22--Store Space & Garages|25--Apts. & Flats for Rent|25--Apts. & Fiats for Rent|25--Apts. & Flats for Rent|27--Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale ~~ 27--Real Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Mey 29, 1961 17 FOUR-ROOM apartment, two bedrooms, FOUR-ROOM frame bungalow, ANY five- SIX stores for rent or lease TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, third| FURNISHED apartment single orivate wah a ay V. serial oman [BUYIN G3 Dome? Need money? For Tot 65 % 183, ome Grivey own. {room solid brick Piet ce completely 29 Automobiles for Sale 132--Articles for Sale in New Plaza, Simeoe Street South, Suit any|floor, conveniences, heat, cen- | housekeep! Now, private + entfance, built-in -eupboards, hea duty +Aring.| lke, aiaminm' doors. two business. rent. tral, 60 Telephone| central, pa en GD srry Plsaner, 20s Rimes SHrRet Sou, OF A, a Shur, ED I ote TOE have: Dotes 0. Fado. How NEW and used lawn mowers, tillers, RA 5-634. RA 3-386. La a Pole AR from new vice, $1000 down ay.|5:3827 or RA 3.2196. runner! Going cheap. 15 Sandra and engines. 74 Barrie Avenue. 8-4633. FIVE-ROOM MOD fourroo THREE furnished rooms Tight low with re-imcst MO LOT 100 x 214, Thornton Road North,| West: OFFICE, store, butcher, restaurant North 'clone to. hospital; private (bath, refrigerator, stove, dryer aud w or Mg RL Ereation room, Daved drive; good lacs. a New, used, buy, sell, trade OFFICE SPACE bathroom rangs. "Reasonabie|outiet, paved parking. Bow. | nee. JA 6.2105 of RA 8:1504 lion, 'Asking $1600. 114 Tigla' Street, MANDYMAN'S delight, seking §10,00|new subdivision. Phone RA $334. RS A il power equip Pat it. New. used, buys gel, trade trance, rent to adult family of couple. 39141, 3071, large three bedroo ons aa' 319m 183 ACRES) 100 workable, rest wood |g's RA THREE - Rn (large) basement | SOUTH end, thi $18,300 eX 1 ty ~horih end, | asture, Big ior runs Through. FOR RENT APARTMENT -- two bedrooms, living|apartment, private bath and entrance. 306, riers, £5. cnt Rosh BCA buiivin garage, [x targe |Wison' Reaior he brick 'house with conven-|1o57 FORD Fairlane, red nd white Yn room, kitchen and bath, unfurnished,|Ample parking, Aci ted. 2085. full size dining room, fireplace, covered Lor fu sale, 48° x A Sewage and|iences, two drive sheds, tho brooder ha top, V8, automatic, radio, white-|phone OL 5-450. stove if desired, business couple prefer- close to bus. | APARTMENT refrigerator, stove, TV|patio, extra washroom. 5% per cent|wa RA 5-3907. (houses, one garage, i ig A financed. RA 8-5278. Passenger elevator service, Whi Telephone OL|Available June 1. RA 5-1371. ae: rooms, bath, deal {on for Private, RA 83924, Water: Telepions Hx 1% This farm 1s good for beef a. of USED tires, most all sizes, §3 and up, New buildi Cenirolly fo [S5r Jona of Whithy, APARTMEN bachelor teachers or nurses, $65 month: BUILDING lo, Taunton Road. erop. Plenty of water, good gar- 1952 FORD sedan delivery, very B. F, Goodrich Stores, RA 3-4543. Ww ng. entrally -3070. APARTMENT -- four rooms, water, Iv, 335 Povey RA 5.0 VLA VLA approved, half-acre lot, four room ., $2,400, ity rater, ready to, build cosh cash y a es en sated. in downtown . tea, sFEGiAL bachelor apartment in apart. ag or RA 3.3096, 165 3 verdun APARTMENTS one eso at 1389|paved drive i tower. Telephone RA Ls Weinberger JB seis. eventals some apple trees. Al seven bulldings|\BA 88408. _____ __________lorator, good condition. Telephone RA Modergie rent. Leases now [ment building. privale, deal {07 culties Baad. King East and one four room on 174 paved drive, Fg . is A) Smdifivn. Aly ewaer, 3. Hus, 1535 PONTIAC Parisienne, 4 door hard |5 2670. 1300 King East. . " East mode 3 to UM) IE A suisse nm arking. P June 1: BA 34365. SELF . CONTAINED ane - bedroom | C0 - brick Fos ; brick "5% CHEVROLET convertible, reason. ROOM cated, fencer RA 5.1709. ATE IE ee YCIoUN nie a wis ii room, six per cent inter- LEE. yo : fade. Sa at Batter. 3- EO AEVROLET server ii Ni able; also "54 motorcycle, AJF, 250, Exe THE TIMES stove, refx] heating, June 15, $65 monthly. Telephone RA NICELY furnished apartment, three|inum storms and screens, close to|est, $500 down. Phone RA 8-4380. OF Balter La DRA 84651 5 CHEVROLET Sonventilie, ¥ auto-laellent condition. 23653. 