2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Mey 23, 1961 | Race Hate Fighters L By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS three white students in the/body College in Nashville, a OTTAWA (CP) -- A major Who are these people, 21|group, talked freely with a re- member of the central commit-| American firm told critical Ca- young people, 18 Negroes and|porter at Nashville, Tenn., her{tee of the Nashville Student/nadian MPs Monday that the *|three whites, who risked the hometown. | Non-Violent Movement. farm implements business is not wrath of mob action to ride a| "I would go again," she said.| She and Susan Herrmann, 20,/@2 mass production industry in bus? "The whole movement has been|of Los Angeles, the other white the generally accepted sense And Vie are those Whe op- very rewarding to me." |co-ed, were sent back to Nash-|and Showid be judged on the ba- | posed them -- some with legal] ville by Montgomery, Ala., po- sis of its owr unique problems. |action,. some with s win g ing NEEDED WHITE AID {lice following Saturday rioting.| Officers of Deere and Com- _/|fists, lead pipes, bicycle chains] Some Negro students from | price Herrmann is an exchange|pany of Moline, Ill., which has "|and sticks wielded in bloody|Fisk University and Tennessee|g, dent from Whittier College!a manufacturing plant in Wel- riot? A and I came over to our Stun California, attending Fisk land, appeared before the Com- '| The 21 young people, mostly|dent Christian Association last|{jniversity. mons agriculture committee in- |college students from Nashville,|February and told us they : quiring into prices paid by Ca- Tenn., and all of them veter-|needed some white help in their READY TO DIE nadian farmers for farm imple- ans of sit-in and stand-in dem- stand-ins. | (In a telephone interview with|ment;. '| onstrations, say they re trying| "I've always felt strongly that|the Los Angeles Times Sunday,| committee members pep- to finish a job. segregation is wrong. This was|{Miss Herrmann was quoted asi ". . with qu ons The job is segregation:testing something we could do -- it/saying: "We were all prepared De eh morning and af: IOOR tour of bus stations in the South|wasn't far away in The Congo, |to die. For a while Saturday Ij' ong) With AT. Connell, di --from Washington to New Or-|I realized I coldn't stand by and thought all 21 of us would die Sessiol f Deere 'and Comp it { : : leans. [talk about it. |at the hands of that mob in Ton MH ie pany Susan Wilbur, 18, one of the! She is a freshman at Pea. Montgomery. . . We were|53€ 4 & 8 : ------ Freedom Riders, two white|COmpany s replies. : girls. one white boy and 18 Ne- ed D. Hales (- "--Welling- groes, trying to ride in buses ton South) sald the indus'ry through Alabama to New Or-|seems to have a far bigger mar- leans (La.) to help the cause|q;, o¢ 1 fit than any other bu- siness. of true freedom for all the races.") Hk The third white person in the| Arnold Peters (CCF--Timiska- group is Jim Zwerg, 2l-year- ming), referring to the Welland old ministerial student from operation, said Canada seems to be the victim in some -oses of a an international operation. Fisk. His home is at Appleton, Wis., where his father is He wanted to know ws the in dentist. "I believe this type of non- Welland plant's advantage violent protest is the kind of|jabor costs over the U.S. opera- The Negroes demand voting/love that Christ preached." {jong of Deere and Company {rights for all non-white before ZWerg told a reporter wasn't reflected in the cost of Miss Wilbur said many Ne-|___ iil gro members of the group are ministerial students. The student group moved Negro Division May Wreck Strike JOHANNESBURG (AP) -- A work stoppage and protest split between rival negro organ- demonstrations May 29-31 (izations could wreck plans for against the j..c..a:aation of al a strike against the South Af-/South African republic on the rican government * next week last day of the month. {and help provoke widespread | violence. | If the division proves serious, |, : [clashes are bound to erupt be- South Africa leaves the Com- "tween rival agitators trying on|monwealth. Prime Minister one side to persuade South Af-|Hendrik Verwoerd's government| «| [rica's urban Negroes to go to/has rejected the demand and A | work or, on the other, to stay|banned all public demonstra-|into Birmingham to pick ine OS J WV. Work an. tions. [best of bus station segrega " SHOPP G {home and join the walkout. after the original Freedom Rid-| IN |Heavily mobilized white police] Under this pressure, two rival) dye ; and troops then would step in,| Negro organizations fell to feud. ers found themselves stymied by| inflaming tempers even more. |ing. They are the African Na- violence and took a plane from Spokesmen for the Negroes--|tional Congress (ANC) and the Birmingham to New Orleans. who number 11,000,000 of South|Pan-Africanist Congress (PAC).