WEDDING PRINCIPALS of New Richmond, Quebec, and the bridegroom is the | son of Mrs. Ellen Maudsley Married recently at St. An- drew's United Church were Mr. and Mrs. John Frank Jo Aldwinckle, Jomeen Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Mey 19, 1961 7 | PERSONALS Mrs. Thorah Fuller, wife of the Reverend T. W. Fuller of Port Perry, was guest speaker at St. Mark's Anglican Church WA on Thursday afternoon at the devotional meeting. Final plans were also made for the Spring Tea and bake sale to be held next week. The Reverend Edward Nugent of Boston, Massachu- setts, who came to Oshawa for the investiture of his former classmate, Monsignor Kellerher Lee, was a guest at St. Ger- trude's Catholic Women's League annual supper last night. He was accompanied by Mon- signor Lee of Whitby and the Reverend J. B. Myers, St. Ger- trude's parish priest. The Ladies Auxiliary, Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 43, held its monthly night of cards on Tuesday, May 16, un- der the convenershin of Mrs. Herbert Bathe, with Mrs. C. E, Vermoen in charge of refresh- and happy holiday and present. ed with a money tree. Mrs. Crou- ter is leaving June 2, to fly to England where she will visit relatives in Hastings, Sussex after an absence of 42 years. Teas, birthday parties, wed- ding anniversaries, coming and holiday plans are always of in- terest in this column, ° Write, telephone or visit the social de- partment with your items of news for which there is no charge. Telephone RA 3-3474. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Griffith and Mr. Edward Griffith of| Owen Sound were guests at the] investiture of Monsignor Philip Coffey. Mr. and Mrs, John Cof- fey and family of Toronto were {guests of Monsignor Coffey on| {Wednesday. LODGES AND SOCIETIES | goings of guests and your own |! At the annual meeting of Ritson Home and School Asso- ciation Mrs. Eric Cooper (right) was installed as presi- dent, She succeeds Mrs, Carl SOCIAL NOTICES MARRIAGE The forthcoming marriage Is announced of Lorraine Mary, daughter of Mr. William Kuzik of Whitby and the late Mrs. Ku- zik, to Edward Thomas Sobczak, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sobczak of Whitby. The cere- mony will take place at St. John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church, Whitby, on Saturday, July 1, at 11:45 a.m. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barrons of Whitby announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Carole Louise, to Carl Arthur Bauder, son of Mr. and Mrs. Egerton 4 {Bauder of Oshawa. The mar- riage will take place on Satur- 4|day, June 17th, at 2:30 p.m. in 4 the United Church, Whitby. Divorced Men Face Boredom If the life of the male divorce revolves around all-night poker sessions and little black books, CE Re Creamer (left) who has been president for the past two years. --Oshawa Times Photos GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES no one seems to have told him about it. In reality, the life of the di- 25TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX.| The meeting was held at the] home of Mrs. William J. Black-| hall, interum - president. Mus. | William Drew, secretary, read the minutes. Mrs. William Car- rol, treasurer, read the financial report. Mrs. Phillip Lawrence gave a ments. The winners were Mrs. | Fva Taggart, Mrs. Clarence - Vantin Henning. Miss Donna Revner,| LOYAL TRUE BLUE {Mrs Blackhall stated the Mr. Arthur Hatch, Mrs. David] The regular meeting of the|gcouts were in need of camping Essex. Miss Emily Machi, Mrs, Loyal True Blue Lodge, No. 55,|oquipment. They were trying John Westlake, Mrs. James An- was held on Tuesday, May 16] very hard to borrow a tent for derson, Mrs. A. J. Revner, Mrs. in the Orange Temple, Worship-| {he annual Camporee to be held [talk on the Peterborough con- vorced man is one of frustra- tion, boredom. loneliness and the ever-present feeling of loss. In a society of married cou- ples, there is little room for the divorced man. He will get at least one invitation from each| of his married friends, but in| time, the invitations cease. The bitterest pill for the di-| vorced man, however, is losing contact with his children. One of the ground rules of divorce is that, regardless of who was right or wrong, the wife nearly George's Memorial Church Women's Guild was held in the parish hall on Monday, May 15. Mrs. O. C. Richardson read the minutes and reminded the members that the June meeting would be held at the home of Mrs. Eric Green, Raglan, on June 20. Final were made for the Blossom Tea. Deepest sympathy was ex- tended to Mrs. Ernest Parker on the death of her sister and bon voyage on her trip to England. arrangements Mrs. Maudsley. The bride, the for- mer Miss Lola Edna Laurel Harrison, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Heber Harrison of Whitby and the late Mr. Maudsley. The live in Oshawa. --Photo by Mary's Studio couple will Helping Hand Auxiliary Hears Talk On Glenholme School The Helping Hand Auxiliary of Mrs. Walter Johnson expres-| Simcoe street United Church|sed appreciation to Mrs. Adair, held its May meeting recently at/Miss Garrow and Mrs. Worden, .