16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pde, Mey 19, 1961 == Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange 'Stevedores | SEALE LEAT gw vamenldh Cas semoddh om aimeseddB Coan ate Back On Job es are available for Baby' d (Quotations in cents unless marked $. Dosco 250 812% 12% 12% + a QN Gas pr 50 $51 S) Petrol 2000 T 71 TI -2 Lab Min 100 $244 24% MA 3 {ly Tree Records and to m d d Ex-dividend 8 TAW R AV C 00 $5% amily 2-0dd lot, xd -- Ex-dividend, xr--FEx- Dom Stores 210 $74'% 74% 74 oe AVC If 5% 5% Provi Gas 315 225 +4 Langis 800 41 41 4 HAMILTON (CP) -- Striking troubles, will also be voted on those fai " 9 A v friends and relatives in rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change is Dom Tar $17% 17% 174 -- 14 Rothmans 240 $13Y 13% 133 Sapph debts 20 $140 13 +8 Latin Am 5000 55 S53 53 Istevedores here decided Thurs: |at the elections (Fortnam was places. To place birth announcement, | from previous day's close.) I s 5 A axqui yi 7 | 8 LL 200 1 6 6 ~ Pall The Oshawx Times Classified Exquisite $1314 13% 13% + 'a Royal Bank 320 875% 75% Spoontr 2000 11 4. Lae = 7 1] he ~2 day to return to work. lelected to the post eight years phone RA 3-3492, Ford US $864 Bbla 864 --2 Balada-§ 3265 $'9% 19% i Stanwell 1000 39 3 +1 Lou : i viet 1000 +1 cers ago and was re int INDUSTRIALS Fndtn 50 $:3% 13% 13% Selkirk A 5 : Triad Oil 2000 205 205 Lyndhst 300 1 =1 The strikers, who had tied up B 2ppoin = by 11 Net : 15% 3% 37 Seven Arts ; y in Oi 148 ; " , r foreign shipping here since last| Doherty when the local was DEATHS Sock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Caiineay a ; non, Wie = Maen To 2 3.3 {Prd Shipp ed back to their| Placed in trusteeship); j. Aiind id iid als ii G Dev 816% 16% 16% + % Statiord. : he + MINE : jobs with the promise Thursday| A meeting will be held Sun- Abit yr 100.92 MM GMC 47% 47% st Wire C 2» Agito 2285 81 Maritime 21 2 1 that running the affairs of Local day to discuss a plan for ad- Acad-All B19. 9 9 + Globe A 513% 13% -- Stedman 3 $89 33 Anacon 1250 59 59 3 3 McIntyre 90 $32% 32% 32% 11654 of the International Long. ministration of the gang hiring Alta Dist 100 210.210. 30 GL Paper n 330 318 + a feel cr 59 y 5 Anglo Hur. 100.783 785. 791 : Mentor ha |shoremen's Association will/system (the men had com- D Le 2 Steel Can © A ' : Merrill 9% 9 . of 'Fisie Davidson and father of Mrs.| ANA G4 BH Soa Ms Mir po Da $ Propane » ANS lia ay Meta Uran 1000 13 13 13 again be placed in their hands. plained that under the system (Anne) Kitchener, Rob- taGas pr 1 i. + > Vi 3 hornc! $ be 3 A une 30 27 271 71 + hy 3 dg x a Rad | e Water Fama and Donald of Toronto,| AltaGas w 5 $14% 14% ; Wek G $18 Tor-Dom $64 64 puset 230 Bk Tov ni NM 3 110 13 4 It took an outside official tol Sore E30FS got more work than in his 76th year. Resting at the Arm. Alia Gas By 123i 108% 10444 + § Wp S6w 250 675 65 I rim 3 Ho% He ond Bar Engl 00 HG 0 ? y 3 LU calm the local's rank-and - file| 01 ay ane yaned hiring one; " al Home, Oshawa, wi Alg Cen 19% 19% 19% + } = 1 1 1 " Fin Af 43: = 1 as) p 5 5) 5% A st-come-first-serve - Heong Fomem Mass in Holy Cross| Alg Cenw 1370 725 700 700 exh 5 TheB Me nt Baska do lo 3 New 'Al os who walked out over, among °n a Chureh, Monday, May 22. at 9 am, In. Algoma 274 $40 397% 40 Ha Car ry Ni : Tr Can PL 490 $24 23% : Bidco 1200 10 1 New Hosco 5 95-87 4 |other things, their objections to 4 : terment St. Gregory's Cemetery. Afumint 2. $31 3714 Bits Boe 72 0 325 / Teams-Mt $1444 14% 13 Bourg 3000 : ' N Kelore 11000 9; 8 % |the system of assigning jobs The four men charged with (Friends are asked mot to call at the Alum 1 pr $21% 21% 21% He Erie 18 ma ; rid Union Ace $10% 10% Proswk 1100 340 33 2 Newlund 6000 25 » * counselling an illegal strike -- Funeral Home before Saturday) Aum 3 pr Sun gg oh +H 1 Inv 125p 78 a 21% Un Gu 5 9 18% 9 Buffad 2000 0 A N Man 1000 y | Patrick Sullivan of Buffalo, John Kane. his brother Robert; 3 7 . y 5-4 Nickel MS 2400 h regi . " GARDNER, George Wellingion Argus 2) $40 40 40 Imp Life we Nl i walk GW 86 wh 8% -- Camp Ouib 100 90 Noranda 725 $40% 42% 48Y [ILA Great Lakes region secre-/George Oldfield and William On May 18, 1961, at Hotel Dieu Hos Atlan Ace 1000 $15 15 15 im Westeel 1 1044 Cassiar 230 Norpax 3 1 {tary-treasurer, heard 24 beefs Day--will be reinstated as ste- 11 Accep i - 9 " ¥ Kingston, George W. Gardner, Atlas Steel 800 $31%4 31% 31'% ae W C Brew/ 3212 3 . N Colst 3 F 5 y : ! oi Bari of Mrs. M. R. Cum Bank Mont 100 $65% 63% 65% 1.Ac 28 P Westfair 25 $37 37 TL ; ; ATP worn ; ; from them in a three-hour meet- wards, from which position mings (Reta) of Oshawa. Buty 18 3 i fh - SB AN o% 6% Weston A 2 L541 A Chib-Kay 2000 1 O'Brien 500 6: : ling Thursday and, besides the they were suspended after the GAUER, Eugene Leo er 0 ms Inland C pr z 6% 16% 16! West A wn 13 1 3 y hiv N ute - 3 . Oyemisks 2M 0 $y |decision to return to work to- charges were laid. Entered into rest in the family resi Brazil 3489 470 46 470 : Inland Gas ! 6a ¥ Woodwd A 725 $20V x hime - 2500 39 3) pac. Ni 2) 81 38 +] |day these things were resolved: But the fate of the four men rr a Inind G 2 3 f " 2 + dence, 134 Baldwin Street, Oshawa, on Br Tok n 00 $6 " po v Wdwd A w & 4 "RB b p Parama pe 1 1 4 ¥ J 's J sti i Wednesday, May 17, 1961, Eugene Leo| Bright $47 40% 1 Bronze p : C Bellek 20000 araman 4 The local members will abide still remained to be cleared. i f Curd Gauer, beloved husband of Winnifred BA Oil 5 $33% 33% 33% Bh 30, yi 4514 45 Anglo-Nfid 1055 $8 Th & +} CS fnm » : Diy 05 by the union's constitution, even Doherty laid the charges after Burt, and father of Lawrence. Eugene,| BCE 5 pr $4805 4310 48a Inter PL 7204 : Asbestos : y Con MS 1026 $268 ' Q Metal : 1 3 if the four stewards tried Wed- he tried to persuade the strik- d and Lorene, in his 47th year. BC Forest 865 $134 13% 13% 2 2 C Paper a 2 26 el 0 k + | . = : Renting at the Armstrong Funeral BC Pow 280 $347 34% MTs int st AY 0 A MR Dupont 3 c Mogul, 300 56 - Quemaont : 2 1 3 +3 {nesday by the man who charged ers to call off the walkout and Home. Oshawa, with memorial service| BC Phone 275 851% SL. Iov STE A Sh A A int Pap 35% 35) pi IO lh Se Rainville 70% Tow 17% them with counselling an illegal he got beaten up. in the chapel Saturday, May 20, 11 a.m Burns 150 Stila 1lla 11 ' Jock © 100 $11 11% 11% + 4 Lob Inc 00 3163 C Northid _ u00 32 3 2 Renabie : : strike are expelled from the un-! The men were to be tried b Interment Oshawa Union Cemetery | Burrard A $ i Pp 1A Ya h Price Br pit hy 3 3 X i str ie ri ] vy | Cal Pow ) Sn BARE Sits 14. Nia =U eT : : : ion: a four - man tribunal including OR 8 ' a ; yDA 2 7% + Ya . ? ' £ ; Y . : PARSONS, Pereival (Perey 2.) ! b abatt 100 $3A% 3014 38% + Coprand ~~ 2100 155 152 152 -- 3 The local will be taken from Doherty but Campbell and Ride- Suddenly at Omemee on Thursday, 1 Lat X 2 38% 1] 30 2 13 1 1 a oy lecti y May 18, 1961, Percival $ Parsons, hus- | J y Lakeland 750 250 3 Lo " Aiki Cas : in 8 3 a 1 trusteeship as soon as elections out resigned and the fourth man band of the late Pearl Alta McQuade * Br $4015 49% 49%% Lont Cem pr 100 $8% h-- Acs § ; : 3 CEL LR 1 pH . : 3 1s 13 are held June 19 (the local was refused to show up for the hear- in his SIud year. Dear faner Rio lanier, 70 128 3 A LobCo A 7 Ve Al Anchor 9 elni $32 22 12 1 2:0 43 50 18 put under trusteeship in March ing. ( tL] re rawn Fd bt hd , $1 1 $i 5 L 1 10 1, Sis . 