THE OSHAWA TIMES. Fridey May 19, 1961 19 Piano Pupils : 32--Articles for Sele i i 32--Articles for Sele SEE EP i i 29---Automobiles for Sole 32--Articles for Sale % PONTIAC convertible, Honduras ASTRAL refrigerator, small Bi 4 wi ff A RA 33829 gfter 6. Mr. Hubert, service, | PO automatic, hard-top, 2. AWNINGS, Canvas. 1957 INTIAC, automatic, Pp, 3 iad doer, tion, $1,350. Tele. free estimates. WHITBY And DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Dance Gron "Rha RA . Pro Chair, 13 fo very North. phene RA 5. g [Cleve Fax, 413 Simeoe 1960 PONTIAC convertible, with radio and other extras, peasonable offer. Telephone power PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.85 gallon. Hp Shihan A aw Hiv 13} FORD sedan delivery, in top con- $375. RA 8-6406. '51 MARLEY Davidson, $150. 53 $85, Both in good condition. WH 2- h 1989 FORD fordor fla 25 Lr EE RA This ca way Motors, MO 8-333 J§TOM (in the dash) trans , from $39.95. Try Dem Steves, 48 Bond Street West, 198% METEOR 6 cylinder, Sustem low mileage. In immagulal , $1,205. Seaway Motors, i "i BED chair, complete brown spring mattress, % size. Apply TRAIL Ll ¥ ear ie RA Tire COMPANION panel bed, 87 John t. 'S &™ full size bicycle, new con- with Clinton en- Rg yh EE BICYCLES, $39.95. Tenst, boats, motors and trailers, new and used. Dominion Tire Store, Bond Street West. RA 5-6511. 3 . Go-Kart New conditi i Apply %7 Ch VE ek mp Ld 1 iron A Ag ues Tele- A 65183. Ask for "Ed", air istered, arm ble ta Und condition, [3 lored formal, size 7, SNE ail BA HL Aer p.m. TET onl athe sae of ou ; Slee I hy ile used. Phone MO 8.5024, nad rests, Feasond '51 PONTIAC sedan, 2500 series, radio, 6 ply tires. Apply pd vin 1 NEW and used lawn mowers, fillers, and engines, 74 Barrie Avenue, UYS a 5-pc. ol set, smoothtop #1 BUYS 3 Spc. chrome sei, smaothieh FORD in tbl excellent shape LR . Seaway Motors, MO 88331. 1" DESOTO sedan, automatic rans: A real luxu ear, $345. Bea- way Motors, MO va . vadio, in hu 1988 NASH, push button, comdion a1 band. Bio. Wit 3 in excellent condi: |p = 2 One to be ap: . ho 5 ui ted. vate, tn King Street Epst. RA 55555. Se 1980 PONTIAC two-door, $1,995. Will ae-| gape trade and can be financed. 369 Street. RA 58132, chair, s and 1 trilite, with the purchase of he bedroom sui ring our $1 sale. Easy terms, ome Furnishings, 424 Simcoe lam ad FURNITURE, §25 down delivers 3 roams of new furniture, over 85 lems. s includes chesterfield, bedraom suite, chrame set, Satiee ang step Sable, attress, s y : J id arons' HE real Simcoe South. SELLING farpitare? We'll buy it. R V's, h piano: |refr | ch ip 0° le avery, CHESTERFIELDS, washer ganged BE ar et A 3-7 34--Lost & Found YOUNG Beagle pup, strayed from home in Brooklin. Tattooed on ear. Chil dren's pet. Finder reply to 17 Ferguson her 01 A §-5008 venue, 87 -- Two yea heifers, short: Fs, vieinity of Bonrtice area. Call en, dining room cooking utensils, #a mowers. See Elmer CO 8-230. CHAIN saw, 1861 Homelite, used less than 3 hours. . gain for cash or will accept trade, fa 3018. AY set, wine ai so single bed, inure, oe n y CO 8-2204. w THI 1 THREE piece Shestrtle y rey, in good eh fled mattress, new condition. HA 3-3239, Gretna 0 used Westinghouse wringer wash . Ay good tion, $16 each. Tele: phane RA 8.1370. 305 Elmgrove Avenue. RNEY heavy duty electric stove, wide, $40. RA 32519. OUSE wre ERAN By ater rads, an 4 trailer. RA 3.7682 and MO 8- CAMPERS, special price on Coleman's seconds, coolers, stoves, lamps, ele. large space heaters with free blowers, outboard motor, new, ller, 2.3481. USED parts and repairs for all makes of wringer type washers, 14 hp motars $5 to $8 guaranteed reconditioned wash. ers and stoves. Paddy's Market, Hampton, CO 3-824. S, T con-| 81131, frigeraters, stoves, ete. For top cash offe tact 19 Prince Streef. Phone RA '59 CHEVROLET Impala Convertible, six-cylinder, automatic transmission, power brakes, power steering. '59 CHEVROLET Bel Air Coach. '55 CHEVROLET Station Wagon. '58 PLYMOUTH Coach. '51 FORD %4-ton Truck. Roy W. Nichols COURTICE CAR LOT RA 8.6206 | 1172 FT. runabout, Armson trailer and Johnson motor. 