THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Mey 25, 1961 19 to get cracking on the cause- way but accomplished nothing. INTERPRETING THE NEWS | Urge Year-Round ~ | Make-Work Plan Ancient Rivalry Mrs. Macdonald and the Com- By ROD CURRIE raised British eyebrows more, because of the time, the place of what Butler actually said. wife are in Spain on vacation Butler Speech | TORONTO (CP) -- Toronto Shocks British diplomatic boycott of the coun-|municipalities "hu nd reds of Canadian Press Staff Writer |try in the years following the R. A. Butler's 'shame about civil war. Spain" speech seems to have Since those years the attitude| The program, to be submitted! of Western countries has changed and Spain is a member and the speaker than becauseof the United Nations and the {Organization of European Eco- The home secretary and his nomic Co-operation. board of control voted Wednes-| (day to ask the Canadian Vader. lation of Mayors and Municipal- |ities to endorse an employment {program designed to save the| of dollars" in in- creased welfare payments. | thousands |to the federation's annual con- |vention next week in Halifax, {urges the government to elim- inate the May 15 deadline for However, the authoritarian payment of seasonal unemploy- |mons' other three Island mem- {bers, all Conservatives, have F or P E I Vote plugged hard on the deal P.E.L . adhe Lory in the latest federal-provin- {cial tax-sharing arrangements. MONTAGUE, P.EL. (CP) -- wo. But none of the victories It means an extra $10:000,000 Next week's federal byelection were decisive. The biggest was before 1957, they say. They also in the eastern Prince Edward Mr. Macdonald's 1,134 majority talk up the recent government Island riding of Kings could in 1958. announcement: of subsidies to possibly be the deciding match| Aside from personalities, the the shipbuilding industry. This in the political rivalry of Tho-|issues in the May 29 voting are|is expected to assist the Is- mas J. Kickham and Macdon-|traditional ones in Island poli-/land's inshore fishery. alds of nearby Cardigan. tics: the causeway and govern) The riding is a weathervane This time, Mr. Kickham, 60, ment shipping, fishing and farm of federal politics on the Island. a farmer and stock dealer who Programs. Since Confederation the Liber- RUNS ON TAR, BUTTER electrical system. An instruc- | action of free pistons in sin- University, | gle cylinder and passing heat- ed gases under pressure into " small turbine to be concerted | into mechanical action. --(CP Wirephoto) Rvro's Profit Sliced In Half LONDON (CP) Inventor Anton Braun stands beside brainchild, an engine | for at Queen's that can utilize anything from | Kingston, Ont., Mr. Braun has tar to fats for fuel and oper- | put machine through success- ates without spark plugs, car- | ful 525-mile test. It operates buretor, crankshaft, gears or | by producing hot gases through | Canada's Trade Position Noted COPENHAGEN (CP) -- Can-|approach the problem of Euro. affected the operation of the ada will always oppose a grad-|pean grouping in anything but/A.- V. Roe Canada group dur- ing agreement with any coun- a general way until Britain-- ing the 17 - month period end- try or group of countries which/which imported $900,000,000 ining Dec. 31, the parent com- would in any way discriminate goods from Canada in 1960 --|pany, Haw ker Siddeley, an- against her trading partners, al 'comes to some permanent ar-/nounced Wednesday. Canadian business official said rangement with the European Trading profits for A. V. Roe + ling that his visit was "purely ¢ \private," took as & |The official Spanish report said Trading conditions in Canada adversely are Ea I atinature of the Fron roan : : twice held the seat for the Lib-| Liberal Leader Pearson, on a als have won 12 elections and and, Bu 5 the ment benefits and establish aj, 1c "ic" nning" against Mrs. recent tour of the riding, said|the Con ser vatives nine, but t to be making anylprevents her from joining the... 3 1 i 2 European political assemblies, ** 701d Program of make- Margaret - Macdonald, wife of the PC government was sialling|Since 1930 the winning candi- {But in Madrid the Spanish Some, if not all, NATO coun-|WOrk projects instead of the the late Progressive Conserva- on the causeway. A study of the date has always been a member |toreign minister, Fernando Cas-|tries would look askance