4 Maple all conveniences, washer, dryer, TV an-[3-4675. After 6 RA 8-4234. and half rooms, bath, TV, air condi-|schools and bus. $2,700 down, or mear-| rary on™ ee yitra-modern, Gower Realtor Ld. om ner ear, Si as £014. | Street. tenna, $75 RA 5 "ROOM unfurnished apartment,|tioner, soft water, heavy duly stove,est cash offer. Full price, $13,500. RA |p, © 0 "voc bungalow, One mort- i elephone RA Fin ae fter 6 | USED parts and repairs for all makes BUILDING FURNISHED three - room basement near south CM, $60 per month, Apply|built-in gapboards, 3 su parking space.(39800after8, | gage, full price only $12,500, To inspect| THREE BEDROOM HOME 1053 GMC 470 cab and : chassis, new of wringer type washers, 4 hp motors apartment, separate entrance and bath, 269 24 sivas Street, 29 RA 5.3667, SACRIFICE private Gale. hres bed-lca rv, Siblock, RA 5-65¢4 or 5-4362. ONE YEAR OLD motor, good tires. Telephone RA 8 to 88 38 guaranteed reconditioned w wash Contact T. L. WILSON central. Phone RA 3-9800 after 6. ment to Iwo Si SL in apart-(room bungalow, $500 down, or ear.|John A. J. Bolahood Ltd., Realtor. | 51 CHEVROLET sedan, good running|ers pion. G0 Saal, y's GROUND floor, Thres-room _unligraiaD-| sub SE ve a rm Tele. oll nullding, al convenlences, FeLriy. 8-4060. BUILDING lot for sale, 70_ x84 on| Garage, paved drive, fenced condition, $135, or best ol Rotter. ADDIS Hamptos Phone RA 3- 3474 |¢ $65 in.[phone RA 5-6791. orator aNd stave! Jaime en, four Sireet, RA 3-4871.| lot, Living room, 3 bedrooms, ontrav 7. VACUUM cleaner or repairs, Wil makes, vate pling gid dwar, RA 32315. 730(TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, in Ddee Dail Jear Nomy OM, Feasupanin. BUY LEASE wall to woll broadioom = a sole, excellent con. pists, staehments, b nushes, oy Simcoe Street Street South. RA Pay rent, at the same time FOR REAL ESTATE Many extras. Owner moving. |pm ONE- and two-bed 8.0717 for further information, 26--~Rooms for Rent be buyi our own home. ATISFACTION WAREHOUSE avatabie'In modern buiding, love nd FREE 100 in new Home. n pungo) 5 RA 8-2413 on To INTERNATIONAL fuck wi M |private bath, mod : TWO rooms for rent, TV, outlet, $40] Six-room bungalow. All ser- 101 Craydon Road, Whitby. Pa By Poucm Hlichen, lagatry per manth, * Telephone RA 85711 after| vices at your doorstep. For KEN HANN $13,500 $400. se CO 3.207. + vi THREE-ROOM apartment, private en-|THREE . eh furnished apartment, | P= pl information, ecall-- REPRESENTING 60 PONTIAC four white |jce chest, d bath, stove, ref erator. 1v round floor, tral, i I gina Fr ee area gore ¥. NA i and turquoise, standard transmission. |treadle. RA 8- FOR RENT antenna, avaiable June 15. No children. | Sion. Apply 26 Gladstone. Avenue, Apply 573 Olive Avence or RA 33589, wor gas D. W. WILSON REALTOR 29--Automobiles for Sale ind turquoise. Horlop Street, TT GOn Tr ye FOUR- "uve .... RA 5.6588 |['56 FORD ranch wagon, tutone CUSTOM (in the RIT transistor car 125 each 25 coms FOUR-ROOM unfurnished basement | FURNISHED single bedrooms 1 in bi Real Estate Ltd. Bus, rIluM Gn Seem) in ear | Evinrude a ine or BROOKLIN ~ three-room apartment,|apartment, mewly decorated, heavy vate home, mear King . .. RA 3-7963 | Located on C.P.R. [5 monthly, heat, light, hot water in:|auty wiring. Throepiece beth. heated, |road, parking available, continuous hot Res. .. SE tors, Stores, 48 Bond Street West. 113 #ileroft S cluded (North -west corner Baldwin and|private entrance, large fenced yard, i, Aostalners only, RA 5-1365 or 31 LL PRIC or: Sholom . Centre), five minutes to Whitby. ApplY|tlose fo E. A. Lovell School, 365 month. | Rowe FOR REAL ESTATE FOR REAL ESTATE 3 CHEVROLET hardtop, new motor, fe] frig J Choice | efont 1ifout 'vader stip bist, 8 hp mails tracks in Oshawa [ir 3. or Ulster 26055. Ru 54 \ pod front bedroom for gentle- battary, Iss: exhaust, 'signals, Tadio, (trucks), "58 Ford ¥ton pickup. Must| RA EA 5.6936 alter 5, or 255 'Windsor Street, TWO - } on Sim peta private | hath, | man, quiet, adult home, very central, WE DON S S MITH 166 Colle ge Street. be seen ". driven to be appreciated, d CHILD'S combination de coe Street North, complete ith. stove free parking, hot water. RA 3-9577. 209 a A real money maker Willy's ob] : Lg RA Concrete base--~ and refrigerator. Phone RA 5-6343. iate possession. yng fast RA S108 or |Bond East. '31 CHEVROLET, in good runni panel Test offer. Nicol Ltd, and « Cig a O rei phone THREE - ROOM fully furnished base-|RA 3-754 FURNISHED room, 8 per week, gentie-| Myr. Aurelia Kanoza Mgr. Vickery Real Estate RASS bas. ll Wager $100. Telephone (Whitby) MO sat." 77 GODPRIGH Borer -- rs unlimited load [oH Bum, mise, Sictie PRES 200K warmest Surty fi man on Turin 14 35 : if COV ELTIBLE, 0 Dod, wig. a, F, GOODRICH fs, Cs Bi Diehelor. 