Ca a Cost Of Living Chamber Topic By FORBES RHUDE »@anadian Press Business Editor %.The role of private business raising the living standards newly developing countries will be the key topic at the Longress of the International Chamber of Commerce in 8 Copenhagen May 22-27. - ... Eighty - five Canadians are scheduled to attend, made up 'of 47 delegates and 38 accom- panying wives and relatives, the spread failure to understand and appreciate the important contribution of private enter- prise." DISCUSS TRADE BLOCS Heading the Canadian dele. gation will be Martin P. Mur- phy, president of the Canadian Council of the ICC and execu- tive vice - president, Northern Electric Co. Ltd., Montreal. While private enterprise in economic development is the largest representation Canada| oin g's theme, discussions has sent to ICC meetings since the organization was formed Jafter the First World War. will range over a number of other vital topics. One will be Regional Groups They will be part of a gather-|, 4 "oq Trade, at which C. I4ing of about 2,500 people from .40 countries. 4. Commenting upon the Con- sgress theme, Private Enterprise ! Economic Development, ad- ~yance literature on the meeting |isays: I "In public discussion of 'seconomic development em- Iphasis has tended in the post- "war years to be on governmen- ftal aid and loans and, within "the developing nations, on the Itasks of government. Perhaps this was unavoidable in the pecial circumstances of the e, but it has led to wide- Bruce Hill, president of E. T, F. Tools Ltd., St. Catharines, Ont., will speak. Another will be Prices of Primary Products, with partic- ular atfention to ways of avoid- ing violent short - term fluctua- tions which hit hard at primary- producing countries. W. E. Williams, president, Procter and Gamble Company of Can- ada Ltd, Toronto, will speak on Adjustment of Production to Consumption, An examination of the inter- national monetary system will include such topics as, Is There a I a ER ae a wopal SROTTAgE Or monetary Reserves? A meeting on taxation and international investment will hear a report from. an ICC commission which has been studying the matter for two years with the aim of *'formu- lating practical recommenda- tions for realistic tax policies by countries desiring to attract foreign capital or to encourage its outward flow." Maurice Samson, senior partner of Sam- son, Belair, Cot, Lacroix and Associates, Quebec, will be a speaker. BANKERS TO SPEAK At another session, R. W. Shannon, honorary secretary of the Canadian Council and associate general manager of the Royal Bank of Canada, Montreal, will take part in a discussion on The Benefits of Direct Private Foreign Invest ment. John Denison, deputy general manager of the Toronto-Dom- inion Bank, Toronto, will speak at a meeting on banking tech- niques. Mr. Murphy will be honorary chairman of a meeting on marketing and Paul Bienvenu, immediate past president of the Canadian Council and president Catelli Food Products Ltd, Montreal, will make a state- ment on international market. ing of a product. R. Keith Porter, executive vice-president, Thomas J. Lip- wn Lra,, TUTUMU, will AKe par in an advertising discussion, Thomas Oakley, president, Canadian Housewares Ltd. Weston, Ont., will be the Cana- dian member of the Congress resolutions committee, with J. G. Crean, president, Crean Hats of Canada, Toronto, an alter- nate, Capt, Joseph Jeffery, presi- dent of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce and partner in Jeffery and Jeffery, London, Ont., will speak ¢n the role of Chambers of Commerce in jc development at a special meeting of the ICC's in- ternational information bureau of Chambers of Commerce. Other topics will include commercial arbitration and transport. ROYALTY AT OPENING King Frederik and Queen In- grid of Denmark will be present Red Dragnet Goes On Film PRAGUE (AP)--"Silence," it sald in English outside one of the seven Barrandov studios where the films of Communist Czechoslovakia are produced. Behind the sound-proof door Czech director Otokar Vavra was shooting Guest in the Night, a socialist cops - and - robbers film on how vigilant police hunt Western smugglers who also tourism, industrial property,|spy. The set just now is a small cafe. Script girl, makeup men, cameramen and assistants wear dungarces, the girls are in loaf- ers, the men have crewcuts. at the opening plenary session May 23 which will be addressed by Prime Minister Vigo Kamp- mann. Congresses are held every two years and activities in be- tween are centred at Paris headquarters, with member work through national councils Headquarters of the Canadian Council are in Montreal where Carl Bergithon is general man- Last meeting was in Washington in 1959, where Carlos Mantero, of Portugal, was elected presi- dent for a two-year term. Primary aim of the Inter- national Chamber is to smooth the path of world trade, countries carrying on their|general it favors "freer trade," but takes cognizance of national aspirations in the development of home industry. In addition to broad aims it seeks by general ager. The Congress has met once in Canada, at Quebec in 1949. agreement among world busi- ness men to remove various technical complexities in world commerce. MANY MODELS USE OUR BUDGET PLAN 5.00 DOWN SAVE ...c 0 Higher Zion 552: TRADE-IN PRICES LADIES' BOYS' MEN'S GIRLS' i | = : \ £1] | ji i TO CHOOSE FROM \ _{& a 4 {4 \d LI Ab dbl BU Ll Ki cl 1 hy - - OFF LIST PRICE TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE BRAND NEW -- PERFECT CONDITION NOT REJECTS -- NOT SECONDS TIRES on TIME AS LOW AS ¥1DowN DELIVERS ® i 5 AND YOUR RECAPPABLE | TIRE Size 6.70 x 15 ACT NOW! Trade a Full Set 47:50 x 14, 4-ply Blackwall Nylon tubeless tires for ONLY 67.80 end your recappable tires WHITEWALLS Sidewall Nylon Tubeless Tires for ONLY 78.80 end your recappable tires B. F. GOODRICH NEW TREADS 7:40 x 14 aos low AS «see and your recappable tires POWER MOWERS SPECIAL! 