| The original Freedom Riders TOO MANY MOUTHS | he has time to see. Ontario dentists at the 94th annual school recruitment {| to encourage more Using three attractive dental nurses as props, Dr. program students Farm Machinery | Would Die For Cause Firm Replies the company's implements sold in Canada. SUBMITS VIEW _ The argument that the farm implement business should be judged in the context of its own unique problems formed the foundation of the company's for- mal submission. ; Noting that the total North American farm mactinery pro- duction is the output of many companies, it said: "In our company alone we of- fer for sale more than 8,700 dif- ferent machines and attach- ments," Deere and Company said it is in a constant dilemma be- tween trying to reduce costs by producing a greater volume of standard machines on one hand and responding on the other hand to constant pressure from farmers to adapt these basic machines to local needs. The company said a charac- teristic of the industry is that GOOD FOOD NOON SPECIALS PLATE LUNCH SNACK ROOM .. bb BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH, EVENING DINNER-- 3 up course . ls HOTEL LANCASTER it does not enjoy the advantage of producing to fill orders. "We must produce to fill not actual orders on hand but or- ders we and our dealers esti- mate we will receive from farmers. This is risky business and is subject to many things over which we have no centrol, such as droughts, floods, crop | failures, pests, diseases, etc." a Laxative Merry-Go-Round ? TAKE NR TONIGHT... TOMORROW ALRIGHT! | For over seventy years, Mt... Nature's {Remedy...has been giving folks | pleasant, effective overnight relief. No | restlessness, no sudden necessity. A de | pendable all-vegetable laxa- | tive. Take NR Tablets tonight! | { {On REGULAR » CHOCOLATE COATED *» JUNIORS | f | This seal is the hallmark of quality in the Rug Cleaning Field. As a member of NIRC, Nu- Way Rug Cleaners have the knowledge and equip- ment to do a thorough, professional rug cleaning job. NU-WAY RUG CLEANERS 174 MARY ST. RA 8-4681 "All work done In Oshews by Qualified Oshowa Techni cians" Ontario Dental Association convention in Toronto, are planning to step up their high ! Murray Cornish of Toronto demonstrates the dentists' di- lemma -- more mouths than Africa's 15,000,000 p o p u lation|both outlawyed since last year's|--also a racially mixed group-- and provide a low-wage base for|racial violence. Their leaders/Were members of the Congress the economy--have called for alwork underground. [of Racial Equality, (CORE) an| -- tr ----r-------- ---- organization dedicated to inte- [(4.0:31"143 gration. (4.53114 = | SPECIA | BOA UTIL TERY AYLITEN to take up dentistry. (CP Wirephoto) Fate Of CNR Chief Shipping Act Said 'Outdated' Still Not Decided + Quic i Mr. Matin said lack of de- transport minister Lionel Chev-| "technical." ere or Pune Servants Was rier suggested Monday night| Licensing of pleasure craft President Donald Gordon? ph mg ney wh 7 weighed that the government appoint 'a|will be changed, boosting to 20| resident Dona ordon? Under persistent opposition] aor pment, tacks on commission t~ study what he|from 15 tons the size of vessels : . "NR Presid The Commons got no answer persis ....Oppos} Governor James Coyne of the gocoribed as the "out - dated' |that need onl simple sm nite the defence of CNR President Monday after hours of opposi- Pressure, Mr. Balcer declined pang of Canada should have|cgnada Shisping Act lait ny ple smallinonald Gordon or concur in at-| Yon Jujssing i Ibe By hele NE ont. | prompted Finance Minister) "mpe Tiheral MP for Montreal . |tacks on him by back - bench J. W. Pickers g Bona-| pis icy peg Sept. 59/ Fleming to defence or repudia- yayrier told the Commons the| WILL BE LOWERED ye aid he is person vista Twillings A yg ons |and he has been kept on from ton: fact the act has been amended) Qualifications o Shsineers of tly "satisfied with nn sage of its capital punishment day to day since. OPPOSE MEASURE 50 much Is Prout 3 iS WE | vessels! don's work but did not say whe- bill to decide about Mr. Gor-| The subject came up during ' The Liberals, Opposing the en He spoke as the Commons engineering certificate will be|ther he would be continued in a ' 1n | tiscussion or pL Ee oll Ro oe gave second reading--approval| owered. ; i gave third and They can't really make up)! 