533 Howard Street, side door. Sighed: Bath TV serial. 358 Hishon, ATTRACTIVE furnished housekeeping RA 5-1 457 Business ..... RA 8-6228 mission, EORfordor tutone, black and | trade, 92 Burk Street, Ask for Mr, Weir, | vision. Thrifty ] Budget Plan, RA 5-453, 5 foom, Eround floor, parking available, white finish, $1295 Seaway Motors, |itg VOL KSWAGEN deluxe with radio, [NINE-PIECE carved solid oak dining condition. Best cash offer. Tel -640€ : : LOVELY bright 3-room ap: , sink (South. RA _5-8363. Apply 27 Park Road South, King Street . RA 8.4879 ize, must sacrifice. carrying capacity. and cupboards, heavy wiring, share! Two. BEDROOM apartment, in apart. area. 3 Whitby. MO 8-3331. real Take best offer, room sulle. Mb ii Re po hey bath. Parking facies Vacant May ment building, newly decorated, near |g PRIVATE SALE 1950 CHEVROLET, % ton truck, Good Nicols Motors Lid, (Whitby) MO 8-8001 APPLY 2. Dial RA cenire, Laundry facilities, ba wrnre muh ny, ane Bro nay Sook, ot condition. Telephone RA 39555. 57 PLYMOUTH tudor, a real beauty| COMPLETE furnishings, twg bedraoms, : : : . nition. APARTMENT ing ; firec-room Hove Fi go Eigerater, Child welcome. (ping. Also thrce rooms with bath up- Beoutiful new five-room bun LLOYD REAL & PLYMOUTH sedan, blue and white, gash, Sade or tor ms. Niels Motors Bivins | Tour and = usehcia Frain apartment, washer, aerial, par] tae ami or ---- S108. RA 8-5243. i pri sn BE sid, dh bi T L WILSON available Jupe 20, Near shopping cen. galow, bark brick, stone to i---- RA 8-1360, 186 Huron, FURNISHED th apartment, a ves Soon 5h reson i | FORSED on, 5 bod, ue 3 fron, situated on landscoped LIST WITH LLOYD |B FOUR Bei --sutomatic 57 FOLD ranch wasn Er S| corgi mek Vidor, Ramil South, ____|turnished, suitable for quiet couple. Fs lose foing Park Road, | lot with three full grown THEN CALL YOUR MOVER ler, two tone, loaded with extras, low|tion, $1395. Seaway Motors, Whitby,iThe finest in TV, Hifi and Ak, THE OSHAWA TIMES |New modem + p: sles {0 Sh Centre. RA 3-3777._|57 Montrave Avenue after 6. '| Moples ot rear. Features: mileage. Phone RA 5.8185 after 4 p.m. |MO 83331. Television. 91 Simeos Street North. in apartment building, refrigerator, \\ODERN furnished four room apar- FURNISHED housekeeping room, 7e.| Ceramic bathroom with vane CASH TALKS |'55 chevrolet Tudor and four-door sbx-|Color TV. on display. 23---Wanted to Rent stove, washer, dryer, paved parking. ment, near bus, south GM; refrigera-s io ator ana laundry facilities. Apply i Hollywood kitchen, . mae 900 tiful blue finish A-1 mechanically. Sale|eylinder and V-8 both cars ready to go. 82 Park Road South. RA 5-3212, tor, range, private entrance and bath. ec. c 0 Street. i, yy h h t $8, 0 price $395. Seaway Motors, Whitby.|Nicols Motors Ltd. (Whitby) MO 8-8001 FHREE So in THEEE-EOOM gpartment, pewiv deco. |Avatlable now, RA Su6i] a S. EARGE Trial Tommcesting om.) . Bogen trim twoughout, sees Adelaide St. Brick bungalow [MO 3.331. 1954 OL E, in excellent ¢ Sond. TV TOWERS Ph afm eet Fated, vlose fo and Shopping| LARGE | , private en-| 0 0 North GM Srey J, stores| tioned basement. wood buming fireplace, 4-pc. [i953 OLDSMOBILE 98 sedan, custom tion. no rust. Must be seen to be gy Ficase x Centre, reasonable, available 1 trance, main floor. Telephorie R RA 8.5253, land bus at door. Telephone RA 8-644. Located ot 426 Miller Street, tiled bath, paved drive with |radio, needs minor body repairs, $145. precisted, P Private. 621 King Street $55 Child . 61 Nassau Street, POTS] Cn -- TTY wt on Bb deli . i t. RA FOUR-ROOM apartment, private bath, |crma--p--rorm-- creme | just off Gibbons, Immediate andscoped lot |MO 84517. as Asai A pol ager. fea ies APARTMENT in new apartment build. 204. saurahee, irik ulin, ep. for oe Wey or TORE, eke. one possession, garage, July 4 Oe os 55 FORD Fairlane aitoiiats, ail 0 ty FoNTIAG tv 2 S00r Jdtomatie 40-ft. structure with all Northend. Kindly phone Mr. D, H. Me-|roffigerator, TV aerial, washer, drver.