" |phy and the Eastern Canada . |championship team they are By CLIFF GORDON Tonight is the night that hun- dreds of enthusiastic lacrosse fans have been waiting for since away back last fall. The Whitby Red Wings, defending Eastern Canada Jr. "A" Champions, will open their 1961 schedule against the Long Branch Cas- trolites. The Red Wings who enjoyed a tremendous season last year when they won the Iroquois Tro- title are looking forward to an- other banner year. Like any forced to make many changes. Manager Ivan Davie along with his very capable coach, Jim Cherry, have been working seven days a week in an effort to give the good fans of this area another top notch contender. We watched the Red Wings work out last night and liked Long Branch Here For Jr. A Lacrosse Opener THRE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Mey 18, 1961 § Kells. He is doing a fine job in his first year. So in all, fans, it looks like the season should get off with a real bang. The mayor, His Wor- ship Stan Martin, will face off the opening ball and from there on it will be all fight. Remem- ber game time is 8.30. LAWNMOWERS Reconditioned SCIENTIFICALLY SHARPENED BY MACHINE Repairs To All Makes SPORTSMANS CORNER Hardware and Garden Division 103 BYRON ST. SOUTH MO 8-4511 shape and can run with the best of them. He appears to know the game well and we would go out on a limb personally and say that Butch will have a big year with the Jr. team this year if he puts his heart into the game. Another fellow that should give the fans a lot of interesting moments is Frank Wilkinson, a Whitby lad who played most of his minor lacrosse in Peterbor- ough. Although he is not in top shape at the moment, Manager Davie is banking on him to help fill the spot filled by Phil Hall chances. He says he feels he has a real fighting team. And he feels he has a good chance of going just as far this year, otherwise he would not have put a team on the floor. Manager Davie announced that he has signed Bob Clarke high scoring forward with the Huntsville OMLA Juv, cham- pions of 1960. This fellow Clarke really knows his way around the floor and will be a tremendous asset to the Whitby team. He is also negotiating and hopes to have in the line-up Len Calicott, Stu Wieler, Glen Wheeler and Neil Patterson. Denton Rendell will be be- tween the pipes for the 'Red Wings when they hit the floo: for tonight's opener. Denton wa: understudy to Bob McCreedy last year and played in a num- ber of games. So far this year on last year's championship team. This is a big chore for any young fellow but Wilkinson has the size and the ability if he. puts it to work. Getting back to the Long Branch team. They were rated by the so called experts as a weak sister in the league this Tr S WHITE NEWSPRINT 4Y3-1b. pkg. he has looked very sharp in year. But they more or less up- set the smart boys in their first taste of the game. They waltzed right into St. Catharines and dumped the red hot A's 5-3 in a approximately 630 sheets for -- $1.00 Also Available in 9-1b. pkgs. IDEAL FOR TYPING PADS, CARBON COPIES INNER OFFICE MEMOS, ETC. On Sale ot . . . WHITBY OFFICE & CIRCULATION DEPT. Oshawa Times practice and has got a number of pointers from Coach Cherry who knows where the goalie is the weakest as he was himself were absent due to work com-|a mean shot for the weak spots. ho mitments. We chatted with| Another young fellow who wii fast herd fought exibition Coach Cherry before the work bear a lot of watching is J o hinge team. that took ame R d out and he was very enthusias- Davis, younger brother of last| wr sant at tool 4 th * [tic in regard to tonight's game year's star, Terry Davis. John| or i dh SaIes n the and strongly predicts a win for has four years of Jr. left and| he ob nes 2% Yeap, i the local team. He also said appears to be ready for the big ostered g Tans a S that one thing there will be no/jump from last year's midzet| CC er RY avi son ' |quitters in this team and any|team in Peterborough to the|yq © outs a ast years fellow that quits once will not|top Jr. ranks with the local Red|, or." ven vit 50 oir be around to do it again. With Wings. B year has move: very much what we saw, de- spite the fact that several of the fellows who are expected to carry considerable of the mail graduating class of attend- ants' and nurses' gested a completely new street paving program in Whitby Town Council Monday night. He suggested that people liv- ing on paved streets pay an extra tax mill (about $3.50) per year for the privilege of living on a paved street. In this way, over a 20-year period, $200,000 would be collect- ed and the remaining 27 miles of unpaved Whitby streets could | WHITBY CLEANERS | wooen | Loc | | FUR [couture STORAGE FREE || PICKUP and DELIVERY MO 8-2345 ) JMME LUANA CF RODGERS - ATTEN - WILLS CNEMaASCORE + COLOR by OE LUXE PLUS--Little Stowaway-Impossable Posum-Holiday for Champs dash / oH cv i d Ell 5 Wo ATTENDANTS, NURSES' AIDS GRADUATE AT ONTARIO HOSPITAL 4 : that spirit and coaching how| Manager Davie is expecting a|Out 10 Play defence and is show- Reported to be the largest | Civil Service employees are | tal. They have graduated from | yer and Mrs. Wera Wojna- | reliability and understanding |can Spm. 2 let their Ea iot aps number of Xe ps oe ay well, b, 2 fellow | and consideration of the pati- |down, Iholdovers and a lot is also ex-|PY the name of Webb. They aids, 35 | monies at the Ontario Hospi- | 2. Two members, John Lock- | plates for their effort in class, | --Oshawa Times Photo | equally as happy with his team's|1ast year over-age Juveniles player as their coach in Morley _-- Te Tq STE |who are making a big bia_for ° | jcational secretary reported., Mrs. H. T. Fallaise and Mrs. spots on the Wings team. Fel- Will Propose Greenwood Jo hoseitals, managers of opver- : BROCK Evening Shows at 7 and 9 p.m. P |ture of the Queen had been Pre- ng ang comprehensiv | "Day 'Camp "Tag Day May|2r orvarts Gord any Saturday Matinee at 1:30 |sented at the opening of the R.