4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thundey, Mey 18, 1961 WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Manager: Lloyd Robertson Tel. MO. 8-3708 The eighth annua! conference of the towns and village section of the Ontario Municioal Asso- ciation was held at Renfrew on Friday and Saturday, May 12 and 13. Three Whitby delegates attended the conference. They were: His Worship, Mayor Mar- tin, Deputy Reeve W. Mowat and Town Clerk J. R. Frost. Your delegates attended the dinner meeting on Friday at which Mr. John Wintermeyer. leader of the opposition in the Provincial Legislature, was the guest speaker The title of his |address was "The Roll of the LEGION BOWLERS COMPETE FOR LABATT TROPHY County in Ontario." Mr. Winter- Report On Conference Towns And Villages das on January 21, 1061, was presented and was endorsed. tion, selection and duties meyer was well aware of all the|gince Confederation; nroblems but did not seem to tioned he admitted that mem- bers of the Legislature were Jou yoval to urban in the same elected on a basis of popu- 'ation and there seemed to be no reason why County Council{Population and assessment now Act to implement the neces- And Whereas the bulk of the|sary changes. was drawn up by the execu-|function and boundaries of the population reaches 10,000. tives of the Association at Dun-|counties and County councils. further that 4 copy Changes in boundaries of|lution be sent to the municipalities to take Wmio sc-Mittee of thy Legislature Whereas there has been no|count the changes and needs of Municipal Affairs, major revision in the Soap. socio-economic areas. e It was felt that hs remainde! of the resolution Studies of the comparable cost dealt with the County counties and county councilsiof the administrative functions tem should await the ou and the efficiency of counties a report submitted to the and territorial districts of the have any answers. When ques- a ANd Yuiress tae ug bevy Province of Ontario. ent organization in 1959, Amendments to the Municipal MACKAY ARRIVES BACK HALIFAX (CP)-Lieutenant- Governor J. Keiller Mackay of The second resolution which Ontario arrived here with his should not have the same type|is in the urban municipalities|was endorsed was that submit-| wife Wednesday from Glas; of representation. How ev e r,| Within the county; 'here was no assurance that the Legislature would be changed. At 9.30 p.m on Saturday your|tion of the Ontario Municipal delegates attended a session and|Association petition the speciallendorsed read as follows: oreliminary reports of the reso-|committee of the Legislature on Now therefore be it resolved|tive that the Town and Village Sec-|lation, ted by the Town of Whitby, rela-| Scotland, following a visit which representation by popu-/he makes every 10 years to the Western front battlefields of the A third resolution which was|First World War in he served as a brigade commander Be it resolved that the Muni-|in the Canadian artillery, Dur- lution committee were present-| Municipal Affairs to investigate|cipal Act RSO 1960 be amended|ing their European tour they the following: The composition, ad, The following resolution which so that any municipality may|lunched with President de selection, apply for city status when itsiGaulle in Paris. YO . « . THE BUDGET-MINDED WILL WANT TO SHOP ADAMS FIRST FOR On Saturday, May 13, six five-man bowling teams from Branch 112, Royal Canadian Legion, Whitby, turned out at the County Bow! to compete for the Labatt Trophy. Thom- nors, presents the trophy to the winning captain, R. Bragg and his team mates. Left to right they are: W. Shearer, James Sutherland, R. Bragg, T. Hart, B. Smith and R. Saunders. In addition, James Sutherland rolled high singles of 283. Doug. Rowden rolled high triple of 757, B. Anderson, 79, a member of the Old Sweats, came out consolation winner with a 350 triple, In the dart team qualified for the provincial playoffs and will go to Riverside on Saturday, June 3. Members of the dart team are M, Atkinson, Ingram Marsh, Tom Donnahue and Herb. Hill . --Photo by Stannett, Whitby as Hart, representing the do- other Legion sporting events, Russell Van Horne Garden Club Speaker When the scheduled speaker|about six inches deep, For show did not appear at the May meet- purposes, pinch off some of the ing of the Whitby Garden Club, sprouts and let the strength go Mr. Russell Van Horne very|to the one or two strongest. kindly stepped into the breach|Later pinch off two or three and gave an excellent informal side buds and the plant will pro- | | | To Add Prime To 3 New Streets The Streets Committee, in a; The town engineer will exam- report to Town Council Monday ine a tree on Byron St. which | night, recommended that the Frank Duclos claims is dead. If| sidewalks on Bell Dr. and Athol|dead, it will be cut down. | (St. to the north limit of the| Aj] the streets that were DHO| {Ottenbrite Subdivision be in-|primed will be re-primed this| SHOP EVERY FRIDAY TILL 4 P.M. . . So, Shop to-day and Save on y f gar-|duce a good centre bloom, How- |", ! ) Nhe iy ib ge pnd if Tots of bloom is desired, |¢iuded in the sidewalk program|year and Garden St., from Dun- cuff" Mr. VanHorne began with|leave these sprouts and buds, for 1961. Runs jor Wis project das St. to Mary St., and Mary | ing the care The dahlia is better for having Were provided in the budget. |St. from Pine St. to Garden St.