The Oshawa Times, 25 May 1961, p. 39

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==] THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [E& NEW BUSINESS | forsee pom | ime pon [Etdais Helo Wanted, BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | tnised tombe rimsisrrammirasim Sines. BERNIE'S BUILDING for sale, 13 feet by 20 feet, ---- | APPLIANCE SERVICE [Sit 5 "ind: sib "life ie ptm ire) (oP OOTR Building Trades Gardening and Supplies |Mortgages CLASSIFIED AD RATES 68 SIMCOE NORTH (Rear cortaoRs Frese Fa Cir ven a I and | CERAMIC, plastic wall tile, wood-|yoR SALE -- Top soil the load.|FIRST and second mortgages. Sale Your factory authorized ser , m working, all floor coverings. Free esti: Special rates for re lawn| agreements purchased and sold. Hen- 25 words or less vice depot for Philco, Moffat, tages, on waterfront, Zpecial as Cd pT of mates. Work guaranteed. RA 8-0850. |rolling, sod delivered, laid, field load.|nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Cash Charge GE. Westinghouse, etc, alld une. Phone Brighton 353, Box Prone WH Telephone and . Telephone MO 85268 or WH|Street East. RA 37232. ' ; 25047 Ajax, evenings. Transportation Supplied. . AL ing, frames, sash, |ing. 3 CONSECUTIVE 3 ALYRMPLE « cottage BOB CLANCY'S "Ontario Accounting| Screens; cotiage and home wood sup: 20543 MORTGAGES arranged. bought and|| = INSERTIONS 225 248 RA 5-1179 LAKE D Excellent Salary. Made and cut to order. RA 51275, sold. ments of sale bought and INSECUT/ font, Juve - aly 22; August 12 - Sent Service, Complete bookkeeping service, |Plies. Made and cut to order. USED lawn m mowers for sale, also la: Javea Cd privaie Dough sud 0 CONSECUTIVE 375 13 11--Articles for Rent Apply;---- a 184 Bond Street West, RA 5.0397, Res., LILLEY'S Floor Service, Hardwood|mowing . (36544, A ished Point, " BA 3.75: ih ne Tn RA 39073, Sieuned, GARDENS and lawns Roto-tilled pai I Osh- " 8200 wie] Son id VALLEY CREEK Eom Box or 3 Cotborne, .| SICKROOM EQUIPMENT HARRY O. PERRY LTD. 145 KING W. STONEY LAKE cottage jor veut, safe FOR RENT OR FOR SALE made ready for spring planting and awa, Whitby, Loum "Pickering and viein- Above rates apply only fo to orginal roofing applied. All work "of Spartmen orders for consecutive M Free estimates. RA 8.4762. ROTO-TILLING lawns and Ontario Mon. ric sige gp: Next to Western Tire Swimming for children for Mo-| Hospital beds, wheel chairs, LICENSED 0 tors holidays. RA 8-5082. ROOF and repairs of ail kinds, new |seeding. RA 5-8985. ity. ts, experienced. Telephone §age Brokers d TALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER and| ALL TYPES of home repairs and re-|mo aggre =" |Eaderities Limited, 113 Simeoe. Street| later date constitute e new original RA 8- | Invalid walkers, bedsides, a Tiss in Bankruptey, 54 King Workmanshi hg Bb pil will travel", Ls Wa; Phot RA U1 Pro | and Bx We buy, sell, gad0) used erect I r excellent des, crutches and MECHANIC countan and 4 voflng orth, Og 3. tche: Street East, Senawa; B. L. Yale, CAi| mates. RA 32413, plowed, harrowed ete. Hessonable $7.50 per month for 3 lines dally: furniture, washers, TV, radios [fishing pie, pickerel and bass, $30,| canes, also roll-away beds. ER ur oS DONT MOVE, | MORTGAGE | mem" re a i [ET | A Eisson i | REQUIRED e ' 3 y . . Street East Oshawa, Ontarfo. RA IMPROVE BEVERWYCK Money Available Sia En. Sue. \5¢ odditionat. © || 