5 55 + - ki 3 ie Floyd, Oshawa; Gordon (Tom) Ome Frbks A sila 1112 1 JromC io Aw "3 Sls y % + Asamera : on: $30 4 : 3 bl 2 because, Inte r national Vice: Doherty said he reached a mee; 'Jean (Mrs. Jou Swinsen) HR 3 : Gas In pr J 28 LosG pr 215 $30 Bata h 7 21 114 a 5 1 TH President Bernard Doherty said, verdict alone but he declined to Omemee; dear brother . i 'Gas Iw B 5 5 4 A 4 4 Calalt vi y 215 1 ) 3 p 11% 29 : i oar i Omemee; also surviving * Husky 7 7 7 los Mn oo 38 6 Calalia 00 40 4 x ran 9. Jo ; Flvan HEE the men did not have enough say what it is. The four men children and 13 gr a laren * Hydro sl I 1% a » L yr 3 3 : 0 14 3-183 ED . interest to govern their own af- will be notified by letter next The late Mr. Parso s restin, { . $94 4 . 2 c New 4 Fr 3 i Mri 1" 4 o - a at Morcombe-Rehill Funeral Home, Ome IL $143 14° M Leaf Mill 7 ! "dn 4 ellie 1 16 1 53 53 fair : week, he said. : mee for service on Saturday, May 20, 10 $25% Mass. F 010 $13 3 - 585 Poh er. : : x Local President Peter Camp- A statement issued after at 2.30 p.m. Interment Emily Cemetery | Cen Tire ju MCE ck 0 : Geco Mines Ye 20% 22% 4 Ventures 1270 $ ' bell and Vice - President Allan Thursday's meeting between GIDEON Bibles are a continuing me-| CW™ 0 3% 16 i Mont Trust $65 6 ran - : TD Rideout, who resigned rather Sullivan and local members said morial. For placement contact fuerall (oi Cell 105 $5 X 3 Moore | 59% 5 i > 3: 45 ei 53 1 so Tae) : - than sit on a tribunal trying the! Doherty's verdict will not be- hone RA $-2327 7 a vor 1 Ft Nat Drug $ 1 Dynamic D 1 Weedon 2000 ' J . y director or plo RA STH, ____[ Comb Ent 23 31 13 1% + N Hour nl NE Home A 150 slo 10% x Headway 3.3L oa Werner 7100 : four men, will be reinstated and come effective until the four oh a Ti Ss $4214 4.3 NO NG 475 $1 ' 9% + Home B 305 $1014 995 \ Hollinger 2 2 Willroy 4000 9 : . : HY : ; : GERROW FUNERAL Crown Trust 2: ve + 3 Nor Phone 1000 14 0) HB OILG 360 814% ¢ Hud Bay 54%4 5414 Wiltsey 3000 be eligible for nominations in men have had a chance to an- Crum w 0 a Ont Loan 00 $3/ 3 36% -- Mideon 6500 35 37 Int Nickel 1010 § 8% + 3 Wr Harg 700 ™ the elections; peal to a duly constituted body rhe 2 > " 5 3 7 + Nat Pete 1100 285 Irish Co 2300 15 15 Yk Bea 00 91 | iti i S i : ¥ Hers 34 a id ' ! 90 The pos of business agent, e ILA as vi CHAPEL Dist Seay 853 $1 he Paine 2100 $11% 11 1 N Davies 100p 94 L Iso 570 1 Young HG 1000 45 45 h Position ): husine R of th : A as provided for by : D Bridge 55 $18 PC Jewel 295 Pamoil 2100 50 ! Jellicoe 2000 : li now held by George Forinam, the union's rules and regula. Kindness beyond price leet. Io Pres Elect 4900 Pamoil rt 4800 Kerr Ad 650 10% 103 Sales to 11 a.m.: 648.000; who the men blamed for their tions. yet within reach of all a a " . " rrmr-- RA 8-6226 | A 350. ING STREET Wot | Employment Opportunities MONUMENT COMPANY | Livestock (Civil Service of Canada) LIZING IN ING hs =. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ials, C tones, BRANCH (university graducte with extensive experience in Mesmerials, of OE 'Review industrial development, several years of which have been RR. 4, KING ST. E | . re. A in a position of senior responsiblity, ond a broad general Ph. RA 8-3111 or RA 8-8876 | TORONTO (CP) -- Cattle knowledge of legislation and regulations affecting Cana- i FEA SE prices were uneven, this week dian industry), Trade and Commerce, Ottawa. $12,500 iat the Ontario public stock $13500. Competition 61-814 KE'S FLORIST enw ompetitic LOCKE'S yards. *PIPELINE SAFETY ENGINEER (professionally qualified, to act | Slaughter steers were