame Tussaud's| No effect Thursday. ments by modern scientists and wayworks, and had seen "My| According to one of the bank mate of the community inde-|the official park opening which Vividly portrayed, not only in. He wi i~ [the bank " street, or i st ts d i : ray Yiplay now in its ninth year in|the bank in Oshawa as yet. He| » Or In restaurants and in, ,arade- at 4:30 p.m. from the by demonstrations and descrip-|London, and this evening they|Said when announcement was Places of business. 2 ade The fish pond will ties of microwaves; the yet un-|also spent an evening enjoyi di often swing the decision as to| ; ; waves ) |also spe ying| pending, announcement Puli other. booths will open at 6 p.m. explored possibilities of ""ground|the variety performance at the whether business will move to) A pony ride will obey be at the . |free lance visit to Oshawa this| The ladies auxiliary will have said that| pact weekend. a tea room and a sale of home was lth Yor ever : y |called on the people of Oshawa {that for every branch that el boost what they can in Osh-| Another featuge of the pro- ing the International Labor Con-|tremely grateful for the oppor: tries. (that race. Pilkey ran second in| tors' Association. He had found SEEING ENGLAND son. He was also responsible| The Unit Group leader polled| Vice-president James M. Lown- ommission members agreed conference, there were 180 dele- headquarters in the Dorchester|and effects depicting life in|272 votes for independent, Wil-land the third man in the run- from 7 to 10 p.m., Monday countries affiliated with the In-|of interest in the south. They had|Parison. cation and 93 voted for inde-| cient to split the vote and cause 90 minutes between 6 and 7:30 LWKE NEGOTIATIONS weather, enjoyed the rugged Brampton, was, before his elec-|the local. Russ McNeil, i bent y ss McNeil, incumbent sec- Oshawa Minor Lacrosse Asso-|c.c just like negotiations be- Ta sse / visiting an old friend of Mrs. 8anization in Canada. [candidates for any one office,|beyond doubt that he still has 4 2 Si t forward tension, "to : jon the labor side pu one" A maintain a high Nh cares oc men, whom, through the ave. must have an overall major-| office with a 917 vote overall The new three-hour time pe-| jyded in an international labor! th aoa: ; oe south coast open to anyone, and| have improved their lot,|iS elected on the first ballot.! McNeil, a top ranking mem- to Mr. Williams. P : said w "In South Africa today, which Smith R' sticks are don- revie S TALKED OF OSHAWA Mr. and Mrs. McCallum for|Zovernment policy, Much of the. players. 3 were soon engrossed in talk of Hvities, they could De sent 10 hockey league, involving Jun- 3 involving Jun enefiy of Nal, Bit | A recount of 6,141 ballots cast { were earnestly discussing the pea, The arena activity schedule Osh: h hly di that produces. both |work being done in the area,|OShawa was thoroughly discuss =~ "tied to unseat dele Commission Chairman William bi fC Thursd {such as the Apex Clubs in Aus-|Per: of Commerce, Thursday. |Tv . ; : excellent entertainment, was 3 5 n lubs in Aus Unity Right Wing Group. inclusion of the leagys: shin Week's regular meeting of Osh- Curiosity Shop on Portsmouth|New Zealand and South Amer. clean up of back alleys was|less, the 13th and 14th place Although ice time is scarce delved into his own sources, as|Commonwealth. Set into the ih I ER tors Public Relations Depart-|church, which had been gutted L | B h | had te : | 0Ca ranc es {of the Chamber about these ights last winter { When fi i 1961 version of General Motors|the badges of many of the act- > fier [that there are definitely no|800d impression of a city either votes to give him a final count players using the arena. Hell 4 : i i ies and magics of modern sci-|mortalized by Dickens, is Bank of Commerce and the!t® a new location such as Osh-'from 1910 to 1902 and Powless Convention in North Bay this of both banks announced a mer-|yesti ali role of lecturer and explainer| DOING THE SHOWS . Jostigate ie locally Jaroush recent findings of the years of! theatre-going in London. They, Imperial Bank of Canada came|such a trip the industrialist will, Park Neighborhood Association engineers. Alan Herancourt act- (pair Lady", and "The Mouse-| Officials, there are no plans for|pendently by talking to the av-|will be held Wednesday, June 7. tions, but also by the use of|were to see another long-run| made from the two bank bees He said the impression gained |;nen at the conclusion of the effect" transportation: th e|London Palladium. an area or not. He noted that 3 the merger an: The industrial commissioner baking and aprons, starting at close, two new ones would befswa and to set other things gram will be the draw for at- | opened. right. |tendance prizes. CleanUp Of Result Unchanged Back Alleys By Vote Recount | gained seven votes to bring his {total to 1,856 from 1,849. | After the first count, Spencer {edged Nimigon out of the run- |ning by 23 votes. At the end of {the recount, he led the 13th |place runner by 35 votes. Spencer was 86 votes ahead {of Powless before the recount land is now 81 ahead of the 14th {place runner, {VOTING POWER SPLIT | With Spencer still claiming |{the 12th GM Unit seat, the vot- ling power between the Smith land Pilkey groups at district {council remains the same at six leach. Because of the recount, which |took the greater part of Wed- inesday afternoon and all of |Thursday morning, the election {committee has been delayed in |its tabulation of votes cast for leight top executive positions. | The four-man committee led a team of counters fo complete {the recount. Each committee member took charge of a table of counters to meet the Thurs- day demand for a new vote total. REASONS CITED When the Democratic Group |candidates, demanded the re- |count, they requested that it be completed by Thursday in case either was elected. They gave as a reason for wanting an ime mediate recount that if they were elected they wanted to be able to leave Oshawa Thursday in order to arrive in Port Elgin for the opening of the Canadian UAW District Council quarterly {convention today. This convention will be an im. {portant one because the Cana. {dian UAW District Council top executive will be elected.