|RA §.1723 ater 4 p.m. or two, Call Rp S22 RA 5-3662 Prone Bill. Homer ot RA |3%, Prove Bowmanville, Tel ors Lid. (Whitby) MO. 8.8001. channel antenna, 'oll galvane Keown, RA 13% from 9 to 6 Monday hy Centre. RA 5-9161. ee Fades Close to Shopping Centre. RA S FOUR large rooms, newly decorated,| 270 - ROOM furnished apartment, 8-5123. TRACTORS AND IMPLEMENTS 10/1950 BUICK super sedan, automatic] ized, guaranteed 1 yeor. COMPLETELY furnished two - r00m|ground floor, private bath, parking, uove, ne " 2500 hel ake better profits offered intr power brakes Tab TELEVISION, 171 Bond apartment with sink and cupboards, ijaundry facilities, stove and id Gregory's Church, downtown, wo or help you make better profits o and window! fier over $1,100, 24--Houses for Rent private entrance, parking facilities. Tel- ator, % Hi Hillside Avenue, RA 3.7088. [three £irls may share, RA 5.0238. M U AY & KIDD $12,900 WITH a Madhery Fgh on AS ae ee oe Si! St. Eost, RA 8-578]. MODERN, three - bedroom ephone RA 8-5 -- 24 COLBORNE Street West, large dou- C $1000 DOWN BE FORD So mer NT lee sas. Erect West. large, sunny, living room, side street,/THREE rooms, Ted or unfurnish-|;oom, in new apartment building. Laun. le. 7 room and small single, cooking op- King ond Cadillac, 6 roOm |tom radio, Tang Thing $350, Seaway Mo-| BUYING a car? Need money? For low- SPECIALS Dear park, schools. Oil heated, piivate ed, share bath, bus stop at door. Tele-|dry facilities, stove, refrigerator. 68/13" 'soys REALTORS h carries for tors, Whitby, MO 8-331 est rates, fast service, Seaboard drive, garden, reasonable. RA 5-491. phone RA 8-0475. Wayne Street. RA 5-3938, ET TI Pr home wit ga 90s, cor mort - : h Finance, 29% Simcoe Street South, or] PRINTS = 3 yds. $1o WILSON ROAD South, three - bedroom, |AATLABLE now. Self-contained three-|Two furnished housekeeping rooms, room with breakfast, bus- ; per month on . phone RA 8-6283, DRAPES, made to order. sbroom 'brick hous. Telephone TA room apartment, 863. ONY. Tele Micoen mun hed same mk and ap. [ets man preferred, 'absianer. Ca Whitby Plaza 313 Brock St. 5. | C0! Trade your boat on 8 €Or--= suv your car for cash. Fast conl.| Modem design, reasonable 5-4097 for information. phone RA 5-5433 or RA 5-2267. boards, refrigerator, central, laundry 5 or Wore particulars, Open 9-9 New or Used dential service, convenient terms. For We also Ofte 283 rates, We also carry a ¢ x heating, all con-|FOUR-ROOM, ntained apartment, |facilities. Apply 253 Athol East. SINGLE room for rent, gentlemen " ! information, telephone RA 86283. Sea- OM ae of 3a S00 month. bo ingon Bosasars Spt pve THREE - ROOM apartment, sel-con- ly, cooking privileges if desired, Ap- Whitby MO 8-3414 E READ THIS} call SMITH"S SPORTS board Finance, © 29% Simcoe Street| plete line of other fabrics ly. Telephone RA 5-4289, bath, business avis Fisierred. Ample tained, 539 Albert Street. HA 8.6070, Bly is 3 rie roel i Toronto EM 3-9603 Er Dre of RA 8-5123 SUPERTEST South, at real savings. ROOM br house, 1a r ge parking. Telephone RA §- ght largelhousekeeping room, is . 1956 FORD Fairlane, automatic, blue - Ay x basement, four-piece. bath, THREE-ROOM apartment, private en- FRRACHVE Rae Wey EL refrigerator and stove, parking space. INVESTMENT 6 room brick bungalow on North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. and white, Ri 00d tires. Excellent RA 3-7827 lovely garden with trees, clean, quiet|trance, all conveniences, heavy Wiring, erator, central. Telephone RA 5-4381.1 {Apply 202 Albert Street, 45 f hardwood bush Switzer Drive, with three RA 8-591 running condition." $900. Telephone MO| M & G DRY GOODS central district, close to school and heated, central, parking. Phone days, =~ 109 KING STREET West -- two rooms,| 4 acres of hardw us large bedrooms, 4-pc. colored 8277. _ 74 CELINA ST shopping. Phone MO 8-321 RA 5-1113; evenings, RA 5-1569. THREE room apartment, sink, cup- [stove, refrigerator, kitchen cupboards,| with the Ganaraska River Sige hed 57% 0 MHA morte Open evenings or weekends 51 PONTIAC safe running : . i SIX-ROOM bungalow, i base- | FIVE-ROOM apartment, two bedrooms, iach IR sink, available immediately. Close to| running through property, in body clean. Only $125. RA 5-167. ment occupied. Heated, $100 monthly, ground floor, all conveniences. Avall-|gimcoe South. RA 5-6068. downtown, Hope Townshi Durham gage. Recreation room. Home 53 CHE luxe {res custom WRECK NG half hydro, immediate occupancy, bus able June 1. 196 Park Road North. | =F |romT housekeeping room, reason- Coot $4 000. 00 with is in top condition. Owner CAR INSURANCE : 5 CHEV. del ne, good | fire tires custom | SO dows, children weleome. BANA SHV. ii oe | ri i Er whiny Z5l0. Telephoge RA S-3/51, $1,000.00 down. Call Mr osking $15,300 with medium Careful drivers are preferred [ing local car, $495 or make offer, easy US thre TE ofan [lg #10Ts. Fugees, Fove TY nor 00% Lit Pried WIND Pollud, : * | down payment. Immediate | drivers and enjoy a saving of [terms RA S166. HOUSE SPACIOUS three. bedroom brick | house, nished, private bathroom and entrance |ia], drapes, broadloom, fireplace and room, sink and cupboards, suit one or oliard. gssioin. Phone Bill Millor $10 $15 $25 vig od PONTIAC. V3 Cg ro available immediately, oil heated, re-/Car port, parking, $60 monthly. Tele-|carage. Close to four corners and hos. | two persons. 