2ve] 8 a iow Be ints the bill Bal alic in principle -- to yet another owever, large inland, home-| ii addi, t their minds wheher fo hang ins, io Increase membership a lo write into the bil automatic ETOP, C0, 7, "0" ti made and minor water vessels (nal, reading fo a, government him or ve = a life sen- fhe oN : Doar irector: i ht bo Ao , ; '| huge act governing everthing in will fequite first - class engin-| | Dereasing ihe onl 3 Yo: rd) ence," he said. on seven. ifliam Benidickson (I--Ke-/yho giant marine industry from|Se7s Where previously the max. 0 UIfeCiors fo 2 trom seven All that Transport Minister] Mr. Picker s gill wondered|/nora - Rainy River) said the recording of vessels to safety|imum requirement was third he House also gave second Bless would my was this: | whether the bill was a device/CNR board of directors has be- of life at sea * | class. Jen ting approval in Principles 'l must say that personally|to get rid of Mr. Gordon. \come a tool of and patronage| The latest amending bill has| Mr. Balcer said the new legis-|\0 the Agricultural Hehabilita- I have always had extremely| If the government didn't want vehicle for the Conservative 41 sections. It will go fo a Com.|lation will not affect men in|tion and Development Act and good relations with Mr. Gordon.|Mr. Gordon, why didn't it sack party. He had earlier favored|monc committee for fucther|these jobs now. [to a series of technical amend. He has co-operated during the him? If it did, why not give enlargement of the board but gy. In the pilotage district vo {ants to the Canada Shipping ) po and personally I am satisfied way properly? ment's appointments. an exempotn of pilotage dues| Frank Howard (CCF--Skecna) with his work. Paul Martin (L--Essex East)] Mr, Balcer said this was "po- {will be made for United States (S21 Canadian, Marconi Com- Mr. Balcer became transportsaid the government couldn'tlitical somersault." Mr. Beni- Mother Pleads |vessels, giving them the same P31, in -torhi ding Jraterniza' minister last October. Since|ignore the attacks on Mr. Gor-|dickson had been in favor of a {exemption in the district ac. (tion, etween its emp Dyces i then, CCF and Progressive Con-idon. It must concur in them larger board until he found his | corded Canadian and Brtish Eskimos, is going against the ships. . : ; servative back-benchers, led pyjand thus fire the CNR president|party wasn't. He had "dreamed With Hangman {Bill of Rights | Safety regulations will be ex-| Tuesday, May 23 Douglas Fisher (CCF--Port Ar-lor defend him forcefully. a way out" mn srrr LONDON (AP)--Britain's pub-(tended to cover smaller '"un-| The Commons meets at 11 lic hangman received an angu-|Propelled" pleasure craft, mak-|a.m. to debate the government's { lished appeal for mercy Sunday|ing mandatory such safety|bill on capital punishment. The from the mother of a young|equipment as life jackets. Senate sits at 8 p.m. murderer condemned to die = ; ---- NT of ting ues Budget Delay Reason Sought Parliament At-A-Glance p= ey mE canapian press | § Wed, May 24th Monday, May 22, 1961 | Liberal MPs demanded that) Transport Minister Balcer come PRICE ON DATE BELOW ONLY OTTAWA (CP) -- Is the gov- thur), have demanded Mr. Gor- ernment preparing to guillotine don's head. t ilroad f CNR he railroad career of C DECLINES TO SAY YOLLES FURNITURE REFRIGERATORS USED sizes. FROM CAMERA CENTRE VIEWMASTER REELS Reg. 1.50. rack +99 HORWICH CREDIT JEWELLERS Aluminum LAZY SUSAN -- with gloss insert, .. .. Reg. 5.50 time I have been the minister him the support to run the rail- now didn't trust the govern- mransport Minister Balcer de-|tween Cornwall and Montreal, | SWAN HARDWARE ELECTRIC LAWN MOWER-- remem remsp----------" Er 5 36" Dan River Wrinkle-shed FABRIC, 1961 designs. Reg. up to 1.49 yd. 6 SPECIAL, YARD .... 89 AGNEW SURPASS SHOE STORES Comfortable SAN- kt' 3% : 7, A 3 447 7A 4 « be *Y/ Ww b Yhnty il), SPECIAL! DALS-- Hey Kids! LOOK! WIN mis FREE reconditioned, guaranteed. All || -- at DAIRY 1347 SIMCO At 7 By Her Worship Chr 5 4, |can do about it. | Allen has been rssigned ol » on Fleming Monday to come here hpi a ery ull netore the May 29 federal by- SAYS PCs FAILED {peal to the home office--which election and explain the "most| The Liberal leader accused 2 PAIRS FOR 5.00 PAIR )) far Victor Terry, 20, for the {unusual delay" in this year's|the government of failing mis- A #4 y / murder 'of a bank guard. Ter | ' |ry's mother wrote a personal | already has refused to reprieve] | him. federal budget. {erably in its 1958 election prom- [ He said