70 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Mey 23, 1961 'Fight Reds' Bishop NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP) Most Rev. W. J. Smith, Roman Catholic bishop of Pembroke. called Sunday for a spiritual offensive against "the life and death struggle" with commun- ism and the free world's "de- cadent materialism." He told Ontario's Knights of Columbus, of which he is chap- lain, that the batle with com- munism can be won "by em- phasis on the spiritual side, by proving to the world that we are not the money - mad, material- minded, dollar - crazy mercen- ary people that Communist pro-| paganda pictures us to be." But there was a danger Roberts Denies Cadi Related To Gambler TORONTO (CP) -- Donald| MacDonald, Ontario CCF leader accused Attorney-General Rob- erts Monday of appointing a new magistrate who is related to a well-known Ontario gambl- ing leader. Mr. Roberts described the charge as '"'a lot of hooey from beginning to end." The CCF leader said in a statement that appointment of magistrates "is usually made on a patronage basis -- rewarding the party faithful. There are ex- ceptions -- but they are excep- tions that merely prove the gen- ral rule." Calling for a 'thorough and independent investigation" into "the administration of justice and its relation to the wide- spread establishment of organ- ized crime in this province," Mr. MacDonald said: "For example, not long ago the attorney-general appointed a new magistrate who is a close relative of a well - known gambling leader in this prov- ince; and persons closely asso- ciated with the gambling world have openly boasted, rightly or wrongly, of their influence in having the appointment made." Mr. Roberts replied: "That's a lot of hooey frm beginning to end. Our magis- trates are selected with the greatest of care. He's been at- tacking some vital institutions that make up our democratic way of life. We know how to assess any blast from him." Turncoats Entitled To Pay WASHINGTON (AP) -- Three American soldiers alleged to have helped the Communist side when captured during the Korean War are entitled to pris- oner - of - war pay, the Su- preme Court decided Monday. The three refused repatria- iton after the war, but changed their minds after 18 months in Communist China and returned to the United States in 1955. Justice Potter Stewart deliv- ered the unanimous decision which applied to claims by Otho Bell for $1,455, William Cowart for $4,991 and Lewie Griggs for $2,810. The men, former corporals, given dishonorable discharges from the army. Each sought pay and allowances from the dates of their capture in 1950 and 1951 until they were discharged Jan. 23, 1954. The three appealed to the high tribunal after the U.S. Court of Claims rejected their demands on the grounds that to grant them pay "would be to put a premium of dishonor and a penalty on courageous loy- alty." Says greater than communism. The) roots of civilization were being attacked "not from communism from without, but by the agnos- tics, atheists, materialists, neo- intellectuals from within, with no belief in an objective mor- ality." "This is the real danger. A danger far greater than any nu- clar bomb or missile." | Ernst J. Wolfe of Peterbor-| ough was elected state deputy of the K of C Sunday. He succeeds J. Martin Mec- Pherson of Sault Ste. Marie. Ont. Other officers include Louis) J. Salinie, Fort William, treas-| urer and Paul Cecile, Tecum- seh, warden. Bishop Smith was re - elected chaplain. Award for the Best council went to St. Catharines. The 1962 convention will be SOLINA By GLADYS YELLOWLEES SOLINA -- The church was filled on Sunday morning for the. church service in observ- ance of Christian Family week. A special tribute was also paid to mothers everywhere on this Sunday in May. Jo Ann Mar- | garet, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Cryderman and Bruce Edward, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Millson, were presented for baptism by Reverend F. J. Reed. Beginning next Sunday, May 21 and continuing" through the summer months a combined service will be held at 10.30 o'clock. Mr. and Mr. Bruce Tink, Di- anne, Neil and Herbie visited on Sunday with Mrs. W. A. Ormiston, Brooklin. Mrs. H. E. Tink was a Sun- day visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell and family, Hampton. . Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Brown and children, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Tink, Ebenezer; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink, Hampton, visited at Bruce Tink's. Miss Lena Taylor, Bowman- ville; Mrs. H. Ogden, Oshawa, visited Mr, and Mrs. E. R. held in Toronto. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. N. Fice anda Sunday visitor with Mr. and|sons, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mc- Mr. George Bittner, Oshawa, Minn and children visited at E.