at a Nov. 1 to April 30 winter works tive member, John A. Macdon-|plan to link the Island with New of the party which subsequently Itiella, threw a party for the suggestion that Spain join on Program now in effect. ald, who died in office last De-'Brunswick, nine miles away, formed the government. Butlers, greeted the British/the grounds that the dictatorial: "The federal government has cember. was started more than four Both parties have brought in | minister in a personal vein and government could not honestly got to reconcile itself to the fact; The two men contested the vears ago and still is unfinished, their big guns. Besides Mr. ino doubt expected him to reply subscribe to the "strengthening that it can't turn the tap on seat in the general elections of(he said. A Liberal government|Pearson, J. W. Pickersgill, for- lalong the same lines. of free institutions" which is/and off on human misery every!1949, 1953, 1957 and 1958 with|would take immediate action. mer cabinet minister, and other However, Mr. Butler, speak-|proclaimed as a common aim six mciths," said Controller Mr. Kickham winning the first| The Conservatives say the Maritimes MPs have spoken or ling off the cuff and emphasiz-/of the NATO treaty, Philip Givens. two and Mr. Macdonald the next Liberals had 25 years in office are slated to speak. his subject {Spain's relations with the west. | Butler expressed "a true satis- |faction to affirm again the idea he had alwavs sustained that |Spain should be reincorporated {in the Western world." It was "a real shame the fact that Snain has heen left on the margin of international life when in reality it represents an essential factor for the West, nsneciallv when the West faces the Communist danger." The British Labor party im- mediately announced it would {ask the prime minister for an {explanation on the remarks as soon as parliament reassembles & in Tuesday. Denis Healey. Labor's| foreign affairs minister, said] ithe statement was "shocking! ul but not surprising." L The government had no im- mediate comment. | Best Buy--BY QUAKER The most surprising aspect of Wednesday. C. Bruce Hill of St. Cathar- ines, Ont., vice-chairman of the Canadian Council of the Inter- national Chamber of Commerce, added however, that Canada has always had difficulty in ba- lancing her trade on a bilateral basis. He told the congress of the ICC that Canada's goal there- fore continues to be the forma- tion of a world trading system| where "quantitative restric-{ nomic tions" and tariffs would have a limited impact, where interna- tional settle ments would be made multilaterally and where currencies would be freely con-| vertible. Speaking at a group discus: sion on regional groups and| world trade, Hill said "we have| every sympathy with the eco-| nomic and political aspirations) of the nations which have bound | themselves together but we ex- pect our exports to travel in| countries involved," he added. \were halved to £2,020,000 and the speech is that it was made a matter of days before Lord Home, the British foreien min- ister. visits Spain. For the home secretarv on vacation to steal the thunder of the foreign minister appeared to many ob- servers to be indiscreet, to say Canada supports in principle after tax there remained a net the least. the formation of regional trading loss of £262,329. The profit dur-' yf Butler was suggesting that blocs if they enhance the. eco-|/ing the previous vear was £1,- Spain be admitted to NATO. he nomic well-being of the coun- 875,873. didn't say it in so manv words. | tries concerned and improve A fina] dividend of five per But it is possible that, in la: the standard of living of their cent by the parent company menting the fact that Spain had people, added Hill, who served makes 15 per cent of the 17- been kept out of international as co-chairman of the group/month period, equal to 10.59 per|life. he was referring to the ae businessmen regard gent Perum 2gainst 10 per i cent paid in previous years. STIFFER FINE FOR SPITTING world markets in general BS 38-1 = .0ss sales for the period of sential Io thelr Sguniry thouan| £348,000.000 constitute a record more 0) half of Canada's ox. and trading profits of the United ports are aimed at the United| Kingdom group expanded 0 TORONTO (CP) -- The States. he said. £29,060,000 from £12,790,000 for : Sain rf hk DELES, ab sal co ihe "vear 'ending July' 31. 