The Oshawa Times, 18 May 1961, p. 30

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30 =e OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, May 18, 196) CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 28) 32--Articles for Sale emcee me------ me ga NORGE refrigerator, 12 cubic foot. In excellent t condition. Call RA 3-3840. OFFICE desks, $10 "Son fegisters, used equip. Bill Hamilton, prs Ay ROLLER skates and boots, wheels, toe stops, Hyde boots. ie Hon $85; will sell for $35. Telephone RA BME sim cima EVINRUDE 15 HP motor with cruise- a-day tank. Excellent condition Apply 80 Rossland Road West. x oe TRAILER box 8° x 4' steel angle iron supported, steel tongue, lights. Tele phone RA 85123. Ask for "EA". COMPANION chairs, upholstered, arm rests, reasonable. In good cond! Telephone RA 5-2605. MOVIE camera, Kodak new, $35. Dining , $15. Apply 1013 Centre Whitby, MO 8-8564. saa NE shrimp colored formal, size 7, best offer. Call RA 8-0566 after S$ p.m. ARMSON boat trailer, like new. Apply 1250 Somerville Street. a 2 2'POWER mower, new condition, $35, two lawnmowers, $4; Moffat electric stove, $10; % folding camp bed; Rose- wood melodeon fireside screen, Victor. tan carved rocker, tilt top breakfast table. Papier Mache table, antique chairs, glass, dishes, paintings, etc. M. Trick Estate, 315 Golf Street. NINE-piece dining room suite for sale, solid walnut. Period style. A real gem. Apply 10 Edward Street, Ajax, WH 21274. 4 WHITE cedars, about 15" high, $5 per 100; also some 3' high. Phone Orono SRI6. PETERBOROUGH aluminum car tp rogram. The theme, "Grand- boat, steel roof racks, pair of oars, little used. Phone MO 8-5024. NEW and used lawn mowers, tiller: and engines. 74 Barrie Avenue, $1 BUYS a 5-pc. chrome set, smoothtop mattress, upholstered chair, or 2 table lamps and 1 trilite, with the purchase of a chesterfield or bedroom suite over $150 during our $1 sale Easy terms. Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe South FURNITURE, $25 down delivers 3 rooms of new furniture, over 35 items. This di 1d, d suite, chrome set, coffee and step table, hassock, lamp, mattress, spring, break- fast set, etc, Barons' Home Furnish ings, 424 Simcoe South. SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re- trigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, stoves, etc. For top cash offer con- tact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 81131 14% FT. runabout, Armson trailer and Johnson motor. 371 Richmond Street East, RA 5-8772. Half price. WASHING machine, good condition, $25; 17" television $59; Community Furniture, 19 Prince Street. RA 8-131. CCM man's bicycle, lights, carrier, kick stand. New condition 8-2688, Whitby. THREE-piece chesterfield, folding couch with matching chair, kitchen ex- tension table and chairs, small tables, other household articles. Telephone RA 5-6759. HEINTZMAN upright, 60" xx 52" x 25". Provincial styled, light Circassian wal- put in Swedish semi-gloss finish, Telephone MO and several visitors. report. Mrs. H. Blackman and Mrs. three turret, George Gray were chosen aster Brownlee, degree captain of room table and four (delegates to the District Annual. White Dove Lodge, with a small South, |nve members are asked to|gift in appreciation of please keep in mind the District| work in conferring the degree Brougham WI Holds Meeting BROUGHAM -- The Brough- Rebekah Lodge was held on am Women's Institute held its Monday evening, May 10, with regular meeting May 9, in the|Noble Grand Sister Phyllis Elli- Township Hall. The president, |cott conducting the meeting, as- Mrs. M. Annis opened the meet- sisted by Sister Jean Ellicott, and welcomed the members| vice-grand. The minutes of the previous The meeting opened with the meeting were read by secretary, |singing of the Institute Ode, fol-|Sister Florence Ellicott, and ap- lowed by the Mary Stuart col- proved. _ lect. Mrs. N. Burton, assistant White Dove Rebekah Lodge secretary - treasurer, read the conferred the Degree on Mrs. minutes and gave the financial | Shirley Williams, who is now a member of Joy Lodge. Sister Ellicott presented Sis- their Annual meeting, which will be on the candidate for Joy Lodge. M. Annis, phone { Mrs. 2-4987. Mrs. H. Blackman and Mrs held in Myrtle United Church|The evening closed with a social lon Wednesday, May 24. Regis-| hour. tration