1--Women's Column FOLSEKEES 12--Articles Wanted Sieady Bag whi or he : ri n, com, H. E. DEWAR apd Co, Accountants) MODERNIZE - REDECORATE GARDENS Payments 19 sult TA TRALAL yd Frere arae--r ON LAKE HURON chips. Eater Soe 10 * it, Inchiding poiq "Vocation, and Auditors, Cedar Glen Bldg., 11 On- INSIDE OUR OUT ous on" except Births, ||permanents $8.50. Page Hairdressing. ili ~ tario Street, Oshawa, Ontario, RA 82221 YOU WILL BE GLAD Highway 12 Your Budget oma, Cords of Thanks which [338 Pise Avewde. RA 5550, Forntien $32 a information as lo year, Sent Pe, Tocome ig Figgins s YOU CALLED ly 3 miles north of Whitby Architects RA 8-5103 Only es ALLIED INVESTMENTS ood mming, ideal for |William, Ontario. wages. Apply by phone for MATER and BRIOZOWICE A%ch.| 110 King St. Eost, Oshowe OL 5-3570 COMPANY Concelictions 8:30 am. "Office Permanent-Wave Children, Golf, theaters, appointment to; Tg mieten telephone" RA. 8.2001. AJAX REPAIR MO 8-4735 51 KING ST. E. RA 3.3993 || REGULATIONS-- $7.50 and $10.00 Save, Shore, Bol ek WANTED MR. FERTILE, MANAGER Auto Parts and CONSTRUCTION LTD. The Oshawa Times will not be [| Compl. with first class cut SCRAP IRON, POULTRY FIRESTONE STORES Member Ontario Mortgage responsible for errors in advertise. FO oir od Ssimicsl Tgeiis y| Povment terms oronged, or | See us for your garden sup. Brokers Association ments submitted otherwise than in Walters I Sali WIANCKO HOUSE AND FEATHER TICKS 190 KING E. plies. Landscape Service, writing, nor for more than one RA 5-6566 RA 5-510L Home, Summer Cottage, : : nor beyond the price Between Ritson ond Wilson SPARROW LAKE, I. TURNER KENT'S WESTERN TIRE -- Guaran- Garage we con supply: Fac- Spring Clean-Up INDIVIDUAL care for each person in|| charged for a single insertion of North -- Phone RA 8-2501 MUSKOKA, ONTARIO RA 3-2043 RA 3-3374 AGENT rts and accessor- i Sunnybrae, of Oshawa. Reg. N. . jo 4s EE Wes ahaa. fon pEngineared Styiemater Vigo, Inquicier Tavileh, © reitonsmie i Bh dr Vig atti 'the Tight Free Parking A fomily hotel with lent (collect) RA 8160789. "Five bays to serve you vier TY ar Fertilizing, Power Rolling, ~~ [Fates. RA 52330. to classify advertising ing to Tor ee choose from. ove in next Landscape desionin " its own classification. 2--Personal recreat onal facilities. pen SHAW ZOLTAN and NICK'S month, Xiscepe designing: Optometrists in the case of display advertie- mid-June to Labor Day. Rates DE ALER ursery Stock ments The Times will not be held || WANTED piano player for R and $35.00 to $45.00 per week, AUTO WRECKING CO. INA SERVICE C. H. TUCK, RO, Optometrist. Please|| roi onsiple for more space than | Group, to travel. Phone RA ress F S Dressmaking ! that in which the octuol error ||Sunday after © p.m. meals included. Special rates pay a 160 SIMCOE S. DRESSMAKING and alterations on OSHAWA Bank or 74 Burk Street. Invalids ex- jes. The ) -~ -- | for children. An ATRO re- Want cars for wrecking. Salesmen, saleswomen or es- a? a » amined at home. Dial RA 35-4587. 0" ie FREE room and board for woman, in i i J tore General Repairs on all makes ing dren % Weal, feisousble F. RICHARD BLACK -- Doctor of NI Tauge Bi Savering -- Somigitable country home, in man, tn sort, Write M. R. Wiancko Forts for Sole; alse scrap iron tablished ¥ in the HOME ing, as companion to a woman living for folder. metals, etc 9! pen pliance, dry goods, gift or to trained Optometry, the examination of eyes.