44.95 5.00 Down--1.25 Weekly 2 cycle -- Recoil Start 5.00 Down -- 1.25 Weekly 4-cycle - recoil start Based on its conclusions it makes representations to gov- |ernments and to international agencies, such as those of the Apart from the script, there isn't much difference between the inside of a Barranov and a Western studio, Czechoslovakia claims to be the second biggest film producer behind the Iron Curtain, sur passed only by the Soviet Union, Barrandov is the country's equivalent to Hollywood. It was founded in 1933, and has been state-owned since 1945. One of the most famous films made in pre-war Czechoslovakia was Ecstasy, starring Hedy La- maar. Such productions as Ec- stasy, whose daring love scenes started a public furore some 30 years ago, have little chance to pass the Communist censor's desk today. Almost all East Bloc films must have a socialist angle. MANY IMPORTED This country made 35 full length features last year. Last year 170 foreign features ~70 from non-Communist coun- tries--were imported to satisfy the nearly 200,000,000 spectators. The imports included 22 from France, 10 from England, nine Italian and eight from the United States, . In a country where Commu- nist propaganda is oppressive, NA Ae TNE USHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Moy 18, 1961 hd A AN SI Se RR i SS I 13 Spring Project Is Conducted By MRS, ARTHUR ELLIOTT BROOKLIN -- The Brooklin 4-H Girls Club, known as the "Fashion Queens" for the past several weeks have worked stu- diously and earnestly at the Spring project "Separates for Summer", under the leader ship of Mrs. Albert Cooper, as- sisted by Mrs. Irwin Shaw and sponsored by the Brooklin Wom- en's Institute. At the Ontario County 4-H Girls Homemaking Clubs Achievement Day, held on Saturday, May 13, at Port Perry High School, three mem- bers of the group were each ager, there are 2,200 persons working at Barrandov, Stardom {is virtually non-ex- istent. Actors are drawn from the stage. Jana Brejchova, a pretty blonde in her mid-20s, is about the only actress who is ex- clusively in the film business. While director Vavra was in the middle of filming his fea- ture, workmen in other halls were preparing the sets for the film Death on a Sugar Island. The film deals with what the Communists call exploitation of undeveloped countries by coloni- non-political Western films are| sure-fire hits. | From janitor to general man. | alists. The setting is "some- cials explained. awarded "A County Honor Cer- tificate'" on the satisfactory completion of six units. Presentation of these awards was made by Mrs. W. A, Brown; District President of South Ontario Women's Insti- tute to Lois and Marilyn Dow- ney and Sandra Wilson amid hearty applause and congratu- lations. Ten other members of Brook- lin Club each received a sterling silver teaspoon in the Ontario 4-H Homemaking Club Jesign, for satisfactorily completing the project "Separates for Sum. mer" and attendance at Achievement Day. BROOKLIN SPRING FAIR The 50th Annual Brooklin Spring Fair is scheduled to be held on Saturday, June 3, 1961, in the Community Park, Brook- n, The Fair Board arranged the day's program, to suit both old and young. The parade committee are busy compiling list of items for competition in the annual par. ade preceding the opening of the Fair. Watch for further an- Incuncements of this event. In the Memorial Arena, will {be found classes for Ladies and where in the Far East," offi-| Children including exhibit by Beach Picnic". Classes open to individuals for sewing, knitting, craft work, baking, junior sec- tions for boys and girls and school exhibits, Don't forget the date, Satur day, June 3, at the Community Park, Brooklin, Ontario, SPRING MUSINGS Spring has really turned the corner at last and we welcome the glorious warm sunshine and blue skies. Farmers are once again on the land, plowing and seeding, Gardeners are planting vegetables and fruit bushes; flower lovers are watching the bursting out of blooms in the garden, tenderly nursing them in preparation of Spring Flower Shows Housewives are busy at housecleaning. Young and old are Suoying the long evenings and wee! ends, fishing, ball games, fun at the summer cottage. All around us is the beauty of the earth, the green grass, blue skies, ex- otic coloring of the flowers and trees bursting into leaf and blos- som all blended in a glorious pattern together. Truly, in this fair land of Canada we have much to be thankful for. NOWLAN IN HOSPITAL OTTAWA (CP) -- Revenue Minister Nowlan is in hospital for "examination and observa- tion," his office said Wednes- day. The minister was not feel- ing well over the weekend, the office said, saw his doctor Tues- day and was sent to hospital in an effort to determine the cause group organizations entitled "A of his illness. SEEN USE YOUR CREDIT [SENSES NO DOWN PAYMENT EEEEESEEE MONTHS TO PAY [EEE SPRING DOLLAR SALE! Sie SPORT COATS & BLAZERS EXTRA TROUSERS ONE DOLLAR Modern two-button, three-button single breasted and link models, tailored from the latest fabrics in solid tones, checks, basket weaves, blue, brown, navy, grey and multi-splashes. Sizes 34 to 46. Talls and shorts included. Harris tweeds also in 19, FOR ONLY WITH THE PURCHASE OF SPORT COAT OR BLAZER this group. SPORT COAT CUSTOM RANGE 29.50 ECONOMY RANGE 34.50 DELUXE RANGE 39.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 EXTRA TROUS ERS SAVE 18.50 18.50 18.50 Extra T 0 1} A = g with every purchase of Sport Coat or Blazer FOR ONLY ONE DOLLAR MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR "Where Smart Men Shop" 36 KING ST. EAST IN DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9:00 P.M.