June 20 is being planned for the|be held on Saturday, October 21,|June 19 at 6.30 p.m. as a pot Grade 8 graduation class. Mrs.|with Mrs. William Saxby as gen-|luck supper. ¥iliat Saxby and Mrs. Gordon ji Supyener. a ryant will accompany pu- ean Imeson, Grade 5 BATHING BELLES and Mrs. Audrey Maybe, kind-| 7nere was a goin break- Mrs. Roy MacKenzie consent.|ergarten shared the room prize|through in the design of founda: ed to taking over the duties of/ffor May with Mrs. Mayko win-\tion garments in the late 1890's. the kitchen convener to be as-|ning the annual prize. ko were advised they could sisted by Mrs. William Dear-| Refreshments were served by|go bathing in perfect security bern. The financial committee|the mothers of kindergarten pu-/that their corsets would not rust. on certain resolutions which are|Council. This resolution was de- wi nciide Mrs. Matthew Bell, pils. The grade mothers were Rust proof boning had been in- to be presented at the tr 1ibated for and against by Mrs. Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 |p Is, Ea Adame Mr. Arthur MS pouald Lenover and Mrs. goryareted inte foundations. conference of the Canadian Fed- 4 Cole and Mrs. 9. K. Drvusk i Co eration of University Women to|A review was given 0 e : rn. The gest meeting will Skellie: peacaslis laine Souing 8 _YHE OSHAWA YIMES, Thundoy, May 2%, 196) The annual Fall bazaar is to|place at the school on Monday, foundation garments. be held this summer in Lon-|worthwhile dispensation of the College Hill H&S Association FUR COLD STORAGE ON THE PREMISES Re-Elects Mrs. Earl Adams ATTENTION ALL FUR OWNERS | Through the medium of de-|larly in the assistance being bate the club decides whether given to post graduate univer- certain resolutions warranted sity students to enable them to discussion and how they wished qualify them to teach in univer- their delegates to vote. [sities It was agreed that more Mrs. Earl Adams ae ge was provided by four dancers 4 ly installed as President of the/from the school. Coleen Cyr 3 erator and the resolutions in-\was pointed out that grants . oi oy A MESSA F cluded: 1. The question of ad- were restricted to professional College Su Dome Shira term. ig 1S ivan with the SIAGE FROM MORRISON FUR co. D mitting to the United Nationsgroups and that many cultural i pr : "» xe WHY TAKE CHANCES THIS SPRING? IF YOU HAD Other members of the new ex-|"Scottish Lilt", Wayne Elliott $1000.00, WOULD YOU LEAVE IT IN YOUR CLOTHES CLOSET? OF COURSE NOT. diplomatic recognition to the|grants. This viewpoint would aid| 3 : | ar Bring it to the bank. Likewise, put your furs in cold storage, at MORRISON'S. We People's Republic of China. [in discussing the matter at the| am hen ine Seley San fr The two above resolutions/time of presentation with the Harold Nugent, corresponding the PL ly Hill School field day "NO NOTICE REQUIRED, WHEN COAT IS DESIRED" MORRISON FUR CO. DIAL RA 5-6312 12 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA {moe money was needed to help RED CHINA AND UN the People's Republic of China. activities are carried on by| ecutive are Mrs. William Saxby tapped "Country Style" and the offer Free Immediate Pick Up and Delivery, Free Estimate for Complete Fur Service, were debated for and against|/local club requesting its dele-| secretary; Mrs. Douglas Lang: would take place on May 31 and 'Fighting Words' at Varsity Club; Evince Views on Vital Questions| At the May meeting of thethe government of Canada to Oshawa and District University|continue to make funds avail- Women's Club vital and conclu-|able for the further develop- sive discussion followed debates/ment of the work of the Canada Mrs. F. W. Taylor was mod- and symphony companies etc. It J government of Canada to extend|are therefore excluded from : presidents; Mrs. Matthew Bell, sprightly rendition of "Sugar! of Your Furs for Storage ! MORRISON FUR CO. |in cultural arts such as ballet 2. The question of urging the|semi-professional groups and| and Mrs. Joseph Lasek vice-|performance ended with a Remodelling, Repair and Cleaning at your door. Our price? Only 2% of fair valuation by Mrs. R. V. Sheffield and|8ate to vote to the affirmative. | Hurlbert M . 4 pe aa) ley, Mrs. Clayton Hurlbert, Mrs.