|| if i cl in fi of cars. Factory - contact lenses, 136 Simcoe North 8t|| of "advertisement ere contained |ilone. Write Box 906, Oshawa Times. Saturday all day. Phone. hardware lines are invited Velkowagen mesic FURRIER ° Colborne." Evenings by appointment. (| frarein. CARIBOU LODGE RA 5-2311 89 BLOORE. | to submi 4191 - A t inquiries for the RA 8-005! Jd DRESSMAKER | LANDSCAPING [sa 3i. SEWING MACHINE Lake Kashagawigamog, . purpose of acquiring the Barristers on Complete Garden Service [Painting and Decorating Surveyors SERVICE Haliburton 13--Business Opportunities gleolersiip jo World Fameus, i i ¥ ight housekeepil bins, |BEAUTY Salon, . irst Rate, ationally Ad- BOWMAN, DAVID L., Barrister, Soii.| New, Alterations, Remodelling. IR and A call Van Horn -- DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMAN, on. DOMESTIC & INDUSTRIAL ig flush toflets, pid a a ao al art: vertised BERNINA SEWING citor, 3% Simcoe South, RA 59592. Low Prices. RA 8-6366 ; DNEVSYN 4 ] Ae DON' } ilets, hier Mii Sous, Could acsom- Resdesce BAS | 22 ROWE STREET RING opi, Pina. 1 Bo Ss Bu BA SHS ove your presart machina | 10m Lode fects, even- |S YLCUNISINT, BREE, OF MACHINES for Ouhow and McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, vb '|H. FLIM and Trollope, Ontario Land r ng meals, sandy beach. Rea- shawa Times. r Solicitors, Clients" funds salable fof RA 8-670¢ DRIVEWAY pass Surveyors, 216 Adelaide Avenue East] fepoired at reasonable rates. sonable rates. 480 Summer- |FOR RENT -- Snack bar or fish and| Ontario Representative RA 53 ee in". Driving School GRAVEL Eocayar ana best Hn pws Phone =. sand EE a PHONE RA 8-2546 hill _Ave., Toronto 5. chip store." wonderful Rae. a 840 MR. JAS. E. TAYLOR Edgar F 1 removed and clean 'elephone REASONABLE--beauty shop for rent, 1402 Beckworth Ave, RICHARD H. DONALD, BA, Barrister, 80512. |tario Land Surveyors, Professional Ei En- FOR A REAL VACATION |! ABLE--beauty shop for rent, A Soucter, Nout pois Toor m| LEARN TO DRIVE Loam, Sand and DODD & SOUTER |Win wo ssiei: his 7 ELECTROLYSIS an of nee ene Sorta fina bicauss Londons Owterio : n, Sand BEAT N, 3 j BOYCHYN and WiLL St ti Fill." Dial-- PAINTING & DECORATING |TV - Radio Repairs Removal of superfivous hair | CIRCLE B. DUDE RANCH [PEACEY, SALON. ail sey susipmest BERNINA CORPORATION Solicitors; R. H. ivi 3445 Park Humphreys, QC; G. po Wy BA; Oshawa Driving School RA 5-5279 CONTRACTORS TV RADIO, car radio repairs. All] Marie Murduff will be in Horseback riding, imming, Sood established Stiegiele, $1,500, 3300 Montresr Fg Bast A a, Sh: 7 a suse Instructors licenced by the Painting, Paperhanging Imakes. Thompaoy Scctrunias, 157 El- Dihawe, june | 6th and 7th, rifle range, archery, excellent |5-6823 after 6 p.m. 3 R RA Whitby, MO 82761; RA| Province of Ontario, Day and HOLLAND NURSERIES Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, [roe ie aT one Genosha Hotel on supervision. In the beautiful |g "Fry t W d 0---Room and Board 55202. Money to loan. evening lessons, Spray Painting. pairs, Al work guaranteed and per these dates for appointment. Caledon hills mploymen ante ROOM and board JACK SILVERMAN, barrister and soli- RA 8-0091 and LANDSCAPING 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY [formed Elec - ili " GARDENER - FLORIST a looking Tor decoratons soos pomne comin" sone eitor. Clients