| the Church. The president, Mrs.| A short business session fol-| George Haines, opened the, oq after which all retired! meeting with prayer and Mrs. hn Irvine Cowie conducted the wor-|t0 memorial hall where refresh-| ship service assisted by Mrs. ments were served by Miss) Helen Boddy and the members of her group. Walter Johnson. | Miss Leah Garrow sang L. Economy. Mr. Robert Bart-{ful Mistress, Sister Mary at Camp Samac, and suggested man, Mrs. Peter Shmyr. Mr.|Thompson, presided, assisted by|a tea be held for the purpose of Ernest Brooks and Mrs. Walter Deputy Mistress, Sister Ruth| raising the money foi thic equip- Underwood. Door nvrize was Gatchell. ment. It was decided to hold a won by Mrs. Harry Woods, Sne-| Chaplain Lister Gertrude To-|strawberry tea May 24 at St. cial prize winners were Mrs. gan read the scripture lesson|Luke's Presbyterian Church, 2 John Hungerford, Mrs. Howard|and prayer. pm. - 4 pm. Mrs. Wiliam Bartley, Mrs. Floyd Macdonald, The minutes and correspond-|Kurelo agreed to convene it George Freeman was hostess. & HOUSEHOLD HINT always gets custody. isn't parenthood, soon learn. Visiting vaneeo [TIER When you cut down on calories, you may also be cutting down on important vitamins so essential to the maintenance of vim and vitality. If you are on a weight-reducing diet, supplement your food intake with professionally gpproved vitamin products to give you your full daily requirements of these vital health substances. Buy your vitamins at JURY & LOVELL'S where you can be doubly sure -- sure of quality and sure of economy. "COMPOUNDING YOUR PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTION IS OUR PROFESSION" Quy & Lovells OSHAWA--BOWMANVILLE--WHITBY We Send Medicines to Europe" the fathers] If You're ong REDUCING DIET Paneling a room is easier if you prefinish the panels before installing them. Mrs. Minnie Close and Mrs. ence were read by Sister Elda|with Mrs. George McNab assist- Robert Hanna. |Howard. Sick report was given|ing. : by Sister Ruth Gatchell. | Mrs. Henry Packer and Mrs.| A surprise bon-voyage party| "it was decided to hold a Edward Fisher offered to con-| for Mrs, Harry Crouter was held euchre on Tuesday, May 30, in| vene the bake table. Mrs. Gor-| on Tuesday evening in Rundle the Orange Temple at 8.30 p.m. don Varnum will be asked to Park Clubhouse. The party, at-| Final arrangements were open the tea. na M tended by 25 friends and neigh-/made for the trip to Barrie on|_ Also at the next Meeting } is bors, was arranged by Mrs.|Wednesday, May 24. The char-|varnum will Bie er hid Richard Crouter and assisting|tered bus will leave the Orange| Scouting and the ll by were Bonnie and Betty-Ann Temple at 5.30 p.m. sharp. Refreshments bg) Eo Crouter, Mary Lou Pollock and| After degree practice, refresh- Mss. Riackhali a8 is ping first Lynda Gingereski. The guest of ments were served by the male |The fe¥ in June. two solos, "An Old Violin" and| "Good night God". She was accompanied at the piano by Mrs. T. C. Worden. | Mrs. Thomas Adair addressed| the gathering and gave an out-| line of the type of work being done at Glenholme School on be-| half of retarded children. This/ . is a very wonderful work and it| : is gratifying to know that these children are at last being given| an opportunity to attend a school where not only do they receive some academic training but al- so instruction in woodworking, sewing, and different crafts, and have access to. such recreational facilities as skating, bowling, baseball, etc. The school now has four teachers, one of whom is a male. The age group up to 6 years attend in the morning and for a half day only. This group is taught more along the lines of kindergarten. There is a second' group up to the age of 12, who attend only a half day, and a third group known as the young| : adult group, who attend for a|' full day. Some of the Ilatter|; group are taking work at Grade| 8 level. A few of these young people have attended regular|: day school, but due to the fact that they work more slowly,|!: find they make better progress in the specialized classes. Mrs. Adair stated that in a class of]; 55, it is not uncommon to find) each working at a different] level. Some of the young adults have part time employment, working before and after school or Sat- urdays or evenings, but are so appreciative of the opportunity to learn and improve themselves that they will allow nothing to interfere with school hours. She further stated that these child- ren, contrary to regular day students do not welcome holi- days but much prefer to attend school. In a couple of instances the school had taken on a type of] Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Loren Stewart is Cindy Lea | | who celebrated her first birth- | day on April 9. Cindy is the | granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. | Lawrence Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wannamaker APTURE honor was wished a safe trip|members, assisted by Sister Phyllis Arborn. 