|the city annual field day would Mrs. C. V. Thomas. It was . ; WOMEN IN SENATE Gordon Stacey, Mrs. Roy Mac-'he held at Alexandra Park on agvend thal dn site o te aot The matter of working to- Kenzie, Mrs. George Barker|june 14, Mr. Brown also report- demned as an aggressor by the wards the achievement of executive members. ed that the city wide achieve- UN and in spite of the fact that|8021s set forth in resolutions, Mrs. David Hutcheoi, vice-ment tests for grades 4-5-6-7 and fear was expressed that Red|2ready adopted concerning president of Oshawa and District 8 would begin on Tuesday, May changes in federal and provin- Home and School Council in-|30. i issi to th | z : Cuine DD rhe cial legislation, the appoint- UN as an instrument for peace, Ment = Hogg B women i Red China's delegation should] i i boards and commissions, and be seated in the 16th General| Iso to the delegati d Assembly and the Canadian (250 10 is. ce'eganions an | government should extend diplo-| VATious agencies of the United matic recognition to the Peopie'siasions. This wat debated for Republic of China. This deci-|®C A83F5 WV Tos: SATA sion was based upon the under-| yy0 0 h yeti d 1l- standing that the UN was set| ugh an amusing anc. we: taken treatise for the negative up as a world organization and| therefore Red Chind should be| 15° pu orth the club voted in a part. For the past 10 years, ' the People's Republic of China| UNIVERSITY GRANTS has been in existence and it} The matter of supporting the was therefore time our govern-|resolution of the National Con- ment recognized this existence|ference of Canadian Universi- -- certainly other revolutionary |ties which recommended to the governments were given recog-|Federal Government that in-| nition. It has been pointed out|crease in grants be made tol that there is an emphasis in the|those provinces now receiving philosophy of the Oriental peo-iless than the national average ple upon saving face which|grant per university student. might account for the belliger-| The question was debated for ent attitude of the Chinese gov-| ernment in the past. Many feel|and against by Miss M. Pellow that with universal recognition|and Mrs. Joseph Fetchison. The their political attitudes might club voted to the affirmative. change so that they might be| " more willing to settle their al[A blanket formula is at pres d disput i .lent applied to all provinces in Jezel of sl oN Rin the con |that the grant is based on $1.50 per student over the total popu- BAN THE BOMB {lation divided by the number of The matter of petitioning the University students for t hat government of Canada to exert{province. The end result is its influence in the United Na-|{that a small province with a WEDDING PRINCIPALS Peggy Ristich and Krsto | Ristich of Oshawa and the Bizjak, both of Oshawa ele bridegroom is the son of Mrs. married recently at . : John's Greek Orthodox | Ivan Buck o Yugeslevin and Church. The bride is the | the late Mr. Bizjak. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul --Photo by Ireland SOCIAL NOTICES AT HOME Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Luke, 202 Mary street west, Whitby, ENGAGEMENT will be at home to their friends Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barber|and neighbors on Wednesday, of Oshawa announce the en-|June 7, 1961, from 2 to 5 and gagement of tell daughter 7 to 9 p.m. on the occasion of Dorothy sean, to Mr. Eilvood ipeir golden wedding. anniver- son of the Reverend and Mrs. sary. Joseph N. Patterson of Verona, Ontario. The mariage wil She REPELLENT Place on Saturday, toa Unit. 0, sance on your at 3 o'clock in Courtice Unit- wil Soggune Bu Nicotine you ed Church. phate, an insecticide spray, re- ENGAGEMENT pels dogs as well as sucking Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hugh McEvers of Oshawa announce the engagement of their daugh- | Dearborn presented Mrs. Hutch- [stalled the officers. Mrs. William| A trip to Toronto on Tuesday, eon with a gift and extended the thanks of the associiation. This was the annual meeting and reports were given by Mrs. Stephen W oz ni a k, secretary; Mrs. Matthew Bell, treasurer; Mrs. Luther Locke, kitchen con- venor; Mrs. William Dearborn, program convenor; Mrs. Roy MacKenzie, room mother con- |vener. Special thanks was ex- {tended by Mrs. Earl Adams to all who had so kindly assisted her during the past year. Very enjoyable entertainment NEW! AT THE STORES tons Jowarls a universal ban|large percentage attending uni-itor Eleanor Dolores, to Mr. the t .