funds available for first - > DAYS MO 8-5231 tronic Service Centre, 81 King West, 3--Pets & Livestock rite for brochure position, For information, phone RA [seven minutes walk to for borontra juortgages, 31 King Street East. RA RA 5-7442 NIGHTS RA 5-7426 RA 83211, CIRCLE B DUDE RANCH [85429 aiter § p.m. hospital. Apply 240 Division. oT 5-670. Fur Storage s ; GOLD LABRADOR pup, thoroughbred, RR. V. Caledon. Ort RELIABLE young woman would 1iks| ROOM JOHN A. CAMERON, , Solel. or satisfactory service, . SAMSON seven weeks old, son of "Buck." T. Sei Ly h . to do or be and board, newly decora tor and Notary Publle, 18% King Street landscape designing, main- |Personal Service Hamilton, RA 3.2045, Phone Caledon 57R3 Eve? ie , "RA 88011 :| Sood beds and Yood, Lunches packed East. RA 3-269. NHA and private FURS COME OUT tenance, sodding. PETER PAN Nursery all or all day, T V TOWERS BEAUTIFUL miniature poodle puppies RELTABLE experienced woman wi Parking. Apply 108 BW Tce aren, morigages arrasged ____| LIKE NEW WITH 199 GERRARD RD, [ibs 830. Stmeuo North greed sock, ressonable prices Manger. MARJACK LODGE mina chitrer in her "own, home, "on Jo 32 Se Sr on BRUCE Vo JHAOREY, BA, Eamister, PICKWICK CLEANERS TRY RA 8-8180 ley Kennels, Brooklin, OL 5-871. STURGEON LAKE |geiiasie woman will give day care 5-089 Res., YU OUR Street East. RA 8.2381, Res, YU 52127. : f BATHING, trimming, de-fleeing, board- < Special Cl d .B. 8, £. boa Aha for Baby, five-day week. Telephone RA - GREER and Kelly, Barristers, Solici- Papin St i, Sian LOAM - GR AVEL BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN ing. Waubena Kennels, RA 5-6321. Fishing, beach, abundant tg 0a board in pcan Jome, god tors, ete, 7% Simcoe Street South. n Chicken plate, half chicken PUREBRED bro iniat ,| home cooked meals, Special tl Bf Mot Bn pt Dial RA 3-432 | SAND, FILL, TOP SOIL | wih eres ie ton sed | OSHAWA T.V. jromemnss boon wiser mags | home cooked moc Special isis snes ay wags mihi ence V. Keily, PA, BCL. RA 85832.) 434 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH LOTS LEVELLED chips, hamburgs, hot dogs, 361 GIBBONS ST. keeping cabins, Dunford, |Telephone RA 5-0288. ROOM suitable for two gentiemen; RALPH JONES, BA, and THOMAS H. milk shakes. FOR SALE -- See bldok and white Ontario. GIRL, 17, to baby sit while mother a beds, near General ME Hou- GREER, Associate Barristers and Sait) CRESCENT FURRIERS TRACTOR, LOADER WORK MODERN GRILL SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT (Telephone OL 83631, Roy Brown, Rag: Phone 25-R24 Works. Telephone RA $4741. Ne, ad Warners, Telephone A "4 : Reasonable Rates WE DELIVER -- RA 5-3887 IT -- DAY OR NIGHT 16--Female Help Wanted -. board for two Mortgage loans available. oe 22 BRUCE STREET EXPERIENCED Tomi RUSSELL J, MURPHY, BA, LL). (Corner of Celina) DIAL RA 5-2156 T.V. and RADIO sso Sie, ony "mre, | SANDY BAY COTTAGES |ExremienceD bookkeeper, capable catty. 'A psise ° Jone: 800d Io Barrister and Solicitor, 6 King Street "THE HOUSE THAT , . 2971, ALL FURS STORED IN ro CALL RA 8-5286 |[Brosd. 