371 Richmond Street East, RA 58772. Hall price. hi |B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bat | vision. Thrifty Budget Plan, RA §- 543. y, | TYPING Kelvinator vefrigerators, teries, tele 4 NORGE refrigerator, 12 cubie foot. In excellent condition. Call RA 3-3840, n sale, letter size, WASHING Sood $25; 17" television $58; Community Furniture, 19 Prince Street. RA 8-131. RESTAURANT Coke cooler, hand meat slicer, modern kitchen cabinet with taps and sink, Bell and Howell movie eam- era, 8 total National departmental cash registers, iarge steel office table with lino top, typewriter table and chair, white china cabinet and table, small fireproof safe, typewriter, adding ma- chine, vacuum eleaner. Make offer, OL! §-3712. LADY's spring coal, shaggy, ok goloy green. Bought this year, in excel-! lent condition, Telephone RA 3-3008. OFFICE desks, $10 up Cash vegisters, adders, typewriters. New warranty on paper ol wi pint, buy in bulk lots and save, 4% Ib, pkg. $1.00, § Ib. pkg. $2.00, Cireulation Department, Oshawa Times. 9.95 up. Easy TELEVISION, used, $3 Budget Terms, B. F. Goodrich Stores. 88 King Street West. Telephones RA 5-4543, a FIVE-piece bedroom suite, almost new, $60; chesterfield and chair, $68. Com-| munity Furniture, 19 Prince Street, RA | 8-1131. REFRIGERATOR, across the top frees. er, automatic defrest, only $88. Com. munity Furniture, 18 Prince Street. RA 8-1131. 52 CHEVR able; also '54 moloreyels, AJF, 350, Ex- used equip, Bill ROLLER skates and boots, precision wheels, toe stops, Hyde boots. When new 303; will sell for $35. Telephone RA cash registers a : ; H cellent d H $3653, 4 Maple Street, I can saye you money on typewriters, dders. No money down. Ashburn. a-day tank. Excellent condition, Apply Trade your boat on a car-- New or Used SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST Nerth Simcoe at Conlin Rd. RA 8-5912 Open evenings or weekends 30--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers wan t © for wrecking. Highest prices paid. ssl, SBE "Business Property" in Classified Rd right location for your store or HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR TUNE - UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS. 67 KING ST. W. RA 3-7822 50 CARS WANTED Buying @ New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE", TED CAMPIN MOTORS {80 Road West. stand. New condition. Telephone MO 8-2688, Whitby. | THREE-piece chesterfield, folding | coueh with matehing chair, kitchen ex. tension table and chairs, small tables, articles. T R. 1 EVIN § merase cae |EVINRUDE 15 HP motor with eruise- | ergrog bicycle, 17" frame, in good con- dition. Apply 104 Tecumseh Avenue or telephone RA 8-0143. |COM man's bicycle, lights, carrier, Kick 315i FRIGIDAIRE heavy duty stove, ex- cellent eondition. Apply 626 Carnegie Avenue. 3, LENGTH wedding dress, size 7, with pleated tulle overwrap, veil and head- dress, $30. Telephone RA 3-7122 HEINTZMAN upright, 60" xx 52" x 25", Pravingjal styled, light Circassian wal- nut in Swedish semi-gloss finish, mew keyboard, felts, base strings, on con- cert pitch. $275. RA 5-7001, USED tires, most all sizes, $3 B. F. Goodrich Stores, RA 5-453. OFFICE, store, butcher, restaurant equipment. New, used, buy, sell, trade service. Bill Hamilton, Ashburn, Brook- lin, and up. 43. TOP PRICES padi for good Used Furniture end Appliances. Always a good selection on hond et reasonable prices. Call us for Washer and Rodio re- pairs. SUPERIOR APPLIANCE SERVICE RA 8-4873 Note Our New Location, Where We Buy == Sell -- Trade gnd Repair, 140 SIMCOE S. RA 3-4494, Res. RA 5-5574 Selling Your Car? | T MACKIE MOTORS KING ST. E. One Block East City Limits When buying at Mackie Mo- tors you get one year 100% mechanical warranty on all late models. RA 5-5743 $ALL CASH$ For clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTOR SALES 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-800] SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. RA 3-942] 32--Artigles for Sale VACUUM cleaner vpepairs, all makes, | parts, attachments, brushes, guaran. rebuilt machines. Estimates free. gntals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv- jee. RA 8-0591 anytime. TWO English Dunlop tires, 525 x 16. | $6. Telephone MO 8-2824, REFRIGERATOR, 9 cu, ft. Reivinator, | llent condition, $80 or best offer. | 's sidewalk bicycle, large tricycle, | condition. 536 Grierson Street. K dining room suite, comprising buf- , mirpor back, round table, six airs. Rangette, 2 burner. All suitable fer summer cottage. Cheap. RA 8.8118 | Trade your car on a beet. Inquire abeut our special low rates on Merine Insurance and financin SMITHS SPORTS SUPERTEST Simcoe at Conlin Rd, RA 8-5912 ATTENTION SPECIAL THIS WEEK ALLEY CREEK RNITURE ing St. W, o Western Tire for your cottage. 