at 9.15 a.m. During the| lunch hour Mr. Lawrence Doble seven babies at the Mother's of Uxbridge will speak on Farm Day service of Brougham Unit- Safety. Those interested in at-led Church. The children were tending please get in touch with Nancy Lorraine Gray, daughter WH of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Gray; Gail Rev. A. Cresswell baptized | Elizabeth Johnston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Johnston; {Shirton will attend the Exten-| Larry William MacLean, son of |sion Course as leaders. Mrs. C. Burrows took over the mother's Days'. Several amus- ., ling and true to life readings) were given by Mrs. Burrows, Mrs. Jean Ellicott, Mrs. Jean |Gray and Mrs. N. Burton. The meeting closed with the Queen, followed by a dainty {lunch served by Mrs. H. Mal colm and Mrs. G. Gray, who |acted for the hostesses who were (unable to attend. | Winners of the Tuesday night |euchre were: ladies, Mrs. |George Perry, Mrs. W. Carlton, Mrs. M. Annis; gentlemen, Ross [Carlton, Wilf Trolley, M. Good- n The Women's Missionary So- ciety met in the Brougham | United Church on Thursday eve- |ning, May 11, with friends from |{Markham, Green River, White- vale and Claremont. Mrs. Lindo, the president, {opened the meeting with a few words of welcome to all pres- lent. A short worship service was lled by Mrs. M. Ellicott. | Mrs. Ken Fallis and Mrs. T. {Kerr each rendered very lovely keyboard, felts, base strings, on con- (ang inspiring solos. cert pitch, $275, RA 87001. TYPING paper on sale, letter size, white newsprint, buy in bulk lots and save, 4% Ib. pkg. $1.00, 9 Ib, pkg. $2.00. Circulation Department, Oshawa Times. WEDDING dress, long, white, with matching headdress and veil, size 14- 16. Telephone MO 88545. GE automatic dishwasher, condi- tion, $75 or nearest offer. Telephone RA 8-4372. PUREBRED English bulldog, 1 year 3 months, male. 1957 Plymouth coach, very reasonable. RA 5-7994. TENTS, tarpaulins, camp cots, ground sheets, rentals. Oshawa Hardware, 8 Church. RA 3-7264. STUDIO couch and chair, rangette.| wine rug 6' 6" x 9; TV bar and lead in wire, good condition. RA 8-5048 after s. The guest speaker, Mrs. Pat- terson of Windsor, gave a very interesting talk of her work with the United Church at Port Qu'Appelle in Saskatchewan. The regular meeting of Joy 32----Articles for Sale ONE shrimp colored formal, size 7, best offer. Call RA 8-0566 after 5 p.m. BED 3 size, spring and mattres: sonable, Telephone RA 39535. ~~ OUTBOARD motor "58 40 hp Mercury electric, with controls, '59 Buccaneer 5 hp 7% Evinrude 5 hp Mercury. Also 8 cu. ft. Frigidaire refrigerator. Pri- vale, BA BIW, ies 5 HP Empire garden tractor, plow cul- 34--Lost & Found i LOST -- Two yearling heifers, short. horns, vicinity of Courtice area. Call LOST -- Golden Labrador Retriev about 6 months old, vicinity Maple Grove Road. Anyone knowing its where abouts telephone MA 3-2732. Reward, 35--Legal 1 will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by anyone on or after this date, May 17, 1961, without my written consent. -- Lawrence Wood. I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by my tivator, Wheel-Horse riding tractor, cul tivator and disc, A-1 condition. New and used jet tillers, power mowers. ply Ferguson's BA Station, 3 miles st of Taunton. CO 3-2791. RESTAURANT Coke cooler, hand meat slicer, modern kitchen cabinet with taps and sink, Bell and Howell movie cam- era, 8 total National departmental cash registers, large steel office table with lino , typewriter table and chair, white china cabinet and table, small fireproof safe, typewriter, adding ma- chine, vacuum cleaner. Make offer. OL 5-3712. Sn LADY's spring coat, shaggy, size 8, color green. Bought this year, in excel lent condition, Telephone RA 3-3008. wife, Dorothy Sweeney, on or after this date, May 18, 1961. J. Sweeney. 