208 Marquette Street. Poss . A or ; t apa 2 oan Mae AT. fown ana 'shopping, bus at dor ere. phon RA 62391. pital, reasonable. 37 Elgin East. RA|pgony 'and board for gentleman, two OSHAWA VALUE aot RA 8-5123. than 20% al their car in= |termg. Nicols Motors, Ltd., (Whitby). 461 SIMCOE SOUTH : : ) surance. Half-year payments. |MO 88001. 7 THREE - room apartment, private en-|5-085L --t from Four C Apply 24 phone RA 3-875 trance, all conveniences. Apply 592/534 MONTHLY -- rn new, , modern, two- | Charies Stroet, Sup Come. SPRY $11.000.00 for Sn Sweden LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LTD Call us today and compare-- 3 Automobiles Wonted Oil burner fumace plumb~ house, with three- MODERN two-room house, Drew Street. bedroom apartment, in mew apartment | ore Cao ae Highland Avenue, and well REALTOR ample free parking. ing, doors, lumber, etc. , 3 s plece bathroom, gas heating, couple pre- | building, refrigerator, stove, washer, hopping FURNISHED bed-sitting room, suitable ing, 8 » { [in quiet home, central. Suit gentleman. . " i ~ H anf ne. Telephone 1 KnS rea. SMOPPIRE| nwo, near Pediars. Apply 562 Simcoe diver, paved parking, Telephone RA|yeepnone RA 3.92, worth inspecting at this price. RA 8-5123 SCHOFIELD tars for wrecking. Highest prices paia.| Cheap. Apply at job or | Street South, NT PTT Eight years old, this home is 101 SIMCOE ST. N. Insurance Associates Ltd. RA 5-181, A three-bedroom bums | ------ ----m--eeeeeeeeeeeeeee - TWO bedrooms in residential district, by ' OE ET Apply 332 Cen. [THREE-room self contained apartment, NEWLY decorated apartment, with 5n00 20 beds, one double room; also| immaculate and well situated 360 KING ST. WEST RA 5-3818 conveniently located bathroom, 5 5 tral Park Boulevard South. sentrall? ocand 1 Ohawa. availabie cD Suave I) AI nS lg wo glarages; at bus stop. Telephone| on aq landscaped lot with RA 3-2265 A LL C A SH FOR RENT or sale, ful 'si RA jE Sait garden, shrubs and fruit trees rooms, cl of » bungalow, decorated, with fenced yard, $55 1 acu BER wnfurnished, heated, | URNISHED two $2,500.00 down, Call Mr. Say" feea. 12 2 SEDROOM threc-room apattment, on second floor; CLUES PAUIGOMY etl 45,008 OF N02 | Boing RAS54330 RAS5109 | BUYING OR SELLING SEE [1000 cors we deol.up or SOAP FREE so vaamons] APARTMENTS [R5i R sin meer rent. RA $1318. EMBERS OF FHECSHAWA 2 CRASSVERE 5% TED CAMPIN down. Liens paid off, Conglets. supply oF son nxt ener =| LA SALLE COURT [RITSON Woad near ing unfurnished iif houcekesping: moth wif bedroom, | DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD MORTGAGE MOTORS NICOLS MOTOR SALES |. free for threo full years. Bors, SIXROOM brick house, the vear oi, TELIPHONE cupboards. 'TV outlet, newly decorated. Foon puiiagie for one adv. Phos RA 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY | Dowiers flakes or oer onthly. Du | room: Joseph Bi Realt, A fr A Rl RA 5-3815 PART feta JUS a0. |s-0575. JOHN A. J. Six room 14 storey stone | 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA MO 8-8001 Viale Jory, A re 2nd bath. heated. 393 monthly. can sry or RA 8-6485 apartment, with bath upstairs, 10 om ROOM in private ome, very central, B 0 | A H ond frame, with attached | Uust East of Wilson Rood) oie har Di Appleby. RA $6544 oF 3.3398. John A. J. gles couple 'or "two en Coors: |Suit gentleman. Apply 103 Elgin Stree 0 0 D garage. All large rooms. RA 3-4494 Res. RA 5-5574 50 CARS WANTED payment, units $215 or $269 ahood Lid, Bir: phone RA 5-8439 : Bast. Four piece bathroom, ond full price installed in your din a LA ; i } i - Buying a New Car? Foo ow, JS IR3| MODERN APARTMENT lowe moon oats si bel ATTRACTIVELY | "270%. Msumance | ove ven Wiles | NAGY MOTOR SALES | son Sorts She | Bo Ar oid Jhone RA pam, Modem 2-bedroom aport- [fof couple, central, $65. RA 54277 or 167 SIMCOE S. area. MERCEDES - BENZ - DKW/| Tok "Cash" to the New | gemonstration. SHARBOT Street, modern threebed:| [occ 2-DeCroom Sport [ga sail. FURNISHED ROOMS Soles ind Service. SHoweom Cor Dealer and "SAVE". zoom bungalow, garage, ¢ ot 4 re tomatic; |TWO-ROOM (large), furnished apart: OFFICE HRS. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. BUSINESS oth uni prt. ot 0.5.C. WATER Buses, parks, scuodls, lage i an ng, Yy, GUtomatiC; iment, refrigeragor, sink. two-piece] Available in private home. OPPORTUNITY pep uni! 2 p.m. @ TED CAMPIN MOTORS yard, children welcome. Available July| parking area. Close to bus [bath parking. Apply 72 Cadillac Ave-| 8 park Road. North. Coll $950 DOWN $950 408 KING ST. WEST RA 3-4494. Res. RA 5-5574 CONDITIONING 1, RA 8.6715 South. - top. Adults only, For infor- ~ |[7u€ -- i WATER minded? Check Classified for a, pi hg NICE one-bedroom apartment, near between 5 ond 7 p.m. New NHA. 5. wom brick Confectionery and snack bar RA 3-7132 RA 8-4091 cial values on boats and motors to- radio stati Shopping Centre, TV bungalow. Aluminum storms, ivi n 778 HORTOP Fadi, Biayon, Bo BLL od RA 8-8671 ' plus living quarters. Situated Selling Your Car? refrigerator, completely private, imme.| - ; Screens ne goar, exhoust next to Bathe Park. Splendid ANOTHER - SENSATIONAL diate occupancy, $65 monthly. RA 85179, an, fully decorated, 4 pe. opportunity for ambitious VOLVO UNFURNISHED three-room Sesoment] ATTRACTIVELY Be Jocsied 2 family, Please call Jan Mil- Most dependable MACKIE MOTORS COTTAGE SPECIAL WHITB Eourie Close 16 South CM. 30 mont: FURNISHED ROOMS | ond carries for $109 monthly, | 'o RA 52993. The leader on the rood and KING ST. E. BY COLONIAL SAVE 15% ly, plus hydro. RA 3.9742 n interest, principal and taxes NEAR ST. GREGORY'S track, One Block East City Limits sonable rates, experienced. MO 8-3870. apartment, residential area, Ayaiiable wiring, antenna, central. Reason 82 PARK RD. NORTH : v IE Te lacie chen ne EASTLAWN Seven large, very bright, and 449 Ritson S. RA 8-0921 mechanical worronty: on. ell bath 2 Liiniited | "Yime oil barre! P: Whithy, | |FOR RENT -- Large three-room apart-|bath, entrance, TV aerial, frig, stove, RA 4 room brick home on good with natural fireplace. Oil THREE room apartment with private heated builtdn cupboards parking. | couple, or widow. Abstal nly, 137 Ww | L L | S RA 5-5743 $1,579. Now only $1,350. MO. ; i be, ainers only. 137/27 --Real Estate for Sale Lo Alka Byron Sweet Soutn MODERN fourrvom apartment, frig, MODERN, ihres -- bedroom ranch type| taxes ond heating costs. A | pi or'511,900 with con- MOTORS SPOT CASH $44 PER MONTH phone MO 8-2766 bedsitting room, kitchen with sink and rate school, bus line. MO 8-825. call Roy Flintoff, RA 5-3454, town area. A od very central. Call MO 8-2398. eleven-suite - apartment building in i $800 DOWN $800 INCOME HOME Degler or down. Liens paid off. = | grou. 9ePebit will quotantes middie of May. Apply 762 King Street ttracti o . season; cine le ay. Apply ng Attractive 3 bedroom bunga. 314 PARK RD. S. LONG SAULT SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary monthly or as desired. Batessents oe: RIYA porn hy Six rooms and bath, Summer right at door. To see it now Two bathrooms, two kitchens, of Used Cars. CONSTRUCTION 204 Chestnut West. Phone MO 8-2563. FOR RENT -- Three roomed apart- 5.7928, RA 5-3204, throughout, new furnace. 4-BEDROOMS ment. Oil heating. $12, 56 PLYMOUTHS -- 2 to TWG Terie Toomel Sort, privet in Private Home i combined Call Mr. Appleby, BUNGALOW JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE Wien biging at Nkis Mo. 30° x 20° = 3 bedrooms, July 1 1, Adults preferred. Telephone able rent, & RA 3-3211 or RA 5-239. tastefully decorated rooms, late models. only. Regular price erected Apply 712 Dundas West, WI ment, private entrance, running water, suitable for business he elderly size lot. Large modern kit- heating. It's in excellent con bat. June 1. T Tw Available June Huron. sib tbe Dring nad $135 DOWN FOR RENT -- Self stove, washer, dryer, TV outlet, park.|bunfalow, brick and stone construction,| buy ot only $11,900 cash or SAVE $229 FOR RENT -- six. room house. down cupboards, parking space. Dundas| LARGE furnished ult bosiness couple,| WOULD like to trads my equity in an| Of RA 35-6544. or RA 5-4330. Your AUSTIN free screen doors. MO 8-3746. EXPERT roto-tilling for gardens and o-oo -- -------- (Whitby for a farm with stream and priced for quick sale. Hugh W. Orns. BO SERVICES. ¢ Complete bookkeeping East. RA 8-1 PRIVATE SALE low, spotless condition, bus Thirteen: +ioms, solid brick We have a good assortment RA 3.942] pared, income tax returns, MO 8 Tg ment, with heat, lights and water. Close ' 0 ter h from. 1 9 OPEN 9 AM. TO 9 PM. 900. Don't fail -to inspect. choose from. Only $695 EVERY WEDNESDAY, 