's RADIOS, RIGERATORS, ING MACHINES ES, CABINETS OF ALL KINDS. OFFEE TABLES, P TABLES, LAMPS, ESSERS, CHESTS, NG ROOM TABLES, D CHAIRS, CHEST. | EVERYTHING MUST GO FOOD & FREEZER PLAN You may have tried the rest, Now try the best. Eat better for less. 80% groceries sup- plied, all well-knewn pro- ducts, highest quality meats. Life-time warranty freezer, the only one guaranteed by Good Housekeeping. No down payment, Call now for Demonstration -- no obliga- tion. RA 5-3709 ANOTHER SENSATIONAL PRE-SEASON COTTAGE SPECIAL BY COLONIAL SAVE 15% 30' x 20° -- 3 bedrooms, kitchen, large living ond bathroom, Limited time only. Regular price erected $1,579, Now only $1,350. $135 DOWN $44 PER MONTH SAVE $229 Bonus window screens and free screen doors. Small deposit will guarantee PIANO, grand, in condition, Telephone RA 81972. he MAPLE syrup, 25 miles north of New- castle, Highway 35 Concession 12. Man- vers, Andrew Heaslip. BED 3% size, spring and Tea S&F -- Golden Labi Lott [] --- ig old, rh Grave Road. Anyen abouts telephone M. Retriever, knowin, A ts Ha. T2758, Reward, 35--Legel By EILEEN PATTERSON The ability to save a life through the use of art | res: piration was the feature of our auditorium assembly on Wed: COUNTY OF ONTARIO TENDER FOR CONTRACT 2-61 bi HOT MIX PAVING Sealed Tenders, plainly marked as to contents, will be received by the under- signed until 10:00 am, Tuesday, May 30, 1961, for Hot Mix, Hot Laid Asphaltic Pavement in various loca- tiohs throughout the County. Tenders must be submitted on forms, which together with additional information, may be obtained from the office of the undersigned, Lowest or any tender not necessarily gecepted. R. E. SIMS, P.Eng., County Engineer, Court House, Whitby, Ont. | NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF __ [PETER JAMES JOHNSTON All persons having claims against the Estate of Peter James Johnston, late of the Town of Whitby in the County of Ontario, deceased, who died on or about the 23rd day of January, A.D. 1961, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned, on or before the 23rd day of June, A.D. 1961 full partic- ulars of their claims, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED aot Oshawa, Ontario, this 12th day of May, A.D. 1961. HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN & HILLMAN, 3614 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitors for the Administratrix, Jennie Jonhsten, 8 40 hp Mercury '58 Buccaneer sonable. Telephone RA UTBOARD motor 'S electric, with controls, 5 hp 7% Evinrude 5 hp Mercury. Also 8 cu. ft, Frigidaire refrigerator, Pri- vate. RA 8-1203. 5 HP Empire garden tractor, plow cul tivator, Wheel-Horse riding tractor, cul- tivator and disc, A-1 condition. New and used jet tillers, power mowers. Apply Ferguson's BA Station, 3 miles east of Taunton. CO 3-2791. SOAP FREE Complete supply of soap free for three full years. Bars, powders, flakes for your whole family. Simply order one of our most efficient water softeners. No down payment, units $215 or $269 full price installed in your home, Ask for guaranteed 30 day free trial and heme demanstration. 0.5.C. WATER CONDITIONING RA 8-4091 SPECIALS PRINTS -- 3 yds. $1.00 DRAPES, made to order. Modern design, reasonable rates. We also carry g com- plete line of other fabrics at real savings. is RA 3-7827 M & G DRY GOODS 74 CELINA ST, BOAT AND MOTOR FIBRE GLASS BOAT Completely Equipped. 196) 18 h.p. MOTOR, $995. BROOKLIN: OLiver 5-3641 MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. BOATS erection, when required, this season. LONG SAULT CONSTRUCTION CORP. LTD. OPEN 9 AM. TO 9 PM. 134 SIMCOE S., RA 8-4614 LIQUIDATION SALE 30 TO 60% OFF RICHARD'S FURNITURE 295 SIMCOE SOUTH 5-piece Chrome Kitchen Suites, with extension table. Regulor $59.50-- RICHARD'S PRICE--$39.95 Steel Slat Bed Springs-- RICHARD'S , PRICE. . $10.88 Sealy Smooth-top Mattress ond Bex Springs, full size only. Reg. $99.00 RICHARD'S PRICE. $59.50 Three-piece Double Dresser Bedreem Suites, genuine wal- nut finish. Save $70 -- RICHARD'S PRICE $129.00 Two - piece Chesterfield or Bed Davenprot Suites -- all greatly reduced, RICHARD!S PRICE -- $129.00 ond up. Chrome Chairs -- Half Price RICHARDS PRICE $3.95 Six-piece Corner Sectional Living Room Suite-- RICHARD'S PRICE $154.00 Three only -- Deluxe Living Room Suites, guarenteed 100% nylen coverings, full foam cushiening, smart styls RFIELD, VACUUM CLEAN ing. Our better quality BOATS, MOTOR & TRAILER COMBINATIONS TED'S MARINE KING STREET EAST at VARCOE'S ROAD RA 8-5924 DEW