the government is|ises to the Maritimes. me," said the hangman, Henry { |Allen. But there is nothing he {letter to the hangman after {vainly trying to win public and oh : i official support for her plea that|, DY UNDSTON, N.B. (CP)--|man Catholic parish hall. Ed- [her son be saved from the gal./Liberal Leader Lester Pearson|mundston is the chief centre of lows. challenged Fin ance Minister| Restigouche-Madawaska. DISMISSES APPEALS afraid to bring down its budget,| Relaxed and confident, Mr. WASHINGTON (AP) -- The normally presented by the end Pearson flew into New Bruns. SHOWE gy ATA Msg United States Supreme Court|of April, before the four May 29| Wick Sunday predicting a Lib- 90-100 4 Ty Monday dismissed an appeal by | byelections. eral sweep of the four votes. ii THUNDI J WAM WH 4 |Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Duncan, 56,| «Ig jt because you must not] He said he has been greatly sentenced to death in California know the huge amount of the encouraged by the enthusiastic central Ontario and eastern |for the killing of her son's preg-|fifth consecutive deficit he will|Liberal campaigns in Ontario's nant wife by two hired thugs. have to forecast in his budget? |Leeds riding, where he opened The court also dismissed ap-/Or js jt because Mr. Fleming|Friday, and Kings, the Prince| --e peals on behalf of Luis Moya intends to increase taxes and|Edward Island constituency, he [ : and Augustine Baldonado, also|does not want to announce this| toured Saturday. Forecast temperatures are Huge} death Sentence. They ha news just before the byelec-| The other riding involved in Low tonight, high Wednesday: pocuse Mrs. Duncan of hiring|tions? {the May 29 vote is Esquimalt- Windsor 'vr 40 70 |them. "It is your right to know the|Saanich in British Columbia. 70 |answers {o those questions be- - Husbands! Wives! FIRE RAZES WAREHOUSE |fore you vote next Monday, and ST. CATHARINES (CP) -- A|the long parade of Conserva- A Get Pep, Vim; Feel Younger Thousands of couples are weak, worn-out general alarm fire destroyed tives now visiting the riding |the Interlake Tissue Mills ware- should be asked to provide the| -- because body lacks iron, For a_new younger feeling after 40, try Ostrex Tonic LOOK FOR THE | a ~N THE WEATHER OFFICE | change in temperature for predicts sunny weather with most of Ontario and Quebec | Quebec can expect a few show- cloudy intervals and little today and tomorrow. Parts of | ers. --(CP Wirephoto) WEATHER FORECAST ! Cool And Cloudy Some Showers Sd TORONTO (CP) -- Official) Sunny Wednesday but clouding Peterborough ..... 3: forecasts issued at 5 a.m.: over with a few showers likely Trenton +c... . Lo Synopsis: Cool weather con-jin the afternoon. Northerly, . tinues in most of Ontario and winds 10-15. KiiSi08 anse no Jeal warming trend is as yet. White River, Timagami, Coch- dni io ys evident. | : ¥ 0 1Y saan Lake Erie: Lake Huron, Nia- Mostly eglon Sunny Joday. $5. Marie . gara, western Lake Ontario re-| o.oo "op" BSC a) Sudbury .... : Windsor, London Tor. Scattered showers and turn: Earlton .... gious, Har: Sunny with a|ing cooler. Winds light today, Kapuskasing . few cloudy intervals today and becoming northeast 15 Wednes- White River .. 3 x i day. MOOSONEe .....vuus 32 Wednesday, little change in ---- ane temperature. Northerly winds/ 10-15. Eastern Lake Ontario region: Sunny but with afternoon. cloud- iness and a few scattered show- ers today. Sunny Wednesday, little c han ge in temperature. Northernly winds near 15. Haliburton region: Cloudy Kitchener +. vese4+ Wingham .... Hamilton house here Sunday night. Com- answers." pany officials estimated the]. Mr. Pearson wound up a in i | Bh. Tablets, f ; supplement loss at More than $1,000,000. three - day swing through the does vitamin By. Get scquainied wae {Cause o e fire was notMaritimes with Monday's| costs little. Be wise, get pep quick, thrifty known. speech before a rally in a Ro. "7 1 Ost todey. Atal droggion. NEILL AND 2a BANDS, SOLOISTS, ENSEMBLES Display of Musical Instruments ¢ Travel by Train to the ATLANTIC PROVINCES Enjoy modern equipment -- travel relaxed Ticket Admits one Adult or Two Students Remember! FREE Everytime You WEDNESDAY, MAY 24h DAIRY QUEEN STORES i Fill in Entry Seed The -- QUEEN E ST. NORTH istine Thomas, Mayor You Get a TRY Buy at The . . . ~ arrive refreshed. For information, PHONE RA 3.4122 with a few sunny intervals and a few showers today. Sunny Wednesday, clouding over in the afternoon. Northerly winds near 15. Georgian Bay, Algoma re- gions; Mostly sunny today. 70-634 CANADIAN NATIONAL 8 P.M. WED., MAY 24 ADMISSION 50c --