134 SIMCOE S., RA 8-4614 ROTO tilling, lawns and Jordens, rea-| FOR RENT -- Modern four roomed eoitalios. V self-contained, heavy duty RA 5-6544 or 3-3398 i . FINA SERVICE tors you get one year 100% kitchen, large living and FOR SALE -- one jacket heater, one|M( THREE - room apartment, private; Coll between 5 ond 7 p.m. 8-8678 o fren wele me. Avalishie Jute chen, well landscaped lot, low dition, Immediote possession. decorated four-room eoalned "Tele. TWO unfurnished Tooms; , large bright|ing, $95. RA 5-1310, RA 8-5034. large basement, near high school, sepa-| orm Ask for Mr. Swarbrick venient terms. To inspect TAUNTON RD, EAST PAID FOR e " ; Bonus window screens and Street East, MO 8-518. Good clean cars. Trade up Small deposit will guarantee mms 1a Don't call unle want the | SPACIOUS three-room apartment, pri-| woods. Phone MO 8-8386. FOR SALE -- i958 Pontiac "conch, [nt DOT Col ee" Tt | vate entrance, ample parking. Available Paik Re. gt Greenweed -- | CENTRALLY LOCATED RA 5-0331 DODD MOTOR SALES ton, Brooklin. Telephone OL 5-3369. service for small way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward, |P27T®C, income fax refurns. M( 2, facilities, near bus, $55 per month, RA| kitchen, garage. Aluminum call Mr. Ratcliffe, RA 5-6544, ample parking. Full base- CAR AUCTION CORP LTD FOR RENT -- gix.room house with ga.| Ment, with heal, Bghls and water. Close Low toxes. $9,800, easy suse, Telephone Whitby, MO 8-4070. - oid axe Telephone MO 8-8293. FOR RENT terms. $14,000 full price Large It's on excellent income '56 METEOR, completely 6:30 P.M. STUDENTS! A super value, Approxi-| zero hk y 620 sheets of letter size vine FOR BAIR 5 en convertible, 1 18 BARRIE AVE. TR fg rick Sunaslow, property. overhauled, Only $795 BUY OR SELL--EASY TERMS « print) for only $1.00. Ap- Two year old bungalow, sho, Div Oshawa Times Office, Whitby, | dition. MO 0. 84%. | ping, buses, oll POs OW, SAE. AFTER 5 of extras, paved drive and irene Brown .. RA 5-3847 '53 CHEVROLETS -- four Cars to be sold must be en- TOP PRICES well landscaped. Owner an- Phyllis Jubb .. RA 3.3240 10 Choose frome tered before 4 p.m. day of padi for good Used Furniture 1111 Dundas Street West. FOR RENT -- i ; oth 3 ad RA 5-1186 FOR RENT -- Three room apartment,(700M fPartmebis, balcony. Residentinl - xious to sell. Inspect this now; i Only le. A f d bid: i h ve : ell. i '| Jan Miller .... RA 52993 sale. A few reserved bids-- d Appliances. Al eto' aa aon Stn Wes, Parking, clove do. sehoots, hil W. T. LAMSON $395 DOWN call Mr. Siblock at RA5-6548 | Roy Fiintoff |. RA 5.3454 | '59 FORD Customiine, real | Others will be sold to highest | Sood 'soieciion on' hen or clean. Only ... $1495 bidders. Good selection of reasonable prices. Call us by or phono RA 5.4302, Oshawa. dels Paygoma. Apply 309 Hig REAL ESTATE LTD. OIL HEAT : FOR RENT, $45, ftree room spacious Torn: We Speak Slavic Languages Members Oshawa and District used cars including 1961 for Washer and Radio re- RENT, $15, ree room iment Tor Tent oon 71.00 MONTHLY Stree Gouin fo aproinkment. OL. S447: tal locale To Zt Ras AARC or N.H.A. MORTGAGE a i VAN HEUSEN 25 GRENFELL sT--rA 85179 | PO FOR RENT: Furnished bedroom. In/MO 8.4494 afier 8. HTT HCE, SEL CUAL Sn, SER BLE tn vow buiding, Cano, | FULL PRICE $12:295 MOTORS ~ [3i--Automobile Repairs SUPERIOR or telephone MO 82303 after 5 p.m. _ Manderley Kennels, OL 5-4871, Special rates for adults. Don't wait till prices go away 156 KING WEST HOUSTON'S GARAGE APPLIANCE and SERVICE STATION wile re Eri ee our models and have one REAL ESTATE LIMITED SPRING SALE ) BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- SERVICE RENT Toc soos Sa oniatiel WANTED o Toll Thiresroomed cenfiueted in your choice of 40 KING ST. E. DIAL RA 8-4678 PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. w ER i, a Eon FREE RENT | © MALAGA ROAD MAKE US AN OFFER | Karon nies ur avo | RA 8-4873 Wo bo is 1 MONTH RA 5-1186 2 beeoitel Shree LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN| GENERAL REPAIRS. | whicte Our New Location Breit ane and oom BWMANVILLE -- utiful 5 I la land: d lot. : fo re uy ---- -- Jets. 0. 