WORMS FOR- SALE Wholesale or Retail, call OSHAWA BAIT CO. B43 RITSON ROAD SOUTH T.V. TOWERS $55 40.ft, structure with all channel antenna, all galvan- ized, guaranteed 1 year. TRIO TELEVISION, 171 Bond St. Eost, RA 8-6781. ALUMINUM STORM DOORS and WINDOWS Primer Aluminum Windows for inside house. Best Quality Awning and design. Very Reasonable Price. For details Call Alex Vajda RA 3-9851 WRECKING HOUSE --ATe 461 SIMCOE SOUTH Oil burner furnace, plumb. ing, deers, lumber, ete, Cheap. Apply at job or phone Suites--reg, J275.00 RICHARD'S PRICE $179.00 | RA 5-3818 | | NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF DECEASED NINA LOUISE MACKAY, ALL persons having claims against the estate of the said NINA LOUISE MACKAY, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the 4th day of April, AD. 1961, are re- quired to file with the under- signed solicitors for the executors, full particulars in writing of such claims, on or before the 9th day of June, A.D. 1961, after which date the executors will proceed to distribute the said estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Oshawa, Ontario, this 17th day of May, A.D. 1961. CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN & MURDOCH, 5 Simcoe Street North, OSHAWA, Ontario, Solicitors herein for the executors Thomas Kelso CREIGHTON ond Murray JOHNSTON. nesday mornin y the Canadian Shaiored > Red Cross fer this, their nation- al Water Bafety Week, the film showed how te give eral resusei- tation in an emergency. The oral (or mouth te mouth) method is net restricted to the treatment of suspected drown: ers. It also is used with those suffering from asphyxiation. Startling ".ough it was, it edu: cated everyone in the necessity of knowing how te use this method of life saving and also in being careful to prevent hav- ing to use it, WIN TRIP Anderson Youth for Christ quiz team competed against the OCVI group and won a 9-day |trip to Glenrocks in the Mus: koka area. Members of the team are: Margaret Fallow, Bonnie Stark, Georgina Galle- way, Japhie Terleeki, Rebecca Edwards and David Leng. They {will go for the period of August {2 to 11 with all expenses paid. |" At the Lake Ontario Distriet Track and Field Championships held last Friday in Pickering, | Anderson placed fifth with a St. John's WR Plans Spring Tea St. John's Anglican Church {WA held its monthly business {and devotional meeting on Wed- nesday evening at the church| hall. The president, Mrs. E. Vallant, opened the meeting with litany and prayer. Rev. G. Nicholson addressed the group briefly on the 75th WA anni- versary and outlined the Mission outreach of the church. Various reports were read and approved. During the business meeting final plans were made for the spring tea to be held on Wed- nesday, May 24, at the church kal with the following con- veners: Home baking, Mrs. Whitney and Mrs. A. Gower; tea tables, Mrs. D. Birbeck and Mrs. S. waison; apron booth, Mrs. Harry Watson; kitchen convener, Mrs. E. Larsen. Mrs. Nicholson gave a report { | Anderson Assembly Learns Water Safety total of 40 points, With enly 11 more school days until exams begin, teachers are making final attempts to fill our seemingly empty heads with the Towing required for success, G The Grade 12 Latin students wrote the final SATO test Wed: nesday. To quote their varied opinions, "Was it horrible!" *It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but I'm glad that it is over with." Now their way is clear to study for the finals, To Mr. Godwin, our Histol teacher, whem we joyfully wel- comed back last week, we ex- tend our sincerest regrets that he was unable to remain with us, A relapse of his previous ill- ness has eaused him to be ad- mitted to the hespital for fur- ther treatments, We do hope he will be well enough to return again soon, Officials Study Mall Problems An investigation is still under- way to study the feasability of a Whitby Shopping Mall. _ Plans for the mall were stud: ied by officials of the Depart. ments of Highways and Trans- port at a special meeting at the Town Hall Thursday, A special committee made up of Mayor Stan Martin, ceuncil- lors Davidson and Brooks went over the proposed plans with Whitby Chamber of Commerce members, The Depts. of Highways and Transport brought up a num- ber of problems which woul have to be solved such as the re-routing of traffic, the capa- city of the propesed routse and the land available to widen the detours, Off street parking would be a highly desirable aspect of a shopping mall. The proposed mall would extend from Colborne to Mary streets along Brock street and from Byron to erry along Dun- das street. A traffic circle would '|surround the mall to handle tne heavy traffic load. After the meeting the High. way and Transport officials toured the propesed detour to check on traffic capacity. on the Girls' Auxiliary Festival held in Toronto, May 13. She also mentioned the successful Jr. Girls' Auxiliary Rally re- cently held in Uxbridge. . WHITBY PERSONALS Miss M. Sleep was in charge of the Mission study from the book "Toward Bottomley. 35--Legal The Centre." The meeting closed with Mis. sion prayer by Rev. Nicholson. Refreshments were served by Mrs. A. Gower and Mrs. C. The finals for "Travelling Bridge and Euchre" sponsored by St. John The Evangelist CWL were held Tuesday evening at the parish hall. This has been a most sucessful and enjoyable venture. Mrs. G. Carter, presi- dent of CWL and convener of the travelling bridge and euchre, welcomed all present and ex- pressed the hope that this would my written consent. -- Lawrence Wood. date, May 18, 1861. J. Sweeney. I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by anyone on or after this date, May 17, 1961, without | I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by my wife, Dorothy Sweeney, on or after this be continued again next year with many more ladies taking part. The following ladies were the| prize winners: High bridge, Mrs. W. R. Hunter and Mrs. PUBLIC NOTICE Unless the owner of 1951 Ford, 1960 license, No. 30224, left at Ouimet's Shell Station, Port Perry lost fall, settles his account by June 9, 1961 car will be sold te pay repairs and storage. CITY OF OSHAWA NO PAR Notice is hereby given t KING ON BGULEVARDS o all vehicle owners and drivers that Section 247 of By-law number 2365 of the City of Oshawa, as amended by By-law number 3713, provides, in part, that no vehicle shall stand upon any boulevard and no vehicle shall be left in such a manner to obstruct streets. the ordinary traffic of the For the purpose of the by-law, the term "boulevard" shall mean that part of the highway which lies be- tween the travelled portion of the road and the near- est edge of the sidewalk on the same side of the highway or. if there is no such sidewalk, the street line on the same side of the highway. There is a penalty for con provision of the by-law. viction of a breach of this The Police Department is checking elesely on all such violations, se all owners and drivers are urged te pay particular attention te this notice. L.R . BARRAND, City Clerk. E. F. Mulligan; low bridge, Mrs. J. Corrigan and Mrs. E. Finan. High euchre: Mrs. C. Greenfield and Miss Bernadette Robinson; low euchre: Mrs. J. Smyth and Mrs. L. Staffler. Door prize won by Mrs. Bruce Hazelton. Other prize winners were: Mrs. Lorne McIntyre, Miss Jean Stewart, Mrs. L. Rousseau, Mrs. Charles Daigle, Mrs. E. Finan, Mrs, Peter Ottenbrite, Mrs. J. Halligan, Mrs. William Holly, Mrs, G. Lynde, Mrs, W. Harrigan, Mrs. B. Hazelton, Mrs. G. Kaeganowski. Refresh- ments were served by Mrs. Den. nis Ullyett and Mrs. D. G. Newman. Mrs. Gordon Richard, of Lee avenue, entertained her group of ladies, The lucky winners of the games were: Mrs. 8. John- son and Mrs. Teunissen. The hostess served refreshments. Dr. and Mrs. W. J, Lytwyn, of Brock, New Jersey, spent the weekend as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kzanoski, of Byron street north. My. and Mrs, Matthew Kerr are spending a week in Minden as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Minto. Monita Lee, daughter of Mr. anc Mrs. Marvin Appleton, was baptized on Sunday at Grace United Church, Seugog Island, Present at the church were: Mr. TOWNSHIP OF EAST WHITBY WANTED ASSESSOR, DOG TA X COLLECTOR, BUILDING INSPECTOR, BY-LAW EN- FORCEMENT OFFICER AND SEC- RETARY OF PLA Applications will be received at Columbus Ontario, until 5:00 combined position of ASSESSOR, NNIN G BOARD. the Office of the undersigned at p.m. May 23rd, 1961 for the DOG TAX COLLECTOR, BUILDING INSPECTOR, BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER AND SECRETARY OF THE PLANNING BOARD. Assessment Roll to be completed and returried on or before September 30th, 1961. Applicants to apply in writing, stating age, experience, date available to assume duties and salary expected. Further par- ticulars available if desired at Applications to be sealed and tion", the Township Office, marked 'Application for Posi» GEORGE FARNCOMB, Clerk, Township of East Whitby, umbus, Onterie. iP and Mrs. Hap Appleton of Gilbert street, Whitby, grand- parents of the baby, who spent the remainder of the day with the Appleton family. | Mrs, Leonard Latursky, Mrs. 