114 Eigin Street East. ON RICE LAKE of handling full set of books. Write stat- Siw: NmovkiD. Ba. LE. CREED'S OSHAWA ri CK EJ CP All Work Guaranteed [FOOPLER for mle, minltirss 48d| 2. and 3-bedroom Cottages, |edit is" bon 105 'oosens. Timer? | 22--Store Space & Garages RAE mo STORAGEVAULTS = | ACME HAULAGE . | fomiist en dogs mao | OSHAWA °F Tore Eee Mik iy Tot, Ermuemecty silts Jo ious BY Wit UF poi 5 BRE vy » a if ) ies, i * 4 ' , mes. rent. ptm "FMANGAN, GO, Barrister Fire on content GRAVEL : E -- ily oy Sl Maia Basket Si Eating. Wit . Mere Jole party. Write Box 918 Oshawa Times. (DUS RA 56344. . r. Mo > [ 3 " 7 EL -- STON RA 8-256] aken now oH Jig rT R. 4, REE OE, Pots, TASES | Cotten For Closing WERE ALWAYS OPEN | SPECIALIZING IN lakes sow tor tress of Spurn! RR 4, Hosting or 1 OFFICE SPACE A, --se--sai| REPAIRS AND RESTYLING LOAM --7 DAYS SAMSON TOWERS |atter's. $00 MONTHLY map eliable House: a se is ne os, RA 5-332] RA 3-3528 ANTENNA INSULATION | "5 pee Column K d L d EL Hc FOR RENT Office, RA 8-37 RA 5-5542, - LET US MACHINE WASH LEN & LOU'S T V awan ag O ge WAITRESS for Shift work. poly u DONALD BLAKE DODDS. Birr Gardening and Supplies Hairdressing YOUR WALLS Frecboimotes Foro ruby M1 weeks aid. ROSSEAU, ONTARIO DE at poe Tewuura, Passenger elevator service. and Solicitor, 26% King Street East. : : Telephone: Business RA 3-2201. Resl-\CEDAR trees or hedges (etc.), 27 | Edward's, Ae yeh 9830, M HOMES, OFFICES, ete. RA 5-7844 TOP money for dead and disabled| Don Gallinger, prop. Former ig hibLiy 7 across a how bulging. | Cawiolly lo dence, RA 8.5373. size, guaranteed to grow. For free esti- in farm stock. R Vivian, Markham, 1160) I " CEEIGHION VEE DRYNAN Sil. re ot ay oa path Street. Please telephone RA 3.7633 for| Speedy, Accurate, No-Dripping (collect), "2i-hour, seven-day service."| [NHL player "Boston Bruins. tor, Moderate rent. Leoses: nove MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No-|Free delivery, Oshawa, B file, | CALL TE 9-1 864 SPRING | V DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. $56.00 weekly and up. COOK for part-time, late afternoons. available. tary Public Bank of Commerce Bldg., Whitby, Ajax and district. Instruction Free Estimates Bhone collect, Hampton. COlfax 32721. American Plan. Write for [Apply YWCA Cafeteria. RA 5.13%, : 8 Simcoe Street North, RA 3.346: T. K. |MULLIGAN'S La Toto-till- EASY-GLIDE TUNE-UP Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Lic. 115. "| folders. An AAA, ATRO re- |GARILLON Towers has openings for Ta: THE TI MES aw LA AA ee ------. Jiarthas Garage, 20 Cordova Road.| if you require an economical Nursing Services incorrect insertion of any adver- 463 Richmond E., Oshawa eompanionehip, in home in Creighton, QC; N. C. Fraser, QC; G. ing. ploughing, sodding, top soil. Com. PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, ¥ ire Drydan, S L. Murdoch, NHA mort-|pjeie garden and lawn services. OL 16 years' Siperiche, by interview only.| INTERIOR WALL WASHING HORSE on : Sow manure for sale, also sort, dies Exponsnos oar Sor_Giruct Sales ao . RUNDLE, Barrister So Ad rv HA 20 DUNBARTON Al libey checked, front ius SEE YOUR TRAVEL AG tar, °p manAgomEnt. exper BUILDI NG TH , ster, GARDENS plowed snd cultivated, rea glass and tuner cleaned, pic- fal Teoble Vib SSnagement ber gitor and Notary Public, 26% "King sonable. Telephone RA 84134 Insurance LITTLE BUCKAROO | 'ture controls set up. 6--Auction LEN-DAVE LODGE [lence invited. Phone Coll Street: East. Phone RA 8-1763. FOR_AUCTIONEERING at its best, BALA MUSKOKA |RELIABLE housekeeper required for re LOAM, manure, sod, sand and gravel, [ALLSTATE Auto Insurance, Save up Contact T. L. WILSON dg Lu F, SWARTZ and "RONALD bl 1 Teleph: hy ' Ra manvary, Sota Np, anal rie Tesbine Ha SAE fo 30 ber cel. Lc on to iv Tig RANCH ALL FOR $3.75 [io"n"T Toons. Teesnon na s3i Chidren Free eaten none reo. 3 ve Phone RA 3-3474 by Money to loan. Henry Block, i 26% King Street East, RA 3.4697. CALL RA $7413, TRAIL RIDING Main lodge, sleeping cabins, = |fully modern ome. Ample time off nce, Dial Off ood till i" 2 a un Hanah 5. GRANT FOR SOD! AUTO INSURANCE RIDING INSTRUCTION professional Technicians. | AUCTION SALE | 35's ener etch home Coon [i Hin at 5a" Saud ai 8:30 WAREHOUSE Boats i If you are a careful driver ADULTS AND CHILDREN WILLIAMS ELECTRONICS 1 'hove: received. instructions cing, hot Sng Sod, turning WANTED immediately, reliable 8% 50 WEY y ly ke , 1 L 18% '89 WEYMOUTH Cruiser, like DELIVERED OR LAID you may save $10, $15 or SWIM POOL OPEN 1218 SIMCOE N. RA 5-2905 10 Sell by. Public Auchon ot isi rite Box ala chiiren, rierences. Mus Je lon A new; Scot, S0HP Satboard motor, on $25 on your car insurance or 2 TO 9 P.M. DAILY ; Aly Sag ronto, MElrose 3-1391 GET THAT CLEAR Stirtevant's Auct Room, COTTAGES STILL FOR RENT Tanuum tralier. RA 37 Finest quality, reasonable rates. better than 209%. Preferred drivers enjoy the lowest rate GO-KARTS 33 Hall St, Thursday even- Well-stablished Oshawa firm Bookkeeping r t TELEPHONE MO E3015 | in Onrars tivoush Wis of- | PICNICS ANG. PRIVATE PICTURE NCW | (oo ii of 7:30 pm AVAILABLE i meat appearing ond able | Located on C.P.R L. SCHAPELHCUMAN CROSS TCWN oo BIL a PARTIES Use ° CHANNELMASTER the following articles-- is rect Sopesrirg ond able ated on C.P.R., v le f ki Inf tion -- RA 5.2 ANTE attached to a tiful hree- : : . . COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING SOD SUPPLY SCHOFIELD HARMONY RD A o273r STARLIGHT TOWER and | 9% cu. ft. Crosley Shelva. | One beautiful modem three Te a chal iver. | tracks in Oshawa SER CETORNS, | Al rolled fertilized sod, | INSURANCE Opie, LTD. OSHAWA ™ '...[ youll ove te best ahvor Washing Machine, Ad. | replace, large Ting foam, | ledge" of seies prefered : Bt fre oily ry | RANE. AociaTes LTD ; ' GET THAT CLEAR oltor Washing Machine, Ad- modern kitchen and bath- Write: Box 821, Oshawa Concrete base-- 686 OSLER STREET ers in the field. Special cone Plumbing Heating PICTURE NOW! miral Television and Book- room, full glass front facing Times, 'giving. full' detotls. of ; RA 5.9953 tractor rates. Lawn Mowers ALL plumbing and heating supplies, ? case, Electrical Appliances, lake, for the month of July age and qualifications. unlimited load RA 5-850 4 POWER Lawn Mowers sharpened and pp. Bald Xe ALE Use a new aluminized picture Thistle Baby Buggy, Electric a se kends, from now un- EXPERIENCED \ carrying capacity. APPLY repaired, also bicycles and outboard |ing, 255. Simcoe Street South, tube installed by expert TV Train Set and layout, Dishes Building Trades motors. 'Rosedale Marine, RA 5-806. imeve St ul -- -- PLUMBING and heating pipes, fit-| technicians, and you'll have Te One smaller two-bedroom YOUR local chimney cleaner, chim-| FE. R, KN HAVE your lawn mower precision shar(yinge. fixtures. nd used, chang. ; 4 and Toys and many other ] ; A meys built and repaired, gas linings in OWLTON pened. Free pick up and delivery. RA|ing from septic "tank to sewer a spe.| the finest. Modest prices -- rticles. 300. numerous. to cottage, electricity, running STENOGR PHER stalled, fu umed. Free esti- falty. .