30 wd, Lig ard SHORT OF made three rooms, fected, W. T. LAMSON Home ae 72 roo 1 on So iy phir area 61 CORVAIR MONZA RA 3-7822 Trade and Repair. ette, bathroom, washer, dryer, REAL T ; having a southern exposure, hot water baseboard - heating, Coupe, four-speed trans- 39 _ Articles for Sale FOR RENT CASH? $60. .MA 3.5996, Apt. 4. ESTATELTD | stone front, imported brick sides, storms, screens, twin- mission, radio, etc. " 140 SIMCOE S Canoes, car top - boats, i in your own neighborhood. store for rent. mato IS SOND Sauipe: Housewives preferred, no ex- GOWER call Joe Maga at RA 5-9191, miles, like new. free estimates. Chair, table rentals, Jrade your car on a boat. chain and skill sows, cement perience = necessary. AVON LANSDOWNE AND MEADOWVALE STREET CHEVROLET four-door |= eye Fox. 412 Simeve Novin, its o Marie insurance mixers, paint sprayers, lawn olls inset. 52 4 madigely WILSON RD. NORTH REALTOR LTD. Bel o Alr, automatic, [1,037 32ve You money on typewtiers Tc iy rollers, mowers, seeders, gar- . Le more Most attractive 1Va-storey brick, 3 s ond. both 9,000 miles, like new. Bill Hamilton, Ashburn, SMITHS SPORTS ; formation, den Wats, RESALE TWO BEDROOM 41 GLADSTONE AVE. 2 rooms up. Well landscaped lot, paved drive, garage, storms, ES hy pos BOATS SUPERTEST SUPERMARKET IN YOUR RA 8-4651 | screens, aluminum awnings, etc. This home is in immaculate North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. Now ond used lown mowers, { FIOME, $16.95 per week APARTMENT Gangition, and © reg] buy et $12,200.00. eu) me BOATS, MOTOR & TRAILER RA 8-5912 trailers, tents. box' ond cabin ossures a family of 4 Good $9,500 full price, $1,000 SHELLEY AVE. Bi Qur-Caor COMBINATIONS Jrailars, A Living, This inewides 17 ets $105 down, terms to be arranged. iscayne, automatic, very TED'S MARINE " WANTED bic foot Freezer by ROY, 4 loge rooms londscaped, A I b opi FOOD & FREEZER n CSA. approved. Plus 3 Stove ond Win, washer and storms and screens and ready Bi uy at $14,000.00 ond a 5% % N.H.A. mortgage. BUICK Century Convert- KING STREET EAST ot PLAN Boats, motors and trailers, to months' food supply by oh ta ro for occupancy. Call Ossie r transferred and says sell. Modern 5Vs-room bungalow ible, one owner, fully VARCOE'S ROAD be sold on consignment, SCHNEIDERS' plus $20 bon. ryer, curtaing Martin, with attached garage, all extras, beautifully landscaped lot, equipped. RA 8-5924 ILDE RENTAL throughout, parking, 18' liv- hedged and fenced. Cl hool z You may have tried the rest, WIL us cheque from Hydro Elec. ing room, modern Kitchen, 2 storey brick, one owner, hedge: buy of this -- to schools, shopping, churches, etc. CHEVROLET, your choice Now no ve Do Service and Cales tric. Live modern, call 563 Li D central location, garage, well of three 1415 Dundes East Whitby ECONOMART, MO 8:5381. 3 Lonsdowne Drive. Call] [000 elt Terms 16 be ar . VOLVO PENTA for less. 80% groceries sup- MO 8.3226 No obligation, No down pay- 2 opotien; Toronto, WY ranged. Call Vic Hallat, RICHMOND ST. EAST CHEVROLET Delisce twas ENGINES plied, 1 lk knotm pe ment, - 4 rooms up ond 3 rooms 6-room, 1Va-store i : . y, all la rooms, Il de ted, i Life-time warranty freezer, COLD WAVE SPECIAL APARTMENTS basement apartment. Close to storm and screens, Fo Ruag ion Jyh I ne: OSHAWA LARSON COMBOARD| the only one guaranteed by FROM $7.00 : GRAVEL - LOAM : schools, shopping ond all schools, bus ond shopping. An excellent buy at only $13, BOATS Good Housekeeping. No Includes style cut, shampoo Cement Gravel Modern one- and two-bed- other services. Low down pay- 500.00. CAR AUCTION down payment, Call now for ond set. Last chance before Driveway Gravel and Fill, ment, and monthly payments For demonstration Demonstration -- no. obliga- we open our fabulous uptown Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon. room opartments, $85 ond arranged. Full price $12,200 After 5:30 Call tion. al ottiares by Ken" ERIC ¢ ¢ BRANTON up. Best location. Phone -- Call Sally Wallace. Marion Drew, RA 5.7610 John Kemp, RA 8-2392 25 GRENFELL 51. MARINE STORAGE RA 5-3709 MO 88124" | 82660 RA 8-1194 Er AR Pou. | Ere Glion, RAZIR0 LL o33 az, RA S315) RA S5179 AND SRLY LD, eo ' FOR RENT apartment, furnished at- E Tor rent, two bedrooms, Tiving up. A limited number of bun- frasiive bed sitting room and Keehn room, and use of kitchen, sultable for APPLY BOX 822 golows still left at $12,295. 4 . . couple ai one child. Telephone water suoplied. Private entrance. Av. 826% 5 Whitby. OSHAWA TIMES Apply 63 King West. Also dow, plus a partially finished recreation room. This is an owner "50 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe, ile, TV, four seats old, needs new Wark momings or oltemuers py 4 f DOUGLAS L. built home and must be seen to be oppreciated. After 5:30 one, OL S471. custom radio, 7,000 [AWNINGS, Canvas. Prompt service, 5 SNL NEE ott ot ST