| information concerning : It was noted by the streets|will be treated with DHO primer of roses. {only four or five hours' sun v 3 1 committee that the albitol onithis year. Bowman Ave., from He said that in planting roses, (each day. ) h ] he preferred id ne as al As to tuberous begonias, they the sidewalks adjacent to the Dundas St. to Crawforth will be fertilizer and this should be should be planted in soil mixed four corners is breaking up. The primed provided that the town mixed with the earth. After with peat moss, preferably in engineer reports that he has accepts the street from the sub-| planting, Testiizer ea be given pots in the house first. Later fomacied the Copa Yhe ri dividers. from the top, and for this he when a leaf shows they can be 3 . referred a liquid material, as|planted outside. port from the company in the - t does a better job although a| «prove sure that the very near future, | Township Levy little more expensive. | point of the leaf is pointing out," | It was also recommended that | In answer to a question con-|gaiq My, VanHorne, "otherwise the pavement in Blair Park Sub-| Reduced By $300 cerning peonies that turn brown, \yhe flower will be facing the division be installed in accord: | Mr. VanHorne sald this condi-\;,,p of the bed. The way the ance with the subdivision) At Monday night's Town Coun- | tion wag Biely io = bo leaf tip lies is where the flower agreement. |cil meeting the finance commit-| rytis, and as Aitiealt it is best, ill be later." A request from A. Galbraith|tee reported that the town! ease is very 8 eu 5 $ Desl| Concerning chrysanthemums, [to remove three trees to pro- should accept the amount of to throw out these plants. [the speaker said to give them vide a driveway for a motel was | : "Don't put another peony Ino00d drainage and in a clump not : | $300, less than the two mill levy | " " | granted. Mr. Hastings, the f h this spot," he said, "but after plants, take the outside little streets committee chairman said previously requested rom t e| digging out the doomed plant, | 4 : | Township of Whitby for fire pro-| 8! plants and discard the centre|that the trees were healthy, well |, +: try mixing sulphur in the ground { 3? ih {tection purposes. | and imi some other plant| P3rt: In cases where they have formed and in good growth. He The finance committee also wintered over. |said a driveway could be form- : f there." Hie aor {recommended that no action be | Going on to gladiolus, dahlias te ou lesen reported ed on either side of the centre|i;y on on job evaluation until the | | . |tree. Land eva ® and cannas, he said that glad-|, wine quickly and there is : {union negotiations are com folus are very susceptible to], ch interest being shown The town clerk was Instruct-| menced and that a copy of this n : |ed to contact M. Monaghan, the recommendation be forwarded thrip and must be sprayed con- tinually. For cannas, plant in one, Sprig Show, Windhi district inspector, in regards ito the special negotiating com- {the tree program. mittee, pots first, keep in the house for |, ons by Myre Eimer Hawes and a while where it can get theiypo vp a Sutherland: long | Nome PERS ERR | Address J PROM sameness suv sapoieimppinasn -------- ] COMPLETE AND MAIL OR DROP IN AT OUR LOT | ANEW SUIT FOR DAD AT ONLY 59.50 A CASH YOUR BABY BONUS CHEQUE f and enter the MERCANTILE MONTHLY CONTEST With $25.00 in Merchandise to the Winner Mercantile Dept. Store 105 BROCK ST. NORTH WHITBY ------ sun, keep watered, and at the "op cc 1" 8 Narcissus. Mrs. P. set it out. Use half peat moss py h and half light soil. For dahlias, | Cao's § Datiodils (dble.). No set the clump in peat moss in entries, " a spot where the moss can be Class 3. Arrangement in cup several sprouts and after May 24 cut out each eye or little bud, | gp To 5 pg Mrs with a piece of the stalk or neck |p "R "Elliott Mrs. J N. Wilkin. of the tuber, put in the earth, ™ » gag ment of Spring flowers. Mrs. E. E. Bond, Mrs. J. N. Wilkinson, & : 1 The Draw for this 64 sa. fest of patie Mrs. J. S. Paterson. -. Loo il! be made en June 22, 1961, | Is Named Class 6. Modern arrangement Wilkinson, Mrs. R. VanHorne, | H bi (H p d WCTU Delegate vis bon | Mambly Goncrete Products g | Class 7. Novice arrangement Women's Christian Temper-| i" €up_and saucer. Mrs. C. ance Union hel tits regular| Styan, Miss Marion Crawforth. afternoon at the United Church| Hall. The president, Mrs. H.