uneven technical adviser in the formulation of safety regula- t 1} as technical advise Or ule * for all 10725 cents per hundredweight tions applicable to the construction and operation of inter« ; {lower, while heifers and vearl provincial oil and gos pipelines), National Energy Board, OSHAWA SHOPPING lings 'were steady. Cow prices Ottawa. Up to $9800, Competition 61-1208. CENTRE {were generally 50 cents per} AgsOCIATE OR ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF PHYSICS (with 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE {hundredweight lower, but bull Doctor's degree from a university of recognized standing, RA 8-6555 {prices were strong to 50 cents with specialization in physics), Royal Roads, Victoria, B.C. per hundredweight higher. Up to $9800. Competition 61-2026, | Choice veal calves were o\upCHANICAL ENGINEERS (Engineer 4 -- theoretical ape IN MEMORIAM steady with lower grades sell- praise! of marine auxiliary machinery and systems include ling $1-2 per hund re dweight ing heat transfer equipment, pumps, cOmpressors., efc CLARK -- In loving memory of Wm. | lower. Hog, sow and stag prices $7620-$8700; Engineer 3 -- theoretical appraisal of naval E. Clark, who passed away May 19./were higher, while sheep and boiler designs and associoted combustion, fuel handling 1990. ok him home, It was His win,|1amb prices were steady. and funnel equipment -- $6840-$7860), Naval Engineers But in our hearts w love him still} Slaughter cattle: Choice ing Design Investigation Team, Montreal, P.Q. Competie His memory is as dear today teers mostly $23-23.50; good tion 61-1205 d the hour In d away. § stly 3 As in the hour he passed SAY. en 22-23; medium 20-22; commons | MANAGER, ACCOUNTING AND BUDGET CONTROL (with we are all alone, Iv. triond that 16-19; choice heifers 22; good professional accounting experience, and experience in the rn ny uy 20.50-21.50; medium 10-20.50; field of cost accounting), HMC Dockyard, National Defence, --Sadly missed by his wife and family. common 15-19; choice fed year Halifax, N.S. $7920-$9300. Competition 61-272 CROWRLLS -- 1 loving memory of INES 2324; good 21-23: good] ASSISTANT DISTRICT ADMINISTRATOR (with extensive ex- our darling grandson, and nephew Wil- COWS 16.50-17, sales to 17.50; perience in administrative duties, or university graduate Ham Jngrew Pregeriok Lovells, he mediums 15-16; commons 14-15 with many vears of experience in position of administrative igi 8 i 17 days. : *|canners ' and cutters 10-13.50; responsibility Northern Affairs and National Resources, Nothing can ever take away {good heavy bologna bulls 19-19 Fort Smith, N\W.T. $7920-$9800, plus isolation allow The love 2 heart holds gets, day 60; odd otps 20; common and ance. Competition 61-493 y 0 Remembranice keeps him near {medium 16-18.50. . ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER, BROADCASTING REGULATIONS win igi hol go pe Mode Replacement ( attle: Good with @ number of years of progressively responsible related Sweetest flower, too sweet to steer stockers 22-24, with west- experience), Radio Regulations Division, Transport, Ottawa. God took him home to show the way. ern steer stock calves 25; com $7260-$8340, Competition 61-651 Too dearly loved forgotten. mon and medium stockers and Grandma and Grandpa Ellegett, uncles ih) cof. PARLIAMENTARY REPORTER - FRENCH LANGUAGE (with ot Bud and Bill stock fueilet salves Ne with least three years of related reporting experience, a thorough CROWELLS -- In loving memory of P an ES os "39 34 command of the French language, and ability te take a dear son, William Andrew Crowells, BY 5: y TRL shorthand ot a high rate of speed), House of Commons, who