THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Mey 18, 1961 23 TELEVISION LOG pa on apn tigers, | MANCHESTER ? Ae WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-TV Channes 4--Buftalo [ HEY, MINSTER SAWER' HELP a UN... WAR AN' TEAR MANCHESTER -- Rev. Mr, | YOU ¥SCAPE RED CHINESE 50L MA... AH... 6,000...5,350.... V CHCH-TV Channel 1l1--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronte ) ) | GBT YOU NERVE GAS... rion ' TEC YOU WilkTevs MAKE YOU Braham conducted a very fine N ARGAIN PRICE. ,.8,000 family service on Sunday. Two children were baptized, Melanie wKBW I'v Channel 7--Butalo WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester BACK ONG KONG SARE we : of 'KVR-TV Ch 3--Barri 2 3 ' : CFTO-TV Channel 9--Toronto CKVR-TV Channel arrie HEE Shlideen were voptzon Melanie and Mrs. Brian Tassell and Robert John, son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Doupe. Mrs. Ruby Roach, district guide commissioner and Mrs, Dorothy Nelson, Port Perry, at- tended a camp training course at Doe Lake over the weekend. | Mrs. Art Vandervoort enter- [tained a number of friends on A . jhe occasion of her birthday #--Barris Beat {Hr Romper. Roun | 6-3--Junior Roundup last Tuesday Three Srawges | _ Rin Tin Tin a od . Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dobson 5 P.M. 3~Highway Patrol s--~Coffee Break 1:4 Fh :s h on i 6:15 P.M, 4--Popeye's Playhnuse THURSDAY EVE. 12:30 Pol, Ca Do, You Sam 5:00 P.M. { V---Epilogue : "Yours 11=Family Cheatre FRIDAY 52--Fiom Lhese Roots 5--Bozo The Clown | 7:00 AM. 4:00 P.M. The Miseiel Danens i--Buffalo i AM, i1--Popeye With Capt. 5:2 To-day Andy 5:30 P.M. | 4--Rise "N" Shine 9---The Hideaway #--African Patrol | 8:00 AM 7- American Bandstand 7--~Early Show 7--Popeye f--Cartoon Capers &3-Roy Rogers | ee Aouidup 52 Make Room For S--Playhouse Five | 1% daddy Theatre 8:15 A.M. 4--The Brighter Day 2--~Huckieberry Hound 4--Caplain Kangaroo 3--Popeye and Pals + 9:00 A. | pq BUZ SAWYER © 1961, King Fastures Syndicate, lac, World rights reseevel. . 2--Consult Dr. Brothers 6 Junior Hou i y : . : > attended the Christening of the &-Lannonoait 9:15 AM. FRIDAY EVENI! . TIE SLES BEGINNING 372 [1... IM SORRY, RUTH/T DIDNT, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 6:30 ry M 2--The Debbie Drake I.M. 4 p i q TO COME OUT FROM MEAN TO DO THIS TOYOL/ IM ow/ Bill Dobson. i News ois Show ~Family Theatre fy A UNDER THE GOING TO GIVE UP THIS CRAZY With Mrs. Crosier on Sunday 9.5-4-3-2- News 9:30 AM, Popeye ig ANESTHETIC, IDEA OF BEING MAYOR AND * ar Weather: Sports |11--Movie "Sherif of Cochise Nin MR. LOGAN | | JUST HELP YOU GET WELL were Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Cro- - sier and Clark Harrison, Toron- 6:45 P.M. 7--~Romper Room i Big " seal $--Huntley-Brinkley 4~You and Your Family 5:15 P.M. to, and Mr. and Mrs, Taylor and Brenda, Stouffville. JANE ERDEN 2--Yankee Doodle Time 4 ajicchief Makers M. Herb Sheldon 5.2.