| call us for service: water, refrigerator, availabl Mates. RA 32090, di ert] LANDSCAPING SERVICE Toformation and a iin mention. Terms cash. for first py weeks ve fo For local company. any type ALL types bullding repatrs, roofing,| Now is the time for Spring WE SHARPEN AND RENT [of plumbing. Dial RA s4241, 3. Poles. T.R.1.0. TELEV'SION and oll of August. Boat, Employee benefits, etc. Apply T. L. WILSON avestroughing, chimneys, fireplaces | clean-up! Rolling, fertilizing, ALMOST EVERYTHING FRANK STIRTEVANT, y gidewalks," oops. "RA $698. Gordon) 1op5irs" Top soi 'and sod, ur on | |BEATTY APPLIANCES|7! BOND STREET gAST Auctioneer. beouliul sendy 'beting BOX 726 THE OSHAWA TIMES Bam, aiorent pumps, RA 8-6781 7--Trailers each of the above. Apply: OSHAWA TIMES 23--Wanted to Rent CERAMIC tile, bathrooms, store fronts, no commercial or seconds used RA 5-6047 S T A N / S Boat rk: hip, best prices. COlfax p . a aap Bier i oil bumers, hot water and TV--Rentals heater, Sitch and i ora. Re: 28 SER FOREVAN EXPERIENCED {hee fo fone tran anager requires H, roof d CORNER KING & BURK STS. forced air furnaces, bathroom serve 'now for one or more week's rthend. in' the i a ind repairs. No jobs SODDING R wichita PORTABLE TYPE [vacation RA" 37602 TYPIST Keown: Tia 51158 eons 3130 3 Bors Bsphalt shingles and repairs. No jobs A 3-3224 fixtures, parts and service. -- big or too small. Estimates free. ' PARTNE ' BOX trailer, 6 x 4 feet, in excellent through Friday, MO 8.3008 or RA 5.6537. TOP SOIL, MANURE [Money to Loan PLUMBING TER TING T.V.'s ror "os tieiaon mona | 91 URGEON LAKE JUNE 30, three or four-bedroom house; J. W. MacARTHUR Phone WE WAVE clients" monies available] ORONO 1782 Day or Night BY WEEK OR MONTH filer service 'ina "sccemsaries. Mir| BEEHIVE PARK ESTATES [ Shorthand desirable, but not 150, Gout fechunces: ma 'baat for I first and FLOOR AND Jal OL 5.3049 sna 2s sirchase of "mortgages ud|Rug--Upholstery Servic | A" ict Rees Ploven, | OMEN --WEWTRIE| NEW EXECUTIVE SUMMER | ooo 24--Houses for Rent ents of e. an, divine bi o on . i i WHi gh Ra ld Brooklin ac. 37 King Street East, Oshawa, RA |CRESTERFIELDS re-upholsiered and MEAGHE< S Apply Newcastle Traller Court, On-| HOMES. Mortgages arranged Call Pickering, itehall | ve room brick home, Rito Road ILE O re-styled. Free estimates. See our mate- tario, : | with well known trust com- 2-6980 -- Mr. White North, with garage. Vacant June 1 Free Estimotes SAT money to loan on first mort. Sial for Tecovering. Dalton Upholstering,| 5 KING W. RA 3-3425 |FOR SALE -- one McGinnis trailer, any. Price Fig by Telephone RA 5-9335. HARDSAND LANDSCAPING |gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale '> Charles Street. RA 3.7212. ~~ : sleeps four, good condition. Phone RA| PAny. Prices and terms to National Aluminum SIX-ROOM brick, oil heating, all ¢ Work Guaranteed. A. complete garden service, (Purchased. NHA mortgage arranged./CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re- Well Drilling-Digging 8.5557. suit your needs. Built on veniences, garage central $100 Month: * (Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur-|covered like new. Get the best for less large waterfront lots in new Products Co. Ltd. ly. Telephone RA 51289, ~ ti clean-up, fertilizing, power . A a RA 8-3991 743 ALBERT roling. on a tine power doch at Modery wo