RAT RESET ET CL oT -- 1 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thumdey, Mey 25, 19 NG FURNITURE VALUES WE WILL NOT BE UND FURNITU Ed. Has . . . He Slashing Furniture Prices To An ALL-TIME LOW! "Me's Flipped His Lid" SMASHING FURNITURE VALUES RA te a | Gontinental Beds 88 During His Sensational ARBORITE TOP Spring-filled construction. Complete 18 D § % 8 % with legs, SELL-OUT ............ Drover ais shot " ped om, - §] Bb ry Genuine Tri-Lite Floor Lamps nT 7.95 SCATTER MATS SOE oss irbprsncin Met eom siLiiout, Woh wee ¢ Fiake Foam Pillows 8 8x9 Floor Goverings uilted covers, non-allergic. Borderless cl only. SELL-OUT I he 8 k Borderers vim, <ul pattern. 1.99 UNPAINTED DEPARTMENT FOR DO-IT-YOURSELF FANS! UNPAINTED BOOKCASES | '}] a Two shelves, ready for finishing ................ BARGAINS FOR BABY New 1961 Car-Bed Baby Carriages SunVisor, Peek-a-Boo Apron, chrome mud guords. Famous make, 3 only. SELL-OUT ® ERR EE REY UNPAINTED STUDENTS' DESKS 12 it] CHROME HI-CHAIRS, 10 88 Drawer ond shelves, SELL-OUT .................. [] Padded seat and back. arborite tray, mever before. vanes ssesrs or suwess | 4.04 wows pan yu ane side, casters. UNPAINTED RECORD CABINETS 1b.hh Large full one. Drop side, acters, Bs 05. od: VANTY DRESSERS 18.88 SPRNGALLED chm messes 0B Arborite Table Top end 4 Heavy Duty luxe ie vi filled bed Extra Large Chrome | | Platform 5-Pce. Super Value Coffee and Save! Save! Save! | Is Kitchen Suites Rockers Chrome Suites Smooth Top Continental RlStep Tables Spring-Filled w 3 x 60 Arborite Table with gleaming Beautiful Frieze covers, cushionized spring C headboard end legs, A de- Arborite tops, hest end stein-resistent. Mattresses a : moth 9,99 He construction. Shine % ih heavy duty fick- Reg. 14.95. Less thes 34 Price -- Res. $9.3 Ren. 99.50. S Rey. 69.50, ' Half Price . Reg, 89.50, Our SELL-OUT Wile is i dam, STIR SMLOUT ......... UP. SELLOUT ......... SPECIAL .......... M iin WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD COLOSSAL CHESTERFIELD BUYS BIG BEDROOM BARGAINS YOU CAN'T AFFORD -] | 2-Pce. Serta COMPLETE 14-PCE. T o Wa SS ¥ Gorgeous Deluxe Beautiful Walnut a Bl Sofabed Suite LIVING ROOM ENSEMBLE * Mr. & Mrs. Bedroom | 12 piece Bedroom » (o] 2-pce. Restonic Daveno Suite, Nimwed yith INES Includes huge "hast u downs, double 6- wn Nyon Fine Upholery, atest sting. A | arse Fel, Sad Tob, Sofen Tubl ODDS'N'ENDS CLEARANCE ne *PHin8 We | Cha, ckeune Sed, Spi, Sping-d [pd " goskay pu ot Ed. 2 Cushions, 2 Pictures, pune in lotest Seamist Nairn. 3 Mien 2 0 Ml es. $199. S Hd) 9; Be 1 Many One-of-a-Kind Reg. $249. s166 Wat | Pictures, SELL-OUT 138 [=] H SELL-OUT ...nnvness PHOE vos xeerssssrey STORE SAMPLES. SOME SLIGHTLY SOILED LL-OUT .......... THGYSP | PRICE .............. T g| 2-Pce. Chesterfield 3-Pce. Serta End tables, Walnut and Blond 00. morn 3-Piece 3-Piece Bedroom 0 ° " mp ades. Bl Cu; Sectional Suite All sh Bo Lr satas ess Seen ; i Be Suite by Beverley With Frieze Upholstery and 'Foam' Cushions. i indi lg 1 a Bedroom Suite Suite y 'd 24] Nylon Frieze Upholstery and "Alrfoam Rub. | Here Is your chance of a lifetime to buy a Reg. 4.98. SELL-OUT .................... Cada ieee =. Blond or Walnut finish, Mr. end Mrs. Dresser, | Walnut finish, large Dresser with Mirror, | = ber" Cushions. A big luxurious suite low Genuine canvas back inlaid linoleum. 88° Large Chest, Bookcase Roomy Chest of Drawers, 0 Bl ser ot a smolt price. oir ha eaobilie Reg. 2.69 yard, SELL-OUT, yard . ............... thy es sins Bed. Pull Panel Bed. Ol P Rus, 3209, S Roy, 324 $349. One ont S 09d kitehen chrome chairs. 2 88 SenAuT $ bib S c YH cereeneees TUES TEE | SELLOUT .......... ASH and COMY .. ... ccvnsssrnnrvss? rvs civinssnnisws ling cesesnenns RAL I 3-piece Kindergarten sets. ) 88 X . SELLOUT... ic rit iene a Ei eh a . | 3 4-Seater 2-Piece "Foam" Brass magazine racks. 87 And rew Malcolm Triple Dresser 3 ; " Chesterfield Suite. Sofabed Suite RCRD a Mad eli dy s |@ French Provincial Bedroom Suite So BE is New Rr ting rom but Sey Cusiony, many sles. span a QP | siren sore, i burrnt, dust | Ti 9.Dreve, Drees with ioc mis, [80 3 --trn on hy Sau a iy a Sanvigd 7 » opens to a pif Togo size Thre be Board Wardrobes. 3 88 ry od plate ah 3 Sloss mirer. ihn hor .$ huge . Shon gf drawen en cave by | this, compartment, ra up- Duly SELLOUT. + en TE ad n bedrowm, Sivas % For brown tons Finish wl IF 2a. 20), S Rep. & Reg. $200. S 7 Jor nih sonics Y ierasy cumsrnsririnss iran 36.00 nu Yes 4 Jive Sample. S it sessnee see Genuine Co 0 Il, 54" ide. jl CO coven ELL-O cesemsenns ; 8 MANY OTHER BARGAINS NOT ADVERTISED iy 7c. SELLOUT, for EE ME Sa IEE PE TN 29 MANY OTHER BEDROOM SUITES NOT ADVERTISED 20 CHURCH ST. § SA - 7'y WILSON FURNITURE CO. OSHAWA