-Say When 5 PM Recent guests at the Art w Fielding home were Fred Crit- ive 1 9--Rest of the Post 7--Confidentia) tenden and family and Lew &---Seven.0-One >2-Play ¥ 4~News, Weather 10:45 A.M. 3 Cannonball . . : \ , A , ne Moore, Hazkliam, Mr. and Sports 3--Sacred Heart 2-Diver Dan CROSSWORD / te S + . rs, Fran ompson and J-Gumsmoke 11:00 AM. 60 PM. / : (By y Myrle, Ashburn, Mrs. Maria 7--News: Weather A aredevil Da { ! Ve ! \ Mrs. Reid Dickie, Cadmus. 7:30 P.M. 2 Hizhwas p +i | ! ~ N The May meeting of the 119--Lockup double su : iw . ACROSS DOWN 13. Fuel NEL RE : Women's Association was held Se Eateie Father 1:36 AM. 3 : Mark t Report Id answer 20. Fodder 1 | Aird ith ttend f 10 8. be 7 we That Boh a a et Repor molding 20. 3 A 7 = ad i i fa La ird wi an attendance of 4--Summer Sports uration wg: rMm. 5.At a . Himalayan 22. Hebrew 3 {members and four visitors. The 8:00 P.M, Mica da No: Weather distance goat J letter Imeeting opened with hymn and 11.6-3- Live A Borrowed 12:00 NOON ? Sa | Smell . Send 3. To 8~Theatre 1-3 bunny 6:45 P.M. ys ? TRIAD a W W[ \WON THE & AS We Disrg Production 4 AAS gs lesson and Gwen Lamb gave the 7--Donns Reed I~Camoutias childs rN ale song » Babylonian: 25. Nour. ] rs I No eA NI { Sa or topic "Let me Explain" by Rev. 11--Wanted Dead or 8 dey L] Men Into Spare Fielding of Keswick, Miss Lou- S~Leave It To Beaver 4---Video Vill 7:15 P.M, 1---Boh seal -N ] ~~ N\L 2 . Fielding, Utica, and Mr. and 7-Guestward Hot Outdoor Show 1 ey A wise 15. Melts ; ~ at the home of Mrs. Dorothy 3-The Rebel Life ts Confeder- forth dart | \ Y=! GOSH! MORTY Wl vp Se prayer. Ruby Fielding read the ME % 3 . : i i V 3 / T 5 % FOR LS! NY A SC ' dia god ished . / T T | ) 4 8:30 P.M, ¢ 7:00 P.M. Indian BUD oh . Close ESSN! rene". \\ {fed 4 A J asf [McQueen. 11-8:3--Checkmate Je i ( d Hot EE onth to ined S f ( | Thank you notes were read \ \ 7--Real McCoys iho \ AS ¢ 1 HIRI also invitations to bazaars, mu- \ SW 4 PB A=! sical etc. Thanks were extend- 5-2-Bat Masterson ; And Pa Ouse 0.0ne 4. Disperses Foremost 28. Pulls Yesterday's Answer ed to Mrs. Toombs for the MICKEY MOUSE 4--~Zane Grey Theatre tones Depart 7. Hewing 29. Empty a 37. Orches- lovely flower arrangements for 4--Gunslinger T= L 2---Brothers Brannagan tion around sections stake 9:30 P.M. BD ee ou 7:15 P.M. | 19. At that peg 32. Sharper 41. Sacred Cards were sold and remnants 1--The Untouchables I exhibited. 10:00 P.M. , Caresses jackets (var.) (slang) $.2-The Groucho Show | ; Rawhitle Westen 5. Not l : = : A Limited of Victoria has been 4--Face The Nation 5 1 wy: many {awarded an $1,800,000 contract 9--News Weather: j 16 Hoedo . Color |the largest of its type on the Sports 7 r Miss Broo) ~The M erie 30, Vent amma ' : west coast. 9:00 P.M. News 1 Weathers . Entire tool trunk trate the church. The members 9-The Rebel om fa arrow | 7 pws; Weather time . Ore 3. Fertile picture "4--Guid Light 7--Matty's inday ¥ a / off ¥ : Ory {1--Bob McLean 1:00 P.O. nnie .Land | >) Sg / u rr xy 3 y LARGEST VESSEL 3--Country Junction . Low he to build a fisheries research 7--The Third Man ie World Turn 7 n and So . Knockout ' SALLY'S SALLIES 7--~My Three Sons op ; Snorts agreed to purchase ferns for 11-6-3-3-2- Tennessee T:% PD . The analysis spots 43. Brown 9_Hart of the Matter || Spl iing Wheel Spin iis g Fr iis a VANCOUVER (CP)--Yarrows 10:30 P.M. 3-Theatre © - ) ii island | vessel. The 117-foot ship will be 6--Toronto File 0 P.M. Brazil LLY. GRANDMA, T WEIGH A POUND HOW DO YA SPOSE..? AH,1 | I HAD A BATH LAST NIGHT," 8-2 Bachelor Father ! ither Knows Best . Extlama- Quoit . Land 40. Poker the church. - ¥ d } oond Report 0 9. 