|\N8 and comprehensive report of | y Camp "Tag Day May|,nq 1orne Campbell. One fellow WHITBY : A. Hutchison school. Book prizes|the 41st annual meeting of the|27- Mrs. R. G. Langford report- (nat we feel will be a real threat General monthly meeting of Ladies' College, Colborne Street held in Hamilton last month. aI pI Headquarters in De | Kadwell This fellow is in good |Viscount Greenwood Chapter school and St. John's school and| Highlights of the meeting were | octers or 9le oH Councillor Robert Hasting sug-/ could be done under the present [ODE was held in the United adopted Northern school. the parade of 81 Standard Bear- p 3 press In- Po ate Church Hall 'on Monday after | Citizenship Court will be held|€rs With their Standard and re- "Foe tino closed with the|| GHAS. A. BRADLEY | He hopes to receive support noon. The Regent Mrs. F. W.|in Oshawa this month. Member- ports from various departments. | i; oi of the National Anthem habe I ship Mrs. A. Ingram and Mrs. There are 436 Chapters with 15,- . AND SONS LTD. | this paving plan. previous meeting were read and | Roughly the plan works this approved and treasurer's report welcomed as members. Mrs. 250 was spent on education, as-| way. If your street is paved you accepted. James Ross, Mrs. George An- sistance given to 778 students DECORATING derson will convene the Summer including 102 children of war : privilege. The monies collected attend the May Court Festival Brooklin OL 5-4441 I in this way (about $18,000 year-|at Ontario Ladies' College and Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Doner,|Morrison Educational Fund was West Hill AT 2-0961 ly) will go solely to street pav-/from the Golden Jubilee Chap- Brock St. N., on Thursday, June |loaned free of charge. will be paved. tea at the home of Mrs. E. J. Mrs. H. T. Fallaise in charge of cent leave school from Grade 12. Councillor Hastings told coun-| Rundle of Oshawa. {home baking, Mrs. G. A. Welsh Assistance might help overcome & Wallpaper Store cil he would make a motion at| A letter was received from the and Mrs. A. MacLean in charge this. Provincial President Mrs. 6731 Kingston Rd. He said he had received a West Hill flood of requests for street pav- up a committee to study his pro-|for taking charge of the Tuck|Ingram was appointed treasur-|of forgetting ideals, losing their ing and little if any pavingiposed plan. Shop at Fairview Lodge. Edu-|er. identity by becoming auxiliaries | | ! 4 ing Tuesday's cere- | Grade 1 category into Grade | rowska, were awarded silver , shown during Tuesday 8 | | ent's needs. Manager Ivan Davie was pected from a number of the have a former Long Branch Jr. {Union Jack and a framed pic-|G, A. Welsh gave an enlighten- 10 hospitals, managers of oppor. [228 who should be heard from Streets Program Chapter Meet have been ordered for Ontario|Provincial Chapter of Ontario|cd that it will be from 9 a.m.op the defence is big Butch {formation. | from many Whitby citizens for Browne presided. Minutes of | ( y A. MacLean were enrolled and|%18 members in Ontario. $139,- PAINTING & will pay $3.50 a year for this| Invitations were received to tea to be held at the home of veterans, $10,835 from the Lucy ing. In 20 years all the streets ter IODE of Oshawa to attend a|15, with Mrs. A. Sturgess and| It was announced that 70 per or visit Our... Paint be Faved, h il meeting to set|Red Cross thanking the Chapter |of ble. M forri the next council meeting to set Red Cross thankin e Chapter|of surprise table. Mrs. A. Morrison d of the d. g g p Pp: e rs {Mo warned of e danger FREE ESTIMATES A RECORD? WE'VE BEEN IN ORBIT FOR 572 HOURS J AND WE'RE STILL GOING WITH THIS OUT-OF-THE-WORLD IPAINT SALE A é If you missed the Launching of this ""Way-Out" Sale you don't have to be an Astronaut to still get on target for savings, our Out-of-This-World prices will remain in orbit for another 23 hours, they will return to earth on Saturday, May 20th, at 6 p.m. ¥ ROOM LOTS WALLPAPER i READY PASTED aint or gj i AND NON-PASTED lux ename x house pajng ORBIT PRICES Beautiful Decor Wall-Plaques PERFECT FOR YOUR EARTH HOME Reg. 9.00 g, CLoup ONLY lon ~ 235 Quart PRICE 1,89 oo rrr 5.80 3 Don't Forget Prices Will Return To Earth Saturday, May 20th, at 6 p.m. DODD & SOUTER PAINT & WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON ST. SOUTH, WHITBY DIAL MO 8-5231 OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M.~FREE DELIVERY - WHITBY -- OSHAWA SMITH'S HARDWARE 1 BLOCK WEST OF 4 CORNERS TURN SOUTH 1 BLOCK WEST OF 4 CORNERS TURN SOUTH These Specials Are Also Available At . . . FULL LINE Jf» DEALER FREE DELIVERY 368 WILSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA PHONE RA 8-2451