'Tony Latursky, Mrs. Carmen Waters and Mrs. Peter Schnerch were co-hostesses at a double bridal shower held in honor of Miss Shirley Sequin who is to be married on Satur- day, May 20, to Mr. Stanley Latursky in St .Rita's Roman Catholic Chureh, North Bay, also for Miss Penny Pearse who is to be married to Mr. Wilfred Rostek on June 17 at All Saints' Anglican Church. Forty guests were in attendance and the brides-to-be received numer- ous lovely gifts. They were also presented with corsages. A buf- fet lunch was served by the hostesses. Invited guests were from Whitby, Oshawa, Courtice, d very delightful evening. were extended to the sick and Entertains At Rebekah Lodge The regular meeting of Bene: volent No, 132 was held on W y when the 48th anniversary was celebrated, The meeting o in usual manner by noble grand, Sister refa Campbell, assis vice grand, Sister Stella Me: Lean, There were visitors Rebekah es in "the dis. trict, with the honored escorted through a guard of henor, They escorted by Sister Lena Pellow, PDDP, Sister Ann Courtney, PP, escorted by Sister Kathleen Brough, PNG, Sister Isabelle Carr, PP, escorted by Sister Mabel James, PNG, Sister Meta Priestley, PP, escorted by Sister Olive O'Dell, PNG, Sis- ter Tvy Arksey, PDDP, escorted by Sister Isabelle Meier, PDDP, and Sister Gladys Stoneburg,| PDP, escorted by Sister Dero: thy Wickett, All were made welcome. A light business session was concluded. Sisters Edith Hoar and Dorothy Wickett were ex- tended birthday greetings and lodge closed. Pupils of Margaret Connelly's dancing school entertained the guests and members with Scot- {ish dance and the Charleston by little Miss Margo Wilson, a very talented young lady. Four other young ladies did the Can- Can and other delightful dances to the enjoyment of all present, A delicious lunch was then served by a committee con: vened by Sisters Dorothy Wick- ett and Grace Harris to over 100 guests which eoncluded a OES Plans Cards Night The regular meeting of the Whitby Chapter No. 248, Order of the Eastern Star, was held in the Masonic Lodge Hall on Tuesday, May 9. The Worthy Matron Kathleen Brown presid- ed and was assisted by presid- ing patron, Jeff Martin. The meeting opened in form with the flag being presented at the altar and escorted to the East by the marshall, Margaret Barnes. Minutes of the last meeting were read by the sec: retary, Julia Thomas, PM. The conductress, Louella Cook, pre- sented the past matrons and past patrons present, which were many, Those present were Mae Phair, PM, in office; Anna Patterson, PM, Pearl Roper, PM, Blanche Moorehouse, PM, Grace Blow, PM, Helen Breen, PM and Edwin Breen, PP The above were all welcomed by the worthy matren and escorted to the East, Reports from Sick and Sun: shine and various other com. mittees and get-well wishes shut-ins by the worthy matron, Kathleen Brown. New business was discussed and all were re- minded of the "Cards Night" te be held in the Masonic Lodge Hall on Wednesday night, May 17, at 8 p.m. It was hoped that all would do their best to be there and take a friend to make it a successful night. Initiations were performed and one life membership was given to Sister Laura Walker, The members were pleased te see Sister Laura out at the meet. ing again after a prolonged ab- sence. It is hoped that she will keep on. making progress. The meeting closed in form. The worthy matron, Kathleen Brown, gave the farewell. Lunch was served by the com- mittee. rogram was an by he Walker, and the second from alll' were: Sister Mable Disney, PP, |Court At Recital KEDRON = On eve: ning the Bian p pul ¢ Ryd fuss Ly for parents and friends at the of Mr. and Mrs. Ron La Ruth Bishop presented Mrs. Geisberger with a lovely bowl of red roses, The first half of the sary Servite. , which will be held on June 18. that woul children atten by | school half by Janice Parfitt. The program was as follows: Song" Hayed by Ruth Bishop; "Dutch Danee" Susan Annand; "A Little Waltz by Nancy Brooks; by Louanne Ayre the Skating Rink" Ayre; a duet, "I'm Called Little Buttercup' by Louanne and Stu art Ayre; "Little Yellow Bird" and "Air" by Susan Patte; "Dublin Town" by Elizabeth Lambert; "Merry - Go - Round' by Janice Parfitt; "Habanera" by Anne Bishop; "Senatina" hy Dale Thomas; "Song te the Evening Star" Susan Walker; "Prelude in A" by Joan Ogle; "Ronde" by Dorothy Hes- kin; a duet, "The Geld Panner Song" by Joan and Tom Ogle, and "Ballade" by Tom Ogle, MAY MEET The May meeting of the Women's Auxiliary, which was held at the manse, on Wednes: day evening, was very well at. tended. The president, Mrs. Joe Starr welcomed the members and guests, and presided over the meeting. Mrs. John McKinney, of Brooklin, showed pictures on the United Chureh Observer Tour, and "The Church at Werk in Bermuda and Trinidad", As part of the program, Miss Eleanor Calvert sang "When the Mist is on the Heather" 'and "You'll Never Walk Alone", Mrs. Howard Brown express- ed the thanks of the ladies to the speaker and the soloist. During the business part of the meeting $60 was voted to- wards the purchase of additional kindergarten chairs for the Sun- day School, and it was agreed to loan dishes to the Maxwell Heights Home and School for their Graduation Dinner in June. HELD ON MONDAY A meeting of the Sunday School Department was held on Monday evening with the super- intendent, Mr. Jack Francis, in charge. Mr. Walter Davis has agreed to serve as one of the acting superintendents. The Kindergarten class has been divided reeently, with Mrs. Ronald Merrison taking charge of the younger section, assisted by Mrs. Derek Barnett. Plans were made for the al committee was formed 3 e necessary arrangemen iy 13 ton ida Mr, Ted Maidman was a member of the District Staff at the Boy Scout Cam Week- end at Camp Samac this Satur- i hea MAT tended inc John Fraser, Bjorn Peterson, Watson, Terry Messent, Larry Strank, Joey Hunking, Joe , David Hooper and Terry O'Neill. The Mother and ter Banquet for the 20th Gules and Brownies and the 25th Bi es at Kedron United Church Ss Thursday will begin promptly at On Friday evening representa- tives of the Session and the var- ious groups that serve the chil- dren and young people of the church met to set up a Chris- tian Education Board te give unity to all these endeavors. Mr. Clarence Werry, Mr, Howard Farndale and Mr, Alvin Spen- cer were appointed to serve with the presen Sunday School directors in this eapacity, Mr. Walter Davis was ap- pointed a member of the pro- visional committee working on the organization of United Church Women in the church. PERSONALS Te sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to the family of the late John Charles Gooding, whose funeral was this week. Before Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Stainten left for the summer at their cottage this week. Mr, and Mrs, Lee entertained in their honor on Sunday. The guests included Mr, and Mrs. Adam Hawley and Catherine, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sobil, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry and fam- ily, and Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lee and Susan. Stephen Barnett, small son of Mr. and Mrs, Derek Barnett is deing very nicely after a tonsil ectomy at the Oshawa General Hospital. In the second inter-school baseball game of the season, Maxwell Heights defeated Columbui umbus, Linda Hepking and Janet Prouty played a piano duet at a concert given by the Home music and the special speaker for the Sunday School Anniver. and School in the Seventh Day Adventist Chureh. . Blue Ray Chapt. Holds Meeting PORT PERRY = The officers and members of Blue Ray Chap- ter, No. 238, Opder of the East- ern Star, were honored in hav- ing at their meeting, officers of the Grand Chapter of Ontario, on the occasion of their Grand Executive night. The mee was presided over by the Wor- thy Matron, Mrs, Adelia White, assisted by the Werthy Patron Hugh Espie, PP, and other offi- cers. Presented and introduced by the eenduetress, Mrs. Beryl Palmer, assisted by the associ: ate eonduetress, Mrs. Emma Cook, were as follows: Worthy Grand Patron of Ontario Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, Wm. J. Dyson of Steney Creek; Past Grand Matrons Mrs. Kathleen Coates, of Sud- bury; Mrs. Edna Anderson, of Bowmanville; and Mrs. Olive Adams, of Hamilton; Grand Conductress Mrs, Iris Walker, of Windsor; Associate Conduct- ress Mrs. Agnes B, Young, of Toronto; District Deputy Grand By RUKMINI DEVI Canadian Press Correspondent BOMBAY (CP) -- India, a major sugar producer, is facing stiff competition from Iron Cur. tain countries in the interna. tional sugar trade. Business