1959, price of spitting on a Gor- NO CLOSE-UPS The directors said the reces- gute sidewalk will likely be h UPS ' . creased from $1, the pen- YORK, England (CP) -- The 5°" in Canada adversely af- ajty under a 1904 bylaw, to Queen has barred: close-up Tv fected the trading results of the] a hefty $200. : hots of 'the Dike of Kent ang|Canadian subsidiary but some Alderman Harold Menzies, A : ae : '®| slight signs of recovery now are| Chairman of the city works Katherine Worsley during their committee, persuaded his becoming apparent. = colleagues Wednesday to ask the city solicitor and works commission to prepare a re- vision of the old bylaw wedding June 8. A spokesman). at Buckingham Palace said: "There are emotional moments) AWARD SHOW Jackie Cooper has been signed Best Buy--Save 5¢c--MONARCH MARGARINE Best Buy--Save 14c--HEINZ SPAGHETTI Best Buy--Save 12c--DEL MONTE CATSUP Best Buy--Save 17¢ TREESWEET FANCY JUICE craperRuIT Best Buy--Save 14c--PINK LIQUID 8c OFF "A Happy New Method of Keeping Slim" QUOTA "i 69° BANANA TIN Feature--Save 29¢--10c OFF PACK NABISCO ORBITS 2 = 29° Feature--Save 7¢--YORK BRAND GREEN OR WAX 49° 79: 47: 'BEANS 3 | joins? POLISHING 1-LB. PKGS. c! | 15.02. TINS 79: 20-01. 11-0Z. TINS BOTTLES | LIQUID WAX "~~ 79° C | Feature--Save--3c Off Pack LIQUID STARCH STA-FLO Feature--Save 14c ne 93 GIANT at almost every wedding. It is not proper that they should be as guest star for the second an-| seen in close-up by millions of nual TV Guide Award Show on INBC-TV June 13. TIN which limits the penalty to sympathy with our imports." $1 or three days in jail. NEED BRITISH ACTION It is impossible for Canada to| viewers." VEL Best Buy Save -- Birdseye Frozen Vegetables MIX 'EM OR MATCH 'EM PEAS ,..;. PEAS & CARROTS ,,.; SQUASH ,.... KERNEL CORN ,... SPINACH 12-0Z. PKG. PACK 7-01. TINS MONARCH MARGARINES "THANK YOU these coupons today! I Cem - ay Chip to a Monarch Margarine White Crown End Flap (or reasonable facsimile) and mail to: MONARCH "'$100-A-DAY" CONTEST P.O. Box 516 Station ""F" Teronte, Ont. (Please Printy Clip to a Monarch Margarine White Crown End Flap (or reasonable facsimile) 5 and mail to MONARCH "$100-A-DAY""' CONTEST. P.O. Box 516 Station "F"' Toronto, ont... pian Mr NAME Mrs Miss ADDRESS ery Store name and address where Monarch Margarine was purchased Store name and address where Monarch Margarine was purchased STORE NAME STORE NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS Mark x in square beside answer you think is correet: MONARCH MARGARINE TASTES BETTER BECAUSE -- ©) (a) Monarch is made from Pure Vege. table Oils © (b) Manarch is Vitamin A, Vitamin D enriched. 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Matthews, 33 Ostend Avenue, Toronte 3. $125---Mrs. Ray Lavdie, 436 La Forest Avenue, Sudbury. $125--Mrs. J. Thompson, 36 Lola Road, Toronto 7. $100--Mrs. E. Stockwell, 1046 Victoria Avenue, Niagara Falls. $100----Mrs. Dorothy Leclare, 1901 King Street East, Kitchener. $100--Mrs. 5. Semenchuk, 899 Pleasant Park Road, Ottawa. FOR EXTRA COUPONS WRITE 70 $100 CASH CONTEST" The Oshaws Times 4x7 THURSDAY another "s100-A-DAY" Contest Ad with coupons -- and list of winners. margarines fed = 0 , better because they are made only from VEGETABLE o: simple Instructions -- Pick up a pound of better tasting, won- pack gsirneie ie Ivo Margarine. Tear off the white crown end flap and attach it 10 a (completed) coupon above and send both by first-class mail to the address shown on the coupon. Enter as often as you wish but each entry should conform as outlined. This Contest for Ontario housewives is Monarch's way of saying "thank you for making Monarch Margarines Ontario's best seller A Bonus prize of $25 will be paid to winning entries which also 3% so flap marked "100% Pure Vegetable Oils" from a MONARCH SHORTENING Package (of facsimile). Regulor $7.95 Value 3.98 with $5.00 order Premium Offer SUN CHIEF | UMBRELLAS I SPROULE'S M TE gp TE AT OR CORNER KING AT ween] Red and White Color CLAMP ON CHAIR, BOAT, BABY CRIB, ETC, SPROULE'S | CORNER SIMCOE AT MILL . 17: GIANT 10c OFF PACK SAICO--SOLID WHITE TER BAGS ( +. 39° ANGEL FOOD CAKE... 35° FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT GREEN BEANS ™° NUTRITIOUS NEW "ro 39: GREEN ONIONS 3 .. 19° | IVORY SNOW -« 75° PKGS. ]-00 TUNA FISH3 BAKERY FEATURE! 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