29ND PARENTS' COMMITTEE Draw prizes were won by Sis-| The monthly meeting of the {er Annie Toms and Sister Phyl- 22nd Parents' Committee of the lis Arborn. Girl Guide Association was held recently in the lower hall of St. DAUGHTERS OF ENGLAND |pay|'s = Presbyterian Church The regular meeting of the|n.s W. D. Stainton presided. Daughters of England "Empress| The minutes were read by of India" Lodge 26, was held in {yrs John Gulenchyn and Mrs. the Orange Temple on Tuesday |[, W. Knowlton read the finan- evening, May 16. cial report. Mrs. Daniel Wil- Worthy President, Sister Edith |joughby gave the report from Taylor, presided with Vice-Pres- he Local Association meeting. (ident, Sister Edna Huband as-| Arrangements were made to sisting. provide the Girl Guides and Lodge opened with the Offi-| Brownies with refreshments for cers March. The devotional their closing meetings, which period was led by Sister Kay|are to be in picnic form. Large. A hearty welcome was| The lucky draw prize donated given to visiting members from |by Mrs. Gordon Kellett was won the 'Rose of Brampton" Lodge, |by Mrs. Peter Ritzie. | Brampton. Refreshments were served by| Sister Jean Fitches reported Mrs. Peter Ritzie and Mrs. E. on flowers and cards which had|J. Brookham. been sent to members who were | MARY PARKER GROUP i, iugtion ceremonies were| mpe regular meeting of the| eld under the dirction of Sis- Y f St. 1/tr Beatrice Hurst. Sister Vera Mary Parker Group o | Wright, Worthy President of| TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA OPEN TO-NIGHT Blacks 72 SIMCOE ST. N. ZELLER'S UNTIL 9 P.M. reraiLERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS What To Do About | The Weather | B A B Y Rain or Shine... FOREIGN CORRESPONDENT ALL-WEATHER GIRLS' SLIP -- White and-Wear' cotton in Brampton Lodge presided. Sis-||§ ter Nan Kirkbride, pianist, sang| HOWARD'S I F|*"The Lord's Prayer" during the| 1 [initiation for Mrs. Eva Tipton | and Mrs. Ann Hastie. Worthy President Sister Taylor then| presided. | % | Reports were given from the| § [various committees, correspon- dence was read. District Deputy | Sister Nan Kirkbride, announced that the annual Church Parade will be held at St. George's Anglican Church, Centre street, [| on Sunday, May 28, members to! meet at the church at 10.45 a.m. | Draw prizes, which were donated, were won by Sister " |Doris Anderson of Brampton, Sisters Ethel Cockerham, Ellen McIndless and Kay Elliot. * The next regular meeting is to be held on June 6. NEAT TRICK A trick to keep your stocking seams straight is always to fas- ten the back garters of your ® DRAPERY © BROADLOCM | eo sup covers Hf 3 e BAMBOO @ e UPHOLSTERING 926 Simcoe St. N. RA 5-3144 | I of Oshawa and great-grand- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Trefry, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, and Mr. and Mrs. Lew- is Ferguson, Picton, Ontario. --Photo by Hornsby. ! work for one of the smaller I] Whether the weather's wet or dry, | LADIES' WEAR LTD. SPECIAL! GIRLS' SLIPS styling. "Growth" feature at waist, for easy lengthening. Sizes 7 to 14, Discount priced. BONUS "Wash- dainty these new coat fashions keep smiling. Their waterproofing is better than ever, thanks to new finishes, and their styling is as smart as you could wish for, Clearance of about 20 ALL-WEATHER COATS $10.00 merchandise CASH YOUR FAMILY ALLOWANCE CHEQUES AT ZELLER'S Before 1 p.m. Wednesday, May 24th and be eligible for a FREE draw at each store. Broken sizes and colors $19.95 Blacks MRS. L. Last month's winners: MRS. G. BELLAN, 251 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH, OSHAWA SMITH BOND ST., OSHAWA I 72 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 5-1912 PHONE RA 3.2204 girdle first, then front, then | side. i industries in Oshawa in the form| of pasting objects together and) | mgmersrs ZELLER'S LIMITED SHOPPING CENTRE 226 STEVENSON S. PHONE RA 3-2209 these are used for advertising. Another instance was where re- pair work was needed by means of sewing. This type of work is welcomed by the school. A MODEL HEE rr Cr SUPER VALUES SHOE STORE NEW LOCATION 55 KING ST. E. (corner Albert Street) FOR WOMEN... All colors in HIGH, ILLUSION, JET or FLAT HEELS. Also New styles for Men and Children. Household PLASTIC Reg. 1.49 SALE PRICE 36" x 84". Assorted FOR: BIG OR SMALL EMBOSSED Linen Sale DRAPES ar patterns and colors, NARROW or WIDE YOUNG OR NOT SO YOUNG FEET 55 KING ST. EAST (Corner Albert 51 FREE PARKING AT REAR DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER SHOPPING CENTRE OSHAWA ---- CONVERT YOUR PRESENT FURNACE Replace your worn out burner with an inexpensive, easy-to-install Conversion Burner. If 48 SIMCOE SOUTH REPLACE WITH A NEW FURNACE modern, low-cost gas furnace, S 5 { ag Easy § 4 & : | TERMS RENT MONTHLY No Down A WEEK for enly on your Payment --only on your gos bill gas bill For Complete Information Call (Donsumers' (Has Want to know about GAS HEATING? ASK YOUR NEIGHBOUR Ask the man who's enjoying the quiet, carefree comfort of completely automatic gas heating. He'll tell + you there's nothing like it for real luxury--and for real economy too. Ask your neighbour--and then install modern gas heating right away. a new furnace is required install a RA 3-3468