| Quantrill opened the meeting with a poem followed by a charge of the worship service. Mrs. J. Whitehurst gave a very interesting reading on| ness. meeting he. for homing BIG WEEKEND THIS YEAR annual convention to be held in| ; 3 Ottawa was discussed. Mrs. A. | Mitchell has been 'appointed as delegate. Shop at the hymn and prayer. Refreshments MERCANTI LE were served by Mrs. Detlor and Mrs. Whitehurst followed by a ' social half-hour. i 8 oad 4 FOR Clean-Up Week The Sanitation and Welfare Committee, at the Whitby Town | Council meeting Monday night, | 13 to 21 be Clean-Up Week in Whitby. | The sanitary land fill site will | be open for public convenience | the two weeks after the 20th the | land fill area will be controlled | to prevent abuse. | In regards to the Sewage and Storrie will be requested to submit a full detailed report of | all expenditures compared with | the estimate on the sewage dis- | some length if take-off on final | quantities has been completed. The Town Clerk will be in- structed to investigate all as. the County of Ontario and the Town of Whitby in relation to| the supplying of services to county buildings. an estimate of the cost to the) town of preparing a satisfactory storm sewer system for proper- ties which are at present con- end of May or first part of June |grown Mrs. J. N. Wilkinson, kept damp. This will bring forth | 54 saucer. Mrs. J. S. Pater- it Class 5. Miniature arrange- Mrs. Mitchell of Spring flowers. Mrs. J. N. Hwy. No. 2 Between Oshawa ond Whitby -- MO 8-4159 monthly meeting on Tuesday hymn, Mrs. D. Kean was in BE READY FOR THE FIRST ness meeting the forthcoming The meeting closed with a Council Boosts | SWIM SUITS, SHORTS, | received their request that May | from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily. For Treatment Plant Messrs. Gore | posal plant and to advise in| pects of the agreement between | The town engineer will submit to the sanitary sewer. Jimi The ; slimdine look These Quality Summer Items! 399 $1 WEEKLY ' Vy "for hexury in the Sun! 6-PCE. PATIO ENSEMBLE . . . including Giant 71/2' Umbrella Make a date with Sun-Lite for outdoor living at its best! When folks talk summer furniture, Sun-Lite. makes the conversationeverytime. Why? Because it's made to really beat the weather. Number one, you can leave them safely out in the rain . . . aluminum frames are rust-proof and the vinyl material is fadeproof and waterproof. ® Giant 712' umbrella with pull cord. Scalloped edge floral pattern, outerside in solid color. Aluminum support and ribbing. .......... FN ® Deluxe 4-legged aluminum circular toble. Table measures 33" in diameter. . ... ® Matching table cover, of durable vinyl material. Colourfast and weatherproof ® Two matching folding chairs, Double seat, extra wide back. Made of 1" aluminum frome. Easy-to-wipe clean when soiled and . .. ® Folding, mattress chaise with wheels. Multiple position adjustment. Has extruded arm- rests, Nylon bearing wheels NO DOWN PAYMENT RESET DELUXE BICYCLE TO ADAMS ! SPORT AND RACER MODELS include 3- speed Sturmey- Archer gears ond Caliper-type brakes. EXCLUSIVE When you choose the Regent - « « you choose the champ- ion of bicycles ! Rugged... handsome . . . that's the Regent hall-mark of Quality, ® Ball - bearing action on pedals smoother going | ® Dunlop tires and tubes, ® Extra-light tubular, all - steel construc- ted frame FREE EXTRAS: rear - view mirror, chrome pump, safe- ty light, kick stand and bonderized bright finish. ADAMS VALUE 39.95 40¢ WEEKLY with wide tassel fringe. Underside with 49 a5 . 29.95 UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY. ADAMS "WHERE QUALITY AND VALUE MEET" Also in Oshawa; 40 King St. W. The Biggest Value. ..a 20" lawn mower with adjustable height ...2%2 h.p. engine! 20" ROTO-BOY Power Mower Let's be practical . . . you want a mower that's effortless to use! You want fully automatic lawn cutting . . . the walk 'n'cut style! Also, want a guaranteed mower. Yes, this is it! @ Engine is a 4-cycle, 2V2 hp. Clinton recoil type. Controls are on chrome arms. @ Semi-pneumatic tires, with self-lubricat- ing bearing for easy movement. ® Staggered wheeis for level cutting. \ @ 4 -position adjustable } cutting height. ADAMS VALUE XE 60c WEEKLY WHITBY 103 DUNDAS ST. W. MO 8-2933 RA 5-6535 ADAMS invites you to watch this suspenseful TV series EVERY FRIDAY at 8 P.M. on CFTO-TV Channel 9. eR