cir- cles here term the competition "unfair" and "unfriendly." The Soviet Union and, to 8 lesser extent, Red China have been buying sugar from Cuba and ve-exporting it to the world's free markets. This has deep: ened India's anxiety to secure the United States market. Cuban sugar, barred from the United States, now is purchased in bulk mainly by Russia and Communist China and literally dumped into what are consid: ered this country's traditional sugar markets. For instance, China has just sold 30,000 tons to Burma and Poland has seld some 40,000 tons to Ceylon. Confronted with this threat te its sugar industry, India is ask. ing the United States for a su: gar quota and has suggested the purchase of 600,000 shart tons. It is estimated that export of this amount would earn In: dia about $55,000,000 annually, It has been hopefully noted here that the U.S, has amended its sugar act to allow importa: tions frem eeuntries buying sur- Kendal, Toronto and Sear: borough. India Faces Sugar Problem buyer of U.S. agricultural prod- ucts. HOLD 200,000 TONS Even if the United States agrees to buy 600,000 tons of In- dian sugar, India will still have to find overseas markets for some 200,000 tons in the teeth of eompetition from Mescow and Peking. The Indian press has reperted that Russia and China are ex: ploring the possibilities of sell: ing Cuban sugar in African countries and Malaya and Pakistan. Many Asian and Afriean coun- tries are reported to have as: sured India that they will een: tinue to take Indian sugar in preference to Cuban sugar. The apparent uneoncern with which the Soviet Unien is dump ing Cuban sugar into what are considered India's traditional markets had given rise to the comment in informed eireles that Moscow is mere keen on helping te belster the Cuban economy than in respecting In- dian susceptibilities. As far as Red China is con- cerned, politieal cireles feel that Peking is eut te displease India and nothing weuld be mere wel- come as an instrument of an noyance than Cuban sugar. Eco- nomic experts here think Red China is competing with India in the sugar market in spite of ting| Jean Gow, Matron, of District No. 0, Mrs. Jessie" Campbell, of Stroud: Past District Deputy Grand Matrons Mrs, Louise Warren, of Rodney; Mrs. Pearl Cole, of Collingwood; Mrs. Maybelle Stewart, of Toronto apd Mrs. of Toronte, Also presented to the East were Mrs. Viva Dyson, wife of the Worthy Grand Patron; Presiding Ma- trons Mrs. Dorothy Seaman, of Brighton and Mrs. Marianne Girard, of Oshawa as well as 15 visiting past matrons and ene past patron. Seven past matrons and three past patrons of Blue Ray Chapter were also weleamed. The Sick and Sunshine report was presented by the Associ- ate Matron Mrs. Doris Notting- ham and Mrs. Margaret Hood, PM, Several members were re- membered during their illnesses and the Chapter expressed sin- cere wishes for a speedy re- covery for Mrs. Agnes Kemlo, PDD, GM, of Oshawa, who is an honorary member of Blue Ray Chapter. GET INVITATIONS Invitations have been re- ceived from several Chapters and plans are A for the annual Birthday Party of Blue Ray Chapter which will be held " Jupe. The Worthy Matron, Mrs. Adelia White ex- tended a weleame to all express- ing her pleasure in greeting such a large representation from the ib chapters of the erder, Guests were present Rvereourt, Brio Northeltte ivereou e, Northcliffe, Sunbeam, York. White Heather, Durham, Excelsior, Colborne, Algoma, Fairbank, Mispah, Dun- das, Sunland, Innisfil, Bon Ac cord, Rodney and Queen City Chapters. A dedication ceremony was carried out by Past Grand Matron Mrs. Edna Anderson, when an altar light and a matron's estal light was presented fo the chapter by Associate Patron Leenard Col- bear, PP and his daughter, Mrs. Margaret Jeffrey, PM, in loving memory of a beloved wife and mother, past matron Mrs. Helen Calbear. Distinguished guests of hopor addressed the chapter. Worthy Grand Patron Wm. J. Dyson brought greetings frem Grand Chapter and sneke briefly on the subjeet "Deci- sions in Life." Past Grand Ma- tren Mrs. Kathleen Coates based her address on an out- standing poem which designated the ideals and standards of what a member of the Eastern Star should endeavor to live up to. The meeting was closed in reg- ular form with Worthy Matron plus American farm produce, India is currently the biggest ineurring sizable financial losses in the tri i Mrs. Viva Dyson, of Stoney Creek, giving the Farewell. ¥