| were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cryderman and chil- Douglas, Taunton; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook and children, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Grills of Oak- wood were Thursday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. Yellow- lees and Gladys. Mr. Charles Allin, Bowman- ville, was a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Yellowlees and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davis, Osh- awa, were tea guests on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Pat. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yellow- lees and family visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Larmer, Blackstock. The Hi-C group met in the church basement with Lorne Tink, president, in the chair. The program under the head- ing of '""This Business of Grow- ing Up", was prepared by Pat Davis. Snaps of all the members were displayed for each to guess his neighbor's identity. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Mitchell, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. C. Rahm, Union; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Westlake and family vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake, Jr., and family and Mrs. Frank Westlake, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome and sons were Sunday tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Munday, Bowmanville. Mrs. T. Flett, Columbus, was for SAVING... To be used only in emergencies and for opportunities «+. that's the kind of savings account that many B of M customers rely on as the cornerstone of their financial security . . . dollars for defense against adversity ... savings with which to answer the sudden knock of opportunity. Strictly for saving accounts. ..can you afford to be without one? It will take only one dollar and three minutes to open an account at your neighbourhood branch. S000 00 PRP PRILIRIRNRNRNNIOOLIOIROIOIEORIRIOIERRIIOERBRDYS WORKING WITH CANA BANK oF MONTREAL Canadas Prot Bark | Oshawa Branch, 20 Simcoe St. North: JAMES McCANSH, Manager | | Oshawa Shopping Centre Branch, King St. West: N Ajax Branch: Bowmanville Branch: Whitby Branch: DIANS IN EVERY WALK ORMAN McALPINE, Manager| HUGH HUSTLER, Manager| | JAMES BELL, Manager COLIN SUTHERLAND, Manager LIFE SINCE 1817 D.3228 et OF Mrs. D. Flett and family. Mrs. Ray Bemis and Mr. Ralph Bemis, Oshawa, visited and Keith Cryderman's. Miss Jean Cryderman and dren. Mr. and Mrs. E. Spires. Mr. and Mrs. Ken McMinn, | Gary and Robbie, Oshawa; Mr. George Nemett, Myrtle; Mr. George Wainwright, Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. Don Pascoe and sons, Hampton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pascoe. | Mr. and Mrs. J. Smales, Jr., and family, Oshawa; Mr. Barry Cowling, Bowmanville, visited] on Sunday at Messrs. Tom and| J. Baker's. f Mrs. J. Knox, Helen and] Nancy; Marilyn and Ronni el Knox visited at 's| and H. Malcolm's, Brougham. Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton, Gail, Doris and David and Mr.| C. Mills, Enniskillen; Mr. and Mrs. J. Leger and children. | Mr. and Mrs. H. Freitag and CAR AUCTION EVERY WEDNESDAY 6:30 P.M. BUY OR SELL -- EASY TERMS Cars to be sold must be entered before 4:00 p.m. day of the sale. A few reserved bids . . . others will be sold to the highest bidders, GOOD SELECTION OF USED CARS... INCLUDING 1961 MODELS OSHAWA CAR AUCTION 25 GRENFELL STREET RA 8-5179 | | | | [ GUARDIAN MAINTENANGE HELPS SAFEGUARD YOUR CAR Protect your investment! Get a Guardian Maintenance Safety Check! Your reliable GM dealer is vitally interested in doing things right! His expert servicemen are factory-trained to spot the services you need, when you need them. He has modern equipment to tackle jobs scientifically, quickly. And when you need replacement parts for your car or truck... you're assured of factory-approved parts at your General Motors Dealer's. See him soon. 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The down payments shown above (just 10% of the total return fares) get you on your way-and you have up to 24 months to pay the balance! Complete Economy return fares from Toronto] Hamilton are: to Paris or Brussels: $536.80; to Dusseldorf or Zurich: $572.80; and to Vienna: $614.10. Of course, you can make your own arrangements--increase your down payment, shorten the time for paying the balance, SEE EUROPE on TCA's "Extra Cities" Plan! On your TCA ticket to Vienna, for instance, you can visit any or all of these 15 extra cities at no extra cost: Glasgow~-Copenhagen-Hamburg- Hanover -Frankfurt--Nuremberg -- Munich-Zurich~- Dusseldorf - Amsterdam ~ Brussels -- Paris --~ London ~ Dublin = Shannon § By TCA or connecting airlines. ASK YOUR TRAVEL AGENT ABOUT TCA JETS TO EUROPE! FLY TCA--THE ONLY AIRLINE THAT TAKES YOU FROM TORONTO TO CONTINENTAL EUROPE WITHOUT CHANGE OF PLANE! 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