rustennk, 12 Simcoe W. WARD COOK'S SELL. FOR LESS registered Piet division TWO-BE EDROoH buncalow, iL on 'three. CLIFF BROWN a les MONEY T0 EE RI IELDS Thu, recavered, WELL DIGGING BY 13' Glendette Compact, unusual and beautiful in the IMMEDIATE SEVEN-ROOM brick ge; a stock, ' are reasonable. Satistaction guaranteed, MACHINE , nei $985 Kawartha lakes, safe natural kitchen and basement, four-piece bath, Mattresses re-bullt, Oshawa Upholstery SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE | 15! Glendette, used $1095 | and beach, large beautiful POSITION nl ion, with trees.' diva, wie} 9. GRAVEL Shp RA 5-172] LOAN Gog, oe Sireet West. Dial RAI T'WHITBY, ONTARIO 15' Glendette, used $1150 shade trees, canal 40° wide at shopping. Phone MO 8-321 Visit Our N M R d Upholstered Fumi- | M00 2ansTaiY oT oso? I uae, pov, ey Bs ehered FOR ay wo, Thorn husse, with 3. pieih isi ew onies for all types of mort- ugs an pholstered Furni- . W. ' or thouse for eac room, gas heating, private drive. Prompt Delivery GARDEN CENTRE goges; for first and second ture expertly cleaned, P.O. BOX 329 16 Rlovgette, new, $1550 lot. way. pose to King and Shopping Cen. RA 8-8951 AT 1259 SIMCOE NORTH mortgages on all types of real SEGER S QUALITY with every conven- FULLY EXPERIENCED |mouse for Jont at Wilson Road South, estate including vacant lands; Cook's Trailer Sales & Part: Call RA 5-40: p t arts, eae tose 1,000 ft. North of A&P Store | SLi 1ETING Votant lands; RUG & UPHOLSTERY TED VEENHOF bor Nos. jotce js bul ny BOOKKEEPER SICROOM bungalow, brosdloom, base 3 y occupie eate: 100 monthly, DECORATING --GARDEN SUPPLIES builders; first and second | p,,recsionai cleaning of | 3 miles East Oshawa drilled ALTERATIONS --STONE SUPPLIES DE rn Ne ena | WELL DIGBING frp Ey Shi FULLY DXPERIENCED (sos a ane Sharon 'wim. RA LOW-COST PREFABRICATED --HOUSE PLANTS M. Sn 26%; King Street RA 5-7488 Clean-outs and deepening. for Sale or Rent Sopa. tatior Deora i SECRETARY SIX-ROOM bungalow, near schools, $88 HALLIDAY HOMES We Also Handle ast, Oshawa. Telephone RA COMPRESSOR WORK. AT CHEMONG LAKE -- threebed-| vate or 2-party line. Good starting salary, plecsont 309 Rossdale. Rosedale Drive. Apply STYLEMASTER COTTAGES Swimming Pool Construction | 3-4697 RUGS & CHESTERFIELDS room furnished cottage for sale, inside DINGS % . i ' i itions, i SPACIOUS three-bed brick house, You wil be glod you called OSHAWA [Mortgages rE ED RABIBOE Ione corfalion| AOCATION: 4 mim yen of | Joie STO, fret IT Th FIRST and second mortgages, arrang 4 : SW mining, 3 ver 5-4978. F x AJAX REPAIR AND |GARDEN SERVICE | Schatzmann, Mortrage Broker, Home or Plant, Want-Ads Don't [ESTABsues ovis summer as Tob Ly. Oe agons ot | plant in Ajax, Ont. phone RA 8-675 an established manufacturing [town and shopping, bus at a Tele. velopment e, frontage lots CONSTRUCTION LTD. 9 101 Dundas W. M0 8-333 Members of the National Sonst Street East, Oshawa "125 ? IMCOE NORTH NEED a i ) & loan? Then check The 4 the dopen| Institute of Rug Cleaning. h Sly oars bull Taauving wo pivh: way; owner on pregerty avery Apply: Box 913 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent RA 85103 Open Evenings Til 9 lie "siiaiy sous mrvne™ ™ NU-WAY -- RA 84681 | Cost-They Pay Issn iw 3 Sevier] gftermoon, including * week- OSHAWA TIMES [incr mei oor Tesemmose hn S385

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