| versi A ores, ! on the testing of nuclear de-| versity receives almost no grant Edward Joseph Bibeau, son of] vices. lin relationship to th th ; ng. b . one Mr. and Mrs. Roland Bibeau of | The above question was de-|provinces. Ajax, Ontario. The marriage} will take place on Saturday, Dated for and against by Mrs. d . B. tchell and Mrs. D. A.| THE PLAY'S THE THING "When you choose from our wide, i | : ww Bristow. The club gave their| = ce of two Shakes.|June 24, 1961, at 12 o'clock noon |kWrange of first quality affirmative vote. The present] 2 agreement to refrain Ma nu-|Pearian companies in London is|at St. Gertrude's Roman Cath-|y clear tests applies only to the|C8using confusion among some|gjic Church, Oshawa. United Kingdom, the U.S., and|Overseas visitors. doubtful if any limitations willl Two young German girls ENGAGEMENT | be continued much less extend. Tusheq into the foyer of the Ald-| Mr. and Mrs. Donald Harry A ed to include other powers. The wych Theatre, the Stratford) E club members believed that it|Company's London home, the|SnatsHon o Selon ., On A was necessary to think of fu-|other night at curtain-up Yimel aro; jormer'y: of Oshawa, ub w ture generations since the con-|and handed their tickets to the|nounce the engagement of their { Harleigh Supplies (Oshawe Ltd.) tinual testing might greatly commissionaire, eldest daughter, Betty - Lou > g E Y Frances, to Mr. Andrew Todd, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE PHONE RA 5-3012 LISTED BELOW flo-glaze Colmizer sewing cenire today at 165 SIMCOE ST. S. IN THE HEART OF (DOWNTOWN) OSHAWA change the future man as wel "Wrong theatre, ladies," he know 'him today. They believ-|said. ou want the Old "Vie. cldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ? ed that man needed to harness| «put this must be right!" lr, Richardson Todd of Weston, fo, the energy for good use only.! iled th ght!" Ontario. The wedding will take {wailed the girls. place at First Baptist Church, CANADA COUNCIL "Ve ver giffen tickets for|Oshawa, on Saturday, June 3, [1] 1" The question of requesting|Shakespeare at the Ald Vych!"|1961, at 8 p.m. PREDI CIR ETTTITITITIITIIT] COLORS ... in latex or oil! YOUR PREVIEW OF TOMORROW'S COLOR TRENDS Come in, let us show you today's very newest color | trends--Flo-glaze "Predic- | tor" Colors for exterior use. These are the colors voted the ones that best represent today's and tomorrow's taste in painting in nation- | wide polls taken among | style-conscious home | owners and sales-minded | home builders. Why not drop in today? See the | exciting "Predictor" Colors on display in our store. CORRIGAN Paint & Wallpaper | Ajax Shopping Centre Ajax WHitehall 2-1660 PATTE'S Paint & Wallpaper Ltd. "90 Years at 85 Simcoe St. N. OSHAWA RA 5-3529 {Mrs. W. W. Park 55 BRUCE ST. OSHAWA RA 3-7821 SWAN'S I.H.A. Hardware | Oshawa Shopping Centre OSHAWA RA 5-7513 SPECIAL OPENING OFFER ! ~ GLEAN-UP PAINT-UP SHOP KRESGE'S FOR YOUR PAINTING SUPPLIES Until Sat, June 3rd INTERIOR @ PAI NTS AND EXTERIOR ® PAINT BRUSHES © TURPENTINE ® PUTTY Interior Semi-Gloss . . . . 1.29 QL Porch and Floor Enamel . . 1.29 QL Exterior Paints . . . . . 1.29 QL Turpentine 20-0z. Tin . . . . 39¢ Paint Brushes from. . . 25¢c to 2.98 | worn edges, does shaded embroidery, pearl stitch, etc. This Elna is lightweight, only 12 Ibs, with all working parts completely enclosed in a sealed unit. Only 10 oiling points! -- no oil drip! Built in motor, automatic upper tension and numbered lower tension. A great buy at the regular price -- now a truly sensational buy! Now for a limited time only, you can buy a de luxe Elna Straight Stitch machine at a substantial saving! Elna combines modern attractive design with quality work- manship. This Flatbed, twin needle, drop in bobbin ELNA does all the usual sewing and darning jobs to perfection on the sheerest, as well as the heaviest fabrics. Mends ELNA SEWING MACHINES (Oshawa) 165 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-2391 Low Down Payments. Easy Budget Tek'ms. Call in... Phone in. . . Write in.