passed away May 19, 1954, aged six odd sales 35; good 28-31; me Ottawa. $6840-$7860. Competition 61-651 manths dium 24-27; common 19-23; bon ae : Though his smile is gone forever, 's 14-18 4 REHABILITATION SERVICES CO-ORDINATOR (with a num a I, ries ore: ; ber of years' experience in social work or related fields, Of the one we love so much *neavy rs 31 5 1 light several in a position of responsibility in the general field of Hix memory is our keepsake | "gq lag g community organization), Northern Affairs and National With which we will never part, {sows 23.50-24.15; stags 17.50 on 3 God has him in His keeping, la dressed weight basis. Resources, Ottawa. $6660-$7680. Competition 61-492, adhe inh Ha Wig Mommy Sheep and lambs: Good han- *STAFF TRAINING OFFICER (university graduate to assist in and Daddy dvweight feedlot lambs 21; me ning and directing training courses in industrial en- dium 19; spring lambs 25-29 per ne management accounting, personnel management hundredweight; sheep 3-10 ac ce act administration), Defence Production, Ottawa, Toronto Beaut oe ee aiity $6000-56660. Competition 61-379 Y NORTHERN AREA SURVEY OFFICER (with a number of years' . ' related experience, to conduct surveys of human end re- Miss Canada MARKET PRICES newable resources in various areas of the North as a basis for area development programmes ond plans), Extensive NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP). TORONTO (CP) -- Potato Ne ois involved, Soutien Alidis and Diotionat Wilda Reynolds, 19-vear - old prices today: P.E.I. 75-lb. bags blonde from Toronto, was off truck $1.60, to trade 1.80 ELECTRONIC STANDARDS OFFICER (with a good knowledge elected Miss Dominion of Can- 2.10; N.B. 1.75, to trade 22.25 of electronic parts and materials, including practical design, ada Thursday night from 14 fin-. P.E.L 50-1b bags 1.25 to trade testing and the application of electronic components, and alists in the annual beauty com-|1.30-1.45, N.B. 1.10, to trade 1.30 many years of related experience), Canadian Military Elec. petition here . 1.40 tronic Standards Agency, Natic Defence (Air), Ottawa. Miss Reynolds, 3524-34, will, P.E.L 10-1b. bags .26, to trade $6000-56600. Competition 61-269 represent Canada in the Miss 29-37; N.B. .26, to trade 29-.33 SHOP SUPERINTENDENT, MARINE AGENCY (with journey= =z International beauty contest at TORONTO (CP) Wholesal Mens lignes > machine shoy ork, welding ang ether -- Long Beach, Calif., late s J ( -- holesale ical trade, and @ number o ears' experience in clos SEIT on 2 is fruit and vegetable prices at related duties), Transport, Prescott, Ont. $5640-$6180. /, p---- . 1 9:45 & : Apple Mcl Competition 61-0-2120 -- Runners-up were a local girl, 2,0 am pples. cintosh ompetiti : de/ --_-- §3.50-4.25 bus., controlled Mcin AIRCRAFT TRIMMER (with @ number of years' experience in // -- ty \ 7 i beg 7 ; il) Funeral errangements end Kathy Knott, 20. and Miss Ca- | Fag Wi nadian Indian, Diane Smith, 22 tosh 5.50- B.C. Winesap 5.75 the repair and re-upholstery of aircraft interiors), Transport, i i A of Ohsweken. 6, Spies 5.25-5.50. beans, green Ottawa. $5340-$5880. Competition 61-932, 5-5.25 hamper; new beets 50-1b. | BILINGUAL WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE SUPERINTEN- bag 2385-3; broccoli 3.65 3.75 DENT (with a number of years' experience in water pump= NEWS BRIEFS case; cabbage, new 3-3.25, new ing and sewage treatment -plants), National Defence, RCE, red 4; carrots, Texas 50-lb. bag Comp Valcartier, P.Q.. $4620-35160. Competition 61s 14.65-5; cauliflower 12s 3.50-4; 271 ENERAL MANAGER celery, California 3.254 case; | GEOLOGICAL MAP DRAFTSMEN (with at least four years . TO (CP) -- William Florida 3.50-3.75; queen cucum experience in a map drafting office), Mines and Technical Crampton. general manager hers Us, 2. king 2.50-2.75; Surveys, Oftawo. $4050-$4500. Competition 61-2390 Trans - Canada Telemeter, leeks 11-gt. basket 1.50; onions | 9 He S bo ws 4' ELECTRICAL-MECHANICAL MAINTENANCE CRAFTSMEN been appointed , general Chile Spanish 50-1b. bag 3.754 (with at least three years' experience on general mainten- manager of CFTO-TV, John Canadian 1.25-1.35 Lh as 2.50- ance of equipment such os air compressors, vacuum pumps, Bassett, chairman of the inde- 2.79, Texas white 2.85-3; spin electrical heating systems and ovens, refrigeration, air con= pendent. television station's ach. Canadian 2.50 by + Thu ditioning and ventilating systems). Agriculture, Ottawa. board of directors, announced barb, outdoor 12s 60-75; tomat $4050-54500. Competition 61-528 Thursday oes, cell 50-1.65, No. t- . 4 4 : Thursday night, Ws, Sele J i any SANITARY INSPECTORS (high school graduates, with certi- BISHOP BECOMES CHIEF 'unwaxed 1.50 waxed. 9.95.9 50 ficate in Sanitary Inspection (Canada), and several years of VANCOUVER (CP) -- Th 4 > tity 9 = ne related experience), Indian and Northern Health Services, : ' ) he pineapples, Cuban 12s 3.50-3.75 : 4 ; 20.9474 Roman Catholic bishop of Belle- cantaloupe 9-9.50 National Health and Welfare, various centres. $4020-$ 0. ville, 1ll., Most Rev. Albert R Competition 61-751, Zuroweste, carries a new title DENTAL ASSISTANT - MOBILE CLINIC (with at least three Friday -- 'Chief Courier of NET EARNINGS years' experience in dental work, ond possession of a Peace." of the Burrard Indian chauffeur' license) National Health and Welfare, Ottawa. band. Bishop Zuroweste, honor- - $3750-$4200. Competition 61-749. ary president of the Catholic Py (THE CANADIAN PRESS | AR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS-IN-TRAINING (with high CARLING'S Press Association convention Company. 3 : dea March or technical school graduation ond good enunciation), here, received the honor from pan) S606 182: 1960 $1.600.. $175 o month while training for four months in Ottawa, Indian Chief Dan George 643 ch Jini dd les bb then $272.50 a month for about one year while acquiring a experience. Thereafter $350 to $470 o month depending GET MEASLES SHOTS Maritime Telegraph and Tel- upon vacancies, Transport. Competition 61-T2025. Salaries MAGOG. Que. (CP) -- Some ephone Company, 3 mos. ended shown reflect recent increases 225 mentally retarded children March al: 1961, $605,411; 1960.1 ygCHNICIANS, METEOROLOGICAL IN-TRAINING (with high in a private institution near 70" an school graduation), $175 a month while training for three here received preventive shots Maxwell Lid. year ended " 5 : Aen rani Try da 5 Dec. 31: 1960. $198.985. 21 cents months. $2940-$3540 after completion of training. Trans- in rsday in| . \ ,285, : i C ¢ gig pismo epidemic|® share: 1959. 106.942. 12 cents port, Toronto Air Services Region, Competition 61-T2028. that took 20 lives over 'a two- er For competitions indicated *, write to Civil Service Commission, month period. The children and U.K. DEPENDENCY Ottawe, for details and application forms. For other com. staff of the Cecil Butters Me. On Arpil 27, Sierra Leone in petitions, Seta and upslication forms at main Post Offices, » th n fle f 1 morial Home in nearby Austin West Africa will gain its inde- ational Employment Offices and nearest Civil Service Com. enjo e meliow v i | were treated by a team of four pendence, the 10th former U.K mission Office. Please quote comp ber ay indicated, oy avour ot a qua ity ale . nurses. {dependency to do so since 1947. = )) Nl W N \ \