4 Ee em A 12:45 P.M. al Alel'oy (Old Eng. . Boys' . Straighten 46. Fellow 6 Fetter Gunn d y ; » Asphalt J {1=The Cameos $--Man Hunt 4-Rig E Concert Hall ? Yr el F : | tree LESS THAN I DID YESTERDAY../ | | REMEMBER NOW... : Byline Gann 6--Ch He il : ¢ Htstonos | . Hawaiian --B} 52 Jar y Show. | § ve Sta bird 11:00 P.M, ace The Facts Con toute 66, Adventure 11- test eries Sports $~Better Late 2:15 «.M. a 9:00 P.M ; 11:15 P.M. [-6--N tv' Sehool : y works 7--Late Show " Th 6-- Viewpoint 2:00 PN ? . Romans 4--Starlight Theatre 2: 1. : . Missile 2--Sportsreel 11-6-3---Open Hou ¢ ' head 11:30 P.M, Seven | 11--Late Show 5-2--1.0 6--Feature Panorama Paar | | . Meager . Calibers 4--House Party 4 | . Leg joint 3:00 P.M. 8 | . Extraore 7--Queen For A Day M. | dinary #--All Star Performance = 52-Dr. Malone EE Ga Wi 12:15 P.M. t--Millionaire 6 n 1 person #-News: Weather: 3:30 \ iy B inative (slang) Sports 11--Romper Room 3 Acranl She Answers To Driving Questions In Cliff Mills Ad On Page 20 Today's Paper No. 10-4; No. 11-3; No. 12-2; No.13-4; No. 14-1; No. 15-2; No. 16-3; No. 17-4; No. 18-4 G ST. WEST aa ssest |} SCOTTY'S 230 KIN THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. BARGAINS s SY SMITH Ameiv. .. "0, ~=T0 ASSURE THAT ME / TH BLOWIN) £5" TH' ALAMO?) [/ 977 AH DONT SEEM T'BEGITTIN' USA SMITH Host | ont UP O' THE ' --EV'RY MAN, THROUGH TO YO" \WE CAIN'T \ BATTLESHIP A IN, AN HAVE NO "BLUES IN TH'NIGHT" ES = EGAN FOR p/p, MAINES! E WEDDIN' IN A HAPPY £2 Re . ATMOSPHERE "" d LI'L ABNER THE LONE RANGER SHE'S DISAPPOINTED IN THAT DOLL pd GRANDMA GAVE THAT DOLL Pp CALLING A H Nex ro IER | | Vier ot GRU MUGGS Just Arrived ! BIRTHDAY... / « ' Sa, A THE crane! | V4 KILLER ARP || 7 4, | aN | Shipment of CHAIN LINK WIRE FENCING In a variety of sizes. YOU GET ANY <I DID GIG. is) PRICES WORTH -- DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER WITH IT," RISE | AND SHINE J! EVERYBODY LP/ Be / AN SNERa ssa | hee oor. [1 INVESTIGATING ¢ CALL TODAY ! (We also have a complete range of wood fencing in many attractive designs) BAR-B-Q SPECIAL Reg. 9.95 NOW 5.95 | ( T6VE UP BUT I'M A SPORT-- IF YOU NF LARRY KNOW 7 Loss LL NO, AUSTIN AIN'T IN TODAY, 1 SEEN YOUR CASH & CARRY » ICANT 7 DO NH | WANT TO TRY IT AGAIN |LL X WHO 1 \ENTWISTLE! LARRY... ANGUS MDONALD ; OLD FLAME PRICES GE YOU A CHAN JUST SAW? ey SAID HE SAW LOIS ENTWISTLE Nall LOIS IN [> -- > " YESTERDAY -- + FIGURED \ Ar ot CaN, BACK ~ \ : \ ERA { YOU'D BE INTERESTED : MILI WORK & Building Supplies 1279 SIMCOE NORTH Open Daily from 7:30 - 6 p.m. Friday till 9 p.m. RA 8-6291, ER JULIET JONES 1961. King Peaturss Syndiaats, Puc. LARRY BRANNON