35--Legal - TENDERS INVITED - WATER Tenders are invited for the supplying of Fresh Drinking Water, to a 10,000 gollon storage reservoir, at Dunbarton High School, for the period July 1, 1961, to June 30, 1962 Tenders to be delivered to Pickering District High School Board ot the Office of the Box 70, Pickering, up to and i be marked 'Water Tender" Tenders to state the capacity of Business Administrator, or mailed to ncluding June 2, 1961, ond to the delivery tank, and the unit cost per 1,000 gallons, and ogree to keep the reservoir full ot all times All information in reference to the above may be obtained from the Business Administrator, The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted H. MITCHELL, _ Chairman. TENDERS MILK AND Tenders to supply Milk and/or teria. -- At Ajax High School A. ROSS IRWIN, Business Administrator. INVITED ICE CREAM Ice Cream to the School Cafe -- At Pickering District High School -- At Dunbarton High Sc for the period Sepember 1, 196 hool 1, to August 31, 1962, will be received by the Pickering District High School Board, ot the Office of the Business Administrator, or Box 70, Pickering, up to and including June 2, 1961. Tenders ore to be enclosed in o sealed envelope and marked "Tenders to Supply Milk and/or Ice Cream" It will be necessary for the su refrigeration for Milk and Ice ccessful tender to supply some Cream storage, and dispensing All information in reference to the obove may be obtained from the Business Administrator, The lowest or any tender will n H. MITCHELL, _ Chai rman. ot necessarily be accepted A. ROSS IRWIN, (Business Administigtor TENDERS INVITED COAL Tenders to supply Mixed Nut and Bituminous Coal, oil treated, size not more than 1", and hav ing a heat content of 13,000 to 13,500 B.T.U. per pound, delivered -- To Ajax High Sc hool = To Pickering District High School -- To Dunbarton High School approximately 150 fons, more or less, for each school, for the heating season, July 1, 1961 to June 30, 1962, will be received by Pickering District High School Board, ot the Office of the Business Administrator, or Box including June 2, 1961 Tenders are to be enclosed in "Tender to supply Coal". 70, Pickering, Ont, up to ond © sealed envelope and marked All information in reference to the above may be obtained from the Business Adminstrator. The lowest or any tender will n Chairmon H. MITCHELL, ot necessarily be accepted Business Administrator, A ROSS IRWIN, fr. and Mrs. Wm. MacLean; Randall Scott MacDonald, son of Mrs. Grant MacDonald and the | late Grant MacDonald; John |William, Debra Joanne, Clar-| lence, James Charles, children of | Mr. and Mrs. John Newson. Mr. and Mrs. Art Hodgson, of Bloomfield, spent the weekend |with his brother, Mr. Gordon Hodgson. | The home of Mr. and Mrs. | {Randall Ellicott was the scene| lof a happy family reunion with | Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ellicott of| | Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs. {Vernon Ellicott and family, Mr. {and Mrs. Allan Ellicott of | |Brougham and Miss Dianne] Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reaman and family of Pickering, Mr. and Mrs. Veril Reaman and |family of Frenchman's ' Bay, Mrs. Aylmer Reaman and girls of Frenchman's Bay, also Mrs. Bryce of Kitchener, spent Moth- er's Day with Mrs. Reaman. Keep in mind the bake sale sponsored by the 'Friendly Bible Class" May 20 on the {church lawn. {BUSY BEAVERS 4H CLUB The bus left Brougham at 8.30 a.m. May 13 for Port Perry Dis- trict High School, to attend the achievement day for the proj- ect "Summer Separates'. Certificates for completing two units were presented to Mary Lynn Blackman, Pat Har- den, Betty Jean Knox, Margaret |Miller, Margaret Roberts. All nine girls received their | "|silver spoons and had their books signed by Miss Smith, the Home Economist. |- Those who had their books [signed were Mary Lynn Black- {man, Pat Harden, Betty Jean Knox, Margaret Miller, Margar- et Roberts, Patsy Gray, Bonnie Burrows, Cheryl Liscombe and Marilyn Roberts. | County honors were presented {by Mrs. Brown, District Presi- dent for South Ontario Women's Institutes, to Margaret Roberts {for finishing six units. Margaret |is the fifth Brougham 4H girl to |receive county honors. Congratulations to {Roland Harden and Mrs. Len [Roberts for helping these girls {receive their certificates and spoons. | PONTYPOOL | PONTYPOOL -- Mr. and Mrs. {Gordan Frederick, Peterboro- |ugh, spent the weekend at their {home here. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nichol- son, Leskeard were supper {guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. {Richardson on Sunday evening. | Sorry to report that Jack {Woods, Peterborough, has been {seriously ill at his sister's home, Mrs. Harry Fisher, for several weeks. Jake McClaren, Newcastle, has purchased the building {owned by the late Nick Wozney. {He has torn the inside to pieces Mrs. "|and is remodeling it, painting in- {side and outside and putting in pool tables. The Ladies' Lodge met on Wednesday evening with a very good attendance. The Church was filled on Sun-| day afternoon for the Mother's) Day Service. The children hav-| ing to sit in the side seats. Rev. George Richardson conducted the service with Children's Choir supplying the music in {their splendid, clear voices. Mrs. Grace Millar and Mrs. Marjory Edmunds deserve much credit) for the splendid training these| {children received. | | The Women's Association met| {at the home of Mrs. H. M. Rich- ardson on Thursday evening. |Mrs. C. Curtis and Mrs. A. Caine {gave the devotional. The min- {utes were read and adopted. Roll {Call with only six ladies attend- ling. The main topic was in re- gard to the anniversary which is to be June 4, with a supper to be held later in June. Starting May 21st, next] Sunday service will be at 10.15] |in the morning during the sum-| !mer months. | Mrs. I. Bernstein and Mrs. M. | Loffchick, Toronto, are busy| preparing their cottages for the summer tourists. { Mr. and Mrs. William Fred-| erick, Bridgenorth, were Sat-| urday evening visitors of the Larry Bradley's. | Dance in the LOL on Satur day evening looked to be well {attended by the of cars on the streets. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Morris Mitchel (Gloria Willis) on the arrival of their] Rui i ! ak 0 UATRIT) fm Portable; of Lightweight Aluminum Alloy Ordinarily much higher priced ! Note these oustanding features: ® Two-cycle single-cylinder engine with built-in recoil starter ® "Sabre-grip"' handle with fingertip control for added safety and convenience @® Fully automatic clutch @ General purpose chain cuts small to medium timber, pulpwood @ Corrosion-resistant cutter bar has induction-hardened track "Steelite" tip "Pioneer 410" CHAIN SAW with 16" cutter bar EATON Special Price, 139-29 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 253 PHONE RA 5.7373 "EXCELITE" TRANSLUCENT "FIBERGLAS" PANELS FOR INDOOR-OUTDOOR DECORATING "Seconds" with slight imperfections only; should not affect durability. Lightweight, shatter - resistant, easy - to - use panels to construct. into room-dividers, carport, patio enclosures, awnings, screening for yard or pool . . . do-it-yourselfers may use hand or power tools. Available in steplap or corrugated types; in a variety of colours and sizes. SPECIAL 2 JAP PHONE RA 5.7373 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 253 SPECIALLY PRICED CAR WASH BRUSH! Long, soft bristle brush to flush dirt away as it cleans and brushes. Attaches to standard hose coupling; has shut- off valve in handle. Excellent for cleaning windows, screens, porches, as well as cars. About 14" long. 3 96 EATON Special Price, each . .. n EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 263 PHONE RA 5-7373 9x 12 x 7 HIGH BLUE DRILL CABIN TOURIST TENT Complete with pegs, steel posts and sewn-in floor Sturdy, easy-to-manage tent features: ® 10.3-0z. water-repellent blue drill with sewn- in cotton duck floor ® Zipper closing Dutch door, rear window ® Handy rear extension for stowing gear ® Folds to a compact size ® Sleeps four comfortably EATON Special Price, EACH 4999 EATON'S OUTDOOR SHOP, DEPT. 261 Pe LT For camp or cottage . . . COMBINATION COT AND LOUNGE CHAIR Adjusts to four positions! Use it for sitting or lounging during the day . . . use it as a bed at night! Tubular steel frame; blue, green, or red convas cover. Size 72 x 23 x 1214" when open; 27 x 24 x 4" closed for carrying or storage. 10.49 EATON Special Price, each a BOAT UMBRELLA To give needed shade on board the boat! Attractive acetate rayon umbrella attoches easily to boat by screw clamp on handle. About 4' diam, when open. Metal frome. Red and white, blue and white, green and white, and other assorted colours. 5. EATON Special Price, each . . 44 PHONE RA 5.7373 FOR CAMP, (OTTAGE, HOME GARDEN . . . VISIT EATON'S OUTDOOR SHOP See the big array of boats, motors, tents, lawn and patio furniture . . . just about everything for Outdoor Living this season. 'Store Hours: '9.30-a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday. Open Friday Nights until 9 baby daughter, Monday night. I

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